Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/devcapijob/public_html/liberary/mpdf/
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Current File : /home/devcapijob/public_html/liberary/mpdf/mpdf.php


// ******************************************************************************
// Software: mPDF, Unicode-HTML Free PDF generator                              *
// Version:  5.7.4     based on                                                 *
//           FPDF by Olivier PLATHEY                                            *
//           HTML2FPDF by Renato Coelho                                         *
// Date:     2014-08-23                                                         *
// Author:   Ian Back <ianb@bpm1.com>                                           *
// License:  GPL                                                                *
//                                                                              *
// Changes:  See changelog.txt                                                  *
// ******************************************************************************


//Scale factor
define('_MPDFK', (72/25.4));

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/

/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

if (!defined('_MPDF_PATH')) define('_MPDF_PATH', dirname(preg_replace('/\\\\/','/',__FILE__)) . '/');
if (!defined('_MPDF_URI')) define('_MPDF_URI',_MPDF_PATH);


if (!defined('_JPGRAPH_PATH')) define("_JPGRAPH_PATH", _MPDF_PATH.'jpgraph/');

if (!defined('_MPDF_TEMP_PATH')) define("_MPDF_TEMP_PATH", _MPDF_PATH.'tmp/');

if (!defined('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH')) { define('_MPDF_TTFONTPATH',_MPDF_PATH.'ttfonts/'); }
if (!defined('_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH')) { define('_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH',_MPDF_PATH.'ttfontdata/'); }

$errorlevel=error_reporting($errorlevel & ~E_NOTICE);


if(function_exists("date_default_timezone_set")) {
	if (ini_get("date.timezone")=="") { date_default_timezone_set("Europe/London"); }
if (!function_exists("mb_strlen")) { die("Error - mPDF requires mb_string functions. Ensure that PHP is compiled with php_mbstring.dll enabled."); }

if (!defined('PHP_VERSION_ID')) {
    $version = explode('.', PHP_VERSION);
    define('PHP_VERSION_ID', ($version[0] * 10000 + $version[1] * 100 + $version[2]));
// Machine dependent number of bytes used to pack "double" into binary (used in cacheTables)
$test = pack("d", 134455.474557333333666);
define("_DSIZE", strlen($test));

class mPDF

// Define these in config.php
var $CJKforceend;	// mPDF 5.6.40
// mPDF 5.6.34
var $h2bookmarks;
var $h2toc;
var $decimal_align;	// mPDF 5.6.13
var $margBuffer;	// mPDF 5.4.04
var $splitTableBorderWidth;	// mPDF 5.4.16

var $cacheTables;
var $bookmarkStyles;
var $useActiveForms;

var $repackageTTF;
var $allowCJKorphans;
var $allowCJKoverflow;

var $useKerning;
var $restrictColorSpace;
var $bleedMargin;
var $crossMarkMargin;
var $cropMarkMargin;
var $cropMarkLength;
var $nonPrintMargin;

var $PDFX;
var $PDFXauto;

var $PDFA;
var $PDFAauto;
var $ICCProfile;

var $printers_info;
var $iterationCounter;
var $smCapsScale;
var $smCapsStretch;

var $backupSubsFont;
var $backupSIPFont;
var $debugfonts;
var $useAdobeCJK;
var $percentSubset;
var $maxTTFFilesize;
var $BMPonly;

var $tableMinSizePriority;

var $dpi;
var $watermarkImgAlphaBlend;
var $watermarkImgBehind;
var $justifyB4br;
var $packTableData;
var $pgsIns;
var $simpleTables;
var $enableImports;

var $debug;
var $showStats;
var $setAutoTopMargin;
var $setAutoBottomMargin;
var $autoMarginPadding;
var $collapseBlockMargins;
var $falseBoldWeight;
var $normalLineheight;
var $progressBar;
var $incrementFPR1;
var $incrementFPR2;
var $incrementFPR3;
var $incrementFPR4;

var $SHYlang;
var $SHYleftmin;
var $SHYrightmin;
var $SHYcharmin;
var $SHYcharmax;
var $SHYlanguages;
// PageNumber Conditional Text
var $pagenumPrefix;
var $pagenumSuffix;
var $nbpgPrefix;
var $nbpgSuffix;
var $showImageErrors;
var $allow_output_buffering;
var $autoPadding;
var $useGraphs;
var $autoFontGroupSize;
var $tabSpaces;
var $useLang;
var $restoreBlockPagebreaks;
var $watermarkTextAlpha;
var $watermarkImageAlpha;
var $watermark_size;
var $watermark_pos;
var $annotSize;
var $annotMargin;
var $annotOpacity;
var $title2annots;
var $keepColumns;
var $keep_table_proportions;
var $ignore_table_widths;
var $ignore_table_percents;
var $list_align_style;
var $list_number_suffix;
var $useSubstitutions;
var $CSSselectMedia;

var $forcePortraitHeaders;
var $forcePortraitMargins;
var $displayDefaultOrientation;
var $ignore_invalid_utf8;
var $allowedCSStags;
var $onlyCoreFonts;
var $allow_charset_conversion;

var $jSWord;
var $jSmaxChar;
var $jSmaxCharLast;
var $jSmaxWordLast;

var $max_colH_correction;

var $table_error_report;
var $table_error_report_param;
var $biDirectional;
var $text_input_as_HTML;
var $anchor2Bookmark;
var $list_indent_first_level;
var $shrink_tables_to_fit;

var $allow_html_optional_endtags;

var $img_dpi;

var $defaultheaderfontsize;
var $defaultheaderfontstyle;
var $defaultheaderline;
var $defaultfooterfontsize;
var $defaultfooterfontstyle;
var $defaultfooterline;
var $header_line_spacing;
var $footer_line_spacing;

var $pregUHCchars;
var $pregSJISchars;
var $pregCJKchars;
var $pregASCIIchars1;
var $pregASCIIchars2;
var $pregASCIIchars3;
var $pregVIETchars;
var $pregVIETPluschars;

var $pregRTLchars;
var $pregHEBchars;
var $pregARABICchars;
var $pregNonARABICchars;
var $pregHIchars;
var $pregBNchars;
var $pregPAchars;
var $pregGUchars;
var $pregORchars;
var $pregTAchars;
var $pregTEchars;
var $pregKNchars;
var $pregMLchars;
var $pregSHchars;
var $pregINDextra;

var $mirrorMargins;
var $default_lineheight_correction;
var $watermarkText;
var $watermarkImage;
var $showWatermarkText;
var $showWatermarkImage;

var $fontsizes;

// Aliases for backward compatability
var $UnvalidatedText;	// alias = $watermarkText
var $TopicIsUnvalidated;	// alias = $showWatermarkText
var $useOddEven;		// alias = $mirrorMargins
var $useSubstitutionsMB;	// alias = $useSubstitutions

var $cssmgr;
var $grad;
var $bmp;
var $wmf;
var $tocontents;
var $form;
var $directw;

var $uniqstr;	// mPDF 5.7.2
var $writingToC;	// mPDF 5.6.38
// mPDF 5.6.01
var $layers;
var $current_layer;
var $open_layer_pane;
var $decimal_offset;	// mPDF 5.6.13
var $inMeter;	// mPDF 5.5.09

var $CJKleading;
var $CJKfollowing;
var $CJKoverflow;

var $textshadow;

var $colsums;
var $spanborder;
var $spanborddet;

var $visibility;

var $useRC128encryption;
var $uniqid;

var $kerning;
var $fixedlSpacing;
var $minwSpacing;
var $lSpacingCSS;
var $wSpacingCSS;

var $listDir;
var $spotColorIDs;
var $SVGcolors;
var $spotColors;
var $defTextColor;
var $defDrawColor;
var $defFillColor;

var $tableBackgrounds;
var $inlineDisplayOff;
var $kt_y00;
var $kt_p00;
var $upperCase;
var $checkSIP;
var $checkSMP;
var $checkCJK;
var $tableCJK;

var $watermarkImgAlpha;
var $PDFAXwarnings;
var $MetadataRoot;
var $OutputIntentRoot;
var $InfoRoot;
var $current_filename;
var $parsers;
var $current_parser;
var $_obj_stack;
var $_don_obj_stack;
var $_current_obj_id;
var $tpls;
var $tpl;
var $tplprefix;
var $_res;

var $pdf_version;
var $noImageFile;
var $lastblockbottommargin;
var $baselineC;
// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
var $baselineSup;
var $baselineSub;
var $baselineS;
var $subPos;
var $subArrMB;
var $ReqFontStyle;
var $tableClipPath ;
var $forceExactLineheight;
var $listOcc;

var $fullImageHeight;
var $inFixedPosBlock;		// Internal flag for position:fixed block
var $fixedPosBlock;		// Buffer string for position:fixed block
var $fixedPosBlockDepth;
var $fixedPosBlockBBox;
var $fixedPosBlockSave;
var $maxPosL;
var $maxPosR;

var $loaded;

var $extraFontSubsets;
var $docTemplateStart;		// Internal flag for page (page no. -1) that docTemplate starts on
var $time0;

// Classes
var $indic;
var $barcode;

var $SHYpatterns;
var $loadedSHYpatterns;
var $loadedSHYdictionary;
var $SHYdictionary;
var $SHYdictionaryWords;

var $spanbgcolorarray;
var $default_font;
var $list_lineheight;
var $headerbuffer;
var $lastblocklevelchange;
var $nestedtablejustfinished;
var $linebreakjustfinished;
var $cell_border_dominance_L;
var $cell_border_dominance_R;
var $cell_border_dominance_T;
var $cell_border_dominance_B;
var $table_keep_together;
var $plainCell_properties;
var $inherit_lineheight;
var $listitemtype;
var $shrin_k1;
var $outerfilled;

var $blockContext;
var $floatDivs;

var $patterns;
var $pageBackgrounds;

var $bodyBackgroundGradient;
var $bodyBackgroundImage;
var $bodyBackgroundColor;

var $writingHTMLheader;	// internal flag - used both for writing HTMLHeaders/Footers and FixedPos block
var $writingHTMLfooter;
var $autoFontGroups;
var $angle;

var $gradients;

var $kwt_Reference;
var $kwt_BMoutlines;
var $kwt_toc;

var $tbrot_Reference;
var $tbrot_BMoutlines;
var $tbrot_toc;

var $col_Reference;
var $col_BMoutlines;
var $col_toc;

var $currentGraphId;
var $graphs;

var $floatbuffer;
var $floatmargins;

var $bullet;
var $bulletarray;

var $rtlAsArabicFarsi;		// DEPRACATED

var $currentLang;
var $default_lang;
var $default_available_fonts;
var $pageTemplate;
var $docTemplate;
var $docTemplateContinue;

var $arabGlyphs;
var $arabHex;
var $persianGlyphs;
var $persianHex;
var $arabVowels;
var $arabPrevLink;
var $arabNextLink;

var $formobjects; // array of Form Objects for WMF
var $InlineProperties;
var $InlineAnnots;
var $ktAnnots;
var $tbrot_Annots;
var $kwt_Annots;
var $columnAnnots;
var $columnForms;

var $PageAnnots;

var $pageDim;	// Keep track of page wxh for orientation changes - set in _beginpage, used in _putannots

var $breakpoints;

var $tableLevel;
var $tbctr;
var $innermostTableLevel;
var $saveTableCounter;
var $cellBorderBuffer;

var $saveHTMLFooter_height;
var $saveHTMLFooterE_height;

var $firstPageBoxHeader;
var $firstPageBoxHeaderEven;
var $firstPageBoxFooter;
var $firstPageBoxFooterEven;

var $page_box;
var $show_marks;	// crop or cross marks

var $basepathIsLocal;

var $use_kwt;
var $kwt;
var $kwt_height;
var $kwt_y0;
var $kwt_x0;
var $kwt_buffer;
var $kwt_Links;
var $kwt_moved;
var $kwt_saved;

var $PageNumSubstitutions;

var $table_borders_separate;
var $base_table_properties;
var $borderstyles;

var $listjustfinished;
var $blockjustfinished;

var $orig_bMargin;
var $orig_tMargin;
var $orig_lMargin;
var $orig_rMargin;
var $orig_hMargin;
var $orig_fMargin;

var $pageheaders;
var $pagefooters;

var $pageHTMLheaders;
var $pageHTMLfooters;

var $saveHTMLHeader;
var $saveHTMLFooter;

var $HTMLheaderPageLinks;
var $HTMLheaderPageAnnots;
var $HTMLheaderPageForms;

// See config_fonts.php for these next 5 values
var $available_unifonts;
var $sans_fonts;
var $serif_fonts;
var $mono_fonts;
var $defaultSubsFont;

// List of ALL available CJK fonts (incl. styles) (Adobe add-ons)  hw removed
var $available_CJK_fonts;

var $HTMLHeader;
var $HTMLFooter;
var $HTMLHeaderE;
var $HTMLFooterE;
var $bufferoutput;

var $showdefaultpagenos;	// DEPRACATED -left for backward compatability

// CJK fonts
var $Big5_widths;
var $GB_widths;
var $SJIS_widths;
var $UHC_widths;

// SetProtection
var $encrypted;	//whether document is protected
var $Uvalue;	//U entry in pdf document
var $Ovalue;	//O entry in pdf document
var $Pvalue;	//P entry in pdf document
var $enc_obj_id;	//encryption object id
var $last_rc4_key;	//last RC4 key encrypted (cached for optimisation)
var $last_rc4_key_c;	//last RC4 computed key
var $encryption_key;
var $padding;	//used for encryption

// Bookmark
var $BMoutlines;
var $OutlineRoot;
var $ColActive;
var $Reference;
var $CurrCol;
var $NbCol;
var $y0;			//Top ordinate of columns
var $ColL;
var $ColWidth;
var $ColGap;
var $ColR;
var $ChangeColumn;
var $columnbuffer;
var $ColDetails;
var $columnLinks;
var $colvAlign;
// Substitutions
var $substitute;		// Array of substitution strings e.g. <ttz>112</ttz>
var $entsearch;		// Array of HTML entities (>ASCII 127) to substitute
var $entsubstitute;	// Array of substitution decimal unicode for the Hi entities

// Default values if no style sheet offered	(cf. http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/sample.html)
var $defaultCSS;

var $linemaxfontsize;
var $lineheight_correction;
var $lastoptionaltag;	// Save current block item which HTML specifies optionsl endtag
var $pageoutput;
var $charset_in;
var $blk;
var $blklvl;
var $ColumnAdjust;
var $ws;	// Word spacing
var $HREF;
var $pgwidth;
var $fontlist;
var $oldx;
var $oldy;
var $B;
var $U;      //underlining flag
var $S;	// SmallCaps flag
var $I;

var $tdbegin;
var $table;
var $cell;
var $col;
var $row;

var $divbegin;
var $divalign;
var $divwidth;
var $divheight;
var $divrevert;
var $spanbgcolor;

var $listlvl;
var $listnum;
var $listtype;
var $listoccur;
var $listlist;
var $listitem;

var $pjustfinished;
var $ignorefollowingspaces;
var $SUP;
var $SUB;
var $SMALL;
var $BIG;
var $toupper;
var $tolower;
var $capitalize;
var $dash_on;
var $dotted_on;
var $strike;

var $textbuffer;
var $currentfontstyle;
var $currentfontfamily;
var $currentfontsize;
var $colorarray;
var $bgcolorarray;
var $internallink;
var $enabledtags;

var $lineheight;
var $basepath;
var $textparam;

var $specialcontent;
var $selectoption;
var $objectbuffer;

// Table Rotation
var $table_rotate;
var $tbrot_maxw;
var $tbrot_maxh;
var $tablebuffer;
var $tbrot_align;
var $tbrot_Links;

var $divbuffer;		// Buffer used when keeping DIV on one page
var $keep_block_together;	// Keep a Block from page-break-inside: avoid
var $ktLinks;		// Keep-together Block links array
var $ktBlock;		// Keep-together Block array
var $ktForms;
var $ktReference;
var $ktBMoutlines;
var $_kttoc;

var $tbrot_y0;
var $tbrot_x0;
var $tbrot_w;
var $tbrot_h;

var $mb_enc;
var $directionality;

var $extgstates; // Used for alpha channel - Transparency (Watermark)
var $mgl;
var $mgt;
var $mgr;
var $mgb;

var $tts;
var $ttz;
var $tta;

var $headerDetails;
var $footerDetails;

// Best to alter the below variables using default stylesheet above
var $page_break_after_avoid;
var $margin_bottom_collapse;
var $list_indent;
var $list_align;
var $list_margin_bottom;
var $default_font_size;	// in pts
var $original_default_font_size;	// used to save default sizes when using table default
var $original_default_font;
var $watermark_font;
var $defaultAlign;

var $defaultTableAlign;
var $tablethead;
var $thead_font_weight;
var $thead_font_style;
var $thead_font_smCaps;
var $thead_valign_default;
var $thead_textalign_default;
var $tabletfoot;
var $tfoot_font_weight;
var $tfoot_font_style;
var $tfoot_font_smCaps;
var $tfoot_valign_default;
var $tfoot_textalign_default;

var $trow_text_rotate;

var $cellPaddingL;
var $cellPaddingR;
var $cellPaddingT;
var $cellPaddingB;
var $table_lineheight;
var $table_border_attr_set;
var $table_border_css_set;

var $shrin_k;			// factor with which to shrink tables - used internally - do not change
var $shrink_this_table_to_fit;	// 0 or false to disable; value (if set) gives maximum factor to reduce fontsize
var $MarginCorrection;	// corrects for OddEven Margins
var $margin_footer;
var $margin_header;

var $tabletheadjustfinished;
var $usingCoreFont;
var $charspacing;

//Private properties FROM FPDF
var $DisplayPreferences;
var $flowingBlockAttr;
var $page;               //current page number
var $n;                  //current object number
var $offsets;            //array of object offsets
var $buffer;             //buffer holding in-memory PDF
var $pages;              //array containing pages
var $state;              //current document state
var $compress;           //compression flag
var $DefOrientation;     //default orientation
var $CurOrientation;     //current orientation
var $OrientationChanges; //array indicating orientation changes
var $k;                  //scale factor (number of points in user unit)
var $fwPt;
var $fhPt;         //dimensions of page format in points
var $fw;
var $fh;             //dimensions of page format in user unit
var $wPt;
var $hPt;           //current dimensions of page in points
var $w;
var $h;               //current dimensions of page in user unit
var $lMargin;            //left margin
var $tMargin;            //top margin
var $rMargin;            //right margin
var $bMargin;            //page break margin
var $cMarginL;            //cell margin Left
var $cMarginR;            //cell margin Right
var $cMarginT;            //cell margin Left
var $cMarginB;            //cell margin Right
var $DeflMargin;            //Default left margin
var $DefrMargin;            //Default right margin
var $x;
var $y;               //current position in user unit for cell positioning
var $lasth;              //height of last cell printed
var $LineWidth;          //line width in user unit
var $CoreFonts;          //array of standard font names
var $fonts;              //array of used fonts
var $FontFiles;          //array of font files
var $images;             //array of used images
var $PageLinks;          //array of links in pages
var $links;              //array of internal links
var $FontFamily;         //current font family
var $FontStyle;          //current font style
var $CurrentFont;        //current font info
var $FontSizePt;         //current font size in points
var $FontSize;           //current font size in user unit
var $DrawColor;          //commands for drawing color
var $FillColor;          //commands for filling color
var $TextColor;          //commands for text color
var $ColorFlag;          //indicates whether fill and text colors are different
var $autoPageBreak;      //automatic page breaking
var $PageBreakTrigger;   //threshold used to trigger page breaks
var $InFooter;           //flag set when processing footer
var $InHTMLFooter;

var $processingFooter;   //flag set when processing footer - added for columns
var $processingHeader;   //flag set when processing header - added for columns
var $ZoomMode;           //zoom display mode
var $LayoutMode;         //layout display mode
var $title;              //title
var $subject;            //subject
var $author;             //author
var $keywords;           //keywords
var $creator;            //creator

var $aliasNbPg;       //alias for total number of pages
var $aliasNbPgGp;       //alias for total number of pages in page group
var $aliasNbPgHex;
var $aliasNbPgGpHex;

var $ispre;

var $outerblocktags;
var $innerblocktags;

// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************
// **********************************

function __construct($mode='',$format='A4',$default_font_size=0,$default_font='',$mgl=15,$mgr=15,$mgt=16,$mgb=16,$mgh=9,$mgf=9, $orientation='P') {

		if (!class_exists('grad', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/grad.php'); }
		if (empty($this->grad)) { $this->grad = new grad($this); }
/*-- FORMS --*/
		if (!class_exists('form', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/form.php'); }
		if (empty($this->form)) { $this->form = new form($this); }
/*-- END FORMS --*/

	$this->time0 = microtime(true);
	//Some checks

	// Set up Aliases for backwards compatability
	$this->UnvalidatedText =& $this->watermarkText;
	$this->TopicIsUnvalidated =& $this->showWatermarkText;
	$this->AliasNbPg =& $this->aliasNbPg;
	$this->AliasNbPgGp =& $this->aliasNbPgGp;
	$this->BiDirectional =& $this->biDirectional;
	$this->Anchor2Bookmark =& $this->anchor2Bookmark;
	$this->KeepColumns =& $this->keepColumns;
	$this->useOddEven =& $this->mirrorMargins;
	$this->useSubstitutionsMB =& $this->useSubstitutions;

	$this->writingToC = false;	// mPDF 5.6.38
	$this->uniqstr = '20110230';	// mPDF 5.7.2
	// mPDF 5.6.01
	$this->layers = array();
	$this->current_layer = 0;
	$this->open_layer_pane = false;


	//Initialization of properties
	$this->spotColorIDs = array();
	$this->tableBackgrounds = array();

	$this->kt_y00 = '';
	$this->kt_p00 = '';
	$this->iterationCounter = false;
	$this->BMPonly = array();
	$this->objectbuffer = array();
	// Small Caps
	$this->upperCase = array();
	$this->S = false;
	$this->smCapsScale = 1;
	$this->smCapsStretch = 100;
	$this->margBuffer = 0;	// mPDF 5.4.04
	$this->inMeter = false;	// mPDF 5.5.09
	$this->decimal_offset = 0;

	$this->defTextColor = $this->TextColor = $this->SetTColor($this->ConvertColor(0),true);
	$this->defDrawColor = $this->DrawColor = $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0),true);
	$this->defFillColor = $this->FillColor = $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255),true);

	//SVG color names array
	$this->SVGcolors = array('antiquewhite'=>'#FAEBD7','aqua'=>'#00FFFF','aquamarine'=>'#7FFFD4','beige'=>'#F5F5DC','black'=>'#000000',
'aliceblue'=>'#f0f8ff', 'azure'=>'#f0ffff', 'bisque'=>'#ffe4c4', 'blanchedalmond'=>'#ffebcd', 'blueviolet'=>'#8a2be2', 'burlywood'=>'#deb887',
'chartreuse'=>'#7fff00', 'coral'=>'#ff7f50', 'cornsilk'=>'#fff8dc', 'cyan'=>'#00ffff', 'darkcyan'=>'#008b8b', 'darkgray'=>'#a9a9a9',
'darkgrey'=>'#a9a9a9', 'darkkhaki'=>'#bdb76b', 'darkolivegreen'=>'#556b2f', 'darkorchid'=>'#9932cc', 'darksalmon'=>'#e9967a',
'darkslateblue'=>'#483d8b', 'darkslategrey'=>'#2f4f4f', 'darkturquoise'=>'#00ced1', 'deeppink'=>'#ff1493', 'dimgray'=>'#696969',
'dimgrey'=>'#696969', 'floralwhite'=>'#fffaf0', 'ghostwhite'=>'#f8f8ff', 'goldenrod'=>'#daa520', 'grey'=>'#808080', 'honeydew'=>'#f0fff0',
'indianred'=>'#cd5c5c', 'ivory'=>'#fffff0', 'lavender'=>'#e6e6fa', 'lawngreen'=>'#7cfc00', 'lightblue'=>'#add8e6', 'lightcyan'=>'#e0ffff',
'lightgray'=>'#d3d3d3', 'lightgrey'=>'#d3d3d3', 'lightpink'=>'#ffb6c1', 'lightseagreen'=>'#20b2aa', 'lightslategrey'=>'#778899',
'lightsteelblue'=>'#b0c4de', 'linen'=>'#faf0e6', 'mediumblue'=>'#0000cd', 'mediumpurple'=>'#9370db', 'mediumslateblue'=>'#7b68ee',
'mediumturquoise'=>'#48d1cc', 'mistyrose'=>'#ffe4e1', 'navajowhite'=>'#ffdead', 'oldlace'=>'#fdf5e6', 'olivedrab'=>'#6b8e23', 'orangered'=>'#ff4500',
'palegoldenrod'=>'#eee8aa', 'paleturquoise'=>'#afeeee', 'papayawhip'=>'#ffefd5', 'peru'=>'#cd853f', 'plum'=>'#dda0dd', 'rosybrown'=>'#bc8f8f',
'saddlebrown'=>'#8b4513', 'sandybrown'=>'#f4a460', 'seashell'=>'#fff5ee', 'slateblue'=>'#6a5acd', 'slategrey'=>'#708090', 'snow'=>'#fffafa',
'tomato'=>'#ff6347', 'violet'=>'#ee82ee', 'wheat'=>'#f5deb3', 'whitesmoke'=>'#f5f5f5', 'yellowgreen'=>'#9acd32');

	$this->extgstates = array();

	$this->defaultAlign = 'L';
	$this->defaultTableAlign = 'L';

	$this->fixedPosBlockSave = array();
	$this->extraFontSubsets = 0;

	$this->SHYpatterns = array();
	$this->loadedSHYdictionary = false;
	$this->SHYdictionary = array();
	$this->SHYdictionaryWords = array();
	$this->blockContext = 1;
	$this->floatDivs = array();

	$this->patterns = array();		// Tiling patterns used for backgrounds
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
	$this->writingHTMLheader = false;	// internal flag - used both for writing HTMLHeaders/Footers and FixedPos block
	$this->writingHTMLfooter = false;	// internal flag - used both for writing HTMLHeaders/Footers and FixedPos block
	$this->gradients = array();

	$this->kwt_Reference = array();
	$this->kwt_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->kwt_toc = array();

	$this->tbrot_Reference = array();
	$this->tbrot_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->tbrot_toc = array();

	$this->col_Reference = array();
	$this->col_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->col_toc = array();
	$this->graphs = array();

	$this->pgsIns = array();
	$this->PDFAXwarnings = array();
	$this->inlineDisplayOff = false;
	$this->kerning = false;
	$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
	$this->minwSpacing = 0;

	$this->baselineC = 0.35;	// Baseline for text
	// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
	$this->baselineSup = 0.5;	// Sets default change in baseline for <sup> text bas factor of preceeding fontsize
	$this->baselineSub = -0.2;	// Sets default change in baseline for <sub> text bas factor of preceeding fontsize
	$this->baselineS = 0.3;		// Sets default height for <strike> text as factor of fontsize

	$this->noImageFile = str_replace("\\","/",dirname(__FILE__)) . '/includes/no_image.jpg';
	$this->subPos = 0;
	$this->forceExactLineheight = false;
	$this->listOcc = 0;
	$this->normalLineheight = 1.3;
	// These are intended as configuration variables, and should be set in config.php - which will override these values;
	// set here as failsafe as will cause an error if not defined
	$this->incrementFPR1 = 10;
	$this->incrementFPR2 = 10;
	$this->incrementFPR3 = 10;
	$this->incrementFPR4 = 10;

	$this->fullImageHeight = false;
	$this->floatbuffer = array();
	$this->floatmargins = array();
	$this->autoFontGroups = 0;
	$this->formobjects=array(); // array of Form Objects for WMF
	$this->breakpoints = array();	// used in columnbuffer
	$this->tbctr=array();	// counter for nested tables at each level
	$this->page_box = array();
	$this->show_marks = '';	// crop or cross marks
	$this->kwt = false;
	$this->kwt_height = 0;
	$this->kwt_y0 = 0;
	$this->kwt_x0 = 0;
	$this->kwt_buffer = array();
	$this->kwt_Links = array();
	$this->kwt_moved = false;
	$this->kwt_saved = false;
	$this->PageNumSubstitutions = array();
	$this->borderstyles = array('inset','groove','outset','ridge','dotted','dashed','solid','double');
	$this->tbrot_align = 'C';

	$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();

	$this->ktForms = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
	$this->columnForms = array();
	$this->tbrotForms = array();
	$this->useRC128encryption = false;
	$this->uniqid = '';

	$this->bufferoutput = false;
	$this->encrypted=false;    		//whether document is protected
	$this->ColActive=0;        		//Flag indicating that columns are on (the index is being processed)
	$this->Reference=array();  		//Array containing the references
	$this->CurrCol=0;              	//Current column number
	$this->ColL = array(0);			// Array of Left pos of columns - absolute - needs Margin correction for Odd-Even
	$this->ColR = array(0);			// Array of Right pos of columns - absolute pos - needs Margin correction for Odd-Even
	$this->ChangeColumn = 0;
	$this->columnbuffer = array();
	$this->ColDetails = array();		// Keeps track of some column details
	$this->columnLinks = array();		// Cross references PageLinks
	$this->substitute = array();		// Array of substitution strings e.g. <ttz>112</ttz>
	$this->entsearch = array();		// Array of HTML entities (>ASCII 127) to substitute
	$this->entsubstitute = array();	// Array of substitution decimal unicode for the Hi entities
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$this->charset_in = '';
	$this->blk = array();
	$this->blklvl = 0;
	$this->tts = false;
	$this->ttz = false;
	$this->tta = false;

	$this->checkSIP = false;
	$this->checkSMP = false;
	$this->checkCJK = false;
	$this->tableCJK = false;

	$this->page_break_after_avoid = false;
	$this->margin_bottom_collapse = false;
	$this->tablethead = 0;
	$this->tabletfoot = 0;
	$this->table_border_attr_set = 0;
	$this->table_border_css_set = 0;
	$this->shrin_k = 1.0;
	$this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = 0;
	$this->MarginCorrection = 0;

	$this->tabletheadjustfinished = false;
	$this->usingCoreFont = false;

	$this->autoPageBreak = true;

	require(_MPDF_PATH.'config.php');	// config data

	$this->_setPageSize($format, $orientation);



	$this->DeflMargin = $mgl;
	$this->DefrMargin = $mgr;

	$this->orig_tMargin = $mgt;
	$this->orig_bMargin = $bmargin;
	$this->orig_lMargin = $this->DeflMargin;
	$this->orig_rMargin = $this->DefrMargin;
	$this->orig_hMargin = $this->margin_header;
	$this->orig_fMargin = $this->margin_footer;

	if ($this->setAutoTopMargin=='pad') { $mgt += $this->margin_header; }
	if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin=='pad') { $mgb += $this->margin_footer; }
	$this->SetMargins($this->DeflMargin,$this->DefrMargin,$mgt);	// sets l r t margin
	//Automatic page break
	$this->SetAutoPageBreak($this->autoPageBreak,$bmargin);	// sets $this->bMargin & PageBreakTrigger

	$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;

	//Interior cell margin (1 mm) ? not used
	$this->cMarginL = 1;
	$this->cMarginR = 1;
	//Line width (0.2 mm)

	//To make the function Footer() work - replaces {nb} with page number

	$this->aliasNbPgHex = '{nbHEXmarker}';
	$this->aliasNbPgGpHex = '{nbpgHEXmarker}';

	//Enable all tags as default
	//Full width display mode
	$this->SetDisplayMode(100);	// fullwidth?		'fullpage'
	//Set default display preferences

	// Font data
	// Available fonts
	$this->available_unifonts = array();
	foreach ($this->fontdata AS $f => $fs) {
		if (isset($fs['R']) && $fs['R']) { $this->available_unifonts[] = $f; }
		if (isset($fs['B']) && $fs['B']) { $this->available_unifonts[] = $f.'B'; }
		if (isset($fs['I']) && $fs['I']) { $this->available_unifonts[] = $f.'I'; }
		if (isset($fs['BI']) && $fs['BI']) { $this->available_unifonts[] = $f.'BI'; }

	$this->default_available_fonts = $this->available_unifonts;

	$optcore = false;
	$onlyCoreFonts = false;
	if (preg_match('/([\-+])aCJK/i',$mode, $m)) {
		$mode = preg_replace('/([\-+])aCJK/i','',$mode);
		if ($m[1]=='+') { $this->useAdobeCJK = true; }
		else { $this->useAdobeCJK = false; }

	if (strlen($mode)==1) {
		if ($mode=='s') { $this->percentSubset = 100; $mode = ''; }
		else if ($mode=='c') { $onlyCoreFonts = true; $mode = ''; }
	else if (substr($mode,-2)=='-s') {
		$this->percentSubset = 100;
		$mode = substr($mode,0,strlen($mode)-2);
	else if (substr($mode,-2)=='-c') {
		$onlyCoreFonts = true;
		$mode = substr($mode,0,strlen($mode)-2);
	else if (substr($mode,-2)=='-x') {
		$optcore = true;
		$mode = substr($mode,0,strlen($mode)-2);

	// Autodetect if mode is a language_country string (en-GB or en_GB or en)
	if ((strlen($mode) == 5 && $mode != 'UTF-8') || strlen($mode) == 2) {
		list ($coreSuitable,$mpdf_pdf_unifonts) = GetLangOpts($mode, $this->useAdobeCJK);
		if ($coreSuitable && $optcore) { $onlyCoreFonts = true; }
		if ($mpdf_pdf_unifonts) {
			$this->default_available_fonts = $mpdf_pdf_unifonts;
		$this->currentLang = $mode;
		$this->default_lang = $mode;

	$this->onlyCoreFonts =  $onlyCoreFonts;

	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
		$this->setMBencoding('windows-1252');	// sets $this->mb_enc
	else {
		$this->setMBencoding('UTF-8');	// sets $this->mb_enc
	@mb_regex_encoding('UTF-8');	// required only for mb_ereg... and mb_split functions

	// Adobe CJK fonts
	$this->available_CJK_fonts = array('gb','big5','sjis','uhc','gbB','big5B','sjisB','uhcB','gbI','big5I','sjisI','uhcI',

	//Standard fonts

	// Substitutions

	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
		$this->useSubstitutions = true;
	else { $this->useSubstitutions = false; }

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/

	if (!class_exists('cssmgr', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/cssmgr.php'); }
	$this->cssmgr = new cssmgr($this);
	if (file_exists(_MPDF_PATH.'mpdf.css')) {
		$css = file_get_contents(_MPDF_PATH.'mpdf.css');
		$css2 = $this->cssmgr->ReadDefaultCSS($css);
		$this->defaultCSS = $this->cssmgr->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->defaultCSS,$css2);
/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

	if ($default_font=='') {
	  if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
		if (in_array(strtolower($this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY']),$this->mono_fonts)) { $default_font = 'ccourier'; }
		else if (in_array(strtolower($this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY']),$this->sans_fonts)) { $default_font = 'chelvetica'; }
		else { $default_font = 'ctimes'; }
	  else { $default_font = $this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY']; }
	if (!$default_font_size) {
		$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-SIZE']);
		$default_font_size = $mmsize*(_MPDFK);

	if ($default_font) { $this->SetDefaultFont($default_font); }
	if ($default_font_size) { $this->SetDefaultFontSize($default_font_size); }

	$this->SetLineHeight();	// lineheight is in mm



	$this->cellBorderBuffer = array();


	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //in order to eliminate exceeding left-side spaces

	$this->basepath = "";


	$this->textparam = array();

	$this->specialcontent = '';
	$this->selectoption = array();

/*-- IMPORTS --*/

	$this->tpls = array();
	$this->tpl = 0;
	$this->tplprefix = "/TPL";
	$this->res = array();
	if ($this->enableImports) {
/*-- END IMPORTS --*/

	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->StartProgressBarOutput($this->progressBar) ;	}	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

function _setPageSize($format, &$orientation) {
	//Page format
		if ($format=='') { $format = 'A4'; }
		$pfo = 'P';
		if(preg_match('/([0-9a-zA-Z]*)-L/i',$format,$m)) {	// e.g. A4-L = A4 landscape
		$format = $this->_getPageFormat($format);
		if (!$format) { $this->Error('Unknown page format: '.$format); }
		else { $orientation = $pfo; }

		if (!$format[0] || !$format[1]) { $this->Error('Invalid page format: '.$format[0].' '.$format[1]); }
	//Page orientation
	if($orientation=='p' or $orientation=='portrait')
	elseif($orientation=='l' or $orientation=='landscape')
	else $this->Error('Incorrect orientation: '.$orientation);


function _getPageFormat($format) {
		switch (strtoupper($format)) {
			case '4A0': {$format = array(4767.87,6740.79); break;}
			case '2A0': {$format = array(3370.39,4767.87); break;}
			case 'A0': {$format = array(2383.94,3370.39); break;}
			case 'A1': {$format = array(1683.78,2383.94); break;}
			case 'A2': {$format = array(1190.55,1683.78); break;}
			case 'A3': {$format = array(841.89,1190.55); break;}
			case 'A4': {$format = array(595.28,841.89); break;}	// mPDF 5.7.4
			case 'A5': {$format = array(419.53,595.28); break;}
			case 'A6': {$format = array(297.64,419.53); break;}
			case 'A7': {$format = array(209.76,297.64); break;}
			case 'A8': {$format = array(147.40,209.76); break;}
			case 'A9': {$format = array(104.88,147.40); break;}
			case 'A10': {$format = array(73.70,104.88); break;}
			case 'B0': {$format = array(2834.65,4008.19); break;}
			case 'B1': {$format = array(2004.09,2834.65); break;}
			case 'B2': {$format = array(1417.32,2004.09); break;}
			case 'B3': {$format = array(1000.63,1417.32); break;}
			case 'B4': {$format = array(708.66,1000.63); break;}
			case 'B5': {$format = array(498.90,708.66); break;}
			case 'B6': {$format = array(354.33,498.90); break;}
			case 'B7': {$format = array(249.45,354.33); break;}
			case 'B8': {$format = array(175.75,249.45); break;}
			case 'B9': {$format = array(124.72,175.75); break;}
			case 'B10': {$format = array(87.87,124.72); break;}
			case 'C0': {$format = array(2599.37,3676.54); break;}
			case 'C1': {$format = array(1836.85,2599.37); break;}
			case 'C2': {$format = array(1298.27,1836.85); break;}
			case 'C3': {$format = array(918.43,1298.27); break;}
			case 'C4': {$format = array(649.13,918.43); break;}
			case 'C5': {$format = array(459.21,649.13); break;}
			case 'C6': {$format = array(323.15,459.21); break;}
			case 'C7': {$format = array(229.61,323.15); break;}
			case 'C8': {$format = array(161.57,229.61); break;}
			case 'C9': {$format = array(113.39,161.57); break;}
			case 'C10': {$format = array(79.37,113.39); break;}
			case 'RA0': {$format = array(2437.80,3458.27); break;}
			case 'RA1': {$format = array(1729.13,2437.80); break;}
			case 'RA2': {$format = array(1218.90,1729.13); break;}
			case 'RA3': {$format = array(864.57,1218.90); break;}
			case 'RA4': {$format = array(609.45,864.57); break;}
			case 'SRA0': {$format = array(2551.18,3628.35); break;}
			case 'SRA1': {$format = array(1814.17,2551.18); break;}
			case 'SRA2': {$format = array(1275.59,1814.17); break;}
			case 'SRA3': {$format = array(907.09,1275.59); break;}
			case 'SRA4': {$format = array(637.80,907.09); break;}
			case 'LETTER': {$format = array(612.00,792.00); break;}
			case 'LEGAL': {$format = array(612.00,1008.00); break;}
			case 'LEDGER': {$format = array(279.00,432.00); break;}
			case 'TABLOID': {$format = array(279.00,432.00); break;}
			case 'EXECUTIVE': {$format = array(521.86,756.00); break;}
			case 'FOLIO': {$format = array(612.00,936.00); break;}
			case 'B': {$format=array(362.83,561.26 );	 break;}		//	'B' format paperback size 128x198mm
			case 'A': {$format=array(314.65,504.57 );	 break;}		//	'A' format paperback size 111x178mm
			case 'DEMY': {$format=array(382.68,612.28 );  break;}		//	'Demy' format paperback size 135x216mm
			case 'ROYAL': {$format=array(433.70,663.30 );  break;}	//	'Royal' format paperback size 153x234mm
			default: {$format = array(595.28,841.89); break;}	// mPDF 5.7.4
	return $format;

/*-- PROGRESS-BAR --*/
function StartProgressBarOutput($mode=1) {
	// must be relative path, or URI (not a file system path)
	if (!defined('_MPDF_URI')) {
		$this->progressBar = false;
		if ($this->debug) { $this->Error("You need to define _MPDF_URI to use the progress bar!"); }
		else return false;
	$this->progressBar = $mode;
	if ($this->progbar_altHTML) {
		echo $this->progbar_altHTML;
	else {
	   echo '<html>
	<title>mPDF File Progress</title>
	<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
	<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="'._MPDF_URI.'progbar.css" />
	<div class="main">
		<div class="heading">'.$this->progbar_heading.'</div>
		<div class="demo">
	   if ($this->progressBar==2) { echo '		<table width="100%"><tr><td style="width: 50%;">
			<span class="barheading">Writing HTML code</span> <br/>

			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element1"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span class="code" id="box1"></span>
			</td><td style="width: 50%;">
			<span class="barheading">Autosizing elements</span> <br/>
			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element4"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span class="code" id="box4"></span>
			<span class="barheading">Writing Tables</span> <br/>
			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element7"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span class="code" id="box7"></span>
			<tr><td><br /><br /></td><td></td></tr>
			<tr><td style="width: 50%;">
	'; }
	echo '			<span class="barheading">Writing PDF file</span> <br/>
			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element2"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span class="code" id="box2"></span>
	   if ($this->progressBar==2) { echo '
			</td><td style="width: 50%;">
			<span class="barheading">Memory usage</span> <br/>
			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element5"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span id="box5">0</span> '.ini_get("memory_limit").'<br />
			<span class="barheading">Memory usage (peak)</span> <br/>
			<div class="progressBar">
			<div id="element6"  class="innerBar">&nbsp;</div>
			<span id="box6">0</span> '.ini_get("memory_limit").'<br />
	   '; }
	   echo '			<br/><br/>
		<span id="box3"></span>


function UpdateProgressBar($el,$val,$txt='') {
	// $val should be a string - 5 = actual value, +15 = increment

	if ($this->progressBar<2) {
		if ($el>3) { return; }
		else if ($el ==1) { $el = 2; }
	echo '<script type="text/javascript">';
	if ($val) { echo ' document.getElementById(\'element'.$el.'\').style.width=\''.$val.'%\'; '; }
	if ($txt) { echo ' document.getElementById(\'box'.$el.'\').innerHTML=\''.$txt.'\'; '; }
	if ($this->progressBar==2) {
		$m = round(memory_get_usage(true)/1048576);
		$m2 = round(memory_get_peak_usage(true)/1048576);
		$mem = $m * 100 / (ini_get("memory_limit")+0);
		$mem2 = $m2 * 100 / (ini_get("memory_limit")+0);
		echo ' document.getElementById(\'element5\').style.width=\''.$mem.'%\'; ';
		echo ' document.getElementById(\'element6\').style.width=\''.$mem2.'%\'; ';
		echo ' document.getElementById(\'box5\').innerHTML=\''.$m.'MB / \'; ';
		echo ' document.getElementById(\'box6\').innerHTML=\''.$m2.'MB / \'; ';
	echo '</script>'."\n";

function RestrictUnicodeFonts($res) {
	// $res = array of (Unicode) fonts to restrict to: e.g. norasi|norasiB - language specific
	if (count($res)) {	// Leave full list of available fonts if passed blank array
		$this->available_unifonts = $res;
	else { $this->available_unifonts = $this->default_available_fonts; }
	if (count($this->available_unifonts) == 0) { $this->available_unifonts[] = $this->default_available_fonts[0]; }
	$this->available_unifonts = array_values($this->available_unifonts);

function setMBencoding($enc) {
	if ($this->mb_enc != $enc) {
		$this->mb_enc = $enc;

function SetMargins($left,$right,$top) {
	//Set left, top and right margins

function ResetMargins() {
	//ReSet left, top margins
	if (($this->forcePortraitHeaders || $this->forcePortraitMargins) && $this->DefOrientation=='P' && $this->CurOrientation=='L') {
	    if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
	   $this->MarginCorrection = 0;
	else  if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
		$this->MarginCorrection = $this->DefrMargin-$this->DeflMargin;

		if ($this->mirrorMargins) { $this->MarginCorrection = $this->DeflMargin-$this->DefrMargin; }


function SetLeftMargin($margin) {
	//Set left margin
	if($this->page>0 and $this->x<$margin) $this->x=$margin;

function SetTopMargin($margin) {
	//Set top margin

function SetRightMargin($margin) {
	//Set right margin

function SetAutoPageBreak($auto,$margin=0) {
	//Set auto page break mode and triggering margin

function SetDisplayMode($zoom,$layout='continuous') {
	//Set display mode in viewer
	if($zoom=='fullpage' or $zoom=='fullwidth' or $zoom=='real' or $zoom=='default' or !is_string($zoom))
		$this->Error('Incorrect zoom display mode: '.$zoom);
	if($layout=='single' or $layout=='continuous' or $layout=='two' or $layout=='twoleft' or $layout=='tworight' or $layout=='default')
		$this->Error('Incorrect layout display mode: '.$layout);

function SetCompression($compress) {
	//Set page compression
	if(function_exists('gzcompress'))	$this->compress=$compress;
	else $this->compress=false;

function SetTitle($title) {
	//Title of document // Arrives as UTF-8
	$this->title = $title;

function SetSubject($subject) {
	//Subject of document
	$this->subject= $subject;

function SetAuthor($author) {
	//Author of document
	$this->author= $author;

function SetKeywords($keywords) {
	//Keywords of document
	$this->keywords= $keywords;

function SetCreator($creator) {
	//Creator of document
	$this->creator= $creator;

function SetAnchor2Bookmark($x) {
	$this->anchor2Bookmark = $x;

function AliasNbPages($alias='{nb}') {
	//Define an alias for total number of pages

function AliasNbPageGroups($alias='{nbpg}') {
	//Define an alias for total number of pages in a group

function SetAlpha($alpha, $bm='Normal', $return=false, $mode='B') {
// alpha: real value from 0 (transparent) to 1 (opaque)
// bm:    blend mode, one of the following:
//          Normal, Multiply, Screen, Overlay, Darken, Lighten, ColorDodge, ColorBurn,
//          HardLight, SoftLight, Difference, Exclusion, Hue, Saturation, Color, Luminosity
// set alpha for stroking (CA) and non-stroking (ca) operations
// mode determines F (fill) S (stroke) B (both)
	if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $alpha!=1) {
		if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Image opacity must be 100% (Opacity changed to 100%)"; }
		$alpha = 1;
	$a = array('BM'=>'/'.$bm);
	if ($mode=='F' || $mode=='B') $a['ca'] = $alpha;	// mPDF 5.7.2
	if ($mode=='S' || $mode=='B') $a['CA'] = $alpha;	// mPDF 5.7.2
	$gs = $this->AddExtGState($a);
	if ($return) { return sprintf('/GS%d gs', $gs); }
	else { $this->_out(sprintf('/GS%d gs', $gs)); }

function AddExtGState($parms) {
	$n = count($this->extgstates);
	// check if graphics state already exists
	for ($i=1; $i<=$n; $i++) {
	  if (count($this->extgstates[$i]['parms']) == count($parms)) {
	    $same = true;
	    foreach($this->extgstates[$i]['parms'] AS $k=>$v) {
		if (!isset($parms[$k]) || $parms[$k] != $v) { $same = false; break; }
	    if ($same) { return $i; }
	$this->extgstates[$n]['parms'] = $parms;
	return $n;

function SetVisibility($v) {
	if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $this->visibility!='visible') { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Cannot set visibility to anything other than full when using PDFA or PDFX"; return ''; }
	else if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX)
	if($this->visibility!='visible') {
		$this->hasOC=intval($this->hasOC );	// mPDF 5.6.01
	if($v=='printonly') {
		$this->_out('/OC /OC1 BDC');
		$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 1);	// mPDF 5.6.01
	elseif($v=='screenonly') {
		$this->_out('/OC /OC2 BDC');
		$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 2);	// mPDF 5.6.01
	elseif($v=='hidden') {
		$this->_out('/OC /OC3 BDC');
		$this->hasOC=($this->hasOC | 4);	// mPDF 5.6.01
		$this->Error('Incorrect visibility: '.$v);

function Error($msg) {
	//Fatal error
	header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8');
	die('<B>mPDF error: </B>'.$msg);

function Open() {
	//Begin document
	if($this->state==0)	$this->_begindoc();

function Close() {
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,'2','Closing last page'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	//Terminate document
	if($this->state==3)	return;
	if($this->page==0) $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation);
	if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) { $this->printcellbuffer(); }	// *TABLES*
	if ($this->tablebuffer) { $this->printtablebuffer(); }	// *TABLES*
/*-- COLUMNS --*/

	if ($this->ColActive) {
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/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
	if (count($this->divbuffer)) { $this->printdivbuffer(); }

	// BODY Backgrounds
	$s = '';

	$s .= $this->PrintBodyBackgrounds();

	$s .= $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
	$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();

	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS

	if (!$this->tocontents || !$this->tocontents->TOCmark) { //Page footer
	if ($this->tocontents && ($this->tocontents->TOCmark || count($this->tocontents->m_TOC))) { $this->tocontents->insertTOC(); }	// *TOC*

	//Close page

	//Close document

function _resizeBackgroundImage($imw, $imh, $cw, $ch, $resize=0, $repx, $repy, $pba=array(), $size=array()) {	// mPDF 5.6.10
	// pba is background positioning area (from CSS background-origin) may not always be set [x,y,w,h]
	// size is from CSS3 background-size - takes precendence over old resize
	//	$w - absolute length or % or auto or cover | contain
	//	$h - absolute length or % or auto or cover | contain
	// mPDF 5.6.10
	if (isset($pba['w'])) $cw = $pba['w'];
	if (isset($pba['h'])) $ch = $pba['h'];

	$cw = $cw*_MPDFK;
	$ch = $ch*_MPDFK;
	if (empty($size) && !$resize) { return array($imw, $imh, $repx, $repy); }

	// mPDF 5.6.10
	if (isset($size['w']) && $size['w']) {
		if ($size['w']=='contain') {
		// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
		// Same as resize==3
			$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
			$w = $cw;
			if ($h > $ch) {
				$w = $w * $ch/$h;
				$h = $ch;
		else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
		// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
			$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
			$w = $cw;
			if ($h < $ch) {
				$w = $w * $h/$ch;
				$h = $ch;
		else {
			if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
				$size['w'] += 0;
				$size['w'] /= 100;
				$size['w'] = ($cw * $size['w']);
			if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
				$size['h'] += 0;
				$size['h'] /= 100;
				$size['h'] = ($ch * $size['h']);
			if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
				$w = $imw;
				$h = $imh;
			else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
				$w = $imw * $size['h']/$imh;
				$h = $size['h'];
			else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
				$h = $imh * $size['w']/$imw;
				$w = $size['w'];
			else {
				$w = $size['w'];
				$h = $size['h'];
		return array($w, $h, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==1 && $imw > $cw) {
		$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
		return array($cw, $h, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==2 && $imh > $ch) {
		$w = $imw * $ch/$imh;
		return array($w, $ch, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==3) {
		$w = $imw;
		$h = $imh;
		if ($w > $cw) {
			$h = $h * $cw/$w;
			$w = $cw;
		if ($h > $ch) {
			$w = $w * $ch/$h;
			$h = $ch;
		return array($w, $h, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==4) {
		$h = $imh * $cw/$imw;
		return array($cw, $h, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==5) {
		$w = $imw * $ch/$imh;
		return array($w, $ch, $repx, $repy);
	else if ($resize==6) {
		return array($cw, $ch, $repx, $repy);
	return array($imw, $imh, $repx, $repy);

function SetBackground(&$properties, &$maxwidth) {
	// mPDF 5.6.10  5.6.11
	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']) && ($properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']=='border-box' || $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']== 'content-box')) { $origin = $properties['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']; }
	else { $origin = 'padding-box'; }
	// mPDF 5.6.10
	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'])) {
		if (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] ,'contain') ) { $bsw = $bsh = 'contain'; }
		else if (stristr($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] ,'cover') ) { $bsw = $bsh = 'cover'; }
		else {
			$bsw = $bsh = 'auto';
			$sz = preg_split('/\s+/',trim($properties['BACKGROUND-SIZE']));
			if (count($sz)==2) { $bsw = $sz[0]; $bsh = $sz[1]; }
			else { $bsw = $sz[0]; }
			if (!stristr($bsw ,'%') && !stristr($bsw ,'auto') ) { $bsw = $this->ConvertSize($bsw ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
			if (!stristr($bsh ,'%') && !stristr($bsh ,'auto') ) { $bsh = $this->ConvertSize($bsh ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
		$size = array('w'=>$bsw, 'h'=>$bsh);
	   if (preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/',$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'])) {
		return array('gradient'=>$properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'], 'origin'=>$origin, 'size'=>$size );	// mPDF 5.6.10
	   else {
		$file = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'];
		$sizesarray = $this->Image($file,0,0,0,0,'','',false, false, false, false, true);
		if (isset($sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'])) {
			$image_id = $sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'];
			$orig_w = $sizesarray['WIDTH']*_MPDFK;		// in user units i.e. mm
 			$orig_h = $sizesarray['HEIGHT']*_MPDFK;		// (using $this->img_dpi)
			if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION'])) {
				if (preg_match('/from-image/i', $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION']) && isset($sizesarray['set-dpi']) && $sizesarray['set-dpi']>0) {
					$orig_w *= $this->img_dpi / $sizesarray['set-dpi'];
					$orig_h *= $this->img_dpi / $sizesarray['set-dpi'];
				else if (preg_match('/(\d+)dpi/i', $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESOLUTION'], $m)) {
					$dpi = $m[1];
					if ($dpi > 0) {
						$orig_w *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
						$orig_h *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
			$x_repeat = true;
			$y_repeat = true;
			if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT'])) {
				if ($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT']=='no-repeat' || $properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT']=='repeat-x') { $y_repeat = false; }
				if ($properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT']=='no-repeat' || $properties['BACKGROUND-REPEAT']=='repeat-y') { $x_repeat = false; }
			$x_pos = 0;
			$y_pos = 0;
			if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-POSITION'])) {
				$ppos = preg_split('/\s+/',$properties['BACKGROUND-POSITION']);
				$x_pos = $ppos[0];
				$y_pos = $ppos[1];
				if (!stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) { $x_pos = $this->ConvertSize($x_pos ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
				if (!stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) { $y_pos = $this->ConvertSize($y_pos ,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize); }
			if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE'])) { $resize = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-RESIZE']; }
			else { $resize = 0; }
			if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY'])) { $opacity = $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE-OPACITY']; }
			else { $opacity = 1; }
			return array('image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$sizesarray['itype'], 'origin'=>$origin, 'size'=>$size );
	   return false;

function PrintBodyBackgrounds() {
	$s = '';
	$clx = 0;
	$cly = 0;
	$clw = $this->w;
	$clh = $this->h;
	// If using bleed and trim margins in paged media
	if ($this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_LR'] || $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_TB']) {
		$clx = $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_LR'] - $this->pageDim[$this->page]['bleedMargin'];
		$cly = $this->pageDim[$this->page]['outer_width_TB'] - $this->pageDim[$this->page]['bleedMargin'];
		$clw = $this->w - 2*$clx;
		$clh = $this->h - 2*$cly;

	if ($this->bodyBackgroundColor) {
		$s .= 'q ' .$this->SetFColor($this->bodyBackgroundColor, true)."\n";
		if ($this->bodyBackgroundColor{0}==5) {	// RGBa
			$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor{4})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
		else if ($this->bodyBackgroundColor{0}==6) {	// CMYKa
			$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($this->bodyBackgroundColor{5})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
		$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', ($clx*_MPDFK), ($cly*_MPDFK),$clw*_MPDFK,$clh*_MPDFK)."\n";

	if ($this->bodyBackgroundGradient) {
		$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($this->bodyBackgroundGradient);
		if ($g) {
			$s .= $this->grad->Gradient($clx, $cly, $clw, $clh, (isset($g['gradtype']) ? $g['gradtype'] : null), $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
	if ($this->bodyBackgroundImage) {
	   if ( $this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient'])) {
		$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $this->bodyBackgroundImage['gradient']);
		if ($g) {
			$s .= $this->grad->Gradient($clx, $cly, $clw, $clh, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true);
	   else if ($this->bodyBackgroundImage['image_id']) {	// Background pattern
			$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
			// If using resize, uses TrimBox (not including the bleed)
			list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_w'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['orig_h'], $clw, $clh, $this->bodyBackgroundImage['resize'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_repeat'], $this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_repeat']);

			$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$clx, 'y'=>$cly, 'w'=>$clw, 'h'=>$clh, 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$this->bodyBackgroundImage['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$this->bodyBackgroundImage['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$this->bodyBackgroundImage['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$this->bodyBackgroundImage['itype']);
			if (($this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity']>0 || $this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity']==='0') && $this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($this->bodyBackgroundImage['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
			else { $opac = ''; }
			$s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, ($clx*_MPDFK), ($cly*_MPDFK),$clw*_MPDFK, $clh*_MPDFK) ."\n";
	return $s;

function PrintPageBackgrounds($adjustmenty=0) {
	$s = '';

	foreach($this->pageBackgrounds AS $bl=>$pbs) {
		foreach ($pbs AS $pb) {
		  if ((!isset($pb['image_id']) && !isset($pb['gradient'])) || isset($pb['shadowonly'])) {	// Background colour or boxshadow
			// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
			if($pb['z-index']>0) {
				$this->current_layer = $pb['z-index'];
				$s .= "\n".'/OCBZ-index /ZI'.$pb['z-index'].' BDC'."\n";

			if($pb['visibility']!='visible') {
					$s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC'."\n";
				else if($pb['visibility']=='screenonly')
					$s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC'."\n";
				else if($pb['visibility']=='hidden')
					$s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC'."\n";
			// Box shadow
			if (isset($pb['shadow']) && $pb['shadow']) { $s .= $pb['shadow']."\n"; }
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
			$s .= 'q '.$this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true)."\n";
			if ($pb['col']{0}==5) {	// RGBa
				$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col']{4})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			else if ($pb['col']{0}==6) {	// CMYKa
				$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col']{5})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q',$pb['x']*_MPDFK,($this->h-$pb['y'])*_MPDFK,$pb['w']*_MPDFK,-$pb['h']*_MPDFK)."\n";
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
				$s .= 'EMC'."\n";

			// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
			if($pb['z-index']>0) {
				$s .= "\n".'EMCBZ-index'."\n";
				$this->current_layer = 0;
		foreach ($pbs AS $pb) {
		  // mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
	 	  if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
		 	if($pb['z-index']>0) {
				$this->current_layer = $pb['z-index'];
				$s .= "\n".'/OCGZ-index /ZI'.$pb['z-index'].' BDC'."\n";
		 	if($pb['visibility']!='visible') {
					$s .= '/OC /OC1 BDC'."\n";
				else if($pb['visibility']=='screenonly')
					$s .= '/OC /OC2 BDC'."\n";
				else if($pb['visibility']=='hidden')
					$s .= '/OC /OC3 BDC'."\n";
	 	  if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
			$s .= $this->grad->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
		  else if (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) {	// Background Image
			$pb['y'] -= $adjustmenty;
			$pb['h'] += $adjustmenty;
			$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
			list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat'], $pb['bpa'], $pb['size']);	// mPDF 5.6.10
			$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$pb['x'], 'y'=>$pb['y'], 'w'=>$pb['w'], 'h'=>$pb['h'], 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$pb['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$pb['itype'], 'bpa'=>$pb['bpa']);	// mPDF 5.6.10
			$x = $pb['x']*_MPDFK;
			$y = ($this->h - $pb['y'])*_MPDFK;
			$w = $pb['w']*_MPDFK;
			$h = -$pb['h']*_MPDFK;
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
			if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) {	// Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
				$iw = $pb['orig_w']/_MPDFK;
				$ih = $pb['orig_h']/_MPDFK;

				$w = $pb['w'];
				$h = $pb['h'];
				$x0 = $pb['x'];
				$y0 = $pb['y'];

				// mPDF 5.6.11
				if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
					$w = $pb['bpa']['w'];
					$h = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					$x0 = $pb['bpa']['x'];
					$y0 = $pb['bpa']['y'];

				// mPDF 5.6.11
				if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
					$size = $pb['size'];

					if ($size['w']=='contain') {
					// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
					// Same as resize==3
						$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
						$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
						if ($ih > $pb['bpa']['h']) {
							$iw = $iw * $pb['bpa']['h']/$ih;
							$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
					// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
						$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
						$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
						if ($ih < $pb['bpa']['h']) {
							$iw = $iw * $ih/$pb['bpa']['h'];
							$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					else {
						if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
							$size['w'] += 0;
							$size['w'] /= 100;
							$size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
						if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
							$size['h'] += 0;
							$size['h'] /= 100;
							$size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
						if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
							$iw = $iw;
							$ih = $ih;
						else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
							$iw = $iw * $size['h']/$ih;
							$ih = $size['h'];
						else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
							$ih = $ih * $size['w']/$iw;
							$iw = $size['w'];
						else {
							$iw = $size['w'];
							$ih = $size['h'];

				// Number to repeat
				if ($pb['x_repeat']) { $nx = ceil($pb['w']/$iw)+1; } 	// mPDF 5.6.11
				else { $nx = 1; }
				if ($pb['y_repeat']) { $ny = ceil($pb['h']/$ih)+1; } 	// mPDF 5.6.11
				else { $ny = 1; }

				$x_pos = $pb['x_pos'];
				if (stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) {
					$x_pos += 0;
					$x_pos /= 100;
					$x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw * $x_pos); 	// mPDF 5.6.11
				$y_pos = $pb['y_pos'];
				if (stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) {
					$y_pos += 0;
					$y_pos /= 100;
					$y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih * $y_pos); 	// mPDF 5.6.11
				if ($nx>1) {
					while($x_pos>($pb['x']-$pb['bpa']['x'])) { $x_pos -= $iw; }	// mPDF 5.6.11
				if ($ny>1) {
					while($y_pos>($pb['y']-$pb['bpa']['y'])) { $y_pos -= $ih; }	// mPDF 5.6.11
				for($xi=0;$xi<$nx;$xi++) {
				  for($yi=0;$yi<$ny;$yi++) {
					$x = $x0 + $x_pos + ($iw*$xi);
					$y = $y0 + $y_pos + ($ih*$yi);
					if ($pb['opacity']>0 && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
					else { $opac = ''; }
					$s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac,$iw*_MPDFK,$ih*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($y+$ih))*_MPDFK,$pb['image_id']) ."\n";
			else {
				if (($pb['opacity']>0 || $pb['opacity']==='0') && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
				else { $opac = ''; }
				$s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) ."\n";
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
	 	  if ((isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) || (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id'])) {
				$s .= 'EMC'."\n";

			// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
			if($pb['z-index']>0) {
				$s .= "\n".'EMCGZ-index'."\n";
				$this->current_layer = 0;

	return $s;

function PrintTableBackgrounds($adjustmenty=0) {
	$s = '';
	foreach($this->tableBackgrounds AS $bl=>$pbs) {
		foreach ($pbs AS $pb) {
	 	 if ((!isset($pb['gradient']) || !$pb['gradient']) && (!isset($pb['image_id']) || !$pb['image_id'])) {
			$s .= 'q '.$this->SetFColor($pb['col'], true)."\n";
			if ($pb['col']{0}==5) {	// RGBa
				$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col']{4})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			else if ($pb['col']{0}==6) {	// CMYKa
				$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($pb['col']{5})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s Q',$pb['x']*_MPDFK,($this->h-$pb['y'])*_MPDFK,$pb['w']*_MPDFK,-$pb['h']*_MPDFK,'f')."\n";
	 	 if (isset($pb['gradient']) && $pb['gradient']) {
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }
			$s .= $this->grad->Gradient($pb['x'], $pb['y'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['gradtype'], $pb['stops'], $pb['colorspace'], $pb['coords'], $pb['extend'], true);
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
		  if (isset($pb['image_id']) && $pb['image_id']) {	// Background pattern
			$pb['y'] -= $adjustmenty;
			$pb['h'] += $adjustmenty;
			$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
			list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($pb['orig_w'], $pb['orig_h'], $pb['w'], $pb['h'], $pb['resize'], $pb['x_repeat'], $pb['y_repeat']);
			$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$pb['x'], 'y'=>$pb['y'], 'w'=>$pb['w'], 'h'=>$pb['h'], 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$pb['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$pb['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$pb['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$pb['itype']);
			$x = $pb['x']*_MPDFK;
			$y = ($this->h - $pb['y'])*_MPDFK;
			$w = $pb['w']*_MPDFK;
			$h = -$pb['h']*_MPDFK;
			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }

			// mPDF 5.7.3
			if (($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) && (!isset($pb['clippath']) || $pb['clippath']=='') ) {
				// Set clipping path
				$pb['clippath'] = sprintf(' q 0 w %.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l W n ', $x, $y, $x, $y+$h, $x+$w, $y+$h, $x+$w, $y, $x, $y);

			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= $pb['clippath']."\n"; }

			// mPDF 5.7.3
			if ($this->writingHTMLfooter || $this->writingHTMLheader) {	// Write each (tiles) image rather than use as a pattern
				$iw = $pb['orig_w']/_MPDFK;
				$ih = $pb['orig_h']/_MPDFK;

				$w = $pb['w'];
				$h = $pb['h'];
				$x0 = $pb['x'];
				$y0 = $pb['y'];

				if (isset($pb['bpa']) && $pb['bpa']) {
					$w = $pb['bpa']['w'];
					$h = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					$x0 = $pb['bpa']['x'];
					$y0 = $pb['bpa']['y'];

				if (isset($pb['size']['w']) && $pb['size']['w']) {
					$size = $pb['size'];

					if ($size['w']=='contain') {
					// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the largest size such that both its width and its height can fit inside the background positioning area.
					// Same as resize==3
						$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
						$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
						if ($ih > $pb['bpa']['h']) {
							$iw = $iw * $pb['bpa']['h']/$ih;
							$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					else if ($size['w']=='cover') {
					// Scale the image, while preserving its intrinsic aspect ratio (if any), to the smallest size such that both its width and its height can completely cover the background positioning area.
						$ih = $ih * $pb['bpa']['w']/$iw;
						$iw = $pb['bpa']['w'];
						if ($ih < $pb['bpa']['h']) {
							$iw = $iw * $ih/$pb['bpa']['h'];
							$ih = $pb['bpa']['h'];
					else {
						if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
							$size['w'] += 0;
							$size['w'] /= 100;
							$size['w'] = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $size['w']);
						if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
							$size['h'] += 0;
							$size['h'] /= 100;
							$size['h'] = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $size['h']);
						if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
							$iw = $iw;
							$ih = $ih;
						else if ($size['w']=='auto' && $size['h']!='auto') {
							$iw = $iw * $size['h']/$ih;
							$ih = $size['h'];
						else if ($size['w']!='auto' && $size['h']=='auto') {
							$ih = $ih * $size['w']/$iw;
							$iw = $size['w'];
						else {
							$iw = $size['w'];
							$ih = $size['h'];

				// Number to repeat
				if ($pb['x_repeat']) { $nx = ceil($pb['w']/$iw)+1; }
				else { $nx = 1; }
				if ($pb['y_repeat']) { $ny = ceil($pb['h']/$ih)+1; }
				else { $ny = 1; }

				$x_pos = $pb['x_pos'];
				if (stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) {
					$x_pos += 0;
					$x_pos /= 100;
					$x_pos = ($pb['bpa']['w'] * $x_pos) - ($iw * $x_pos);
				$y_pos = $pb['y_pos'];
				if (stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) {
					$y_pos += 0;
					$y_pos /= 100;
					$y_pos = ($pb['bpa']['h'] * $y_pos) - ($ih * $y_pos);
				if ($nx>1) {
					while($x_pos>($pb['x']-$pb['bpa']['x'])) { $x_pos -= $iw; }
				if ($ny>1) {
					while($y_pos>($pb['y']-$pb['bpa']['y'])) { $y_pos -= $ih; }
				for($xi=0;$xi<$nx;$xi++) {
				  for($yi=0;$yi<$ny;$yi++) {
					$x = $x0 + $x_pos + ($iw*$xi);
					$y = $y0 + $y_pos + ($ih*$yi);
					if ($pb['opacity']>0 && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
					else { $opac = ''; }
					$s .= sprintf("q %s %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q", $opac,$iw*_MPDFK,$ih*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($y+$ih))*_MPDFK,$pb['image_id']) ."\n";
			else {
				if (($pb['opacity']>0 || $pb['opacity']==='0') && $pb['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($pb['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
				else { $opac = ''; }
				$s .= sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $x, $y, $w, $h) ."\n";

			if (isset($pb['clippath']) && $pb['clippath']) { $s .= 'Q'."\n"; }
	return $s;

// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
function BeginLayer($id) {
	if($this->current_layer>0) $this->EndLayer();
	if ($id < 1) { return false; }
	if (!isset($this->layers[$id])) {
		$this->layers[$id] = array('name'=>'Layer '.($id) );
		if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Cannot use layers when using PDFA or PDFX"; return ''; }
		else if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) { $this->pdf_version='1.5'; }
	$this->current_layer = $id;
	$this->_out('/OCZ-index /ZI'.$id.' BDC');

	$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();

function EndLayer() {
	if($this->current_layer>0) {
		$this->current_layer = 0;

// Depracated - can use AddPage for all
function AddPages($orientation='',$condition='', $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='',$mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0,$pagesel='',$newformat='')
	$this->AddPage($orientation,$condition,$resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat);

function AddPageByArray($a) {
	if (!is_array($a)) { $a = array(); }
	$orientation = (isset($a['orientation']) ? $a['orientation'] : '');
	$condition = (isset($a['condition']) ? $a['condition'] : (isset($a['type']) ? $a['type'] : ''));
	$resetpagenum = (isset($a['resetpagenum']) ? $a['resetpagenum'] : '');
	$pagenumstyle = (isset($a['pagenumstyle']) ? $a['pagenumstyle'] : '');
	$suppress = (isset($a['suppress']) ? $a['suppress'] : '');
	$mgl = (isset($a['mgl']) ? $a['mgl'] : (isset($a['margin-left']) ? $a['margin-left'] : ''));
	$mgr = (isset($a['mgr']) ? $a['mgr'] : (isset($a['margin-right']) ? $a['margin-right'] : ''));
	$mgt = (isset($a['mgt']) ? $a['mgt'] : (isset($a['margin-top']) ? $a['margin-top'] : ''));
	$mgb = (isset($a['mgb']) ? $a['mgb'] : (isset($a['margin-bottom']) ? $a['margin-bottom'] : ''));
	$mgh = (isset($a['mgh']) ? $a['mgh'] : (isset($a['margin-header']) ? $a['margin-header'] : ''));
	$mgf = (isset($a['mgf']) ? $a['mgf'] : (isset($a['margin-footer']) ? $a['margin-footer'] : ''));
	$ohname = (isset($a['ohname']) ? $a['ohname'] : (isset($a['odd-header-name']) ? $a['odd-header-name'] : ''));
	$ehname = (isset($a['ehname']) ? $a['ehname'] : (isset($a['even-header-name']) ? $a['even-header-name'] : ''));
	$ofname = (isset($a['ofname']) ? $a['ofname'] : (isset($a['odd-footer-name']) ? $a['odd-footer-name'] : ''));
	$efname = (isset($a['efname']) ? $a['efname'] : (isset($a['even-footer-name']) ? $a['even-footer-name'] : ''));
	$ohvalue = (isset($a['ohvalue']) ? $a['ohvalue'] : (isset($a['odd-header-value']) ? $a['odd-header-value'] : 0));
	$ehvalue = (isset($a['ehvalue']) ? $a['ehvalue'] : (isset($a['even-header-value']) ? $a['even-header-value'] : 0));
	$ofvalue = (isset($a['ofvalue']) ? $a['ofvalue'] : (isset($a['odd-footer-value']) ? $a['odd-footer-value'] : 0));
	$efvalue = (isset($a['efvalue']) ? $a['efvalue'] : (isset($a['even-footer-value']) ? $a['even-footer-value'] : 0));
	$pagesel = (isset($a['pagesel']) ? $a['pagesel'] : (isset($a['pageselector']) ? $a['pageselector'] : ''));
	$newformat = (isset($a['newformat']) ? $a['newformat'] : (isset($a['sheet-size']) ? $a['sheet-size'] : ''));

	$this->AddPage($orientation,$condition,$resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat);


function AddPage($orientation='',$condition='', $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='',$mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0,$pagesel='',$newformat='')
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	// Float DIV
	// Cannot do with columns on, or if any change in page orientation/margins etc.
	// If next page already exists - i.e background /headers and footers already written
	if ($this->state > 0 && $this->page < count($this->pages)) {
		$bak_cml = $this->cMarginL;
		$bak_cmr = $this->cMarginR;
		$bak_dw = $this->divwidth;
		// Paint Div Border if necessary
   		if ($this->blklvl > 0) {
			$save_tr = $this->table_rotate;	// *TABLES*
			$this->table_rotate = 0;	// *TABLES*
			if ($this->y == $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) {  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']++; }
			if (($this->y > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) || $this->flowingBlockAttr['is_table'] ) { $toplvl = $this->blklvl; }
			else { $toplvl = $this->blklvl-1; }
			$sy = $this->y;
			for ($bl=1;$bl<=$toplvl;$bl++) {
			$this->y = $sy;
			$this->table_rotate = $save_tr;	// *TABLES*
		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();

		// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
		$style=$this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');


		//Move to next page
		$this->_out('2 J');
		$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F w',$lw*_MPDFK));
		if($family)	$this->SetFont($family,$style,$size,true,true);
		if($dc!=$this->defDrawColor) $this->_out($dc);
		if($fc!=$this->defFillColor) $this->_out($fc);
		for($bl=1;$bl<=$this->blklvl;$bl++) {
			$this->blk[$bl]['y0'] = $this->y;
			// Don't correct more than once for background DIV containing a Float
			if (!isset($this->blk[$bl]['marginCorrected'][$this->page])) { $this->blk[$bl]['x0'] += $this->MarginCorrection; }
			$this->blk[$bl]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;
		$this->cMarginL = $bak_cml;
		$this->cMarginR = $bak_cmr;
		$this->divwidth = $bak_dw;
		return '';
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	//Start a new page
	if($this->state==0) $this->Open();

	$bak_cml = $this->cMarginL;
	$bak_cmr = $this->cMarginR;
	$bak_dw = $this->divwidth;

	$bak_lh = $this->lineheight;

	$orientation = substr(strtoupper($orientation),0,1);
	$condition = strtoupper($condition);

	if ($condition == 'NEXT-EVEN') {	// always adds at least one new page to create an Even page
	   if (!$this->mirrorMargins) { $condition = ''; }
	   else {
		if ($pagesel) { $pbch = $pagesel; $pagesel = ''; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		else { $pbch = false; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		if ($pbch ) { $pagesel = $pbch; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		$condition = '';
	if ($condition == 'NEXT-ODD') {	// always adds at least one new page to create an Odd page
	   if (!$this->mirrorMargins) { $condition = ''; }
	   else {
		if ($pagesel) { $pbch = $pagesel; $pagesel = ''; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		else { $pbch = false; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		if ($pbch ) { $pagesel = $pbch; }	// *CSS-PAGE*
		$condition = '';

	if ($condition == 'E') {	// only adds new page if needed to create an Even page
	   if (!$this->mirrorMargins || ($this->page)%2==0) { return false; }
	if ($condition == 'O') {	// only adds new page if needed to create an Odd page
	   if (!$this->mirrorMargins || ($this->page)%2==1) { return false; }

	if ($resetpagenum || $pagenumstyle || $suppress) {
		$this->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from'=>($this->page+1), 'reset'=> $resetpagenum, 'type'=>$pagenumstyle, 'suppress'=>$suppress);

	$save_tr = $this->table_rotate;	// *TABLES*
	$this->table_rotate = 0;	// *TABLES*
	$save_kwt = $this->kwt;
	$this->kwt = 0;
	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
	$save_layer = $this->current_layer;
	$save_vis = $this->visibility;

	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS

	// Paint Div Border if necessary
   	if (!$this->ColActive && $this->blklvl > 0) {
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) && $this->y == $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) {
			if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'])) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']++; }
			else { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = 1; }
		if ((isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) && $this->y > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) || $this->flowingBlockAttr['is_table'] ) { $toplvl = $this->blklvl; }
		else { $toplvl = $this->blklvl-1; }
		$sy = $this->y;
		for ($bl=1;$bl<=$toplvl;$bl++) {

			// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
			if ($this->blk[$bl]['z-index']>0) {
			if (isset($this->blk[$bl]['visibility']) && $this->blk[$bl]['visibility'] && $this->blk[$bl]['visibility']!='visible') {

		$this->y = $sy;
		// RESET block y0 and x0 - see below

	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS

	// BODY Backgrounds
	if ($this->page > 0) {
		$s = '';
		$s .= $this->PrintBodyBackgrounds();

		$s .= $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$s."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();

	$save_kt = $this->keep_block_together;
	$this->keep_block_together = 0;

	$save_cols = false;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($this->ColActive) {
		$save_cols = true;
		$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

	$style=$this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
	$this->ColumnAdjust = true;	// enables column height adjustment for the page
		//Page footer

		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();

		//Close page

	//Start new page
	if ($this->docTemplate) {
		$pagecount = $this->SetSourceFile($this->docTemplate);
		if (($this->page - $this->docTemplateStart) > $pagecount) {
			if ($this->docTemplateContinue) {
				$tplIdx = $this->ImportPage($pagecount);
		else {
			$tplIdx = $this->ImportPage(($this->page - $this->docTemplateStart));
	if ($this->pageTemplate) {

	// Tiling Patterns
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();

	//Set line cap style to square
	//Set line width
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F w',$lw*_MPDFK));
	//Set font
	if($family)	$this->SetFont($family,$style,$size,true,true);	// forces write
	//Set colors
	if($dc!=$this->defDrawColor) $this->_out($dc);
	if($fc!=$this->defFillColor) $this->_out($fc);

	//Page header

	//Restore line width
		$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F w',$lw*_MPDFK));
	//Restore font
	if($family)	$this->SetFont($family,$style,$size,true,true);	// forces write
	//Restore colors

	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
	if ($save_layer>0)


/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($save_cols) {
		// Restore columns
	if ($this->ColActive) { $this->SetCol(0); }
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

   	if (!$this->ColActive) {
		for($bl=1;$bl<=$this->blklvl;$bl++) {
			$this->blk[$bl]['y0'] = $this->y;
			if (isset($this->blk[$bl]['x0'])) { $this->blk[$bl]['x0'] += $this->MarginCorrection; }
			else { $this->blk[$bl]['x0'] = $this->MarginCorrection; }
			// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
			$this->blk[$bl]['marginCorrected'][$this->page] = true;

	$this->table_rotate = $save_tr;	// *TABLES*
	$this->kwt = $save_kwt;

	$this->keep_block_together = $save_kt ;

	$this->cMarginL = $bak_cml;
	$this->cMarginR = $bak_cmr;
	$this->divwidth = $bak_dw;

	$this->lineheight = $bak_lh;

function PageNo() {
	//Get current page number
	return $this->page;

function AddSpotColorsFromFile($file) {
	$colors = @file($file) or die("Cannot load spot colors file - ".$file);
	foreach($colors AS $sc) {
		list($name, $c, $m, $y, $k) = preg_split("/\t/",$sc);
		$c = intval($c);
		$m = intval($m);
		$y = intval($y);
		$k = intval($k);
		$this->AddSpotColor($name, $c, $m, $y, $k);

function AddSpotColor($name, $c, $m, $y, $k) {
	$name = strtoupper(trim($name));
	if(!isset($this->spotColors[$name])) {

function SetColor($col, $type='') {
	$out = '';
	if ($col{0}==3 || $col{0}==5) {	// RGB / RGBa
		$out = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F rg',ord($col{1})/255,ord($col{2})/255,ord($col{3})/255);
	else if ($col{0}==1) {	// GRAYSCALE
		$out = sprintf('%.3F g',ord($col{1})/255);
	else if ($col{0}==2) {	// SPOT COLOR
		$out = sprintf('/CS%d cs %.3F scn',ord($col{1}),ord($col{2})/100);
	else if ($col{0}==4 || $col{0}==6) {	// CMYK / CMYKa
		$out = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F k', ord($col{1})/100, ord($col{2})/100, ord($col{3})/100, ord($col{4})/100);
	if ($type=='Draw') { $out = strtoupper($out); }	// e.g. rg => RG
	else if ($type=='CodeOnly') { $out = preg_replace('/\s(rg|g|k)/','',$out); }
	return $out;

function SetDColor($col, $return=false) {
	$out = $this->SetColor($col, 'Draw');
	if ($return) { return $out; }
	if ($out=='') { return ''; }
	$this->DrawColor = $out;
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['DrawColor']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['DrawColor'] != $this->DrawColor) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['DrawColor']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($this->DrawColor); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['DrawColor'] = $this->DrawColor;

function SetFColor($col, $return=false) {
	$out = $this->SetColor($col, 'Fill');
	if ($return) { return $out; }
	if ($out=='') { return ''; }
	$this->FillColor = $out;
	$this->ColorFlag = ($out != $this->TextColor);
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] != $this->FillColor) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($this->FillColor); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] = $this->FillColor;

function SetTColor($col, $return=false) {
	$out = $this->SetColor($col, 'Text');
	if ($return) { return $out; }
	if ($out=='') { return ''; }
	$this->TextColor = $out;
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $out);

function SetDrawColor($r,$g=-1,$b=-1,$col4=-1, $return=false) {
	//Set color for all stroking operations
	$col = array();
	if(($r==0 and $g==0 and $b==0 && $col4 == -1) or $g==-1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor($r); }
	else if ($col4 == -1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor('rgb('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.')'); }
	else { $col = $this->ConvertColor('cmyk('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.','.$col4.')'); }
	$out = $this->SetDColor($col, $return);
	return $out;

function SetFillColor($r,$g=-1,$b=-1,$col4=-1, $return=false) {
	//Set color for all filling operations
	$col = array();
	if(($r==0 and $g==0 and $b==0 && $col4 == -1) or $g==-1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor($r); }
	else if ($col4 == -1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor('rgb('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.')'); }
	else { $col = $this->ConvertColor('cmyk('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.','.$col4.')'); }
	$out = $this->SetFColor($col, $return);
	return $out;

function SetTextColor($r,$g=-1,$b=-1,$col4=-1, $return=false) {
	//Set color for text
	$col = array();
	if(($r==0 and $g==0 and $b==0 && $col4 == -1) or $g==-1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor($r); }
	else if ($col4 == -1) { $col = $this->ConvertColor('rgb('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.')'); }
	else { $col = $this->ConvertColor('cmyk('.$r.','.$g.','.$b.','.$col4.')'); }
	$out = $this->SetTColor($col, $return);
	return $out;

function _getCharWidth(&$cw, $u, $isdef=true) {
	if ($u==0) { $w = false; }
	else { $w = (ord($cw[$u*2]) << 8) + ord($cw[$u*2+1]); }
	if ($w == 65535) { return 0; }
	else if ($w) { return $w; }
	else if ($isdef) { return false; }
	else { return 0; }

function _charDefined(&$cw, $u) {
	if ($u==0) { return false; }
	$w = (ord($cw[$u*2]) << 8) + ord($cw[$u*2+1]);
	if ($w) { return true; }
	else { return false; }

function GetCharWidthCore($c) {
	//Get width of a single character in the current Core font
	$c = (string)$c;
	$w = 0;
	// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
	if ($c == chr(173) && $this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
		return 0;
	else if ($this->S && isset($this->upperCase[ord($c)])) {
		$charw = $this->CurrentFont['cw'][chr($this->upperCase[ord($c)])];
		if ($charw!==false) {
			$charw = $charw*$this->smCapsScale * $this->smCapsStretch/100;
	else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][$c])) {
		$w += $this->CurrentFont['cw'][$c];
	else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][ord($c)])) {
		$w += $this->CurrentFont['cw'][ord($c)];
	$w *=  ($this->FontSize/ 1000);
	if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
		if ($c==' ') $nb_spaces = 1;
		else $nb_spaces = 0;
		$w += $this->fixedlSpacing + ($nb_spaces * $this->minwSpacing);
	return ($w);

function GetCharWidthNonCore($c, $addSubset=true) {
	//Get width of a single character in the current Non-Core font
	$c = (string)$c;
	$w = 0;
	$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($c, $addSubset);
	$char = $unicode[0];
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
	if ($this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type0') {	// CJK Adobe fonts
			if ($char == 173) { return 0; }	// Soft Hyphens
			elseif (isset($this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char])) { $w+=$this->CurrentFont['cw'][$char]; }
			elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
			else { $w += 500; }
	else {
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
			if ($char == 173) { return 0; }	// Soft Hyphens
			else if ($this->S && isset($this->upperCase[$char])) {
				$charw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'],$this->upperCase[$char]);
				if ($charw!==false) {
					$charw = $charw*$this->smCapsScale * $this->smCapsStretch/100;
				elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth']; }
				elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
				else { $w += 500; }
			else {
				$charw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'],$char);
				if ($charw!==false) { $w+=$charw; }
				elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth']; }
				elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
				else { $w += 500; }
	}	// *CJK-FONTS*
	$w *=  ($this->FontSize/ 1000);
	if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
		if ($c==' ') $nb_spaces = 1;
		else $nb_spaces = 0;
		$w += $this->fixedlSpacing + ($nb_spaces * $this->minwSpacing);
	return ($w);

function GetCharWidth($c, $addSubset=true) {
	if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
		return $this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c, $addSubset);
	else {
		return $this->GetCharWidthCore($c);

function GetStringWidth($s, $addSubset=true) {
			//Get width of a string in the current font
			$s = (string)$s;
			$cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
			$w = 0;
			$kerning = 0;
			$lastchar = 0;
			$nb_carac = 0;
			$nb_spaces = 0;
			if ($this->iterationCounter) $s = preg_replace('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/', '\\1', $s);

			if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
			      $s = str_replace("\xc2\xad",'',$s );
				$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($s, $addSubset);
				if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
					$nb_carac = count($unicode);
					$nb_spaces = mb_substr_count($s,' ', $this->mb_enc);
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
				if ($this->CurrentFont['type'] == 'Type0') {	// CJK Adobe fonts
					foreach($unicode as $char) {
						if (isset($cw[$char])) { $w+=$cw[$char]; }
						elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
						else { $w += 500; }
				else {
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
					foreach($unicode as $char) {
						if ($this->S && isset($this->upperCase[$char])) {
							$charw = $this->_getCharWidth($cw,$this->upperCase[$char]);
							if ($charw!==false) {
								$charw = $charw*$this->smCapsScale * $this->smCapsStretch/100;
							elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth']; }
							elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
							else { $w += 500; }
						else {
							$charw = $this->_getCharWidth($cw,$char);
							if ($charw!==false) { $w+=$charw; }
							elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['desc']['MissingWidth']; }
							elseif(isset($this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth'])) { $w += $this->CurrentFont['MissingWidth']; }
							else { $w += 500; }
							if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning && $lastchar) {
								if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$lastchar][$char])) {
									$kerning += $this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$lastchar][$char];
							$lastchar = $char;
				}	// *CJK-FONTS*

			else {
				if ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
			      	$s = str_replace(chr(173),'',$s );
				$nb_carac = $l = strlen($s);
				if ($this->minwSpacing || $this->fixedlSpacing) {
					$nb_spaces = substr_count($s,' ');
				for($i=0; $i<$l; $i++) {
					if ($this->S && isset($this->upperCase[ord($s[$i])])) {
						$charw = $cw[chr($this->upperCase[ord($s[$i])])];
						if ($charw!==false) {
							$charw = $charw*$this->smCapsScale * $this->smCapsStretch/100;
					else if (isset($cw[$s[$i]])) {
						$w += $cw[$s[$i]];
					else if (isset($cw[ord($s[$i])])) {
						$w += $cw[ord($s[$i])];
					if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning && $i>0) {
						if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i-1)]][$s[$i]])) {
							$kerning += $this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i-1)]][$s[$i]];
			if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning) { $w += $kerning; }
			$w *=  ($this->FontSize/ 1000);
			$w += (($nb_carac + $nb_spaces) * $this->fixedlSpacing) + ($nb_spaces * $this->minwSpacing);
			return ($w);

function SetLineWidth($width) {
	//Set line width
	$lwout = (sprintf('%.3F w',$width*_MPDFK));
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth'] != $lwout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth']) || $this->keep_block_together)) {
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineWidth'] = $lwout;

function Line($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2) {
	//Draw a line
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S',$x1*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y1)*_MPDFK,$x2*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y2)*_MPDFK));

function Arrow($x1,$y1,$x2,$y2,$headsize=3,$fill='B',$angle=25) {
  //F == fill //S == stroke //B == stroke and fill
  // angle = splay of arrowhead - 1 - 89 degrees
  if($fill=='F')	$fill='f';
  elseif($fill=='FD' or $fill=='DF' or $fill=='B') $fill='B';
  else $fill='S';
  $a = atan2(($y2-$y1),($x2-$x1));
  $b = $a + deg2rad($angle);
  $c = $a - deg2rad($angle);
  $x3 = $x2 - ($headsize* cos($b));
  $y3 = $this->h-($y2 - ($headsize* sin($b)));
  $x4 = $x2 - ($headsize* cos($c));
  $y4 = $this->h-($y2 - ($headsize* sin($c)));

  $x5 = $x3-($x3-$x4)/2;	// mid point of base of arrowhead - to join arrow line to
  $y5 = $y3-($y3-$y4)/2;

  $s = '';
  $s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S',$x1*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y1)*_MPDFK,$x5*_MPDFK,$y5*_MPDFK);

  $s = '';
  $s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l %.3F %.3F l ',$x5*_MPDFK,$y5*_MPDFK,$x3*_MPDFK,$y3*_MPDFK,$x2*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y2)*_MPDFK,$x4*_MPDFK,$y4*_MPDFK,$x5*_MPDFK,$y5*_MPDFK);

function Rect($x,$y,$w,$h,$style='') {
	//Draw a rectangle
	if($style=='F')	$op='f';
	elseif($style=='FD' or $style=='DF') $op='B';
	else $op='S';
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$w*_MPDFK,-$h*_MPDFK,$op));

function AddFont($family,$style='') {
	if(empty($family)) { return; }
	$family = strtolower($family);
	if($style=='IB') $style='BI';
	$fontkey = $family.$style;
	// check if the font has been already added
	if(isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) {

/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
	if (in_array($family,$this->available_CJK_fonts)) {
		if (empty($this->Big5_widths)) { require(_MPDF_PATH . 'includes/CJKdata.php'); }
		$this->AddCJKFont($family);	// don't need to add style
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { die("mPDF Error - problem with Font management"); }

	$stylekey = $style;
	if (!$style) { $stylekey = 'R'; }

	if (!isset($this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey]) || !$this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey]) {
		die('mPDF Error - Font is not supported - '.$family.' '.$style);

	$name = '';
	$originalsize = 0;
	$sip = false;
	$smp = false;
	$unAGlyphs = false;	// mPDF 5.4.05
	$haskerninfo = false;
	$BMPselected = false;

	$ttffile = '';
	if (defined('_MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS')) {
		$ttffile = _MPDF_SYSTEM_TTFONTS.$this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey];
		if (!file_exists($ttffile)) { $ttffile = ''; }
	if (!$ttffile) {
		$ttffile = _MPDF_TTFONTPATH.$this->fontdata[$family][$stylekey];
		if (!file_exists($ttffile)) { die("mPDF Error - cannot find TTF TrueType font file - ".$ttffile); }
	$ttfstat = stat($ttffile);

	if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['TTCfontID'][$stylekey])) { $TTCfontID = $this->fontdata[$family]['TTCfontID'][$stylekey]; }
	else { $TTCfontID = 0; }

	$BMPonly = false;
	if (in_array($family,$this->BMPonly)) { $BMPonly = true; }
	$regenerate = false;
	if ($BMPonly && !$BMPselected) { $regenerate = true; }
	else if (!$BMPonly && $BMPselected) { $regenerate = true; }
	if ($this->useKerning && !$haskerninfo) { $regenerate = true; }
	// mPDF 5.4.05
	if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['unAGlyphs']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['unAGlyphs'] && !$unAGlyphs) {
		$regenerate = true;
		$unAGlyphs = true;
	else if ((!isset($this->fontdata[$family]['unAGlyphs']) || !$this->fontdata[$family]['unAGlyphs']) && $unAGlyphs) {
		$regenerate = true;
		$unAGlyphs = false;
	if (!isset($name) || $originalsize != $ttfstat['size'] || $regenerate) {
		if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); }
		$ttf = new TTFontFile();
		$ttf->getMetrics($ttffile, $TTCfontID, $this->debugfonts, $BMPonly, $this->useKerning, $unAGlyphs);	// mPDF 5.4.05
		$cw = $ttf->charWidths;
		$kerninfo = $ttf->kerninfo;
		$haskerninfo = true;
		$name = preg_replace('/[ ()]/','',$ttf->fullName);
		$sip = $ttf->sipset;
		$smp = $ttf->smpset;

		$desc= array('Ascent'=>round($ttf->ascent),
		'FontBBox'=>'['.round($ttf->bbox[0])." ".round($ttf->bbox[1])." ".round($ttf->bbox[2])." ".round($ttf->bbox[3]).']',
		$panose = '';
		// mPDF 5.5.19
		if (count($ttf->panose)) {
			$panoseArray = array_merge(array($ttf->sFamilyClass, $ttf->sFamilySubClass), $ttf->panose);
			foreach($panoseArray as $value)
				$panose .= ' '.dechex($value);
		$up = round($ttf->underlinePosition);
		$ut = round($ttf->underlineThickness);
		$originalsize = $ttfstat['size']+0;
		$type = 'TTF';
		//Generate metrics .php file
		if ($sip) $s.='$sip=true;'."\n";
		else $s.='$sip=false;'."\n";
		if ($smp) $s.='$smp=true;'."\n";
		else $s.='$smp=false;'."\n";
		if ($BMPonly) $s.='$BMPselected=true;'."\n";
		else $s.='$BMPselected=false;'."\n";
		if ($this->useKerning) {
		else $s.='$haskerninfo=false;'."\n";
		// mPDF 5.4.05
		if ($this->fontdata[$family]['unAGlyphs']) {
		else $s.='$unAGlyphs=false;'."\n";
		if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
			$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.mtx.php',"w");
			$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.cw.dat',"wb");
		else if ($this->debugfonts) { $this->Error('Cannot write to the font caching directory - '._MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH); }
	else {
		$cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.cw.dat');

	if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['indic']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['indic']) { $indic = true; }
	else { $indic = false; }
	if (isset($this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext']) && $this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext']) { $sipext = $this->fontdata[$family]['sip-ext']; }
	else { $sipext = ''; }

	$i = count($this->fonts)+$this->extraFontSubsets+1;
	if ($sip || $smp) {
		$this->fonts[$fontkey] = array('i'=>$i, 'type'=>$type, 'name'=>$name, 'desc'=>$desc, 'panose'=>$panose, 'up'=>$up, 'ut'=>$ut, 'cw'=>$cw, 'ttffile'=>$ttffile, 'fontkey'=>$fontkey, 'subsets'=>array(0=>range(0,127)), 'subsetfontids'=>array($i), 'used'=>false, 'indic'=>$indic, 'sip'=>$sip, 'sipext'=>$sipext, 'smp'=>$smp, 'TTCfontID' => $TTCfontID, 'unAGlyphs' => false);	// mPDF 5.4.05
	else  {
		$ss = array();
		for ($s=32; $s<128; $s++) { $ss[$s] = $s; }
		$this->fonts[$fontkey] = array('i'=>$i, 'type'=>$type, 'name'=>$name, 'desc'=>$desc, 'panose'=>$panose, 'up'=>$up, 'ut'=>$ut, 'cw'=>$cw, 'ttffile'=>$ttffile, 'fontkey'=>$fontkey, 'subset'=>$ss, 'used'=>false, 'indic'=>$indic, 'sip'=>$sip, 'sipext'=>$sipext, 'smp'=>$smp, 'TTCfontID' => $TTCfontID, 'unAGlyphs' => $unAGlyphs);	// mPDF 5.4.05
	if ($this->useKerning && $haskerninfo) { $this->fonts[$fontkey]['kerninfo'] = $kerninfo; }
	$this->FontFiles[$fontkey]=array('length1'=>$originalsize, 'type'=>"TTF", 'ttffile'=>$ttffile, 'sip'=>$sip, 'smp'=>$smp);

function SetFont($family,$style='',$size=0, $write=true, $forcewrite=false) {
	if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) {
		if ($family == 'sans' || $family == 'sans-serif') { $family = $this->sans_fonts[0]; }
		if ($family == 'serif') { $family = $this->serif_fonts[0]; }
		if ($family == 'mono' || $family == 'monospace') { $family = $this->mono_fonts[0]; }
	if (isset($this->fonttrans[$family]) && $this->fonttrans[$family]) { $family = $this->fonttrans[$family]; }
	if($family=='') {
		if ($this->FontFamily) { $family=$this->FontFamily; }
		else if ($this->default_font) { $family=$this->default_font; }
		else { $this->Error("No font or default font set!"); }
	$this->ReqFontStyle = $style;	// required or requested style - used later for artificial bold/italic

	if (($family == 'csymbol') || ($family == 'czapfdingbats')  || ($family == 'ctimes')  || ($family == 'ccourier') || ($family == 'chelvetica')) {
		if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
		   if ($family == 'csymbol' || $family == 'czapfdingbats') {
			$this->Error("Symbol and Zapfdingbats cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a).");
		   if ($family == 'ctimes'  || $family == 'ccourier' || $family == 'chelvetica') {
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Core Adobe font ".ucfirst($family)." cannot be embedded in mPDF, which is required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a. (Embedded font will be substituted.)"; }
			if ($family == 'chelvetica') { $family = 'sans'; }
			if ($family == 'ctimes') { $family = 'serif'; }
			if ($family == 'ccourier') { $family = 'mono'; }
		   $this->usingCoreFont = false;
		else { $this->usingCoreFont = true; }
		if($family=='csymbol' || $family=='czapfdingbats') { $style=''; }
	else {  $this->usingCoreFont = false; }

	if ($style) {
		if(strpos($style,'U')!==false) {
		if(strpos($style,'S')!==false) {
			// Small Caps
			if (empty($this->upperCase)) { @include(_MPDF_PATH.'includes/upperCase.php'); }
		if ($style=='IB') $style='BI';
	if ($size==0) $size=$this->FontSizePt;


	$stylekey = $style;
	if (!$stylekey) { $stylekey = "R"; }

	if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
		if(!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey]) || count($this->default_available_fonts) != count($this->available_unifonts) ) { // not already added
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		  // CJK fonts
		  if (in_array($fontkey,$this->available_CJK_fonts)) {
			if(!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) {	// already added
				if (empty($this->Big5_widths)) { require(_MPDF_PATH . 'includes/CJKdata.php'); }
				$this->AddCJKFont($family);	// don't need to add style
		  // Test to see if requested font/style is available - or substitute
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
		  if (!in_array($fontkey,$this->available_unifonts)) {
			// If font[nostyle] exists - set it
			if (in_array($family,$this->available_unifonts)) {
				$style = '';

			// Else if only one font available - set it (assumes if only one font available it will not have a style)
			else if (count($this->available_unifonts) == 1) {
				$family = $this->available_unifonts[0];
				$style = '';

			else {
				$found = 0;
				// else substitute font of similar type
				if (in_array($family,$this->sans_fonts)) {
					$i = array_intersect($this->sans_fonts,$this->available_unifonts);
					if (count($i)) {
						$i = array_values($i);
						// with requested style if possible
						if (!in_array(($i[0].$style),$this->available_unifonts)) {
							$style = '';
						$family = $i[0];
						$found = 1;
				else if (in_array($family,$this->serif_fonts)) {
					$i = array_intersect($this->serif_fonts,$this->available_unifonts);
					if (count($i)) {
						$i = array_values($i);
						// with requested style if possible
						if (!in_array(($i[0].$style),$this->available_unifonts)) {
							$style = '';
						$family = $i[0];
						$found = 1;
				else if (in_array($family,$this->mono_fonts)) {
					$i = array_intersect($this->mono_fonts,$this->available_unifonts);
					if (count($i)) {
						$i = array_values($i);
						// with requested style if possible
						if (!in_array(($i[0].$style),$this->available_unifonts)) {
							$style = '';
						$family = $i[0];
						$found = 1;

				if (!$found) {
					// set first available font
					$fs = $this->available_unifonts[0];
					preg_match('/^([a-z_0-9\-]+)([BI]{0,2})$/',$fs,$fas);	// Allow "-"
					// with requested style if possible
					$ws = $fas[1].$style;
					if (in_array($ws,$this->available_unifonts)) {
						$family = $fas[1]; // leave $style as is
					else if (in_array($fas[1],$this->available_unifonts)) {
					// or without style
						$family = $fas[1];
						$style = '';
					else {
					// or with the style specified
						$family = $fas[1];
						$style = $fas[2];
			$fontkey = $family.$style;
		// try to add font (if not already added)
		$this->AddFont($family, $style);

		//Test if font is already selected
		if($this->FontFamily == $family && $this->FontFamily == $this->currentfontfamily && $this->FontStyle == $style && $this->FontStyle == $this->currentfontstyle && $this->FontSizePt == $size && $this->FontSizePt == $this->currentfontsize && !$forcewrite) {
			return $family;

		$fontkey = $family.$style;

		//Select it
		$this->FontFamily = $family;
		$this->FontStyle = $style;
		$this->FontSizePt = $size;
		$this->FontSize = $size / _MPDFK;
		$this->CurrentFont = &$this->fonts[$fontkey];
		if ($write) {
			$fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
			if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($fontout); }
			$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;

		// Added - currentfont (lowercase) used in HTML2PDF
		$this->currentfontstyle=$style.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');

	else { 	// if using core fonts

		if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
			$this->Error('Core Adobe fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a) - cannot use option to use core fonts.');

		//Test if font is already selected
		if(($this->FontFamily == $family) AND ($this->FontStyle == $style) AND ($this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
			return $family;

		if (!isset($this->CoreFonts[$fontkey])) {
			if (in_array($family,$this->serif_fonts)) { $family = 'ctimes'; }
			else if (in_array($family,$this->mono_fonts)) { $family = 'ccourier'; }
			else { $family = 'chelvetica'; }
			$this->usingCoreFont = true;
			$fontkey = $family.$style;

		if(!isset($this->fonts[$fontkey])) 	{
			if (isset($this->CoreFonts[$fontkey])) {
				//Load metric file
				if($family=='ctimes' || $family=='chelvetica' || $family=='ccourier') { $file.=strtolower($style); }
				if(!isset($cw)) { $this->Error('Could not include font metric file'); }
				if ($this->useKerning) { $this->fonts[$fontkey]['kerninfo'] = $kerninfo; }
			else {
				die('mPDF error - Font not defined');
		//Test if font is already selected
		if(($this->FontFamily == $family) AND ($this->FontStyle == $style) AND ($this->FontSizePt == $size) && !$forcewrite) {
			return $family;
		//Select it
		if ($write) {
			$fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
			if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($fontout); }
			$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
		// Added - currentfont (lowercase) used in HTML2PDF
		$this->currentfontstyle=$style.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');


	return $family;

function SetFontSize($size,$write=true) {
	//Set font size in points
	if($this->FontSizePt==$size) return;
		if ($write) {
			$fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
			// Edited mPDF 3.0
			if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($fontout); }
			$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;

function AddLink() {
	//Create a new internal link
	return $n;

function SetLink($link,$y=0,$page=-1) {
	//Set destination of internal link
	if($y==-1) $y=$this->y;
	if($page==-1)	$page=$this->page;

function Link($x,$y,$w,$h,$link) {
	$l = array($x*_MPDFK,$this->hPt-$y*_MPDFK,$w*_MPDFK,$h*_MPDFK,$link);
	if ($this->keep_block_together) {	// Save to array - don't write yet
		$this->ktLinks[$this->page][]= $l;
	else if ($this->table_rotate) {	// *TABLES*
		$this->tbrot_Links[$this->page][]= $l;	// *TABLES*
		return;	// *TABLES*
	}	// *TABLES*
	else if ($this->kwt) {
		$this->kwt_Links[$this->page][]= $l;

	if ($this->writingHTMLheader || $this->writingHTMLfooter) {
		$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks[]= $l;
	//Put a link on the page
	$this->PageLinks[$this->page][]= $l;
	// Save cross-reference to Column buffer
	$ref = count($this->PageLinks[$this->page])-1;	// *COLUMNS*
	$this->columnLinks[$this->CurrCol][INTVAL($this->x)][INTVAL($this->y)] = $ref;	// *COLUMNS*


function Text($x,$y,$txt) {
	// Output a string
	// Called (internally) by Watermark and _tableWrite [rotated cells]
	// Expects input to be mb_encoded if necessary and RTL reversed

	$s = 'q ';
	if ($this->falseBoldWeight && strpos($this->ReqFontStyle,"B") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle,"B") === false) {
		$s  .= '2 Tr 1 J 1 j ';
		$s .= sprintf('%.3F w ',($this->FontSize/130)*_MPDFK*$this->falseBoldWeight);
		$tc = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
		if($this->FillColor!=$tc) { $s .= $tc.' '; }		// stroke (outline) = same colour as text(fill)
	if (strpos($this->ReqFontStyle,"I") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle,"I") === false) {
		$aix = '1 0 0.261799 1 %.3F %.3F Tm';
	else { $aix = '%.3F %.3F Td'; }

	if($this->ColorFlag) $s.=$this->TextColor.' ';

	$this->CurrentFont['used']= true;
	if ($this->CurrentFont['type']=='TTF' && ($this->CurrentFont['sip'] || $this->CurrentFont['smp'])) {
	      $txt2 = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$txt);
		$txt2 = $this->UTF8toSubset($txt2);
		$s.=sprintf('BT '.$aix.' %s Tj ET ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$txt2);
	else if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
	      $txt2 = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$txt);
		$this->UTF8StringToArray($txt2);	// this is just to add chars to subset list
		if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning) { $s .= $this->_kern($txt2, '', $aix, $x, $y); }
		else {
			//Convert string to UTF-16BE without BOM
			$txt2= $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($txt2, false);
			$s.=sprintf('BT '.$aix.' (%s) Tj ET ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$this->_escape($txt2));
	else {
	      $txt2 = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$txt);
		if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning) { $s .= $this->_kern($txt2, '', $aix, $x, $y); }
		else {
			$s.=sprintf('BT '.$aix.' (%s) Tj ET ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$this->_escape($txt2));
	if($this->U && $txt!='') {
		$c = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
		if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $s.= ' '.$c.' '; }
		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['up'])) { $up=$this->CurrentFont['up']; }
		else { $up = -100; }
		$adjusty = (-$up/1000* $this->FontSize);
 		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut'])) { $ut=$this->CurrentFont['ut']/1000* $this->FontSize; }
		else { $ut = 60/1000* $this->FontSize; }
		$olw = $this->LineWidth;
		$s.=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w',$ut*_MPDFK));
		$s.=' '.$this->_dounderline($x,$y + $adjusty,$txt);
		$s.=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w',$olw*_MPDFK));
		if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $s.= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }
	if($this->strike && $txt!='') {
		$c = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
		if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $s.= ' '.$c.' '; }
    		//Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment (now for striked-through texts)
		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight'])) { $ch=$this->CurrentFont['desc']['CapHeight']; }
		else { $ch = 700; }
		$adjusty = (-$ch/1000* $this->FontSize) * 0.35;
 		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['ut'])) { $ut=$this->CurrentFont['ut']/1000* $this->FontSize; }
		else { $ut = 60/1000* $this->FontSize; }
		$olw = $this->LineWidth;
		$s.=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w',$ut*_MPDFK));
		$s.=' '.$this->_dounderline($x,$y+$adjusty,$txt);
		$s.=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w',$olw*_MPDFK));
		if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $s.= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }
	$s .= 'Q';

/*-- DIRECTW --*/
function WriteText($x,$y,$txt) {
	// Output a string using Text() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
	$txt = $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$txt = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
	if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $txt)) { $this->biDirectional = true; }	// *RTL*
	$this->magic_reverse_dir($txt, true, $this->directionality);	// *RTL*
	// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
	if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($txt);	// *INDIC*

function WriteCell($w,$h=0,$txt='',$border=0,$ln=0,$align='',$fill=0,$link='', $currentx=0) {
	//Output a cell using Cell() but does encoding and text reversing of RTL
	$txt = $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$txt = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
	if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $txt)) { $this->biDirectional = true; }	// *RTL*
	$this->magic_reverse_dir($txt, true, $this->directionality);	// *RTL*
	// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
	if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($txt);	// *INDIC*
	$this->Cell($w,$h,$txt,$border,$ln,$align,$fill,$link, $currentx);
/*-- END DIRECTW --*/

function ResetSpacing() {
	if ($this->ws != 0) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tw ET'); }
	if ($this->charspacing != 0) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tc ET'); }

function SetSpacing($cs,$ws) {
	if (intval($cs*1000)==0) { $cs = 0; }
	if ($cs) { $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET',$cs)); }
	else if ($this->charspacing != 0) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tc ET'); }
	if (intval($ws*1000)==0) { $ws = 0; }
	if ($ws) { $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tw ET',$ws)); }
	else if ($this->ws != 0) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tw ET'); }

function GetJspacing($nc,$ns,$w,$inclCursive) {
	$ws = 0;
	$charspacing = 0;
	$ww = $this->jSWord;
	$ncx = $nc-1;
	if ($nc == 0) { return array(0,0); }
	else if ($nc==1) { $charspacing = $w; }
	// Only word spacing allowed / possible
	else if ($this->fixedlSpacing !== false || $inclCursive) {
		if ($ns) { $ws = $w / $ns; }
	else if (!$ns) {
		$charspacing = $w / ($ncx );
		if (($this->jSmaxChar > 0) && ($charspacing > $this->jSmaxChar)) {
			$charspacing = $this->jSmaxChar;
	else if ($ns == ($ncx )) {
		$charspacing = $w / $ns;
	else {
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
			$cs = ($w * (1 - $this->jSWord)) / ($ncx );
			if (($this->jSmaxChar > 0) && ($cs > $this->jSmaxChar)) {
				$cs = $this->jSmaxChar;
				$ww = 1 - (($cs * ($ncx ))/$w);
			$charspacing = $cs;
			$ws = ($w * ($ww) ) / $ns;
		else {
			$cs = ($w * (1 - $this->jSWord)) / ($ncx -$ns);
			if (($this->jSmaxChar > 0) && ($cs > $this->jSmaxChar)) {
				$cs = $this->jSmaxChar;
				$ww = 1 - (($cs * ($ncx -$ns))/$w);
			$charspacing = $cs;
			$ws = (($w * ($ww) ) / $ns) - $charspacing;
	return array($charspacing,$ws);

function Cell($w,$h=0,$txt='',$border=0,$ln=0,$align='',$fill=0,$link='', $currentx=0, $lcpaddingL=0, $lcpaddingR=0, $valign='M', $spanfill=0, $abovefont=0, $belowfont=0, $exactWidth=false) {
	//Output a cell
	// Expects input to be mb_encoded if necessary and RTL reversed
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
	      $txt = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$txt);
	else {
	      $txt = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$txt);

	$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
	// Automatic page break
	// Allows PAGE-BREAK-AFTER = avoid to work
	if (!$this->tableLevel && (($this->y+$this->divheight>$this->PageBreakTrigger) || ($this->y+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger) ||
		($this->y+($h*2)+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom']>$this->PageBreakTrigger && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'])) and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
		$x=$this->x;//Current X position

		$ws=$this->ws;//Word Spacing
		$charspacing=$this->charspacing;//Character Spacing

		// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
		$x += $this->MarginCorrection;
		if ($currentx) {
			$currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;

	// Test: to put line through centre of cell: $this->Line($this->x,$this->y+($h/2),$this->x+50,$this->y+($h/2));

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	// COLS
	if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
		if ($currentx) {
			$currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
		$this->x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);

	// COLUMNS Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value for a column
	if ($this->ColActive) {
		if ($h) { $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$h; }
		else { $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$this->divheight; }
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

	// KEEP BLOCK TOGETHER Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value on first page
	if ($this->keep_block_together) {
		if ($h) { $this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$h; }
//		else { $this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$this->divheight; }

	if($w==0) $w = $this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x;
	if($fill==1 && $this->FillColor) {
		if((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] != $this->FillColor) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor']) || $this->keep_block_together) { $s .= $this->FillColor.' '; }
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['FillColor'] = $this->FillColor;

	$boxtop = $this->y;
	$boxheight = $h;
	$boxbottom = $this->y+$h;

	if($txt!='') {
		// FONT SIZE - this determines the baseline caculation
		if ($this->linemaxfontsize && !$this->processingHeader) { $bfs = $this->linemaxfontsize; }
		else  { $bfs = $this->FontSize; }
    		//Calculate baseline Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment
		$bfx = $this->baselineC;
    		$baseline = $bfx*$bfs;
		// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
		if($this->SUP) { $baseline -= $this->textparam['text-baseline']; }	// mPDF 5.7.1
		else if($this->SUB) { $baseline -= $this->textparam['text-baseline']; }	// mPDF 5.7.1
		else if($this->bullet) { $baseline += ($bfx-0.7)*$this->FontSize; }

		// Vertical align (for Images)
		if ($abovefont || $belowfont) {	// from flowing block - valign always M
			$va = $abovefont + (0.5*$bfs);
		else if ($this->lineheight_correction) {
			if ($valign == 'T') { $va = (0.5 * $bfs * $this->lineheight_correction); }
			else if ($valign == 'B') { $va = $h-(0.5 * $bfs * $this->lineheight_correction); }
			else { $va = 0.5*$h; }	// Middle
		else {
			if ($valign == 'T') { $va = (0.5 * $bfs * $this->default_lineheight_correction); }
			else if ($valign == 'B') { $va = $h-(0.5 * $bfs * $this->default_lineheight_correction); }
			else { $va = 0.5*$h; }	// Middle

		// spanfill or spanborder are set in FlowingBlock functions
		if ($spanfill || !empty($this->spanborddet) || $link!='') {
			$exth = 0.2;	// Add to fontsize to increase height of background / link / border
			$boxtop = $this->y+$baseline+$va-($this->FontSize*(1+$exth/2)*(0.5+$bfx));
			$boxheight = $this->FontSize * (1+$exth);
			$boxbottom = $boxtop + $boxheight;

	$bbw = $tbw = $lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
	if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
		if (!isset($this->spanborddet['B'])) { $this->spanborddet['B'] = array('s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0); }
		if (!isset($this->spanborddet['T'])) { $this->spanborddet['T'] = array('s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0); }
		if (!isset($this->spanborddet['L'])) { $this->spanborddet['L'] = array('s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0); }
		if (!isset($this->spanborddet['R'])) { $this->spanborddet['R'] = array('s' => 0, 'style' => '', 'w' => 0); }
		$bbw = $this->spanborddet['B']['w'];
		$tbw = $this->spanborddet['T']['w'];
		$lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
		$rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
	if($fill==1 || $border==1 || !empty($this->spanborddet)) {
		if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
			if ($fill==1) {
				$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f ',($this->x-$lbw)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw)*_MPDFK,($w+$lbw+$rbw)*_MPDFK,(-$boxheight-$tbw-$bbw)*_MPDFK);
			$s.= ' q ';
			$dashon = 3;
			$dashoff = 3.5;
			$dot = 2.5;
			if($tbw) {
				$short = 0;
				if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dashed') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ',$tbw*$dashon*_MPDFK,$tbw*$dashoff*_MPDFK);
				else if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'dotted') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ',0.001,$tbw*$dot*_MPDFK,-$tbw/2*_MPDFK);
					$short = $tbw/2;
				else {
					$s.=' 0 j 0 J [] 0 d ';
				$c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['T']['c'],true);
				if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'double') {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$tbw/3*_MPDFK);
					$xadj = $xadj2 = 0;
					if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'double') { $xadj = $this->spanborddet['L']['w']*2/3; }
					if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'double') { $xadj2 = $this->spanborddet['R']['w']*2/3; }
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw*5/6)*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw+$xadj)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short-$xadj2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw/6)*_MPDFK);
				else {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$tbw*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw/2)*_MPDFK);
			if($bbw) {
				$short = 0;
				if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dashed') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ',$bbw*$dashon*_MPDFK,$bbw*$dashoff*_MPDFK);
				else if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'dotted') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ',0.001,$bbw*$dot*_MPDFK,-$bbw/2*_MPDFK);
					$short = $bbw/2;
				else {
					$s.=' 0 j 0 J [] 0 d ';
				$c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['B']['c'],true);
				if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'double') {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$bbw/3*_MPDFK);
					$xadj = $xadj2 = 0;
					if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'double') { $xadj = $this->spanborddet['L']['w']*2/3; }
					if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'double') { $xadj2 = $this->spanborddet['R']['w']*2/3; }
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw+$xadj)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short-$xadj2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw/6)*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw*5/6)*_MPDFK);
				else {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$bbw*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw-$short)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw/2)*_MPDFK);
			if($lbw) {
				$short = 0;
				if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'dashed') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ',$lbw*$dashon*_MPDFK,$lbw*$dashoff*_MPDFK);
				else if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'dotted') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ',0.001,$lbw*$dot*_MPDFK,-$lbw/2*_MPDFK);
					$short = $lbw/2;
				else {
					$s.=' 0 j 0 J [] 0 d ';
				$c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['L']['c'],true);
				if ($this->spanborddet['L']['style'] == 'double') {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$lbw/3*_MPDFK);
					$yadj = $yadj2 = 0;
					if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'double') { $yadj = $this->spanborddet['T']['w']*2/3; }
					if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'double') { $yadj2 = $this->spanborddet['B']['w']*2/3; }
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw-$yadj)*_MPDFK,($this->x-$lbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short+$yadj2)*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw)*_MPDFK,($this->x-$lbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short)*_MPDFK);
				else {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$lbw*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x-$lbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw)*_MPDFK,($this->x-$lbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short)*_MPDFK);
			if($rbw) {
				$short = 0;
				if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'dashed') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 0 j 0 J [%.3F %.3F] 0 d ',$rbw*$dashon*_MPDFK,$rbw*$dashoff*_MPDFK);
				else if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'dotted') {
					$s.=sprintf(' 1 j 1 J [%.3F %.3F] %.3F d ',0.001,$rbw*$dot*_MPDFK,-$rbw/2*_MPDFK);
					$short = $rbw/2;
				else {
					$s.=' 0 j 0 J [] 0 d ';
				$c = $this->SetDColor($this->spanborddet['R']['c'],true);
				if ($this->spanborddet['R']['style'] == 'double') {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$rbw/3*_MPDFK);
					$yadj = $yadj2 = 0;
					if ($this->spanborddet['T']['style'] == 'double') { $yadj = $this->spanborddet['T']['w']*2/3; }
					if ($this->spanborddet['B']['style'] == 'double') { $yadj2 = $this->spanborddet['B']['w']*2/3; }
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x+$w+$rbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw-$yadj)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short+$yadj2)*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x+$w+$rbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw*5/6)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short)*_MPDFK);
				else {
					$s.=sprintf(' %s %.3F w ',$c,$rbw*_MPDFK);
					$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($this->x+$w+$rbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop+$tbw)*_MPDFK,($this->x+$w+$rbw/2)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxbottom-$bbw+$short)*_MPDFK);
			$s.= ' Q ';
		else {
			if ($fill==1) $op=($border==1) ? 'B' : 'f';
			else $op='S';
			$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s ',$this->x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop)*_MPDFK,$w*_MPDFK,-$boxheight*_MPDFK,$op);

	if(is_string($border)) {
			$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop)*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($boxbottom))*_MPDFK);
			$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop)*_MPDFK,($x+$w)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop)*_MPDFK);
			$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',($x+$w)*_MPDFK,($this->h-$boxtop)*_MPDFK,($x+$w)*_MPDFK,($this->h-($boxbottom))*_MPDFK);
			$s.=sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($boxbottom))*_MPDFK,($x+$w)*_MPDFK,($this->h-($boxbottom))*_MPDFK);

	if($txt!='') {
		if ($exactWidth)
			$stringWidth = $w;
			$stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($txt) + ( $this->charspacing * mb_strlen( $txt, $this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK )
				 + ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count( $txt, ' ', $this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK );

		if($align=='R') {
			$dx=$w-$this->cMarginR - $stringWidth - $lcpaddingR;
		elseif($align=='C') {
			$dx=(($w - $stringWidth )/2);
		elseif($align=='L' or $align=='J') $dx=$this->cMarginL + $lcpaddingL;
    		else $dx = 0;

		if($this->ColorFlag) $s .='q '.$this->TextColor.' ';

		if($this->textparam['outline-s'] && !$this->S) {	// mPDF 5.6.07
			$s .=' '.sprintf('%.3F w',$this->LineWidth*_MPDFK).' ';
			$s .=" $this->DrawColor ";
			$s .=" 2 Tr ";
		else if ($this->falseBoldWeight && strpos($this->ReqFontStyle,"B") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle,"B") === false && !$this->S) {	// can't use together with OUTLINE or Small Caps
			$s .= ' 2 Tr 1 J 1 j ';
			$s .= ' '.sprintf('%.3F w',($this->FontSize/130)*_MPDFK*$this->falseBoldWeight).' ';
			$tc = strtoupper($this->TextColor); // change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
			if($this->FillColor!=$tc) { $s .= ' '.$tc.' '; }		// stroke (outline) = same colour as text(fill)
		else { $s .=" 0 Tr "; }	// mPDF 5.6.07

		if (strpos($this->ReqFontStyle,"I") !== false && strpos($this->FontStyle,"I") === false) {	// Artificial italic
			$aix = '1 0 0.261799 1 %.3F %.3F Tm ';
		else { $aix = '%.3F %.3F Td '; }

		$sub = '';
		$this->CurrentFont['used']= true;

		// IF multibyte - Tw has no effect - need to use alternative method - do word spacing using an adjustment before each space
		if ($this->ws && !$this->usingCoreFont && !$this->CurrentFont['sip'] && !$this->CurrentFont['smp'] && !$this->S) {
		  $sub .= ' BT 0 Tw ET ';
		  if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning) { $sub .= $this->_kern($txt, 'MBTw', $aix, ($this->x+$dx), ($this->y+$baseline+$va)); }
		  else {
			$space = " ";
			//Convert string to UTF-16BE without BOM
			$space= $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($space , false);
			$space=$this->_escape($space );
			$sub .=sprintf('BT '.$aix,($this->x+$dx)*_MPDFK,($this->h-($this->y+$baseline+$va))*_MPDFK);
			$t = explode(' ',$txt);
			$sub .=sprintf(' %.3F Tc [',$this->charspacing);
			$numt = count($t);
			for($i=0;$i<$numt;$i++) {
				$tx = $t[$i];
				//Convert string to UTF-16BE without BOM
				$tx = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($tx , false);
				$tx = $this->_escape($tx);
				$sub .=sprintf('(%s) ',$tx);
				if (($i+1)<$numt) {
					$adj = -($this->ws)*1000/$this->FontSizePt;
					$sub .=sprintf('%d(%s) ',$adj,$space);
			$sub .='] TJ ';
			$sub .=' ET';
		else {
		  $txt2= $txt;
		  if ($this->CurrentFont['type']=='TTF' && ($this->CurrentFont['sip'] || $this->CurrentFont['smp'])) {
			if ($this->S) { $sub .= $this->_smallCaps($txt2, 'SIPSMP', $aix, $dx, _MPDFK, $baseline, $va); }
			else {
				$txt2 = $this->UTF8toSubset($txt2);
				$sub .=sprintf('BT '.$aix.' %s Tj ET',($this->x+$dx)*_MPDFK,($this->h-($this->y+$baseline+$va))*_MPDFK,$txt2);
		  else {
			if ($this->S) { $sub .= $this->_smallCaps($txt2, '', $aix, $dx, _MPDFK, $baseline, $va); }
			else if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning) { $sub .= $this->_kern($txt2, '', $aix, ($this->x+$dx), ($this->y+$baseline+$va)); }
			else {
				if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
					$txt2 = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($txt2, false);
				$sub .=sprintf('BT '.$aix.' (%s) Tj ET',($this->x+$dx)*_MPDFK,($this->h-($this->y+$baseline+$va))*_MPDFK,$txt2);
		if($this->U) {
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			$c = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['color'];
			if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$c.' '; }
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			$decorationfontkey = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontkey'];
			$decorationfontsize = $this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontsize'];
			if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['up'])) { $up=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['up']; }
			else { $up = -100; }
			$adjusty = (-$up/1000* $decorationfontsize);
			if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut'])) { $ut=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
			else { $ut = 60/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
			$ubaseline = $this->baselineC*$bfs - $this->textparam['u-decoration']['baseline'];
			$olw = $this->LineWidth;
			$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ',$ut*_MPDFK));
			$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$ubaseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt,$OTLdata,$textvar);
			$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ',$olw*_MPDFK));
			if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }

		if($this->strike) {
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			$c = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['color'];
			if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$c.' '; }
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			$decorationfontkey = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontkey'];
			$decorationfontsize = $this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontsize'];
 			//Superscript and Subscript Y coordinate adjustment (now for striked-through texts)
			if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight'])) { $ch=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['desc']['CapHeight']; }
			else { $ch = 700; }
			$adjusty = (-$ch/1000* $decorationfontsize) * $this->baselineS;
 			if (isset($this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut'])) { $ut=$this->fonts[$decorationfontkey]['ut']/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
			else { $ut = 60/1000* $decorationfontsize; }
			$sbaseline = $this->baselineC*$bfs - $this->textparam['s-decoration']['baseline'];
			$olw = $this->LineWidth;
			$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 0 j 0 J ',$ut*_MPDFK));
			$sub .=' '.$this->_dounderline($this->x+$dx,$this->y+$sbaseline+$va+$adjusty,$txt,$OTLdata,$textvar);
			$sub .=' '.(sprintf(' %.3F w 2 j 2 J ',$olw*_MPDFK));
			if($this->FillColor!=$c) { $sub .= ' '.$this->FillColor.' '; }

		if ($this->textshadow) {		// First to process is last in CSS comma separated shadows
			foreach($this->textshadow AS $ts) {
					$s .= ' q ';
					$s .= $this->SetTColor($ts['col'], true)."\n";
					if ($ts['col']{0}==5 && ord($ts['col']{4})<100) {	// RGBa
						$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col']{4})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
					else if ($ts['col']{0}==6 && ord($ts['col']{5})<100) {	// CMYKa
						$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col']{5})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
					else if ($ts['col']{0}==1 && $ts['col']{2}==1 && ord($ts['col']{3})<100) {	// Gray
						$s .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($ts['col']{3})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
					$s .= sprintf(' 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm', $ts['x']*_MPDFK, -$ts['y']*_MPDFK)."\n";
					$s .= $sub;
					$s .= ' Q ';

		$s .= $sub;

		// COLOR
		if($this->ColorFlag) $s .=' Q';

		// LINK
		if($link!='') {
	if($s) $this->_out($s);

	if ($this->ws && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
		$this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET',$this->charspacing));
	if( strpos($txt,"\n") !== false) $ln=1; // cell recognizes \n from <BR> tag
		//Go to next line
		$this->y += $h;
		if($ln==1) {
			//Move to next line
			if ($currentx != 0) { $this->x=$currentx; }
			else { $this->x=$this->lMargin; }
	else $this->x+=$w;


function _kern($txt, $mode, $aix, $x, $y) {
   if ($mode == 'MBTw') {	// Multibyte requiring word spacing
		  $space = ' ';
		  //Convert string to UTF-16BE without BOM
		  $space= $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($space , false);
		  $space=$this->_escape($space );
		  $s = sprintf(' BT '.$aix,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK);
		  $t = explode(' ',$txt);
		  for($i=0;$i<count($t);$i++) {
			$tx = $t[$i];

			$tj = '(';
			$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($tx);
			for($ti=0;$ti<count($unicode);$ti++) {
				if ($ti > 0 && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($ti-1)]][$unicode[$ti]]))  {
							$kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($ti-1)]][$unicode[$ti]];
							$tj .= sprintf(')%d(',$kern);
				$tc = code2utf($unicode[$ti]);
				$tc = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($tc, false);
				$tj .= $this->_escape($tc);
			$tj .= ')';
			$s.=sprintf(' %.3F Tc [%s] TJ',$this->charspacing,$tj);

			if (($i+1)<count($t)) {
				$s.=sprintf(' %.3F Tc (%s) Tj',$this->ws+$this->charspacing,$space);
		  $s.=' ET ';
   else if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
	$s = '';
	$tj = '(';
	$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($txt);
	for($i=0;$i<count($unicode);$i++) {
		if ($i > 0 && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i-1)]][$unicode[$i]])) {
					$kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$unicode[($i-1)]][$unicode[$i]];
					$tj .= sprintf(')%d(',$kern);
		$tx = code2utf($unicode[$i]);
		$tx = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($tx, false);
		$tj .= $this->_escape($tx);
	$tj .= ')';
	$s.=sprintf(' BT '.$aix.' [%s] TJ ET ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$tj);
   else {	// CORE Font
	$s = '';
	$tj = '(';
	$l = strlen($txt);
	for($i=0;$i<$l;$i++) {
		if ($i > 0 && isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$txt[($i-1)]][$txt[$i]])) {
			$kern = -$this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$txt[($i-1)]][$txt[$i]];
			$tj .= sprintf(')%d(',$kern);
		$tj .= $this->_escape($txt[$i]);
	$tj .= ')';
	$s.=sprintf(' BT '.$aix.' [%s] TJ ET ',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$tj);

   return $s;

function _smallCaps($txt, $mode, $aix, $dx, $k, $baseline, $va) {
	$upp = false;
	$str = array();
	$bits = array();
	if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
	   $unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($txt);
	   foreach($unicode as $char) {
		if ($this->ws && $char == 32) { 	// space
			if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }
			$bits[] = array(false, array(32), true);
			$str = array();
			$upp = false;
		else if (isset($this->upperCase[$char])) {
			if (!$upp) {
				if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }
				$str = array();
			$str[] = $this->upperCase[$char];
			if ((!isset($this->CurrentFont['sip']) || !$this->CurrentFont['sip']) && (!isset($this->CurrentFont['smp']) || !$this->CurrentFont['smp'])) {
				$this->CurrentFont['subset'][$this->upperCase[$char]] = $this->upperCase[$char];
			$upp = true;
		else {
			if ($upp) {
				if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }
				$str = array();
			$str[] = $char;
			$upp = false;
	else {
	   for($i=0;$i<strlen($txt);$i++) {
		if (isset($this->upperCase[ord($txt[$i])]) && $this->upperCase[ord($txt[$i])] < 256) {
			if (!$upp) {
				if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }
				$str = array();
			$str[] = $this->upperCase[ord($txt[$i])];
			$upp = true;
		else {
			if ($upp) {
				if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }
				$str = array();
			$str[] = ord($txt[$i]);
			$upp = false;
	if (count($str)) { $bits[] = array($upp, $str, false); }

	$fid = $this->CurrentFont['i'];

	$s=sprintf(' BT '.$aix,($this->x+$dx)*$k,($this->h-($this->y+$baseline+$va))*$k);
	foreach($bits AS $b) {
		if ($b[0]) { $upp = true; }
		else { $upp = false; }

		$size = count ($b[1]);
		$txt = '';
		for ($i = 0; $i < $size; $i++) {
			$txt .= code2utf($b[1][$i]);
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
			$txt = utf8_decode($txt);
		if ($mode == 'SIPSMP') {
			$txt = $this->UTF8toSubset($txt);
		else {
			if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
				$txt = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($txt, false);
			$txt = '('.$txt.')';
		if ($b[2]) { // space
			$s.=sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf %d Tz', $fid, $this->FontSizePt, 100);
			$s.=sprintf(' %.3F Tc', ($this->charspacing+$this->ws));
			$s.=sprintf(' %s Tj', $txt);
		else if ($upp) {
			$s.=sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf', $fid, $this->FontSizePt*$this->smCapsScale);
			$s.=sprintf(' %d Tz', $this->smCapsStretch);
			$s.=sprintf(' %.3F Tc', ($this->charspacing*100/$this->smCapsStretch));
			$s.=sprintf(' %s Tj', $txt);
		else {
			$s.=sprintf(' /F%d %.3F Tf %d Tz', $fid, $this->FontSizePt, 100);
			$s.=sprintf(' %.3F Tc', ($this->charspacing));
			$s.=sprintf(' %s Tj', $txt);
	$s.=' ET ';
	return $s;

function MultiCell($w,$h,$txt,$border=0,$align='',$fill=0,$link='',$directionality='ltr',$encoded=false)
	// Parameter (pre-)encoded - When called internally from ToC or textarea: mb_encoding already done - but not reverse RTL/Indic
	if (!$encoded) {
		$txt = $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
		if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
			$txt = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
		// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
		else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) {	// *INDIC*
			$this->ConvertIndic($tmp);	// *INDIC*
		}	// *INDIC*
		if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $txt)) { $this->biDirectional = true; }	// *RTL*
	if (!$align) { $align = $this->defaultAlign; }

	//Output text with automatic or explicit line breaks
	if($w==0)	$w=$this->w-$this->rMargin-$this->x;

	$wmax = ($w - ($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR));
	if ($this->usingCoreFont)  {
		while($nb>0 and $s[$nb-1]=="\n")	$nb--;
	else {
		$nb=mb_strlen($s, $this->mb_enc );
		while($nb>0 and mb_substr($s,$nb-1,1,$this->mb_enc )=="\n")	$nb--;
	if($border) {
		if($border==1) {
		else {
			if(is_int(strpos($border,'L')))	$b2.='L';
			if(is_int(strpos($border,'R')))	$b2.='R';
			$b=is_int(strpos($border,'T')) ? $b2.'T' : $b2;

   if (!$this->usingCoreFont)  {
	if ($this->biDirectional) {  $checkCursive=true; }
	else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) {  $checkCursive=true; }	// *INDIC*
	while($i<$nb) {
		//Get next character
		$c = mb_substr($s,$i,1,$this->mb_enc );
		if($c == "\n") {
			//Explicit line break
			$tmp = rtrim(mb_substr($s,$j,$i-$j,$this->mb_enc));
			$this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp, true, $directionality);	// *RTL*

			if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2;
		if($c == " ") {

		$l += $this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c);

		if($l>$wmax) {
			//Automatic line break
			if($sep==-1) {	// Only one word
				if($i==$j) $i++;
				$tmp = rtrim(mb_substr($s,$j,$i-$j,$this->mb_enc));
				$this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp, true, $directionality);	// *RTL*

			else {
				$tmp = rtrim(mb_substr($s,$j,$sep-$j,$this->mb_enc));
				if($align=='J') {
					// JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
					// Change NON_BREAKING SPACE to spaces so they are 'spaced' properly
					$tmp = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$tmp );
					$len_ligne = $this->GetStringWidth($tmp );
					$nb_carac = mb_strlen( $tmp , $this->mb_enc ) ;
					$nb_spaces = mb_substr_count( $tmp ,' ', $this->mb_enc ) ;

					if ($checkCursive) {
						if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $tmp)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *RTL*
						if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregHIchars.$this->pregBNchars.$this->pregPAchars."])/u", $tmp)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *INDIC*
					list($charspacing,$ws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * _MPDFK),$inclCursive);

				$this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp, true, $directionality);	// *RTL*

			if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2;
		else $i++;
	//Last chunk



   else {

	while($i<$nb) {
		//Get next character
		if($c == "\n") {
			//Explicit line break
			if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2;
		if($c == " ") {

		$l += $this->GetCharWidthCore($c);
		if($l>$wmax) {
			//Automatic line break
			if($sep==-1) {
				if($i==$j) $i++;
			else {
				if($align=='J') {
					$tmp = rtrim(substr($s,$j,$sep-$j));
					// JUSTIFY J using Unicode fonts (Word spacing doesn't work)
					// Change NON_BREAKING SPACE to spaces so they are 'spaced' properly
					$tmp = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$tmp);
					$len_ligne = $this->GetStringWidth($tmp );
					$nb_carac = strlen( $tmp ) ;
					$nb_spaces = substr_count( $tmp ,' ' ) ;
					list($charspacing,$ws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,((($wmax) - $len_ligne) * _MPDFK),false);
			if($border and $nl==2) $b=$b2;
		else $i++;
	//Last chunk


	//Last chunk
   if($border and is_int(strpos($border,'B')))	$b.='B';
   if (!$this->usingCoreFont)  {
		$tmp = rtrim(mb_substr($s,$j,$i-$j,$this->mb_enc));
		$this->magic_reverse_dir($tmp, true, $directionality);	// *RTL*
   else { $this->Cell($w,$h,substr($s,$j,$i-$j),$b,2,$align,$fill,$link); }

/*-- DIRECTW --*/
function Write($h,$txt,$currentx=0,$link='',$directionality='ltr',$align='') {
	if (!class_exists('directw', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/directw.php'); }
	if (empty($this->directw)) { $this->directw = new directw($this); }
/*-- END DIRECTW --*/

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/
function saveInlineProperties() {
	$saved = array();
	$saved[ 'family' ] = $this->FontFamily;
	$saved[ 'style' ] = $this->FontStyle;
	$saved[ 'sizePt' ] = $this->FontSizePt;
	$saved[ 'size' ] = $this->FontSize;
	$saved[ 'HREF' ] = $this->HREF;
	$saved[ 'underline' ] = $this->U;
	$saved[ 'smCaps' ] = $this->S;
	$saved[ 'strike' ] = $this->strike;
	$saved[ 'textshadow' ] = $this->textshadow;
	$saved[ 'SUP' ] = $this->SUP;
	$saved[ 'SUB' ] = $this->SUB;
	$saved[ 'linewidth' ] = $this->LineWidth;
	$saved[ 'drawcolor' ] = $this->DrawColor;
	$saved[ 'textparam' ] = $this->textparam;
	$saved[ 'toupper' ] = $this->toupper;
	$saved[ 'tolower' ] = $this->tolower;
	$saved[ 'capitalize' ] = $this->capitalize;
	$saved[ 'fontkerning' ] = $this->kerning;
	$saved[ 'lSpacingCSS' ] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
	$saved[ 'wSpacingCSS' ] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
	$saved[ 'I' ] = $this->I;
	$saved[ 'B' ] = $this->B;
	$saved[ 'colorarray' ] = $this->colorarray;
	$saved[ 'bgcolorarray' ] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
	$saved[ 'border' ] = $this->spanborddet;
	$saved[ 'color' ] = $this->TextColor;
	$saved[ 'bgcolor' ] = $this->FillColor;
	$saved[ 'lang' ] = $this->currentLang;
	$saved[ 'display_off' ] = $this->inlineDisplayOff;

	return $saved;

function restoreInlineProperties( &$saved) {
	$FontFamily = $saved[ 'family' ];
	$this->FontStyle = $saved[ 'style' ];
	$this->FontSizePt = $saved[ 'sizePt' ];
	$this->FontSize = $saved[ 'size' ];

	$this->currentLang =  $saved['lang'];
	if ($this->useLang && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
	  if ($this->currentLang != $this->default_lang && ((strlen($this->currentLang) == 5 && $this->currentLang != 'UTF-8') || strlen($this->currentLang ) == 2)) {
		list ($coreSuitable,$mpdf_pdf_unifonts) = GetLangOpts($this->currentLang, $this->useAdobeCJK);
		if ($mpdf_pdf_unifonts) { $this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($mpdf_pdf_unifonts); }
		else { $this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($this->default_available_fonts ); }
	  else {
		$this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($this->default_available_fonts );

	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); //Restore ColorFlag as well

	$this->HREF = $saved[ 'HREF' ];
	$this->U = $saved[ 'underline' ];
	$this->S = $saved[ 'smCaps' ];
	$this->strike = $saved[ 'strike' ];
	$this->textshadow = $saved[ 'textshadow' ];
	$this->SUP = $saved[ 'SUP' ];
	$this->SUB = $saved[ 'SUB' ];
	$this->LineWidth = $saved[ 'linewidth' ];
	$this->DrawColor = $saved[ 'drawcolor' ];
	$this->textparam = $saved[ 'textparam' ];
	$this->inlineDisplayOff = $saved['display_off'];

	$this->toupper = $saved[ 'toupper' ];
	$this->tolower = $saved[ 'tolower' ];
	$this->capitalize = $saved[ 'capitalize' ];
	$this->kerning = $saved[ 'fontkerning' ];
	$this->lSpacingCSS = $saved[ 'lSpacingCSS' ];
	if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS==='0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
		$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);
	else { $this->fixedlSpacing = false; }
	$this->wSpacingCSS = $saved[ 'wSpacingCSS' ];
	if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
		$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);
	else { $this->minwSpacing = 0; }

	$this->SetFont($FontFamily, $saved[ 'style' ].($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : ''),$saved[ 'sizePt' ],false);

	$this->currentfontstyle = $saved[ 'style' ].($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
	$this->currentfontsize = $saved[ 'sizePt' ];
	$this->SetStylesArray(array('S'=>$this->S, 'U'=>$this->U, 'B'=>$saved[ 'B' ], 'I'=>$saved[ 'I' ]));

	$this->TextColor = $saved[ 'color' ];
	$this->FillColor = $saved[ 'bgcolor' ];
	$this->colorarray = $saved[ 'colorarray' ];
	$cor = $saved[ 'colorarray' ];
	if ($cor) $this->SetTColor($cor);
	$this->spanbgcolorarray = $saved[ 'bgcolorarray' ];
	$cor = $saved[ 'bgcolorarray' ];
	if ($cor) $this->SetFColor($cor);
	$this->spanborddet = $saved[ 'border' ];

// Used when ColActive for tables - updated to return first block with background fill OR borders
function GetFirstBlockFill() {
	// Returns the first blocklevel that uses a bgcolor fill
	$startfill = 0;
	for ($i=1;$i<=$this->blklvl;$i++) {
		if ($this->blk[$i]['bgcolor'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_left']['w'] || $this->blk[$i]['border_right']['w']  || $this->blk[$i]['border_top']['w']  || $this->blk[$i]['border_bottom']['w']  ) {
			$startfill = $i;
	return $startfill;

function SetBlockFill($blvl) {
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolor']) {
		return 1;
	else {
		return 0;

//-------------------------FLOWING BLOCK------------------------------------//
//The following functions were originally written by Damon Kohler           //

function saveFont() {
	$saved = array();
	$saved[ 'family' ] = $this->FontFamily;
	$saved[ 'style' ] = $this->FontStyle;
	$saved[ 'sizePt' ] = $this->FontSizePt;
	$saved[ 'size' ] = $this->FontSize;
	$saved[ 'curr' ] = &$this->CurrentFont;
	$saved[ 'color' ] = $this->TextColor;
	$saved[ 'spanbgcolor' ] = $this->spanbgcolor;
	$saved[ 'spanbgcolorarray' ] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
	$saved[ 'bord' ] = $this->spanborder;
	$saved[ 'border' ] = $this->spanborddet;
	$saved[ 'HREF' ] = $this->HREF;
	$saved[ 'underline' ] = $this->U;
	$saved[ 'smCaps' ] = $this->S;
	$saved[ 'strike' ] = $this->strike;
	$saved[ 'textshadow' ] = $this->textshadow;
	$saved[ 'SUP' ] = $this->SUP;
	$saved[ 'SUB' ] = $this->SUB;
	$saved[ 'linewidth' ] = $this->LineWidth;
	$saved[ 'drawcolor' ] = $this->DrawColor;
	$saved[ 'textparam' ] = $this->textparam;
	$saved[ 'ReqFontStyle' ] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
	$saved[ 'fontkerning' ] = $this->kerning;
	$saved[ 'fixedlSpacing' ] = $this->fixedlSpacing;
	$saved[ 'minwSpacing' ] = $this->minwSpacing;
	return $saved;

function restoreFont( &$saved, $write=true) {
	if (!isset($saved) || empty($saved)) return;

	$this->FontFamily = $saved[ 'family' ];
	$this->FontStyle = $saved[ 'style' ];
	$this->FontSizePt = $saved[ 'sizePt' ];
	$this->FontSize = $saved[ 'size' ];
	$this->CurrentFont = &$saved[ 'curr' ];
	$this->TextColor = $saved[ 'color' ];
	$this->spanbgcolor = $saved[ 'spanbgcolor' ];
	$this->spanbgcolorarray = $saved[ 'spanbgcolorarray' ];
	$this->spanborder = $saved[ 'bord' ];
	$this->spanborddet = $saved[ 'border' ];
	$this->ColorFlag = ($this->FillColor != $this->TextColor); //Restore ColorFlag as well
	$this->HREF = $saved[ 'HREF' ];
	$this->U = $saved[ 'underline' ];
	$this->S = $saved[ 'smCaps' ];
	$this->kerning = $saved[ 'fontkerning' ];
	$this->fixedlSpacing = $saved[ 'fixedlSpacing' ];
	$this->minwSpacing = $saved[ 'minwSpacing' ];
	$this->strike = $saved[ 'strike' ];
	$this->textshadow = $saved[ 'textshadow' ];
	$this->SUP = $saved[ 'SUP' ];
	$this->SUB = $saved[ 'SUB' ];
	$this->LineWidth = $saved[ 'linewidth' ];
	$this->DrawColor = $saved[ 'drawcolor' ];
	$this->textparam = $saved[ 'textparam' ];
	if ($write) {
		$this->SetFont($saved[ 'family' ],$saved[ 'style' ].($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : ''),$saved[ 'sizePt' ],true,true);	// force output
		$fontout = (sprintf('BT /F%d %.3F Tf ET', $this->CurrentFont['i'], $this->FontSizePt));
		if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] != $fontout) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($fontout); }
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Font'] = $fontout;
		$this->SetFont($saved[ 'family' ],$saved[ 'style' ].($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : ''),$saved[ 'sizePt' ]);
	$this->ReqFontStyle = $saved[ 'ReqFontStyle' ];

function newFlowingBlock( $w, $h, $a = '', $is_table = false, $is_list = false, $blockstate = 0, $newblock=true, $blockdir='ltr')
	if (!$a) {
		if ($blockdir=='rtl') { $a = 'R'; }
		else { $a = 'L'; }
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'width' ] = ($w * _MPDFK);
	// line height in user units
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_table' ] = $is_table;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_list' ] = $is_list;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'height' ] = $h;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'lineCount' ] = 0;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'align' ] = $a;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'font' ] = array();
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'content' ] = array();
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentB' ] = array();
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentWidth' ] = 0;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'blockstate' ] = $blockstate;

	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'newblock' ] = $newblock;
	$this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'valign' ] = 'M';
	$this->flowingBlockAttr['blockdir'] = $blockdir;


function finishFlowingBlock($endofblock=false, $next='') {
	$currentx = $this->x;
	//prints out the last chunk
	$is_table = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_table' ];
	$is_list = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_list' ];
	$maxWidth =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'width' ];
	$lineHeight =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'height' ];
	$align =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'align' ];
	$content =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'content' ];
	$contentB =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentB' ];
	$font =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'font' ];
	$contentWidth =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentWidth' ];
	$lineCount =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'lineCount' ];
	$valign =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'valign' ];
	$blockstate = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'blockstate' ];

	$newblock = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'newblock' ];
	$blockdir = $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockdir'];

	// *********** BLOCK BACKGROUND COLOR *****************//
	if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] && !$is_table) {
		$fill = 0;
	else {
		$fill = 0;

	$hanger = '';	// mPDF 5.6.40

	// Always right trim!
	// Right trim content and adjust width if need to justify (later)
		if (isset($content[count($content)-1]) && preg_match('/[ ]+$/',$content[count($content)-1], $m)) {
			$strip = strlen($m[0]);
			$content[count($content)-1] = substr($content[count($content)-1],0,(strlen($content[count($content)-1])-$strip));
			$this->restoreFont( $font[ count($content)-1 ],false );
			$contentWidth -= $this->GetStringWidth($m[0]) * _MPDFK;

	// the amount of space taken up so far in user units
	$usedWidth = 0;

	// COLS
	$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

	if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	// Print out each chunk

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($is_table) {
		$ipaddingL = 0;
		$ipaddingR = 0;
		$paddingL = 0;
		$paddingR = 0;
	else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		$ipaddingL = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'];
		$ipaddingR = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'];
		$paddingL = ($ipaddingL * _MPDFK);
		$paddingR = ($ipaddingR * _MPDFK);
		$this->cMarginL =  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
		$this->cMarginR =  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'];

		// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
		$fpaddingR = 0;
		$fpaddingL = 0;
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
		if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
			list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
			if ($r_exists) { $fpaddingR = $r_width; }
			if ($l_exists) { $fpaddingL = $l_width; }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

		$usey = $this->y + 0.002;
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 0) ) {
			$usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
		// If float exists at this level
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) { $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w']; }
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) { $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w']; }
	}	// *TABLES*

		// Set Current lineheight (correction factor)
		$lhfixed = false;
/*-- LISTS --*/
		if ($is_list) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc],$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc][$this->listnum]['size'];
				$this->lineheight_correction = $am[1] / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc];
/*-- END LISTS --*/
/*-- TABLES --*/
		if ($is_table) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->table_lineheight,$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->FontSize; 				// needs to be default font-size for block ****
				$this->lineheight_correction = $lineHeight / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->table_lineheight;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'],$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size']; 	// needs to be default font-size for block ****
				$this->lineheight_correction = $am[1] / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'];
		else {
			$this->lineheight_correction = $this->normalLineheight;

		//  correct lineheight to maximum fontsize
		if ($lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = $this->lineheight; }
		else { $maxlineHeight = 0; }
		$this->forceExactLineheight = true;
		$maxfontsize = 0;
		// While we're at it, check if contains cursive text
		if ($this->biDirectional) {  $checkCursive=true; }	// *RTL*
		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk )
		  $this->restoreFont( $font[ $k ],false );
		  if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
			// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
			if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
			      $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace("\xc2\xad",'',$chunk );
				if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) {  $checkCursive=true; }	// *INDIC*
			else if ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
			      $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(173),'',$chunk );
			// Special case of sub/sup carried over on its own to last line
			if (($this->SUB || $this->SUP) && count($content)==1) { $actfs = $this->FontSize*100/55; } // 55% is font change for sub/sup
			else { $actfs = $this->FontSize; }
			if (!$lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$actfs * $this->lineheight_correction ); }
			if ($lhfixed && ($actfs > $def_fontsize || ($actfs > ($lineHeight * $this->lineheight_correction) && $is_list))) {
				$this->forceExactLineheight = false;
			$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$actfs);

		if(isset($font[count($font)-1])) {
			$lastfontreqstyle = $font[count($font)-1]['ReqFontStyle'];
			$lastfontstyle = $font[count($font)-1]['style'];
		else {
		if ($blockdir == 'ltr' && strpos($lastfontreqstyle,"I") !== false && strpos($lastfontstyle,"I") === false) {	// Artificial italic
			$lastitalic = $this->FontSize*0.15*_MPDFK;
		else { $lastitalic = 0; }

/*-- LISTS --*/
		if ($is_list && is_array($this->bulletarray) && count($this->bulletarray)) {
	  		$actfs = $this->bulletarray['fontsize'];
			if (!$lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$actfs * $this->lineheight_correction );  }
			if ($lhfixed && $actfs > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
			$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$actfs);
/*-- END LISTS --*/

		// when every text item checked i.e. $maxfontsize is set properly

		$af = 0; 	// Above font
		$bf = 0; 	// Below font
		$mta = 0;	// Maximum top-aligned
		$mba = 0;	// Maximum bottom-aligned

		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk )
		  if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
			$oh = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			$va = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['vertical-align']; // = $objattr['vertical-align'] = set as M,T,B,S
			if ($lhfixed && $oh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }

			if ($va == 'BS') {	//  (BASELINE default)
				$af = max($af, ($oh - ($maxfontsize * (0.5 + $this->baselineC))));
			else if ($va == 'M') {
				$af = max($af, ($oh - $maxfontsize)/2);
				$bf = max($bf, ($oh - $maxfontsize)/2);
			else if ($va == 'TT') {
				$bf = max($bf, ($oh - $maxfontsize));
			else if ($va == 'TB') {
				$af = max($af, ($oh - $maxfontsize));
			else if ($va == 'T') {
				$mta = max($mta, $oh);
			else if ($va == 'B') {
				$mba = max($mba, $oh);
		  // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
		  else if (!$is_table && isset($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'])) {
			if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] > 0) { 	// superscript
				$nh = ($maxfontsize * $this->baselineC) + $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * (1-$this->baselineC));
				if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
				$af = max($af, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
			else if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] < 0) {	// subscript
				$nh = ($maxfontsize * (1-$this->baselineC)) - $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * $this->baselineC);
				if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
				$bf = max($bf, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
		if ((!$lhfixed || !$this->forceExactLineheight) && ($af > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2) || $bf > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2))) {
			$maxlineHeight = $maxfontsize + $af + $bf;
		else if (!$lhfixed) { $af = $bf = ($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2; }
		if ($mta > $maxlineHeight) {
			$bf += ($mta - $maxlineHeight);
			$maxlineHeight = $mta;
		if ($mba > $maxlineHeight) {
			$af += ($mba - $maxlineHeight);
			$maxlineHeight = $mba;

		$lineHeight = $maxlineHeight;
		// If NOT images, and maxfontsize NOT > lineHeight - this value determines text baseline positioning
		if ($lhfixed && $af==0 && $bf==0 && $maxfontsize<=($def_fontsize * $this->lineheight_correction * 0.8 )) {
			$this->linemaxfontsize = $def_fontsize;
		else { $this->linemaxfontsize = $maxfontsize; }

		// Get PAGEBREAK TO TEST for height including the bottom border/padding
		$check_h = max($this->divheight,$lineHeight);

		// This fixes a proven bug...
		if ($endofblock && $newblock && $blockstate==0 && !$content) {  $check_h = 0; }
		// but ? needs to fix potentially more widespread...
	//	if (!$content) {  $check_h = 0; }

		if ($this->blklvl > 0 && !$is_table) {
		   if ($endofblock && $blockstate > 1) {
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid']) {  $check_h += $lineHeight; }
			$check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
		   //	mPDF 5.4.03
		   if (($newblock && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && $lineCount == 0) || ($endofblock && $blockstate ==3 && $lineCount == 0)) {
			$check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']);

		// Force PAGE break if column height cannot take check-height
		if ($this->ColActive && $check_h > ($this->PageBreakTrigger - $this->y0)) {

		//	mPDF 5.4.04
		// Avoid just border/background-color moved on to next page
		if ($endofblock && $blockstate > 1 && !$content) { $buff = $this->margBuffer; }
		else { $buff = 0; }

		// mPDF 5.4.04
		if(!$is_table && ($this->y+$check_h) > ($this->PageBreakTrigger + $buff) and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
  	     		$bak_x=$this->x;//Current X position
			$ws=$this->ws;//Word Spacing
			$charspacing=$this->charspacing;//Character Spacing


			// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
			$currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;
			$this->x += $this->MarginCorrection;


		if ($this->keep_block_together && !$is_table && $this->kt_p00 < $this->page && ($this->y+$check_h) > $this->kt_y00) {
			$this->keep_block_together = 0;

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			$currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			$this->x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

		if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

		if ($newblock && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top']) && $lineCount == 0 && !$is_table && !$is_list) {
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

		if ($newblock && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && $lineCount == 0 && !$is_table && !$is_list) {
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0'] = $this->y;
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = $this->page;
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] = $this->y; } // mPDF 5.6.63
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	// Paragraph INDENT
	$WidthCorrection = 0;
	if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list) && ($align != 'C')) {
		$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false);
		$WidthCorrection = ($ti*_MPDFK);

	// PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
	if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) || ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top'])) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
			$this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'],-3,true,false,1);
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*
			$this->x = $currentx;

	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
	$fpaddingR = 0;
	$fpaddingL = 0;
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
		if ($r_exists) { $fpaddingR = $r_width; }
		if ($l_exists) { $fpaddingL = $l_width; }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	$usey = $this->y + 0.002;
	if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 0) ) {
		$usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
	// If float exists at this level
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) { $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w']; }
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) { $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w']; }

	if ($content) {

		// In FinishFlowing Block no lines are justified as it is always last line
		// but if CJKorphan has allowed content width to go over max width, use J charspacing to compress line
		$nb_carac = 0;
		$nb_spaces = 0;
		$jcharspacing = 0;
		$jws = 0;
		$dottab = false; // mPDF 5.6.19
		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
			if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
				if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
				      $chunk = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$chunk );
				else {
				      $chunk = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$chunk );
				$nb_carac += mb_strlen( $chunk, $this->mb_enc );
				$nb_spaces += mb_substr_count( $chunk,' ', $this->mb_enc );
				if ($checkCursive) {
					if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $chunk)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *RTL*
					if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregHIchars.$this->pregBNchars.$this->pregPAchars."])/u", $chunk)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *INDIC*
			else if ($this->objectbuffer[$k]['type']=='dottab') { $dottab = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['outdent']; } // mPDF 5.6.19
		// if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if orphans have allowed length of line to go over the maxwidth)
		// If "orphans" in fact is just a final space - ignore this
		// mPDF 5.6.40
		$lastchar = mb_substr($content[(count($content)-1)],mb_strlen($content[(count($content)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
		if (preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $lastchar)) { $CJKoverflow = true; }
		else {$CJKoverflow = false; }
		if ((((($contentWidth + $lastitalic) > $maxWidth) && ($content[count($content)-1] != ' ') )  ||
			(!$endofblock && $align=='J' && ($next=='image' || $next=='select' || $next=='input' || $next=='textarea' || ($next=='br' && $this->justifyB4br))))  && !($CJKoverflow && $this->allowCJKoverflow) ) {	// mPDF 5.6.40
			list($jcharspacing,$jws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,($maxWidth-$lastitalic-$contentWidth-$WidthCorrection-(($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK)-($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) )),$inclCursive);
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		// mPDF 5.6.40
		else if ($this->checkCJK && $align=='J' && $CJKoverflow && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $this->CJKforceend) {
		// force-end overhang
			$hanger = mb_substr($content[count($content)-1],mb_strlen($content[count($content)-1],$this->mb_enc)-1,1,$this->mb_enc );
			if (preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $hanger)) {
				$content[count($content)-1] = mb_substr($content[count($content)-1],0,mb_strlen($content[count($content)-1],$this->mb_enc)-1,$this->mb_enc );
				$this->restoreFont( $font[ count($content)-1 ],false );
				$contentWidth -= $this->GetStringWidth($hanger) * _MPDFK;
				$nb_carac -= 1;
				list($jcharspacing,$jws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,($maxWidth-$lastitalic-$contentWidth-$WidthCorrection-(($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK)-($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) )),$inclCursive);
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

		// Check if will fit at word/char spacing of previous line - if so continue it
		// but only allow a maximum of $this->jSmaxWordLast and $this->jSmaxCharLast
		else if ($contentWidth < ($maxWidth - $lastitalic-$WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)* _MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK))) && !$this->fixedlSpacing) {
			if ($this->ws > $this->jSmaxWordLast) {
				$jws = $this->jSmaxWordLast;
			if ($this->charspacing > $this->jSmaxCharLast) {
				$jcharspacing = $this->jSmaxCharLast;
			$check = $maxWidth - $lastitalic-$WidthCorrection - $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)* _MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) ) - ( $jcharspacing * $nb_carac) - ( $jws * $nb_spaces);
			if ($check <= 0) {
				$jcharspacing = 0;
				$jws = 0;

		$empty = $maxWidth - $lastitalic-$WidthCorrection - $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)* _MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) );

		$empty -= ($jcharspacing * $nb_carac);
		$empty -= ($jws * $nb_spaces);

		$empty /= _MPDFK;

		if (!$is_table) {
			$this->maxPosR = max($this->maxPosR , ($this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_right_margin'] - $empty));
			$this->maxPosL = min($this->maxPosL , ($this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $empty));

		$arraysize = count($content);

		$margins = ($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR) + ($ipaddingL+$ipaddingR + $fpaddingR + $fpaddingR );

		if (!$is_table) { $this->DivLn($lineHeight,$this->blklvl,false); }	// false -> don't advance y

		$all_rtl = false;
		$contains_rtl = false;
/*-- RTL --*/
   		if ($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional)  {
			$all_rtl = true;
			foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
				$reversed = $this->magic_reverse_dir($chunk, false, $blockdir);
				if ($reversed > 0) { $contains_rtl = true; }
				if ($reversed < 2) { $all_rtl = false; }
				$content[$k] = $chunk;
			if (($blockdir =='rtl' && $contains_rtl) || $all_rtl) {
				$content = array_reverse($content,false);
				$contentB = array_reverse($contentB,false);
/*-- END RTL --*/

		$this->x = $currentx + $this->cMarginL + $ipaddingL + $fpaddingL;
		if ($dottab !== false && $blockdir=='rtl') { $this->x -= $dottab; } // mPDF 5.6.19
		else if ($align == 'R') { $this->x += $empty; }
		else if ($align == 'J' && $blockdir == 'rtl') { $this->x += $empty; }
		else if ($align == 'C') { $this->x += ($empty / 2); }

		// Paragraph INDENT
		$WidthCorrection = 0;
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list) && ($align !='C')) {
			$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false);
			$this->x += $ti;

          foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk )

		if ((($blockdir == 'rtl') && ($contains_rtl )) || $all_rtl ) { $dirk = $arraysize-1 - $k; } else { $dirk = $k; }

		$va = 'M';	// default for text
		if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]) && $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]) {
			$xadj = $this->x - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-X'];
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-X'] += $xadj;
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['BORDER-X'] += $xadj;
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['INNER-X'] += $xadj;
			$va = $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['vertical-align'];
			$yadj = $this->y - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-Y'];
			if ($va == 'BS') {
				$yadj += $af + ($this->linemaxfontsize * (0.5 + $this->baselineC)) - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			else if ($va == 'M' || $va == '') {
				$yadj += $af + ($this->linemaxfontsize /2) - ($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT']/2);
			else if ($va == 'TB') {
				$yadj += $af + $this->linemaxfontsize - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			else if ($va == 'TT') {
				$yadj += $af;
			else if ($va == 'B') {
				$yadj += $af + $this->linemaxfontsize + $bf - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			else if ($va == 'T') {
				$yadj += 0;
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-Y'] += $yadj;
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['BORDER-Y'] += $yadj;
			$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['INNER-Y'] += $yadj;

			if ((($blockdir == 'rtl') && ($contains_rtl )) || $all_rtl ) { $this->restoreFont( $font[ $arraysize-1 - $k ] ); }
			else { $this->restoreFont( $font[ $k ] ); }

			// mPDF 5.6.13 Decimal alignment - set in _tableWrite
			if ($is_table && substr($align,0,1)=='D' && $k==0 ) {
				$dp = $this->decimal_align[substr($align,0,2)];
				$s = preg_split('/'.preg_quote($dp,'/').'/', $content[0], 2); 	// ? needs to be /u if not core
				$s0 = $this->GetStringWidth($s[0], false);
				$this->x += ($this->decimal_offset - $s0);

			$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
			$this->minwSpacing = 0;

			// mPDF 5.6.26
			$save_vis = $this->visibility;
			if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->textparam['visibility'] != $this->visibility) {

	 		// *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
			if (isset($this->spanbgcolor) && $this->spanbgcolor) {
				$cor = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
				$save_fill = $fill; $spanfill = 1; $fill = 1;
			if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'L')!==false && isset($this->spanborddet['L'])) $this->x += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'L')===false) $this->spanborddet['L']['s'] = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] = 0;
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')===false) $this->spanborddet['R']['s'] = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] = 0;
		      $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk ) + ( $this->charspacing * mb_strlen($chunk,$this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK )
				+ ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk,' ',$this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK );
			if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$dirk])) {
				if ($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['type']=='dottab') {
					$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'] +=$empty;
					$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'] +=$this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['outdent']; // mPDF 5.6.19
				$stringWidth = $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'];

			if ($stringWidth==0) { $stringWidth = 0.000001; }
			if ($k == $arraysize-1) {
				// mPDF 5.6.40
				if ($this->checkCJK && $CJKoverflow && $align=='J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {
				  // force-end overhang
					$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
					$this->Cell( $this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $lineHeight, $hanger, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
				else {
					$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
			else $this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );//first or middle part

			if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')!==false && $k != $arraysize-1)  $this->x += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
	 		// *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR OFF - RESET BLOCK BGCOLOR ***************** //
			if (isset($spanfill) && $spanfill) {
				$fill = $save_fill; $spanfill = 0;
				if ($fill) { $this->SetFColor($bcor); }
			// mPDF 5.6.26
			if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->visibility != $save_vis) {


	$this->printobjectbuffer($is_table, $blockdir);

	$this->objectbuffer = array();


/*-- LISTS --*/
	if ($is_list && is_array($this->bulletarray) && ($lineCount == 0) ) {

	  $savedFont = $this->saveFont();

	  $bull = $this->bulletarray;
	  if (isset($bull['level']) && isset($bull['occur']) && isset($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']])) {
	  if (isset($bull['level']) && isset($bull['occur']) && isset($bull['num']) && isset($this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]) && $this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]); }
	  if (isset($bull['font']) && $bull['font'] == 'czapfdingbats') {
		$this->bullet = true;
	  else { $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily,$this->FontStyle,$this->FontSizePt,true,true); }	// force output
       //Output bullet
	  $this->x = $currentx;
	  if (isset($bull['x'])) { $this->x += $bull['x']; }
	  $this->y -= $lineHeight;
	  if (isset($bull['col']) && $bull['col']) { $this->SetTColor($bull['col']); }	// mPDF 5.6.67

        if (isset($bull['txt'])) { $this->Cell($bull['w'], $lineHeight,$bull['txt'],'','',$bull['align'],0,'',0,-$this->cMarginL, -$this->cMarginR ); }
	  if (isset($bull['font']) && $bull['font'] == 'czapfdingbats') {
		$this->bullet = false;
	  $this->x = $currentx;	// Reset
	  $this->y += $lineHeight;

	  if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	   $this->restoreFont( $savedFont );
	  // $font = array( $savedFont );

	  $this->bulletarray = array();	// prevents repeat of bullet/number if <li>....<br />.....</li>
/*-- END LISTS --*/


	// Update values if set to skipline
	if ($this->floatmargins) { $this->_advanceFloatMargins(); }

	if ($endofblock && $blockstate>1) {
		// If float exists at this level
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']['y1'])) { $fry1 = $this->floatmargins['R']['y1']; }
		else { $fry1 = 0; }
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']['y1'])) { $fly1 = $this->floatmargins['L']['y1']; }
		else { $fly1 = 0; }
		if ($this->y < $fry1 || $this->y < $fly1) {
			$drop = max($fry1,$fly1) - $this->y;
			$this->x = $currentx;

	// PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
	if ($endofblock && ($blockstate > 1) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] || $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom'] || $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height']) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			// If CSS height set, extend bottom - if on same page as block started, and CSS HEIGHT > actual height,
			//	and does not force pagebreak
			$extra = 0;
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height'] && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']==$this->page) {
				// predicted height
				$h1 = ($this->y-$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0']) + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
				if ($h1 < ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'])) { $extra = ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_height']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom']+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) - $h1; }
				if($this->y + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $extra > $this->PageBreakTrigger) {
					$extra = $this->PageBreakTrigger - ($this->y + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w']);

			// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
			$this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $extra,-3,true,false,2);
			$this->x = $currentx;

			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*


	// SET Bottom y1 of block (used for painting borders)
	if (($endofblock) && ($blockstate > 1) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y1'] = $this->y;

	if (($endofblock) && ($blockstate > 1) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom']) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
		if($this->y+$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'] < $this->PageBreakTrigger and !$this->InFooter) {
		  if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	// Reset lineheight
	$lineHeight = $this->divheight;

function printobjectbuffer($is_table=false, $blockdir=false) {
		if (!$blockdir) { $blockdir = $this->directionality; }
		if ($is_table && $this->shrin_k > 1) { $k = $this->shrin_k; }
		else { $k = 1; }
		$save_y = $this->y;
		$save_x = $this->x;
		$save_currentfontfamily = $this->FontFamily;
		$save_currentfontsize = $this->FontSizePt;
		$save_currentfontstyle = $this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
		if ($blockdir == 'rtl') { $rtlalign = 'R'; } else { $rtlalign = 'L'; }
		foreach ($this->objectbuffer AS $ib => $objattr) {
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'bookmark' || $objattr['type'] == 'indexentry' || $objattr['type'] == 'toc') {
			$x = $objattr['OUTER-X'];
			$y = $objattr['OUTER-Y'];
			$this->y = $y - $this->FontSize/2;
			$this->x = $x;
			if ($objattr['type'] == 'bookmark' ) { $this->Bookmark($objattr['CONTENT'],$objattr['bklevel'] ,$y - $this->FontSize); }	// *BOOKMARKS*
			if ($objattr['type'] == 'indexentry') { $this->IndexEntry($objattr['CONTENT']); }	// *INDEX*
			if ($objattr['type'] == 'toc') { $this->TOC_Entry($objattr['CONTENT'], $objattr['toclevel'], $objattr['toc_id']); }	// *TOC*
		   else if ($objattr['type'] == 'annot') {
			if ($objattr['POS-X']) { $x = $objattr['POS-X']; }
			else if ($this->annotMargin<>0) { $x = -$objattr['OUTER-X']; }
			else { $x = $objattr['OUTER-X']; }
			if ($objattr['POS-Y']) { $y = $objattr['POS-Y']; }
			else { $y = $objattr['OUTER-Y'] - $this->FontSize/2; }
			// Create a dummy entry in the _out/columnBuffer with position sensitive data,
			// linking $y-1 in the Columnbuffer with entry in $this->columnAnnots
			// and when columns are split in length will not break annotation from current line
			$this->y = $y-1;
			$this->x = $x-1;
			$this->Annotation($objattr['CONTENT'], $x , $y , $objattr['ICON'], $objattr['AUTHOR'], $objattr['SUBJECT'], $objattr['OPACITY'], $objattr['COLOR'], $objattr['POPUP'], $objattr['FILE']);
		   else {
			$y = $objattr['OUTER-Y'];
			$x = $objattr['OUTER-X'];
			$w = $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'];
			$h = $objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			if (isset($objattr['text'])) { $texto = $objattr['text']; }
			$this->y = $y;
			$this->x = $x;
			if (isset($objattr['fontfamily'])) { $this->SetFont($objattr['fontfamily'],'',$objattr['fontsize'] ); }

		// HR
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'hr') {
			switch($objattr['align']) {
      		    case 'C':
      		        $empty = $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] - $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
      		        $empty /= 2;
      		        $x += $empty;
      		    case 'R':
      		        $empty = $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] - $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
      		        $x += $empty;
      		$oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth;
			$this->SetLineWidth($objattr['linewidth']/$k );
			$this->y += ($objattr['linewidth']/2) + $objattr['margin_top']/$k;
		// IMAGE
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'image') {
			// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
				$this->_out("\n".'% BTR');	// Begin Transform
			if (isset($objattr['z-index']) && $objattr['z-index'] > 0 && $this->currentlayer==0) {
			if(isset($objattr['visibility']) && $objattr['visibility']!='visible' && $objattr['visibility']) {
			if (isset($objattr['opacity'])) { $this->SetAlpha($objattr['opacity']); }
			$rotate = 0;
			$obiw = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
			$obih = $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'];
			$sx = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH']*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_w'];
			$sy = abs($objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'])*_MPDFK / abs($objattr['orig_h']);
			$sx = ($objattr['INNER-WIDTH']*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_w']);
			$sy = ($objattr['INNER-HEIGHT']*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_h']);

			if (isset($objattr['ROTATE'])) { $rotate = $objattr['ROTATE']; }
			if ($rotate==90) {
				// Clockwise
				$obiw = $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'];
				$obih = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
				$tr = $this->transformTranslate(0, -$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], true) ;
				$tr .= ' '. $this->transformRotate(90, $objattr['INNER-X'],($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] ),true) ;
				$sx = $obiw*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_h'];
				$sy = $obih*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_w'];
			else if ($rotate==-90 || $rotate==270) {
				// AntiClockwise
				$obiw = $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'];
				$obih = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
				$tr = $this->transformTranslate($objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], ($objattr['INNER-HEIGHT']-$objattr['INNER-WIDTH']), true) ;
				$tr .= ' '. $this->transformRotate(-90, $objattr['INNER-X'],($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] ),true) ;
				$sx = $obiw*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_h'];
				$sy = $obih*_MPDFK / $objattr['orig_w'];
			else if ($rotate==180) {
				// Mirror
				$tr = $this->transformTranslate($objattr['INNER-WIDTH'], -$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'], true) ;
				$tr .= ' '. $this->transformRotate(180, $objattr['INNER-X'],($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] ),true) ;
			else { $tr = ''; }
			$tr = trim($tr);
			if ($tr) { $tr .= ' '; }
			$gradmask = '';

			// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			$tr2 = '';
			if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
				$maxsize_x = $w;
				$maxsize_y = $h;
				$cx = $x + $w/2;
				$cy = $y + $h/2;
				if (count($m[0])) {
					for($i=0; $i<count($m[0]); $i++) {
						$c = strtolower($m[1][$i]);
						$v = trim($m[2][$i]);
						$vv = preg_split('/[ ,]+/',$v);
						if ($c=='translate' && count($vv)) {
							$translate_x = $this->ConvertSize($vv[0],$maxsize_x,false,false);
							if (count($vv)==2) { $translate_y = $this->ConvertSize($vv[1],$maxsize_y,false,false); }
							else { $translate_y = 0; }
							$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, $translate_y, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='translatex' && count($vv)) {
							$translate_x = $this->ConvertSize($vv[0],$maxsize_x,false,false);
							$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate($translate_x, 0, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='translatey' && count($vv)) {
							$translate_y = $this->ConvertSize($vv[1],$maxsize_y,false,false);
							$tr2 .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $translate_y, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='scale' && count($vv)) {
							$scale_x = $vv[0] * 100;
							if (count($vv)==2) { $scale_y = $vv[1] * 100; }
							else { $scale_y = $scale_x; }
							$tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='scalex' && count($vv)) {
							$scale_x = $vv[0] * 100;
							$tr2 .= $this->transformScale($scale_x, 0, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='scaley' && count($vv)) {
							$scale_y = $vv[1] * 100;
							$tr2 .= $this->transformScale(0, $scale_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='skew' && count($vv)) {
							$angle_x = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
							if (count($vv)==2) { $angle_y = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[1], false); }
							else { $angle_y = 0; }
							$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle_x, $angle_y, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='skewx' && count($vv)) {
							$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
							$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew($angle, 0, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='skewy' && count($vv)) {
							$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0], false);
							$tr2 .= $this->transformSkew(0, $angle, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
						else if ($c=='rotate' && count($vv)) {
							$angle = $this->ConvertAngle($vv[0]);
							$tr2 .= $this->transformRotate($angle, $cx, $cy, true).' ';
			// Transform also affects image background
			if ($tr2) { $this->_out('q '.$tr2.' '); }
			if (isset($objattr['bgcolor']) && $objattr['bgcolor']) {
				$bgcol = $objattr['bgcolor'];
	 			$this->Rect($x,$y,$w,$h, 'F');
			if ($tr2) { $this->_out('Q'); }

			if (isset($objattr['GRADIENT-MASK'])) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $objattr['GRADIENT-MASK'] );
				if ($g) {
					$dummy = $this->grad->Gradient($objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $obiw, $obih, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true, true);
					$gradmask = '/TGS'.count($this->gradients).' gs ';
					// $this->_out("q ".$tr.$this->grad->Gradient($objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $obiw, $obih, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend'], true)." Q");
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
			if (isset($objattr['itype']) && $objattr['itype']=='wmf') {
				$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.$tr2.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']);	// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
			if (isset($objattr['itype']) && $objattr['itype']=='svg') {
				$outstring = sprintf('q '.$tr.$tr2.'%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, -$sy, $objattr['INNER-X']*_MPDFK-$sx*$objattr['wmf_x'], (($this->h-$objattr['INNER-Y'])*_MPDFK)+$sy*$objattr['wmf_y'], $objattr['ID']);	// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			else {
				$outstring = sprintf("q ".$tr.$tr2."%.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm ".$gradmask."/I%d Do Q",$obiw*_MPDFK, $obih*_MPDFK, $objattr['INNER-X'] *_MPDFK, ($this->h-($objattr['INNER-Y'] +$obih ))*_MPDFK,$objattr['ID'] );	// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			// LINK
			if (isset($objattr['link'])) $this->Link($objattr['INNER-X'],$objattr['INNER-Y'],$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'],$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'],$objattr['link']);
			if (isset($objattr['opacity'])) { $this->SetAlpha(1); }

			// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			// Transform also affects image borders
			if ($tr2) { $this->_out('q '.$tr2.' '); }
			if ((isset($objattr['border_top']) && $objattr['border_top']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_left']) && $objattr['border_left']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_right']) && $objattr['border_right']>0) || (isset($objattr['border_bottom']) && $objattr['border_bottom']>0)) { $this->PaintImgBorder($objattr,$is_table); }
			if ($tr2) { $this->_out('Q'); }

			if(isset($objattr['visibility']) && $objattr['visibility']!='visible' && $objattr['visibility']) {
			if (isset($objattr['z-index']) && $objattr['z-index'] > 0 && $this->currentlayer==0) {
			// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
			if (isset($objattr['transform'])) {
				$this->_out("\n".'% ETR');	// Begin Transform

/*-- BARCODES --*/
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'barcode') {
			$bgcol = $this->ConvertColor(255);
			if (isset($objattr['bgcolor']) && $objattr['bgcolor']) {
				$bgcol = $objattr['bgcolor'];
			$col = $this->ConvertColor(0);
			if (isset($objattr['color']) && $objattr['color']) {
				$col = $objattr['color'];
	 		$this->Rect($objattr['BORDER-X'], $objattr['BORDER-Y'], $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'], $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'], 'F');
			if (isset($objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'])) { $this->PaintImgBorder($objattr,$is_table); }
			if ($objattr['btype'] == 'EAN13' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISBN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISSN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'UPCA' || $objattr['btype'] == 'UPCE' || $objattr['btype'] == 'EAN8') {
				$this->WriteBarcode($objattr['code'], $objattr['showtext'], $objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $objattr['bsize'], 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, $objattr['bheight'], $bgcol, $col, $objattr['btype'], $objattr['bsupp'], $objattr['bsupp_code'], $k);
			// QR-code
			else if ($objattr['btype']=='QR') {
				if (!class_exists('QRcode', false)) {
				$this->qrcode = new QRcode($objattr['code'], $objattr['errorlevel']);
				$this->qrcode->displayFPDF($this, $objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $objattr['bsize']*25, array(255,255,255), array(0,0,0));
			else {
				$this->WriteBarcode2($objattr['code'], $objattr['INNER-X'], $objattr['INNER-Y'], $objattr['bsize'], $objattr['bheight'], $bgcol, $col, $objattr['btype'], $objattr['pr_ratio'], $k);
/*-- END BARCODES --*/

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'textcircle') {
			$bgcol = '';	// mPDF 5.5.14
			if (isset($objattr['bgcolor']) && $objattr['bgcolor']) {
				$bgcol = $objattr['bgcolor'];
			$col = $this->ConvertColor(0);
			if (isset($objattr['color']) && $objattr['color']) {
				$col = $objattr['color'];
	 		if ($bgcol) $this->Rect($objattr['BORDER-X'], $objattr['BORDER-Y'], $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'], $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'], 'F');	// mPDF 5.5.14
			if (isset($objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'])) { $this->PaintImgBorder($objattr,$is_table); }
			if (!class_exists('directw', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/directw.php'); }
			if (empty($this->directw)) { $this->directw = new directw($this); }
			$save_lmfs = $this->linemaxfontsize;
			$this->linemaxfontsize = 0;
			if (isset($objattr['top-text'])) {
				$this->directw->CircularText($objattr['INNER-X']+$objattr['INNER-WIDTH']/2, $objattr['INNER-Y']+$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT']/2, $objattr['r']/$k, $objattr['top-text'], 'top', $objattr['fontfamily'], $objattr['fontsize']/$k, $objattr['fontstyle'], $objattr['space-width'], $objattr['char-width'],  $objattr['divider']);		// mPDF 5.5.23
			if (isset($objattr['bottom-text'])) {
				$this->directw->CircularText($objattr['INNER-X']+$objattr['INNER-WIDTH']/2, $objattr['INNER-Y']+$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT']/2, $objattr['r']/$k, $objattr['bottom-text'], 'bottom', $objattr['fontfamily'], $objattr['fontsize']/$k, $objattr['fontstyle'], $objattr['space-width'], $objattr['char-width'],  $objattr['divider']);		// mPDF 5.5.23
			$this->linemaxfontsize = $save_lmfs;


		// DOT-TAB
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'dottab') {
				// mPDF 5.6.19
				if (isset($objattr['fontfamily'])) { $this->SetFont($objattr['fontfamily'],'',$objattr['fontsize'] ); }
				$sp = $this->GetStringWidth(' ');
				if ($nb>0) { $dots=' '.str_repeat('.',$nb).' '; }
				else { $dots=' '; }
				$col = $this->ConvertColor(0);
				if (isset($objattr['colorarray']) && ($objattr['colorarray'])) {	// mPDF 5.6.19
					$col = $objattr['colorarray'];
				$save_dh = $this->divheight;	// mPDF 5.6.19
				$save_sbd = $this->spanborddet;
				$save_u = $this->U;
				$save_s = $this->strike;
				$this->spanborddet = '';
				$this->divheight = 0;	// mPDF 5.6.19
				$this->U = false;
				$this->strike = false;
				$this->spanborddet = $save_sbd;
				$this->U = $save_u;
				$this->strike = $save_s;
				$this->divheight = $save_dh;	// mPDF 5.6.19
				// mPDF 5.0

/*-- FORMS --*/
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'TEXT' || $objattr['subtype'] == 'PASSWORD')) {

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'textarea') {

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'select') {

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'input' && $objattr['subtype'] == 'IMAGE') {

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'SUBMIT' || $objattr['subtype'] == 'RESET' || $objattr['subtype'] == 'BUTTON')) {

		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'CHECKBOX')) {
		// RADIO
		   if ($objattr['type'] == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'RADIO')) {
/*-- END FORMS --*/
		$this->y = $save_y;
		$this->x = $save_x;

function WriteFlowingBlock( $s)
	$currentx = $this->x;
	$is_table = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_table' ];
	$is_list = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'is_list' ];
	// width of all the content so far in points
	$contentWidth =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentWidth' ];
	// cell width in points
	$maxWidth =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'width' ];
	$lineCount =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'lineCount' ];
	// line height in user units
	$lineHeight =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'height' ];
	$align =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'align' ];
	$content =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'content' ];
	$contentB =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'contentB' ];
	$font =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'font' ];
	$valign =& $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'valign' ];
	$blockstate = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'blockstate' ];

	$newblock = $this->flowingBlockAttr[ 'newblock' ];
	$blockdir = $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockdir'];
	// *********** BLOCK BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
	if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] && !$is_table) {
		$fill = 0;
	else {
		$fill = 0;
	$font[] = $this->saveFont();
	$content[] = '';
	$contentB[] = '';
	$currContent =& $content[ count( $content ) - 1 ];
	// where the line should be cutoff if it is to be justified
	$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;

	$CJKoverflow = false;
	$hanger = '';	// mPDF 5.6.40

	// COLS
	$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

	if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

/*-- TABLES --*/
   if ($is_table) {
	$ipaddingL = 0;
	$ipaddingR = 0;
	$paddingL = 0;
	$paddingR = 0;
	$cpaddingadjustL = 0;
	$cpaddingadjustR = 0;
 	// Added mPDF 3.0
	$fpaddingR = 0;
	$fpaddingL = 0;
   else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		$ipaddingL = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'];
		$ipaddingR = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'];
		$paddingL = ($ipaddingL * _MPDFK);
		$paddingR = ($ipaddingR * _MPDFK);
		$this->cMarginL =  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
		$cpaddingadjustL = -$this->cMarginL;
		$this->cMarginR =  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'];
		$cpaddingadjustR = -$this->cMarginR;
		// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
		$fpaddingR = 0;
		$fpaddingL = 0;
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
		if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
			list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
			if ($r_exists) { $fpaddingR = $r_width; }
			if ($l_exists) { $fpaddingL = $l_width; }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

		$usey = $this->y + 0.002;
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 0) ) {
			$usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];
		// If float exists at this level
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) { $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w']; }
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) { $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w']; }
   }	// *TABLES*

     //OBJECTS - IMAGES & FORM Elements (NB has already skipped line/page if required - in printbuffer)
      if (substr($s,0,3) == "\xbb\xa4\xac") { //identifier has been identified!
		$objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($s);
		$h_corr = 0;
		if ($is_table) {	// *TABLES*
			$maximumW = ($maxWidth/_MPDFK) - ($this->cellPaddingL + $this->cMarginL + $this->cellPaddingR + $this->cMarginR); 	// *TABLES*
		}	// *TABLES*
		else {	// *TABLES*
			if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table)) { $h_corr = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']; }
			$maximumW = ($maxWidth/_MPDFK) - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'] + $fpaddingL + $fpaddingR );
		}	// *TABLES*
		$objattr = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'],$this->lMargin + $fpaddingL + ($contentWidth/_MPDFK),($this->y + $h_corr), $objattr, $this->lMargin,($contentWidth/_MPDFK),$maximumW,$lineHeight,true,$is_table);

		// SET LINEHEIGHT for this line ================ RESET AT END
		$lineHeight = MAX($lineHeight,$objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT']);
		$this->objectbuffer[count($content)-1] = $objattr;
		// if (isset($objattr['vertical-align'])) { $valign = $objattr['vertical-align']; }
		// else { $valign = ''; }
		$contentWidth += ($objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] * _MPDFK);

	$lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
	if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
		if (isset($this->spanborddet['L'])) $lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
		if (isset($this->spanborddet['R'])) $rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];

   if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
	$tmp = strlen( $s );
   else {
	$tmp = mb_strlen( $s, $this->mb_enc );

   // for every character in the string
   for ( $i = 0; $i < $tmp; $i++ )  {
	// extract the current character
	// get the width of the character in points
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
       	$c = $s[$i];
		// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
		$cw = ($this->GetCharWidthCore($c) * _MPDFK);
		if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning && $i > 0) {
			if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i-1)]][$c])) {
				$cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$s[($i-1)]][$c] * $this->FontSizePt / 1000 );
	else {
	      $c = mb_substr($s,$i,1,$this->mb_enc );
		$cw = ($this->GetCharWidthNonCore($c, false) * _MPDFK);
		if ($this->kerning && $this->useKerning && $i > 0) {
	     		$lastc = mb_substr($s,($i-1),1,$this->mb_enc );
			$ulastc = $this->UTF8StringToArray($lastc, false);
			$uc = $this->UTF8StringToArray($c, false);
			if (isset($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$ulastc[0]][$uc[0]])) {
				$cw += ($this->CurrentFont['kerninfo'][$ulastc[0]][$uc[0]] * $this->FontSizePt / 1000 );

	if ($i==0) {
		$cw += $lbw*_MPDFK;
		$contentB[(count($contentB)-1)] .= 'L';
	if ($i==($tmp-1)) {
		$cw += $rbw*_MPDFK;
		$contentB[(count($contentB)-1)] .= 'R';
	// mPDF 5.6.45
	if ($c==' ') {
		$currContent .= $c;
		$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
		$contentWidth += $cw;

	// Paragraph INDENT
	$WidthCorrection = 0;
	if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($lineCount == 0) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list) && ($align != 'C')) {
		$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false); 	// mPDF 5.7.4
		$WidthCorrection = ($ti*_MPDFK);

	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
	$fpaddingR = 0;
	$fpaddingL = 0;
/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
		if ($r_exists) { $fpaddingR = $r_width; }
		if ($l_exists) { $fpaddingL = $l_width; }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	$usey = $this->y + 0.002;
	if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 0) ) {
		$usey += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];

	// If float exists at this level
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline']) { $fpaddingR += $this->floatmargins['R']['w']; }
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $usey <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $usey >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] && !$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline']) { $fpaddingL += $this->floatmargins['L']['w']; }

       // try adding another char
	if (( $contentWidth + $cw > $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) ) +  0.001))  {// 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts
		// it won't fit, output what we already have

		// contains any content that didn't make it into this print
		$savedContent = '';
		$savedContentB = '';
		$savedFont = array();
		$savedObj = array();
		// mPDF 5.6.20
		$savedPreContent = array();
		$savedPreContentB = array();
		$savedPreFont = array();

		// cut off and save any partial words at the end of the string
		$words = explode( ' ', $currContent );
		$currWord = $words[count($words)-1] ;
		$success = false;

		// mPDF 5.6.21   Hard Hyphens -
		$hardsuccess = false;
		if ($this->textparam['hyphens'] != 2 && preg_match("/\-/",$currWord)) {
			$rem = $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) );
			list($hardsuccess,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->hardHyphenate($currWord, (($rem-$cutoffWidth)/_MPDFK -$this->GetCharWidth("-", false)) );
			if ($hardsuccess) {
				$already = array_pop( $words );
				$forward = mb_substr($already,$prelength+1,mb_strlen($already, $this->mb_enc), $this->mb_enc);
				$words[] = $pre.'-';
				$words[] = $forward;
				$currContent = mb_substr($currContent,0,mb_strlen($currContent, $this->mb_enc)+1-mb_strlen($post, $this->mb_enc), $this->mb_enc) . '-';

		// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
		else if ($this->textparam['hyphens'] != 2 && (!$this->usingCoreFont && preg_match("/\xc2\xad/",$currWord)) || ($this->usingCoreFont && preg_match("/".chr(173)."/",$currWord) && ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats')) ) {	// mPDF 5.6.06
			$rem = $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) );
			list($success,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->softHyphenate($currWord, (($rem-$cutoffWidth)/_MPDFK -$this->GetCharWidth(" ", false)) );

		if (!$success && !$hardsuccess && $this->textparam['hyphens'] == 1 ) { 	// mPDF 5.6.06	// mPDF 5.6.21
			// Look ahead to get current word
			for($ac = $i; $ac<(mb_strlen($s)-1); $ac++) {
				$addc = mb_substr($s,$ac,1,$this->mb_enc );
				if ($addc == ' ') { break; }
				$currWord .= $addc;
			$rem = $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) );
			list($success,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->hyphenateWord($currWord, (($rem-$cutoffWidth)/_MPDFK -$this->GetCharWidth(" ", false)) );
		if ($success) {
			$already = array_pop( $words );
			$forward = mb_substr($already,$prelength,mb_strlen($already, $this->mb_enc), $this->mb_enc);
			$words[] = $pre.'-';
			$words[] = $forward;
			$currContent = mb_substr($currContent,0,mb_strlen($currContent, $this->mb_enc)+1-mb_strlen($post, $this->mb_enc), $this->mb_enc) . '-';

		// mPDF 5.6.13 Decimal alignment (cancel if wraps to > 1 line)
		if ($is_table && substr($align,0,1)=='D' ) { $align=substr($align,2,1); }

/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		// mPDF 5.6.42
		if ($this->checkCJK) {
			$lastchar = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
		// Next character is suitable to add as overhanging or squeezed punctuation
		if ($this->checkCJK && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $c) && $this->allowCJKorphans && !$CJKoverflow) {
			// add character onto this line
			$currContent .= $c;
			$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
			$contentWidth += $cw;
			$CJKoverflow = true;
		// Last character that fits is not allowed to end a line - move lastchar(s) to start of next line
		else if ($this->checkCJK && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKleading."]/u", $lastchar)) {
			//move lastchar(s) to next line
			$m0 = $lastchar;
			$m1 = $c;
			while(preg_match("/[".$this->CJKleading."]/u", $m0) && mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)>2) {
				// trim last letter off word[0]
				$words[(count($words)-1)] = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],0,mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, $this->mb_enc);
				// and add it to savedContent for next line
				$savedContent = $m0.$savedContent;
				$m1 = $lastchar;
				$lastchar = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
				$m0 = $lastchar;
			$lastContent = '';
			for ( $w = 0; $w < count( $words ) ; $w++) { $lastContent .= $words[ $w ]." "; }
			$savedFont = $this->saveFont();
			// replace the current content with the cropped version
			$currContent = rtrim( $lastContent );
		// Next character is not allowed to start a new line
		else if ($this->checkCJK && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", $c)) {
			// try squeezing another character(s) onto this line = Oikomi
			if ($this->allowCJKorphans && !$CJKoverflow) {	// mPDF 5.6.40
			      $lookahead = mb_substr($s,$i+1,1,$this->mb_enc );
				//if lookahead is not another following char
				if (!$lookahead || ($lookahead && !preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", $lookahead))) {
					$currContent .= $c;
					$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
					$contentWidth += $cw;
					if ($this->allowCJKoverflow && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKoverflow."]/u", $c)) { $CJKoverflow = true; }
			// or move lastchar(s) to next line to keep $c company = Oidashi
			$m0 = $lastchar;
			$m1 = $c;
			while(preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", $m1) && mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)>2) {
				// trim last letter off word[0]
				$words[(count($words)-1)] = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],0,mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, $this->mb_enc);
				// and add it to savedContent for next line
				$savedContent = $m0.$savedContent;
				$m1 = $lastchar;
				$lastchar = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
				$m0 = $lastchar;
			$lastContent = '';
			for ( $w = 0; $w < count( $words ) ; $w++) { $lastContent .= $words[ $w ]." "; }
			$savedFont = $this->saveFont();
			// replace the current content with the cropped version
			$currContent = rtrim( $lastContent );
		// mPDF 5.6.42
	  	else if ($this->checkCJK && preg_match("/([".$this->pregCJKchars."]+[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]+$)/u", $words[0])) {
			$lookahead = mb_substr($s,$i,16,$this->mb_enc );
			//and if lookahead starts with a few numerals
			if ($lookahead && (preg_match("/^([0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]+[".$this->pregCJKchars."]+)/u", $lookahead) || preg_match("/^([0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]+$)/u", $lookahead)) ) {
				// or move lastchar(s) to next line to keep numerals together
				$m0 = $lastchar;
				while(preg_match("/[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]/u", $m0) && mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)>2) {
					// trim last letter off word[0]
					$words[(count($words)-1)] = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],0,mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, $this->mb_enc);
					// and add it to savedContent for next line
					$savedContent = $m0.$savedContent;
					$lastchar = mb_substr($words[(count($words)-1)],mb_strlen($words[(count($words)-1)], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
					$m0 = $lastchar;
			$lastContent = '';
			for ( $w = 0; $w < count( $words ) ; $w++) { $lastContent .= $words[ $w ]." "; }
			$savedFont = $this->saveFont();
			// replace the current content with the cropped version
			$currContent = rtrim( $lastContent );
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
		// if it looks like we didn't finish any words for this chunk
		if ( count( $words ) == 1 ) {
		  // TO correct for error when word too wide for page - but only when one long word from left to right margin
		  if (count($content) == 1 && $currContent != ' ') {
			$lastchar = mb_substr($words[0],mb_strlen($words[0], $this->mb_enc)-1, 1, $this->mb_enc);
			$lastContent = $words[0];
			$savedFont = $this->saveFont();
			// replace the current content with the cropped version
			$currContent = rtrim( $lastContent );
		  // mPDF 5.6.20
		  else if (	count($content)>1
				&& (!isset($this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]) && !isset($this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-2)]))
				&& substr($content[count($content)-2],-1,1) != ' '
				&& substr($currContent,0,1) != ' '
			) {
			// Go back to find a space in a previous chunk of content
			$found = false;
			for ($ix=count($content)-1;$ix>=0;$ix--) {
				// mPDF 5.6.29
				if ($this->usingCoreFont && preg_match('/[ '.chr(173).']/',$content[$ix],$m)) { $match = $m[0]; $found = $ix; break; }
				else if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
					if (preg_match('/[ ]/',$content[$ix])) { $match = ' '; $found = $ix; break; }
					else if (preg_match('/[\x{00AD}]/u',$content[$ix])) {
						// even though it is UTF-8 replace it temporarily with chr(173)
						$content[$ix] = preg_replace('/[\x{00AD}]/u',chr(173),$content[$ix]);
						$match = chr(173); $found = $ix; break;
			if ($found !== false) {
				$charpos = strrpos($content[$found],$match);	// mPDF 5.6.29
				for ($ix=count($content)-1;$ix>$found;$ix--) {
					// save and crop off any subsequent chunks
					$savedPreContent[] = array_pop($content);
					$savedPreContentB[] = array_pop($contentB);
					$savedPreFont[] = array_pop($font);
				if (substr($content[count($content)-1],$charpos+1,strlen($content[count($content)-1])-1) != '') {
					$savedPreContent[] = substr($content[count($content)-1],$charpos+1,strlen($content[count($content)-1])-1);
					$savedPreContentB[] = preg_replace('/L/','',$contentB[count($content)-1]);	// ???
					$savedPreFont[] = $font[count($content)-1];
				$savedContent = '';
				$savedContentB = '';
				$savedFont = array();

				$currContent =& $content[ count( $content ) - 1 ];
				$currContent = substr($currContent,0,$charpos);
				if ($match == chr(173)) { $currContent .= '-'; }	// mPDF 5.6.29
				if (strpos($contentB[(count($contentB)-1)],'R')!==false) {			// ???
					$contentB[count($content)-1] = preg_replace('/R/','',$contentB[count($content)-1]);	// ???

				$currContent = rtrim( $currContent );
			else {
				$savedContent = array_pop( $content );
				$savedContentB = array_pop($contentB);
				$savedFont = array_pop( $font );
				$currContent =& $content[ count( $content ) - 1 ];
				$currContent = rtrim( $currContent );
		  else {
			// save and crop off the content currently on the stack
			$savedContent = array_pop( $content );
			$savedContentB = array_pop($contentB);	// mPDF 5.6.20
			$savedFont = array_pop( $font );

			// mPDF 5.7.2
			// e.g: |first chunk |second chunk |[IndexEntry]|doesntfit
			if (isset($this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]) && $this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]['OUTER-WIDTH'] < 0.001) {
				$savedObj = $this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)];
				array_pop( $content );
				array_pop( $contentB );
				array_pop( $font );
				array_pop( $this->objectbuffer );

			// trim any trailing spaces off the last bit of content
			$currContent =& $content[ count( $content ) - 1 ];
			$currContent = rtrim( $currContent );
		else {	// otherwise, we need to find which bit to cut off
		  $lastContent = '';
              for ( $w = 0; $w < count( $words ) - 1; $w++) { $lastContent .= $words[ $w ]." "; }
              $savedContent = $words[ count( $words ) - 1 ];
              $savedFont = $this->saveFont();
              // replace the current content with the cropped version
              $currContent = rtrim( $lastContent );
		// CJK - strip CJK space at end of line
		// &#x3000; = \xe3\x80\x80 = CJK space
		if ($this->checkCJK) { $currContent = preg_replace("/\xe3\x80\x80$/",'',$currContent) ; }	// *CJK-FONTS*

		if (isset($this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]) && $this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]['type']=='dottab') {
			$savedObj = array_pop( $this->objectbuffer );
			$contentWidth -= ($this->objectbuffer[(count($content)-1)]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * _MPDFK);

		// Set Current lineheight (correction factor)
		$lhfixed = false;
/*-- LISTS --*/
		if ($is_list) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc],$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc][$this->listnum]['size'];
				$this->lineheight_correction = $am[1] / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc];
/*-- END LISTS --*/
/*-- TABLES --*/
		if ($is_table) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->table_lineheight,$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->FontSize; 				// needs to be default font-size for block ****
				$this->lineheight_correction = $lineHeight / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->table_lineheight;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) {
			if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'],$am)) {
				$lhfixed = true;
				$def_fontsize = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size']; 	// needs to be default font-size for block ****
				$this->lineheight_correction = $am[1] / $def_fontsize ;
			else {
				$this->lineheight_correction = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'];
		else {
			$this->lineheight_correction = $this->normalLineheight;
		// update $contentWidth and $cutoffWidth since they changed with cropping
		// Also correct lineheight to maximum fontsize (not for tables)
		$contentWidth = 0;
		//  correct lineheight to maximum fontsize
		if ($lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = $this->lineheight; }
		else { $maxlineHeight = 0; }
		$this->forceExactLineheight = true;
		$maxfontsize = 0;
		// While we're at it, check for cursive text
		if ($this->biDirectional) {  $checkCursive=true; }	// *RTL*
		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk )
              $this->restoreFont( $font[ $k ]);
		  if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
			// mPDF 5.6.40
			if ($this->checkCJK && $k == count($content)-1 && $CJKoverflow && $align=='J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $this->CJKforceend) {
			  // force-end overhang
				$hanger = mb_substr($chunk,mb_strlen($chunk,$this->mb_enc)-1,1,$this->mb_enc );
				$content[$k] = $chunk = mb_substr($chunk,0,mb_strlen($chunk,$this->mb_enc)-1,$this->mb_enc );
			if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
			      $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace("\xc2\xad",'',$chunk );
				if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) {  $checkCursive=true; }	// *INDIC*
			// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
			else if ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
			      $content[$k] = $chunk = str_replace(chr(173),'',$chunk );
			$contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth( $chunk ) * _MPDFK;
			if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'L')!==false) $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] * _MPDFK;
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')!==false) $contentWidth += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] * _MPDFK;
			if (!$lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$this->FontSize * $this->lineheight_correction ); }
			if ($lhfixed && ($this->FontSize > $def_fontsize || ($this->FontSize > ($lineHeight * $this->lineheight_correction) && $is_list))) {
				$this->forceExactLineheight = false;
			$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);

		$lastfontreqstyle = $font[count($font)-1]['ReqFontStyle'];
		$lastfontstyle = $font[count($font)-1]['style'];
		if ($blockdir == 'ltr' && strpos($lastfontreqstyle,"I") !== false && strpos($lastfontstyle,"I") === false) {	// Artificial italic
			$lastitalic = $this->FontSize*0.15*_MPDFK;
		else { $lastitalic = 0; }

/*-- LISTS --*/
		if ($is_list && is_array($this->bulletarray) && $this->bulletarray) {
	  		$actfs = $this->bulletarray['fontsize'];
			if (!$lhfixed) { $maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$actfs * $this->lineheight_correction );  }
			if ($lhfixed && $actfs > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
			$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$actfs);
/*-- END LISTS --*/

		// when every text item checked i.e. $maxfontsize is set properly

		$af = 0; 	// Above font
		$bf = 0; 	// Below font
		$mta = 0;	// Maximum top-aligned
		$mba = 0;	// Maximum bottom-aligned

		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
		  if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && $this->objectbuffer[$k]) {
			$contentWidth += $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-WIDTH'] * _MPDFK;
			$oh = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			$va = $this->objectbuffer[$k]['vertical-align']; // = $objattr['vertical-align'] = set as M,T,B,S
			if ($lhfixed && $oh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }

			if ($va == 'BS') {	//  (BASELINE default)
				$af = max($af, ($oh - ($maxfontsize * (0.5 + $this->baselineC))));
			else if ($va == 'M') {
				$af = max($af, ($oh - $maxfontsize)/2);
				$bf = max($bf, ($oh - $maxfontsize)/2);
			else if ($va == 'TT') {
				$bf = max($bf, ($oh - $maxfontsize));
			else if ($va == 'TB') {
				$af = max($af, ($oh - $maxfontsize));
			else if ($va == 'T') {
				$mta = max($mta, $oh);
			else if ($va == 'B') {
				$mba = max($mba, $oh);
		  // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
		  else if (!$is_table && isset($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'])) {
			if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] > 0) { 	// superscript
				$nh = ($maxfontsize * $this->baselineC) + $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * (1-$this->baselineC));
				if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
				$af = max($af, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
			else if ($font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] < 0) {	// subscript
				$nh = ($maxfontsize * (1-$this->baselineC)) - $font[$k]['textparam']['text-baseline'] + ($font[$k]['size'] * $this->baselineC);
				if ($lhfixed && $nh > $def_fontsize) { $this->forceExactLineheight = false; }
				$bf = max($bf, ($nh-$maxfontsize));
		if ((!$lhfixed || !$this->forceExactLineheight) && ($af > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2) || $bf > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2))) {
			$maxlineHeight = $maxfontsize + $af + $bf;
		else if (!$lhfixed) { $af = $bf = ($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2; }

		if ($mta > $maxlineHeight) {
			$bf += ($mta - $maxlineHeight);
			$maxlineHeight = $mta;
		if ($mba > $maxlineHeight) {
			$af += ($mba - $maxlineHeight);
			$maxlineHeight = $mba;

		$lineHeight = $maxlineHeight;
		$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
		// If NOT images, and maxfontsize NOT > lineHeight - this value determines text baseline positioning
		if ($lhfixed && $af==0 && $bf==0 && $maxfontsize<=($def_fontsize * $this->lineheight_correction * 0.8 )) {
			$this->linemaxfontsize = $def_fontsize;
		else { $this->linemaxfontsize = $maxfontsize; }

		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
			if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
				if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
				      $content[$k] = str_replace(chr(160),chr(32),$chunk );
				else {
				      $content[$k] = str_replace(chr(194).chr(160),chr(32),$chunk );
					if ($checkCursive) {
						if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $chunk)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *RTL*
						if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregHIchars.$this->pregBNchars.$this->pregPAchars."])/u", $chunk)) { $inclCursive = true; }	// *INDIC*

		$jcharspacing = 0;
		$jws = 0;
		$nb_carac = 0;
		$nb_spaces = 0;
		// if it's justified, we need to find the char/word spacing (or if orphans have allowed length of line to go over the maxwidth)
		if ( ($align == 'J' && !$CJKoverflow) || (($cutoffWidth + $lastitalic > $maxWidth - $WidthCorrection - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) ) +  0.001) && (!$CJKoverflow || ($CJKoverflow && !$this->allowCJKoverflow))) || $CJKoverflow && $align=='J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {   // 0.001 is to correct for deviations converting mm=>pts	// mPDF 5.6.40
		  // JUSTIFY J (Use character spacing)
			foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
				if (!isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) || (isset($this->objectbuffer[$k]) && !$this->objectbuffer[$k])) {
					$nb_carac += mb_strlen( $chunk, $this->mb_enc ) ;
					$nb_spaces += mb_substr_count( $chunk,' ', $this->mb_enc ) ;
			list($jcharspacing,$jws) = $this->GetJspacing($nb_carac,$nb_spaces,($maxWidth-$lastitalic-$cutoffWidth-$WidthCorrection-(($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)*_MPDFK)-($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) )),$inclCursive);

		$empty = $maxWidth - $lastitalic-$WidthCorrection - $contentWidth - (($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR)* _MPDFK) - ($paddingL+$paddingR +(($fpaddingL + $fpaddingR) * _MPDFK) );

		$empty -= ($jcharspacing * $nb_carac);
		$empty -= ($jws * $nb_spaces);

		$empty /= _MPDFK;
		$b = ''; //do not use borders
		// Get PAGEBREAK TO TEST for height including the top border/padding
		$check_h = max($this->divheight,$lineHeight);
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($this->blklvl > 0) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			$check_h += ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']);

		if ($this->ColActive && $check_h > ($this->PageBreakTrigger - $this->y0)) {

		// 'If' below used in order to fix "first-line of other page with justify on" bug
		if(!$is_table && ($this->y+$check_h) > $this->PageBreakTrigger and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
			$bak_x=$this->x;//Current X position

			$ws=$this->ws;//Word Spacing
			$charspacing=$this->charspacing;//Character Spacing


		      $this->x = $bak_x;
			// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
			$currentx += $this->MarginCorrection;
			$this->x += $this->MarginCorrection;


		if ($this->keep_block_together && !$is_table && $this->kt_p00 < $this->page && ($this->y+$check_h) > $this->kt_y00) {
			$this->keep_block_together = 0;

		if ($this->kwt && !$is_table) {	// mPDF 5.7+
			$this->kwt = false;

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			$currentx += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			$this->x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

		if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top']) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

		// Update y0 for top of block (used to paint border)
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['y0'] = $this->y;
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] = $this->page;
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] = $this->y; } // mPDF 5.6.63

		// TOP PADDING and BORDER spacing/fill
		if (($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top']) || ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top'])) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && (!$is_list)) {
			// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
			$this->DivLn($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'],-3,true,false,1);
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

		$arraysize = count($content);

		$margins = ($this->cMarginL+$this->cMarginR) + ($ipaddingL+$ipaddingR + $fpaddingR + $fpaddingR );

		if (!$is_table) { $this->DivLn($lineHeight,$this->blklvl,false); }	// false -> don't advance y

		$this->x = $currentx + $this->cMarginL + $ipaddingL + $fpaddingL ;
		if ($align == 'R') { $this->x += $empty; }
		else if ($align == 'C') { $this->x += ($empty / 2); }

		// Paragraph INDENT
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent']) && ($newblock) && ($blockstate==1 || $blockstate==3) && ($lineCount == 1) && (!$is_table) && ($blockdir !='rtl') && ($align !='C')) {
			$ti = $this->ConvertSize($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']['size'],false);
			$this->x += $ti;

		$all_rtl = false;
		$contains_rtl = false;
/*-- RTL --*/
   		if ($blockdir == 'rtl' || $this->biDirectional)  {
			$all_rtl = true;
			foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {
				$reversed = $this->magic_reverse_dir($chunk, false, $blockdir);

				if ($reversed > 0) { $contains_rtl = true; }
				if ($reversed < 2) { $all_rtl = false; }
				$content[$k] = $chunk;
			if (($blockdir =='rtl' && $contains_rtl) || $all_rtl) {
				$content = array_reverse($content,false);
				$contentB = array_reverse($contentB,false);
/*-- END RTL --*/

		foreach ( $content as $k => $chunk ) {

			if (($blockdir =='rtl' && $contains_rtl) || $all_rtl) { $dirk = $arraysize-1 - $k ; } else { $dirk = $k; }

			$va = 'M';	// default for text
			if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]) && $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]) {
			  $xadj = $this->x - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-X'] ;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-X'] += $xadj;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['BORDER-X'] += $xadj;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['INNER-X'] += $xadj;
			  $va = $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['vertical-align'];
			  $yadj = $this->y - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-Y'];
			  if ($va == 'BS') {
				$yadj += $af + ($this->linemaxfontsize * (0.5 + $this->baselineC)) - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			  else if ($va == 'M' || $va == '') {
				$yadj += $af + ($this->linemaxfontsize /2) - ($this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT']/2);
			  else if ($va == 'TB') {
				$yadj += $af + $this->linemaxfontsize - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			  else if ($va == 'TT') {
				$yadj += $af;
			  else if ($va == 'B') {
				$yadj += $af + $this->linemaxfontsize + $bf - $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-HEIGHT'];
			  else if ($va == 'T') {
				$yadj += 0;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-Y'] += $yadj;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['BORDER-Y'] += $yadj;
			  $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['INNER-Y'] += $yadj;

			if ((($blockdir == 'rtl') && ($contains_rtl )) || ($all_rtl )) { $this->restoreFont($font[$arraysize-1 - $k]); }
			else { $this->restoreFont( $font[ $k ] ); }

			// Now unset these values so they don't influence GetStringwidth below or in fn. Cell
			$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
			$this->minwSpacing = 0;

			// mPDF 5.6.26
			$save_vis = $this->visibility;
			if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->textparam['visibility'] != $this->visibility) {
	 		// *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR ***************** //
			if ($this->spanbgcolor) {
				$cor = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
				$save_fill = $fill; $spanfill = 1; $fill = 1;
			if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'L')!==false) $this->x += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'L')===false) $this->spanborddet['L']['s'] = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] = 0;
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')===false) $this->spanborddet['R']['s'] = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'] = 0;

		      $stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($chunk );
			$stringWidth += ( $this->charspacing * mb_strlen($chunk,$this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK );
			$stringWidth += ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count($chunk,' ',$this->mb_enc ) / _MPDFK );
			if (isset($this->objectbuffer[$dirk])) { $stringWidth = $this->objectbuffer[$dirk]['OUTER-WIDTH'];  }

			if ($stringWidth==0) { $stringWidth = 0.000001; }
			if ($k == $arraysize-1) {
				$stringWidth -= ( $this->charspacing / _MPDFK );
				// mPDF 5.6.40
				if ($this->checkCJK && $CJKoverflow && $align=='J' && $this->allowCJKoverflow && $hanger && $this->CJKforceend) {
				  // force-end overhang
					$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
					$this->Cell( $this->GetStringWidth($hanger), $lineHeight, $hanger, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );
				else {
					$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 1, '', $fill, $this->HREF, $currentx,0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true ); //mono-style line or last part (skips line)

			else $this->Cell( $stringWidth, $lineHeight, $chunk, '', 0, '', $fill, $this->HREF, 0, 0,0,'M', $fill, $af, $bf, true );//first or middle part

			if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
				if (strpos($contentB[$k],'R')!==false && $k != $arraysize-1)  $this->x += $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
	 		// *********** SPAN BACKGROUND COLOR OFF - RESET BLOCK BGCOLOR ***************** //
			if (isset($spanfill) && $spanfill) {
				$fill = $save_fill; $spanfill = 0;
				if ($fill) { $this->SetFColor($bcor); }
			// mPDF 5.6.26
			if (isset($this->textparam['visibility']) && $this->textparam['visibility'] && $this->visibility != $save_vis) {

		if (!$is_table) {
			$this->maxPosR = max($this->maxPosR , ($this->w - $this->rMargin - $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_right_margin']));
			$this->maxPosL = min($this->maxPosL , ($this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin']));

		// move on to the next line, reset variables, tack on saved content and current char

		$this->printobjectbuffer($is_table, $blockdir);
		$this->objectbuffer = array();

/*-- LISTS --*/
		if ($is_list && is_array($this->bulletarray) && ($lineCount == 1) ) {


		  $bull = $this->bulletarray;
	  	  if (isset($bull['level']) && isset($bull['occur']) && isset($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']])) {
		  if (isset($bull['level']) && isset($bull['occur']) && isset($bull['num']) && isset($this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]) && $this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$bull['level']][$bull['occur']][$bull['num']]); }
	  	  if (isset($bull['font']) && $bull['font'] == 'czapfdingbats') {
			$this->bullet = true;
		  else { $this->SetFont($this->FontFamily,$this->FontStyle,$this->FontSizePt,true,true); }	// force output
	        //Output bullet
	  	  $this->x = $currentx;
	 	  if (isset($bull['x'])) { $this->x += $bull['x']; }
		  $this->y -= $lineHeight;
		  if (isset($bull['col']) && $bull['col']) { $this->SetTColor($bull['col']); }	// mPDF 5.6.67
		  if (isset($bull['txt'])) { $this->Cell($bull['w'], $lineHeight,$bull['txt'],'','',$bull['align'],0,'',0,-$this->cMarginL, -$this->cMarginR ); }
	  	  if (isset($bull['font']) && $bull['font'] == 'czapfdingbats') {
			$this->bullet = false;
		  $this->x = $currentx;	// Reset
		  $this->y += $lineHeight;

		  if ($this->ColActive && !$is_table) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

		  $this->bulletarray = array();	// prevents repeat of bullet/number if <li>....<br />.....</li>
/*-- END LISTS --*/

		// Update values if set to skipline
		if ($this->floatmargins) { $this->_advanceFloatMargins(); }

		// Reset lineheight
		$lineHeight = $this->divheight;
		$valign = 'M';

		$font = array();
		$content = array();
		$contentB = array();
		$contentWidth = 0;
		if (!empty($savedObj)) {
			$this->objectbuffer[] = $savedObj;
			$font[] = $savedFont;
			$content[] = '';
			$contentB[] = '';
			$contentWidth += $savedObj['OUTER-WIDTH'] * _MPDFK;
		// mPDF 5.6.20
		if (count($savedPreContent) > 0) {
			for($ix=count($savedPreContent)-1;$ix>=0;$ix--) {
				$font[] = $savedPreFont[$ix];
				$content[] = $savedPreContent[$ix];
				$contentB[] = $savedPreContentB[$ix];
				$this->restoreFont( $savedPreFont[$ix] );
				$lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
				if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
					$lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
					$rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
				if ($ix>0) {
					$contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth( $savedPreContent[$ix] ) * _MPDFK;
					if (strpos($savedPreContentB[$ix],'L')!==false) $contentWidth += $lbw;
					if (strpos($savedPreContentB[$ix],'R')!==false) $contentWidth += $rbw;
			$savedPreContent = array();
			$savedPreContentB = array();
			$savedPreFont = array();
			$content[ (count($content)-1) ] .= $c;
		else {
			$font[] = $savedFont;
			$content[] = $savedContent . $c;
			$contentB[] = $savedContentB ;

		$currContent =& $content[ (count($content)-1) ];

		// CJK - strip CJK space at end of line
		// &#x3000; = \xe3\x80\x80 = CJK space
		if ($this->checkCJK && $currContent == "\xe3\x80\x80") { $currContent = '' ; }	// *CJK-FONTS*

		$this->restoreFont( $savedFont );
		$lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
		if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
			$lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
			$rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
		$contentWidth += $this->GetStringWidth( $currContent ) * _MPDFK;
		if (strpos($savedContentB,'L')!==false) $contentWidth += $lbw;
		$cutoffWidth = $contentWidth;
		$CJKoverflow = false;
		$hanger = '';	// mPDF 5.6.40
      // another character will fit, so add it on
	else {
		$contentWidth += $cw;
		$currContent .= $c;
//----------------------END OF FLOWING BLOCK------------------------------------//

// Update values if set to skipline
function _advanceFloatMargins() {
	// Update floatmargins - L
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] && $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] != $this->y) {
		$yadj = $this->y - $this->floatmargins['L']['y0'];
		$this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] = $this->y;
		$this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] += $yadj;

		// Update objattr in floatbuffer
		if ($this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['L']['id']]['border_left']['w']) {
			$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['L']['id']]['BORDER-Y'] += $yadj;
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['L']['id']]['INNER-Y'] += $yadj;
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['L']['id']]['OUTER-Y'] += $yadj;

		// Unset values
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['L']['id']]['skipline'] = false;
		$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = false;
		$this->floatmargins['L']['id'] = '';
	// Update floatmargins - R
	if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] && $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] != $this->y) {
		$yadj = $this->y - $this->floatmargins['R']['y0'];
		$this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] = $this->y;
		$this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] += $yadj;

		// Update objattr in floatbuffer
		if ($this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['border_left']['w']) {
			$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['BORDER-Y'] += $yadj;
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['INNER-Y'] += $yadj;
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['OUTER-Y'] += $yadj;

		// Unset values
		$this->floatbuffer[$this->floatmargins['R']['id']]['skipline'] = false;
		$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = false;
		$this->floatmargins['R']['id'] = '';

// ADDED forcewrap - to call from inline OBJECT functions to breakwords if necessary in cell
function WordWrap(&$text, $maxwidth, $forcewrap = 0) {

    $text = trim($text);

    if ($text==='') return 0;
    $space = $this->GetCharWidth(' ',false);
    $lines = explode("\n", $text);
    $text = '';
    $count = 0;
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
	$words = explode(' ', $line);
	$width = 0;
	foreach ($words as $word) {
		$word = trim($word);
		$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
		//Warn user that maxwidth is insufficient
		if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
			if ($wordwidth > $biggestword) { $biggestword = $wordwidth; }
			// ADDED
			if ($forcewrap) {
			  while($wordwidth > $maxwidth) {
				$chw = 0;	// check width
				for ( $i = 0; $i < mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc ); $i++ ) {
					$chw = $this->GetStringWidth(mb_substr($word,0,$i+1,$this->mb_enc ));
					if ($chw > $maxwidth ) {
						if ($text) {
							$text = rtrim($text)."\n".mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc );
						else {
							$text = mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc );
						$word = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc )-$i,$this->mb_enc );
						$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
						$width = $maxwidth;

		if ($width + $wordwidth  < $maxwidth - 0.0001) {
			$width += $wordwidth + $space;
			$text .= $word.' ';
		else {
			$width = $wordwidth + $space;
			$text = rtrim($text)."\n".$word.' ';
	$text .= "\n";
    $text = rtrim($text);

    //Return -(wordsize) if word is bigger than maxwidth

	if ($forcewrap) { return $count; }
      if (($toonarrow) && ($this->table_error_report)) {
		$this->Error("Word is too long to fit in table - ".$this->table_error_report_param);
    if ($toonarrow) return -$biggestword;
    else return $count;

/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

function _SetTextRendering($mode) {
	if (!(($mode == 0) || ($mode == 1) || ($mode == 2)))
	$this->Error("Text rendering mode should be 0, 1 or 2 (value : $mode)");
	$tr = ($mode.' Tr');
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] != $tr) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($tr); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] = $tr;


function SetTextOutline($params=array()) {	// mPDF 5.6.07
  if (isset($params['outline-s']) && $params['outline-s'])
    $tr = ('2 Tr');
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] != $tr) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($tr); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] = $tr;
  else //Now resets all values
    $tr = ('0 Tr');
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] != $tr) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($tr); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['TextRendering'] = $tr;

function Image($file,$x,$y,$w=0,$h=0,$type='',$link='',$paint=true, $constrain=true, $watermark=false, $shownoimg=true, $allowvector=true) {
	$orig_srcpath = $file;

	$info=$this->_getImage($file, true, $allowvector, $orig_srcpath );
	if(!$info && $paint) {
		$info = $this->_getImage($this->noImageFile);
		if ($info) {
			$file = $this->noImageFile;
			$w = ($info['w'] * (25.4/$this->dpi)); 	// 14 x 16px
			$h = ($info['h'] * (25.4/$this->dpi)); 	// 14 x 16px
	if(!$info) return false;
	//Automatic width and height calculation if needed
	if($w==0 and $h==0) {
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
           if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
			// WMF units are twips (1/20pt)
			// divide by 20 to get points
			// divide by k to get user units
			$w = abs($info['w'])/(20*_MPDFK);
			$h = abs($info['h']) / (20*_MPDFK);
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
           if ($info['type']=='svg') {
			// returned SVG units are pts
			// divide by k to get user units (mm)
			$w = abs($info['w'])/_MPDFK;
			$h = abs($info['h']) /_MPDFK;
		else {
			//Put image at default image dpi
			$w=($info['w']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
			$h=($info['h']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
	if($w==0)	$w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
	if($h==0)	$h=abs($w*$info['h']/$info['w']);

/*-- WATERMARK --*/
	if ($watermark) {
	  $maxw = $this->w;
	  $maxh = $this->h;
	  // Size = D PF or array
	  if (is_array($this->watermark_size)) {
		$w = $this->watermark_size[0];
		$h = $this->watermark_size[1];
	  else if (!is_string($this->watermark_size)) {
		$maxw -= $this->watermark_size*2;
		$maxh -= $this->watermark_size*2;
		$w = $maxw;
		if ($h > $maxh )  {
			$h = $maxh ; $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
	  else if ($this->watermark_size == 'F') {
		if ($this->ColActive) { $maxw = $this->w - ($this->DeflMargin + $this->DefrMargin); }
		else { $maxw = $this->pgwidth; }
		$maxh = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin);
		$w = $maxw;
		if ($h > $maxh )  {
			$h = $maxh ; $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
	  else  if ($this->watermark_size == 'P') {	// Default P
		$w = $maxw;
		if ($h > $maxh )  {
			$h = $maxh ; $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
	  // Automatically resize to maximum dimensions of page if too large
	  if ($w > $maxw) {
		$w = $maxw;
	  if ($h > $maxh )  {
		$h = $maxh ;
	  // Position
	  if (is_array($this->watermark_pos)) {
		$x = $this->watermark_pos[0];
		$y = $this->watermark_pos[1];
	  else if ($this->watermark_pos == 'F')  {	// centred on printable area
		if ($this->ColActive) {	// *COLUMNS*
			if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) { $xadj = $this->DeflMargin-$this->DefrMargin; }	// *COLUMNS*
			else { $xadj = 0; }	// *COLUMNS*
			$x = ($this->DeflMargin - $xadj + ($this->w - ($this->DeflMargin + $this->DefrMargin))/2) - ($w/2);	// *COLUMNS*
		}	// *COLUMNS*
		else { 	// *COLUMNS*
			$x = ($this->lMargin + ($this->pgwidth)/2) - ($w/2);
		}	// *COLUMNS*
		$y = ($this->tMargin + ($this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin))/2) - ($h/2);
	  else {	// default P - centred on whole page
		$x = ($this->w/2) - ($w/2);
		$y = ($this->h/2) - ($h/2);
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
	  if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
		$sx = $w*_MPDFK / $info['w'];
		$sy = -$h*_MPDFK / $info['h'];
		$outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x*_MPDFK-$sx*$info['x'], (($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK)-$sy*$info['y'], $info['i']);
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
	  if ($info['type']=='svg') {
		$sx = $w*_MPDFK / $info['w'];
		$sy = -$h*_MPDFK / $info['h'];
		$outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x*_MPDFK-$sx*$info['x'], (($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK)-$sy*$info['y'], $info['i']);
	  else {
		$outstring = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q",$w*_MPDFK,$h*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($y+$h))*_MPDFK,$info['i']);

	  if ($this->watermarkImgBehind) {
		$outstring = $this->watermarkImgAlpha . "\n" . $outstring . "\n" . $this->SetAlpha(1, 'Normal', true) . "\n";
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$outstring."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$this->page]);
	  else { $this->_out($outstring); }

	  return 0;
	}	// end of IF watermark

	if ($constrain) {
	  // Automatically resize to maximum dimensions of page if too large
	  if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) { $maxw = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']; }
	  else { $maxw = $this->pgwidth; }
	  if ($w > $maxw) {
		$w = $maxw;
	  if ($h > $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 1))  {  // see below - +10 to avoid drawing too close to border of page
   		$h = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 1) ;
		if ($this->fullImageHeight) { $h = $this->fullImageHeight; }

	  //Avoid drawing out of the paper(exceeding width limits).
	  //if ( ($x + $w) > $this->fw ) {
	  if ( ($x + $w) > $this->w ) {
		$x = $this->lMargin;
		$y += 5;

	  $changedpage = false;
	  $oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
	  //Avoid drawing out of the page.
	  if($y+$h>$this->PageBreakTrigger and !$this->InFooter and $this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
		// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
		$x=$x +$this->MarginCorrection;
		$y = $this->tMargin;	// mPDF 5.7.3
		$changedpage = true;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	  // COLS
	  if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
		$y = $this->y0;
		$x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
		$this->x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
	}	// end of IF constrain

/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
	if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
		$sx = $w*_MPDFK / $info['w'];
		$sy = -$h*_MPDFK / $info['h'];
		$outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x*_MPDFK-$sx*$info['x'], (($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK)-$sy*$info['y'], $info['i']);
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
	if ($info['type']=='svg') {
		$sx = $w*_MPDFK / $info['w'];
		$sy = -$h*_MPDFK / $info['h'];
		$outstring = sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q', $sx, $sy, $x*_MPDFK-$sx*$info['x'], (($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK)-$sy*$info['y'], $info['i']);
	else {
		$outstring = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /I%d Do Q",$w*_MPDFK,$h*_MPDFK,$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-($y+$h))*_MPDFK,$info['i']);

	if($paint) {
		if($link) $this->Link($x,$y,$w,$h,$link);

		// Avoid writing text on top of the image. // THIS WAS OUTSIDE THE if ($paint) bit!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
		$this->y = $y + $h;

	//Return width-height array
	$sizesarray['WIDTH'] = $w;
	$sizesarray['HEIGHT'] = $h;
	$sizesarray['X'] = $x; //Position before painting image
	$sizesarray['Y'] = $y; //Position before painting image
	$sizesarray['OUTPUT'] = $outstring;

	$sizesarray['IMAGE_ID'] = $info['i'];
	$sizesarray['itype'] = $info['type'];
	$sizesarray['set-dpi'] = $info['set-dpi'];
	return $sizesarray;

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/

function _getObjAttr($t) {
	$c = explode("\xbb\xa4\xac",$t,2);
	$c = explode(",",$c[1],2);
	foreach($c as $v) {
		$v = explode("=",$v,2);
		$sp[$v[0]] = $v[1];
	return (unserialize($sp['objattr']));

function inlineObject($type,$x,$y,$objattr,$Lmargin,$widthUsed,$maxWidth,$lineHeight,$paint=false,$is_table=false)
   if ($is_table) { $k = $this->shrin_k; } else { $k = 1; }

   // NB $x is only used when paint=true
	// Lmargin not used
   $w = 0;
   if (isset($objattr['width'])) { $w = $objattr['width']/$k; }
   $h = 0;
   if (isset($objattr['height'])) { $h = abs($objattr['height']/$k); }
   $widthLeft = $maxWidth - $widthUsed;
   $maxHeight = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 10) ;
   if ($this->fullImageHeight) { $maxHeight = $this->fullImageHeight; }
   // For Images
   if (isset($objattr['border_left'])) {
	$extraWidth = ($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'] + $objattr['margin_left']+ $objattr['margin_right'])/$k;
	$extraHeight = ($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] + $objattr['margin_top']+ $objattr['margin_bottom'])/$k;

	if ($type == 'image' || $type == 'barcode' || $type == 'textcircle') {
		$extraWidth += ($objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'])/$k;
		$extraHeight += ($objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'])/$k;

   if (!isset($objattr['vertical-align'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = 'M'; }

   if ($type == 'image' || (isset($objattr['subtype']) && $objattr['subtype'] == 'IMAGE')) {
    if (isset($objattr['itype']) && ($objattr['itype'] == 'wmf' || $objattr['itype'] == 'svg')) {
	$file = $objattr['file'];
    else if (isset($objattr['file'])) {
	$file = $objattr['file'];
    if ($type == 'annot' || $type == 'bookmark' || $type == 'indexentry' || $type == 'toc') {
	$w = 0.00001;
	$h = 0.00001;

   // TEST whether need to skipline
   if (!$paint) {
	if ($type == 'hr') {	// always force new line
		if (($y + $h + $lineHeight > $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter && !$is_table) { return array(-2, $w ,$h ); } // New page + new line
		else { return array(1, $w ,$h ); } // new line
	else {
		if ($widthUsed > 0 && $w > $widthLeft && (!$is_table || $type != 'image')) { 	// New line needed
			if (($y + $h + $lineHeight > $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter) { return array(-2,$w ,$h ); } // New page + new line
			return array(1,$w ,$h ); // new line
		else if ($widthUsed > 0 && $w > $widthLeft && $is_table) { 	// New line needed in TABLE
			return array(1,$w ,$h ); // new line
		// Will fit on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED
		else if (($y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter && !$is_table) { return array(-1,$w ,$h ); }
		else { return array(0,$w ,$h ); }

   if ($type == 'annot' || $type == 'bookmark' || $type == 'indexentry' || $type == 'toc') {
	$w = 0.00001;
	$h = 0.00001;
	$objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = 0;
	$objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = 0;
	$objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x;
	$objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y;
	$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = 0;
	$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = 0;
	$objattr['INNER-X'] = $x;
	$objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y;

  if ($type == 'image') {
	// Automatically resize to width remaining
	if ($w > ($widthLeft + 0.0001) && !$is_table ) {	// mPDF 5.7.4  0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth
		$w = $widthLeft ;
	$img_w = $w - $extraWidth ;
	$img_h = $h - $extraHeight ;

	$objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w + $objattr['padding_left']/$k + $objattr['padding_right']/$k + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_right']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h + $objattr['padding_top']/$k + $objattr['padding_bottom']/$k + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_bottom']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
	$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
	$objattr['INNER-X'] = $x + $objattr['padding_left']/$k + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + ($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k);
	$objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['padding_top']/$k + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + ($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k) ;
	$objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];

   if ($type == 'input' && $objattr['subtype'] == 'IMAGE') {
	$img_w = $w - $extraWidth ;
	$img_h = $h - $extraHeight ;
	$objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_right']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_bottom']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
	$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
	$objattr['INNER-X'] = $x + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + ($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k);
	$objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + ($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k) ;
	$objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];

  if ($type == 'barcode' || $type == 'textcircle') {
	$b_w = $w - $extraWidth ;
	$b_h = $h - $extraHeight ;
	$objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $b_w + $objattr['padding_left']/$k + $objattr['padding_right']/$k + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_right']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $b_h + $objattr['padding_top']/$k + $objattr['padding_bottom']/$k + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k + $objattr['border_bottom']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-X'] = $x + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + (($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + (($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k)/2) ;
	$objattr['INNER-X'] = $x + $objattr['padding_left']/$k + $objattr['margin_left']/$k + ($objattr['border_left']['w']/$k);
	$objattr['INNER-Y'] = $y + $objattr['padding_top']/$k + $objattr['margin_top']/$k + ($objattr['border_top']['w']/$k) ;
	$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $b_w;
	$objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $b_h;

   if ($type == 'textarea') {
	// Automatically resize to width remaining
	if ($w > $widthLeft && !$is_table) {
		$w = $widthLeft ;
	if (($y + $h > $this->PageBreakTrigger) && !$this->InFooter) {
		$h=$this->h - $y - $this->bMargin;

   if ($type == 'hr') {
	if ($is_table) {
		$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $maxWidth * $objattr['W-PERCENT']/100;
		$objattr['width'] = $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'];
		$w = $maxWidth;
	else {
		if ($w>$maxWidth) { $w = $maxWidth; }
		$objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $w;
		$w = $maxWidth;

   if (($type == 'select') || ($type == 'input' && ($objattr['subtype'] == 'TEXT' || $objattr['subtype'] == 'PASSWORD'))) {
	// Automatically resize to width remaining
	if ($w > $widthLeft && !$is_table) {
		$w = $widthLeft;

   if ($type == 'textarea' || $type == 'select' || $type == 'input') {
	if (isset($objattr['fontsize'])) $objattr['fontsize'] /= $k;
	if (isset($objattr['linewidth'])) $objattr['linewidth'] /= $k;

   if (!isset($objattr['BORDER-Y'])) { $objattr['BORDER-Y'] = 0; }
   if (!isset($objattr['BORDER-X'])) { $objattr['BORDER-X'] = 0; }
   if (!isset($objattr['INNER-Y'])) { $objattr['INNER-Y'] = 0; }
   if (!isset($objattr['INNER-X'])) { $objattr['INNER-X'] = 0; }

   //Return width-height array
   $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] = $w;
   $objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT'] = $h;
   $objattr['OUTER-X'] = $x;
   $objattr['OUTER-Y'] = $y;
   return $objattr;

/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/


function SetLineJoin($mode=0)
	$s=sprintf('%d j',$mode);
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineJoin']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineJoin'] != $s) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineJoin']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($s); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineJoin'] = $s;

function SetLineCap($mode=2) {
	$s=sprintf('%d J',$mode);
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineCap']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineCap'] != $s) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineCap']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($s); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['LineCap'] = $s;


function SetDash($black=false,$white=false)
        if($black and $white) $s=sprintf('[%.3F %.3F] 0 d',$black*_MPDFK,$white*_MPDFK);
        else $s='[] 0 d';
	if($this->page>0 && ((isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash']) && $this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash'] != $s) || !isset($this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash']) || $this->keep_block_together)) { $this->_out($s); }
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page]['Dash'] = $s;


function SetDisplayPreferences($preferences) {
	// String containing any or none of /HideMenubar/HideToolbar/HideWindowUI/DisplayDocTitle/CenterWindow/FitWindow
    $this->DisplayPreferences .= $preferences;

function Ln($h='',$collapsible=0)
// Added collapsible to allow collapsible top-margin on new page
	//Line feed; default value is last cell height
	$this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];
	if ($collapsible && ($this->y==$this->tMargin) && (!$this->ColActive)) { $h = 0; }
	if(is_string($h)) $this->y+=$this->lasth;
	else $this->y+=$h;

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/
// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
function DivLn($h,$level=-3,$move_y=true,$collapsible=false,$state=0) {
  // this->x is returned as it was
  // adds lines (y) where DIV bgcolors are filled in
  // allows .00001 as nominal height used for bookmarks/annotations etc.
  if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y)==sprintf("%0.4f", $this->tMargin)) && (!$this->ColActive)) { return; }
  if ($collapsible && (sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y)==sprintf("%0.4f", $this->y0)) && ($this->ColActive) && $this->CurrCol == 0) { return; }	// *COLUMNS*

	// Still use this method if columns or page-break-inside: avoid, as it allows repositioning later
	// otherwise, now uses PaintDivBB()
  if (!$this->ColActive && !$this->keep_block_together && !$this->kwt) {
	if ($move_y && !$this->ColActive) { $this->y += $h; }

  if ($level == -3) { $level = $this->blklvl; }
  $firstblockfill = $this->GetFirstBlockFill();
  if ($firstblockfill && $this->blklvl > 0 && $this->blklvl >= $firstblockfill) {
	$last_x = 0;
	$last_w = 0;
	$last_fc = $this->FillColor;
	$bak_x = $this->x;
	$bak_h = $this->divheight;
	$this->divheight = 0;	// Temporarily turn off divheight - as Cell() uses it to check for PageBreak
	for ($blvl=$firstblockfill;$blvl<=$level;$blvl++) {
		$this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin'];
		if ($last_x != $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin'] || $last_w != $this->blk[$blvl]['width'] || $last_fc != $this->FillColor || $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['s'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['s'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['s'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['s']) {	// mPDF 5.6.55
			$x = $this->x;
			$this->Cell( ($this->blk[$blvl]['width']), $h, '', '', 0, '', 1);
			if (!$this->keep_block_together && !$this->writingHTMLheader && !$this->writingHTMLfooter) {
				$this->x = $x;
				// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
				if ($blvl == $this->blklvl) { $this->PaintDivLnBorder($state,$blvl,$h); }
				else { $this->PaintDivLnBorder(0,$blvl,$h); }
		$last_x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$blvl]['outer_left_margin'];
		$last_w = $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
		$last_fc = $this->FillColor;
	// Reset current block fill
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'])) {
		$bcor = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'];
	$this->x = $bak_x;
	$this->divheight = $bak_h;
  if ($move_y) { $this->y += $h; }
/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

function SetX($x)
	//Set x position
	if($x >= 0)	$this->x=$x;
	else $this->x = $this->w + $x;

function SetY($y)
	//Set y position and reset x

function SetXY($x,$y)
	//Set x and y positions

function Output($name='',$dest='')
	//Output PDF to some destination
	if ($this->showStats) {
		echo '<div>Generated in '.sprintf('%.2F',(microtime(true) - $this->time0)).' seconds</div>';
	//Finish document if necessary
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,'100','Finished'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	if($this->state < 3) $this->Close();
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,'100','Finished'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	// fn. error_get_last is only in PHP>=5.2
	if ($this->debug && function_exists('error_get_last') && error_get_last()) {
	   $e = error_get_last();
	   if (($e['type'] < 2048 && $e['type'] != 8) || (intval($e['type']) & intval(ini_get("error_reporting")))) {
		echo "<p>Error message detected - PDF file generation aborted.</p>";
		echo $e['message'].'<br />';
		echo 'File: '.$e['file'].'<br />';
		echo 'Line: '.$e['line'].'<br />';

	if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $this->encrypted) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a does not permit encryption of documents."); }
	if (count($this->PDFAXwarnings) && (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto))) {
		if ($this->PDFA) {
			echo '<div>WARNING - This file could not be generated as it stands as a PDFA1-b compliant file.</div>';
			echo '<div>These issues can be automatically fixed by mPDF using <i>$mpdf-&gt;PDFAauto=true;</i></div>';
			echo '<div>Action that mPDF will take to automatically force PDFA1-b compliance are shown in brackets.</div>';
		else {
			echo '<div>WARNING - This file could not be generated as it stands as a PDFX/1-a compliant file.</div>';
			echo '<div>These issues can be automatically fixed by mPDF using <i>$mpdf-&gt;PDFXauto=true;</i></div>';
			echo '<div>Action that mPDF will take to automatically force PDFX/1-a compliance are shown in brackets.</div>';
		echo '<div>Warning(s) generated:</div><ul>';
		$this->PDFAXwarnings = array_unique($this->PDFAXwarnings);
		foreach($this->PDFAXwarnings AS $w) {
			echo '<li>'.$w.'</li>';
		echo '</ul>';

	if ($this->showStats) {
		echo '<div>Compiled in '.sprintf('%.2F',(microtime(true) - $this->time0)).' seconds (total)</div>';
		echo '<div>Peak Memory usage '.number_format((memory_get_peak_usage(true)/(1024*1024)),2).' MB</div>';
		echo '<div>PDF file size '.number_format((strlen($this->buffer)/1024)).' kB</div>';
		echo '<div>Number of fonts '.count($this->fonts).'</div>';

	if(is_bool($dest)) $dest=$dest ? 'D' : 'F';
	if($dest=='') {
		if($name=='') {
		else { $dest='F'; }

/*-- PROGRESS-BAR --*/
	if ($this->progressBar && ($dest=='D' || $dest=='I')) {
		if($name=='') { $name='mpdf.pdf'; }
		$tempfile = '_tempPDF'.uniqid(rand(1,100000),true);
		//Save to local file
		if(!$f) $this->Error('Unable to create temporary output file: '.$tempfile.'.pdf');

		echo '<script type="text/javascript">

		var form = document.createElement("form");
		form.setAttribute("method", "post");
		form.setAttribute("action", "'._MPDF_URI.'includes/out.php");

		var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "filename");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "'.$tempfile.'");

		var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "dest");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "'.$dest.'");

		var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "opname");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "'.$name.'");

		var hiddenField = document.createElement("input");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("type", "hidden");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("name", "path");
		hiddenField.setAttribute("value", "'.urlencode(_MPDF_TEMP_PATH).'");


	else {
		if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(3,'','Finished'); }

		switch($dest) {
		   case 'I':
			if ($this->debug && !$this->allow_output_buffering && ob_get_contents()) { echo "<p>Output has already been sent from the script - PDF file generation aborted.</p>"; exit; }
			//Send to standard output
			if(PHP_SAPI!='cli') {
				//We send to a browser
				header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
					$this->Error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file');
					// don't use length if server using compression
					header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer));
				header('Content-disposition: inline; filename="'.$name.'"');
				header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
				header('Pragma: public');
				header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
				header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
			echo $this->buffer;
		   case 'D':
			//Download file
			header('Content-Description: File Transfer');
			if (headers_sent())
				$this->Error('Some data has already been output to browser, can\'t send PDF file');
			header('Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary');
			header('Cache-Control: public, must-revalidate, max-age=0');
			header('Pragma: public');
			header('Expires: Sat, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT');
			header('Last-Modified: '.gmdate('D, d M Y H:i:s').' GMT');
			header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
			header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream', false);
			header('Content-Type: application/download', false);
			header('Content-Type: application/pdf', false);
				// don't use length if server using compression
				header('Content-Length: '.strlen($this->buffer));
			header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename="'.$name.'"');
 			echo $this->buffer;
		   case 'F':
			//Save to local file
			if(!$f) $this->Error('Unable to create output file: '.$name);
		   case 'S':
			//Return as a string
			return $this->buffer;
			$this->Error('Incorrect output destination: '.$dest);

	// DELETE OLD TMP FILES - Housekeeping
	// Delete any files in tmp/ directory that are >1 hrs old
		$interval = 3600;
		if ($handle = @opendir(preg_replace('/\/$/','',_MPDF_TEMP_PATH))) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
		   while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) {
			if (($file != "..") && ($file != ".") && !is_dir($file) && ((filemtime(_MPDF_TEMP_PATH.$file)+$interval) < time()) && (substr($file, 0, 1) !== '.') && ($file !='dummy.txt')) { // mPDF 5.7.3

	return '';

// *****************************************************************************
//                                                                             *
//                             Protected methods                               *
//                                                                             *
// *****************************************************************************
function _dochecks()
	//Check for locale-related bug
		$this->Error('Don\'t alter the locale before including mPDF');
	//Check for decimal separator
	// mPDF 5.4.11
	if ($mqr) { $this->Error('mPDF requires magic_quotes_runtime to be turned off e.g. by using ini_set("magic_quotes_runtime", 0);'); }

function _begindoc()
	//Start document
	$this->_out('%'.chr(226).chr(227).chr(207).chr(211));	// 4 chars > 128 to show binary file

function _puthtmlheaders() {
	for($n=1;$n<=$nb;$n++) {
	  if ($this->mirrorMargins && $n%2==0) { $OE = 'E'; }	// EVEN
	  else { $OE = 'O'; }
	  $this->page = $n;
	  if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE])) {
		$html = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['html'];
		$this->lMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['ml'];
		$this->rMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mr'];
		$this->tMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mh'];
		$this->bMargin = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mf'];
		$this->margin_header = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mh'];
		$this->margin_footer = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['mf'];
		$this->w = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['pw'];
		$this->h = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['ph'];
		$rotate = (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['rotate']) ? $this->saveHTMLHeader[$n][$OE]['rotate'] : null);
		$this->pageoutput[$n] = array();
		$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
		$this->x = $this->lMargin;
		$this->y = $this->margin_header;
		// mPDF 5.6.47
		$pn = $this->docPageNum($n);
		if ($pn)
			$pnstr = $this->pagenumPrefix.$pn.$this->pagenumSuffix;
		else { $pnstr = ''; }
		$html = str_replace('{PAGENO}',$pnstr,$html);
		$pnt = $this->docPageNumTotal($n);
		if ($pnt)
			$pntstr = $this->nbpgPrefix.$pnt.$this->nbpgSuffix;
		else { $pntstr = ''; }
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPgGp,$pntstr,$html );	// {nbpg}
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPg,$nb,$html );	// {nb}
		$html = preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', array($this, 'date_callback') ,$html );	// mPDF 5.7

		$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();

		$this->writingHTMLheader = true;
		$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);	// parameter 4 saves output to $this->headerbuffer
		$this->writingHTMLheader = false;
		$this->pageoutput[$n] = array();

		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
		$this->headerbuffer = $s . $this->headerbuffer;
		$os = '';
		if ($rotate) {
			$os .= sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ',($this->w*_MPDFK));
		$os .= $this->headerbuffer ;
		if ($rotate) {
			$os .= ' Q' . "\n";

		// Writes over the page background but behind any other output on page
		$os = preg_replace('/\\\\/','\\\\\\\\',$os);
		$this->pages[$n] = preg_replace('/(___HEADER___MARKER'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$os."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$n]);

		$lks = $this->HTMLheaderPageLinks;
		foreach($lks AS $lk) {
			if ($rotate) {
				$lw = $lk[2];
				$lh = $lk[3];
				$lk[2] = $lh;
				$lk[3] = $lw;	// swap width and height
				$ax = $lk[0]/_MPDFK;
				$ay = $lk[1]/_MPDFK;
				$bx = $ay-($lh/_MPDFK);
				$by = $this->w-$ax;
				$lk[0] = $bx*_MPDFK;
				$lk[1] = ($this->h-$by)*_MPDFK - $lw;
/*-- FORMS --*/
		foreach($this->HTMLheaderPageForms AS $f) {
			$this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
/*-- END FORMS --*/

	  if (isset($this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE])) {
		$html = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['html'];
		$this->lMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['ml'];
		$this->rMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mr'];
		$this->tMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mh'];
		$this->bMargin = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mf'];
		$this->margin_header = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mh'];
		$this->margin_footer = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['mf'];
		$this->w = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['pw'];
		$this->h = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['ph'];
		$rotate = (isset($this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['rotate']) ? $this->saveHTMLFooter[$n][$OE]['rotate'] : null);
		$this->pageoutput[$n] = array();
		$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
		$this->x = $this->lMargin;
		$top_y = $this->y = $this->h - $this->margin_footer;

		// if bottom-margin==0, corrects to avoid division by zero
		if ($this->y == $this->h) { $top_y = $this->y = ($this->h - 0.1); }
		// mPDF 5.6.47
		$pn = $this->docPageNum($n);
		if ($pn)
			$pnstr = $this->pagenumPrefix.$pn.$this->pagenumSuffix;
		else { $pnstr = ''; }
		$html = str_replace('{PAGENO}',$pnstr,$html);
		$pnt = $this->docPageNumTotal($n);
		if ($pnt)
			$pntstr = $this->nbpgPrefix.$pnt.$this->nbpgSuffix;
		else { $pntstr = ''; }
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPgGp,$pntstr,$html );	// {nbpg}
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPg,$nb,$html );	// {nb}
		$html = preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', array($this, 'date_callback') ,$html );	// mPDF 5.7

		$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();

		$this->writingHTMLfooter = true;
		$this->InFooter = true;
		$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);	// parameter 4 saves output to $this->headerbuffer
		$this->InFooter = false;
		$this->pageoutput[$n] = array();

		$fheight = $this->y - $top_y;
		$adj = -$fheight;

		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds(-$adj);
		$this->headerbuffer = $s . $this->headerbuffer;
		$this->writingHTMLfooter = false;	// mPDF 5.7.3  (moved after PrintPageBackgrounds so can adjust position of images in footer)

		$os = '';
		$os .= $this->StartTransform(true)."\n";
		if ($rotate) {
			$os .= sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ',($this->w*_MPDFK));
		$os .= $this->transformTranslate(0, $adj, true)."\n";
		$os .= $this->headerbuffer ;
		if ($rotate) {
			$os .= ' Q' . "\n";
		$os .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n";
		// Writes over the page background but behind any other output on page
		$os = preg_replace('/\\\\/','\\\\\\\\',$os);
		$this->pages[$n] = preg_replace('/(___HEADER___MARKER'.$this->uniqstr.')/', "\n".$os."\n".'\\1', $this->pages[$n]);

		$lks = $this->HTMLheaderPageLinks;
		foreach($lks AS $lk) {
			$lk[1] -= $adj*_MPDFK;
			if ($rotate) {
				$lw = $lk[2];
				$lh = $lk[3];
				$lk[2] = $lh;
				$lk[3] = $lw;	// swap width and height

				$ax = $lk[0]/_MPDFK;
				$ay = $lk[1]/_MPDFK;
				$bx = $ay-($lh/_MPDFK);
				$by = $this->w-$ax;
				$lk[0] = $bx*_MPDFK;
				$lk[1] = ($this->h-$by)*_MPDFK - $lw;
/*-- FORMS --*/
		foreach($this->HTMLheaderPageForms AS $f) {
			$f['y'] += $adj;
			$this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
/*-- END FORMS --*/

function _putpages()
	$filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '';

	if($this->DefOrientation=='P') {
	else {

	// Active Forms
	$totaladdnum = 0;
	for($n=1;$n<=$nb;$n++) {
		if (isset($this->PageLinks[$n])) { $totaladdnum += count($this->PageLinks[$n]); }
		if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$n])) {
			foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$n] as $k => $pl) {
				if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup']) || !empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $totaladdnum += 2 ; }
				else { $totaladdnum++; }

/*-- FORMS --*/
		if ( count($this->form->forms) > 0 ) {
			$this->form->countPageForms($n, $totaladdnum);
/*-- END FORMS --*/
/*-- FORMS --*/
	// Make a note in the radio button group of the obj_id it will have
	$ctr = 0;
	if (count($this->form->form_radio_groups)) {
		foreach($this->form->form_radio_groups AS $name=>$frg) {
			$this->form->form_radio_groups[$name]['obj_id'] = $annotid + $totaladdnum + $ctr;
/*-- END FORMS --*/

	// Select unused fonts (usually default font)
	$unused = array();
	foreach($this->fonts as $fk=>$font) {
	   if (!$font['used'] && ($font['type']=='TTF')) {
		$unused[] = $fk;

		$thispage = $this->pages[$n];
//		unset($this->pages[$n]);	// mPDF 5.6.47
		if(isset($this->OrientationChanges[$n])) {
			$owidthPt_LR = $this->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_TB']*_MPDFK;
			$owidthPt_TB = $this->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_LR']*_MPDFK;
		else {
			$owidthPt_LR = $this->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_LR']*_MPDFK;
			$owidthPt_TB = $this->pageDim[$n]['outer_width_TB']*_MPDFK;
		// Remove references to unused fonts (usually default font)
		foreach($unused as $fk) {
			if ($this->fonts[$fk]['sip'] || $this->fonts[$fk]['smp']) {
				foreach($this->fonts[$fk]['subsetfontids'] AS $k => $fid) {
						$thispage = preg_replace('/\s\/F'.$fid.' \d[\d.]* Tf\s/is',' ',$thispage);
			else {
				$thispage = preg_replace('/\s\/F'.$this->fonts[$fk]['i'].' \d[\d.]* Tf\s/is',' ',$thispage);
		//Replace number of pages
		if(!empty($this->aliasNbPg)) {
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $s1 = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($this->aliasNbPg, false); }
			$s2 = $this->aliasNbPg;
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $r1 = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($nb, false); }
			$r2 = $nb;
			if (preg_match_all('/{mpdfheadernbpg (C|R) ff=(\S*) fs=(\S*) fz=(.*?)}/',$thispage,$m)) {
				for($hi=0;$hi<count($m[0]);$hi++) {
					$pos = $m[1][$hi];
					$hff = $m[2][$hi];
					$hfst = $m[3][$hi];
					$hfsz = $m[4][$hi];
					$this->SetFont($hff,$hfst,$hfsz, false);
					$x1 = $this->GetStringWidth($this->aliasNbPg);
					$x2 = $this->GetStringWidth($nb);
					$xadj = $x1 - $x2;
					if ($pos=='C') { $xadj /= 2; }
					$rep = sprintf(' q 1 0 0 1 %.3F 0 cm ', $xadj*_MPDFK);
					$thispage = str_replace($m[0][$hi], $rep, $thispage);
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $thispage=str_replace($s1,$r1,$thispage); }

			// And now for any SMP/SIP fonts subset using <HH> format
			$r = '';
			$nstr = "$nb";
			for($i=0;$i<strlen($nstr);$i++) {
				$r .= sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex(intval($nstr[$i])+48)));

		//Replace number of pages in group
		if(!empty($this->aliasNbPgGp)) {
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $s1 = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($this->aliasNbPgGp, false); }
			$s2 = $this->aliasNbPgGp;
			$nbt = $this->docPageNumTotal($n);
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $r1 = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($nbt, false); }
			$r2 = $nbt;
			if (preg_match_all('/{mpdfheadernbpggp (C|R) ff=(\S*) fs=(\S*) fz=(.*?)}/',$thispage,$m)) {
				for($hi=0;$hi<count($m[0]);$hi++) {
					$pos = $m[1][$hi];
					$hff = $m[2][$hi];
					$hfst = $m[3][$hi];
					$hfsz = $m[4][$hi];
					$this->SetFont($hff,$hfst,$hfsz, false);
					$x1 = $this->GetStringWidth($this->aliasNbPgGp);
					$x2 = $this->GetStringWidth($nbt);
					$xadj = $x1 - $x2;
					if ($pos=='C') { $xadj /= 2; }
					$rep = sprintf(' q 1 0 0 1 %.3F 0 cm ', $xadj*_MPDFK);
					$thispage = str_replace($m[0][$hi], $rep, $thispage);
			if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts) { $thispage=str_replace($s1,$r1,$thispage); }

			// And now for any SMP/SIP fonts subset using <HH> format
			$r = '';
			$nstr = "$nbt";
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		$thispage = preg_replace('/(\s*___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.'\s*)/', " ", $thispage);
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				$x1 = $hPt-$owidthPt_TB+$bleedMargin;
				$y1 = $wPt-$owidthPt_LR+$bleedMargin;
				$this->_out(sprintf('/BleedBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1));
			$this->_out(sprintf('/TrimBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $owidthPt_TB, $owidthPt_LR, ($hPt-$owidthPt_TB), ($wPt-$owidthPt_LR)));
			if (isset($this->OrientationChanges[$n]) && $this->displayDefaultOrientation) {
				if ($this->DefOrientation=='P') { $this->_out('/Rotate 270'); }
				else { $this->_out('/Rotate 90'); }
		//else if($wPt != $defwPt || $hPt != $defhPt) {
		else {
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				$x1 = $wPt-$owidthPt_LR+$bleedMargin;
				$y1 = $hPt-$owidthPt_TB+$bleedMargin;
				$this->_out(sprintf('/BleedBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $x0, $y0, $x1, $y1));
			$this->_out(sprintf('/TrimBox [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $owidthPt_LR, $owidthPt_TB, ($wPt-$owidthPt_LR), ($hPt-$owidthPt_TB)));
		$this->_out('/Resources 2 0 R');

		// Important to keep in RGB colorSpace when using transparency
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				$this->_out('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceCMYK >> ');
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				$this->_out('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceGray >> ');
				$this->_out('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceRGB >> ');

		$annotsnum = 0;
		$embeddedfiles = array();	// mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles

		if (isset($this->PageLinks[$n])) { $annotsnum += count($this->PageLinks[$n]); }
		if (isset($this->PageAnnots[$n])) {
			foreach ($this->PageAnnots[$n] as $k => $pl) {
				if (!empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $embeddedfiles[$annotsnum+1] = true ; }	// mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles
				if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup']) || !empty($pl['opt']['file'])) { $annotsnum += 2 ; }
				else { $annotsnum++; }
				$this->PageAnnots[$n][$k]['pageobj'] = $this->n;

/*-- FORMS --*/
		// Active Forms
		$formsnum = 0;
		if ( count($this->form->forms) > 0 ) {
			foreach( $this->form->forms as $val ) {
				if ( $val['page'] == $n )
/*-- END FORMS --*/
		if ($annotsnum || $formsnum) {
			$s = '/Annots [ ';
			for($i=0;$i<$annotsnum;$i++) {
				if (!isset($embeddedfiles[$i])) { $s .= ($annotid + $i) . ' 0 R '; }	// mPDF 5.7.2 /EmbeddedFiles
			$annotid += $annotsnum;
/*-- FORMS --*/
			if ( count($this->form->forms) > 0 ) {
				$this->form->addFormIds($n, $s, $annotid);
/*-- END FORMS --*/
			$s .= '] ';

		$this->_out('/Contents '.($this->n+1).' 0 R>>');

		//Page content
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	$this->_putannots();	// mPDF 5.7.2

	//Pages root
	$this->_out('1 0 obj');
	$this->_out('<</Type /Pages');
	$kids='/Kids [';
		$kids.=(3+2*$i).' 0 R ';
	$this->_out('/Count '.$nb);
	$this->_out(sprintf('/MediaBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]',$defwPt,$defhPt));

function _putannots() {	// mPDF 5.7.2
	$filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '';
		$annotobjs = array();
		if(isset($this->PageLinks[$n]) || isset($this->PageAnnots[$n]) || count($this->form->forms) > 0 ) {

			if(isset($this->PageLinks[$n])) {
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				$rect=sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F',$pl[0],$pl[1],$pl[0]+$pl[2],$pl[1]-$pl[3]);
				$annot .= '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Link /Rect ['.$rect.']';
				$annot .= ' /Contents '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($pl[4]);
				$annot .= ' /NM '.$this->_textstring(sprintf('%04u-%04u', $n, $key));
				$annot .= ' /M '.$this->_textstring('D:'.date('YmdHis'));
				$annot .= ' /Border [0 0 0]';
				// Use this (instead of /Border) to specify border around link
		//		$annot .= ' /BS <</W 1';	// Width on points; 0 = no line
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		//		$annot .= ' /C [1 0 0]';	// Color RGB

				if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $annot .= ' /F 28'; }
				if (strpos($pl[4],'@')===0) {
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					$annot.=sprintf(' /Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.3F null]>>',1+2*$p,$htarg);
				else if(is_string($pl[4])) {
					$annot .= ' /A <</S /URI /URI '.$this->_textstring($pl[4]).'>> >>';
				else {
					// may not be set if #link points to non-existent target
					if (isset($this->pageDim[$l[0]]['h'])) { $htarg=$this->pageDim[$l[0]]['h']*_MPDFK; }
					else { $htarg=$this->h*_MPDFK; } // doesn't really matter
					$annot.=sprintf(' /Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.3F null]>>',1+2*$l[0],$htarg-$l[1]*_MPDFK);

			if(isset($this->PageAnnots[$n])) {
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				if ($pl['opt']['file']) { $FileAttachment=true; }
				else { $FileAttachment=false; }
				$pl['opt'] = array_change_key_case($pl['opt'], CASE_LOWER);
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				$annot .= '<</Type /Annot ';
				if ($FileAttachment) {
					$annot .= '/Subtype /FileAttachment';
					// Need to set a size for FileAttachment icons
					if ($pl['opt']['icon']=='Paperclip') { $w=8.235; $h=20; }	// 7,17
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					else if ($pl['opt']['icon']=='Graph') { $w=20; $h=20; }
					else { $w=14; $h=20; } 	// PushPin
					$f = $pl['opt']['file'];
					$f = preg_replace('/^.*\//', '', $f);
					$f = preg_replace('/[^a-zA-Z0-9._]/', '', $f);
					$annot .= '/FS <</Type /Filespec /F ('.$f.')';
					$annot .= '/EF <</F '.($this->n+1).' 0 R>>';
					$annot .= '>>';
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					$annot .= '/Subtype /Text';
				$rect = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $a, $b-$h, $a+$w, $b);
				$annot .= '/Rect ['.$rect.']';

				// contents = description of file in free text
				$annot .= ' /Contents '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($pl['txt']);
				$annot .= ' /NM '.$this->_textstring(sprintf('%04u-%04u', $n, (2000 + $key)));
				$annot .= ' /M '.$this->_textstring('D:'.date('YmdHis'));
				$annot .= ' /CreationDate '.$this->_textstring('D:'.date('YmdHis'));
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					$annot .= ' /F 28';
					$annot .= ' /CA 1';
				else if ($pl['opt']['ca']>0) { $annot .= ' /CA '.$pl['opt']['ca']; }

				$annotcolor = ' /C [';
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					$col = $pl['opt']['c'];
					if ($col{0}==3 || $col{0}==5) { $annotcolor .= sprintf("%.3F %.3F %.3F", ord($col{1})/255,ord($col{2})/255,ord($col{3})/255); }
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					else { $annotcolor .= '1 1 0'; }
				else { $annotcolor .= '1 1 0'; }
				$annotcolor .= ']';
				$annot .= $annotcolor;
				// Usually Author
				// Use as Title for fileattachment
				if (isset($pl['opt']['t']) AND is_string($pl['opt']['t'])) {
					$annot .= ' /T '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($pl['opt']['t']);
				if ($FileAttachment) {
					$iconsapp = array('Paperclip', 'Graph', 'PushPin', 'Tag');
				else { $iconsapp = array('Comment', 'Help', 'Insert', 'Key', 'NewParagraph', 'Note', 'Paragraph'); }
				if (isset($pl['opt']['icon']) AND in_array($pl['opt']['icon'], $iconsapp)) {
					$annot .= ' /Name /'.$pl['opt']['icon'];
				else if ($FileAttachment) { $annot .= ' /Name /PushPin'; }
				else { $annot .= ' /Name /Note'; }
				if (!$FileAttachment) {
					// /Subj is PDF 1.5 spec.
					if (isset($pl['opt']['subj']) && !$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) {
						$annot .= ' /Subj '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($pl['opt']['subj']);
					if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup'])) {
						$annot .= ' /Open true';
						$annot .= ' /Popup '.($this->n+1).' 0 R';
					else { $annot .= ' /Open false'; }
				$annot .= ' /P '.$pl['pageobj'].' 0 R';
				$annot .= '>>';

				if ($FileAttachment) {
					$file = @file_get_contents($pl['opt']['file']) or die('mPDF Error: Cannot access file attachment - '.$pl['opt']['file']);
					$filestream = gzcompress($file);
					$this->_out('<</Type /EmbeddedFile');
					$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($filestream));
					$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
				else if (!empty($pl['opt']['popup'])) {
					if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][0])) { $x = $pl['opt']['popup'][0] * _MPDFK; }
					else { $x = $pl['x'] * _MPDFK; }
					if (is_array($pl['opt']['popup']) && isset($pl['opt']['popup'][1])) { $y = $hPt - ($pl['opt']['popup'][1] * _MPDFK); }
					else { $y = $hPt - ($pl['y']  * _MPDFK); }
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					else { $w = 180; }
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					else { $h = 120; }
					$rect = sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F', $x, $y-$h, $x+$w, $y);
					$annot .= '<</Type /Annot /Subtype /Popup /Rect ['.$rect.']';
					$annot .= ' /M '.$this->_textstring('D:'.date('YmdHis'));
					if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $annot .= ' /F 28'; }
					$annot .= ' /Parent '.($this->n-1).' 0 R';
					$annot .= '>>';

/*-- FORMS --*/
			// Active Forms
			if ( count($this->form->forms) > 0 ) {
				$this->form->_putFormItems($n, $hPt);
/*-- END FORMS --*/
/*-- FORMS --*/
	// Active Forms - Radio Button Group entries
	// Output Radio Button Group form entries (radio_on_obj_id already determined)
	if (count($this->form->form_radio_groups)) {
/*-- END FORMS --*/

function Annotation($text, $x=0, $y=0, $icon='Note', $author='', $subject='', $opacity=0, $colarray=false, $popup='', $file='') {
	if (is_array($colarray) && count($colarray)==3) { $colarray = $this->ConvertColor('rgb('.$colarray[0].','.$colarray[1].','.$colarray[2].')'); }
	if ($colarray === false) { $colarray = $this->ConvertColor('yellow'); }
	if ($x==0) { $x = $this->x; }
	if ($y==0) { $y = $this->y; }
	$page = $this->page;
	if ($page < 1) {	// Document has not been started - assume it's for first page
		$page = 1;
		if ($x==0) { $x = $this->lMargin; }
		if ($y==0) { $y = $this->tMargin; }

	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
		if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Annotation markers cannot be semi-transparent in PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a, so they may make underlying text unreadable. (Annotation markers moved to right margin)"; }
		$x = ($this->w) - $this->rMargin*0.66;
	if (!$this->annotMargin) { $y -= $this->FontSize / 2; }

	if (!$opacity && $this->annotMargin) { $opacity = 1; }
	else if (!$opacity) { $opacity = $this->annotOpacity; }

	$an = array('txt' => $text, 'x' => $x, 'y' => $y, 'opt' => array('Icon'=>$icon, 'T'=>$author, 'Subj'=>$subject, 'C'=>$colarray, 'CA'=>$opacity, 'popup'=>$popup, 'file'=>$file));

	if ($this->keep_block_together) {	// Save to array - don't write yet
		$this->ktAnnots[$this->page][]= $an;
	else if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$this->tbrot_Annots[$this->page][]= $an;
	else if ($this->kwt) {
		$this->kwt_Annots[$this->page][]= $an;
	// mPDF 5.0
	if ($this->writingHTMLheader || $this->writingHTMLfooter) {
		$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots[]= $an;
	//Put an Annotation on the page
	$this->PageAnnots[$page][] = $an;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	// Save cross-reference to Column buffer
	$ref = count($this->PageAnnots[$this->page])-1;
	$this->columnAnnots[$this->CurrCol][INTVAL($this->x)][INTVAL($this->y)] = $ref;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

function _putfonts() {
	foreach($this->FontFiles as $fontkey=>$info) {
	   // TrueType embedded
	   if (isset($info['type']) && $info['type']=='TTF' && !$info['sip'] && !$info['smp']) {
		$used = true;
		$asSubset = false;
		foreach($this->fonts AS $k=>$f) {
			if ($f['fontkey'] == $fontkey && $f['type']=='TTF') {
				$used = $f['used'];
				if ($used) {
					$nChars = (ord($f['cw'][0]) << 8) + ord($f['cw'][1]);
					$usage = intval(count($f['subset'])*100 / $nChars);
					$fsize = $info['length1'];
					// Always subset the very large TTF files
					if ($fsize > ($this->maxTTFFilesize *1024)) { $asSubset = true; }
					else if ($usage < $this->percentSubset) { $asSubset = true; }
				if ($f['unAGlyphs']) $aaSubset = true;	// mPDF 5.4.05
				if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX)  $asSubset = false;
				$this->fonts[$k]['asSubset'] = $asSubset;
		if ($used && !$asSubset) {
			//Font file embedding
			$originalsize = $info['length1'];
			if ($this->repackageTTF || $this->fonts[$fontkey]['TTCfontID']>0) {
				// First see if there is a cached compressed file
				if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.ps.z')) {
					if(!$f) { $this->Error('Font file .ps.z not found'); }
					while(!feof($f)) { $font .= fread($f, 2048); }
					include(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.ps.php');	// sets $originalsize (of repackaged font)
				else {
					if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); }
					$ttf = new TTFontFile();
					$font = $ttf->repackageTTF($this->FontFiles[$fontkey]['ttffile'], $this->fonts[$fontkey]['TTCfontID'], $this->debugfonts, $this->fonts[$fontkey]['unAGlyphs']);	// mPDF 5.4.05

					$originalsize = strlen($font);
					$font = gzcompress($font);
					if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
						$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.ps.z',"wb");
						$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.ps.php',"wb");
						$len = "<?php \n";
			else {
				// First see if there is a cached compressed file
				if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.z')) {
					if(!$f) { $this->Error('Font file not found'); }
					while(!feof($f)) { $font .= fread($f, 2048); }
				else {
					if(!$f) { $this->Error('Font file not found'); }
					while(!feof($f)) { $font .= fread($f, 2048); }
					$font = gzcompress($font);
					if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
						$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$fontkey.'.z',"wb");

			$this->_out('<</Length '.strlen($font));
			$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
			$this->_out('/Length1 '.$originalsize);

	$nfonts = count($this->fonts);
	$fctr = 1;
	foreach($this->fonts as $k=>$font) {
		//Font objects
		if ((!isset($font['used']) || !$font['used']) && $type=='TTF') { continue; }
		if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,intval($fctr*100/$nfonts),'Writing Fonts'); $fctr++; }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
		if (isset($font['asSubset'])) { $asSubset = $font['asSubset']; }
		else { $asSubset = ''; }
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		if($type=='Type0') { 	// = Adobe CJK Fonts
			$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/
		if($type=='core') {
			//Standard font
			if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $this->Error('Core fonts are not allowed in PDF/A1-b or PDFX/1-a files (Times, Helvetica, Courier etc.)'); }
			$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
			$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$name);
			$this->_out('/Subtype /Type1');
			if($name!='Symbol' && $name!='ZapfDingbats') {
				$this->_out('/Encoding /WinAnsiEncoding');
		// TrueType embedded SUBSETS for SIP (CJK extB containing Supplementary Ideographic Plane 2)
		// Or Unicode Plane 1 - Supplementary Multilingual Plane
		else if ($type=='TTF' && ($font['sip'] || $font['smp'])) {
		   if (!$font['used']) { continue; }
		   if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); }
		   $ttf = new TTFontFile();
		   for($sfid=0;$sfid<count($font['subsetfontids']);$sfid++) {
			$this->fonts[$k]['n'][$sfid]=$this->n+1;		// NB an array for subset
			$subsetname = 'MPDF'.$ssfaid.'+'.$font['name'];
			$subset = $font['subsets'][$sfid];
			$ttfontstream = $ttf->makeSubsetSIP($font['ttffile'], $subset, $font['TTCfontID'], $this->debugfonts);
			$ttfontsize = strlen($ttfontstream);
			$fontstream = gzcompress($ttfontstream);
			$widthstring = '';
			$toUnistring = '';
			foreach($font['subsets'][$sfid] AS $cp=>$u) {
				$w = $this->_getCharWidth($font['cw'], $u);
				if ($w !== false) {
					$widthstring .= $w.' ';
				else {
					$widthstring .= round($ttf->defaultWidth).' ';
				if ($u > 65535) {
					$utf8 = chr(($u>>18)+240).chr((($u>>12)&63)+128).chr((($u>>6)&63)+128) .chr(($u&63)+128);
					$utf16 = mb_convert_encoding($utf8, 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8');
					$l1 = ord($utf16[0]);
					$h1 = ord($utf16[1]);
					$l2 = ord($utf16[2]);
					$h2 = ord($utf16[3]);
					$toUnistring .= sprintf("<%02s> <%02s%02s%02s%02s>\n", strtoupper(dechex($cp)), strtoupper(dechex($l1)), strtoupper(dechex($h1)), strtoupper(dechex($l2)), strtoupper(dechex($h2)));
				else {
					$toUnistring .= sprintf("<%02s> <%04s>\n", strtoupper(dechex($cp)), strtoupper(dechex($u)));

			//Additional Type1 or TrueType font
			$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
			$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$subsetname);
			$this->_out('/Subtype /TrueType');
			$this->_out('/FirstChar 0 /LastChar '.(count($font['subsets'][$sfid])-1));
			$this->_out('/Widths '.($this->n+1).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/FontDescriptor '.($this->n+2).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/ToUnicode '.($this->n + 3).' 0 R');


			$s='<</Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /'.$subsetname."\n";
			foreach($font['desc'] as $kd=>$v) {
				if ($kd == 'Flags') { $v = $v | 4; $v = $v & ~32; }	// SYMBOLIC font flag
				$s.=' /'.$kd.' '.$v."\n";
			$s.='/FontFile2 '.($this->n + 2).' 0 R';

			// ToUnicode
			$toUni = "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n";
			$toUni .= "12 dict begin\n";
			$toUni .= "begincmap\n";
			$toUni .= "/CIDSystemInfo\n";
			$toUni .= "<</Registry (Adobe)\n";
			$toUni .= "/Ordering (UCS)\n";
			$toUni .= "/Supplement 0\n";
			$toUni .= ">> def\n";
			$toUni .= "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n";
			$toUni .= "/CMapType 2 def\n";
			$toUni .= "1 begincodespacerange\n";
			$toUni .= "<00> <FF>\n";
			$toUni .= "endcodespacerange\n";
			$toUni .= count($font['subsets'][$sfid])." beginbfchar\n";
			$toUni .= $toUnistring;
			$toUni .= "endbfchar\n";
			$toUni .= "endcmap\n";
			$toUni .= "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n";
			$toUni .= "end\n";
			$toUni .= "end\n";

			$this->_out('<</Length '.(strlen($toUni)).'>>');

			//Font file
			$this->_out('<</Length '.strlen($fontstream));
			$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
			$this->_out('/Length1 '.$ttfontsize);
		   }	// foreach subset
		// TrueType embedded SUBSETS or FULL
		else if ($type=='TTF') {
			if ($asSubset ) {
				if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); }
				$ttf = new TTFontFile();
				$fontname = 'MPDFA'.$ssfaid.'+'.$font['name'];
				$subset = $font['subset'];
				$ttfontstream = $ttf->makeSubset($font['ttffile'], $subset, $font['TTCfontID'], $this->debugfonts, $font['unAGlyphs']);	// mPDF 5.4.05
				$ttfontsize = strlen($ttfontstream);
				$fontstream = gzcompress($ttfontstream);
				$codeToGlyph = $ttf->codeToGlyph;
			else { $fontname = $font['name']; }
			// Type0 Font
			// A composite font - a font composed of other fonts, organized hierarchically
			$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
			$this->_out('/Subtype /Type0');
			$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$fontname.'');
			$this->_out('/Encoding /Identity-H');
			$this->_out('/DescendantFonts ['.($this->n + 1).' 0 R]');
			$this->_out('/ToUnicode '.($this->n + 2).' 0 R');

			// CIDFontType2
			// A CIDFont whose glyph descriptions are based on TrueType font technology
			$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
			$this->_out('/Subtype /CIDFontType2');
			$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$fontname.'');
			$this->_out('/CIDSystemInfo '.($this->n + 2).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/FontDescriptor '.($this->n + 3).' 0 R');
			if (isset($font['desc']['MissingWidth'])){
				$this->_out('/DW '.$font['desc']['MissingWidth'].'');

			if (!$asSubset && file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw')) {
					$w = '';
			else {
				$this->_putTTfontwidths($font, $asSubset, $ttf->maxUni);

			$this->_out('/CIDToGIDMap '.($this->n + 4).' 0 R');

			// ToUnicode
			$toUni = "/CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin\n";
			$toUni .= "12 dict begin\n";
			$toUni .= "begincmap\n";
			$toUni .= "/CIDSystemInfo\n";
			$toUni .= "<</Registry (Adobe)\n";
			$toUni .= "/Ordering (UCS)\n";
			$toUni .= "/Supplement 0\n";
			$toUni .= ">> def\n";
			$toUni .= "/CMapName /Adobe-Identity-UCS def\n";
			$toUni .= "/CMapType 2 def\n";
			$toUni .= "1 begincodespacerange\n";
			$toUni .= "<0000> <FFFF>\n";
			$toUni .= "endcodespacerange\n";
			$toUni .= "1 beginbfrange\n";
			$toUni .= "<0000> <FFFF> <0000>\n";
			$toUni .= "endbfrange\n";
			$toUni .= "endcmap\n";
			$toUni .= "CMapName currentdict /CMap defineresource pop\n";
			$toUni .= "end\n";
			$toUni .= "end\n";
			$this->_out('<</Length '.(strlen($toUni)).'>>');

			// CIDSystemInfo dictionary
			$this->_out('<</Registry (Adobe)');
			$this->_out('/Ordering (UCS)');
			$this->_out('/Supplement 0');

			// Font descriptor
			$this->_out('<</Type /FontDescriptor');
			$this->_out('/FontName /'.$fontname);
			foreach($font['desc'] as $kd=>$v) {
				if ($asSubset && $kd == 'Flags') { $v = $v | 4; $v = $v & ~32; }	// SYMBOLIC font flag
				$this->_out(' /'.$kd.' '.$v);
			if ($font['panose']) {
				$this->_out(' /Style << /Panose <'.$font['panose'].'> >>');
			if ($asSubset ) {
				$this->_out('/FontFile2 '.($this->n + 2).' 0 R');
			else if ($font['fontkey']) {
				// obj ID of a stream containing a TrueType font program
				$this->_out('/FontFile2 '.$this->FontFiles[$font['fontkey']]['n'].' 0 R');

			// Embed CIDToGIDMap
			// A specification of the mapping from CIDs to glyph indices
			if ($asSubset ) {
				$cidtogidmap = '';
				$cidtogidmap = str_pad('', 256*256*2, "\x00");
				foreach($codeToGlyph as $cc=>$glyph) {
					$cidtogidmap[$cc*2] = chr($glyph >> 8);
					$cidtogidmap[$cc*2 + 1] = chr($glyph & 0xFF);
				$cidtogidmap = gzcompress($cidtogidmap);
			else {
				// First see if there is a cached CIDToGIDMapfile
				$cidtogidmap = '';
				if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cgm')) {
					while(!feof($f)) { $cidtogidmap .= fread($f, 2048); }
				else {
					if (!class_exists('TTFontFile', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/ttfontsuni.php'); }
					$ttf = new TTFontFile();
					$charToGlyph = $ttf->getCTG($font['ttffile'], $font['TTCfontID'], $this->debugfonts, $font['unAGlyphs']);	// mPDF 5.4.05
					$cidtogidmap = str_pad('', 256*256*2, "\x00");
					foreach($charToGlyph as $cc=>$glyph) {
						$cidtogidmap[$cc*2] = chr($glyph >> 8);
						$cidtogidmap[$cc*2 + 1] = chr($glyph & 0xFF);
					$cidtogidmap = gzcompress($cidtogidmap);
					if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
						$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cgm',"wb");
			$this->_out('<</Length '.strlen($cidtogidmap).'');
			$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');

			//Font file
			if ($asSubset ) {
				$this->_out('<</Length '.strlen($fontstream));
				$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
				$this->_out('/Length1 '.$ttfontsize);
		else { $this->Error('Unsupported font type: '.$type.' ('.$name.')'); }

function _putTTfontwidths(&$font, $asSubset, $maxUni) {
	if ($asSubset && file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw127.php')) {
		include(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw127.php') ;
		$startcid = 128;
	else {
		$rangeid = 0;
		$range = array();
		$prevcid = -2;
		$prevwidth = -1;
		$interval = false;
		$startcid = 1;
	if ($asSubset) { $cwlen = $maxUni + 1; }
	else { $cwlen = (strlen($font['cw'])/2); }

	// for each character
	for ($cid=$startcid; $cid<$cwlen; $cid++) {
		if ($cid==128 && $asSubset && (!file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw127.php'))) {
			if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
				$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw127.php',"wb");
				if ($interval) { $cw127.='$interval=true'.";\n"; }
				else { $cw127.='$interval=false'.";\n"; }
		if ($font['cw'][$cid*2] == "\00" && $font['cw'][$cid*2+1] == "\00") { continue; }
		$width = (ord($font['cw'][$cid*2]) << 8) + ord($font['cw'][$cid*2+1]);
		if ($width == 65535) { $width = 0; }
		if ($asSubset && $cid > 255 && (!isset($font['subset'][$cid]) || !$font['subset'][$cid])) {
		if (!isset($font['dw']) || (isset($font['dw']) && $width != $font['dw'])) {
			if ($cid == ($prevcid + 1)) {
				// consecutive CID
				if ($width == $prevwidth) {
					if ($width == $range[$rangeid][0]) {
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					} else {
						// new range
						$rangeid = $prevcid;
						$range[$rangeid] = array();
						$range[$rangeid][] = $prevwidth;
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					$interval = true;
					$range[$rangeid]['interval'] = true;
				} else {
					if ($interval) {
						// new range
						$rangeid = $cid;
						$range[$rangeid] = array();
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					} else {
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					$interval = false;
			} else {
				// new range
				$rangeid = $cid;
				$range[$rangeid] = array();
				$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
				$interval = false;
			$prevcid = $cid;
			$prevwidth = $width;
	$w = $this->_putfontranges($range);
	if (!$asSubset) {
		if (is_writable(dirname(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.'x'))) {
			$fh = fopen(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font['fontkey'].'.cw',"wb");

function _putfontranges(&$range) {
	// optimize ranges
	$prevk = -1;
	$nextk = -1;
	$prevint = false;
	foreach ($range as $k => $ws) {
		$cws = count($ws);
		if (($k == $nextk) AND (!$prevint) AND ((!isset($ws['interval'])) OR ($cws < 4))) {
			if (isset($range[$k]['interval'])) {
			$range[$prevk] = array_merge($range[$prevk], $range[$k]);
		} else {
			$prevk = $k;
		$nextk = $k + $cws;
		if (isset($ws['interval'])) {
			if ($cws > 3) {
				$prevint = true;
			} else {
				$prevint = false;
		} else {
			$prevint = false;
	// output data
	$w = '';
	foreach ($range as $k => $ws) {
		if (count(array_count_values($ws)) == 1) {
			// interval mode is more compact
			$w .= ' '.$k.' '.($k + count($ws) - 1).' '.$ws[0];
		} else {
			// range mode
			$w .= ' '.$k.' [ '.implode(' ', $ws).' ]' . "\n";
	return '/W ['.$w.' ]';

function _putfontwidths(&$font, $cidoffset=0) {
	$rangeid = 0;
	$range = array();
	$prevcid = -2;
	$prevwidth = -1;
	$interval = false;
	// for each character
	foreach ($font['cw'] as $cid => $width) {
		$cid -= $cidoffset;
		if (!isset($font['dw']) || (isset($font['dw']) && $width != $font['dw'])) {
			if ($cid == ($prevcid + 1)) {
				// consecutive CID
				if ($width == $prevwidth) {
					if ($width == $range[$rangeid][0]) {
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					} else {
						// new range
						$rangeid = $prevcid;
						$range[$rangeid] = array();
						$range[$rangeid][] = $prevwidth;
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					$interval = true;
					$range[$rangeid]['interval'] = true;
				} else {
					if ($interval) {
						// new range
						$rangeid = $cid;
						$range[$rangeid] = array();
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					} else {
						$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
					$interval = false;
			} else {
				// new range
				$rangeid = $cid;
				$range[$rangeid] = array();
				$range[$rangeid][] = $width;
				$interval = false;
			$prevcid = $cid;
			$prevwidth = $width;

/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/

// from class PDF_Chinese CJK EXTENSIONS
function _putType0(&$font)
	$this->_out('/Subtype /Type0');
	$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$font['name'].'-'.$font['CMap']);
	$this->_out('/Encoding /'.$font['CMap']);
	$this->_out('/DescendantFonts ['.($this->n+1).' 0 R]');
	$this->_out('<</Type /Font');
	$this->_out('/Subtype /CIDFontType0');
	$this->_out('/BaseFont /'.$font['name']);

	$cidinfo = '/Registry '.$this->_textstring('Adobe');
	$cidinfo .= ' /Ordering '.$this->_textstring($font['registry']['ordering']);
	$cidinfo .= ' /Supplement '.$font['registry']['supplement'];
	$this->_out('/CIDSystemInfo <<'.$cidinfo.'>>');

	$this->_out('/FontDescriptor '.($this->n+1).' 0 R');
	if (isset($font['MissingWidth'])){
		$this->_out('/DW '.$font['MissingWidth'].'');
	$this->_putfontwidths($font, 31);

	//Font descriptor
	$s = '<</Type /FontDescriptor /FontName /'.$font['name'];
	foreach ($font['desc'] as $k => $v) {
		if ($k != 'Style') {
			$s .= ' /'.$k.' '.$v.'';
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

function _putimages()
	$filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '';
	while(list($file,$info)=each($this->images)) {
		$this->_out('<</Type /XObject');
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		$this->_out('/Height '.$info['h']);
		if (isset($info['masked'])) {
			$this->_out('/SMask '.($this->n - 1).' 0 R');
		if($info['cs']=='Indexed') {
			if ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a files do not permit using mixed colour space (".$file.")."); }
			$this->_out('/ColorSpace [/Indexed /DeviceRGB '.(strlen($info['pal'])/3-1).' '.($this->n+1).' 0 R]');
		else {
			$this->_out('/ColorSpace /'.$info['cs']);
			if($info['cs']=='DeviceCMYK') {
				if ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b does not permit Images using mixed colour space (".$file.")."); }
				if($info['type']=='jpg') { $this->_out('/Decode [1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0]'); }
			else if ($info['cs']=='DeviceRGB' && ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace==3))) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a files do not permit using mixed colour space (".$file.")."); }
		$this->_out('/BitsPerComponent '.$info['bpc']);
		if (isset($info['f']) && $info['f']) { $this->_out('/Filter /'.$info['f']); }
		if(isset($info['parms'])) { $this->_out($info['parms']); }
		if(isset($info['trns']) and is_array($info['trns'])) {
				$trns.=$info['trns'][$i].' '.$info['trns'][$i].' ';
			$this->_out('/Mask ['.$trns.']');
		$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($info['data']).'>>');

		if($info['cs']=='Indexed') {
			$pal=($this->compress) ? gzcompress($info['pal']) : $info['pal'];
			$this->_out('<<'.$filter.'/Length '.strlen($pal).'>>');

function _putinfo()
	$this->_out('/Producer '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring('mPDF '.mPDF_VERSION));
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	if ($this->PDFX) {

function _putmetadata() {
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	$uuid = sprintf('%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x', mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff),
			mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0x0fff) | 0x4000, mt_rand(0, 0x3fff) | 0x8000,
			mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff), mt_rand(0, 0xffff)  );

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	// This bit is specific to PDFA-1b
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	$this->_out('<</Type/Metadata/Subtype/XML/Length '.strlen($m).'>>');

function _putoutputintent() {
	$this->OutputIntentRoot = $this->n;
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			$this->_out('/OutputConditionIdentifier (sRGB IEC61966-2.1)');
			$this->_out('/OutputCondition ()');
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		if ($this->ICCProfile) {
			$this->_out('/Info ('.preg_replace('/_/',' ',$this->ICCProfile).')');
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			$this->_out('/OutputCondition ()');
			$this->_out('/DestOutputProfile '.($this->n+1).' 0 R');
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			$this->_out('/OutputConditionIdentifier (CGATS TR 001)');
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			$this->_out('/RegistryName (http://www.color.org)');

	if ($this->PDFX && !$this->ICCProfile) { return; } // no ICCProfile embedded

	if ($this->ICCProfile)
		$s = file_get_contents(_MPDF_PATH.'iccprofiles/'.$this->ICCProfile.'.icc');
		$s = file_get_contents(_MPDF_PATH.'iccprofiles/sRGB_IEC61966-2-1.icc');
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	if ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace == 3)) { $this->_out('/N 4'); }
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	$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($s).'>>');

function _putcatalog() {
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/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
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	// Metadata
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	// OutputIntents
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		$this->_out('/OutputIntents ['.$this->OutputIntentRoot.' 0 R]');

/*-- FORMS --*/
	if (count($this->form->forms)>0) {
/*-- END FORMS --*/
	if ( isset($this->js) ) {
		$this->_out('/Names << /JavaScript '.($this->n_js).' 0 R >> ');

	if($this->DisplayPreferences || $this->directionality == 'rtl' || $this->mirrorMargins) {
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		if(is_int(strpos($this->DisplayPreferences,'NoPrintScaling')) && !$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX)
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		if($this->mirrorMargins && !$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) {
			// if ($this->DefOrientation=='P') $this->_out('/Duplex /DuplexFlipShortEdge');
			$this->_out('/Duplex /DuplexFlipLongEdge');	// PDF v1.7+
	// mPDF 5.6.01
	if($this->open_layer_pane && ($this->hasOC || count($this->layers)))
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	// mPDF 5.6.01
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		if(count($this->layers)) {
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				$lall .= $layer['n'].' 0 R ';
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		if ($as) $this->_out("/AS [$as] ");



// Inactive function left for backwards compatability
function SetUserRights($enable=true, $annots="", $form="", $signature="") {
	// Does nothing

function _enddoc() {
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,'10','Writing Headers & Footers'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
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	// Remove references to unused fonts (usually default font)
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	// mPDF 5.6.01 - LAYERS
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	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX || $this->ICCProfile) { $this->_putoutputintent(); }

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	$this->_out('0000000000 65535 f ');
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	$this->buffer .= '%%EOF';
/*-- IMPORTS --*/

	if ($this->enableImports && count($this->parsers) > 0) {
	  	foreach ($this->parsers as $k => $_){
			$this->parsers[$k] = null;
/*-- END IMPORTS --*/

function _beginpage($orientation,$mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0,$pagesel='',$newformat='') {
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	$resetHTMLHeadersrequired = false;

	if ($newformat) { $this->_setPageSize($newformat, $orientation); }
/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/
	// Paged media (page-box)

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		list($orientation,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$hname,$fname,$bg,$resetpagenum,$pagenumstyle,$suppress,$marks,$newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS($psel, $first, $oddEven);
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		$this->show_marks = $marks;

		// Background color
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		else { $this->bodyBackgroundColor = false; }

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		// Tiling Patterns
		if (isset($bg['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $bg['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) {
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/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

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			$this->bMargin = $this->orig_rMargin;
			$this->DeflMargin = $this->orig_bMargin;
			$this->DefrMargin = $this->orig_tMargin;
			$this->margin_header = $this->orig_hMargin;
			$this->margin_footer = $this->orig_fMargin;
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	// If Page Margins are re-defined
	// strlen()>0 is used to pick up (integer) 0, (string) '0', or set value
	if ((strlen($mgl)>0 && $this->DeflMargin != $mgl) || (strlen($mgr)>0 && $this->DefrMargin != $mgr) || (strlen($mgt)>0 && $this->tMargin != $mgt) || (strlen($mgb)>0 && $this->bMargin != $mgb) || (strlen($mgh)>0 && $this->margin_header!=$mgh) || (strlen($mgf)>0 && $this->margin_footer!=$mgf)) {
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		if (strlen($mgt)>0)  $this->tMargin = $mgt;
		if (strlen($mgb)>0)  $this->bMargin = $mgb;
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		if (strlen($mgf)>0)  $this->margin_footer=$mgf;
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		$resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true; 	// *HTMLHEADERS-FOOTERS*

	$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;

	// Reset column top margin
	$this->y0 = $this->tMargin;


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	else if ($ehname && $ehvalue>0) {
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		$resetHTMLHeadersrequired = true;
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		$this->_setAutoFooterHeight($this->footerDetails['odd'], $this->HTMLFooter);
	// Reset column top margin
	$this->y0 = $this->tMargin;


function _setAutoHeaderHeight(&$det, &$htmlh) {
  if ($this->setAutoTopMargin=='pad') {
	if (isset($htmlh['h']) && $htmlh['h']) { $h = $htmlh['h']; }	// 5.7.3
	else if ($det) { $h = $this->_getHFHeight($det,'H'); }
	else { $h = 0; }
	$this->tMargin = $this->margin_header + $h + $this->orig_tMargin;
  else if ($this->setAutoTopMargin=='stretch') {
	if (isset($htmlh['h']) && $htmlh['h']) { $h = $htmlh['h']; }	// 5.7.3
	else if ($det) { $h = $this->_getHFHeight($det,'H'); }
	else { $h = 0; }
	$this->tMargin = max($this->orig_tMargin, $this->margin_header + $h + $this->autoMarginPadding);

function _setAutoFooterHeight(&$det, &$htmlf) {
  if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin=='pad') {
	if (isset($htmlf['h']) && $htmlf['h']) { $h = $htmlf['h']; }	// 5.7.3
	else if ($det) { $h = $this->_getHFHeight($det,'F'); }
	else { $h = 0; }
	$this->bMargin = $this->margin_footer + $h + $this->orig_bMargin;
	$this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin ;
  else if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin=='stretch') {
	if (isset($htmlf['h']) && $htmlf['h']) { $h = $htmlf['h']; }	// 5.7.3
	else if ($det) { $h = $this->_getHFHeight($det,'F'); }
	else { $h = 0; }
	$this->bMargin = max($this->orig_bMargin, $this->margin_footer + $h + $this->autoMarginPadding);
	$this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin ;

function _getHFHeight(&$det,$end) {
	$h = 0;
	if(count($det)) {
		foreach(array('L','C','R') AS $pos) {
		  if (isset($det[$pos]['content']) && $det[$pos]['content']) {
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			else { $hfsz = $this->default_font_size; }
			$h = max($h,$hfsz/_MPDFK);
		if ($det['line'] && $end=='H') { $h += $h/_MPDFK*$this->header_line_spacing; }
		else if ($det['line'] && $end=='F') { $h += $h/_MPDFK*$this->footer_line_spacing; }
	return $h;

function _endpage() {

	$this->EndLayer();	// mPDF 5.6.01
	//End of page contents

function _newobj($obj_id=false,$onlynewobj=false) {
		if (!$obj_id) {
			$obj_id = ++$this->n;
		//Begin a new object
		if (!$onlynewobj) {
			$this->offsets[$obj_id] = strlen($this->buffer);
			$this->_out($obj_id.' 0 obj');
			$this->_current_obj_id = $obj_id; // for later use with encryption

function _dounderline($x,$y,$txt) {
	// Now print line exactly where $y secifies - called from Text() and Cell() - adjust  position there
      $w =($this->GetStringWidth($txt)*_MPDFK) + ($this->charspacing * mb_strlen( $txt, $this->mb_enc ))
		 + ( $this->ws * mb_substr_count( $txt, ' ', $this->mb_enc ));
	//Draw a line
	return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F l S',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,($x*_MPDFK)+$w,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK);

function _imageError($file, $firsttime, $msg) {
	// Save re-trying image URL's which have already failed
	$this->failedimages[$file] = true;
	if ($firsttime && ($this->showImageErrors || $this->debug)) {
			$this->Error("IMAGE Error (".$file."): ".$msg);
	return false;

function _getImage(&$file, $firsttime=true, $allowvector=true, $orig_srcpath=false) {
	// firsttime i.e. whether to add to this->images - use false when calling iteratively
	// Image Data passed directly as var:varname
	if (preg_match('/var:\s*(.*)/',$file, $v)) {
		$data = $this->{$v[1]};
		$file = md5($data);
	if (preg_match('/data:image\/(gif|jpeg|png);base64,(.*)/',$file, $v)) {
		$type = $v[1];
		$data = base64_decode($v[2]);
		$file = md5($data);

	// mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
	if ($firsttime && $file && substr($file,0,5)!='data:') { $file = str_replace(" ","%20",$file ); }
	if ($firsttime && $orig_srcpath) {
		// If orig_srcpath is a relative file path (and not a URL), then it needs to be URL decoded
		if (substr($orig_srcpath,0,5)!='data:') { $orig_srcpath = str_replace(" ","%20",$orig_srcpath); }
		if (!preg_match('/^(http|ftp)/',$orig_srcpath)) { $orig_srcpath = urldecode_parts($orig_srcpath ); }

	$ppUx = 0;
	if ($orig_srcpath && isset($this->images[$orig_srcpath])) { $file=$orig_srcpath; return $this->images[$orig_srcpath]; }
	if (isset($this->images[$file])) { return $this->images[$file]; }
	else if ($orig_srcpath && isset($this->formobjects[$orig_srcpath])) { $file=$orig_srcpath; return $this->formobjects[$file]; }
	else if (isset($this->formobjects[$file])) { return $this->formobjects[$file]; }
	// Save re-trying image URL's which have already failed
	else if ($firsttime && isset($this->failedimages[$file])) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, ''); }
	if (empty($data)) {
		$type = '';
		$data = '';

 		if ($orig_srcpath && $this->basepathIsLocal && $check = @fopen($orig_srcpath,"rb")) {
			$data = file_get_contents($file);
			$type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data);
		if (!$data && $check = @fopen($file,"rb")) {
			$data = file_get_contents($file);
			$type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data);
		if ((!$data || !$type) && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen') ) {	// only worth trying if remote file and !ini_get('allow_url_fopen')
			$this->file_get_contents_by_socket($file, $data);	// needs full url?? even on local (never needed for local)
			if ($data) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }
		if ((!$data || !$type) && function_exists("curl_init")) {	// mPDF 5.7.4
			$this->file_get_contents_by_curl($file, $data);		// needs full url?? even on local (never needed for local)
			if ($data) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }

	if (!$data) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Could not find image file'); }
	if (empty($type)) { $type = $this->_imageTypeFromString($data); }
	if (($type == 'wmf' || $type == 'svg') && !$allowvector) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'WMF or SVG image file not supported in this context'); }

	// SVG
	if ($type == 'svg') {
		if (!class_exists('SVG', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH .'classes/svg.php'); }
		$svg = new SVG($this);
		$info = $svg->ImageSVG($data);
		//Restore font
		if($family) $this->SetFont($family,$style,$size,false);
		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing SVG file'); }
		return $info;

	// JPEG
	if ($type == 'jpeg' || $type == 'jpg') {
		$hdr = $this->_jpgHeaderFromString($data);
		if (!$hdr) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing JPG header'); }
		$a = $this->_jpgDataFromHeader($hdr);
		$j = strpos($data,'JFIF');
		if ($j) {
			//Read resolution
			if ($unitSp > 0) {
				$ppUx=$this->_twobytes2int(substr($data,($j+8),2));	// horizontal pixels per meter, usually set to zero
				if ($unitSp == 2) {	// = dots per cm (if == 1 set as dpi)
					$ppUx=round($ppUx/10 *25.4);
		if ($a[2] == 'DeviceCMYK' && (($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) || $this->restrictColorSpace==2)) {
			// convert to RGB image
			if (!function_exists("gd_info")) { $this->Error("JPG image may not use CMYK color space (".$file.")."); }
			if ($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "JPG image may not use CMYK color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to RGB. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if ($im) {
				$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
				if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse JPG(CMYK) image'); }
				$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
				if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse JPG(CMYK) image'); }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image file from JPG(CMYK) image'); }
		else if ($a[2] == 'DeviceRGB' && ($this->PDFX || $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
			// Convert to CMYK image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $a[2], 'DeviceCMYK', $a[0], $a[1], $ppUx, false);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "JPG image may not use RGB color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to CMYK. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
		else if (($a[2] == 'DeviceRGB' || $a[2] == 'DeviceCMYK') && $this->restrictColorSpace==1) {
			// Convert to Grayscale image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $a[2], 'DeviceGray', $a[0], $a[1], $ppUx, false);
		else {
			$info = array('w'=>$a[0],'h'=>$a[1],'cs'=>$a[2],'bpc'=>$a[3],'f'=>'DCTDecode','data'=>$data, 'type'=>'jpg');
			if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing or converting JPG image'); }

		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

	// PNG
	else if ($type == 'png') {
		//Check signature
		if(substr($data,0,8)!=chr(137).'PNG'.chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10)) {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG identifier');
		//Read header chunk
		if(substr($data,12,4)!='IHDR') {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Incorrect PNG file (no IHDR block found)');

		$errpng = false;
		$pngalpha = false;
		if($bpc>8) { $errpng = 'not 8-bit depth'; }
		if($ct==0) { $colspace='DeviceGray'; }
		elseif($ct==2) { $colspace='DeviceRGB'; }
		elseif($ct==3) { $colspace='Indexed'; }
		elseif($ct==4) { $colspace='DeviceGray';  $errpng = 'alpha channel'; $pngalpha = true; }
		else { $colspace='DeviceRGB'; $errpng = 'alpha channel'; $pngalpha = true; }
		if(ord(substr($data,26,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'compression method'; }
		if(ord(substr($data,27,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'filter method'; }
		if(ord(substr($data,28,1))!=0) { $errpng = 'interlaced file'; }
		$j = strpos($data,'pHYs');
		if ($j) {
			//Read resolution
			if ($unitSp == 1) {
				$ppUx=$this->_fourbytes2int(substr($data,($j+4),4));	// horizontal pixels per meter, usually set to zero
				$ppUx=round($ppUx/1000 *25.4);
		if (($colspace == 'DeviceRGB' || $colspace == 'Indexed') && ($this->PDFX || $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
			// Convert to CMYK image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceCMYK', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "PNG image may not use RGB color space - ".$file." - (Image converted to CMYK. NB This will alter the colour profile of the image.)"; }
		else if (($colspace == 'DeviceRGB' || $colspace == 'Indexed') && $this->restrictColorSpace==1) {
			// Convert to Grayscale image stream - nominally returned as type='png'
			$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceGray', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
		else if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $pngalpha) {
			// Remove alpha channel
			if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) {	// Grayscale
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceGray', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==3) {	// CMYK
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceCMYK', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			else if ($this->PDFA ) {	// RGB
				$info = $this->_convImage($data, $colspace, 'DeviceRGB', $w, $h, $ppUx, $pngalpha);
			if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Transparency (alpha channel) not permitted in PDFA or PDFX files - ".$file." - (Image converted to one without transparency.)"; }
		else if ($errpng || $pngalpha) {
			if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
			else {$gd = array(); }
			if (!isset($gd['PNG Support'])) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'GD library required for PNG image ('.$errpng.')'); }
			$im = imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if (!$im) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image from PNG file ('.$errpng.')'); }
			$w = imagesx($im);
			$h = imagesy($im);
			if ($im) {
			   $tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
			   // Alpha channel set
			   if ($pngalpha) {
				if ($this->PDFA) { $this->Error("PDFA1-b does not permit images with alpha channel transparency (".$file.")."); }
				$imgalpha = imagecreate($w, $h);
				// generate gray scale pallete
				for ($c = 0; $c < 256; ++$c) { ImageColorAllocate($imgalpha, $c, $c, $c); }
				// extract alpha channel
				for ($xpx = 0; $xpx < $w; ++$xpx) {
					for ($ypx = 0; $ypx < $h; ++$ypx) {
						$alpha = (imagecolorat($im, $xpx, $ypx) & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
						// mPDF 5.7.2
						if ($alpha < 127) {
							imagesetpixel($imgalpha, $xpx, $ypx, (255-($alpha * 2)));
				// create temp alpha file
	 		 	$tempfile_alpha = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempMskPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				if (!is_writable(_MPDF_TEMP_PATH)) { 	// mPDF 5.7.2
					$check = @imagepng($imgalpha);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					// extract image without alpha channel
					$imgplain = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
					imagealphablending( $imgplain, false );	// mPDF 5.7.2
					imagecopy($imgplain, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);
					// create temp image file
					$minfo = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$minfo) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$check = @imagepng($imgplain);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$imgmask = count($this->images)+1;
					$minfo['cs'] = 'DeviceGray';
					$minfo['i']=$imgmask ;
					$this->images[$tempfile_alpha] = $minfo;

				else {
					$check = @imagepng($imgalpha, $tempfile_alpha);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile_alpha.') parsing PNG image with alpha channel ('.$errpng.')'); }

					// extract image without alpha channel
					$imgplain = imagecreatetruecolor($w, $h);
					imagealphablending( $imgplain, false );	// mPDF 5.7.2
					imagecopy($imgplain, $im, 0, 0, 0, 0, $w, $h);

					// create temp image file
					$check = @imagepng($imgplain, $tempfile);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile.') parsing PNG image with alpha channel ('.$errpng.')'); }
					// embed mask image
					$minfo = $this->_getImage($tempfile_alpha, false);
					if (!$minfo) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile_alpha.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$imgmask = count($this->images)+1;
					$minfo['cs'] = 'DeviceGray';
					$minfo['i']=$imgmask ;
					$this->images[$tempfile_alpha] = $minfo;
					// embed image, masked with previously embedded mask
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }

				$info['masked'] = $imgmask;
				if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			   else { 	// No alpha/transparency set
				imagealphablending($im, false);
				imagesavealpha($im, false);
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				if (!is_writable($tempfile)) {
					$check = @imagepng($im);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse PNG image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
				else {
					$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile );
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Failed to create temporary image file ('.$tempfile.') parsing PNG image ('.$errpng.')'); }
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false) ;
					unlink($tempfile );
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse PNG image'); }
				if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;

		else {
			$parms='/DecodeParms <</Predictor 15 /Colors '.($ct==2 ? 3 : 1).' /BitsPerComponent '.$bpc.' /Columns '.$w.'>>';
			//Scan chunks looking for palette, transparency and image data
			$p = 33;
			do {
				$n=$this->_fourbytes2int(substr($data,$p,4));	$p += 4;
				$type=substr($data,$p,4);	$p += 4;
				if($type=='PLTE') {
					//Read palette
					$pal=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='tRNS') {
					//Read transparency info
					$t=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					if($ct==0) $trns=array(ord(substr($t,1,1)));
					elseif($ct==2) $trns=array(ord(substr($t,1,1)),ord(substr($t,3,1)),ord(substr($t,5,1)));
						if(is_int($pos)) $trns=array($pos);
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='IDAT') {
					$pngdata.=substr($data,$p,$n);	$p += $n;
					$p += 4;
				elseif($type=='IEND') { break; }
				else if (preg_match('/[a-zA-Z]{4}/',$type)) { $p += $n+4; }
				else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data'); }
			if (!$pngdata) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data - no IDAT data found'); }
			if($colspace=='Indexed' and empty($pal)) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing PNG image data - missing colour palette'); }
			$info = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h,'cs'=>$colspace,'bpc'=>$bpc,'f'=>'FlateDecode','parms'=>$parms,'pal'=>$pal,'trns'=>$trns,'data'=>$pngdata);
			if ($ppUx) { $info['set-dpi'] = $ppUx; }

		if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing or converting PNG image'); }

		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

	// GIF
	else if ($type == 'gif') {
	if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
		else {$gd = array(); }
		if (isset($gd['GIF Read Support']) && $gd['GIF Read Support']) {
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if ($im) {
				$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
				imagealphablending($im, false);
				imagesavealpha($im, false);
				imageinterlace($im, false);
				if (!is_writable($tempfile)) {
					$check = @imagepng($im);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary image object whilst using GD library to parse GIF image'); }
					$this->_tempimg = ob_get_contents();
					$this->_tempimglnk = 'var:_tempimg';
					$info = $this->_getImage($this->_tempimglnk, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file image object created with GD library to parse GIF image'); }
				else {
					$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
					if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse GIF image'); }
					$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
					if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse GIF image'); }
				if ($firsttime) {
				return $info;
			else { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating GD image file from GIF image'); }

		if (!class_exists('gif', false)) {
		$gif=new CGIF();

		$gif->loadFile($data, 0);

		if(isset($gif->m_img->m_gih->m_bLocalClr) && $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_bLocalClr) {
			$nColors = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_nTableSize;
			$pal = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_colorTable->toString();
			if((isset($bgColor)) and $bgColor != -1) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
				$bgColor = $gif->m_img->m_gih->m_colorTable->colorIndex($bgColor);
		} elseif(isset($gif->m_gfh->m_bGlobalClr) && $gif->m_gfh->m_bGlobalClr) {
			$nColors = $gif->m_gfh->m_nTableSize;
			$pal = $gif->m_gfh->m_colorTable->toString();
			if((isset($bgColor)) and $bgColor != -1) {
				$bgColor = $gif->m_gfh->m_colorTable->colorIndex($bgColor);
		} else {
			$nColors = 0;
			$bgColor = -1;

		if(isset($gif->m_img->m_bTrans) && $gif->m_img->m_bTrans && ($nColors > 0)) {

		if($colspace=='Indexed' and empty($pal)) {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing GIF image - missing colour palette');
		if ($this->compress) {
			$info = array( 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'cs'=>$colspace, 'bpc'=>8, 'f'=>'FlateDecode', 'pal'=>$pal, 'trns'=>$trns, 'data'=>$gifdata);
		else {
			$info = array( 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'cs'=>$colspace, 'bpc'=>8, 'pal'=>$pal, 'trns'=>$trns, 'data'=>$gifdata);
		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;

/*-- IMAGES-BMP --*/
	// BMP (Windows Bitmap)
	else if ($type == 'bmp') {
		if (!class_exists('bmp', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/bmp.php'); }
		if (empty($this->bmp)) { $this->bmp = new bmp($this); }
		$info = $this->bmp->_getBMPimage($data, $file);
		if (isset($info['error'])) {
			return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, $info['error']);
		if ($firsttime) {
		return $info;
/*-- END IMAGES-BMP --*/
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
	// WMF
	else if ($type == 'wmf') {
		if (!class_exists('wmf', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/wmf.php'); }
		if (empty($this->wmf)) { $this->wmf = new wmf($this); }
		$wmfres = $this->wmf->_getWMFimage($data);
	  if ($wmfres[0]==0) {
		if ($wmfres[1]) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, $wmfres[1]); }
		return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing WMF image');
	  $info = array('x'=>$wmfres[2][0],'y'=>$wmfres[2][1],'w'=>$wmfres[3][0],'h'=>$wmfres[3][1],'data'=>$wmfres[1]);
	  return $info;
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/

	// UNKNOWN TYPE - try GD imagecreatefromstring
	else {
		if (function_exists('gd_info')) { $gd = gd_info(); }
		else {$gd = array(); }
		if (isset($gd['PNG Support']) && $gd['PNG Support']) {
			$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
			if (!$im) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing image file - image type not recognised, and not supported by GD imagecreate'); }
			$tempfile = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempImgPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
			imagealphablending($im, false);
			imagesavealpha($im, false);
			imageinterlace($im, false);
			$check = @imagepng($im, $tempfile);
			if (!$check) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error creating temporary file ('.$tempfile.') whilst using GD library to parse unknown image type'); }
			$info = $this->_getImage($tempfile, false);
			if (!$info) { return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing temporary file ('.$tempfile.') created with GD library to parse unknown image type'); }
			if ($firsttime) {
			return $info;

	return $this->_imageError($file, $firsttime, 'Error parsing image file - image type not recognised');
function _convImage(&$data, $colspace, $targetcs, $w, $h, $dpi, $mask) {
	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $mask=false; }
	$im = @imagecreatefromstring($data);
	$info = array();
	if ($im) {
		$imgdata = '';
		$mimgdata = '';
		$minfo = array();
		//Read transparency info
		$trnsrgb = false;
		if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) {
		   $p = strpos($data,'tRNS');
		   if ($p) {
			$t = substr($data,($p+4),$n);
			if ($colspace=='DeviceGray') {
				$trnsrgb = array($trns[0],$trns[0],$trns[0]);
			else if ($colspace=='DeviceRGB') {
				$trnsrgb = $trns;
				if ($targetcs=='DeviceCMYK') {
					$col = $this->rgb2cmyk(array(3,$trns[0],$trns[1],$trns[2]));
					$c1 = intval($col[1]*2.55);
					$c2 = intval($col[2]*2.55);
					$c3 = intval($col[3]*2.55);
					$c4 = intval($col[4]*2.55);
					$trns = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4);
				else if ($targetcs=='DeviceGray') {
					$c = intval(($trns[0] * .21) + ($trns[1] * .71) + ($trns[2] * .07));
					$trns = array($c);
			else {	// Indexed
				$pos = strpos($t,chr(0));
				if (is_int($pos)) {
					$pal = imagecolorsforindex($im, $pos);
					$r = $pal['red'];
					$g = $pal['green'];
					$b = $pal['blue'];
					$trns=array($r,$g,$b);	// ****
					$trnsrgb = $trns;
					if ($targetcs=='DeviceCMYK') {
						$col = $this->rgb2cmyk(array(3,$r,$g,$b));
						$c1 = intval($col[1]*2.55);
						$c2 = intval($col[2]*2.55);
						$c3 = intval($col[3]*2.55);
						$c4 = intval($col[4]*2.55);
						$trns = array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4);
					else if ($targetcs=='DeviceGray') {
						$c = intval(($r * .21) + ($g * .71) + ($b * .07));
						$trns = array($c);
		for ($i = 0; $i < $h; $i++) {
			for ($j = 0; $j < $w; $j++) {
				$rgb = imagecolorat($im, $j, $i);
				$r = ($rgb >> 16) & 0xFF;
				$g = ($rgb >> 8) & 0xFF;
				$b = $rgb & 0xFF;
				if ($colspace=='Indexed') {
					$pal = imagecolorsforindex($im, $rgb);
					$r = $pal['red'];
					$g = $pal['green'];
					$b = $pal['blue'];

				if ($targetcs=='DeviceCMYK') {
					$col = $this->rgb2cmyk(array(3,$r,$g,$b));
					$c1 = intval($col[1]*2.55);
					$c2 = intval($col[2]*2.55);
					$c3 = intval($col[3]*2.55);
					$c4 = intval($col[4]*2.55);
					if ($trnsrgb) {
						// original pixel was not set as transparent but processed color does match
						if ($trnsrgb!=array($r,$g,$b) && $trns==array($c1,$c2,$c3,$c4)) {
							if ($c4==0) { $c4=1; } else { $c4--; }
					$imgdata .= chr($c1).chr($c2).chr($c3).chr($c4);
				else if ($targetcs=='DeviceGray') {
					$c = intval(($r * .21) + ($g * .71) + ($b * .07));
					if ($trnsrgb) {
						// original pixel was not set as transparent but processed color does match
						if ($trnsrgb!=array($r,$g,$b) && $trns==array($c)) {
							if ($c==0) { $c=1; } else { $c--; }
					$imgdata .= chr($c);
				else if ($targetcs=='DeviceRGB') {
					$imgdata .= chr($r).chr($g).chr($b);
				if ($mask) {
					// mPDF 5.7.2 Gamma correction
					$alpha = ($rgb & 0x7F000000) >> 24;
					if ($alpha < 127) { $mimgdata .= chr(255-($alpha * 2)); }
					else { $mimgdata .= chr(0); }

		if ($targetcs=='DeviceGray') { $ncols = 1; }
		else if ($targetcs=='DeviceRGB') { $ncols = 3; }
		else if ($targetcs=='DeviceCMYK') { $ncols = 4; }

		$imgdata = gzcompress($imgdata);
		$info = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h,'cs'=>$targetcs,'bpc'=>8,'f'=>'FlateDecode','data'=>$imgdata, 'type'=>'png',
			'parms'=>'/DecodeParms <</Colors '.$ncols.' /BitsPerComponent 8 /Columns '.$w.'>>');
		if ($dpi) { $info['set-dpi'] = $dpi; }
		if ($mask) {
			$mimgdata = gzcompress($mimgdata);
			$minfo = array('w'=>$w,'h'=>$h,'cs'=>'DeviceGray','bpc'=>8,'f'=>'FlateDecode','data'=>$mimgdata, 'type'=>'png',
			'parms'=>'/DecodeParms <</Colors '.$ncols.' /BitsPerComponent 8 /Columns '.$w.'>>');
			if ($dpi) { $minfo['set-dpi'] = $dpi; }
			$tempfile = '_tempImgPNG'.md5($file).RAND(1,10000).'.png';
			$imgmask = count($this->images)+1;
			$minfo['i']=$imgmask ;
			$this->images[$tempfile] = $minfo;
			$info['masked'] = $imgmask;
		else if ($trns) { $info['trns'] = $trns; }
	return $info;

function _fourbytes2int($s) {
	//Read a 4-byte integer from string
	return (ord($s[0])<<24) + (ord($s[1])<<16) + (ord($s[2])<<8) + ord($s[3]);

function _twobytes2int($s) {
	//Read a 2-byte integer from string
	return (ord(substr($s, 0, 1))<<8) + ord(substr($s, 1, 1));

function _jpgHeaderFromString(&$data) {
	$p = 4;
	$p += $this->_twobytes2int(substr($data, $p, 2));	// Length of initial marker block
	$marker = substr($data, $p, 2);
	while($marker != chr(255).chr(192) && $marker != chr(255).chr(194) && $p<strlen($data)) {
		// Start of frame marker (FFC0) or (FFC2) mPDF 4.4.004
		$p += ($this->_twobytes2int(substr($data, $p+2, 2))) + 2;	// Length of marker block
		$marker = substr($data, $p, 2);
	if ($marker != chr(255).chr(192) && $marker != chr(255).chr(194)) { return false; }
	return substr($data, $p+2, 10);

function _jpgDataFromHeader($hdr) {
	$bpc = ord(substr($hdr, 2, 1));
	if (!$bpc) { $bpc = 8; }
	$h = $this->_twobytes2int(substr($hdr, 3, 2));
	$w = $this->_twobytes2int(substr($hdr, 5, 2));
	$channels = ord(substr($hdr, 7, 1));
	if ($channels==3) { $colspace='DeviceRGB'; }
	elseif($channels==4) { $colspace='DeviceCMYK'; }
	else { $colspace='DeviceGray'; }
	return array($w, $h, $colspace, $bpc);

function file_get_contents_by_curl($url, &$data) {
	$timeout = 5;
	$ch = curl_init($url);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_USERAGENT, 'Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Ubuntu; Linux x86_64; rv:13.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/13.0.1');	// mPDF 5.7.4
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
	curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 0);
	curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
	curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT , $timeout );
	$data = curl_exec($ch);

function file_get_contents_by_socket($url, &$data) {
	// mPDF 5.7.3
	$timeout = 1;
	$p = parse_url($url);
	$file = $p['path'];
	if ($p['scheme']=='https') {
		$prefix = 'ssl://';
		$port = ($p['port'] ? $p['port'] : 443);
	else {
		$prefix = '';
		$port = ($p['port'] ? $p['port'] : 80);
	if ($p['query']) { $file .= '?'.$p['query']; }
	if(!($fh = @fsockopen($prefix.$p['host'], $port, $errno, $errstr, $timeout))) { return false; }

	$getstring =
		"GET ".$file." HTTP/1.0 \r\n" .
		"Host: ".$p['host']." \r\n" .
		"Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
	fwrite($fh, $getstring);
	// Get rid of HTTP header
	$s = fgets($fh, 1024);
	if (!$s) { return false; }
	$httpheader .= $s;
	while (!feof($fh)) {
		$s = fgets($fh, 1024);
		if ( $s == "\r\n" ) { break; }
	$data = '';
	while (!feof($fh)) {
		$data .= fgets($fh, 1024);


function _imageTypeFromString(&$data) {
	$type = '';
	if (substr($data, 6, 4)== 'JFIF' || substr($data, 6, 4)== 'Exif' || substr($data, 0, 2)== chr(255).chr(216)) { // 0xFF 0xD8	// mpDF 5.7.2
		$type = 'jpeg';
	else if (substr($data, 0, 6)== "GIF87a" || substr($data, 0, 6)== "GIF89a") {
		$type = 'gif';
	else if (substr($data, 0, 8)== chr(137).'PNG'.chr(13).chr(10).chr(26).chr(10)) {
		$type = 'png';
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
	else if (substr($data, 0, 4)== chr(215).chr(205).chr(198).chr(154)) {
		$type = 'wmf';
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
	else if (preg_match('/<svg.*<\/svg>/is',$data)) {
		$type = 'svg';
	// BMP images
	else if (substr($data, 0, 2)== "BM") {
		$type = 'bmp';
	return $type;

// Moved outside WMF as also needed for SVG
function _putformobjects() {
	while(list($file,$info)=each($this->formobjects)) {
		$this->_out('<</Type /XObject');
		$this->_out('/Subtype /Form');
		$this->_out('/Group '.($this->n+1).' 0 R');
		$this->_out('/BBox ['.$info['x'].' '.$info['y'].' '.($info['w']+$info['x']).' '.($info['h']+$info['y']).']');
		if ($this->compress)
			$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
		$data=($this->compress) ? gzcompress($info['data']) : $info['data'];
		$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($data).'>>');
		// Required for SVG transparency (opacity) to work
		$this->_out('<</Type /Group');
		$this->_out('/S /Transparency');

function _freadint($f)
	//Read a 4-byte integer from file
	return $i;

function _UTF16BEtextstring($s) {
	$s = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($s, true);
/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
	if ($this->encrypted) {
		$s = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $s);
	return '('. $this->_escape($s).')';

function _textstring($s) {
/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
	if ($this->encrypted) {
		$s = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $s);
	return '('. $this->_escape($s).')';

function _escape($s)
	// the chr(13) substitution fixes the Bugs item #1421290.
	return strtr($s, array(')' => '\\)', '(' => '\\(', '\\' => '\\\\', chr(13) => '\r'));

function _putstream($s) {
/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
	if ($this->encrypted) {
		$s = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $s);

function _out($s,$ln=true) {
	if($this->state==2) {
	   if ($this->bufferoutput) {
		$this->headerbuffer.= $s."\n";
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	   else if (($this->ColActive) && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
		// Captures everything in buffer for columns; Almost everything is sent from fn. Cell() except:
		// Images sent from Image() or
		// later sent as _out($textto) in printbuffer
		// Line()
		if (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/',$s,$m)) {	// Image data
			$h = ($m[1]/_MPDFK);
			// Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value for a column
			$this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$h;
/*-- TABLES --*/
		else if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ ([\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+) re/',$s,$m) && $this->tableLevel>0) { // Rect in table
			$h = ($m[1]/_MPDFK);
			// Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value for a column
			$this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = max($this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'],($this->y+$h));
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		else { 	// Td Text Set in Cell()
			if (isset($this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'])) { $h = $this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y; }
			else { $h = 0; }
		if ($h < 0) { $h = -$h; }
		$this->columnbuffer[] = array(
		's' => $s,							// Text string to output
		'col' => $this->CurrCol, 				// Column when printed
		'x' => $this->x, 						// x when printed
		'y' => $this->y,					 	// this->y when printed (after column break)
		'h' => $h						 	// actual y at bottom when printed = y+h
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
/*-- TABLES --*/
	   else if ($this->table_rotate && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
		// Captures eveything in buffer for rotated tables;
		$this->tablebuffer .= $s . "\n";
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	   else if ($this->kwt && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
		// Captures eveything in buffer for keep-with-table (h1-6);
		$this->kwt_buffer[] = array(
		's' => $s,							// Text string to output
		'x' => $this->x, 						// x when printed
		'y' => $this->y,					 	// y when printed
	   else if (($this->keep_block_together) && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
		if (!isset($this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'])) {
			$this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y;

		// Captures eveything in buffer;
		if (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/',$s,$m)) {	// Image data
			$h = ($m[1]/_MPDFK);
			// Update/overwrite the lowest bottom of printing y value for Keep together block
			$this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y+$h;
		else { 	// Td Text Set in Cell()
			if (isset($this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'])) { $h = $this->ktBlock[$this->page]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y; }
			else { $h = 0; }
		if ($h < 0) { $h = -$h; }
		$this->divbuffer[] = array(
		'page' => $this->page,
		's' => $s,							// Text string to output
		'x' => $this->x, 						// x when printed
		'y' => $this->y,					 	// y when printed (after column break)
		'h' => $h						 	// actual y at bottom when printed = y+h
	   else {
		$this->pages[$this->page] .= $s.($ln == true ? "\n" : '');

	else {
		$this->buffer .= $s.($ln == true ? "\n" : '');

/*-- WATERMARK --*/
// add a watermark
function watermark( $texte, $angle=45, $fontsize=96, $alpha=0.2 ) {
	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $this->Error('PDFA and PDFX do not permit transparency, so mPDF does not allow Watermarks!'); }
	if (!$this->watermark_font) { $this->watermark_font = $this->default_font; }
      $this->SetFont( $this->watermark_font, "B", $fontsize, false );	// Don't output
	$texte= $this->purify_utf8_text($texte);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$texte= $this->all_entities_to_utf8($texte);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $texte = mb_convert_encoding($texte,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
	$this->magic_reverse_dir($texte, true, $this->directionality);	// *RTL*
	// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
	if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($texte);	// *INDIC*


	$szfont = $fontsize;
	$loop   = 0;
	$maxlen = (min($this->w,$this->h) );	// sets max length of text as 7/8 width/height of page
	while ( $loop == 0 )
       $this->SetFont( $this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont, false );	// Don't output
	 $offset =  ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * ($szfont/_MPDFK));

       $strlen = $this->GetStringWidth($texte);
       if ( $strlen > $maxlen - $offset  )
          $szfont --;
          $loop ++;

	$this->SetFont( $this->watermark_font, "B", $szfont-0.1, true, true);	// Output The -0.1 is because SetFont above is not written to PDF
											// Repeating it will not output anything as mPDF thinks it is set
	$adj = ((cos(deg2rad($angle))) * ($strlen/2));
	$opp = ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * ($strlen/2));
	$wx = ($this->w/2) - $adj + $offset/3;
	$wy = ($this->h/2) + $opp;



function watermarkImg( $src, $alpha=0.2 ) {
	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) { $this->Error('PDFA and PDFX do not permit transparency, so mPDF does not allow Watermarks!'); }
	if ($this->watermarkImgBehind) { $this->watermarkImgAlpha = $this->SetAlpha($alpha, 'Normal', true); }
	else { $this->SetAlpha($alpha, $this->watermarkImgAlphaBlend); }
	$this->Image($src,0,0,0,0,'','', true, true, true);
	if (!$this->watermarkImgBehind) { $this->SetAlpha(1); }

function Rotate($angle,$x=-1,$y=-1)
		$this->_out(sprintf('q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.3F %.3F cm 1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F cm',$c,$s,-$s,$c,$cx,$cy,-$cx,-$cy));

function CircularText($x, $y, $r, $text, $align='top', $fontfamily='', $fontsize=0, $fontstyle='', $kerning=120, $fontwidth=100, $divider) {	// mPDF 5.5.23
	if (!class_exists('directw', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/directw.php'); }
	if (empty($this->directw)) { $this->directw = new directw($this); }
	$this->directw->CircularText($x, $y, $r, $text, $align, $fontfamily, $fontsize, $fontstyle, $kerning, $fontwidth, $divider);	// mPDF 5.5.23

// From Invoice
function RoundedRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $r, $style = '')
	$hp = $this->h;
	elseif($style=='FD' or $style=='DF')
	$MyArc = 4/3 * (sqrt(2) - 1);
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m',($x+$r)*_MPDFK,($hp-$y)*_MPDFK ));
	$xc = $x+$w-$r ;
	$yc = $y+$r;
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l', $xc*_MPDFK,($hp-$y)*_MPDFK ));

	$this->_Arc($xc + $r*$MyArc, $yc - $r, $xc + $r, $yc - $r*$MyArc, $xc + $r, $yc);
	$xc = $x+$w-$r ;
	$yc = $y+$h-$r;
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l',($x+$w)*_MPDFK,($hp-$yc)*_MPDFK));
	$this->_Arc($xc + $r, $yc + $r*$MyArc, $xc + $r*$MyArc, $yc + $r, $xc, $yc + $r);
	$xc = $x+$r ;
	$yc = $y+$h-$r;
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l',$xc*_MPDFK,($hp-($y+$h))*_MPDFK));
	$this->_Arc($xc - $r*$MyArc, $yc + $r, $xc - $r, $yc + $r*$MyArc, $xc - $r, $yc);
	$xc = $x+$r ;
	$yc = $y+$r;
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l',($x)*_MPDFK,($hp-$yc)*_MPDFK ));
	$this->_Arc($xc - $r, $yc - $r*$MyArc, $xc - $r*$MyArc, $yc - $r, $xc, $yc - $r);

function _Arc($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2, $x3, $y3)
	$h = $this->h;
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', $x1*_MPDFK, ($h-$y1)*_MPDFK,
						$x2*_MPDFK, ($h-$y2)*_MPDFK, $x3*_MPDFK, ($h-$y3)*_MPDFK));


/*-- DIRECTW --*/
function Shaded_box( $text,$font='',$fontstyle='B',$szfont='',$width='70%',$style='DF',$radius=2.5,$fill='#FFFFFF',$color='#000000',$pad=2 ) {
	// F (shading - no line),S (line, no shading),DF (both)
	if (!class_exists('directw', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/directw.php'); }
	if (empty($this->directw)) { $this->directw = new directw($this); }
	$this->directw->Shaded_box( $text,$font,$fontstyle,$szfont,$width,$style,$radius,$fill,$color,$pad);
/*-- END DIRECTW --*/

function UTF8StringToArray($str, $addSubset=true) {
   $out = array();
   $len = strlen($str);
   for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) {
	$uni = -1;
      $h = ord($str[$i]);
      if ( $h <= 0x7F )
         $uni = $h;
      elseif ( $h >= 0xC2 ) {
         if ( ($h <= 0xDF) && ($i < $len -1) )
            $uni = ($h & 0x1F) << 6 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
         elseif ( ($h <= 0xEF) && ($i < $len -2) )
            $uni = ($h & 0x0F) << 12 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
         elseif ( ($h <= 0xF4) && ($i < $len -3) )
            $uni = ($h & 0x0F) << 18 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << 12 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F) << 6 | (ord($str[++$i]) & 0x3F);
	if ($uni >= 0) {
		$out[] = $uni;
		if ($addSubset && isset($this->CurrentFont['subset'])) {
			$this->CurrentFont['subset'][$uni] = $uni;
   return $out;

//Convert utf-8 string to <HHHHHH> for Font Subsets
function UTF8toSubset($str) {
	$ret = '<';
	$str = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($this->aliasNbPg,'/').'/', chr(7), $str );
	$str = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($this->aliasNbPgGp,'/').'/', chr(8), $str );
	$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($str);
	$orig_fid = $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][0];
	$last_fid = $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][0];
	foreach($unicode as $c) {
	   if ($c == 7 || $c == 8) {
			if ($orig_fid != $last_fid) {
				$ret .= '> Tj /F'.$orig_fid.' '.$this->FontSizePt.' Tf <';
				$last_fid = $orig_fid;
			if ($c == 7) { $ret .= $this->aliasNbPgHex; }
			else { $ret .= $this->aliasNbPgGpHex; }
	   for ($i=0; $i<99; $i++) {
		// return c as decimal char
		$init = array_search($c, $this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]);
		if ($init!==false) {
			if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] != $last_fid) {
				$ret .= '> Tj /F'.$this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i].' '.$this->FontSizePt.' Tf <';
				$last_fid = $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i];
			$ret .= sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex($init)));
		// TrueType embedded SUBSETS
		else if (count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]) < 255) {
			$n = count($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i]);
			$this->CurrentFont['subsets'][$i][$n] = $c;
			if ($this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i] != $last_fid) {
				$ret .= '> Tj /F'.$this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i].' '.$this->FontSizePt.' Tf <';
				$last_fid = $this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][$i];
			$ret .= sprintf("%02s", strtoupper(dechex($n)));
		else if (!isset($this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($i+1)])) {
			// TrueType embedded SUBSETS
			$this->CurrentFont['subsets'][($i+1)] = array(0=>0);
			$new_fid = count($this->fonts)+$this->extraFontSubsets+1;
			$this->CurrentFont['subsetfontids'][($i+1)] = $new_fid;
	$ret .= '>';
	if ($last_fid != $orig_fid) {
		$ret .= ' Tj /F'.$orig_fid.' '.$this->FontSizePt.' Tf <> ';
	return $ret;

// Converts UTF-8 strings to UTF16-BE.
function UTF8ToUTF16BE($str, $setbom=true) {
	if ($this->checkSIP && preg_match("/([\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}])/u", $str)) {
	   if (!in_array($this->currentfontfamily, array('gb','big5','sjis','uhc','gbB','big5B','sjisB','uhcB','gbI','big5I','sjisI','uhcI',
		'gbBI','big5BI','sjisBI','uhcBI'))) {
		$str = preg_replace("/[\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}]/u", chr(0), $str);
	if ($this->checkSMP && preg_match("/([\x{10000}-\x{1FFFF}])/u", $str )) {
		$str = preg_replace("/[\x{10000}-\x{1FFFF}]/u", chr(0), $str );
	$outstr = ""; // string to be returned
	if ($setbom) {
		$outstr .= "\xFE\xFF"; // Byte Order Mark (BOM)
	$outstr .= mb_convert_encoding($str, 'UTF-16BE', 'UTF-8');
	return $outstr;

// ====================================================
// ====================================================
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/

// from class PDF_Chinese CJK EXTENSIONS
function AddCIDFont($family,$style,$name,&$cw,$CMap,$registry,$desc)
		$this->Error("Font already added: $family $style");
	$name=str_replace(' ','',$name);
	if ($family == 'sjis') { $up = -120; } else { $up = -130; }
	// ? 'up' and 'ut' do not seem to be referenced anywhere

function AddCJKFont($family) {

	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
		$this->Error("Adobe CJK fonts cannot be embedded in mPDF (required for PDFA1-b and PDFX/1-a).");
	if ($family == 'big5') { $this->AddBig5Font(); }
	else if ($family == 'gb') { $this->AddGBFont(); }
	else if ($family == 'sjis') { $this->AddSJISFont(); }
	else if ($family == 'uhc') { $this->AddUHCFont(); }

function AddBig5Font()
	//Add Big5 font with proportional Latin
	$desc = array(
	'Ascent' => 880,
	'Descent' => -120,
	'CapHeight' => 880,
	'Flags' => 6,
	'FontBBox' => '[-160 -249 1015 1071]',
	'ItalicAngle' => 0,
	'StemV' => 93,

function AddGBFont()
	//Add GB font with proportional Latin
	$desc = array(
	'Ascent' => 752,
	'Descent' => -271,
	'CapHeight' => 737,
	'Flags' => 6,
	'FontBBox' => '[-25 -254 1000 880]',
	'ItalicAngle' => 0,
	'StemV' => 58,
	'Style' => '<< /Panose <000000000400000000000000> >>',

function AddSJISFont()
	//Add SJIS font with proportional Latin
	$desc = array(
	'Ascent' => 880,
	'Descent' => -120,
	'CapHeight' => 740,
	'Flags' => 6,
	'FontBBox' => '[-195 -272 1110 1075]',
	'ItalicAngle' => 0,
	'StemV' => 86,
	'XHeight' => 502,

function AddUHCFont()
	//Add UHC font with proportional Latin
	$desc = array(
	'Ascent' => 880,
	'Descent' => -120,
	'CapHeight' => 720,
	'Flags' => 6,
	'FontBBox' => '[-28 -148 1001 880]',
	'ItalicAngle' => 0,
	'StemV' => 60,
	'Style' => '<< /Panose <000000000600000000000000> >>',

/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

function SetAutoFont($af = AUTOFONT_ALL) {
	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) { return false; }
	if (!$af && $af !== 0) { $af = AUTOFONT_ALL; }
	$this->autoFontGroups = $af;
	if ($this->autoFontGroups ) {
		$this->useLang = true;

function SetDefaultFont($font) {
	// Disallow embedded fonts to be used as defaults in PDFA
	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
		if (strtolower($font) == 'ctimes') { $font = 'serif'; }
		if (strtolower($font) == 'ccourier') { $font = 'monospace'; }
		if (strtolower($font) == 'chelvetica') { $font = 'sans-serif'; }
  	$font = $this->SetFont($font);	// returns substituted font if necessary
	$this->default_font = $font;
	$this->original_default_font = $font;
	if (!$this->watermark_font ) { $this->watermark_font = $font; }	// *WATERMARK*
	$this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY'] = $font;
	$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-FAMILY'] = $font;

function SetDefaultFontSize($fontsize) {
	$this->default_font_size = $fontsize;
	$this->original_default_font_size = $fontsize;
	$this->defaultCSS['BODY']['FONT-SIZE'] = $fontsize . 'pt';
	$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-SIZE'] = $fontsize . 'pt';

function SetDefaultBodyCSS($prop, $val) {
   if ($prop) {
	$this->defaultCSS['BODY'][strtoupper($prop)] = $val;
	$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY'][strtoupper($prop)] = $val;

function SetDirectionality($dir='ltr') {
/*-- RTL --*/
	if (strtolower($dir) == 'rtl') {
	  if ($this->directionality != 'rtl') {
		// Swop L/R Margins so page 1 RTL is an 'even' page
		$tmp = $this->DeflMargin;
		$this->DeflMargin = $this->DefrMargin;
		$this->DefrMargin = $tmp;
		$this->orig_lMargin = $this->DeflMargin;
		$this->orig_rMargin = $this->DefrMargin;

		$this->directionality = 'rtl';
		$this->defaultAlign = 'R';
		$this->defaultTableAlign = 'R';
	else  {
/*-- END RTL --*/
		$this->directionality = 'ltr';
		$this->defaultAlign = 'L';
		$this->defaultTableAlign = 'L';
	}	// *RTL*
	$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $this->directionality;

// Added to set line-height-correction
function SetLineHeightCorrection($val) {
	if ($val > 0) { $this->default_lineheight_correction = $val; }
	else { $this->default_lineheight_correction = 1.2; }

// Set a (fixed) lineheight to an actual value - either to named fontsize(pts) or default
function SetLineHeight($FontPt='',$spacing = '') {
   if ($this->shrin_k > 1) { $k = $this->shrin_k; }
   else { $k = 1; }
   if ($spacing > 0) {
	if (preg_match('/mm/',$spacing)) {
		$this->lineheight = ($spacing + 0.0) / $k; // convert to number
	else  {
		if ($FontPt) { $this->lineheight = (($FontPt/_MPDFK) *$spacing); }
		else { $this->lineheight = (($this->FontSizePt/_MPDFK) *$spacing); }
   else {
	if ($FontPt) { $this->lineheight = (($FontPt/_MPDFK) *$this->normalLineheight); }
	else { $this->lineheight = (($this->FontSizePt/_MPDFK) *$this->normalLineheight); }

function _computeLineheight($lh, $fs='') {
	if ($this->shrin_k > 1) { $k = $this->shrin_k; }
	else { $k = 1; }
	if (!$fs) { $fs = $this->FontSize; }
	if (preg_match('/mm/',$lh)) {
		return (($lh + 0.0) / $k); // convert to number
	else if ($lh > 0) {
		return ($fs * $lh);
	else if (isset($this->normalLineheight)) { return ($fs * $this->normalLineheight); }
	else return ($fs * $this->default_lineheight_correction);

function SetBasePath($str='') {
  if ( isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ) { $host = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; }
  else if ( isset($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) ) { $host = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']; }
  else { $host = ''; }
  if (!$str) {
	if ($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']) { $currentPath = dirname($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']); }
	else { $currentPath = dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); }
	$currentPath = str_replace("\\","/",$currentPath);
	if ($currentPath == '/') { $currentPath = ''; }
	if ($host) { $currpath = 'http://' . $host . $currentPath .'/'; }
	else { $currpath = ''; }
	$this->basepath = $currpath;
	$this->basepathIsLocal = true;
  $str = preg_replace('/\?.*/','',$str);
  if (!preg_match('/(http|https|ftp):\/\/.*\//i',$str)) { $str .= '/'; }
  $str .= 'xxx';	// in case $str ends in / e.g. http://www.bbc.co.uk/
  $this->basepath = dirname($str) . "/";	// returns e.g. e.g. http://www.google.com/dir1/dir2/dir3/
  $this->basepath = str_replace("\\","/",$this->basepath); //If on Windows
  $tr = parse_url($this->basepath);
  if (isset($tr['host']) && ($tr['host'] == $host)) { $this->basepathIsLocal = true; }
  else { $this->basepathIsLocal = false; }

function GetFullPath(&$path,$basepath='') {
	// When parsing CSS need to pass temporary basepath - so links are relative to current stylesheet
	if (!$basepath) { $basepath = $this->basepath; }
	//Fix path value
	$path = str_replace("\\","/",$path); //If on Windows
	// mPDF 5.7.2
	if (substr($path,0,2) == "//") {
		$tr = parse_url($basepath);
		$path = $tr['scheme'].':'.$path;
	$regexp = '|^./|';	// Inadvertently corrects "./path/etc" and "//www.domain.com/etc"
	$path = preg_replace($regexp,'',$path);

	if(substr($path,0,1) == '#') { return; }
	// mPDF 5.7.4
	if (substr($path,0,7) == "mailto:") { return; }
	if (substr($path,0,3) == "../") { //It is a Relative Link
		$backtrackamount = substr_count($path,"../");
		$maxbacktrack = substr_count($basepath,"/") - 3;	// mPDF 5.6.18
		$filepath = str_replace("../",'',$path);
		$path = $basepath;
		//If it is an invalid relative link, then make it go to directory root
		if ($backtrackamount > $maxbacktrack) $backtrackamount = $maxbacktrack;
		//Backtrack some directories
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < $backtrackamount + 1 ; $i++ ) $path = substr( $path, 0 , strrpos($path,"/") );
		$path = $path . "/" . $filepath; //Make it an absolute path
	else if( strpos($path,":/") === false || strpos($path,":/") > 10) { //It is a Local Link
		if (substr($path,0,1) == "/") {
			$tr = parse_url($basepath);
			// mPDF 5.7.2
			$root = '';
			if (!empty($tr['scheme'])) { $root .= $tr['scheme'].'://'; }
			$root .= $tr['host'];
			$root .= ($tr['port'] ? (':'.$tr['port']) : '');	// mPDF 5.7.3
			$path = $root . $path;
		else { $path = $basepath . $path; }
	//Do nothing if it is an Absolute Link

// Used for external CSS files
function _get_file($path) {
	// If local file try using local path (? quicker, but also allowed even if allow_url_fopen false)
	$contents = '';
	// mPDF 5.7.3
	if (strpos($path,"//") === false ) { $path = preg_replace('/\.css\?.*$/', '.css', $path); }
	$contents = @file_get_contents($path);
	if ($contents) { return $contents; }
	if ($this->basepathIsLocal) {
		$tr = parse_url($path);
		// WriteHTML parses all paths to full URLs; may be local file name
		if ($tr['scheme'] && $tr['host'] && $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] ) {
			$localpath = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $tr['path'];
		// DOCUMENT_ROOT is not returned on IIS
		else if ($docroot) {
			$localpath = $docroot . $tr['path'];
		else { $localpath = $path; }
		$contents = @file_get_contents($localpath);
	// if not use full URL
	else if (!$contents && !ini_get('allow_url_fopen') && function_exists("curl_init"))  {
		$ch = curl_init($path);
		curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
		curl_setopt ( $ch , CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER , 1 );
		$contents = curl_exec($ch);
	return $contents;

function docPageNum($num = 0, $extras = false) {
	if ($num < 1) { $num = $this->page; }
	$type = '1';	// set default decimal
	$ppgno = $num;
	$suppress = 0;
	$offset = 0;
	$lastreset = 0;
	foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $psarr) {
		if ($num >= $psarr['from']) {
			if ($psarr['reset']) {
				if ($psarr['reset']>1) { $offset = $psarr['reset']-1; }
				$ppgno = $num - $psarr['from'] + 1 + $offset;
				$lastreset = $psarr['from'];
			if ($psarr['type']) { $type = $psarr['type']; }
			if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='ON' || $psarr['suppress']==1) { $suppress = 1; }
			else if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='OFF') { $suppress = 0; }
	if ($suppress) { return ''; }

	foreach($this->pgsIns AS $k=>$v) {
		if ($k>$lastreset && $k<$num) {
			$ppgno -= $v;
	if ($type=='A') { $ppgno = $this->dec2alpha($ppgno,true); }
	else if ($type=='a') { $ppgno = $this->dec2alpha($ppgno,false);}
	else if ($type=='I') { $ppgno = $this->dec2roman($ppgno,true); }
	else if ($type=='i') { $ppgno = $this->dec2roman($ppgno,false); }
	if ($extras) { $ppgno = $this->pagenumPrefix . $ppgno . $this->pagenumSuffix; }
	return $ppgno;

function docPageSettings($num = 0) {
	// Returns current type (numberstyle), suppression state for this page number;
	// reset is only returned if set for this page number
	if ($num < 1) { $num = $this->page; }
	$type = '1';	// set default decimal
	$ppgno = $num;
	$suppress = 0;
	$offset = 0;
	$reset = '';
	foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $psarr) {
		if ($num >= $psarr['from']) {
			if ($psarr['reset']) {
				if ($psarr['reset']>1) { $offset = $psarr['reset']-1; }
				$ppgno = $num - $psarr['from'] + 1 + $offset;
			if ($psarr['type']) { $type = $psarr['type']; }
			if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='ON' || $psarr['suppress']==1) { $suppress = 1; }
			else if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='OFF') { $suppress = 0; }
		if ($num == $psarr['from']) { $reset = $psarr['reset']; }
	if ($suppress) { $suppress = 'on'; }
	else { $suppress = 'off'; }
	return array($type, $suppress, $reset);

function docPageNumTotal($num = 0, $extras = false) {
	if ($num < 1) { $num = $this->page; }
	$type = '1';	// set default decimal
	$ppgstart = 1;
	$ppgend = count($this->pages)+1;
	$suppress = 0;
	$offset = 0;
	foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $psarr) {
		if ($num >= $psarr['from']) {
			if ($psarr['reset']) {
				if ($psarr['reset']>1) { $offset = $psarr['reset']-1; }
				$ppgstart = $psarr['from'] + $offset;
				$ppgend = count($this->pages)+1 + $offset;
			if ($psarr['type']) { $type = $psarr['type']; }
			if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='ON' || $psarr['suppress']==1) { $suppress = 1; }
			else if (strtoupper($psarr['suppress'])=='OFF') { $suppress = 0; }
		if ($num < $psarr['from']) {
			if ($psarr['reset']) {
				$ppgend = $psarr['from'] + $offset;
	if ($suppress) { return ''; }
	$ppgno = $ppgend-$ppgstart+$offset;

	// mPDF 5.6.47
	foreach($this->pgsIns AS $k => $v) {
		if ($k>$ppgstart && $k<$ppgend) {
			$ppgno -= $v;

	if ($extras) { $ppgno = $this->nbpgPrefix . $ppgno . $this->nbpgSuffix; }
	return $ppgno;

function RestartDocTemplate() {
	$this->docTemplateStart = $this->page;

//Page header
function Header($content='') {

	$this->cMarginL = 0;
	$this->cMarginR = 0;

  if (($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page%2==0) && $this->HTMLHeaderE) || ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page%2==1) && $this->HTMLHeader) || (!$this->mirrorMargins && $this->HTMLHeader)) {
  $h = $this->headerDetails;
  if(count($h)) {

	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {
		$this->_out(sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ',($this->h*_MPDFK)));
		$yadj = $this->w - $this->h;
		$headerpgwidth = $this->h - $this->orig_lMargin - $this->orig_rMargin;
		if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
			$headerlmargin = $this->orig_rMargin;
		else {
			$headerlmargin = $this->orig_lMargin;
	else {
		$yadj = 0;
		$headerpgwidth = $this->pgwidth;
		$headerlmargin = $this->lMargin;

	$this->y = $this->margin_header - $yadj ;
    	$this->SUP = false;
	$this->SUB = false;
	$this->bullet = false;

	// only show pagenumber if numbering on
	$pgno = $this->docPageNum($this->page, true);

	if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
			$side = 'even';
			$side = 'odd';
	$maxfontheight = 0;
	foreach(array('L','C','R') AS $pos) {
	  if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['content']) && $h[$side][$pos]['content']) {
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) { $hfsz = $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']; }
		else { $hfsz = $this->default_font_size; }
		$maxfontheight = max($maxfontheight,$hfsz);
	foreach(array('L','C','R') AS $pos) {
	  if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['content']) && $h[$side][$pos]['content']) {
		$hd = str_replace('{PAGENO}',$pgno,$h[$side][$pos]['content']);
		$hd = str_replace($this->aliasNbPgGp,$this->nbpgPrefix.$this->aliasNbPgGp.$this->nbpgSuffix,$hd);
		$hd = preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', array($this, 'date_callback') ,$hd);	// mPDF 5.7
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-family']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-family']) { $hff = $h[$side][$pos]['font-family']; }
		else { $hff = $this->original_default_font; }
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) { $hfsz = $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']; }
		else { $hfsz = $this->original_default_font_size; }	// pts
		$maxfontheight = max($maxfontheight,$hfsz);
		$hfst = '';
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-style']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-style']) {
			$hfst = $h[$side][$pos]['font-style'];
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['color']) && $h[$side][$pos]['color']) {
			$hfcol = $h[$side][$pos]['color'];
			$cor = $this->ConvertColor($hfcol);
			if ($cor) { $this->SetTColor($cor); }
		else { $hfcol = ''; }
		$this->x = $headerlmargin ;
		$this->y = $this->margin_header - $yadj ;

		$hd = $this->purify_utf8_text($hd);
		if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
			$hd = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($hd);
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $hd = mb_convert_encoding($hd,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
		$this->magic_reverse_dir($hd, true, $this->directionality);	// *RTL*
		// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($hd);	// *INDIC*
		$align = $pos;
/*-- RTL --*/
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
			if ($pos == 'L') { $align = 'R'; }
			else if ($pos == 'R') { $align = 'L'; }
/*-- END RTL --*/
		if ($pos!='L' && (strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPg)!==false || strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPgGp)!==false)) {
			if (strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPgGp)!==false) { $type= 'nbpggp'; } else { $type= 'nbpg'; }
			$this->_out('{mpdfheader'.$type.' '.$pos.' ff='.$hff.' fs='.$hfst.' fz='.$hfsz.'}');
			$this->Cell($headerpgwidth ,$maxfontheight/_MPDFK ,$hd,0,0,$align,0,'',0,0,0,'M');
		else {
			$this->Cell($headerpgwidth ,$maxfontheight/_MPDFK ,$hd,0,0,$align,0,'',0,0,0,'M');
		if ($hfcol) { $this->SetTColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
	//Return Font to normal
	// LINE
	if (isset($h[$side]['line']) && $h[$side]['line']) {
		$this->Line($headerlmargin , $this->margin_header + ($maxfontheight*(1+$this->header_line_spacing)/_MPDFK) - $yadj , $headerlmargin + $headerpgwidth, $this->margin_header + ($maxfontheight*(1+$this->header_line_spacing)/_MPDFK) - $yadj  );
	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {
  if ($this->ColActive) { $this->pgwidth = $this->ColWidth; }	// *COLUMNS*


/*-- TABLES --*/
function TableHeaderFooter($content='',$tablestartpage='',$tablestartcolumn ='',$horf = 'H',$level, $firstSpread=true, $finalSpread=true) {
  if(($horf=='H' || $horf=='F') && !empty($content)) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
	$table = &$this->table[1][1];

	// mPDF 5.7.2
	if ($horf=='F') { // Table Footer
		$firstrow = count($table['cells']) - $table['footernrows'];
		$lastrow = count($table['cells']) - 1;
   	else { 	// Table Header
		$firstrow = 0;
		$lastrow = $table['headernrows'] - 1;
	if(empty($content[$firstrow])) {
		if ($this->debug) { $this->Error("&lt;tfoot&gt; must precede &lt;tbody&gt; in a table"); }
		else { return; }

	// Advance down page by half width of top border
	if ($horf=='H') { // Only if header
		if ($table['borders_separate']) { $adv = $table['border_spacing_V']/2 + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['padding']['T'];  }
		else { $adv = $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] /2 ; }
		if ($adv) {
		   if ($this->table_rotate) {
			$this->y += ($adv);
		   else {

   $topy = $content[$firstrow][0]['y']-$this->y;

   for ($i=$firstrow ; $i<=$lastrow; $i++) {

    $y = $this->y;

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	// If outside columns, this is done in PaintDivBB
	if ($this->ColActive) {
	 if ($this->blklvl > 0) {
	  $firstblockfill = $this->GetFirstBlockFill();
	  if ($firstblockfill && $this->blklvl >= $firstblockfill) {
		$divh = $content[$i][0]['h'];
		$bak_x = $this->x;
		// Reset current block fill
		$bcor = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'];
		$this->x = $bak_x;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

    $colctr = 0;
    foreach($content[$i] as $tablehf) {
	$y = $tablehf['y'] - $topy;
      $this->y = $y;
      //Set some cell values
      $x = $tablehf['x'];
	if (($this->mirrorMargins) && ($tablestartpage == 'ODD') && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
		$x = $x +$this->MarginCorrection;
	else if (($this->mirrorMargins) && ($tablestartpage == 'EVEN') && (($this->page)%2==1)) {	// ODD
		$x = $x +$this->MarginCorrection;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	// Added to correct for Columns
	if ($this->ColActive) {
	   if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
		$x -= ($this->CurrCol - $tablestartcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
	   }	// *RTL*
	   else {	// *RTL*
		$x += ($this->CurrCol - $tablestartcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
	   }	// *RTL*
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

	if ($colctr==1) { $x0 = $x; }

	if ($this->iterationCounter) {
	   foreach($tablehf['textbuffer'] AS $k=>$t) {
		if (!is_array($t[0]) && preg_match('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/',$t[0], $m)) {	// mPDF 5.5.06
			$vname = '__'.$m[1].'_';
			if (!isset($this->$vname)) { $this->$vname = 1; }
			else { $this->$vname++; }
			$tablehf['textbuffer'][$k][0] = preg_replace('/{iteration '.$m[1].'}/', $this->$vname, $tablehf['textbuffer'][$k][0]);

      $w = $tablehf['w'];
      $h = $tablehf['h'];
      $va = $tablehf['va'];
      $R = $tablehf['R'];
      $mih = $tablehf['mih'];
      $border = $tablehf['border'];
      $border_details = $tablehf['border_details'];
      $padding = $tablehf['padding'];
	$this->tabletheadjustfinished = true;

      $textbuffer = $tablehf['textbuffer'];

      $align = $tablehf['a'];
	$this->x = $x;

	if ($this->ColActive) {
		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		 $tablefill = isset($table['bgcolor'][-1]) ? $table['bgcolor'][-1] : 0;
		 if ($tablefill) {
  				$color = $this->ConvertColor($tablefill);
  				if ($color) {
					$xadj = ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$yadj = ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$wadj = $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$hadj = $table['border_spacing_V'];
 			   		if ($i == $firstrow && $horf=='H') {		// Top
						$yadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] ;
						$hadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] ;
			   		if (($i == ($lastrow) || (isset($tablehf['rowspan']) && ($i+$tablehf['rowspan']) == ($lastrow+1))  || (!isset($tablehf['rowspan']) && ($i+1) == ($lastrow+1))) && $horf=='F') {	// Bottom
						$hadj += $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] ;
			   		if ($colctr == 1) {		// Left
						$xadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] ;
						$wadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] ;
			   		if ($colctr == count($content[$i]) ) {	// Right
						$wadj += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] ;
					$this->Rect($x - $xadj, $y - $yadj, $w + $wadj, $h + $hadj, 'F');

	if ($table['empty_cells']!='hide' || !empty($textbuffer) || !$table['borders_separate']) { $paintcell = true; }
	else { $paintcell = false; }

	//Vertical align
	if ($R && INTVAL($R) > 0 && isset($va) && $va!='B') { $va='B';}

	if (!isset($va) || empty($va) || $va=='M') $this->y += ($h-$mih)/2;
      elseif (isset($va) && $va=='B') $this->y += $h-$mih;

	$fill = 0;
	if (isset($tablehf['bgcolor']) && $tablehf['bgcolor'] && $tablehf['bgcolor']!='transparent') {
		$fill = $tablehf['bgcolor'];
		$leveladj = 6;
	else if (isset($content[$i][0]['trbgcolor']) && $content[$i][0]['trbgcolor'] && $content[$i][0]['trbgcolor']!='transparent') { // Row color
		$fill = $content[$i][0]['trbgcolor'];
		$leveladj = 3;
	if ($fill && $paintcell) {
  		$color = $this->ConvertColor($fill);
  		if ($color) {
 			if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			   if ($this->ColActive) {
				$this->Rect($x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), $w- $table['border_spacing_H'], $h- $table['border_spacing_V'], 'F');
			   else {
				$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+$leveladj][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>($x + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2)), 'y'=>($y + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)), 'w'=>($w - $table['border_spacing_H']), 'h'=>($h - $table['border_spacing_V']), 'col'=>$color);
 			else {
			   if ($this->ColActive) {
				$this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F');
			   else {
				$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+$leveladj][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'col'=>$color);

	if (isset($tablehf['gradient']) && $tablehf['gradient'] && $paintcell){
		$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($tablehf['gradient']);
		if ($g) {
 		  if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 			$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
			$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
		  else {
			$px = $x;
			$py = $y;
			$pw = $w;
			$ph = $h;
		  if ($this->ColActive) {
			$this->grad->Gradient($px, $py, $pw, $ph, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
		  else {
			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+7][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');

	if (isset($tablehf['background-image']) && $paintcell){
	  if ($tablehf['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $tablehf['background-image']['gradient'] )) {
		$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $tablehf['background-image']['gradient'] );
		if ($g) {
 		  if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 			$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
			$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
		  else {
			$px = $x;
			$py = $y;
			$pw = $w;
			$ph = $h;
		  if ($this->ColActive) {
			$this->grad->Gradient($px, $py, $pw, $ph, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
		  else {
			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+7][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
	  else if ($tablehf['background-image']['image_id']) {	// Background pattern
		$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
 		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 			$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
			$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
		else {
			$px = $x;
			$py = $y;
			$pw = $w;
			$ph = $h;
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($tablehf['background-image']['orig_w'], $tablehf['background-image']['orig_h'], $pw, $ph, $tablehf['background-image']['resize'], $tablehf['background-image']['x_repeat'] , $tablehf['background-image']['y_repeat']);
			$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'] , 'y_pos'=>$tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'] , 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'itype'=>$tablehf['background-image']['itype']);
			if ($tablehf['background-image']['opacity']>0 && $tablehf['background-image']['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($tablehf['background-image']['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
			else { $opac = ''; }
			$this->_out(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px*_MPDFK, ($this->h-$py)*_MPDFK, $pw*_MPDFK, -$ph*_MPDFK));
		else {
			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+8][] = array('x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'image_id'=>$tablehf['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$tablehf['background-image']['orig_w'], 'orig_h'=>$tablehf['background-image']['orig_h'], 'x_pos'=>$tablehf['background-image']['x_pos'], 'y_pos'=>$tablehf['background-image']['y_pos'], 'x_repeat'=>$tablehf['background-image']['x_repeat'], 'y_repeat'=>$tablehf['background-image']['y_repeat'], 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$tablehf['background-image']['resize'], 'opacity'=>$tablehf['background-image']['opacity'], 'itype'=>$tablehf['background-image']['itype']);

   	//Cell Border
 	if ($table['borders_separate'] && $paintcell && $border) {
 		$this->_tableRect($x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2)+($border_details['L']['w'] /2), $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)+($border_details['T']['w'] /2), $w-$table['border_spacing_H']-($border_details['L']['w'] /2)-($border_details['R']['w'] /2), $h- $table['border_spacing_V']-($border_details['T']['w'] /2)-($border_details['B']['w']/2), $border, $border_details, false, $table['borders_separate']);
 	else if ($paintcell && $border) {
		$this->_tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $border, $border_details, true, $table['borders_separate']);  	// true causes buffer

 	//Print cell content
      //$this->divheight = $this->table_lineheight*$this->lineheight;
      if (!empty($textbuffer)) {
		if ($horf=='F' && preg_match('/{colsum([0-9]*)[_]*}/', $textbuffer[0][0], $m)) {
			$rep = sprintf("%01.".intval($m[1])."f", $this->colsums[$colctr-1]);
			$textbuffer[0][0] = preg_replace('/{colsum[0-9_]*}/', $rep ,$textbuffer[0][0]);

		if ($R) {
					$cellPtSize = $textbuffer[0][11] / $this->shrin_k;
					if (!$cellPtSize) { $cellPtSize = $this->default_font_size; }
					$cellFontHeight = ($cellPtSize/_MPDFK);
					$opx = $this->x;
					$opy = $this->y;
					$angle = INTVAL($R);
					// Only allow 45 - 90 degrees (when bottom-aligned) or -90
					if ($angle > 90) { $angle = 90; }
					else if ($angle > 0 && (isset($va) && $va!='B')) { $angle = 90; }
					else if ($angle > 0 && $angle <45) { $angle = 45; }
					else if ($angle < 0) { $angle = -90; }
					$offset = ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * 0.37 * $cellFontHeight);
					if (isset($align) && $align =='R') {
						$this->x += ($w) + ($offset) - ($cellFontHeight/3) - ($padding['R'] + $border_details['R']['w']);
					else if (!isset($align ) || $align =='C') {
						$this->x += ($w/2) + ($offset);
					else {
						$this->x += ($offset) + ($cellFontHeight/3)+($padding['L'] + $border_details['L']['w']);
					$str = '';
					foreach($tablehf['textbuffer'] AS $t) { $str .= $t[0].' '; }
					$str = trim($str);

					if (!isset($va) || $va=='M') {
						$this->y -= ($h-$mih)/2; //Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += (($h-$mih)/2)+($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']) + ($mih-($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']+$border_details['B']['w']+$padding['B'])); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += (($h-$mih)/2)+($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']); }
					else if (isset($va) && $va=='B') {
						$this->y -= $h-$mih; //Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += $h-($border_details['B']['w']+$padding['B']); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += $h-$mih+($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']); }
					else if (isset($va) && $va=='T') {
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += $mih-($border_details['B']['w']+$padding['B']); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += ($padding['T'] + $border_details['T']['w']); }

					$s_fs = $this->FontSizePt;
					$s_f = $this->FontFamily;
					$s_st = $this->FontStyle;
					if (!empty($textbuffer[0][3])) { //Font Color
						$cor = $textbuffer[0][3];
					$s_str = $this->strike;
					$this->strike = $textbuffer[0][8]; //Strikethrough
					$this->strike = $s_str;
					$this->x = $opx;
					$this->y = $opy;
		else {
			if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
				$xadj = $border_details['L']['w'] + $padding['L'] +($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
				$wadj = $border_details['L']['w'] + $border_details['R']['w'] + $padding['L'] +$padding['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
				$yadj = $border_details['T']['w'] + $padding['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			else {
				$xadj = $border_details['L']['w']/2 + $padding['L'];
				$wadj = ($border_details['L']['w'] + $border_details['R']['w'])/2 + $padding['L'] + $padding['R'];
				$yadj = $border_details['T']['w']/2 + $padding['T'];

			$this->x += $xadj;
			$this->y += $yadj;

      $textbuffer = array();

			if (!$this->ColActive) {
	  		  if (isset($content[$i][0]['trgradients']) && ($colctr==1 || $table['borders_separate'])) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($content[$i][0]['trgradients']);
				if ($g) {
					$gx = $x0;
					$gy = $y;
					$gh = $h;
					$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
					if ($table['borders_separate']) {
						$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
						$s = '';
 						$clx = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$cly = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
						$clw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$clh = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
						// Set clipping path
						$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
						$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s);
					else {
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');

			   if (isset($content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']) && ($colctr==1 || $table['borders_separate'])) {
			    if ($content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['gradient'] )) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['gradient'] );
				if ($g) {
					$gx = $x0;
					$gy = $y;
					$gh = $h;
					$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
					if ($table['borders_separate']) {
						$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
						$s = '';
 						$clx = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$cly = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
						$clw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$clh = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
						// Set clipping path
						$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
						$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s);
					else {
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
			    else {
				$image_id = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['image_id'];
				$orig_w = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['orig_w'];
				$orig_h = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['orig_h'];
				$x_pos = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['x_pos'];
				$y_pos = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['y_pos'];
				$x_repeat = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['x_repeat'];
				$y_repeat = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['y_repeat'];
				$resize = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['resize'];
				$opacity = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['opacity'];
				$itype = $content[$i][0]['trbackground-images']['itype'];

				$clippath = '';
				$gx = $x0;
				$gy = $y;
				$gh = $h;
				$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
					$s = '';
 					$clx = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$cly = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$clw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$clh = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
					// Set clipping path
					$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
					$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
					$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+5][] = array('x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>$s, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);
				else {
					$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+5][] = array('x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);

	// TABLE BORDER - if separate OR collapsed and only table border
	if (($table['borders_separate'] || ($this->simpleTables && !$table['simple']['border'])) && $table['border']) {
			$halfspaceL = $table['padding']['L'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			$halfspaceR = $table['padding']['R'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			$halfspaceT = $table['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			$halfspaceB = $table['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			$tbx = $x;
			$tby = $y;
			$tbw = $w;
			$tbh = $h;
			$tab_bord = 0;
			$corner = '';
 			if ($i == $firstrow && $horf=='H') {		// Top
				$tby -= $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w']/2);
				$tbh += $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_TOP);
				$corner .= 'T';
			if (($i == ($lastrow) || (isset($tablehf['rowspan']) && ($i+$tablehf['rowspan']) == ($lastrow+1))) && $horf=='F') {	// Bottom
				$tbh += $halfspaceB + ($table['border_details']['B']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_BOTTOM);
				$corner .= 'B';
			if ($colctr == 1 && $firstSpread) {	// Left
				$tbx -= $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w']/2);
				$tbw += $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_LEFT);
				$corner .= 'L';
			if ($colctr == count($content[$i]) && $finalSpread) {	// Right
				$tbw += $halfspaceR + ($table['border_details']['R']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_RIGHT);
				$corner .= 'R';
			$this->_tableRect($tbx, $tby, $tbw, $tbh, $tab_bord , $table['border_details'], false, $table['borders_separate'], 'table', $corner, $table['border_spacing_V'], $table['border_spacing_H'] );

     }// end column $content
     $this->y = $y + $h; //Update y coordinate
   }// end row $i
   unset($table );
   $this->colsums = array();
/*-- END TABLES --*/

function SetHTMLHeader($header='',$OE='',$write=false) {

	$height = 0;
	if (is_array($header) && isset($header['html']) && $header['html']) {
		$Hhtml = $header['html'];
		if ($this->setAutoTopMargin) {
			if (isset($header['h'])) { $height = $header['h']; }
			else { $height = $this->_gethtmlheight($Hhtml); }
	else if (!is_array($header) && $header) {
		$Hhtml = $header;
		if ($this->setAutoTopMargin) { $height = $this->_gethtmlheight($Hhtml); }
	else { $Hhtml = ''; }

	if ($OE != 'E') { $OE = 'O'; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {

	   if ($Hhtml) {
		$this->HTMLHeaderE['html'] = $Hhtml;
		$this->HTMLHeaderE['h'] = $height;
	   else { $this->HTMLHeaderE = ''; }
	else {

	   if ($Hhtml) {
		$this->HTMLHeader['html'] = $Hhtml;
		$this->HTMLHeader['h'] = $height;
	   else { $this->HTMLHeader = ''; }
	if (!$this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E') { return; }
	if ($Hhtml=='') { return; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {
		$this->headerDetails['even'] = array();	// override and clear any other non-HTML header/footer
	else {
		$this->headerDetails['odd'] = array();	// override and clear any non-HTML other header/footer

	if ($this->setAutoTopMargin=='pad') {
		$this->tMargin = $this->margin_header + $height + $this->orig_tMargin;
		if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'])) { $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->tMargin; }
	else if ($this->setAutoTopMargin=='stretch') {
		$this->tMargin = max($this->orig_tMargin, $this->margin_header + $height + $this->autoMarginPadding);
		if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'])) { $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->tMargin; }
	if ($write && $this->state!=0 && (($this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E' && ($this->page)%2==0) || ($this->mirrorMargins && $OE != 'E' && ($this->page)%2==1) || !$this->mirrorMargins)) { $this->writeHTMLHeaders(); }

function SetHTMLFooter($footer='',$OE='') {

	$height = 0;
	if (is_array($footer) && isset($footer['html']) && $footer['html']) {
		$Fhtml = $footer['html'];
		if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin) {
			if (isset($footer['h'])) { $height = $footer['h']; }
			else { $height = $this->_gethtmlheight($Fhtml); }
	else if (!is_array($footer) && $footer) {
		$Fhtml = $footer;
		if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin) { $height = $this->_gethtmlheight($Fhtml); }
	else { $Fhtml = ''; }

	if ($OE != 'E') { $OE = 'O'; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {

	   if ($Fhtml) {
		$this->HTMLFooterE['html'] = $Fhtml;
		$this->HTMLFooterE['h'] = $height;
	   else { $this->HTMLFooterE = ''; }
	else {

	   if ($Fhtml) {
		$this->HTMLFooter['html'] = $Fhtml;
		$this->HTMLFooter['h'] = $height;
	   else { $this->HTMLFooter = ''; }
	if (!$this->mirrorMargins && $OE == 'E') { return; }
	if ($Fhtml=='') { return false; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {
		$this->footerDetails['even'] = array();	// override and clear any other header/footer
	else {
		$this->footerDetails['odd'] = array();	// override and clear any other header/footer

	if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin=='pad') {
		$this->bMargin = $this->margin_footer + $height + $this->orig_bMargin;
		$this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin ;
		if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'])) { $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->bMargin; }
	else if ($this->setAutoBottomMargin=='stretch') {
		$this->bMargin = max($this->orig_bMargin, $this->margin_footer + $height + $this->autoMarginPadding);
		$this->PageBreakTrigger=$this->h-$this->bMargin ;
		if (isset($this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'])) { $this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->bMargin; }

function _getHtmlHeight($html) {
		$save_state = $this->state;
		if($this->state==0) {
		$this->state = 2;
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$save_x = $this->x;
		$save_y = $this->y;
		$this->x = $this->lMargin;
		$this->y = $this->margin_header;
		$html = str_replace('{PAGENO}',$this->pagenumPrefix.$this->docPageNum($this->page).$this->pagenumSuffix,$html);
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPgGp,$this->nbpgPrefix.$this->docPageNumTotal($this->page).$this->nbpgSuffix,$html );
		$html = str_replace($this->aliasNbPg,$this->page,$html );
		$html = preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', array($this, 'date_callback') ,$html ); // mPDF 5.7
		$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
		$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
		$savepb = $this->pageBackgrounds;
		$this->writingHTMLheader = true;
		$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);	// parameter 4 saves output to $this->headerbuffer
		$this->writingHTMLheader = false;
		$h = ($this->y - $this->margin_header);
		// mPDF 5.7.2 - Clear in case Float used in Header/Footer
		$this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = 0;
		$this->blk[0]['float_endpos'] = 0;

		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$this->headerbuffer = '';
		$this->pageBackgrounds = $savepb;
		$this->x = $save_x;
		$this->y = $save_y;
		$this->state = $save_state;
		if($save_state==0) {
			$this->page = 0;
		return $h;

// Called internally from Header
function writeHTMLHeaders() {

	if ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page)%2==0) { $OE = 'E'; }	// EVEN
	else { $OE = 'O'; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLHeaderE['html'] ;
	else {
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLHeader['html'] ;
	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->tMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->bMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->h;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->w;
	else {
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->lMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->rMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->w;
		$this->saveHTMLHeader[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->h;

function writeHTMLFooters() {

	if ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page)%2==0) { $OE = 'E'; }	// EVEN
	else { $OE = 'O'; }
	if ($OE == 'E') {
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLFooterE['html'] ;
	else {
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['html'] = $this->HTMLFooter['html'] ;
	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['rotate'] = true;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->tMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->bMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->rMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->lMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->h;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->w;
	else {
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ml'] = $this->lMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mr'] = $this->rMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mt'] = $this->tMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mb'] = $this->bMargin;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mh'] = $this->margin_header;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['mf'] = $this->margin_footer;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['pw'] = $this->w;
		$this->saveHTMLFooter[$this->page][$OE]['ph'] = $this->h;

function DefHeaderByName($name,$arr) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }
	$this->pageheaders[$name] = $arr;

function DefFooterByName($name,$arr) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }
	$this->pagefooters[$name] = $arr;

function SetHeaderByName($name,$side='O',$write=false) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }
	if ($side=='E') { $this->headerDetails['even'] = $this->pageheaders[$name]; }
	else { $this->headerDetails['odd'] = $this->pageheaders[$name]; }
	if ($write) { $this->Header(); }

function SetFooterByName($name,$side='O') {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }
	if ($side=='E') { $this->footerDetails['even'] = $this->pagefooters[$name]; }
	else { $this->footerDetails['odd'] = $this->pagefooters[$name]; }

function DefHTMLHeaderByName($name,$html) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }

	$this->pageHTMLheaders[$name]['html'] = $html;
	$this->pageHTMLheaders[$name]['h'] = $this->_gethtmlheight($html);

function DefHTMLFooterByName($name,$html) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }

	$this->pageHTMLfooters[$name]['html'] = $html;
	$this->pageHTMLfooters[$name]['h'] = $this->_gethtmlheight($html);

function SetHTMLHeaderByName($name,$side='O',$write=false) {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }

function SetHTMLFooterByName($name,$side='O') {
	if (!$name) { $name = '_default'; }

function SetHeader($Harray=array(),$side='',$write=false) {
  if (is_string($Harray)) {
    if (strlen($Harray)==0) {
	if ($side=='O') { $this->headerDetails['odd'] = array(); }
	else if ($side=='E') { $this->headerDetails['even'] = array(); }
	else { $this->headerDetails = array(); }
   else if (strpos($Harray,'|') || strpos($Harray,'|')===0) {
	$hdet = explode('|',$Harray);
	$this->headerDetails = array (
  		'odd' => array (
	'L' => array ('content' => $hdet[0], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'C' => array ('content' => $hdet[1], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'R' => array ('content' => $hdet[2], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultheaderline,
  		'even' => array (
	'R' => array ('content' => $hdet[0], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'C' => array ('content' => $hdet[1], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'L' => array ('content' => $hdet[2], 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultheaderline,
    else {
	$this->headerDetails = array (
  		'odd' => array (
	'R' => array ('content' => $Harray, 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultheaderline,
  		'even' => array (
	'L' => array ('content' => $Harray, 'font-size' => $this->defaultheaderfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultheaderfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultheaderline,
  else if (is_array($Harray)) {
	if ($side=='O') { $this->headerDetails['odd'] = $Harray; }
	else if ($side=='E') { $this->headerDetails['even'] = $Harray; }
	else { $this->headerDetails = $Harray; }
  // Overwrite any HTML Header previously set
  if ($side=='E') { $this->SetHTMLHeader('','E'); }
  else if ($side=='O') {  $this->SetHTMLHeader(''); }
  else {

  if ($write) {
	$save_y = $this->y;
	$this->SetY($save_y) ;

function SetFooter($Farray=array(),$side='') {
  if (is_string($Farray)) {
    if (strlen($Farray)==0) {
	if ($side=='O') { $this->footerDetails['odd'] = array(); }
	else if ($side=='E') { $this->footerDetails['even'] = array(); }
	else { $this->footerDetails = array(); }
    else if (strpos($Farray,'|') || strpos($Farray,'|')===0) {
	$fdet = explode('|',$Farray);
	$this->footerDetails = array (
		'odd' => array (
	'L' => array ('content' => $fdet[0], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'C' => array ('content' => $fdet[1], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'R' => array ('content' => $fdet[2], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultfooterline,
		'even' => array (
	'R' => array ('content' => $fdet[0], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'C' => array ('content' => $fdet[1], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'L' => array ('content' => $fdet[2], 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultfooterline,
    else {
	$this->footerDetails = array (
		'odd' => array (
	'R' => array ('content' => $Farray, 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultfooterline,
		'even' => array (
	'L' => array ('content' => $Farray, 'font-size' => $this->defaultfooterfontsize, 'font-style' => $this->defaultfooterfontstyle),
	'line' => $this->defaultfooterline,
  else if (is_array($Farray)) {
	if ($side=='O') { $this->footerDetails['odd'] = $Farray; }
	else if ($side=='E') { $this->footerDetails['even'] = $Farray; }
	else { $this->footerDetails = $Farray; }
  // Overwrite any HTML Footer previously set
  if ($side=='E') { $this->SetHTMLFooter('','E'); }
  else if ($side=='O') {  $this->SetHTMLFooter(''); }
  else {

/*-- WATERMARK --*/
function setUnvalidatedText($txt='', $alpha=-1) {
	if ($alpha>=0) $this->watermarkTextAlpha = $alpha;
	$this->watermarkText = $txt;
function SetWatermarkText($txt='', $alpha=-1) {
	if ($alpha>=0) $this->watermarkTextAlpha = $alpha;
	$this->watermarkText = $txt;

function SetWatermarkImage($src, $alpha=-1, $size='D', $pos='F') {
	if ($alpha>=0) $this->watermarkImageAlpha = $alpha;
	$this->watermarkImage = $src;
	$this->watermark_size = $size;
	$this->watermark_pos = $pos;

//Page footer
function Footer() {
/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/
  if ($this->show_marks == 'CROP' || $this->show_marks == 'CROPCROSS') {
	$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// = 0.1 mm
	$l = $this->cropMarkLength;
	$m = $this->cropMarkMargin;	// Distance of crop mark from margin
	$b = $this->nonPrintMargin;	// Non-printable border at edge of paper sheet
	$ax1 = $b;
	$bx = $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] - $m;
	$ax = max($ax1, $bx-$l);
	$cx1 = $this->w - $b;
	$dx = $this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] + $m;
	$cx = min($cx1, $dx+$l);
	$ay1 = $b;
	$by = $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] - $m;
	$ay = max($ay1, $by-$l);
	$cy1 = $this->h - $b;
	$dy = $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] + $m;
	$cy = min($cy1, $dy+$l);

	$this->Line($ax, $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $bx, $this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
	$this->Line($cx, $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $dx, $this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
	$this->Line($ax, $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $bx, $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
	$this->Line($cx, $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'], $dx, $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB']);
	$this->Line($this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $ay, $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $by);
	$this->Line($this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $cy, $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $dy);
	$this->Line($this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $ay, $this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $by);
	$this->Line($this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $cy, $this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'], $dy);

	if ($this->printers_info) {
		$hd = date('Y-m-d H:i').'  Page '.$this->page.' of {nb}';
		$this->x = $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] + 1.5;
		$this->y = 1;
		$this->Cell($headerpgwidth ,$this->FontSize,$hd,0,0,'L',0,'',0,0,0,'M');

  if ($this->show_marks == 'CROSS' || $this->show_marks == 'CROPCROSS') {
	$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// = 0.1 mm
	$l = 14 /2;	// longer length of the cross line (half)
	$w = 6 /2;	// shorter width of the cross line (half)
	$r = 1.2;	// radius of circle
	$m = $this->crossMarkMargin;	// Distance of cross mark from margin
	$x1 = $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] - $m;
	$x2 = $this->w - $this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] + $m;
	$y1 = $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] - $m;
	$y2 = $this->h - $this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] + $m;
	// Left
	$this->Circle($x1, $this->h/2, $r, 'S') ;
	$this->Line($x1-$w, $this->h/2, $x1+$w, $this->h/2);
	$this->Line($x1, $this->h/2-$l, $x1, $this->h/2+$l);
	// Right
	$this->Circle($x2, $this->h/2, $r, 'S') ;
	$this->Line($x2-$w, $this->h/2, $x2+$w, $this->h/2);
	$this->Line($x2, $this->h/2-$l, $x2, $this->h/2+$l);
	// Top
	$this->Circle($this->w/2, $y1, $r, 'S') ;
	$this->Line($this->w/2, $y1-$w, $this->w/2, $y1+$w);
	$this->Line($this->w/2-$l, $y1, $this->w/2+$l, $y1);
	// Bottom
	$this->Circle($this->w/2, $y2, $r, 'S') ;
	$this->Line($this->w/2, $y2-$w, $this->w/2, $y2+$w);
	$this->Line($this->w/2-$l, $y2, $this->w/2+$l, $y2);

	// If @page set non-HTML headers/footers named, they were not read until later in the HTML code - so now set them
	if ($this->page==1) {
		if ($this->firstPageBoxHeader) {
			$this->headerDetails['odd'] = $this->pageheaders[$this->firstPageBoxHeader];
		if ($this->firstPageBoxFooter) {
			$this->footerDetails['odd'] = $this->pagefooters[$this->firstPageBoxFooter];
/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

  if (($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page%2==0) && $this->HTMLFooterE) || ($this->mirrorMargins && ($this->page%2==1) && $this->HTMLFooter) || (!$this->mirrorMargins && $this->HTMLFooter)) {
/*-- WATERMARK --*/
  	if (($this->watermarkText) && ($this->showWatermarkText)) {
		$this->watermark( $this->watermarkText, 45, 120, $this->watermarkTextAlpha);	// Watermark text
	if (($this->watermarkImage) && ($this->showWatermarkImage)) {
		$this->watermarkImg( $this->watermarkImage, $this->watermarkImageAlpha);	// Watermark image

  $this->ResetMargins();	// necessary after columns
  $this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
/*-- WATERMARK --*/
  if (($this->watermarkText) && ($this->showWatermarkText)) {
	$this->watermark( $this->watermarkText, 45, 120, $this->watermarkTextAlpha);	// Watermark text
  if (($this->watermarkImage) && ($this->showWatermarkImage)) {
	$this->watermarkImg( $this->watermarkImage, $this->watermarkImageAlpha);	// Watermark image
  $h = $this->footerDetails;
  if(count($h)) {

	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {
		$this->_out(sprintf('q 0 -1 1 0 0 %.3F cm ',($this->h*_MPDFK)));
		$headerpgwidth = $this->h - $this->orig_lMargin - $this->orig_rMargin;
		if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
			$headerlmargin = $this->orig_rMargin;
		else {
			$headerlmargin = $this->orig_lMargin;
	else {
		$yadj = 0;
		$headerpgwidth = $this->pgwidth;
		$headerlmargin = $this->lMargin;

    	$this->SUP = false;
	$this->SUB = false;
	$this->bullet = false;

	// only show pagenumber if numbering on
	$pgno = $this->docPageNum($this->page, true);

	if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
			$side = 'even';
			$side = 'odd';
	$maxfontheight = 0;
	foreach(array('L','C','R') AS $pos) {
	  if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['content']) && $h[$side][$pos]['content']) {
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) { $hfsz = $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']; }
		else { $hfsz = $this->default_font_size; }
		$maxfontheight = max($maxfontheight,$hfsz);
	foreach(array('L','C','R') AS $pos) {
	  if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['content']) && $h[$side][$pos]['content']) {
		$hd = str_replace('{PAGENO}',$pgno,$h[$side][$pos]['content']);
		$hd = str_replace($this->aliasNbPgGp,$this->nbpgPrefix.$this->aliasNbPgGp.$this->nbpgSuffix,$hd);
		$hd = preg_replace_callback('/\{DATE\s+(.*?)\}/', array($this, 'date_callback') ,$hd);	// mPDF 5.7
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-family']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-family']) { $hff = $h[$side][$pos]['font-family']; }
		else { $hff = $this->original_default_font; }
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']) { $hfsz = $h[$side][$pos]['font-size']; }
		else { $hfsz = $this->original_default_font_size; }
		$maxfontheight = max($maxfontheight,$hfsz);
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['font-style']) && $h[$side][$pos]['font-style']) { $hfst = $h[$side][$pos]['font-style']; }
		else { $hfst = ''; }
		if (isset($h[$side][$pos]['color']) && $h[$side][$pos]['color']) {
			$hfcol = $h[$side][$pos]['color'];
			$cor = $this->ConvertColor($hfcol);
			if ($cor) { $this->SetTColor($cor); }
		else { $hfcol = ''; }
		$this->x = $headerlmargin ;
		$this->y = $this->h - $this->margin_footer - ($maxfontheight/_MPDFK);
		$hd = $this->purify_utf8_text($hd);
		if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
			$hd = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($hd);
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $hd = mb_convert_encoding($hd,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
		$this->magic_reverse_dir($hd, true, $this->directionality);	// *RTL*
		// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
		if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($hd);	// *INDIC*
		$align = $pos;
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
			if ($pos == 'L') { $align = 'R'; }
			else if ($pos == 'R') { $align = 'L'; }

		if ($pos!='L' && (strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPg)!==false || strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPgGp)!==false)) {
			if (strpos($hd,$this->aliasNbPgGp)!==false) { $type= 'nbpggp'; } else { $type= 'nbpg'; }
			$this->_out('{mpdfheader'.$type.' '.$pos.' ff='.$hff.' fs='.$hfst.' fz='.$hfsz.'}');
			$this->Cell($headerpgwidth ,$maxfontheight/_MPDFK ,$hd,0,0,$align,0,'',0,0,0,'M');
		else {
			$this->Cell($headerpgwidth ,$maxfontheight/_MPDFK ,$hd,0,0,$align,0,'',0,0,0,'M');
		if ($hfcol) { $this->SetTColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
	// Return Font to normal

	// LINE

	if (isset($h[$side]['line']) && $h[$side]['line']) {
		$this->Line($headerlmargin , $this->y-($maxfontheight*($this->footer_line_spacing)/_MPDFK), $headerlmargin +$headerpgwidth, $this->y-($maxfontheight*($this->footer_line_spacing)/_MPDFK));
	if ($this->forcePortraitHeaders && $this->CurOrientation=='L' && $this->CurOrientation!=$this->DefOrientation) {


// mPDF 5.6.21
// Hard hyphens
function hardHyphenate($word, $maxWidth) {
	// Don't hyphenate web addresses
	if (preg_match('/^(http:|www\.)/',$word)) { return array(false,'','',''); }

	// Get dictionary
	$poss = array();
	$softhyphens = array();
	$offset = 0;
	$p = true;
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
		$wl = strlen($word);
	else {
		$wl = mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8');
	while($offset < $wl) {
		if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
			$p = mb_strpos($word, "-", $offset, 'UTF-8');
		else if ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
			$p = strpos($word, "-", $offset);
		if ($p !== false) { $poss[] = $p; }	// mPDF 5.7.2
		else { break; }
		$offset = $p+1;
	$success = false;
	foreach($poss AS $i) {
			if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
				$a = substr($word,0,$i);
				if ($this->GetStringWidth($a.'-') > $maxWidth) { break ; }
				$pre = $a;
				$post = substr($word,$i,strlen($word));
				$prelength = strlen($pre);
			else {
				$a = mb_substr($word,0,$i,'UTF-8');
				if ($this->GetStringWidth($a.'-') > $maxWidth) { break ; }
				$pre = $a;
				$post = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8'),'UTF-8');
				$prelength = mb_strlen($pre, 'UTF-8');
			$success = true;
	return array($success,$pre,$post,$prelength);

// Soft hyphs
function softHyphenate($word, $maxWidth) {
	// Don't hyphenate web addresses
	if (preg_match('/^(http:|www\.)/',$word)) { return array(false,'','',''); }

	// Get dictionary
	$poss = array();
	$softhyphens = array();
	$offset = 0;
	$p = true;
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
		$wl = strlen($word);
	else {
		$wl = mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8');
	while($offset < $wl) {
		// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
		if (!$this->usingCoreFont) {
			$p = mb_strpos($word, "\xc2\xad", $offset, 'UTF-8');
		else if ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats') {
			$p = strpos($word, chr(173), $offset);
		// mPDF 5.7.2
		//if ($p !== false) { $poss[] = $p - count($poss); }
		if ($p !== false) { $poss[] = $p; }
		else { break; }
		$offset = $p+1;
	$success = false;
	foreach($poss AS $i) {
			if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
				$a = substr($word,0,$i);
				if ($this->GetStringWidth($a.'-') > $maxWidth) { break ; }
				$pre = $a;
				$post = substr($word,$i,strlen($word));
				$prelength = strlen($pre);
			else {
				$a = mb_substr($word,0,$i,'UTF-8');
				if ($this->GetStringWidth($a.'-') > $maxWidth) { break ; }
				$pre = $a;
				$post = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8'),'UTF-8');
				$prelength = mb_strlen($pre, 'UTF-8');
			$success = true;
	return array($success,$pre,$post,$prelength);

// Word hyphenation
function hyphenateWord($word, $maxWidth) {
	// Do everything inside this function in utf-8
	// Don't hyphenate web addresses
	if (preg_match('/^(http:|www\.)/',$word)) { return array(false,'','',''); }

	// Get dictionary
	if (!$this->loadedSHYdictionary) {
		if (file_exists(_MPDF_PATH.'patterns/dictionary.txt')) {
			$this->SHYdictionary = file(_MPDF_PATH.'patterns/dictionary.txt',FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);
			foreach($this->SHYdictionary as $entry) {
				$entry = trim($entry);
				$poss = array();
				$offset = 0;
				$p = true;
				$wl = mb_strlen($entry ,'UTF-8');
				while($offset < $wl) {
					$p = mb_strpos($entry, '/', $offset, 'UTF-8');
					if ($p !== false) { $poss[] = $p - count($poss); }
					else { break; }
					$offset = $p+1;
				if (count($poss)) { $this->SHYdictionaryWords[str_replace('/', '', mb_strtolower($entry))] = $poss; }
		$this->loadedSHYdictionary = true;

	if (!in_array($this->SHYlang,$this->SHYlanguages)) { return array(false,'','',''); }
	// If no pattern loaded or not the best one
	if (count($this->SHYpatterns) < 1  || ($this->loadedSHYpatterns && $this->loadedSHYpatterns != $this->SHYlang)) {
		include(_MPDF_PATH."patterns/" . $this->SHYlang . ".php");
		$patterns = explode(' ', $patterns);
		$new_patterns = array();
		for($i = 0; $i < count($patterns); $i++) {
			$value = $patterns[$i];
			$new_patterns[preg_replace('/[0-9]/', '', $value)] = $value;
		$this->SHYpatterns = $new_patterns;
		$this->loadedSHYpatterns = $this->SHYlang;

	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $word = mb_convert_encoding($word,'UTF-8',$this->mb_enc); }

	$prepre = '';
	$postpost = '';
	$startpunctuation = "\xc2\xab\xc2\xbf\xe2\x80\x98\xe2\x80\x9b\xe2\x80\x9c\xe2\x80\x9f";
	$endpunctuation = "\xe2\x80\x9e\xe2\x80\x9d\xe2\x80\x9a\xe2\x80\x99\xc2\xbb";
	$pre = '';
	$post = '';

	if (preg_match('/^(["\''.$startpunctuation .'])+(.{'.$this->SHYcharmin.',})$/u',$word,$m)) {
		$prepre = $m[1];
		$word = $m[2];
	if (preg_match('/^(.{'.$this->SHYcharmin.',})([\'\.,;:!?"'.$endpunctuation .']+)$/u',$word,$m)) {
		$word = $m[1];
		$postpost = $m[2];
	if(mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8') < $this->SHYcharmin) {
			return array(false,'','','');
	$success = false;

	if(isset($this->SHYdictionaryWords[mb_strtolower($word)])) {
	   foreach($this->SHYdictionaryWords[mb_strtolower($word)] AS $i) {
			$a = $prepre . mb_substr($word,0,$i,'UTF-8');
			if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $testa = mb_convert_encoding($a,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
			else { $testa = $a; }
			if ($this->GetStringWidth($testa.'-') > $maxWidth) { break ; }
			$pre = $a;
			$post = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8'),'UTF-8') . $postpost;
			$success = true;

	if (!$success) {
	   $text_word = '_' . $word . '_';
	   $word_length = mb_strlen($text_word,'UTF-8');

	   $single_character = preg_split('//u', $text_word);

	   $text_word = mb_strtolower($text_word,'UTF-8');
	   $hyphenated_word = array();
	   $numb3rs = array('0' => true, '1' => true, '2' => true, '3' => true, '4' => true, '5' => true, '6' => true, '7' => true, '8' => true, '9' => true);
	   for($position = 0; $position <= ($word_length - $this->SHYcharmin); $position++) {
		$maxwins = min(($word_length - $position), $this->SHYcharmax);
		for($win = $this->SHYcharmin; $win <= $maxwins; $win++) {
			if(isset($this->SHYpatterns[mb_substr($text_word, $position, $win,'UTF-8')])) {
				$pattern = $this->SHYpatterns[mb_substr($text_word, $position, $win,'UTF-8')];
				$digits = 1;
				$pattern_length = mb_strlen($pattern,'UTF-8');
				for($i = 0; $i < $pattern_length; $i++) {
					$char = $pattern[$i];
					if(isset($numb3rs[$char])) {
						$zero = ($i == 0) ? $position - 1 : $position + $i - $digits;
						if(!isset($hyphenated_word[$zero]) || $hyphenated_word[$zero] != $char) $hyphenated_word[$zero] = $char;

	   for($i = $this->SHYleftmin; $i <= (mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8') - $this->SHYrightmin); $i++) {
		if(isset($hyphenated_word[$i]) && $hyphenated_word[$i] % 2 != 0) {
			$a = $prepre . mb_substr($word,0,$i,'UTF-8');
			if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $testa = mb_convert_encoding($a,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
			else { $testa = $a; }
			if ($this->GetStringWidth($testa.'-') > $maxWidth + 0.0001) { break ; }
			$pre = $a;
			$post = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word,'UTF-8'),'UTF-8') . $postpost;
			$success = true;
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
		$pre = mb_convert_encoding($pre,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		$post = mb_convert_encoding($post,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		$prelength = strlen($pre);
	else {
		$prelength = mb_strlen($pre);
	return array($success,$pre,$post,$prelength);


/*-- HTML-CSS --*/
/// HTML parser ///
function WriteHTML($html,$sub=0,$init=true,$close=true) {
				// $sub ADDED - 0 = default; 1=headerCSS only; 2=HTML body (parts) only; 3 - HTML parses only
				// 4 - writes HTML headers
				// $close Leaves buffers etc. in current state, so that it can continue a block etc.
				// $init - Clears and sets buffers to Top level block etc.

	if (empty($html)) { $html = ''; }
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,0,'Parsing CSS & Headers'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

	if ($init) {
		$this->textbuffer = array();
		$this->fixedPosBlockSave = array();
	if ($sub == 1) { $html = '<style> '.$html.' </style>'; }	// stylesheet only

	if ($this->allow_charset_conversion) {
		if ($sub < 1) {
		if ($this->charset_in && $sub!=4) {	// mPDF 5.4.14
			$success = iconv($this->charset_in,'UTF-8//TRANSLIT',$html);
			if ($success) { $html = $success; }
	$html = $this->purify_utf8($html,false);
	if ($init) {
		$this->blklvl = 0;
		$this->lastblocklevelchange = 0;
		$this->blk = array();
		$this->blk[0]['width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
		$this->blk[0]['inner_width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
		$this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;

	$zproperties = array();
	if ($sub < 2) {

		// mPDF 5.6.18
		if (preg_match('/<base[^>]*href=["\']([^"\'>]*)["\']/i', $html, $m)) {
		// NB default stylesheet now in mPDF.css - read on initialising class
		$html = $this->cssmgr->ReadCSS($html);

		if ($this->useLang && !$this->usingCoreFont && preg_match('/<html [^>]*lang=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]/ism',$html,$m)) {
			$html_lang = $m[1];

		if (preg_match('/<html [^>]*dir=[\'\"]\s*rtl\s*[\'\"]/ism',$html)) {
			$zproperties['DIRECTION'] = 'rtl';

		// allow in-line CSS for body tag to be parsed // Get <body> tag inline CSS
		if (preg_match('/<body([^>]*)>(.*?)<\/body>/ism',$html,$m) || preg_match('/<body([^>]*)>(.*)$/ism',$html,$m)) {
			$html = $m[2];
			// Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
			if (preg_match('/style=[\"](.*?)[\"]/ism',$m[1],$mm) || preg_match('/style=[\'](.*?)[\']/ism',$m[1],$mm)) {
				$zproperties = $this->cssmgr->readInlineCSS($mm[1]);
			if (preg_match('/dir=[\'\"]\s*rtl\s*[\'\"]/ism',$m[1])) {
				$zproperties['DIRECTION'] = 'rtl';
			if (isset($html_lang) && $html_lang) { $zproperties['LANG'] = $html_lang; }
			if ($this->useLang && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && preg_match('/lang=[\'\"](.*?)[\'\"]/ism',$m[1],$mm)) {
				$zproperties['LANG'] = $mm[1];

	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK','BODY','');
	if ($zproperties) { $properties = $this->cssmgr->array_merge_recursive_unique($properties,$zproperties); }

	if (isset($properties['DIRECTION']) && $properties['DIRECTION']) {
		$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $properties['DIRECTION'];
	if (!isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'])) {
		$this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION'] = $this->directionality;
	else { $this->SetDirectionality($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['DIRECTION']); }

	$this->blk[0]['InlineProperties'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

	if ($sub == 1) { return ''; }
	if (!isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY'])) { $this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY'] = array(); }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'])) {
		$this->bodyBackgroundGradient = $properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'];

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) {
		$ret = $this->SetBackground($properties, $this->pgwidth);
		if ($ret) { $this->bodyBackgroundImage = $ret; }

/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/
	// If page-box is set
	if ($this->state==0 && ((isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE']) && $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE']) || (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']) && $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST'])) ) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
		$this->page_box['current'] = '';
		$this->page_box['using'] = true;
		list($pborientation,$pbmgl,$pbmgr,$pbmgt,$pbmgb,$pbmgh,$pbmgf,$hname,$fname,$bg,$resetpagenum,$pagenumstyle,$suppress,$marks,$newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS('', false, 'O');
		$this->DefOrientation = $this->CurOrientation = $pborientation;
		$this->orig_lMargin = $this->DeflMargin = $pbmgl;
		$this->orig_rMargin = $this->DefrMargin = $pbmgr;
		$this->orig_tMargin = $this->tMargin = $pbmgt;
		$this->orig_bMargin = $this->bMargin = $pbmgb;
		$this->orig_hMargin = $this->margin_header = $pbmgh;
		$this->orig_fMargin = $this->margin_footer = $pbmgf;
		list($pborientation,$pbmgl,$pbmgr,$pbmgt,$pbmgb,$pbmgh,$pbmgf,$hname,$fname,$bg,$resetpagenum,$pagenumstyle,$suppress,$marks,$newformat) = $this->SetPagedMediaCSS('', true, 'O');	// true=first page
		$this->show_marks = $marks;
		if ($hname && !preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i',$hname)) $this->firstPageBoxHeader = $hname;
		if ($fname && !preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i',$fname)) $this->firstPageBoxFooter = $fname;
/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

	$parseonly = false;
	$this->bufferoutput = false;
	if ($sub == 3) {
		$parseonly = true;
		// Close any open block tags
		for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
		// Output any text left in buffer
		if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); }
	else if ($sub == 4) {
		// Close any open block tags
		for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
		// Output any text left in buffer
		if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); }
		$this->bufferoutput = true;
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK','BODY','');


	$html = $this->AdjustHTML($html, $this->tabSpaces); //Try to make HTML look more like XHTML

	if ($this->autoFontGroups) { $html = $this->AutoFont($html); }

	for($i=0;$i<count($h[1]);$i++) {
		if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/',$h[1][$i],$n)) {
			$this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['html'] = $h[2][$i];
			$this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_gethtmlheight($h[2][$i]);
	for($i=0;$i<count($f[1]);$i++) {
		if (preg_match('/name=[\'|\"](.*?)[\'|\"]/',$f[1][$i],$n)) {
			$this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['html'] = $f[2][$i];
			$this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]]['h'] = $this->_gethtmlheight($f[2][$i]);
	$html = preg_replace('/<htmlpageheader.*?<\/htmlpageheader>/si','',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<htmlpagefooter.*?<\/htmlpagefooter>/si','',$html);

	if($this->state==0 && $sub!=1 && $sub!=3 && $sub!=4) {


	if (isset($hname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i',$hname,$n)) $this->SetHTMLHeader($this->pageHTMLheaders[$n[1]],'O',true);
	if (isset($fname) && preg_match('/^html_(.*)$/i',$fname,$n)) $this->SetHTMLFooter($this->pageHTMLfooters[$n[1]],'O');


	$html=str_replace('<?','< ',$html); //Fix '<?XML' bug from HTML code generated by MS Word

	$this->checkSIP = false;
	$this->checkSMP = false;
	$this->checkCJK = false;
	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) { $html = $this->SubstituteChars($html); }
	else {
		if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."])/u", $html)) { $this->biDirectional = true; }	// *RTL*
		if (preg_match("/([\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}])/u", $html)) { $this->checkSIP = true; }
		if (preg_match("/([\x{10000}-\x{1FFFF}])/u", $html)) { $this->checkSMP = true; }
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregCJKchars."])/u", $html)) { $this->checkCJK = true; }
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

	// Don't allow non-breaking spaces that are converted to substituted chars or will break anyway and mess up table width calc.
	$html = str_replace('<tta>160</tta>',chr(32),$html);
	$html = str_replace('</tta><tta>','|',$html);
	$html = str_replace('</tts><tts>','|',$html);
	$html = str_replace('</ttz><ttz>','|',$html);

	//Add new supported tags in the DisableTags function
	$html=strip_tags($html,$this->enabledtags); //remove all unsupported tags, but the ones inside the 'enabledtags' string

	//Explode the string in order to parse the HTML code
	// ? more accurate regexp that allows e.g. <a name="Silly <name>">
	// if changing - also change in fn.SubstituteChars()
	// $a = preg_split ('/<((?:[^<>]+(?:"[^"]*"|\'[^\']*\')?)+)>/ms', $html, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);

	if ($this->mb_enc) {
	$pbc = 0;
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,0); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	$this->subPos = -1;
	$cnt = count($a);
	for($i=0;$i<$cnt; $i++) {
		$e = $a[$i];
		if($i%2==0) {
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide']) { continue; }
			if ($this->inlineDisplayOff) { continue; }
			if ($this->inMeter) { continue; }	// mPDF 5.5.09

			if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) { $this->fixedPosBlock .= $e; continue; }	// *CSS-POSITION*
			if (strlen($e) == 0) { continue; }

			$e = strcode2utf($e);
			$e = $this->lesser_entity_decode($e);

			if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
				// If core font is selected in document which is not onlyCoreFonts - substitute with non-core font
				if ($this->useSubstitutions && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && $this->subPos<$i && !$this->specialcontent) {
					$cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsNonCore($a, $i, $e);
				$e = mb_convert_encoding($e,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
				// mPDF 5.6.41
				if ($this->toupper) { $e = mb_strtoupper($e,$this->mb_enc); }
				if ($this->tolower) { $e = mb_strtolower($e,$this->mb_enc); }
				if ($this->capitalize) { $e = mb_convert_case($e, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); }
			else {
				if ($this->checkSIP && $this->CurrentFont['sipext'] && $this->subPos<$i && !$this->specialcontent) {
					$cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsSIP($a, $i, $e);

				if ($this->useSubstitutions && !$this->onlyCoreFonts && $this->CurrentFont['type']!='Type0' && $this->subPos<$i && !$this->specialcontent) {
					// mPDF 5.6.62	removes U+200E/U+200F LTR and RTL mark and U+200C/U+200D Zero-width Joiner and Non-joiner
					$e = preg_replace("/[\xe2\x80\x8c\xe2\x80\x8d\xe2\x80\x8e\xe2\x80\x8f]/u",'',$e);
					$cnt += $this->SubstituteCharsMB($a, $i, $e);
 				if ($this->biDirectional)  { 	// *RTL*
					// mPDF 5.7+
					$e = preg_replace_callback("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."]+)/u", array($this, 'arabJoinPregCallback'), $e );	// *RTL*
				}	// *RTL*
				// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
				if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($e);	// *INDIC*

				// mPDF 5.6.62	removes U+200E/U+200F LTR and RTL mark and U+200C/U+200D Zero-width Joiner and Non-joiner
				$e = preg_replace("/[\xe2\x80\x8c\xe2\x80\x8d\xe2\x80\x8e\xe2\x80\x8f]/u",'',$e);

				if ($this->toupper) { $e = mb_strtoupper($e,$this->mb_enc); }
				if ($this->tolower) { $e = mb_strtolower($e,$this->mb_enc); }
				if ($this->capitalize) { $e = mb_convert_case($e, MB_CASE_TITLE, "UTF-8"); }
			if (($this->tts) || ($this->ttz) || ($this->tta)) {
				$es = explode('|',$e);
				$e = '';
				foreach($es AS $val) {
					$e .= chr($val);
			//Adjust lineheight

  			if ($this->specialcontent) {
/*-- FORMS --*/
			   //SELECT tag (form element)
			   if ($this->specialcontent == "type=select") {
				$e = ltrim($e);
				$stringwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($e);
				if (!isset($this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) || $stringwidth > $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']) { $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = $stringwidth; }
				if (!isset($this->selectoption['SELECTED']) || $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] == '') { $this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = $e; }
				// mPDD 1.4 Active Forms
				if (isset($this->selectoption['ACTIVE']) && $this->selectoption['ACTIVE']) {
					$this->selectoption['ITEMS'][]=array('exportValue'=>$this->selectoption['currentVAL'], 'content'=>$e, 'selected'=>$this->selectoption['currentSEL']);
			   // TEXTAREA
			   else {
				$objattr = unserialize($this->specialcontent);
				$objattr['text'] = $e;
				$te = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=textarea,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
				if ($this->tdbegin) {
					$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($te, $this->HREF);
				else {
					$this->_saveTextBuffer($te, $this->HREF);
/*-- END FORMS --*/

			// TABLE
			else if ($this->tableLevel) {
/*-- TABLES --*/
				if ($this->tdbegin) {
     				   if (($this->ignorefollowingspaces) && !$this->ispre) { $e = ltrim($e); }
				   if ($e || $e==='0') {
				      if (($this->blockjustfinished || $this->listjustfinished) && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']>0) {
						if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
							$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
						elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
							$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
						$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0;// reset

					$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);

          				if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['R']) || !$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['R']) {
						if (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'])) {
							$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($e, false);
						else { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = $this->GetStringWidth($e, false); }
						if (!empty($this->spanborddet)) {
							$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->spanborddet['L']['w'] + $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];

					if ($this->checkCJK && preg_match("/([".$this->pregCJKchars."])/u", $e)) { $this->tableCJK = true; }	// *CJK-FONTS*

					// mPDF 5.6.13   Decimal mark alignment
					if (substr($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'],0,1) == 'D') {
						$dp = $this->decimal_align[substr($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'],0,2)];
						$s = preg_split('/'.preg_quote($dp,'/').'/', $e, 2); 	// ? needs to be /u if not core
						$s0 = $this->GetStringWidth($s[0], false);
						if ($s[1]) { $s1 = $this->GetStringWidth(($s[1].$dp), false); }
						else $s1 = 0;
						if (!isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0'])) {
							$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0'] = $s0;
						else {
							$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0'] = max($s0, $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs0']);
						if (!isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'])) {
							$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'] = $s1;
						else {
							$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1'] = max($s1, $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['decimal_align'][$this->col]['maxs1']);

					if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $this->useGraphs) {
						$this->graphs[$this->currentGraphId]['data'][$this->row][$this->col] = $e;
					$this->nestedtablejustfinished = false;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
			// ALL ELSE
			else {
    				if ($this->ignorefollowingspaces and !$this->ispre) { $e = ltrim($e); }
				if ($e || $e==='0') $this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);

		else { // TAG **

		   if($e[0]=='/') {
/*-- PROGRESS-BAR --*/
			if ($this->progressBar) { 	// 10% increments
				if (intval($i*10/$cnt) != $pbc) { $pbc = intval($i*10/$cnt); $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,$pbc*10,$tag); }

		    // Check for tags where HTML specifies optional end tags,
    		    // and/or does not allow nesting e.g. P inside P, or
		    $endtag = trim(strtoupper(substr($e,1)));	// mPDF 5.4.20
		    if($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide']) {
			if (in_array($endtag, $this->outerblocktags) || in_array($endtag, $this->innerblocktags)) {

/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/
		    if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
			if (in_array($endtag, $this->outerblocktags) || in_array($endtag, $this->innerblocktags)) { $this->fixedPosBlockDepth--; }
			if ($this->fixedPosBlockDepth == 0) {
				$this->fixedPosBlockSave[] = array($this->fixedPosBlock, $this->fixedPosBlockBBox, $this->page);
				$this->fixedPosBlock = '';
				$this->inFixedPosBlock = false;
			$this->fixedPosBlock .= '<'.$e.'>';
		    if ($this->allow_html_optional_endtags && !$parseonly) {
			if (($endtag == 'DIV' || $endtag =='FORM' || $endtag =='CENTER') && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'P') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
			if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'LI' && $endtag == 'OL') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
			if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'LI' && $endtag == 'UL') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
			if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'DD' && $endtag == 'DL') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
			if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'DT' && $endtag == 'DL') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
			if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'OPTION' && $endtag == 'SELECT') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
/*-- TABLES --*/
			if ($endtag == 'TABLE') {
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'THEAD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TBODY' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TFOOT') {
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TR') { $this->CloseTag('TR'); }
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); $this->CloseTag('TR'); }
			if ($endtag == 'THEAD' || $endtag == 'TBODY' || $endtag == 'TFOOT') {
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TR') { $this->CloseTag('TR'); }
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); $this->CloseTag('TR'); }
			if ($endtag == 'TR') {
				if ($this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD' || $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
/*-- END TABLES --*/

		   else {	// OPENING TAG
			if($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide']) {
				if (strpos($e,' ')) { $te = strtoupper(substr($e,0,strpos($e,' '))); }
				else { $te = strtoupper($e); }
				if (in_array($te, $this->outerblocktags) || in_array($te, $this->innerblocktags)) {

/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/
			if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
				if (strpos($e,' ')) { $te = strtoupper(substr($e,0,strpos($e,' '))); }
				else { $te = strtoupper($e); }
				$this->fixedPosBlock .= '<'.$e.'>';
				if (in_array($te, $this->outerblocktags) || in_array($te, $this->innerblocktags)) { $this->fixedPosBlockDepth++; }
			$regexp = '|=\'(.*?)\'|s'; // eliminate single quotes, if any
      		$e = preg_replace($regexp,"=\"\$1\"",$e);
			// changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this inside [some] tags)
			if (substr($e,0,10)!='pageheader' && substr($e,0,10)!='pagefooter' && substr($e,0,12)!='tocpagebreak') {	// mPDF 5.6.69
				$regexp = '| (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)|si';
	      		$e = preg_replace($regexp," \$1=\"\$2\"",$e);

      		$e = preg_replace('/ (\\S+?)\s*=\s*"/i', " \\1=\"", $e);

      		//Fix path values, if needed
			$orig_srcpath = '';
			if ((stristr($e,"href=") !== false) or (stristr($e,"src=") !== false) ) {
				$regexp = '/ (href|src)\s*=\s*"(.*?)"/i';
				if (isset($auxiliararray[2])) { $path = $auxiliararray[2]; }
				else { $path = ''; }
				if (trim($path) != '' && !(stristr($e,"src=") !== false && substr($path,0,4)=='var:')) {
					$path=htmlspecialchars_decode($path);	// mPDF 5.7.4 URLs
					$orig_srcpath = $path;
					$regexp = '/ (href|src)="(.*?)"/i';
					$e = preg_replace($regexp,' \\1="'.$path.'"',$e);
			}//END of Fix path values

			//Extract attributes
			$contents1=array();	// mPDF 5.5.17
			// Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
			// mPDF 5.5.17  Changed to improve performance; maximum length of \S (attribute) = 16
			// mPDF 5.6.30  Increase allowed attribute name to 32 - cutting off "toc-even-header-name" etc.

			$contents = array_merge($contents1, $contents2);
			if ($orig_srcpath) { $attr['ORIG_SRC'] = $orig_srcpath; }
			if (!empty($contents)) {
				foreach($contents[0] as $v) {
					// Changed to allow style="background: url('bg.jpg')"
 					if(preg_match('/^([^=]*)=["]?([^"]*)["]?$/',$v,$a3) || preg_match('/^([^=]*)=[\']?([^\']*)[\']?$/',$v,$a3)) {
 						if (strtoupper($a3[1])=='ID' || strtoupper($a3[1])=='CLASS') {	// 4.2.013 Omits STYLE
						// includes header-style-right etc. used for <pageheader>
 						else if (preg_match('/^(HEADER|FOOTER)-STYLE/i',$a3[1])) {
						else {
/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/
			if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
				$this->fixedPosBlockBBox = array($tag,$attr, $this->x, $this->y);
				$this->fixedPosBlock = '';
				$this->fixedPosBlockDepth = 1;
		      // mPDF 5.5.09
		      if (preg_match('/\/$/',$e)) { $this->closeTag($tag); }


		} // end TAG
	} //end of	foreach($a as $i=>$e)

	if ($close) {

		// Close any open block tags
		for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }

		// Output any text left in buffer
		if (count($this->textbuffer) && !$parseonly) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); }
		if (!$parseonly) $this->textbuffer=array();

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
		// If ended with a float, need to move to end page
		$currpos = $this->page*1000 + $this->y;
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] > $currpos) {
			$old_page = $this->page;
			$new_page = intval($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] /1000);
			if ($old_page != $new_page) {
				$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
				// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
				$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
				$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
				$this->page = $new_page;
				$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
			$this->y = (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] *1000) % 1000000)/1000;	// mod changes operands to integers before processing
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/


		//Create Internal Links, if needed
		if (!empty($this->internallink) ) {
			foreach($this->internallink as $k=>$v) {
				if (strpos($k,"#") !== false ) { continue; } //ignore
				$ypos = $v['Y'];
				$pagenum = $v['PAGE'];
				$sharp = "#";
				while (array_key_exists($sharp.$k,$this->internallink)) {
					$internallink = $this->internallink[$sharp.$k];
					$sharp .= "#";

		$this->linemaxfontsize = '';
		$this->lineheight_correction = $this->default_lineheight_correction;

		$this->bufferoutput = false;

/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/
		if (count($this->fixedPosBlockSave) && $sub != 4) {
		  foreach($this->fixedPosBlockSave AS $fpbs) {
			$old_page = $this->page;
			$this->page = $fpbs[2];
			$this->WriteFixedPosHTML($fpbs[0], 0, 0, 100, 100,'auto', $fpbs[1]);  // 0,0,10,10 are overwritten by bbox
			$this->page = $old_page;


/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/

function WriteFixedPosHTML($html='',$x, $y, $w, $h, $overflow='visible', $bounding=array()) {
	// $overflow can be 'hidden', 'visible' or 'auto' - 'auto' causes autofit to size
	// Annotations disabled - enabled in mPDF 5.0
	// Links do work
	// Will always go on current page (or start Page 1 if required)
	// Probably INCOMPATIBLE WITH keep with table, columns etc.
	// Called externally or interally via <div style="position: [fixed|absolute]">
	// When used internally, $x $y $w $h and $overflow are all overridden by $bounding

	$overflow = strtolower($overflow);
	if($this->state==0) {
	$save_y = $this->y;
	$save_x = $this->x;
	$this->fullImageHeight = $this->h;
	$save_cols = false;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($this->ColActive) {
		$save_cols = true;
		$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
	$save_annots = $this->title2annots;	// *ANNOTATIONS*
	$this->writingHTMLheader = true;	// a FIX to stop pagebreaks etc.
	$this->writingHTMLfooter = true;
	$this->InFooter = true;	// suppresses autopagebreaks
	$save_bgs = $this->pageBackgrounds;
	$checkinnerhtml = preg_replace('/\s/','',$html);

	if ($w > $this->w) { $x = 0; $w = $this->w; }
	if ($h > $this->h) { $y = 0; $h = $this->h; }
	if ($x > $this->w) { $x = $this->w - $w; }
	if ($y > $this->h) { $y = $this->h - $h; }

	if (!empty($bounding)) {
		// $cont_ containing block = full physical page (position: absolute) or page inside margins (position: fixed)
		// $bbox_ Bounding box is the <div> which is positioned absolutely/fixed
		// top/left/right/bottom/width/height/background*/border*/padding*/margin* are taken from bounding
		// font*[family/size/style/weight]/line-height/text*[align/decoration/transform/indent]/color are transferred to $inner
		// as an enclosing <div> (after having checked ID/CLASS)
		// $x, $y, $w, $h are inside of $bbox_ = containing box for $inner_
		// $inner_ InnerHTML is the contents of that block to be output
		$tag = $bounding[0];
		$attr = $bounding[1];
		$orig_x0 = $bounding[2];
		$orig_y0 = $bounding[3];

		// As in WriteHTML() initialising
		$this->blklvl = 0;
		$this->lastblocklevelchange = 0;
		$this->blk = array();

		$this->blk[0]['width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
		$this->blk[0]['inner_width'] =& $this->pgwidth;

		$this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;

		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK','BODY','');
		$this->blklvl = 1;
		$this->blk[1]['tag'] = $tag;
		$this->blk[1]['attr'] = $attr;
		$p = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK',$tag,$attr);
		if (isset($p['ROTATE']) && ($p['ROTATE']==90 || $p['ROTATE']==-90)) { $rotate = $p['ROTATE']; }
		else { $rotate = 0; }
		if (isset($p['OVERFLOW'])) { $overflow = strtolower($p['OVERFLOW']); }
		if (strtolower($p['POSITION']) == 'fixed') {
			$cont_w = $this->pgwidth;	// $this->blk[0]['inner_width'];
			$cont_h = $this->h - $this->tMargin - $this->bMargin;
			$cont_x = $this->lMargin;
			$cont_y = $this->tMargin;
		else {
			$cont_w = $this->w;	// ABSOLUTE;
			$cont_h = $this->h;
			$cont_x = 0;
			$cont_y = 0;

		// Pass on in-line properties to the innerhtml
		$css = '';
		if (isset($p['TEXT-ALIGN'])) { $css .= 'text-align: '.strtolower($p['TEXT-ALIGN']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['TEXT-TRANSFORM'])) { $css .= 'text-transform: '.strtolower($p['TEXT-TRANSFORM']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['TEXT-INDENT'])) { $css .= 'text-indent: '.strtolower($p['TEXT-INDENT']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['TEXT-DECORATION'])) { $css .= 'text-decoration: '.strtolower($p['TEXT-DECORATION']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['FONT-FAMILY'])) { $css .= 'font-family: '.strtolower($p['FONT-FAMILY']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['FONT-STYLE'])) { $css .= 'font-style: '.strtolower($p['FONT-STYLE']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['FONT-WEIGHT'])) { $css .= 'font-weight: '.strtolower($p['FONT-WEIGHT']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['FONT-SIZE'])) { $css .= 'font-size: '.strtolower($p['FONT-SIZE']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['LINE-HEIGHT'])) { $css .= 'line-height: '.strtolower($p['LINE-HEIGHT']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['TEXT-SHADOW'])) { $css .= 'text-shadow: '.strtolower($p['TEXT-SHADOW']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['LETTER-SPACING'])) { $css .= 'letter-spacing: '.strtolower($p['LETTER-SPACING']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['FONT-VARIANT'])) { $css .= 'font-variant: '.strtolower($p['FONT-VARIANT']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['COLOR'])) { $css .= 'color: '.strtolower($p['COLOR']).'; '; }
		if (isset($p['Z-INDEX'])) { $css .= 'z-index: '.$p['Z-INDEX'].'; '; }	// mPDF 5.6.01
		if ($css) {
			$html = '<div style="'.$css.'">'.$html.'</div>';
		// Copy over (only) the properties to set for border and background
		$pb = array();
		$pb['MARGIN-TOP'] = $p['MARGIN-TOP'];
		$pb['MARGIN-LEFT'] = $p['MARGIN-LEFT'];
		$pb['PADDING-TOP'] = $p['PADDING-TOP'];
		$pb['BORDER-TOP'] = $p['BORDER-TOP'];
		$pb['BORDER-LEFT'] = $p['BORDER-LEFT'];
		if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $pb['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] = $p['BACKGROUND-COLOR']; }
		if (isset($p['BOX-SHADOW'])) { $pb['BOX-SHADOW'] = $p['BOX-SHADOW']; }
		if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'])) { $pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] = $p['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']; }
		if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-SIZE'])) { $pb['BACKGROUND-SIZE'] = $p['BACKGROUND-SIZE']; }	// mPDF 5.6.12
		if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'])) { $pb['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN'] = $p['BACKGROUND-ORIGIN']; }	// mPDF 5.6.12
		if (isset($p['BACKGROUND-CLIP'])) { $pb['BACKGROUND-CLIP'] = $p['BACKGROUND-CLIP']; }	// mPDF 5.6.12



		$bbox_br = $this->blk[1]['border_right']['w'];
		$bbox_bl = $this->blk[1]['border_left']['w'];
		$bbox_bt = $this->blk[1]['border_top']['w'];
		$bbox_bb = $this->blk[1]['border_bottom']['w'];
		$bbox_pr = $this->blk[1]['padding_right'];
		$bbox_pl = $this->blk[1]['padding_left'];
		$bbox_pt = $this->blk[1]['padding_top'];
		$bbox_pb = $this->blk[1]['padding_bottom'];
		$bbox_mr = $this->blk[1]['margin_right'];
		if (strtolower($p['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') { $bbox_mr = 'auto'; }
		$bbox_ml = $this->blk[1]['margin_left'];
		if (strtolower($p['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto') { $bbox_ml = 'auto'; }
		$bbox_mt = $this->blk[1]['margin_top'];
		if (strtolower($p['MARGIN-TOP'])=='auto') { $bbox_mt = 'auto'; }
		$bbox_mb = $this->blk[1]['margin_bottom'];
 		if (strtolower($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])=='auto') { $bbox_mb = 'auto'; }
		if (isset($p['LEFT']) && strtolower($p['LEFT'])!='auto') { $bbox_left = $this->ConvertSize($p['LEFT'], $cont_w, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $bbox_left = 'auto'; }
 		if (isset($p['TOP']) && strtolower($p['TOP'])!='auto') { $bbox_top = $this->ConvertSize($p['TOP'], $cont_h, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $bbox_top = 'auto'; }
 		if (isset($p['RIGHT']) && strtolower($p['RIGHT'])!='auto') { $bbox_right = $this->ConvertSize($p['RIGHT'], $cont_w, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $bbox_right = 'auto'; }
 		if (isset($p['BOTTOM']) && strtolower($p['BOTTOM'])!='auto') { $bbox_bottom = $this->ConvertSize($p['BOTTOM'], $cont_h, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $bbox_bottom = 'auto'; }
 		if (isset($p['WIDTH']) && strtolower($p['WIDTH'])!='auto') { $inner_w = $this->ConvertSize($p['WIDTH'], $cont_w, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $inner_w = 'auto'; }
 		if (isset($p['HEIGHT']) && strtolower($p['HEIGHT'])!='auto') { $inner_h = $this->ConvertSize($p['HEIGHT'], $cont_h, $this->FontSize,false); }
		else { $inner_h = 'auto'; }

		// If bottom or right pos are set and not left / top - save this to adjust rotated block later
		if ($rotate) {
			if ($bbox_left === 'auto' && $bbox_right !== 'auto') { $rot_rpos = $bbox_right; }
			else { $rot_rpos = false; }
			if ($bbox_top === 'auto' && $bbox_bottom !== 'auto') { $rot_bpos = $bbox_bottom; }
			else { $rot_bpos = false; }

		if ($checkinnerhtml=='' && $inner_h==='auto') { $inner_h = 0.0001; }
		if ($checkinnerhtml=='' && $inner_w==='auto') { $inner_w = 2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false); }
		// Algorithm from CSS2.1  See http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-height
		// mPD 5.3.14
		// Special case (not CSS) if all not specified, centre vertically on page
		if ($bbox_top==='auto' && $inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_bottom==='auto' && $bbox_mt==='auto' && $bbox_mb==='auto') {
			$bbox_top_orig = $bbox_top;
			if ($bbox_mt==='auto') { $bbox_mt = 0; }
			if ($bbox_mb==='auto') { $bbox_mb = 0; }
			$bbox_top = $orig_y0 - $bbox_mt - $cont_y;
			// solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
		// mPD 5.3.14
		else if ($bbox_top==='auto' && $inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_bottom==='auto') {
			$bbox_top_orig = $bbox_top = $orig_y0 - $cont_y;
			if ($bbox_mt==='auto') { $bbox_mt = 0; }
			if ($bbox_mb==='auto') { $bbox_mb = 0; }
			// solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
		else if ($bbox_top!=='auto' && $inner_h!=='auto' && $bbox_bottom!=='auto') {
			if ($bbox_mt==='auto' && $bbox_mb==='auto') {
				$x = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_bottom;
				$bbox_mt = $bbox_mb = ($x/2);
			else if ($bbox_mt==='auto') {
				$bbox_mt = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb - $bbox_bottom;
			else if ($bbox_mb==='auto') {
				$bbox_mb = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_bottom;
			else {
				$bbox_bottom = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mt;
		else {
		  if ($bbox_mt==='auto') { $bbox_mt = 0; }
		  if ($bbox_mb==='auto') { $bbox_mb = 0; }
		  if ($bbox_top==='auto' && $inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_bottom!=='auto') {
			// solve for $bbox_top when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_top =='auto'
		  else if ($bbox_top==='auto' && $bbox_bottom==='auto' && $inner_h!=='auto') {
			$bbox_top = $orig_y0 - $bbox_mt - $cont_y;
			$bbox_bottom = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mt;
		  else if ($inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_bottom==='auto' && $bbox_top!=='auto') {
			// solve for $bbox_bottom when content_h known - $inner_h=='auto' && $bbox_bottom=='auto'
		  else if ($bbox_top==='auto' && $inner_h!=='auto' && $bbox_bottom!=='auto') {
			$bbox_top = $cont_h - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bottom;
		  else if ($inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_top!=='auto' && $bbox_bottom!=='auto') {
			$inner_h = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bottom;
		  else if ($bbox_bottom==='auto' && $bbox_top!=='auto' && $inner_h!=='auto') {
			$bbox_bottom = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mt;

		// http://www.w3.org/TR/CSS21/visudet.html#abs-non-replaced-width
		if ($bbox_left==='auto' && $inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_right==='auto') {
			if ($bbox_ml==='auto') { $bbox_ml = 0; }
			if ($bbox_mr==='auto') { $bbox_mr = 0; }
			// IF containing element RTL, should set $bbox_right
			$bbox_left = $orig_x0 - $bbox_ml - $cont_x;
			// solve for $bbox_right when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_right=='auto'
		else if ($bbox_left!=='auto' && $inner_w!=='auto' && $bbox_right!=='auto') {
			if ($bbox_ml==='auto' && $bbox_mr==='auto') {
				$x = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_right;
				$bbox_ml = $bbox_mr = ($x/2);
			else if ($bbox_ml==='auto') {
				$bbox_ml = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_mr - $bbox_right;
			else if ($bbox_mr==='auto') {
				$bbox_mr = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_right;
			else {
				$bbox_right = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml;
		else {
		  if ($bbox_ml==='auto') { $bbox_ml = 0; }
		  if ($bbox_mr==='auto') { $bbox_mr = 0; }
		  if ($bbox_left==='auto' && $inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_right!=='auto') {
			// solve for $bbox_left when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_left =='auto'
		  else if ($bbox_left==='auto' && $bbox_right==='auto' && $inner_w!=='auto') {
			// IF containing element RTL, should set $bbox_right
			$bbox_left = $orig_x0 - $bbox_ml - $cont_x;
			$bbox_right = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml;
		  else if ($inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_right==='auto' && $bbox_left!=='auto') {
			// solve for $bbox_right when content_w known - $inner_w=='auto' && $bbox_right=='auto'
		  else if ($bbox_left==='auto' && $inner_w!=='auto' && $bbox_right!=='auto') {
			$bbox_left = $cont_w - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml - $bbox_right;
		  else if ($inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_left!=='auto' && $bbox_right!=='auto') {
			$inner_w = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml - $bbox_right;
		  else if ($bbox_right==='auto' && $bbox_left!=='auto' && $inner_w!=='auto') {
			$bbox_right = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml;

		if (isset($pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $pb['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) {
			$ret = $this->SetBackground($pb, $this->blk[1]['inner_width']);
			if ($ret) { $this->blk[1]['background-image'] = $ret; }

		$y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt;
		$h = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb - $bbox_bottom;
		$x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml + $bbox_bl + $bbox_pl;
		$w = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_mr - $bbox_right;
		// Set (temporary) values for x y w h to do first paint, if values are auto
		if ($inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_top==='auto') {
			$y = $cont_y + $bbox_mt + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt;
			$h = $cont_h - ($bbox_bottom + $bbox_mt + $bbox_mb + $bbox_bt + $bbox_bb + $bbox_pt + $bbox_pb);
		else if ($inner_h==='auto' && $bbox_bottom==='auto') {
			$y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt;
			$h = $cont_h - ($bbox_top + $bbox_mt + $bbox_mb + $bbox_bt + $bbox_bb + $bbox_pt + $bbox_pb);
		if ($inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_left==='auto') {
			$x = $cont_x + $bbox_ml + $bbox_bl + $bbox_pl;
			$w = $cont_w - ($bbox_right + $bbox_ml + $bbox_mr + $bbox_bl + $bbox_br + $bbox_pl + $bbox_pr);
		else if ($inner_w==='auto' && $bbox_right==='auto') {
			$x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml + $bbox_bl + $bbox_pl;
			$w = $cont_w - ($bbox_left + $bbox_ml + $bbox_mr + $bbox_bl + $bbox_br + $bbox_pl + $bbox_pr);
		$bbox_y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt;
		$bbox_x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml;
		$saved_block1 = $this->blk[1];
		if ($inner_w==='auto') { // do a first write
			$this->rMargin=$this->w - $w - $x;
			$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
			$this->x = $x;
			$this->y = $y;
			$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
			$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
			$this->maxPosR = 0;
			$this->maxPosL = $this->w;	// For RTL
			$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);
			$inner_w = $this->maxPosR - $this->lMargin;
			if ($bbox_right==='auto') {
				$bbox_right = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml;
			else if ($bbox_left==='auto') {
				$bbox_left = $cont_w - $bbox_ml - $bbox_bl - $bbox_pl - $inner_w - $bbox_pr - $bbox_br - $bbox_ml - $bbox_right;
				$bbox_x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml ;
				$inner_x = $bbox_x + $bbox_bl + $bbox_pl;
				$x = $inner_x;
			$w = $inner_w;
			$bbox_y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt;
			$bbox_x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml;

		if ($inner_h==='auto') { // do a first write
			$this->rMargin=$this->w - $w - $x;
			$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
			$this->x = $x;
			$this->y = $y;
			$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
			$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
			$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);
			$inner_h = $this->y - $y;
			if ($overflow!='hidden' && $overflow!='visible') {	// constrained
				if (($this->y + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb) > ($cont_y + $cont_h)) {
					$adj = ($this->y + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb) - ($cont_y + $cont_h);
					$inner_h -= $adj;
			if ($bbox_bottom==='auto' && $bbox_top_orig==='auto') {
				$bbox_bottom = $bbox_top = ($cont_h - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb)/2;
				if ($overflow!='hidden' && $overflow!='visible') {	// constrained
					if ($bbox_top < 0) {
						$bbox_top = 0;
						$inner_h = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb - $bbox_bottom;
				$bbox_y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt;
				$inner_y = $bbox_y + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt;
				$y = $inner_y;

			else if ($bbox_bottom==='auto') {
				$bbox_bottom = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb;
			else if ($bbox_top==='auto') {
				$bbox_top = $cont_h - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $inner_h - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb - $bbox_bottom;
				if ($overflow!='hidden' && $overflow!='visible') {	// constrained
					if ($bbox_top < 0) {
						$bbox_top = 0;
						$inner_h = $cont_h - $bbox_top - $bbox_mt - $bbox_bt - $bbox_pt - $bbox_pb - $bbox_bb - $bbox_mb - $bbox_bottom;
				$bbox_y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt;
				$inner_y = $bbox_y + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt;
				$y = $inner_y;
			$h = $inner_h;
			$bbox_y = $cont_y + $bbox_top + $bbox_mt;
			$bbox_x = $cont_x + $bbox_left + $bbox_ml;
		$inner_w = $w;
		$inner_h = $h;

	$this->rMargin=$this->w - $w - $x;
	$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
	$this->x = $x;
	$this->y = $y;
	$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
	$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);	// parameter 4 saves output to $this->headerbuffer
	$actual_h = $this->y - $y;
	$use_w = $w;
	$use_h = $h;
	$ratio = $actual_h / $use_w;

	if ($overflow!='hidden' && $overflow!='visible') {
		$target = $h/$w;
		if (($ratio / $target ) > 1) {
			$nl = CEIL($actual_h / $this->lineheight);
			$l = $use_w * $nl;
			$est_w = sqrt(($l * $this->lineheight) / $target) * 0.8;
			$use_w += ($est_w - $use_w) - ($w/100);
		$bpcstart = ($ratio / $target);
		$bpcctr = 1;
		while(($ratio / $target ) > 1) {

			if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(4,intval(100/($ratio/$target)),('Auto-sizing fixed-position block: '.$bpcctr++)); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

			$this->x = $x;
			$this->y = $y;

			if (($ratio / $target) > 1.5 || ($ratio / $target) < 0.6) {
				$use_w += ($w/$this->incrementFPR1);
			else if (($ratio / $target) > 1.2 || ($ratio / $target) < 0.85) {
				$use_w += ($w/$this->incrementFPR2);
			else if (($ratio / $target) > 1.1 || ($ratio / $target) < 0.91) {
				$use_w += ($w/$this->incrementFPR3);
			else {
				$use_w += ($w/$this->incrementFPR4);

			$use_h = $use_w * $target ;
			$this->rMargin=$this->w - $use_w - $x;
			$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
			$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
			$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
			$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
			$this->WriteHTML($html , 4);	// parameter 4 saves output to $this->headerbuffer
			$actual_h = $this->y - $y;
			$ratio = $actual_h / $use_w;
		if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(4,'100',' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	$shrink_f = $w/$use_w;


	$this->pages[$this->page] .= '___BEFORE_BORDERS___';
	$block_s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();	// Save to print later inside clipping path
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();


	if ($rotate) {
		$prerotw = $bbox_bl + $bbox_pl + $inner_w + $bbox_pr + $bbox_br;
		$preroth = $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb;
		$rot_start = " q\n";
		if ($rotate == 90) {
			if ($rot_rpos !== false) { $adjw = $prerotw; }	// width before rotation
			else { $adjw = $preroth; }	// height before rotation
			if ($rot_bpos !== false) { $adjh = -$prerotw + $preroth; }
			else { $adjh = 0; }
		else {
			if ($rot_rpos !== false) { $adjw = $prerotw - $preroth; }
			else { $adjw = 0; }
			if ($rot_bpos !== false) { $adjh = $preroth; }	// height before rotation
			else { $adjh = $prerotw; }	// width before rotation
		$rot_start .= $this->transformTranslate($adjw, $adjh, true)."\n";
		$rot_start .= $this->transformRotate($rotate, $bbox_x, $bbox_y, true)."\n";
		$rot_end = " Q\n";
	else {
		$rot_start = '';
		$rot_end = '';

	if (!empty($bounding)) {
		// WHEN HEIGHT // BOTTOM EDGE IS KNOWN and $this->y is set to the bottom
		// Re-instate saved $this->blk[1]
		$this->blk[1] = $saved_block1;

		// These are only needed when painting border/background
		$this->blk[1]['width'] = $bbox_w = $cont_w - $bbox_left - $bbox_ml - $bbox_mr - $bbox_right;
		$this->blk[1]['x0'] = $bbox_x;
		$this->blk[1]['y0'] = $bbox_y;
		$this->blk[1]['startpage'] = $this->page;
		$this->blk[1]['y1'] = $bbox_y + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb ;
		$this->_out($rot_start);	// mPDF 5.0
		$this->PaintDivBB('',0,1);	// Prints borders and sets backgrounds in $this->pageBackgrounds

	$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
	$s = $rot_start.$s.$rot_end;
	$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/___BEFORE_BORDERS___/', "\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
	$this->pageBackgrounds = array();


	// Clipping Output
	if ($overflow=='hidden') {
		//Bounding rectangle to clip
		$clip_y1 = $this->y;
		if (!empty($bounding) && ($this->y + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb) > ($bbox_y + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb )) {
			$clip_y1 = ($bbox_y + $bbox_bt + $bbox_pt + $inner_h + $bbox_pb + $bbox_bb ) - ($bbox_pb + $bbox_bb);
		//$op = 'W* n';	// Clipping
		$op = 'W n';	// Clipping alternative mode
		$ch = $clip_y1 - $y;
		$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$w*_MPDFK,-$ch*_MPDFK,$op));
		if (!empty($block_s)) {
			$tmp = "q\n".sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re %s',$x*_MPDFK,($this->h-$y)*_MPDFK,$w*_MPDFK,-$ch*_MPDFK,$op);
			$tmp .= "\n".$block_s."\nQ";
			$block_s = $tmp ;

	if (!empty($block_s)) {
		if ($shrink_f != 1) {	// i.e. autofit has resized the box
			$tmp = "q\n".$this->transformScale(($shrink_f*100),($shrink_f*100), $x, $y, true);
			$tmp .= "\n".$block_s."\nQ";
			$block_s = $tmp ;

	if ($shrink_f != 1) {	// i.e. autofit has resized the box
		$this->transformScale(($shrink_f*100),($shrink_f*100), $x, $y);


	if ($shrink_f != 1) {	// i.e. autofit has resized the box

	if ($overflow=='hidden') {
		//End clipping


	// Page Links
	foreach($this->HTMLheaderPageLinks AS $lk) {
		if ($rotate) {
			$tmp = $lk[2];	// Switch h - w
			$lk[2] = $lk[3];
			$lk[3] = $tmp;

			$lx1 = (($lk[0]/_MPDFK));
			$ly1 = (($this->h-($lk[1]/_MPDFK)));
			if ($rotate == 90) {
				$adjx = -($lx1-$bbox_x) + ($preroth - ($ly1-$bbox_y));
				$adjy = -($ly1-$bbox_y) + ($lx1-$bbox_x);
				$lk[2] = -$lk[2];
			else if ($rotate == -90) {
				$adjx = -($lx1-$bbox_x) + ($ly1-$bbox_y);
				$adjy = -($ly1-$bbox_y) - ($lx1-$bbox_x) + $prerotw;
				$lk[3] = -$lk[3];
			if ($rot_rpos !== false) { $adjx += $prerotw - $preroth; }
			if ($rot_bpos !== false) { $adjy += $preroth - $prerotw; }
			$lx1 += $adjx;
			$ly1 += $adjy;

			$lk[0] = $lx1*_MPDFK;
			$lk[1] = ($this->h-$ly1)*_MPDFK;
		if ($shrink_f != 1) { 	// i.e. autofit has resized the box
			$lx1 = (($lk[0]/_MPDFK)-$x);
			$lx2 = $x + ($lx1 * $shrink_f);
			$lk[0] = $lx2*_MPDFK;
			$ly1 = (($this->h-($lk[1]/_MPDFK))-$y);
			$ly2 = $y + ($ly1 * $shrink_f);
			$lk[1] = ($this->h-$ly2)*_MPDFK;
			$lk[2] *= $shrink_f;	// width
			$lk[3] *= $shrink_f;	// height

	foreach($this->HTMLheaderPageForms AS $n=>$f) {
		if ($shrink_f != 1) { 	// i.e. autofit has resized the box
			$f['x'] = $x + (($f['x'] -$x) * $shrink_f);
			$f['y'] = $y + (($f['y'] -$y) * $shrink_f);
			$f['w'] *= $shrink_f;
			$f['h'] *= $shrink_f;
			$f['style']['fontsize'] *= $shrink_f;
		$this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
	// Page Annotations
	foreach($this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots AS $lk) {
		if ($rotate) {
			if ($rotate == 90) {
				$adjx = -($lk['x']-$bbox_x) + ($preroth - ($lk['y']-$bbox_y));
				$adjy = -($lk['y']-$bbox_y) + ($lk['x']-$bbox_x);
			else if ($rotate == -90) {
				$adjx = -($lk['x']-$bbox_x) + ($lk['y']-$bbox_y);
				$adjy = -($lk['y']-$bbox_y) - ($lk['x']-$bbox_x) + $prerotw;
			if ($rot_rpos !== false) { $adjx += $prerotw - $preroth; }
			if ($rot_bpos !== false) { $adjy += $preroth - $prerotw; }
			$lk['x'] += $adjx;
			$lk['y'] += $adjy;
		if ($shrink_f != 1) { 	// i.e. autofit has resized the box
			$lk['x'] = $x + (($lk['x']-$x) * $shrink_f);
			$lk['y'] = $y + (($lk['y']-$y) * $shrink_f);

	// Restore
	$this->headerbuffer = '';
	$this->HTMLheaderPageLinks = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageAnnots = array();
	$this->HTMLheaderPageForms = array();
	$this->pageBackgrounds = $save_bgs;
	$this->writingHTMLheader = false;

	$this->writingHTMLfooter = false;
	$this->fullImageHeight = false;
	$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
	$this->SetXY($save_x,$save_y) ;
	$this->title2annots = $save_annots;	// *ANNOTATIONS*
	$this->InFooter = false;	// turns back on autopagebreaks
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($save_cols) {
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

function initialiseBlock(&$blk) {
	$blk['margin_top'] = 0;
	$blk['margin_left'] = 0;
	$blk['margin_bottom'] = 0;
	$blk['margin_right'] = 0;
	$blk['padding_top'] = 0;
	$blk['padding_left'] = 0;
	$blk['padding_bottom'] = 0;
	$blk['padding_right'] = 0;
	$blk['border_top']['w'] = 0;
	$blk['border_left']['w'] = 0;
	$blk['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
	$blk['border_right']['w'] = 0;
	$blk['hide'] = false;
	$blk['outer_left_margin'] = 0;
	$blk['outer_right_margin'] = 0;
	$blk['cascadeCSS'] = array();
	$blk['block-align'] = false;
	$blk['bgcolor'] = false;
	$blk['page_break_after_avoid'] = false;
	$blk['keep_block_together'] = false;
	$blk['float'] = false;
	$blk['line_height'] = '';
	$blk['margin_collapse'] = false;

function border_details($bd) {
	$prop = preg_split('/\s+/',trim($bd));

	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'])) { $refw = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']; }
	else if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'])) { $refw = $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width']; }
	else { $refw = $this->w; }
	if ( count($prop) == 1 ) {
		$bsize = $this->ConvertSize($prop[0],$refw,$this->FontSize,false);
		if ($bsize > 0) {
			return array('s' => 1, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $this->ConvertColor(0), 'style'=>'solid');
		else { return array('w' => 0, 's' => 0); }

	else if (count($prop) == 2 ) {
		// 1px solid
		if (in_array($prop[1],$this->borderstyles) || $prop[1] == 'none' || $prop[1] == 'hidden' ) { $prop[2] = ''; }
		// solid #000000
		else if (in_array($prop[0],$this->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden' ) { $prop[0] = ''; $prop[1] = $prop[0]; $prop[2] = $prop[1]; }
		// 1px #000000
		else { $prop[1] = ''; $prop[2] = $prop[1]; }
	else if ( count($prop) == 3 ) {
		// Change #000000 1px solid to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
		if (substr($prop[0],0,1) == '#') { $tmp = $prop[0]; $prop[0] = $prop[1]; $prop[1] = $prop[2]; $prop[2] = $tmp; }
		// Change solid #000000 1px to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
		else if (substr($prop[0],1,1) == '#') { $tmp = $prop[1]; $prop[0] = $prop[2]; $prop[1] = $prop[0]; $prop[2] = $tmp; }
		// Change solid 1px #000000 to 1px solid #000000 (proper)
		else if (in_array($prop[0],$this->borderstyles) || $prop[0] == 'none' || $prop[0] == 'hidden' ) {
			$tmp = $prop[0]; $prop[0] = $prop[1]; $prop[1] = $tmp;
	else { return array(); }
	// Size
	$bsize = $this->ConvertSize($prop[0],$refw,$this->FontSize,false);
	$coul = $this->ConvertColor($prop[2]);	// returns array
	// Style
	$prop[1] = strtolower($prop[1]);
	if (in_array($prop[1],$this->borderstyles) && $bsize > 0) { $on = 1; }
	else if ($prop[1] == 'hidden') { $on = 1; $bsize = 0; $coul = ''; }
	else if ($prop[1] == 'none') { $on = 0; $bsize = 0; $coul = ''; }
	else { $on = 0; $bsize = 0; $coul = ''; $prop[1] = ''; }
	return array('s' => $on, 'w' => $bsize, 'c' => $coul, 'style'=> $prop[1] );

/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

// Return either a number (factor) - based on current set fontsize (if % or em) - or exact lineheight (with 'mm' after it)
function fixLineheight($v) {
	$lh = false;
	if (preg_match('/^[0-9\.,]*$/',$v) && $v >= 0) { return ($v + 0); }
	else if (strtoupper($v) == 'NORMAL') {
		return $this->normalLineheight;
	else {
		$tlh = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->FontSize,$this->FontSize,true);
		if ($tlh) { return ($tlh.'mm'); }
	return $this->normalLineheight;

function _borderPadding($a, $b, &$px, &$py) {
	// $px and py are padding long axis (x) and short axis (y)
	$added = 0;	// extra padding

	$x = $a-$px;
	$y = $b-$py;
	// Check if Falls within ellipse of border radius
	if ( ( (($x+$added)*($x+$added))/($a*$a) + (($y+$added)*($y+$added))/($b*$b) ) <=1 ) { return false; }

	$t = atan2($y,$x);

	$newx = $b / sqrt((($b*$b)/($a*$a)) + ( tan($t) * tan($t) )  );
	$newy = $a / sqrt((($a*$a)/($b*$b)) + ( (1/tan($t)) * (1/tan($t)) )  );
	$px = max($px, $a - $newx + $added);
	$py = max($py, $b - $newy + $added);

/*-- HTML-CSS --*/

/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/
function SetPagedMediaCSS($name='', $first, $oddEven) {
	if ($oddEven == 'E') {
		if ($this->directionality=='rtl') { $side = 'R'; }
		else { $side = 'L'; }
	else  {
		if ($this->directionality=='rtl') { $side = 'L'; }
		else { $side = 'R'; }
	$name = strtoupper($name);
	$p = array();
	$p['SIZE'] = 'AUTO';

	// Uses mPDF original margins as default
	$p['MARGIN-RIGHT'] = strval($this->orig_rMargin).'mm';
	$p['MARGIN-LEFT'] = strval($this->orig_lMargin).'mm';
	$p['MARGIN-TOP'] = strval($this->orig_tMargin).'mm';
	$p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'] = strval($this->orig_bMargin).'mm';
	$p['MARGIN-HEADER'] = strval($this->orig_hMargin).'mm';
	$p['MARGIN-FOOTER'] = strval($this->orig_fMargin).'mm';

	// Basic page + selector
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE'])) { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE']; }
	else { $zp = array(); }
	if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

	if (isset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven=='E') {
		$p['HEADER'] = $p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']; unset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']);
	if (isset($p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven!='E') {
		$p['HEADER'] = $p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']; unset($p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']);
	if (isset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven=='E') {
		$p['FOOTER'] = $p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']; unset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']);
	if (isset($p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven!='E') {
		$p['FOOTER'] = $p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']; unset($p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']);

	// If right/Odd page
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>RIGHT']) && $side=='R') {
		$zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>RIGHT'];
	else { $zp = array(); }
	if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
	if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
	// Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
	if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

	// If left/Even page
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>LEFT']) && $side=='L') {
		$zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>LEFT'];
	else { $zp = array(); }
	if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
	if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
	// Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
	if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp);  }

	// If first page
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']) && $first) { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']; }
	else { $zp = array(); }
	if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
	if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
	// Disallow margin-left or -right on :FIRST	// mPDF 5.7.3
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
	if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
	if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

	// If named page
	if ($name) {
		if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name])) { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name]; }
		else { $zp = array(); }
		if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

		if (isset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven=='E') {
			$p['HEADER'] = $p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']; unset($p['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']);
		if (isset($p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']) && $oddEven!='E') {
			$p['HEADER'] = $p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']; unset($p['ODD-HEADER-NAME']);
		if (isset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven=='E') {
			$p['FOOTER'] = $p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']; unset($p['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']);
		if (isset($p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']) && $oddEven!='E') {
			$p['FOOTER'] = $p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']; unset($p['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']);

		// If named right/Odd page
		if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>RIGHT']) && $side=='R') { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>RIGHT']; }
		else { $zp = array(); }
		if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
		if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
		// Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
		if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

		// If named left/Even page
		if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>LEFT']) && $side=='L') { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>LEFT']; }
		else { $zp = array(); }
		if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
		if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
		// Disallow margin-left or -right on :LEFT or :RIGHT
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
		if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

		// If named first page
		if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']) && $first) { $zp = $this->cssmgr->CSS['@PAGE>>NAMED>>'.$name.'>>PSEUDO>>FIRST']; }
		else { $zp = array(); }
		if (isset($zp['SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SIZE']); }
		if (isset($zp['SHEET-SIZE'])) { unset($zp['SHEET-SIZE']); }
		// Disallow margin-left or -right on :FIRST	// mPDF 5.7.3
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { unset($zp['MARGIN-RIGHT']); }
		if (is_array($zp) && !empty($zp)) { $p = array_merge($p,$zp); }

	$orientation = $mgl = $mgr = $mgt = $mgb = $mgh = $mgf = '';
	$header = $footer = '';
	$resetpagenum = $pagenumstyle = $suppress = '';
	$marks = '';
	$bg = array();

	$newformat = '';

	if (isset($p['SHEET-SIZE']) && is_array($p['SHEET-SIZE'])) {
		$newformat = $p['SHEET-SIZE'];
		if ($newformat[0] > $newformat[1]) { // landscape
			$newformat = array_reverse($newformat);
			$p['ORIENTATION'] = 'L';
		else { $p['ORIENTATION'] = 'P'; }
		$this->_setPageSize($newformat, $p['ORIENTATION']);

	if (isset($p['SIZE']) && is_array($p['SIZE']) && !$newformat) {
		if ($p['SIZE']['W'] > $p['SIZE']['H']) { $p['ORIENTATION'] = 'L'; }
		else { $p['ORIENTATION'] = 'P'; }

	if (is_array($p['SIZE'])) {
		if ($p['SIZE']['W'] > $this->fw) { $p['SIZE']['W'] = $this->fw; }	// mPD 4.2 use fw not fPt
		if ($p['SIZE']['H'] > $this->fh) { $p['SIZE']['H'] = $this->fh; }
		if (($p['ORIENTATION']==$this->DefOrientation && !$newformat) || ($newformat && $p['ORIENTATION']=='P')) {
			$outer_width_LR = ($this->fw - $p['SIZE']['W'])/2;
			$outer_width_TB = ($this->fh - $p['SIZE']['H'])/2;
		else {
			$outer_width_LR = ($this->fh - $p['SIZE']['W'])/2;
			$outer_width_TB = ($this->fw - $p['SIZE']['H'])/2;
		$pgw = $p['SIZE']['W'];
		$pgh = $p['SIZE']['H'];
		$outer_width_LR = 0;
		$outer_width_TB = 0;
		if (!$newformat) {
			if (strtoupper($p['SIZE']) == 'AUTO') { $p['ORIENTATION']=$this->DefOrientation; }
			else if (strtoupper($p['SIZE']) == 'LANDSCAPE') { $p['ORIENTATION']='L'; }
			else { $p['ORIENTATION']='P'; }
		if (($p['ORIENTATION']==$this->DefOrientation && !$newformat) || ($newformat && $p['ORIENTATION']=='P')) {
			$pgw = $this->fw;
			$pgh = $this->fh;
		else {
			$pgw = $this->fh;
			$pgh = $this->fw;

	if (isset($p['HEADER']) && $p['HEADER']) { $header = $p['HEADER']; }
	if (isset($p['FOOTER']) && $p['FOOTER']) { $footer = $p['FOOTER']; }
	if (isset($p['RESETPAGENUM']) && $p['RESETPAGENUM']) { $resetpagenum = $p['RESETPAGENUM']; }
	if (isset($p['PAGENUMSTYLE']) && $p['PAGENUMSTYLE']) { $pagenumstyle = $p['PAGENUMSTYLE']; }
	if (isset($p['SUPPRESS']) && $p['SUPPRESS']) { $suppress = $p['SUPPRESS']; }

  	if (preg_match('/cross/i', $p['MARKS']) && preg_match('/crop/i', $p['MARKS'])) { $marks = 'CROPCROSS'; }
  	else if (strtoupper($p['MARKS']) == 'CROP') { $marks = 'CROP'; }
  	else if (strtoupper($p['MARKS']) == 'CROSS') { $marks = 'CROSS'; }


	if (isset($p['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $mgl = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-LEFT'],$pgw) + $outer_width_LR; }
	if (isset($p['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $mgr = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$pgw) + $outer_width_LR; }
	if (isset($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $mgb = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$pgh) + $outer_width_TB; }
	if (isset($p['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $mgt = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-TOP'],$pgh) + $outer_width_TB; }
	if (isset($p['MARGIN-HEADER'])) { $mgh = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-HEADER'],$pgh) + $outer_width_TB; }
	if (isset($p['MARGIN-FOOTER'])) { $mgf = $this->ConvertSize($p['MARGIN-FOOTER'],$pgh) + $outer_width_TB; }

	if (isset($p['ORIENTATION']) && $p['ORIENTATION']) { $orientation = $p['ORIENTATION']; }
	$this->page_box['outer_width_LR'] = $outer_width_LR;	// Used in MARKS:crop etc.
	$this->page_box['outer_width_TB'] = $outer_width_TB;

	return array($orientation,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$header,$footer,$bg,$resetpagenum,$pagenumstyle,$suppress,$marks,$newformat);
/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV - CLEAR
function ClearFloats($clear, $blklvl=0) {
	list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($blklvl,true);
	$end = $currpos = ($this->page*1000 + $this->y);
	if ($clear == 'BOTH' && ($l_exists || $r_exists)) {
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$end = max($l_max, $r_max, $currpos);
	else if ($clear == 'RIGHT' && $r_exists) {
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$end = max($r_max, $currpos);
	else if ($clear == 'LEFT' && $l_exists ) {
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$end = max($l_max, $currpos);
	else { return; }
	$old_page = $this->page;
	$new_page = intval($end/1000);
	if ($old_page != $new_page) {
		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
		// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
		$this->page = $new_page;
	$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
	$this->y = (($end*1000) % 1000000)/1000;	// mod changes operands to integers before processing

// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
function GetFloatDivInfo($blklvl=0,$clear=false) {
	// If blklvl specified, only returns floats at that level - for ClearFloats
	$l_exists = false;
	$r_exists = false;
	$l_max = 0;
	$r_max = 0;
	$l_width = 0;
	$r_width = 0;
	if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
	  $currpos = ($this->page*1000 + $this->y);
	  foreach($this->floatDivs AS $f) {
	    if (($clear && $f['blockContext'] == $this->blk[$blklvl]['blockContext']) || (!$clear && $currpos >= $f['startpos'] && $currpos < ($f['endpos']-0.001) && $f['blklvl'] > $blklvl && $f['blockContext'] == $this->blk[$blklvl]['blockContext'])) {
		if ($f['side']=='L') {
			$l_exists= true;
			$l_max = max($l_max, $f['endpos']);
			$l_width = max($l_width , $f['w']);
		if ($f['side']=='R') {
			$r_exists= true;
			$r_max = max($r_max, $f['endpos']);
			$r_width = max($r_width , $f['w']);
	return array($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width);
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

function OpenTag($tag,$attr)

  // What this gets: < $tag $attr['WIDTH']="90px" > does not get content here </closeTag here>
  // Correct tags where HTML specifies optional end tags,
  // and/or does not allow nesting e.g. P inside P, or
  if ($this->allow_html_optional_endtags) {
    if (($tag == 'P' || $tag == 'DIV' || $tag == 'H1' || $tag == 'H2' || $tag == 'H3' || $tag == 'H4' || $tag == 'H5' || $tag == 'H6' || $tag == 'UL' || $tag == 'OL' || $tag == 'TABLE' || $tag=='PRE' || $tag=='FORM' || $tag=='ADDRESS' || $tag=='BLOCKQUOTE' || $tag=='CENTER' || $tag=='DL' || $tag == 'HR' || $tag=='ARTICLE' || $tag=='ASIDE' || $tag=='FIELDSET' || $tag=='HGROUP' || $tag=='MAIN' || $tag=='NAV' || $tag=='SECTION' ) && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'P') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }	// mPDF 5.7.3
    if ($tag == 'DD' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'DD') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
    if ($tag == 'DD' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'DT') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
    if ($tag == 'DT' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'DD') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
    if ($tag == 'DT' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'DT') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
    if ($tag == 'LI' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'LI') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }
    if (($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }	// *TABLES*
    if (($tag == 'TD' || $tag == 'TH') && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }	// *TABLES*
    if ($tag == 'TR' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TR') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }	// *TABLES*
    if ($tag == 'TR' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TD') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag );  $this->CloseTag('TR'); $this->CloseTag('THEAD'); }	// *TABLES*
    if ($tag == 'TR' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'TH') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag );  $this->CloseTag('TR'); $this->CloseTag('THEAD'); }	// *TABLES*
    if ($tag == 'OPTION' && $this->lastoptionaltag == 'OPTION') { $this->CloseTag($this->lastoptionaltag ); }

  $align = array('left'=>'L','center'=>'C','right'=>'R','top'=>'T','text-top'=>'TT','middle'=>'M','baseline'=>'BS','bottom'=>'B','text-bottom'=>'TB','justify'=>'J');


  //Opening tag

     case 'DOTTAB':
	$objattr = array();
	$objattr['type'] = 'dottab';
	$dots=str_repeat('.', 3)."  ";	// minimum number of dots
	$objattr['width'] = $this->GetStringWidth($dots);
	$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
	$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
	$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
	$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
	$objattr['height'] = 0;
	$objattr['colorarray'] = $this->colorarray;
	$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
	$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
	$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
	$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;

	// mPDF 5.6.19
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);	// mPDF 5.6.33
	if (isset($properties['OUTDENT'])) {	// mPDF 5.6.33
		$objattr['outdent'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['OUTDENT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	else if (isset($attr['OUTDENT'])) {
		$objattr['outdent'] = $this->ConvertSize($attr['OUTDENT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	else { $objattr['outdent'] = 0; }

	$objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
	$objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSizePt;

	$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=dottab,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
/*-- TABLES --*/
	// Output it to buffers
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;// reset
	else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	}	// *TABLES*

     case 'PAGEHEADER':
     case 'PAGEFOOTER':
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	if ($attr['NAME']) { $pname = $attr['NAME']; }
	else { $pname = '_default'; }

		if ($tag=='PAGEHEADER') { $p = &$this->pageheaders[$pname]; }
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		$p['R']['font-style'] = '';

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			$p['C']['content'] = $attr['CONTENT-CENTER'];
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			$p['R']['content'] = $attr['CONTENT-RIGHT'];

		if (isset($attr['HEADER-STYLE']) || isset($attr['FOOTER-STYLE'])) {	// font-family,size,weight,style,color
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				$p['C']['font-family'] = $properties['FONT-FAMILY'];
				$p['R']['font-family'] = $properties['FONT-FAMILY'];
			if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
				$p['L']['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE']) * _MPDFK;
				$p['C']['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE']) * _MPDFK;
				$p['R']['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE']) * _MPDFK;
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				$p['C']['font-style'] = 'B';
				$p['R']['font-style'] = 'B';
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				$p['L']['font-style'] .= 'I';
				$p['C']['font-style'] .= 'I';
				$p['R']['font-style'] .= 'I';
			if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) {
				$p['L']['color'] = $properties['COLOR'];
				$p['C']['color'] = $properties['COLOR'];
				$p['R']['color'] = $properties['COLOR'];
		if (isset($attr['HEADER-STYLE-LEFT']) || isset($attr['FOOTER-STYLE-LEFT'])) {
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			if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) && $properties['FONT-WEIGHT']=='bold') { $p['L']['font-style'] ='B'; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE']) && $properties['FONT-STYLE']=='italic') { $p['L']['font-style'] .='I'; }
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			if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) { $p['C']['font-family'] = $properties['FONT-FAMILY']; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) { $p['C']['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE']) * _MPDFK; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) && $properties['FONT-WEIGHT']=='bold') { $p['C']['font-style'] = 'B'; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE']) && $properties['FONT-STYLE']=='italic') { $p['C']['font-style'] .= 'I'; }
			if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $p['C']['color'] = $properties['COLOR']; }
		if (isset($attr['HEADER-STYLE-RIGHT']) || isset($attr['FOOTER-STYLE-RIGHT'])) {
			if ($tag=='PAGEHEADER') { $properties = $this->cssmgr->readInlineCSS($attr['HEADER-STYLE-RIGHT']); }
			else { $properties = $this->cssmgr->readInlineCSS($attr['FOOTER-STYLE-RIGHT']); }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) { $p['R']['font-family'] = $properties['FONT-FAMILY']; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) { $p['R']['font-size'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE']) * _MPDFK; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) && $properties['FONT-WEIGHT']=='bold') { $p['R']['font-style'] = 'B'; }
			if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE']) && $properties['FONT-STYLE']=='italic') { $p['R']['font-style'] .= 'I'; }
			if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $p['R']['color'] = $properties['COLOR']; }
		if (isset($attr['LINE']) && $attr['LINE']) {	// 0|1|on|off
			if ($attr['LINE']=='1' || strtoupper($attr['LINE'])=='ON') { $lineset=1; }
			else { $lineset=0; }
			$p['line'] = $lineset;

	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	if (isset($attr['NAME']) && $attr['NAME']) { $pname = $attr['NAME']; }
	else { $pname = '_default'; }
	if (isset($attr['PAGE']) && $attr['PAGE']) { 	// O|odd|even|E|ALL|[blank]
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     case 'SETPAGEHEADER':
     case 'SETPAGEFOOTER':
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	if (isset($attr['NAME']) && $attr['NAME']) { $pname = $attr['NAME']; }
	else { $pname = '_default'; }
	if (isset($attr['PAGE']) && $attr['PAGE']) { 	// O|odd|even|E|ALL|[blank]
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	else { $set=1; }
	if ($side=='odd' || $side=='both') {
		if ($set && $tag=='SETPAGEHEADER') { $this->headerDetails['odd'] = $this->pageheaders[$pname]; }
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		else if ($tag=='SETPAGEHEADER') { $this->headerDetails['odd'] = array(); }
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		if (!$this->mirrorMargins || ($this->page)%2!=0) {	// ODD
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		if ($set && $tag=='SETPAGEHEADER') { $this->headerDetails['even'] = $this->pageheaders[$pname]; }
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		else if ($tag=='SETPAGEHEADER') { $this->headerDetails['even'] = array(); }
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	if (isset($attr['SHOW-THIS-PAGE']) && $attr['SHOW-THIS-PAGE'] && $tag=='SETPAGEHEADER') {

/*-- TOC --*/
     case 'TOC': //added custom-tag - set Marker for insertion later of ToC
	if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
	if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }

     case 'TOCPAGEBREAK': // custom-tag - set Marker for insertion later of ToC AND adds PAGEBREAK
	if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
	if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }
	list($isbreak,$toc_id) = $this->tocontents->openTagTOCPAGEBREAK($attr);
	if ($isbreak) break;
	// No break - continues as PAGEBREAK...
/*-- END TOC --*/

    case 'PAGE_BREAK': //custom-tag
    case 'PAGEBREAK': //custom-tag
    case 'NEWPAGE': //custom-tag
    case 'FORMFEED': //custom-tag

	$save_blklvl = $this->blklvl;
	$save_blk = $this->blk;
	$save_silp = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$save_ilp = $this->InlineProperties;

	// Close any open block tags
	for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
	if(!empty($this->textbuffer))  {	//Output previously buffered content
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	$save_cols = false;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($this->ColActive) {
		$save_cols = true;
		$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

	if (isset($attr['SHEET-SIZE']) && $tag != 'FORMFEED' && !$this->restoreBlockPageBreaks) {
		// Convert to same types as accepted in initial mPDF() A4, A4-L, or array(w,h)
		$prop = preg_split('/\s+/',trim($attr['SHEET-SIZE']));
		if (count($prop) == 2 ) {
			$newformat = array($this->ConvertSize($prop[0]), $this->ConvertSize($prop[1]));
		else { $newformat = $attr['SHEET-SIZE']; }
	else { $newformat = ''; }

	$mgr = $mgl = $mgt = $mgb = $mgh = $mgf = '';
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $mgr = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $mgl = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $mgt = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $mgb = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-HEADER'])) { $mgh = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-HEADER'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($attr['MARGIN-FOOTER'])) { $mgf = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MARGIN-FOOTER'],$this->w,$this->FontSize,false); }
	$ohname = $ehname = $ofname = $efname = '';
	if (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-NAME'])) { $ohname = $attr['ODD-HEADER-NAME']; }
	if (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-NAME'])) { $ehname = $attr['EVEN-HEADER-NAME']; }
	if (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-NAME'])) { $ofname = $attr['ODD-FOOTER-NAME']; }
	if (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME'])) { $efname = $attr['EVEN-FOOTER-NAME']; }
	$ohvalue = $ehvalue = $ofvalue = $efvalue = 0;
	if (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']=='1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE'])=='ON')) { $ohvalue = 1; }
	else if (isset($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE']=='-1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-HEADER-VALUE'])=='OFF')) { $ohvalue = -1; }
	if (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']=='1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE'])=='ON')) { $ehvalue = 1; }
	else if (isset($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE']=='-1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-HEADER-VALUE'])=='OFF')) { $ehvalue = -1; }
	if (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']=='1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE'])=='ON')) { $ofvalue = 1; }
	else if (isset($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE']=='-1' || strtoupper($attr['ODD-FOOTER-VALUE'])=='OFF')) { $ofvalue = -1; }
	if (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']=='1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE'])=='ON')) { $efvalue = 1; }
	else if (isset($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']) && ($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE']=='-1' || strtoupper($attr['EVEN-FOOTER-VALUE'])=='OFF')) { $efvalue = -1; }

	if (isset($attr['ORIENTATION']) && (strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION'])=='L' || strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION'])=='LANDSCAPE')) { $orient = 'L'; }
	else if (isset($attr['ORIENTATION']) && (strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION'])=='P' || strtoupper($attr['ORIENTATION'])=='PORTRAIT')) { $orient = 'P'; }
	else { $orient = $this->CurOrientation; }

	if (isset($attr['PAGE-SELECTOR']) && $attr['PAGE-SELECTOR']) { $pagesel = $attr['PAGE-SELECTOR']; }
	else { $pagesel = ''; }

	$resetpagenum = '';
	$pagenumstyle = '';
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	if (isset($attr['PAGENUMSTYLE'])) { $pagenumstyle = $attr['PAGENUMSTYLE']; }
	if (isset($attr['SUPPRESS'])) { $suppress = $attr['SUPPRESS']; }

	if ($tag == 'TOCPAGEBREAK') { $type = 'NEXT-ODD'; }
	else if(isset($attr['TYPE'])) { $type = strtoupper($attr['TYPE']); }
	else { $type = ''; }

	if ($type == 'E' || $type == 'EVEN') { $this->AddPage($orient,'E', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat); }
	else if ($type == 'O' || $type == 'ODD') { $this->AddPage($orient,'O', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat); }
	else if ($type == 'NEXT-ODD') { $this->AddPage($orient,'NEXT-ODD', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat); }
	else if ($type == 'NEXT-EVEN') { $this->AddPage($orient,'NEXT-EVEN', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat); }
	else { $this->AddPage($orient,'', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$newformat); }

/*-- TOC --*/
	if ($tag == 'TOCPAGEBREAK') {
		if ($toc_id) { $this->tocontents->m_TOC[$toc_id]['TOCmark'] = $this->page; }
		else { $this->tocontents->TOCmark = $this->page; }
/*-- END TOC --*/

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($save_cols) {
		// Restore columns
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
	if (($tag == 'FORMFEED' || $this->restoreBlockPagebreaks) && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->listlvl) {
		$this->blk = $save_blk;
		// Re-open block tags
		$t = $this->blk[0]['tag'];
		$a = $this->blk[0]['attr'];
		$this->blklvl = 0;
		for ($b=0; $b<=$save_blklvl;$b++) {
			$tc = $t;
			$ac = $a;
			$t = $this->blk[$b+1]['tag'];
			$a = $this->blk[$b+1]['attr'];
		$this->InlineProperties = $save_ilp;


/*-- TOC --*/
     case 'TOCENTRY':
	if (isset($attr['CONTENT']) && $attr['CONTENT']) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['CONTENT'],ENT_QUOTES);
		$objattr['type'] = 'toc';
		if (isset($attr['LEVEL']) && $attr['LEVEL']) { $objattr['toclevel'] = $attr['LEVEL']; } else { $objattr['toclevel'] = 0; }
		if (isset($attr['NAME']) && $attr['NAME']) { $objattr['toc_id'] = $attr['NAME']; } else { $objattr['toc_id'] = 0; }
		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=toc,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		if($this->tableLevel) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e); }	// *TABLES*
		else  {	// *TABLES*
			$this->textbuffer[] = array($e);
		}	// *TABLES*
/*-- END TOC --*/

/*-- INDEX --*/
     case 'INDEXENTRY':
	if (isset($attr['CONTENT']) && $attr['CONTENT']) {
		if (isset($attr['XREF']) && $attr['XREF']) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['CONTENT'],ENT_QUOTES);
		$objattr['type'] = 'indexentry';
		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=indexentry,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		if($this->tableLevel) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e); } 	// *TABLES*
		else  {	// *TABLES*
			$this->textbuffer[] = array($e);
		}	// *TABLES*

     case 'INDEXINSERT':
	if (isset($attr['FONT-SIZE'])) { $reffontsize = $attr['FONT-SIZE']; } else { $reffontsize = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['LINE-SPACING']) && $attr['LINE-SPACING']) { $linespacing = $attr['LINE-SPACING']; } else { $linespacing = ''; }
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	if (isset($attr['COLS']) && $attr['COLS']) { $cols = $attr['COLS']; } else { $cols = 1; }
	if (isset($attr['OFFSET']) && $attr['OFFSET']) { $offset = $attr['OFFSET']; } else { $offset = 3; }
	if (isset($attr['GAP']) && $attr['GAP']) { $gap = $attr['GAP']; } else { $gap = 5; }

	if (isset($attr['USEDIVLETTERS']) && (strtoupper($attr['USEDIVLETTERS'])=='OFF' || $attr['USEDIVLETTERS']==-1 || $attr['USEDIVLETTERS']==='0')) { $usedivletters = 0; }
	else { $usedivletters = 1; }

	if (isset($attr['LINKS']) && (strtoupper($attr['LINKS'])=='ON' || $attr['LINKS']==1)) { $links = true; }
	else { $links = false; }
	$this->CreateIndex($cols, $reffontsize, $linespacing, $offset, $usedivletters, $divlettfontsize, $gap, $reffont,$divlettfont, $links);
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- WATERMARK --*/

     case 'WATERMARKTEXT':
	if (isset($attr['CONTENT']) && $attr['CONTENT']) { $txt = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['CONTENT'],ENT_QUOTES); } else { $txt = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['ALPHA']) && $attr['ALPHA']>0) { $alpha = $attr['ALPHA']; } else { $alpha = -1; }
	$this->SetWatermarkText($txt, $alpha);

	if (isset($attr['SRC'])) { $src = $attr['SRC']; } else { $src = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['ALPHA']) && $attr['ALPHA']>0) { $alpha = $attr['ALPHA']; } else { $alpha = -1; }
	if (isset($attr['SIZE']) && $attr['SIZE']) {
		$size = $attr['SIZE'];
		if (strpos($size,',')) { $size = explode(',',$size); }
	else { $size = 'D'; }
	if (isset($attr['POSITION']) && $attr['POSITION']) {  	// mPDF 5.7.2
		$pos = $attr['POSITION'];
		if (strpos($pos,',')) { $pos = explode(',',$pos); }
	else { $pos = 'P'; }
	$this->SetWatermarkImage($src, $alpha, $size, $pos);

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
     case 'BOOKMARK':
	if (isset($attr['CONTENT'])) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['CONTENT'],ENT_QUOTES);
		$objattr['type'] = 'bookmark';
		if (isset($attr['LEVEL']) && $attr['LEVEL']) { $objattr['bklevel'] = $attr['LEVEL']; } else { $objattr['bklevel'] = 0; }
		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=bookmark,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		if($this->tableLevel) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e); }	// *TABLES*
		else  {	// *TABLES*
			$this->textbuffer[] = array($e);
		}	// *TABLES*

     case 'ANNOTATION':

	//if (isset($attr['CONTENT']) && !$this->writingHTMLheader && !$this->writingHTMLfooter) {	// Stops annotations in FixedPos
	if (isset($attr['CONTENT'])) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['CONTENT'],ENT_QUOTES);
		$objattr['type'] = 'annot';
		$objattr['POPUP'] = '';
	else { break; }
	if (isset($attr['POS-X'])) { $objattr['POS-X'] = $attr['POS-X']; } else { $objattr['POS-X'] = 0; }
	if (isset($attr['POS-Y'])) { $objattr['POS-Y'] = $attr['POS-Y']; } else { $objattr['POS-Y'] = 0; }
	if (isset($attr['ICON'])) { $objattr['ICON'] = $attr['ICON']; } else { $objattr['ICON'] = 'Note'; }
	if (isset($attr['AUTHOR'])) { $objattr['AUTHOR'] = $attr['AUTHOR']; }
	else if (isset($attr['TITLE'])) { $objattr['AUTHOR'] = $attr['TITLE']; } else  { $objattr['AUTHOR'] = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['FILE'])) { $objattr['FILE'] = $attr['FILE']; } else  { $objattr['FILE'] = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['SUBJECT'])) { $objattr['SUBJECT'] = $attr['SUBJECT']; } else  { $objattr['SUBJECT'] = ''; }
	if (isset($attr['OPACITY']) && $attr['OPACITY']>0 && $attr['OPACITY']<=1) { $objattr['OPACITY'] = $attr['OPACITY']; }
	else if ($this->annotMargin) { $objattr['OPACITY'] = 1; }
	else { $objattr['OPACITY'] = $this->annotOpacity; }
	if (isset($attr['COLOR'])) {
		$cor = $this->ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']);
		if ($cor) {  $objattr['COLOR'] = $cor; }
		else  { $objattr['COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor('yellow'); }
	else  { $objattr['COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor('yellow'); }

	if (isset($attr['POPUP']) && !empty($attr['POPUP'])) {
		$pop = preg_split('/\s+/',trim($attr['POPUP']));
		if (count($pop)>1) { $objattr['POPUP'] = $pop; }
		else { $objattr['POPUP'] = true; }
	$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=annot,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
	if($this->tableLevel) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e); }	// *TABLES*
	else  {	// *TABLES*
		$this->textbuffer[] = array($e);
	}	// *TABLES*

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
    case 'COLUMNS': //added custom-tag
	if (isset($attr['COLUMN-COUNT']) && ($attr['COLUMN-COUNT'] || $attr['COLUMN-COUNT']==='0')) {
		// Close any open block tags
		for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
		if(!empty($this->textbuffer))  {	//Output previously buffered content

		if (isset($attr['VALIGN']) && $attr['VALIGN']) {
			if ($attr['VALIGN'] == 'J') { $valign = 'J'; }
			else { $valign = $align[$attr['VALIGN']]; }
 		else { $valign = ''; }
		if (isset($attr['COLUMN-GAP']) && $attr['COLUMN-GAP']) { $this->SetColumns($attr['COLUMN-COUNT'],$valign,$attr['COLUMN-GAP']); }
		else { $this->SetColumns($attr['COLUMN-COUNT'],$valign); }
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;

    case 'COLUMN_BREAK': //custom-tag
    case 'COLUMNBREAK': //custom-tag
    case 'NEWCOLUMN': //custom-tag
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	$this->ColumnAdjust = false;	// disables all column height adjustment for the page.

/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

    case 'BDO':
	// $this->biDirectional = true;

    case 'TTZ':
	$this->ttz = true;
	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

    case 'TTS':
	$this->tts = true;
	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

    case 'TTA':
	$this->tta = true;
	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

	if (in_array($this->FontFamily,$this->mono_fonts)) {
	else if (in_array($this->FontFamily,$this->serif_fonts)) {
	else {

    case 'SUB':
    case 'SUP':
    case 'ACRONYM':
    case 'BIG':
    case 'SMALL':
    case 'INS':
    case 'S':
    case 'STRIKE':
    case 'DEL':
    case 'STRONG':
    case 'CITE':
    case 'Q':
    case 'EM':
    case 'B':
    case 'I':
    case 'U':
    case 'SAMP':
    case 'CODE':
    case 'KBD':
    case 'TT':
    case 'VAR':
    case 'FONT':
    case 'MARK':	// mPDF 5.5.09
    case 'TIME':

    case 'SPAN':
	if ($this->title2annots && isset($attr['TITLE'])) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;

		$objattr['CONTENT'] = $attr['TITLE'];
		$objattr['type'] = 'annot';
		$objattr['POS-X'] = 0;
		$objattr['POS-Y'] = 0;
		$objattr['ICON'] = 'Comment';
		$objattr['AUTHOR'] = '';
		$objattr['SUBJECT'] = '';
		$objattr['OPACITY'] = $this->annotOpacity;
		$objattr['COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor('yellow');
		$annot = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=annot,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

	// mPDF 5.7.3 Inline tags
	if (!isset($this->InlineProperties[$tag])) { $this->InlineProperties[$tag] = array($this->saveInlineProperties()); }
	else { $this->InlineProperties[$tag][] = $this->saveInlineProperties(); }
	if (isset($annot)) { 	// *ANNOTATIONS*
		if (!isset($this->InlineAnnots[$tag])) { $this->InlineAnnots[$tag] = array($annot); }	// *ANNOTATIONS*
		else { $this->InlineAnnots[$tag][] = $annot; }	// *ANNOTATIONS*

	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);
	if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'INLINE');

    case 'A':
	if (isset($attr['NAME']) and $attr['NAME'] != '') {
		$e = '';
/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
		if ($this->anchor2Bookmark) {
			$objattr = array();
			$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars_decode($attr['NAME'],ENT_QUOTES);
			$objattr['type'] = 'bookmark';
			if (isset($attr['LEVEL']) && $attr['LEVEL']) { $objattr['bklevel'] = $attr['LEVEL']; } else { $objattr['bklevel'] = 0; }
			$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=bookmark,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		if($this->tableLevel) {	// *TABLES*
			$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, '', $attr['NAME']);	// *TABLES*
		}	// *TABLES*
		else  {	// *TABLES*
			$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, '', $attr['NAME']);	//an internal link (adds a space for recognition)
		}	// *TABLES*
	if (isset($attr['HREF'])) {
		$this->InlineProperties['A'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);
		if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'INLINE');
		$this->HREF=$attr['HREF'];	// mPDF 5.7.4 URLs

    case 'LEGEND':
		$this->InlineProperties['LEGEND'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);
		if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'INLINE');

    case 'PROGRESS':
    case 'METER':
	$this->inMeter = true;

	if (isset($attr['MAX']) && $attr['MAX']) { $max = $attr['MAX']; }
	else { $max = 1; }
	if (isset($attr['MIN']) && $attr['MIN'] && $tag=='METER') { $min = $attr['MIN']; }
	else { $min = 0; }
	if ($max < $min) { $max = $min; }

	if (isset($attr['VALUE']) && ($attr['VALUE'] || $attr['VALUE']==='0')) {
		$value = $attr['VALUE'];
		if ($value < $min) { $value = $min; }
		else if ($value > $max) { $value = $max; }
	else { $value = ''; }

	if (isset($attr['LOW']) && $attr['LOW']) { $low = $attr['LOW']; }
	else { $low = $min; }
	if ($low < $min) { $low = $min; }
	else if ($low > $max) { $low = $max; }
	if (isset($attr['HIGH']) && $attr['HIGH']) { $high = $attr['HIGH']; }
	else { $high = $max; }
	if ($high < $low) { $high = $low; }
	else if ($high > $max) { $high = $max; }
	if (isset($attr['OPTIMUM']) && $attr['OPTIMUM']) { $optimum = $attr['OPTIMUM']; }
	else { $optimum = $min + (($max-$min)/2); }
	if ($optimum < $min) { $optimum = $min; }
	else if ($optimum > $max) { $optimum = $max; }
	if (isset($attr['TYPE']) && $attr['TYPE']) { $type = $attr['TYPE']; }
	else { $type = ''; }
	$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;

		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);
		if(isset($properties ['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($properties ['DISPLAY'])=='none') {
		$objattr['visibility'] = 'visible';
		if (isset($properties['VISIBILITY'])) {
			$v = strtolower($properties['VISIBILITY']);
			if (($v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') && $this->visibility=='visible') {
				$objattr['visibility'] = $v;

		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $objattr['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) { $objattr['padding_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['padding_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) { $objattr['padding_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['padding_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); }

		if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }
		$w = 0;
		$h = 0;
		if(isset($properties['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		if(isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		if (isset($properties['OPACITY']) && $properties['OPACITY'] > 0 && $properties['OPACITY'] <= 1) { $objattr['opacity'] = $properties['OPACITY']; }
		if ($this->HREF) {
			if (strpos($this->HREF,".") === false && strpos($this->HREF,"@") !== 0) {
				$href = $this->HREF;
				while(array_key_exists($href,$this->internallink)) $href="#".$href;
	    			$this->internallink[$href] = $this->AddLink();
				$objattr['link'] = $this->internallink[$href];
			else { $objattr['link'] = $this->HREF; }
		$extraheight = $objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'];
		$extrawidth = $objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'];

		// Image file
		if (!class_exists('meter', false)) {
		$this->meter = new meter();
		$svg = $this->meter->makeSVG(strtolower($tag), $type, $value, $max, $min, $optimum, $low, $high);
		//Save to local file
		$srcpath= _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempSVG'.uniqid(rand(1,100000),true).'_'.strtolower($tag).'.svg';
		file_put_contents($srcpath, $svg);
		$orig_srcpath = $srcpath;

		$info=$this->_getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath);
		if(!$info) {
			$info = $this->_getImage($this->noImageFile);
			if ($info) {
				$srcpath = $this->noImageFile;
				$w = ($info['w'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
				$h = ($info['h'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
		if(!$info) break;

		$objattr['file'] = $srcpath;
		//Default width and height calculation if needed
		if($w==0 and $h==0) {
			// SVG units are pixels
			$w = $this->FontSize/(10/_MPDFK) * abs($info['w'])/_MPDFK;	// mPDF 5.5.21
			$h = $this->FontSize/(10/_MPDFK) * abs($info['h'])/_MPDFK;
		if($w==0)  $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
		if($h==0)	$h=abs($w*$info['h']/$info['w']);

		// Resize to maximum dimensions of page
		$maxWidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
   		$maxHeight = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 1) ;
		if ($this->fullImageHeight) { $maxHeight = $this->fullImageHeight; }
		if (($w + $extrawidth) > ($maxWidth + 0.0001) ) {	// mPDF 5.7.4  0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth
			$w = $maxWidth - $extrawidth;

		if ($h + $extraheight > $maxHeight ) {
			$h = $maxHeight - $extraheight;
		$objattr['type'] = 'image';
		$objattr['itype'] = $info['type'];

		$objattr['orig_h'] = $info['h'];
		$objattr['orig_w'] = $info['w'];
		$objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x'];
		$objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y'];
		$objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight;
		$objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth;
		$objattr['image_height'] = $h;
		$objattr['image_width'] = $w;
		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		$properties = array();
		if ($this->tableLevel) {
			$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;
		else {
			$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);


    case 'BR':
	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV - CLEAR
	if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
		if (isset($properties['CLEAR'])) { $this->ClearFloats(strtoupper($properties['CLEAR']),$this->blklvl); }	// *CSS-FLOAT*

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if($this->tableLevel) {

	   if ($this->blockjustfinished || $this->listjustfinished) {

		if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;// reset
	else  {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		if (count($this->textbuffer)) {
			$this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0] = preg_replace('/ $/','',$this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0]);
	}	// *TABLES*
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;


	// *********** BLOCKS  ********************

    case 'PRE':
	$this->ispre=true;	// ADDED - Prevents left trim of textbuffer in printbuffer()

    case 'DIV':
    case 'FORM':
    case 'CENTER':

    case 'BLOCKQUOTE':
    case 'ADDRESS':

    case 'CAPTION':
    case 'P':
    case 'H1':
    case 'H2':
    case 'H3':
    case 'H4':
    case 'H5':
    case 'H6':
    case 'DL':
    case 'DT':
    case 'DD':
    case 'FIELDSET':
    case 'DETAILS':
    case 'SUMMARY':
    case 'ARTICLE':
    case 'ASIDE':
    case 'FIGURE':
    case 'FIGCAPTION':
    case 'FOOTER':
    case 'HEADER':
    case 'HGROUP':
    case 'NAV':
    case 'SECTION':
    case 'MAIN':	// mPDF 5.7.3
	$p = $this->cssmgr->PreviewBlockCSS($tag,$attr);
	if(isset($p['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($p['DISPLAY'])=='none') {
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide'] = true;
	if($tag == 'CAPTION') {
		// position is written in AdjstHTML
		if (isset($attr['POSITION']) && strtolower($attr['POSITION'])=='bottom') { $divpos = 'B'; }
		else { $divpos = 'T'; }
		if (isset($attr['ALIGN']) && strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])=='bottom') { $cappos = 'B'; }
		else if (isset($p['CAPTION-SIDE']) && strtolower($p['CAPTION-SIDE'])=='bottom') { $cappos = 'B'; }
		else { $cappos = 'T'; }
		if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) { unset($attr['ALIGN']); }
		if ($cappos != $divpos) {
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['hide'] = true;

/*-- FORMS --*/
	if($tag == 'FORM') {
		if (isset($attr['METHOD']) && strtolower($attr['METHOD'])=='get') { $this->form->formMethod = 'GET'; }
		else { $this->form->formMethod = 'POST'; }
		if (isset($attr['ACTION'])) { $this->form->formAction = $attr['ACTION']; }
		else { $this->form->formAction = ''; }
/*-- END FORMS --*/

/*-- CSS-POSITION --*/
	if ((isset($p['POSITION']) && (strtolower($p['POSITION'])=='fixed' || strtolower($p['POSITION'])=='absolute')) && $this->blklvl==0) {
		if ($this->inFixedPosBlock) {
			$this->Error("Cannot nest block with position:fixed or position:absolute");
		$this->inFixedPosBlock = true;
	// Start Block
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;

	if ($this->blockjustfinished && !count($this->textbuffer) && $this->y != $this->tMargin && $this->collapseBlockMargins) { $lastbottommargin = $this->lastblockbottommargin; }
	else { $lastbottommargin = 0; }
	$this->lastblockbottommargin = 0;

/*-- LISTS --*/
	if ($this->listlvl>0) { return; }
/*-- END LISTS --*/

	$this->InlineProperties = array();


/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($this->tableLevel) {

	   // If already something on the line
	   if ($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] > 0  && !$this->nestedtablejustfinished ) {
		if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;// reset
	   // Cannot set block properties inside table - use Bold to indicate h1-h6
	   if ($tag == 'CENTER' && $this->tdbegin) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['a'] = $align['center']; }

		$this->InlineProperties['BLOCKINTABLE'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
		if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'INLINE');

/*-- END TABLES --*/

	if ($tag == 'P' || $tag == 'DT' || $tag == 'DD') { $this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; } // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	else { $this->lastoptionaltag = ''; }

	if ($this->lastblocklevelchange == 1) { $blockstate = 1; }	// Top margins/padding only
	else if ($this->lastblocklevelchange < 1) { $blockstate = 0; }	// NO margins/padding

	$save_blklvl = $this->blklvl;
	$save_blk = $this->blk;
	$save_silp = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$save_ilp = $this->InlineProperties;


	$currblk =& $this->blk[$this->blklvl];
	$prevblk =& $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1];

	$currblk['tag'] = $tag;
	$currblk['attr'] = $attr;

	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK',$tag,$attr);
	$pagesel = '';
/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/

	if (isset($properties['PAGE'])) { $pagesel = $properties['PAGE']; }
/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

	// If page-box has changed AND/OR PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE
	$save_cols = false;
	if (($pagesel && $pagesel != $this->page_box['current']) || (isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) && $properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE'])) {
		if ($this->blklvl>1) {
			// Close any open block tags
			for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
			// Output any text left in buffer
			if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); }
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			$save_cols = true;
			$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

		// Must Add new page if changed page properties
		if (isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE'])) {
			if (strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) == 'RIGHT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-ODD','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
			else if (strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) == 'LEFT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-EVEN','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
			else if (strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) == 'ALWAYS') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
			else if ($this->page_box['current'] != $pagesel) { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }	// *CSS-PAGE*
/*-- CSS-PAGE --*/
		else if ($pagesel != $this->page_box['current']) { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
/*-- END CSS-PAGE --*/

		// if using htmlheaders, the headers need to be rewritten when new page
		// done by calling WriteHTML() within resethtmlheaders
		// so block is reset to 0 - now we need to resurrect it
		// As in WriteHTML() initialising
		if (!($this->restoreBlockPagebreaks && isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) && $properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE'])) {
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			$this->lastblocklevelchange = 0;
			$this->blk = array();
			$this->blk[0]['width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
			$this->blk[0]['inner_width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
			$this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;
			$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK','BODY','');
			$currblk =& $this->blk[$this->blklvl];
			$prevblk =& $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1];

			$currblk['tag'] = $tag;
			$currblk['attr'] = $attr;

			$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK',$tag,$attr);
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		if ($save_cols) {
			// Restore columns
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		if ($this->restoreBlockPagebreaks && isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) && $properties['PAGE-BREAK-BEFORE']) {
			$this->blk = $save_blk;
			// Re-open block tags
			$t = $this->blk[0]['tag'];
			$a = $this->blk[0]['attr'];
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			for ($b=0; $b<=$save_blklvl;$b++) {
				$tc = $t;
				$ac = $a;
				$t = $this->blk[$b+1]['tag'];
				$a = $this->blk[$b+1]['attr'];
			$this->InlineProperties = $save_ilp;

	if (isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-INSIDE']) && strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-INSIDE']) == 'AVOID' && !$this->ColActive && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		$currblk['keep_block_together'] = 1;
		$this->kt_y00 = $this->y;
		$this->kt_p00 = $this->page;
		$this->keep_block_together = 1;
		$this->divbuffer = array();
		$this->ktLinks = array();
		$this->ktAnnots = array();
		$this->ktForms = array();
		$this->ktBlock = array();
		$this->ktReference = array();
		$this->ktBMoutlines = array();
		$this->_kttoc = array();
	if ($lastbottommargin && isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP']) && $properties['MARGIN-TOP'] && empty($properties['FLOAT'])) { $currblk['lastbottommargin'] = $lastbottommargin; }

	// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
	if (isset($properties['Z-INDEX']) && $this->currentlayer==0) {
		$v = intval($properties['Z-INDEX']);
		if ($v > 0) {
			$currblk['z-index'] = $v;

	$this->setCSS($properties,'BLOCK',$tag); //name(id/class/style) found in the CSS array!
	$currblk['InlineProperties'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

	if (isset($properties['VISIBILITY'])) {
		$v = strtolower($properties['VISIBILITY']);
		if (($v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') && $this->visibility=='visible' && !$this->tableLevel) {
			$currblk['visibility'] = $v;

	if(isset($attr['DIR']) && $attr['DIR']) { $currblk['direction'] = strtolower($attr['DIR']); }
	if(isset($attr['ALIGN']) && $attr['ALIGN']) { $currblk['block-align'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; }

	if (isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) {
		$currblk['css_set_height'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],($this->h - $this->tMargin - $this->bMargin),$this->FontSize,false);
		if (($currblk['css_set_height'] + $this->y) > $this->PageBreakTrigger && $this->y > $this->tMargin+5 && $currblk['css_set_height'] < ($this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin))) { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation); }
	else { $currblk['css_set_height'] = false; }

	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
	if (isset($prevblk['blockContext'])) { $currblk['blockContext'] = $prevblk['blockContext'] ; }	// *CSS-FLOAT*

	if (isset($properties['CLEAR'])) { $this->ClearFloats(strtoupper($properties['CLEAR']), $this->blklvl-1); }	// *CSS-FLOAT*

	$container_w = $prevblk['inner_width'];
	$bdr = $currblk['border_right']['w'];
	$bdl = $currblk['border_left']['w'];
	$pdr = $currblk['padding_right'];
	$pdl = $currblk['padding_left'];

	if (isset($currblk['css_set_width'])) { $setwidth = $currblk['css_set_width']; }
	else { $setwidth = 0; }

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	if (isset($properties['FLOAT']) && strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'RIGHT' && !$this->ColActive) {
		// Cancel Keep-Block-together
		$currblk['keep_block_together'] = false;
		$this->kt_y00 = '';
		$this->keep_block_together = 0;

		$currblk['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;

		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);

		// DIV is too narrow for text to fit!
		$maxw = $container_w - $l_width - $r_width;
		if (($setwidth + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) > $maxw || ($maxw - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) < (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
			// Too narrow to fit - try to move down past L or R float
			if ($l_max < $r_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) <= ($container_w - $r_width) && (($container_w - $r_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('LEFT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else if ($r_max < $l_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)  <= ($container_w - $l_width) && (($container_w - $l_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('RIGHT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else { $this->ClearFloats('BOTH', $this->blklvl-1); }
			list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);

		if ($r_exists) { $currblk['margin_right'] += $r_width; }

		$currblk['float'] = 'R';
		$currblk['float_start_y'] = $this->y;
		if ($currblk['css_set_width']) {
			$currblk['margin_left'] = $container_w - ($setwidth + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_right']);
			$currblk['float_width'] = ($setwidth + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_right']);
		else {
			// *** If no width set - would need to buffer and keep track of max width, then Right-align if not full width
			// and do borders and backgrounds - For now - just set to maximum width left

			if ($l_exists) { $currblk['margin_left'] += $l_width; }
			$currblk['css_set_width'] = $container_w - ($currblk['margin_left'] + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr);

			$currblk['float_width'] = ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_right']);
	else if (isset($properties['FLOAT']) && strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'LEFT' && !$this->ColActive) {
		// Cancel Keep-Block-together
		$currblk['keep_block_together'] = false;
		$this->kt_y00 = '';
		$this->keep_block_together = 0;

		$currblk['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;

		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);

		// DIV is too narrow for text to fit!
		$maxw = $container_w - $l_width - $r_width;
		if (($setwidth + $currblk['margin_left'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) > $maxw || ($maxw - ($currblk['margin_left'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) < (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
			// Too narrow to fit - try to move down past L or R float
			if ($l_max < $r_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) <= ($container_w - $r_width) && (($container_w - $r_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('LEFT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else if ($r_max < $l_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) <= ($container_w - $l_width) && (($container_w - $l_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('RIGHT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else { $this->ClearFloats('BOTH', $this->blklvl-1); }
			list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);

		if ($l_exists) { $currblk['margin_left'] += $l_width; }

		$currblk['float'] = 'L';
		$currblk['float_start_y'] = $this->y;
		if ($setwidth) {
			$currblk['margin_right'] = $container_w - ($setwidth + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_left']);
			$currblk['float_width'] = ($setwidth + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_left']);
		else {
			// *** If no width set - would need to buffer and keep track of max width, then Right-align if not full width
			// and do borders and backgrounds - For now - just set to maximum width left

			if ($r_exists) { $currblk['margin_right'] += $r_width; }
			$currblk['css_set_width'] = $container_w - ($currblk['margin_left'] + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr);

			$currblk['float_width'] = ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr + $currblk['margin_left']);

	else {
		// Don't allow overlap - if floats present - adjust padding to avoid overlap with Floats
		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);
		$maxw = $container_w - $l_width - $r_width;
		if (($setwidth + $currblk['margin_left'] + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) > $maxw || ($maxw - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $currblk['margin_left'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) < (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
			// Too narrow to fit - try to move down past L or R float
			if ($l_max < $r_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_left'] + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) <= ($container_w - $r_width) && (($container_w - $r_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $currblk['margin_left'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('LEFT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else if ($r_max < $l_max && ($setwidth + $currblk['margin_left'] + $currblk['margin_right'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr) <= ($container_w - $l_width) && (($container_w - $l_width) - ($currblk['margin_right'] + $currblk['margin_left'] + $bdl + $pdl + $bdr + $pdr)) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('RIGHT', $this->blklvl-1);
			else { $this->ClearFloats('BOTH', $this->blklvl-1); }
			list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl-1);
		if ($r_exists) { $currblk['padding_right'] = max(($r_width-$currblk['margin_right']-$bdr), $pdr); }
		if ($l_exists) { $currblk['padding_left'] = max(($l_width-$currblk['margin_left']-$bdl), $pdl); }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	// Automatically increase padding if required for border-radius
	if ($this->autoPadding && !$this->ColActive && !$this->keep_block_together) {
	  if ($currblk['border_radius_TL_H']>$currblk['padding_left'] && $currblk['border_radius_TL_V']>$currblk['padding_top']) {
		if ($currblk['border_radius_TL_H']>$currblk['border_radius_TL_V']) {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_TL_H'],$currblk['border_radius_TL_V'], $currblk['padding_left'], $currblk['padding_top']);
		else {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_TL_V'],$currblk['border_radius_TL_H'], $currblk['padding_top'], $currblk['padding_left']);
	  if ($currblk['border_radius_TR_H']>$currblk['padding_right'] && $currblk['border_radius_TR_V']>$currblk['padding_top']) {
		if ($currblk['border_radius_TR_H']>$currblk['border_radius_TR_V']) {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_TR_H'],$currblk['border_radius_TR_V'], $currblk['padding_right'], $currblk['padding_top']);
		else {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_TR_V'],$currblk['border_radius_TR_H'], $currblk['padding_top'], $currblk['padding_right']);
	  if ($currblk['border_radius_BL_H']>$currblk['padding_left'] && $currblk['border_radius_BL_V']>$currblk['padding_bottom']) {
		if ($currblk['border_radius_BL_H']>$currblk['border_radius_BL_V']) {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_BL_H'],$currblk['border_radius_BL_V'], $currblk['padding_left'], $currblk['padding_bottom']);
		else {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_BL_V'],$currblk['border_radius_BL_H'], $currblk['padding_bottom'], $currblk['padding_left']);
	  if ($currblk['border_radius_BR_H']>$currblk['padding_right'] && $currblk['border_radius_BR_V']>$currblk['padding_bottom']) {
		if ($currblk['border_radius_BR_H']>$currblk['border_radius_BR_V']) {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_BR_H'],$currblk['border_radius_BR_V'], $currblk['padding_right'], $currblk['padding_bottom']);
		else {
			$this->_borderPadding($currblk['border_radius_BR_V'],$currblk['border_radius_BR_H'], $currblk['padding_bottom'], $currblk['padding_right']);

	// Hanging indent - if negative indent: ensure padding is >= indent
	if(!isset($currblk['text_indent'])) { $currblk['text_indent'] = null; }
	if(!isset($currblk['inner_width'])) { $currblk['inner_width'] = null; }
	$cbti = $this->ConvertSize($currblk['text_indent'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if ($cbti < 0) {
	  $hangind = -($cbti);
	  if ($currblk['direction'] == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
		$currblk['padding_right'] = max($currblk['padding_right'],$hangind);	// *RTL*
	  }	// *RTL*
	  else {	// *RTL*
		$currblk['padding_left'] = max($currblk['padding_left'],$hangind);
	  }	// *RTL*

	if (isset($currblk['css_set_width'])) {
	  if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto' && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') {
		  // Try to reduce margins to accomodate - if still too wide, set margin-right/left=0 (reduces width)
		  $anyextra = $prevblk['inner_width'] - ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right']);
		  if ($anyextra>0) {
			$currblk['margin_left'] = $currblk['margin_right'] = $anyextra /2;
		  else {
			$currblk['margin_left'] = $currblk['margin_right'] = 0;
	  else if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto') {
		  // Try to reduce margin-left to accomodate - if still too wide, set margin-left=0 (reduces width)
		  $currblk['margin_left'] = $prevblk['inner_width'] - ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right'] + $currblk['margin_right']);
		  if ($currblk['margin_left'] < 0) {
			$currblk['margin_left'] = 0;
	  else if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') {
		  // Try to reduce margin-right to accomodate - if still too wide, set margin-right=0 (reduces width)
		  $currblk['margin_right'] = $prevblk['inner_width'] - ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right'] + $currblk['margin_left']);
		  if ($currblk['margin_right'] < 0) {
			$currblk['margin_right'] = 0;
	  else {
	    if ($currblk['direction'] == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
		// Try to reduce margin-left to accomodate - if still too wide, set margin-left=0 (reduces width)
		$currblk['margin_left'] = $prevblk['inner_width'] - ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right'] + $currblk['margin_right']);	// *RTL*
		if ($currblk['margin_left'] < 0) {	// *RTL*
			$currblk['margin_left'] = 0;	// *RTL*
		}	// *RTL*
	    }	// *RTL*
	    else {	// *RTL*
		  // Try to reduce margin-right to accomodate - if still too wide, set margin-right=0 (reduces width)
		  $currblk['margin_right'] = $prevblk['inner_width'] - ($currblk['css_set_width'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right'] + $currblk['margin_left']);
		  if ($currblk['margin_right'] < 0) {
			$currblk['margin_right'] = 0;
	    }	// *RTL*

	$currblk['outer_left_margin'] = $prevblk['outer_left_margin'] + $currblk['margin_left'] + $prevblk['border_left']['w'] + $prevblk['padding_left'];
	$currblk['outer_right_margin'] = $prevblk['outer_right_margin']  + $currblk['margin_right'] + $prevblk['border_right']['w'] + $prevblk['padding_right'];

	$currblk['width'] = $this->pgwidth - ($currblk['outer_right_margin'] + $currblk['outer_left_margin']);
	$currblk['inner_width'] = $currblk['width'] - ($currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right']);

	// Check DIV is not now too narrow to fit text
	$mw = 2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false);
	if ($currblk['inner_width'] < $mw) {
		$currblk['padding_left'] = 0;
		$currblk['padding_right'] = 0;
		$currblk['border_left']['w'] = 0.2;
		$currblk['border_right']['w'] = 0.2;
		$currblk['margin_left'] = 0;
		$currblk['margin_right'] = 0;
		$currblk['outer_left_margin'] = $prevblk['outer_left_margin'] + $currblk['margin_left'] + $prevblk['border_left']['w'] + $prevblk['padding_left'];
		$currblk['outer_right_margin'] = $prevblk['outer_right_margin']  + $currblk['margin_right'] + $prevblk['border_right']['w'] + $prevblk['padding_right'];
		$currblk['width'] = $this->pgwidth - ($currblk['outer_right_margin'] + $currblk['outer_left_margin']);
		$currblk['inner_width'] = $this->pgwidth - ($currblk['outer_right_margin'] + $currblk['outer_left_margin'] + $currblk['border_left']['w'] + $currblk['padding_left'] + $currblk['border_right']['w'] + $currblk['padding_right']);
//		if ($currblk['inner_width'] < $mw) { $this->Error("DIV is too narrow for text to fit!"); }

	$this->x = $this->lMargin + $currblk['outer_left_margin'];

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] && !$this->kwt && !$this->ColActive && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		$ret = $this->SetBackground($properties, $currblk['inner_width']);
		if ($ret) { $currblk['background-image'] = $ret; }

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($this->use_kwt && isset($attr['KEEP-WITH-TABLE']) && !$this->ColActive && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		$this->kwt = true;
		$this->kwt_y0 = $this->y;
		$this->kwt_x0 = $this->x;
		$this->kwt_height = 0;
		$this->kwt_buffer = array();
		$this->kwt_Links = array();
		$this->kwt_Annots = array();
		$this->kwt_moved = false;
		$this->kwt_saved = false;
		$this->kwt_Reference = array();
		$this->kwt_BMoutlines = array();
		$this->kwt_toc = array();
	else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		$this->kwt = false;
	}	// *TABLES*

	//Save x,y coords in case we need to print borders...
	$currblk['y0'] = $this->y;
	$currblk['x0'] = $this->x;
	$currblk['startpage'] = $this->page;
	$this->oldy = $this->y;

	$this->lastblocklevelchange = 1 ;


    case 'HR':
	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV - CLEAR
	if (isset($attr['STYLE'])) {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->readInlineCSS($attr['STYLE']);
		if (isset($properties['CLEAR'])) { $this->ClearFloats(strtoupper($properties['CLEAR']),$this->blklvl); }	// *CSS-FLOAT*

	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;

	$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
	if (isset($properties['WIDTH'])) { $objattr['width'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']); }
	else if(isset($attr['WIDTH']) && $attr['WIDTH'] != '') $objattr['width'] = $this->ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])]; }
	else if(isset($attr['ALIGN']) && $attr['ALIGN'] != '') $objattr['align'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])];

	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto') {
		$objattr['align'] = 'R';
	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') {
		$objattr['align'] = 'L';
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto' && isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto') {
			$objattr['align'] = 'C';
	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }
	else if(isset($attr['COLOR']) && $attr['COLOR'] != '') $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($attr['COLOR']);
	if (isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) { $objattr['linewidth'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		$objattr['W-PERCENT'] = 100;
		if (isset($properties['WIDTH']) && stristr($properties['WIDTH'],'%')) {
			$properties['WIDTH'] += 0;  //make "90%" become simply "90"
			$objattr['W-PERCENT'] = $properties['WIDTH'];
		if (isset($attr['WIDTH']) && stristr($attr['WIDTH'],'%')) {
			$attr['WIDTH'] += 0;  //make "90%" become simply "90"
			$objattr['W-PERCENT'] = $attr['WIDTH'];
/*-- END TABLES --*/

	$objattr['type'] = 'hr';
	$objattr['height'] = $objattr['linewidth'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'];
	$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

	// Clear properties - tidy up
	$properties = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
	// Output it to buffers
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;// reset
		$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
	else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
	}	// *TABLES*


/*-- BARCODES --*/

    case 'BARCODE':
	if(isset($attr['CODE']) && $attr['CODE']) {
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
     		$objattr['code'] = $attr['CODE'];

		if(isset($attr['TYPE'])) {
			$objattr['btype'] = trim(strtoupper($attr['TYPE']));
		else { $objattr['btype'] = 'EAN13'; }	// default
		if (preg_match('/^(EAN13|ISBN|ISSN|EAN8|UPCA|UPCE)P([25])$/',$objattr['btype'],$m)) {
			$objattr['btype'] = $m[1];
			$objattr['bsupp'] = $m[2];
			if (preg_match('/^(\S+)\s+(.*)$/',$objattr['code'],$mm)) {
				$objattr['code'] = $mm[1];
				$objattr['bsupp_code'] = $mm[2];
		else { $objattr['bsupp'] = 0; }

		if(isset($attr['TEXT']) && $attr['TEXT']==1) { $objattr['showtext'] = 1; }
		else { $objattr['showtext'] = 0; }
		if(isset($attr['SIZE']) && $attr['SIZE']>0) { $objattr['bsize'] = $attr['SIZE']; }
		else { $objattr['bsize'] = 1; }
		if(isset($attr['HEIGHT']) && $attr['HEIGHT']>0) { $objattr['bheight'] = $attr['HEIGHT']; }
		else { $objattr['bheight'] = 1; }
		if(isset($attr['PR']) && $attr['PR']>0) { $objattr['pr_ratio'] = $attr['PR']; }
		else { $objattr['pr_ratio'] = ''; }
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
		if(isset($properties ['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($properties ['DISPLAY'])=='none') {
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $objattr['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) { $objattr['padding_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['padding_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) { $objattr['padding_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['padding_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); }

		if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }
		if (isset($properties['COLOR']) && $properties['COLOR'] != '') { $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }
		else { $objattr['color'] = false; }
		if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] != '') { $objattr['bgcolor'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']); }
		else { $objattr['bgcolor'] = false; }

		if (!class_exists('PDFBarcode', false)) {
		$this->barcode = new PDFBarcode();

		if ($objattr['btype'] == 'EAN13' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISBN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISSN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'UPCA' || $objattr['btype'] == 'UPCE' || $objattr['btype'] == 'EAN8') {
			$code = preg_replace('/\-/','',$objattr['code']);
			if ($objattr['btype'] == 'ISSN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISBN') {
				$arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, 'EAN13');
			else { $arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, $objattr['btype'] ); }
			if ($arrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string.'); }

			if ($objattr['bsupp'] == 2 || $objattr['bsupp'] == 5) {	// EAN-2 or -5 Supplement
				$supparrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($objattr['bsupp_code'], 'EAN'.$objattr['bsupp'] );
				$w = ($arrcode["maxw"] + $arrcode['lightmL'] + $arrcode['lightmR'] + $supparrcode["maxw"] + $supparrcode['sepM']) * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $objattr['bsize'];
			else {
				$w = ($arrcode["maxw"] + $arrcode['lightmL'] + $arrcode['lightmR']) * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $objattr['bsize'];
			$h = $arrcode['nom-H'] * $objattr['bsize'] * $objattr['bheight'];
			// Add height for ISBN string + margin from top of bars
			if (($objattr['showtext'] && $objattr['btype'] == 'EAN13') || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISBN' || $objattr['btype'] == 'ISSN') {
				$tisbnm = 1.5 * $objattr['bsize'];	// Top margin between TOP TEXT (isbn - if shown) & bars
				$isbn_fontsize = 2.1 * $objattr['bsize'];
				$h += $isbn_fontsize + $tisbnm  ;
		// QR-code
		else if ($objattr['btype'] == 'QR') {
			$w = $h = $objattr['bsize']*25;	// Factor of 25mm (default)
			$objattr['errorlevel'] = 'L';
			if (isset($attr['ERROR'])) { $objattr['errorlevel'] = $attr['ERROR']; }
		else if ($objattr['btype'] == 'IMB' || $objattr['btype'] == 'RM4SCC' || $objattr['btype'] == 'KIX' || $objattr['btype'] == 'POSTNET' || $objattr['btype'] == 'PLANET') {
			$arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($objattr['code'], $objattr['btype'] );
			if ($arrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string.'); }
			$w = ($arrcode["maxw"] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $objattr['bsize']) + $arrcode['quietL'] + $arrcode['quietR'];
			$h = ($arrcode['nom-H'] * $objattr['bsize']) + (2*$arrcode['quietTB']);
		else if (in_array($objattr['btype'], array('C128A','C128B','C128C','EAN128A','EAN128B','EAN128C','C39','C39+','C39E','C39E+','S25','S25+','I25','I25+','I25B','I25B+','C93','MSI','MSI+','CODABAR','CODE11'))) {
			$arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($objattr['code'], $objattr['btype'], $objattr['pr_ratio'] );
			if ($arrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string.'); }
			$w = ($arrcode["maxw"] + $arrcode['lightmL'] + $arrcode['lightmR']) * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $objattr['bsize'];
			$h = ((2*$arrcode['lightTB'] * $arrcode['nom-X']) + $arrcode['nom-H']) * $objattr['bsize'] * $objattr['bheight'];
		else { break; }

		$extraheight = $objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'];
		$extrawidth = $objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'];

		$objattr['type'] = 'barcode';
		$objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight;
		$objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth;
		$objattr['barcode_height'] = $h;
		$objattr['barcode_width'] = $w;
		if (!$this->ColActive && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->listlvl && !$this->kwt && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		  if (isset($properties['FLOAT']) && (strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'RIGHT' || strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'LEFT')) {
			$objattr['float'] = substr(strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']),0,1);

		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=barcode,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

		// Clear properties - tidy up
		$properties = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
		// Output it to buffers
		if ($this->tableLevel) {
			$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;
		else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
			$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);

		}	// *TABLES*
/*-- END BARCODES --*/

	// *********** FORM ELEMENTS ********************

/*-- FORMS --*/
    case 'SELECT':
	$this->lastoptionaltag = ''; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
	if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
	if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
		$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],$this->default_font_size/_MPDFK);
	if (isset($attr['SPELLCHECK']) && strtolower($attr['SPELLCHECK'])=='true') {
		$this->selectoption['SPELLCHECK'] = true;

	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $this->selectoption['COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }
	$this->specialcontent = "type=select";
	if(isset($attr['DISABLED'])) { $this->selectoption['DISABLED'] = $attr['DISABLED']; }
	if(isset($attr['READONLY'])) { $this->selectoption['READONLY'] = $attr['READONLY']; }
	if(isset($attr['REQUIRED'])) { $this->selectoption['REQUIRED'] = $attr['REQUIRED']; }
	if(isset($attr['EDITABLE'])) { $this->selectoption['EDITABLE'] = $attr['EDITABLE']; }
	if(isset($attr['TITLE'])) { $this->selectoption['TITLE'] = $attr['TITLE']; }
	if(isset($attr['MULTIPLE'])) { $this->selectoption['MULTIPLE'] = $attr['MULTIPLE']; }
	if(isset($attr['SIZE']) && $attr['SIZE']>1) { $this->selectoption['SIZE'] = $attr['SIZE']; }
	if ($this->useActiveForms) {
		if(isset($attr['NAME'])) { $this->selectoption['NAME'] = $attr['NAME']; }
		if (isset($attr['ONCHANGE'])) { $this->selectoption['ONCHANGE'] = $attr['ONCHANGE']; }

	$properties = array();

    case 'OPTION':
	$this->lastoptionaltag = 'OPTION'; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] = true;
	$this->selectoption['currentSEL'] = false;
	if (empty($this->selectoption)) {
		$this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH'] = '';
		$this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = '';
	if (isset($attr['SELECTED'])) {
		$this->selectoption['SELECTED'] = '';
		$this->selectoption['currentSEL'] = true;
	if(isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
		$attr['VALUE'] = strcode2utf($attr['VALUE']);
		$attr['VALUE'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($attr['VALUE']);
		if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
			$attr['VALUE'] = mb_convert_encoding($attr['VALUE'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
	$this->selectoption['currentVAL'] = $attr['VALUE'];

    case 'TEXTAREA':
	$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
	if(isset($attr['DISABLED'])) { $objattr['disabled'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['READONLY'])) { $objattr['readonly'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['REQUIRED'])) { $objattr['required'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['SPELLCHECK']) && strtolower($attr['SPELLCHECK'])=='true') { $objattr['spellcheck'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['TITLE'])) { $objattr['title'] = $attr['TITLE']; }
	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
		$objattr['title'] = mb_convert_encoding($objattr['title'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
	if ($this->useActiveForms) {
		if(isset($attr['NAME'])) { $objattr['fieldname'] = $attr['NAME']; }
		$this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['outer']['v'] = 0;
		$this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['inner']['v'] = 0;
		if (isset($attr['ONCALCULATE'])) { $objattr['onCalculate'] = $attr['ONCALCULATE']; }
		else if (isset($attr['ONCHANGE'])) { $objattr['onCalculate'] = $attr['ONCHANGE']; }
		if (isset($attr['ONVALIDATE'])) { $objattr['onValidate'] = $attr['ONVALIDATE']; }
		if (isset($attr['ONKEYSTROKE'])) { $objattr['onKeystroke'] = $attr['ONKEYSTROKE']; }
		if (isset($attr['ONFORMAT'])) { $objattr['onFormat'] = $attr['ONFORMAT']; }
	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
	if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
	if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
		$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],$this->default_font_size/_MPDFK);
	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }
	$objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
	$objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSizePt;
	if ($this->useActiveForms) {
		if(isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['text_align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])]; }
		else if(isset($attr['ALIGN'])) { $objattr['text_align'] =  $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; }
		if (isset($properties['OVERFLOW']) && strtolower($properties['OVERFLOW'])=='hidden') { $objattr['donotscroll'] = true; }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP-COLOR'])) { $objattr['border-col'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BORDER-TOP-COLOR']); }
		if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $objattr['background-col'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']); }
	$formLineHeight = $this->lineheight;

	$w = 0;
	$h = 0;
	if(isset($properties['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if(isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if ($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN']) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }

	$colsize = 20; //HTML default value
	$rowsize = 2; //HTML default value
	if (isset($attr['COLS'])) $colsize = intval($attr['COLS']);
	if (isset($attr['ROWS'])) $rowsize = intval($attr['ROWS']);

	$charsize = $this->GetCharWidth('w',false);
	if ($w) { $colsize = round(($w-($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['outer']['h']*2)-($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['inner']['h']*2))/$charsize); }
	if ($h) { $rowsize = round(($h-($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['outer']['v']*2)-($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['inner']['v']*2))/$formLineHeight); }

	$objattr['type'] = 'textarea';
	$objattr['width'] = ($colsize * $charsize) + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['outer']['h']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['inner']['h']*2);
	$objattr['height'] = ($rowsize * $formLineHeight) + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['outer']['v']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['textarea']['inner']['v']*2);
	$objattr['rows'] = $rowsize;
	$objattr['cols'] = $colsize;

	$this->specialcontent = serialize($objattr);

	if ($this->tableLevel) {	// *TABLES*
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;	// *TABLES*
	}	// *TABLES*

	// Clear properties - tidy up
	$properties = array();

	// *********** FORM - INPUT ********************

    case 'INPUT':
	if (!isset($attr['TYPE'])) $attr['TYPE'] == 'TEXT';
	$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
	$objattr['type'] = 'input';
	if(isset($attr['DISABLED'])) { $objattr['disabled'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['READONLY'])) { $objattr['readonly'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['REQUIRED'])) { $objattr['required'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['SPELLCHECK']) && strtolower($attr['SPELLCHECK'])=='true') { $objattr['spellcheck'] = true; }
	if(isset($attr['TITLE'])) { $objattr['title'] = $attr['TITLE']; }
	else if(isset($attr['ALT'])) { $objattr['title'] = $attr['ALT']; }
	else $objattr['title'] = '';
	$objattr['title'] = strcode2utf($objattr['title']);
	$objattr['title'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($objattr['title']);
	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
		$objattr['title'] = mb_convert_encoding($objattr['title'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
	if ($this->useActiveForms) {
		if(isset($attr['NAME'])) { $objattr['fieldname'] = $attr['NAME']; }
	if(isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
		$attr['VALUE'] = strcode2utf($attr['VALUE']);
		$attr['VALUE'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($attr['VALUE']);
		if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
			$attr['VALUE'] = mb_convert_encoding($attr['VALUE'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		$objattr['value'] = $attr['VALUE'];

	$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
	$objattr['vertical-align'] = '';

	if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
	if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
		$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],($this->default_font_size/_MPDFK));
	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }
	$objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
	$objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSizePt;
	if ($this->useActiveForms) {
		if(isset($attr['ALIGN'])) { $objattr['text_align'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; }
		else if(isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['text_align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])]; }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP-COLOR'])) { $objattr['border-col'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BORDER-TOP-COLOR']); }
		if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $objattr['background-col'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']); }

	$type = '';
	$height = $this->FontSize;
	$width = 0;
	$spacesize = $this->GetCharWidth(' ',false);

	$w = 0;
	if(isset($properties['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);

	if ($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN']) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }

	   case 'HIDDEN':
      		$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces
			if ($this->useActiveForms) {
				$this->form->SetFormText( 0, 0, $objattr['fieldname'], $objattr['value'], $objattr['value'], '', 0, '', true );
			if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }
			break 2;
	   case 'CHECKBOX': //Draw Checkbox
			$type = 'CHECKBOX';
			if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) { $objattr['checked'] = true; }
			else { $objattr['checked'] = false; }
			$width = $this->FontSize;
			$height = $this->FontSize;

	   case 'RADIO': //Draw Radio button
			$type = 'RADIO';
			if (isset($attr['CHECKED'])) $objattr['checked'] = true;
			$width = $this->FontSize;
			$height = $this->FontSize;

/*-- IMAGES-CORE --*/
	   case 'IMAGE': // Draw an Image button
	if(isset($attr['SRC']))	{
		$type = 'IMAGE';
     		$srcpath = $attr['SRC'];
		$orig_srcpath = $attr['ORIG_SRC'];
		// VSPACE and HSPACE converted to margins in MergeCSS
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $objattr['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); }

		$objattr['padding_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_right'] = 0;

		if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }

		$w = 0;
		$h = 0;
		if(isset($properties['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
		if(isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);

		$extraheight = $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'];
		$extrawidth = $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'];

		// Image file
		$info=$this->_getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath);
		if(!$info) {
			$info = $this->_getImage($this->noImageFile);
			if ($info) {
				$srcpath = $this->noImageFile;
				$w = ($info['w'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
				$h = ($info['h'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
		if(!$info) break;
		if ($info['cs']=='Indexed') { $objattr['Indexed'] = true; }
		$objattr['file'] = $srcpath;
		//Default width and height calculation if needed
		if($w==0 and $h==0) {
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
      	      if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
				// WMF units are twips (1/20pt)
				// divide by 20 to get points
				// divide by k to get user units
				$w = abs($info['w'])/(20*_MPDFK);
				$h = abs($info['h']) / (20*_MPDFK);
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
      	      if ($info['type']=='svg') {
				// SVG units are pixels
				$w = abs($info['w'])/_MPDFK;
				$h = abs($info['h'])/_MPDFK;
			else {
				//Put image at default image dpi
				$w=($info['w']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
				$h=($info['h']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
			if (isset($properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION'])) {
				if (preg_match('/from-image/i', $properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION']) && isset($info['set-dpi']) && $info['set-dpi']>0) {
					$w *= $this->img_dpi / $info['set-dpi'];
					$h *= $this->img_dpi / $info['set-dpi'];
				else if (preg_match('/(\d+)dpi/i', $properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION'], $m)) {
					$dpi = $m[1];
					if ($dpi > 0) {
						$w *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
						$h *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
		if($w==0)	$w=$h*$info['w']/$info['h'];
		if($h==0)	$h=$w*$info['h']/$info['w'];
		// Resize to maximum dimensions of page
		$maxWidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
   		$maxHeight = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 10) ;
		if ($this->fullImageHeight) { $maxHeight = $this->fullImageHeight; }
		if (($w + $extrawidth) > ($maxWidth + 0.0001) ) {	// mPDF 5.7.4  0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth
			$w = $maxWidth - $extrawidth;
		if ($h + $extraheight > $maxHeight ) {
			$h = $maxHeight - $extraheight;
		$height = $h + $extraheight;
		$width = $w + $extrawidth;
		$objattr['type'] = 'image';
		$objattr['itype'] = $info['type'];
		$objattr['orig_h'] = $info['h'];
		$objattr['orig_w'] = $info['w'];
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
		if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
			$objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x'];
			$objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y'];
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
		if ($info['type']=='svg') {
			$objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x'];
			$objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y'];
		$objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight;
		$objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth;

		$objattr['image_height'] = $h;
		$objattr['image_width'] = $w;
		$objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];
		$texto = 'X';
		if ($this->useActiveForms) {
			if (isset($attr['ONCLICK'])) { $objattr['onClick'] = $attr['ONCLICK']; }
			$objattr['type'] = 'input';
			$type = 'IMAGE';

	   case 'BUTTON': // Draw a button
	   case 'SUBMIT':
	   case 'RESET':
			$type = strtoupper($attr['TYPE']);
			if ($type=='IMAGE') { $type = 'BUTTON'; } // src path not found
			if(isset($attr['NOPRINT'])) { $objattr['noprint'] = true; }
			if (!isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
				$objattr['value'] = ucfirst(strtolower($type));

			$texto = " " . $objattr['value'] . " ";
			$width = $this->GetStringWidth($texto) + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['button']['outer']['h']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['button']['inner']['h']*2);
			$height = $this->FontSize + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['button']['outer']['v']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['button']['inner']['v']*2);
			if ($this->useActiveForms) {
				if (isset($attr['ONCLICK'])) { $objattr['onClick'] = $attr['ONCLICK']; }

	   case 'PASSWORD':
	   case 'TEXT':
                if ($type == '') { $type = 'TEXT'; }
		    if(strtoupper($attr['TYPE'])=='PASSWORD') { $type = 'PASSWORD'; }
                if (isset($attr['VALUE'])) {
			if ($type == 'PASSWORD') {
                    $num_stars = mb_strlen($attr['VALUE'],$this->mb_enc );
                    $texto = str_repeat('*',$num_stars);
			else { $texto = $attr['VALUE']; }
		    $xw = ($this->form->form_element_spacing['input']['outer']['h']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['input']['inner']['h']*2);
		    $xh = ($this->form->form_element_spacing['input']['outer']['v']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['input']['inner']['v']*2);
		    if ($w) { $width = $w + $xw; }
		    else { $width = (20 * $spacesize) + $xw; }	// Default width in chars
                if (isset($attr['SIZE']) and ctype_digit($attr['SIZE']) ) $width = ($attr['SIZE'] * $spacesize) + $xw;
		    $height = $this->FontSize + $xh;
                if (isset($attr['MAXLENGTH']) and ctype_digit($attr['MAXLENGTH']) ) $objattr['maxlength'] = $attr['MAXLENGTH'];
		    if ($this->useActiveForms) {
			if (isset($attr['ONCALCULATE'])) { $objattr['onCalculate'] = $attr['ONCALCULATE']; }
			else if (isset($attr['ONCHANGE'])) { $objattr['onCalculate'] = $attr['ONCHANGE']; }
			if (isset($attr['ONVALIDATE'])) { $objattr['onValidate'] = $attr['ONVALIDATE']; }
			if (isset($attr['ONKEYSTROKE'])) { $objattr['onKeystroke'] = $attr['ONKEYSTROKE']; }
			if (isset($attr['ONFORMAT'])) { $objattr['onFormat'] = $attr['ONFORMAT']; }

	$objattr['subtype'] = $type;
	$objattr['text'] = $texto;
	$objattr['width'] = $width;
	$objattr['height'] = $height;
	$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=input,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

	// Clear properties - tidy up
	$properties = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
	// Output it to buffers
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;

	else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
	}	// *TABLES*

	if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }

	break;	// END of INPUT
/*-- END FORMS --*/

	// *********** GRAPH  ********************
     case 'JPGRAPH':
	if (!$this->useGraphs) { break; }
	if ($attr['TABLE']) { $gid = strtoupper($attr['TABLE']); }
	else { $gid = '0'; }
	if (!is_array($this->graphs[$gid]) || count($this->graphs[$gid])==0 ) { break; }
	$this->graphs[$gid]['attr'] = $attr;

	if (isset($this->graphs[$gid]['attr']['WIDTH']) && $this->graphs[$gid]['attr']['WIDTH']) {
	}	// mm
	if (isset($this->graphs[$gid]['attr']['HEIGHT']) && $this->graphs[$gid]['attr']['HEIGHT']) {

	$graph_img = print_graph($this->graphs[$gid],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
	if ($graph_img) {
		if(isset($attr['ROTATE'])) {
		   if ($attr['ROTATE']==90 || $attr['ROTATE']==-90) {
			$tmpw = $graph_img['w'];
			$graph_img['w']= $graph_img['h'];
			$graph_img['h']= $tmpw;
		$attr['SRC'] = $graph_img['file'];
		$attr['WIDTH'] = $graph_img['w'];
		$attr['HEIGHT'] = $graph_img['h'];
	else { break; }

	// *********** IMAGE  ********************
/*-- IMAGES-CORE --*/
    case 'IMG':
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,'','IMG'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
	if(isset($attr['SRC']))	{
     		$srcpath = $attr['SRC'];
		$orig_srcpath = $attr['ORIG_SRC'];
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('',$tag,$attr);
		if(isset($properties ['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($properties ['DISPLAY'])=='none') {
		// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
		if (isset($properties['Z-INDEX']) && $this->currentlayer==0) {
			$v = intval($properties['Z-INDEX']);
			if ($v > 0) {
				$objattr['z-index'] = $v;

		$objattr['visibility'] = 'visible';
		if (isset($properties['VISIBILITY'])) {
			$v = strtolower($properties['VISIBILITY']);
			if (($v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') && $this->visibility=='visible') {
				$objattr['visibility'] = $v;

		// VSPACE and HSPACE converted to margins in MergeCSS
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $objattr['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) { $objattr['padding_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['padding_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) { $objattr['padding_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['padding_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); }

		if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $objattr['vertical-align'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }
		$w = 0;
		$h = 0;
		if(isset($properties['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($properties['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['WIDTH'])) $w = $this->ConvertSize($attr['WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		if(isset($properties['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['HEIGHT'])) $h = $this->ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		// mPDF 5.5.15		// mPDF 5.6.60
		if(isset($properties['MAX-WIDTH'])) $maxw = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MAX-WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['MAX-WIDTH'])) $maxw = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MAX-WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		if(isset($properties['MAX-HEIGHT'])) $maxh = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MAX-HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['MAX-HEIGHT'])) $maxh = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MAX-HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		if(isset($properties['MIN-WIDTH'])) $minw = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MIN-WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['MIN-WIDTH'])) $minw = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MIN-WIDTH'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		if(isset($properties['MIN-HEIGHT'])) $minh = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MIN-HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		else if(isset($attr['MIN-HEIGHT'])) $minh = $this->ConvertSize($attr['MIN-HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		if (isset($properties['OPACITY']) && $properties['OPACITY'] > 0 && $properties['OPACITY'] <= 1) { $objattr['opacity'] = $properties['OPACITY']; }
		if ($this->HREF) {
			if (strpos($this->HREF,".") === false && strpos($this->HREF,"@") !== 0) {
				$href = $this->HREF;
				while(array_key_exists($href,$this->internallink)) $href="#".$href;
	    			$this->internallink[$href] = $this->AddLink();
				$objattr['link'] = $this->internallink[$href];
			else { $objattr['link'] = $this->HREF; }
		$extraheight = $objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'];
		$extrawidth = $objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'];

		// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
		if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] != '') { $objattr['bgcolor'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']); }

		if(isset($properties['GRADIENT-MASK']) && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/',$properties['GRADIENT-MASK'])) {
	     		$objattr['GRADIENT-MASK'] = $properties['GRADIENT-MASK'];

		// Image file
		$info=$this->_getImage($srcpath, true, true, $orig_srcpath);
		if(!$info) {
			$info = $this->_getImage($this->noImageFile);
			if ($info) {
				$srcpath = $this->noImageFile;
				$w = ($info['w'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
				$h = ($info['h'] * (25.4/$this->dpi));
		if(!$info) break;

		if(isset($attr['ROTATE'])) { $image_orientation = $attr['ROTATE']; }
		else if(isset($properties['IMAGE-ORIENTATION'])) { $image_orientation = $properties['IMAGE-ORIENTATION']; }
		else { $image_orientation = 0; }
		if($image_orientation) {
		   if ($image_orientation==90 || $image_orientation==-90 || $image_orientation==270) {
			$tmpw = $info['w'];
			$info['w'] = $info['h'];
			$info['h'] = $tmpw;
		   $objattr['ROTATE'] = $image_orientation;

		$objattr['file'] = $srcpath;
		//Default width and height calculation if needed
		if($w==0 and $h==0) {
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
      	      if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
				// WMF units are twips (1/20pt)
				// divide by 20 to get points
				// divide by k to get user units
				$w = abs($info['w'])/(20*_MPDFK);
				$h = abs($info['h']) / (20*_MPDFK);
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
      	      if ($info['type']=='svg') {
				// SVG units are pixels
				$w = abs($info['w'])/_MPDFK;
				$h = abs($info['h'])/_MPDFK;
			else {
				//Put image at default image dpi
				$w=($info['w']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
				$h=($info['h']/_MPDFK) * (72/$this->img_dpi);
			if (isset($properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION'])) {
				if (preg_match('/from-image/i', $properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION']) && isset($info['set-dpi']) && $info['set-dpi']>0) {
					$w *= $this->img_dpi / $info['set-dpi'];
					$h *= $this->img_dpi / $info['set-dpi'];
				else if (preg_match('/(\d+)dpi/i', $properties['IMAGE-RESOLUTION'], $m)) {
					$dpi = $m[1];
					if ($dpi > 0) {
						$w *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
						$h *= $this->img_dpi / $dpi;
		if($w==0) $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']);
		if($h==0) $h=abs($w*$info['h']/$info['w']);

		// mPDF 5.5.15
		if ($minw && $w<$minw) { $w = $minw; $h=abs($w*$info['h']/$info['w']); }
		if ($maxw && $w>$maxw) { $w = $maxw; $h=abs($w*$info['h']/$info['w']); }
		if ($minh && $h<$minh) { $h = $minh; $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']); }
		if ($maxh && $h>$maxh) { $h = $maxh; $w=abs($h*$info['w']/$info['h']); }

		// Resize to maximum dimensions of page
		$maxWidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
   		$maxHeight = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->bMargin + 1) ;
		if ($this->fullImageHeight) { $maxHeight = $this->fullImageHeight; }
		if (($w + $extrawidth) > ($maxWidth + 0.0001) ) {	// mPDF 5.7.4  0.0001 to allow for rounding errors when w==maxWidth
			$w = $maxWidth - $extrawidth;

		if ($h + $extraheight > $maxHeight ) {
			$h = $maxHeight - $extraheight;
		$objattr['type'] = 'image';
		$objattr['itype'] = $info['type'];

		$objattr['orig_h'] = $info['h'];
		$objattr['orig_w'] = $info['w'];
/*-- IMAGES-WMF --*/
		if ($info['type']=='wmf') {
			$objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x'];
			$objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y'];
/*-- END IMAGES-WMF --*/
		if ($info['type']=='svg') {
			$objattr['wmf_x'] = $info['x'];
			$objattr['wmf_y'] = $info['y'];
		$objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight;
		$objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth;
		$objattr['image_height'] = $h;
		$objattr['image_width'] = $w;
		if (!$this->ColActive && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->listlvl && !$this->kwt && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		  if (isset($properties['FLOAT']) && (strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'RIGHT' || strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']) == 'LEFT')) {
			$objattr['float'] = substr(strtoupper($properties['FLOAT']),0,1);
		// mPDF 5.7.3 TRANSFORMS
		if (isset($properties['TRANSFORM']) && !$this->ColActive && !$this->kwt) {
			$objattr['transform'] = $properties['TRANSFORM'];

		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

		// Clear properties - tidy up
		$properties = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
		// Output it to buffers
		if ($this->tableLevel) {
			$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;
		else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
			$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
		}	// *TABLES*
		if ($this->title2annots && isset($attr['TITLE'])) {
			$objattr = array();
			$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
			$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
			$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
			$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
			$objattr['width'] = 0;
			$objattr['height'] = 0;
			$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
			$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
			$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
			$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
			$objattr['CONTENT'] = $attr['TITLE'];
			$objattr['type'] = 'annot';
			$objattr['POS-X'] = 0;
			$objattr['POS-Y'] = 0;
			$objattr['ICON'] = 'Comment';
			$objattr['AUTHOR'] = '';
			$objattr['SUBJECT'] = '';
			$objattr['OPACITY'] = $this->annotOpacity;
			$objattr['COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor('yellow');
			$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=annot,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
			if($this->tableLevel) {	// *TABLES*
				$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($e);	// *TABLES*
			}	// *TABLES*
			else  {	// *TABLES*
				$this->textbuffer[] = array($e);
			}	// *TABLES*

	// *********** CIRCULAR TEXT = TEXTCIRCLE  ********************
    case 'TEXTCIRCLE':
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['margin_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['margin_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_top'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_bottom'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_left'] = 0;
		$objattr['padding_right'] = 0;
		$objattr['width'] = 0;
		$objattr['height'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_top']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_bottom']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_left']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['border_right']['w'] = 0;
		$objattr['top-text'] = '';
		$objattr['bottom-text'] = '';
		$objattr['r'] = 20;	// radius (default value here for safety)
		$objattr['space-width'] = 120;
		$objattr['char-width'] = 100;

		$this->InlineProperties[$tag] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('INLINE',$tag,$attr);

		if(isset($properties ['DISPLAY']) && strtolower($properties ['DISPLAY'])=='none') {
		if (isset($attr['R'])) { $objattr['r']=$this->ConvertSize($attr['R'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if(isset($attr['TOP-TEXT'])) {
			$objattr['top-text'] = strcode2utf($attr['TOP-TEXT']);
			$objattr['top-text'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($objattr['top-text']);
			if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
				$objattr['top-text'] = mb_convert_encoding($objattr['top-text'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		if(isset($attr['BOTTOM-TEXT'])) {
			$objattr['bottom-text'] = strcode2utf($attr['BOTTOM-TEXT']);
			$objattr['bottom-text'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($objattr['bottom-text']);
			if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
				$objattr['bottom-text'] = mb_convert_encoding($objattr['bottom-text'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		if(isset($attr['SPACE-WIDTH']) && $attr['SPACE-WIDTH']) { $objattr['space-width'] = $attr['SPACE-WIDTH']; }
		if(isset($attr['CHAR-WIDTH']) && $attr['CHAR-WIDTH']) { $objattr['char-width'] = $attr['CHAR-WIDTH']; }

		$objattr['visibility'] = 'visible';
		if (isset($properties['VISIBILITY'])) {
			$v = strtolower($properties['VISIBILITY']);
			if (($v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') && $this->visibility=='visible') {
				$objattr['visibility'] = $v;
		// mPDF 5.5.23
		if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
		  if (strtolower($properties['FONT-SIZE'])=='auto') {
			if ($objattr['top-text'] && $objattr['bottom-text']) {
				$objattr['fontsize'] = -2;
			else {
				$objattr['fontsize'] = -1;
		  else {
			$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],($this->default_font_size/_MPDFK));
			$objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSizePt;
		// mPDF 5.5.23
		if(isset($attr['DIVIDER'])) {
			$objattr['divider'] = strcode2utf($attr['DIVIDER']);
			$objattr['divider'] = $this->lesser_entity_decode($objattr['divider']);
			if ($this->onlyCoreFonts)
				$objattr['divider'] = mb_convert_encoding($objattr['divider'], $this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');


		if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) { $objattr['color'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']); }

		$objattr['fontstyle'] = '';
		if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT'])) {
			if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) == 'BOLD')	{ $objattr['fontstyle'] .= 'B'; }
		if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE'])) {
			if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-STYLE']) == 'ITALIC') { $objattr['fontstyle'] .= 'I'; }

		if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
		$objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;

		// VSPACE and HSPACE converted to margins in MergeCSS
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) { $objattr['margin_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) { $objattr['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) { $objattr['padding_top']=$this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['padding_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) { $objattr['padding_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
		if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['padding_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) { $objattr['border_top'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) { $objattr['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) { $objattr['border_left'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']); }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) { $objattr['border_right'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']); }

		if (isset($properties['OPACITY']) && $properties['OPACITY'] > 0 && $properties['OPACITY'] <= 1) { $objattr['opacity'] = $properties['OPACITY']; }
		if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'] != '') { $objattr['bgcolor'] = $this->ConvertColor($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']); }
		else { $objattr['bgcolor'] = false; }
		if ($this->HREF) {
			if (strpos($this->HREF,".") === false && strpos($this->HREF,"@") !== 0) {
				$href = $this->HREF;
				while(array_key_exists($href,$this->internallink)) $href="#".$href;
	    			$this->internallink[$href] = $this->AddLink();
				$objattr['link'] = $this->internallink[$href];
			else { $objattr['link'] = $this->HREF; }
		$extraheight = $objattr['padding_top'] + $objattr['padding_bottom'] + $objattr['margin_top'] + $objattr['margin_bottom'] + $objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'];
		$extrawidth = $objattr['padding_left'] + $objattr['padding_right'] + $objattr['margin_left'] + $objattr['margin_right'] + $objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'];

		$w = $objattr['r']*2;
		$h = $w;
		$objattr['height'] = $h + $extraheight;
		$objattr['width'] = $w + $extrawidth;
		$objattr['type'] = 'textcircle';

		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=image,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

		// Clear properties - tidy up
		$properties = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
		// Output it to buffers
		if ($this->tableLevel) {
			$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;
		else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
			$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
		}	// *TABLES*

		if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }


/*-- TABLES --*/

    case 'TABLE': // TABLE-BEGIN
	$this->tdbegin = false;
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	// Disable vertical justification in columns
	if ($this->ColActive) { $this->colvAlign = ''; }	// *COLUMNS*
	if ($this->lastblocklevelchange == 1) { $blockstate = 1; }	// Top margins/padding only
	else if ($this->lastblocklevelchange < 1) { $blockstate = 0; }	// NO margins/padding
	// called from block after new div e.g. <div> ... <table> ...    Outputs block top margin/border and padding
	if (count($this->textbuffer) == 0 && $this->lastblocklevelchange == 1 && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->kwt) {
		$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'],$this->lineheight,'',false,false,1,true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']);
		$this->finishFlowingBlock(true);	// true = END of flowing block
	else if (!$this->tableLevel && count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,$blockstate); }

	$this->lastblocklevelchange = -1;
	if ($this->tableLevel) {	// i.e. now a nested table coming...
		// Save current level table
		// mPDF 5.4.10
		$this->cell['PARENTCELL'] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['baseProperties']= $this->base_table_properties;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cells'] = $this->cell;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['currrow'] = $this->row;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['currcol'] = $this->col;

	if ($this->tableLevel>1) {	// inherit table properties from cell in which nested
		$this->base_table_properties['FONT-KERNING'] = $this->kerning ;
		$this->base_table_properties['LETTER-SPACING'] = $this->lSpacingCSS ;
		$this->base_table_properties['WORD-SPACING'] = $this->wSpacingCSS ;

	if (isset($this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel])) { $this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]++; }
	else { $this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel] = 1; }

	$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['level'] = $this->tableLevel;
	$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['levelid'] = $this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel];

	if ($this->tableLevel > $this->innermostTableLevel) { $this->innermostTableLevel = $this->tableLevel; }
	if ($this->tableLevel > 1) {
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nestedpos'] = array($this->row,$this->col,$this->tbctr[($this->tableLevel-1)]);

	$this->cell = array();
	$this->col=-1; //int
	$this->row=-1; //int
	$table = &$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]];

	// New table - any level
	if ($this->cacheTables) {
		$this->packTableData = true;	// required for cacheTables
		$this->simpleTables = false;  // Cannot co-exist with cacheTables
		$table['cache'] = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempTblCache'.uniqid(rand(1,100000),true).'.dat';
		$fh = fopen($table['cache'] , "wb") or $this->Error("When using cacheTables, you must have read/write access to cache files (".$table['cache'] .")");
		fwrite($fh, "\x00");
		$table['ptr'] = 1 ;	// Must not be 0

	$table['direction'] = $this->directionality;
	$table['bgcolor'] = false;
	$table['va'] = false;
	$table['txta'] = false;
	$table['topntail'] = false;
	$table['thead-underline'] = false;
	$table['border'] = false;
	$table['border_details']['R']['w'] = 0;
	$table['border_details']['L']['w'] = 0;
	$table['border_details']['T']['w'] = 0;
	$table['border_details']['B']['w'] = 0;
	$table['border_details']['R']['style'] = '';
	$table['border_details']['L']['style'] = '';
	$table['border_details']['T']['style'] = '';
	$table['border_details']['B']['style'] = '';
	$table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] = 0;
	$table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] = 0;
	$table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] = 0;
	$table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] = 0;
	$table['padding']['L'] = false;
	$table['padding']['R'] = false;
	$table['padding']['T'] = false;
	$table['padding']['B'] = false;
	$table['margin']['L'] = false;
	$table['margin']['R'] = false;
	$table['margin']['T'] = false;
	$table['margin']['B'] = false;
	$table['a'] = false;
	$table['border_spacing_H'] = false;
	$table['border_spacing_V'] = false;
	$table['decimal_align'] = false;	// mPDF 5.6.13
	$this->InlineProperties = array();
	$table['nc'] = $table['nr'] = 0;
	$this->tablethead = 0;
	$this->tabletfoot = 0;
	$this->tabletheadjustfinished = false;

	if ($this->blockjustfinished && !count($this->textbuffer) && $this->y != $this->tMargin && $this->collapseBlockMargins && $this->tableLevel==1) { $lastbottommargin = $this->lastblockbottommargin; }
	else { $lastbottommargin = 0; }
	$this->lastblockbottommargin = 0;

	if ($this->tableLevel==1) {
		$this->tableCJK = false;
		$this->table_lineheight = $this->normalLineheight;
		$table['headernrows'] = 0;
		$table['footernrows'] = 0;
		$this->base_table_properties = array();

	if ($this->cssmgr->tbCSSlvl==1) {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TOPTABLE',$tag,$attr);
	else {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TABLE',$tag,$attr);
	$w = '';
	if (isset($properties['WIDTH'])) { $w = $properties['WIDTH']; }
	else if (isset($attr['WIDTH']) && $attr['WIDTH']) { $w = $attr['WIDTH']; }

	if(isset($properties['DIRECTION']) && $properties['DIRECTION']) { $table['direction'] = strtolower($properties['DIRECTION']); }
	else if(isset($attr['DIR']) && $attr['DIR']) { $table['direction'] = strtolower($attr['DIR']); }
	else if (!isset($table['direction'])){ $table['direction'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $table['bgcolor'][-1] = $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'];	}
	else if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND'])) { $table['bgcolor'][-1] = $properties['BACKGROUND'];	}
	else if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) { $table['bgcolor'][-1]	= $attr['BGCOLOR']; }
	if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $table['va'] = $align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) { $table['txta'] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])]; }
	if (isset($attr['ALIGN'])) { $table['a']	= $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; }
	if (!$table['a']) {
		if ($table['direction'] == 'rtl' ) { $table['a'] = 'R'; }
		else { $table['a'] = 'L'; }

	if (isset($properties['AUTOSIZE']) && $properties['AUTOSIZE'] && $this->tableLevel ==1)	{
		$this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = $properties['AUTOSIZE'];
		if ($this->shrink_this_table_to_fit < 1) { $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = 0; }
	if (isset($properties['ROTATE']) && $properties['ROTATE'] && $this->tableLevel ==1)	{
		$this->table_rotate = $properties['ROTATE'];
	if (isset($properties['TOPNTAIL'])) { $table['topntail'] = $properties['TOPNTAIL']; }
	if (isset($properties['THEAD-UNDERLINE'])) { $table['thead-underline'] = $properties['THEAD-UNDERLINE']; }

	if (isset($properties['BORDER'])) {
		$bord = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER']);
		if ($bord['s']) {
			$table['border'] = _BORDER_ALL;
			$table['border_details']['R'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['L'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['T'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['B'] = $bord;
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT'])) {
	  if ($table['direction'] == 'rtl') { 	// *RTL*
		$table['border_details']['R'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']);	// *RTL*
	  }	// *RTL*
	  else {	// *RTL*
		$table['border_details']['R'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']);
	  }	// *RTL*
	  $this->setBorder($table['border'], _BORDER_RIGHT, $table['border_details']['R']['s']);
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT'])) {
	  if ($table['direction'] == 'rtl') { 	// *RTL*
		$table['border_details']['L'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']);	// *RTL*
	  }	// *RTL*
	  else {	// *RTL*
		$table['border_details']['L'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']);
	  }	// *RTL*
	  $this->setBorder($table['border'], _BORDER_LEFT, $table['border_details']['L']['s']);
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM'])) {
		$table['border_details']['B'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']);
		$this->setBorder($table['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM, $table['border_details']['B']['s']);
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP'])) {
		$table['border_details']['T'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']);
		$this->setBorder($table['border'], _BORDER_TOP, $table['border_details']['T']['s']);
	if ($table['border']){
		  $this->table_border_css_set = 1;
	else {
	  $this->table_border_css_set = 0;

	if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
		$this->default_font = $properties['FONT-FAMILY'];
	$this->base_table_properties['FONT-FAMILY'] = $this->FontFamily;	// mPDF 5.4.10

	if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
	   // mPDF 5.4.10
	   if ($this->tableLevel>1) { $mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'], $this->base_table_properties['FONT-SIZE']); }
	   else { $mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],$this->default_font_size/_MPDFK); }
	   if ($mmsize) {
		$this->default_font_size = $mmsize*(_MPDFK);
	$this->base_table_properties['FONT-SIZE'] = $this->FontSize.'mm';	// mPDF 5.4.10

	if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) == 'BOLD')	{ $this->base_table_properties['FONT-WEIGHT'] = 'BOLD'; }
	if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-STYLE']) == 'ITALIC') { $this->base_table_properties['FONT-STYLE'] = 'ITALIC'; }
	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) {
		$this->base_table_properties['COLOR'] = $properties['COLOR'];
	if (isset($properties['FONT-KERNING'])) {
		$this->base_table_properties['FONT-KERNING'] = $properties['FONT-KERNING'];
	if (isset($properties['LETTER-SPACING'])) {
		$this->base_table_properties['LETTER-SPACING'] = $properties['LETTER-SPACING'];
	if (isset($properties['WORD-SPACING'])) {
		$this->base_table_properties['WORD-SPACING'] = $properties['WORD-SPACING'];

	if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) {
		$table['padding']['L'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) {
		$table['padding']['R'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) {
		$table['padding']['T'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) {
		$table['padding']['B'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) {
		if ($lastbottommargin) {
			$tmp = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			if ($tmp > $lastbottommargin) { $properties['MARGIN-TOP'] -= $lastbottommargin; }
			else { $properties['MARGIN-TOP'] = 0; }
		$table['margin']['T'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) {
		$table['margin']['B'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])) {
		$table['margin']['L'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])) {
		$table['margin']['R'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto' && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') {
		$table['a'] = 'C';
	else if (isset($properties['MARGIN-LEFT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-LEFT'])=='auto') {
		$table['a'] = 'R';
	else if (isset($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT']) && strtolower($properties['MARGIN-RIGHT'])=='auto') {
		$table['a'] = 'L';

	if (isset($properties['LINE-HEIGHT']) && $this->tableLevel==1) {
		$this->table_lineheight = $this->fixLineheight($properties['LINE-HEIGHT']);
		if (!$this->table_lineheight) { $this->table_lineheight = $this->normalLineheight; }

	if (isset($properties['BORDER-COLLAPSE']) && strtoupper($properties['BORDER-COLLAPSE'])=='SEPARATE') {
		$table['borders_separate'] = true;
	else {
		$table['borders_separate'] = false;

	// mPDF 5.7.3
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-SPACING-H'])) {
		$table['border_spacing_H'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['BORDER-SPACING-H'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['BORDER-SPACING-V'])) {
		$table['border_spacing_V'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['BORDER-SPACING-V'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	if (!$table['borders_separate']) { $table['border_spacing_H'] = $table['border_spacing_V'] = 0; }

	if (isset($properties['EMPTY-CELLS'])) {
		$table['empty_cells'] = strtolower($properties['EMPTY-CELLS']); 	// 'hide'  or 'show'
	else { $table['empty_cells'] = ''; }

	if (isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-INSIDE']) && strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-INSIDE'])=='AVOID' && $this->tableLevel==1 && !$this->writingHTMLfooter) {
		$this->table_keep_together = true;
	else if ($this->tableLevel==1) {
		$this->table_keep_together = false;
	if (isset($properties['PAGE-BREAK-AFTER']) && $this->tableLevel==1) {
		$table['page_break_after'] = strtoupper($properties['PAGE-BREAK-AFTER']);

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT']) && !$this->kwt && !$this->ColActive) { $table['gradient'] = $properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT']; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] && !$this->kwt && !$this->ColActive) {
		$ret = $this->SetBackground($properties, $currblk['inner_width']);
		if ($ret) { $table['background-image'] = $ret; }

	if (isset($properties['OVERFLOW']))	{
		$table['overflow'] = strtolower($properties['OVERFLOW']); 	// 'hidden' 'wrap' or 'visible' or 'auto'
		if (($this->ColActive || $this->tableLevel>1) && $table['overflow']=='visible') { unset($table['overflow']); }

	$properties = array();

	if (isset($attr['CELLPADDING'])) {
		$table['cell_padding'] = $attr['CELLPADDING'];
	else {
		$table['cell_padding'] = false;

	if (isset($attr['BORDER']) && $attr['BORDER']=='1') {	// mPDF 5.5.08
		$this->table_border_attr_set = 1;	// mPDF 5.5.08
		$bord = $this->border_details('#000000 1px solid');
		if ($bord['s']) {
			$table['border'] = _BORDER_ALL;
			$table['border_details']['R'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['L'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['T'] = $bord;
			$table['border_details']['B'] = $bord;
	else {
		$this->table_border_attr_set = 0;

	if ($w) {
		$maxwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			$tblblw = $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w']/2 + $table['border_details']['R']['w']/2;
		else {
			$tblblw = $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2 + $table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2;
		if (strpos($w,'%') && $this->tableLevel == 1 && !$this->ignore_table_percents ) {
			// % needs to be of inner box without table margins etc.
			$maxwidth -= $tblblw ;
			$wmm = $this->ConvertSize($w,$maxwidth,$this->FontSize,false);
			$table['w'] = $wmm + $tblblw ;
		if (strpos($w,'%') && $this->tableLevel > 1 && !$this->ignore_table_percents && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
			$table['wpercent'] = $w + 0; 	// makes 80% -> 80
		if (!strpos($w,'%') && !$this->ignore_table_widths ) {
			$wmm = $this->ConvertSize($w,$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$table['w'] = $wmm + $tblblw ;
		if (!$this->keep_table_proportions) {
			if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) { $table['w'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']; }

	if (isset($attr['AUTOSIZE']) && $this->tableLevel==1)	{
		$this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = $attr['AUTOSIZE'];
		if ($this->shrink_this_table_to_fit < 1) { $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = 1; }
	if (isset($attr['ROTATE']) && $this->tableLevel==1)	{
		$this->table_rotate = $attr['ROTATE'];

	// keeping block together on one page
	// Autosize is now forced therefore keep block together disabled
	if ($this->keep_block_together) {
		$this->keep_block_together = 0;
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['keep_block_together'] = 0;
	if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$this->tbrot_Links = array();
		$this->tbrot_Annots = array();
		$this->tbrotForms = array();
		$this->tbrot_Reference = array();
		$this->tbrot_BMoutlines = array();
		$this->tbrot_toc = array();

	if ($this->kwt) {
		if ($this->table_rotate) { $this->table_keep_together = true; }
		$this->kwt = false;
		$this->kwt_saved = true;

	if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $this->useGraphs) {
		if (isset($attr['ID']) && $attr['ID']) { $this->currentGraphId = strtoupper($attr['ID']); }
		else { $this->currentGraphId = '0'; }
		$this->graphs[$this->currentGraphId] = array();
	$this->plainCell_properties = array();

    case 'THEAD':
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->tablethead = 1;
	$this->tabletfoot = 0;
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TABLE',$tag,$attr);
	if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) == 'BOLD')	{ $this->thead_font_weight = 'B'; }
		else { $this->thead_font_weight = ''; }

	if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-STYLE']) == 'ITALIC') { $this->thead_font_style = 'I'; }
		else { $this->thead_font_style = ''; }
	if (isset($properties['FONT-VARIANT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-VARIANT']) == 'SMALL-CAPS') { $this->thead_font_smCaps = 'S'; }
		else { $this->thead_font_smCaps = ''; }

	if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) {
		$this->thead_valign_default = $properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'];
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) {
		$this->thead_textalign_default = $properties['TEXT-ALIGN'];
	$properties = array();

    case 'TFOOT':
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->tabletfoot = 1;
	$this->tablethead = 0;
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TABLE',$tag,$attr);
	if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) == 'BOLD')	{ $this->tfoot_font_weight = 'B'; }
		else { $this->tfoot_font_weight = ''; }

	if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-STYLE']) == 'ITALIC') { $this->tfoot_font_style = 'I'; }
		else { $this->tfoot_font_style = ''; }
	if (isset($properties['FONT-VARIANT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-VARIANT']) == 'SMALL-CAPS') { $this->tfoot_font_smCaps = 'S'; }
		else { $this->tfoot_font_smCaps = ''; }

	if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) {
		$this->tfoot_valign_default = $properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'];
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) {
		$this->tfoot_textalign_default = $properties['TEXT-ALIGN'];
	$properties = array();

    case 'TBODY':
	$this->tablethead = 0;
	$this->tabletfoot = 0;
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag

    case 'TR':
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->col = -1;
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TABLE',$tag,$attr);

	if (!$this->simpleTables && (!isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['borders_separate']) || !$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['borders_separate'])) {
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT']) && $properties['BORDER-LEFT']) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-left'][$this->row] = $properties['BORDER-LEFT']; }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']) && $properties['BORDER-RIGHT']) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-right'][$this->row] = $properties['BORDER-RIGHT']; }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP']) && $properties['BORDER-TOP']) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-top'][$this->row] = $properties['BORDER-TOP']; }
		if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']) && $properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-bottom'][$this->row] = $properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'][$this->row] = $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']; }
	else if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'][$this->row] = $attr['BGCOLOR'];

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT']) && !$this->kwt && !$this->ColActive) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trgradients'][$this->row] = $properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT']; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] && !$this->kwt && !$this->ColActive) {
		$ret = $this->SetBackground($properties, $currblk['inner_width']);
		if ($ret) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trbackground-images'][$this->row] = $ret; }

	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ROTATE'])) {
		$this->trow_text_rotate = $properties['TEXT-ROTATE'];
	if (isset($attr['TEXT-ROTATE'])) $this->trow_text_rotate = $attr['TEXT-ROTATE'];

	if ($this->tablethead) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_thead'][$this->row] = true; }
	if ($this->tabletfoot) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'][$this->row] = true; }
	$properties = array();

    case 'TH':
    case 'TD':
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	$this->InlineProperties = array();
	$this->tdbegin = true;
	while (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col])) { $this->col++; }

	//Update number column
	if ($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc'] < $this->col+1) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc'] = $this->col+1; }

	$table = &$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]];

	$c = array('a' => false,
	'R' => false,
	'nowrap' => false,
	'bgcolor' => false,
	'padding' => array('L' => false,
		'R' => false,
		'T' => false,
		'B' => false

	if ($this->simpleTables && $this->row==0 && $this->col==0){
		$table['simple']['border'] = false;
		$table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] = 0;
		$table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] = 0;
		$table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] = 0;
		$table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] = 0;
		$table['simple']['border_details']['R']['style'] = '';
		$table['simple']['border_details']['L']['style'] = '';
		$table['simple']['border_details']['T']['style'] = '';
		$table['simple']['border_details']['B']['style'] = '';
	else if (!$this->simpleTables) {
	$c['border'] = false;
	$c['border_details']['R']['w'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['L']['w'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['T']['w'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['B']['w'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['R']['style'] = '';
	$c['border_details']['L']['style'] = '';
	$c['border_details']['T']['style'] = '';
	$c['border_details']['B']['style'] = '';
	$c['border_details']['R']['s'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['L']['s'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['T']['s'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['B']['s'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['R']['c'] = $this->ConvertColor(0);
	$c['border_details']['L']['c'] = $this->ConvertColor(0);
	$c['border_details']['T']['c'] = $this->ConvertColor(0);
	$c['border_details']['B']['c'] = $this->ConvertColor(0);
	$c['border_details']['R']['dom'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['L']['dom'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['T']['dom'] = 0;
	$c['border_details']['B']['dom'] = 0;

	if ($table['va']) { $c['va'] = $table['va']; }
	if ($table['txta']) { $c['a'] = $table['txta']; }
	if ($this->table_border_attr_set) {
	  if ($table['border_details']) {
	    if (!$this->simpleTables){
		$c['border_details']['R'] = $table['border_details']['R'];
		$c['border_details']['L'] = $table['border_details']['L'];
		$c['border_details']['T'] = $table['border_details']['T'];
		$c['border_details']['B'] = $table['border_details']['B'];
		$c['border'] = $table['border'];
		$c['border_details']['L']['dom'] = 1;
		$c['border_details']['R']['dom'] = 1;
		$c['border_details']['T']['dom'] = 1;
		$c['border_details']['B']['dom'] = 1;
	    else if ($this->simpleTables && $this->row==0 && $this->col==0){
		$table['simple']['border_details']['R'] = $table['border_details']['R'];
		$table['simple']['border_details']['L'] = $table['border_details']['L'];
		$table['simple']['border_details']['T'] = $table['border_details']['T'];
		$table['simple']['border_details']['B'] = $table['border_details']['B'];
		$table['simple']['border'] = $table['border'];
	if ($this->tablethead) {
		if ($this->thead_valign_default) $c['va'] = $align[strtolower($this->thead_valign_default)];
		if ($this->thead_textalign_default) $c['a'] = $align[strtolower($this->thead_textalign_default)];
		if ($this->thead_font_weight == 'B') { $this->SetStyle('B',true); }
		if ($this->thead_font_style == 'I') { $this->SetStyle('I',true); }
		if ($this->thead_font_smCaps == 'S') { $this->SetStyle('S',true); }

	if ($this->tabletfoot) {
		if ($this->tfoot_valign_default) $c['va'] = $align[strtolower($this->tfoot_valign_default)];
		if ($this->tfoot_textalign_default) $c['a'] = $align[strtolower($this->tfoot_textalign_default)];
		if ($this->tfoot_font_weight == 'B') { $this->SetStyle('B',true); }
		if ($this->tfoot_font_style == 'I') { $this->SetStyle('I',true); }
		if ($this->tfoot_font_style == 'S') { $this->SetStyle('S',true); }

	if ($this->trow_text_rotate){
		$c['R'] = $this->trow_text_rotate;

	$this->cell_border_dominance_L = 0;
	$this->cell_border_dominance_R = 0;
	$this->cell_border_dominance_T = 0;
	$this->cell_border_dominance_B = 0;

	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TABLE',$tag,$attr);
	$properties = $this->cssmgr->array_merge_recursive_unique($this->base_table_properties, $properties);

	if (isset($properties['FONT-KERNING']) && (strtoupper($properties['FONT-KERNING'])=='NORMAL' || strtoupper($properties['FONT-KERNING'])=='AUTO')) {
		$this->kerning = true;
	else { $this->kerning = false; }

	if (isset($properties['LETTER-SPACING']) && ($properties['LETTER-SPACING'] || $properties['LETTER-SPACING']==='0') && strtoupper($properties['LETTER-SPACING']) != 'NORMAL') {
		$this->lSpacingCSS = strtoupper($properties['LETTER-SPACING']);
		$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);
	else {
		$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
		$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
	if (isset($properties['WORD-SPACING']) && strtoupper($properties['WORD-SPACING']) != 'NORMAL') {
		$this->wSpacingCSS = strtoupper($properties['WORD-SPACING']);
		$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);
	else {
		$this->minwSpacing = 0;
		$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
	// mPDF 5.6.08
	if (isset($properties['HYPHENS']) && $properties['HYPHENS']) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['HYPHENS']) == 'NONE') { $this->textparam['hyphens'] = 2; }
		else if (strtoupper($properties['HYPHENS']) == 'AUTO') { $this->textparam['hyphens'] = 1; }
		else if (strtoupper($properties['HYPHENS']) == 'MANUAL') { $this->textparam['hyphens'] = 0; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR'])) { $c['bgcolor'] = $properties['BACKGROUND-COLOR']; }
	else if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND'])) { $c['bgcolor'] = $properties['BACKGROUND']; }
	else if (isset($attr['BGCOLOR'])) $c['bgcolor'] = $attr['BGCOLOR'];

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT'])) { $c['gradient'] = $properties['BACKGROUND-GRADIENT']; }
	else { $c['gradient'] = false; }

	if (isset($properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE']) && $properties['BACKGROUND-IMAGE'] && !$this->keep_block_together) {
		$ret = $this->SetBackground($properties, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
		if ($ret) { $c['background-image'] = $ret; }
	if (isset($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])) { $c['va']=$align[strtolower($properties['VERTICAL-ALIGN'])]; }
	else if (isset($attr['VALIGN'])) $c['va'] = $align[strtolower($attr['VALIGN'])];

	// mPDF 5.6.13
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN']) && $properties['TEXT-ALIGN']) {
		if (substr($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'],0,1)=='D') { $c['a'] = $properties['TEXT-ALIGN']; }
		else { $c['a'] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])]; }
	// mPDF 5.6.13
	if (isset($attr['ALIGN']) && $attr['ALIGN']) {
		if (strtolower($attr['ALIGN']) == 'char') {
			if (isset($attr['CHAR']) && $attr['CHAR']) {
				$char = html_entity_decode($attr['CHAR']);
				$char = strcode2utf($char);
				$d = array_search($char,$this->decimal_align);
				if ($d !== false) { $c['a'] = $d.'R'; }
			else { $c['a'] = 'DPR'; }
		else { $c['a'] = $align[strtolower($attr['ALIGN'])]; }

	if (!$c['a']) {
		if (isset($table['direction']) && $table['direction'] == 'rtl' ) { $c['a'] = 'R'; }
		else { $c['a'] = 'L'; }

	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ROTATE']) && ($properties['TEXT-ROTATE'] || $properties['TEXT-ROTATE']==="0")){
		$c['R'] = $properties['TEXT-ROTATE'];
	if (isset($properties['BORDER'])) {
		$bord = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER']);
		if ($bord['s']) {
		   if (!$this->simpleTables){
			$c['border'] = _BORDER_ALL;
			$c['border_details']['R'] = $bord;
			$c['border_details']['L'] = $bord;
			$c['border_details']['T'] = $bord;
			$c['border_details']['B'] = $bord;
			$c['border_details']['L']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_L;
			$c['border_details']['R']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_R;
			$c['border_details']['T']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_T;
			$c['border_details']['B']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_B;
		   else if ($this->simpleTables && $this->row==0 && $this->col==0){
			$table['simple']['border'] = _BORDER_ALL;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['R'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['L'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['T'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['B'] = $bord;
	if (!$this->simpleTables){
	   if (isset($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']) && $properties['BORDER-RIGHT']) {
		$c['border_details']['R'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-RIGHT']);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_RIGHT, $c['border_details']['R']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['R']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_R;
	   if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT']) && $properties['BORDER-LEFT']) {
		$c['border_details']['L'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_LEFT, $c['border_details']['L']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['L']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_L;
	   if (isset($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']) && $properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']) {
		$c['border_details']['B'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-BOTTOM']);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM, $c['border_details']['B']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['B']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_B;
	   if (isset($properties['BORDER-TOP']) && $properties['BORDER-TOP']) {
		$c['border_details']['T'] = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-TOP']);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_TOP, $c['border_details']['T']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['T']['dom'] = $this->cell_border_dominance_T;
	else if ($this->simpleTables && $this->row==0 && $this->col==0){
	   if (isset($properties['BORDER-LEFT']) && $properties['BORDER-LEFT']) {
		$bord = $this->border_details($properties['BORDER-LEFT']);
			if ($bord['s']) { $table['simple']['border'] = _BORDER_ALL; }
			else { $table['simple']['border'] = 0; }
			$table['simple']['border_details']['R'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['L'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['T'] = $bord;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['B'] = $bord;

	if ($this->simpleTables && $this->row==0 && $this->col==0 && !$table['borders_separate'] && $table['simple']['border'] ){
		$table['border_details'] = $table['simple']['border_details'];
		$table['border'] = $table['simple']['border'];

	// Border set on TR (if collapsed only)
	if (!$table['borders_separate'] && !$this->simpleTables && isset($table['trborder-left'][$this->row])) {
		if ($this->col==0) {
			$left = $this->border_details($table['trborder-left'][$this->row]);
			$c['border_details']['L'] = $left;
			$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_LEFT, $c['border_details']['L']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['B'] = $this->border_details($table['trborder-bottom'][$this->row]);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM, $c['border_details']['B']['s']);
		$c['border_details']['T'] = $this->border_details($table['trborder-top'][$this->row]);
		$this->setBorder($c['border'], _BORDER_TOP, $c['border_details']['T']['s']);

	if ($this->packTableData && !$this->simpleTables) {
		$c['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($c);

	if (isset($properties['PADDING-LEFT'])) {
		$c['padding']['L'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-LEFT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'])) {
		$c['padding']['R'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-RIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'])) {
		$c['padding']['B'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
	if (isset($properties['PADDING-TOP'])) {
		$c['padding']['T'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['PADDING-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	$w = '';
	if (isset($properties['WIDTH'])) { $w = $properties['WIDTH']; }
	else if (isset($attr['WIDTH'])) { $w = $attr['WIDTH']; }
	if ($w) {
		if (strpos($w,'%') && !$this->ignore_table_percents ) { $c['wpercent'] = $w + 0; }	// makes 80% -> 80
		else if (!strpos($w,'%') && !$this->ignore_table_widths ) { $c['w'] = $this->ConvertSize($w,$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

	if (isset($properties['HEIGHT']) && !strpos($properties['HEIGHT'],'%')) { $c['h'] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }
	else if (isset($attr['HEIGHT']) && !strpos($attr['HEIGHT'],'%')) $c['h'] = $this->ConvertSize($attr['HEIGHT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	if (isset($properties['COLOR'])) {
	  $cor = $this->ConvertColor($properties['COLOR']);
	  if ($cor) {
		$this->colorarray = $cor;
	if (isset($properties['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
	if (isset($properties['FONT-SIZE'])) {
	   $mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($properties['FONT-SIZE'],$this->default_font_size/_MPDFK);
	   if ($mmsize) {
	$c['dfs'] = $this->FontSize;	// Default Font size
	if (isset($properties['FONT-WEIGHT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-WEIGHT']) == 'BOLD')	{ $this->SetStyle('B',true); }
	if (isset($properties['FONT-STYLE'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-STYLE']) == 'ITALIC') { $this->SetStyle('I',true); }
	if (isset($properties['FONT-VARIANT'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['FONT-VARIANT']) == 'SMALL-CAPS') { $this->SetStyle('S',true); }
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-DECORATION'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['TEXT-DECORATION']) == 'LINE-THROUGH') { $this->strike = true; }
		else if (strtoupper($properties['TEXT-DECORATION']) == 'UNDERLINE') { $this->SetStyle('U',true); }
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-SHADOW'])) {
		$ts = $this->cssmgr->setCSStextshadow($properties['TEXT-SHADOW']);
		if ($ts) { $this->textshadow = $ts; }
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-TRANSFORM'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['TEXT-TRANSFORM']) == 'CAPITALIZE') { $this->capitalize = true; }
		else if (strtoupper($properties['TEXT-TRANSFORM']) == 'UPPERCASE') { $this->toupper = true; }
		else if (strtoupper($properties['TEXT-TRANSFORM']) == 'LOWERCASE') { $this->tolower = true; }
	if (isset($properties['WHITE-SPACE'])) {
		if (strtoupper($properties['WHITE-SPACE']) == 'NOWRAP') { $c['nowrap']= 1; }
	$properties = array();

	if (isset($attr['TEXT-ROTATE'])) {
		$c['R'] = $attr['TEXT-ROTATE'];
	if (isset($attr['NOWRAP']) && $attr['NOWRAP']) $c['nowrap']= 1;

	$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col] = $c;
	$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;

	$cs = $rs = 1;
	if (isset($attr['COLSPAN']) && $attr['COLSPAN']>1)	$cs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['colspan']	= $attr['COLSPAN'];
	if ($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc'] < $this->col+$cs) {
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc'] = $this->col+$cs;
	}	// following code moved outside if...
	for($l=$this->col; $l < $this->col+$cs ;$l++) {
		if ($l-$this->col) $this->cell[$this->row][$l] = 0;

	if (isset($attr['ROWSPAN']) && $attr['ROWSPAN']>1)	$rs = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['rowspan']	= $attr['ROWSPAN'];
	for ($k=$this->row ; $k < $this->row+$rs ;$k++) {
		for($l=$this->col; $l < $this->col+$cs ;$l++) {
			if ($k-$this->row || $l-$this->col)	$this->cell[$k][$l] = 0;
/*-- END TABLES --*/

/*-- LISTS --*/
    // *********** LISTS ********************
    case 'OL':
    case 'UL':
	$this->listjustfinished = false;

	if ($this->blockjustfinished && !count($this->textbuffer) && $this->y != $this->tMargin && $this->collapseBlockMargins) { $lastbottommargin = $this->lastblockbottommargin; }
	else { $lastbottommargin = 0; }
	$this->lastblockbottommargin = 0;

	$this->lastoptionaltag = ''; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
	if((!$this->tableLevel) && ($this->listlvl == 0)) {
		$blockstate = 0;
		//if ($this->lastblocklevelchange == 1) { $blockstate = -1; }	// Top margins/padding only
		//else if ($this->lastblocklevelchange < 1) { $blockstate = 0; }	// NO margins/padding
		// called from block after new div e.g. <div> ... <ol> ...    Outputs block top margin/border and padding
		if (count($this->textbuffer) == 0 && $this->lastblocklevelchange == 1 && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->kwt) {
			$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'],$this->lineheight,'',false,false,1,true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']);
			$this->finishFlowingBlock(true);	// true = END of flowing block
		else if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer,$blockstate); }
		$this->lastblocklevelchange = -1;
	// ol and ul types are mixed here
	if ($this->listlvl == 0) {
		$this->list_indent = array();
		$this->list_align = array();
		$this->list_lineheight = array();
		$this->InlineProperties['LIST'] = array();
		$this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'] = array();

/*-- TABLES --*/
	// A simple list for inside a table
	if($this->tableLevel) {
		$this->list_indent[$this->listlvl] = 0;	// mm default indent for each level
		if ($tag == 'OL') $this->listtype = '1';
		else if ($tag == 'UL') $this->listtype = 'disc';
      	if ($this->listlvl > 0) {
			$this->listlist[$this->listlvl]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum
		// mPDF 5.6.15
		if (isset($attr['START'])) { $this->listnum = intval($attr['START']); }
		else { $this->listnum = 0; }
		$this->listlist[$this->listlvl] = array('TYPE'=>$this->listtype,'MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum);
/*-- END TABLES --*/

	if (($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) && $tag == 'UL') {
		if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "List bullets cannot use core font Zapfdingbats in PDFA1-b or PDFX/1-a. (Substitute characters from current font used if available, otherwise substitutes hyphen '-')"; }

	if ($this->cssmgr->listCSSlvl==1) {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('TOPLIST',$tag,$attr);
	else {
		$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('LIST',$tag,$attr);
	if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'LIST');
	// List-type

	$this->listtype = '';
	if (isset($properties['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'])) {
		$this->listtype = $this->_getListStyle($properties['LIST-STYLE-TYPE']);
	else if (isset($properties['LIST-STYLE'])) {
		$this->listtype = $this->_getListStyle($properties['LIST-STYLE']);
	else if (isset($attr['TYPE']) && $attr['TYPE']) { $this->listtype = $attr['TYPE']; }
	if (!$this->listtype) {
		if ($tag == 'OL') $this->listtype = '1';
		if ($tag == 'UL') {
			if ($this->listlvl % 3 == 0) $this->listtype = 'disc';
			elseif ($this->listlvl % 3 == 1) $this->listtype = 'circle';
			else $this->listtype = 'square';
      if ($this->listlvl == 0) {
	  $this->inherit_lineheight = 0;
	  $this->listlvl++; // first depth level
	  // mPDF 5.6.15
	  if (isset($attr['START'])) { $this->listnum = intval($attr['START']); }
	  else { $this->listnum = 0; }
	  $this->listDir = (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) ? $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] : null);
	  $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
	  $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE'=>$this->listtype,'MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum);
      else {
	if (!empty($this->textbuffer))
		$this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl],$this->listitemtype);
	  // Save current lineheight to inherit
	  $this->textbuffer = array();
  	  $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
	  $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum
	  // mPDF 5.6.15
	  if (isset($attr['START'])) { $this->listnum = intval($attr['START']); }
	  else { $this->listnum = 0; }

	  if (!isset($this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]) || $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] == 0) $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
	  else $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]++;
  	  $occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
	  $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur] = array('TYPE'=>$this->listtype,'MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum);

	if ($this->listlvl == 1) {
	   if (isset($properties['MARGIN-TOP'])) {
		if ($lastbottommargin) {
			$tmp = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			if ($tmp > $lastbottommargin) { $properties['MARGIN-TOP'] -= $lastbottommargin; }
			else { $properties['MARGIN-TOP'] = 0; }
		$this->DivLn($this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-TOP'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false),$this->blklvl,true,1); 	// collapsible
	   if (isset($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'])) {
		$this->list_margin_bottom = $this->ConvertSize($properties['MARGIN-BOTTOM'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

	   if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'])) {
		$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'];

	   if (isset($properties['DIRECTION']) && $properties['DIRECTION']) { $this->listDir = strtolower($properties['DIRECTION']); }
	   else if (isset($attr['DIR']) && $attr['DIR']) { $this->listDir = strtolower($attr['DIR']); }

	$this->list_indent[$this->listlvl][$occur] = 5;	// mm default indent for each level
	if (isset($properties['TEXT-INDENT'])) { $this->list_indent[$this->listlvl][$occur] = $this->ConvertSize($properties['TEXT-INDENT'],$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false); }

	if (isset($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])) {
		$this->list_align[$this->listlvl][$occur] = $align[strtolower($properties['TEXT-ALIGN'])];

	if (isset($properties['LINE-HEIGHT'])) {
		$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur] = $this->fixLineheight($properties['LINE-HEIGHT']);
	else if ($this->listlvl>1 && isset($this->list_lineheight[($this->listlvl - 1)][1])) {
		$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur] = end($this->list_lineheight[($this->listlvl - 1)]);
	if (!isset($this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur]) || !$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur]) {
		$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$occur] = $this->normalLineheight;

	$this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$this->listlvl][$occur] = $this->saveInlineProperties();
	$properties = array();

    case 'LI':
	// Start Block
	$this->lastoptionaltag = $tag; // Save current HTML specified optional endtag
      $this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces
/*-- TABLES --*/
	// A simple list for inside a table
	if($this->tableLevel) {

	   // If already something in the Cell
	   if ((isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs']) && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] > 0 ) || $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] > 0 ) {
			if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
				$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
			elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
				$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0 ;
		if ($this->listlvl == 0) { //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</p><li>Content</li><p>Paragraph1</p>(...)
			$this->listlvl++; // first depth level
			$this->listnum = 0; // reset
			$this->listlist[$this->listlvl] = array('TYPE'=>'disc','MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum);

		switch($this->listlist[$this->listlvl]['TYPE']) {
		case 'A':
			$blt = $this->dec2alpha($this->listnum,true).$this->list_number_suffix;
		case 'a':
			$blt = $this->dec2alpha($this->listnum,false).$this->list_number_suffix;
		case 'I':
			$blt = $this->dec2roman($this->listnum,true).$this->list_number_suffix;
		case 'i':
			$blt = $this->dec2roman($this->listnum,false).$this->list_number_suffix;
		case '1':
			$blt = $this->listnum.$this->list_number_suffix;
			if ($this->listlvl % 3 == 1 && $this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],8226)) { $blt = "\xe2\x80\xa2"; } 	// &#8226;
			else if ($this->listlvl % 3 == 2 && $this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],9900)) { $blt = "\xe2\x9a\xac"; } // &#9900;
			else if ($this->listlvl % 3 == 0 && $this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],9642)) { $blt = "\xe2\x96\xaa"; } // &#9642;
			else { $blt = '-'; }

		// change to &nbsp; spaces
		if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
			$ls = str_repeat(chr(160).chr(160),($this->listlvl-1)*2) . $blt . ' ';
		else {
			$ls = str_repeat("\xc2\xa0\xc2\xa0",($this->listlvl-1)*2) . $blt . ' ';

		$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($ls, $this->HREF);
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $this->GetStringWidth($ls);
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	//Observation: </LI> is ignored
	if ($this->listlvl == 0) { //in case of malformed HTML code. Example:(...)</p><li>Content</li><p>Paragraph1</p>(...)
	//First of all, skip a line
		$this->listlvl++; // first depth level
		$this->listnum = 0; // reset
		$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl] = 1;
		$this->listlist[$this->listlvl][1] = array('TYPE'=>'disc','MAXNUM'=>$this->listnum);
	if ($this->listnum == 0) {
		$this->textbuffer = array();
	else {
		if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
		  if (!$this->listjustfinished) {
			$this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl],$this->listitemtype);
		  else {
			$this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl],$this->listitemtype, true);
		$this->textbuffer = array();
	$this->listjustfinished = false;

	$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('LIST',$tag,$attr);
	if (!empty($properties)) $this->setCSS($properties,'LIST');
	$this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$this->listlvl][$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]][$this->listnum] = $this->saveInlineProperties();

	// List-type
	if (isset($properties['LIST-STYLE-TYPE'])) {
		$this->listitemtype = $this->_getListStyle($properties['LIST-STYLE-TYPE']);
	else if (isset($properties['LIST-STYLE'])) {
		$this->listitemtype = $this->_getListStyle($properties['LIST-STYLE']);
	else if (isset($attr['TYPE']) && $attr['TYPE']) { $this->listitemtype = $attr['TYPE']; }
	else $this->listitemtype = '';
/*-- END LISTS --*/

  }//end of switch

/*-- LISTS --*/

function _getListStyle($ls) {
 	if (stristr($ls,'decimal')) { return '1'; }
	else if (preg_match('/(disc|circle|square|arabic-indic|bengali|devanagari|gujarati|gurmukhi|kannada|malayalam|oriya|persian|tamil|telugu|thai|urdu|cambodian|khmer|lao)/i',$ls,$m)) {
		return strtolower(trim($m[1]));
	else if (stristr($ls,'lower-roman')) { return 'i'; }
	else if (stristr($ls,'upper-roman')) { return 'I'; }
	else if (stristr($ls,'lower-latin')|| stristr($ls,'lower-alpha')) { return 'a'; }
	else if (stristr($ls,'upper-latin') || stristr($ls,'upper-alpha')) { return 'A'; }
	else if (stristr($ls,'none')) { return 'none'; }
	else if (preg_match('/U\+([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i',$ls)) { return $ls; }
	else { return ''; }
/*-- END LISTS --*/

function CloseTag($tag)
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = false; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces
    //Closing tag
    if($tag=='OPTION') { $this->selectoption['ACTIVE'] = false; 	$this->lastoptionaltag = ''; }

    if($tag=='TTS' or $tag=='TTA' or $tag=='TTZ') {
	if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }
	$ltag = strtolower($tag);
	$this->$ltag = false;

    if($tag=='FONT' || $tag=='SPAN' || $tag=='CODE' || $tag=='KBD' || $tag=='SAMP' || $tag=='TT' || $tag=='VAR'
	|| $tag=='INS' || $tag=='STRONG' || $tag=='CITE' || $tag=='SUB' || $tag=='SUP' || $tag=='S' || $tag=='STRIKE' || $tag=='DEL'
	|| $tag=='Q' || $tag=='EM' || $tag=='B' || $tag=='I' || $tag=='U' | $tag=='SMALL' || $tag=='BIG' || $tag=='ACRONYM'
	|| $tag=='MARK'  || $tag=='TIME'  || $tag=='PROGRESS'  || $tag=='METER'
	) {	// mPDF 5.5.09

	// mPDF 5.7.3 Inline tags
	if ($tag=='PROGRESS'  || $tag=='METER') {
		if (isset($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) && $this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }
		if (isset($this->InlineAnnots[$tag]) && $this->InlineAnnots[$tag]) { $annot = $this->InlineAnnots[$tag]; }	// *ANNOTATIONS*
		unset($this->InlineAnnots[$tag]);	// *ANNOTATIONS*
	else {
		if (isset($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) && count($this->InlineProperties[$tag])) {
			$tmpProps = array_pop($this->InlineProperties[$tag]);	// mPDF 5.7.4
		if (isset($this->InlineAnnots[$tag]) && count($this->InlineAnnots[$tag])) { 	// *ANNOTATIONS*
			$annot = array_pop($this->InlineAnnots[$tag]); 	// *ANNOTATIONS*

	if (isset($annot)) {
		if($this->tableLevel) {	// *TABLES*
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($annot);	// *TABLES*
		}	// *TABLES*
		else  {	// *TABLES*
			$this->textbuffer[] = array($annot);
		}	// *TABLES*

    if($tag=='METER' || $tag=='PROGRESS') {
	$this->inMeter = false;	// mPDF 5.5.09

    if($tag=='A') {
	if (isset($this->InlineProperties['A'])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['A']); }

    if($tag=='LEGEND') {	// mPDF 5.4.18
	if (count($this->textbuffer) && !$this->tableLevel) {
		$leg = $this->textbuffer[(count($this->textbuffer)-1)];
		$this->textbuffer = array_values($this->textbuffer);
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_legend'] = $leg;
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] += ($leg[11]/2)/_MPDFK;
		$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] += ($leg[11]/2)/_MPDFK;
	if (isset($this->InlineProperties['LEGEND'])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['LEGEND']); }
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces

/*-- FORMS --*/
	// *********** FORM ELEMENTS ********************

    if($tag=='TEXTAREA') {
	$this->specialcontent = '';
	if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }

    if($tag=='SELECT') {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$texto = '';
	if (isset($this->selectoption['SELECTED'])) { $texto = $this->selectoption['SELECTED']; }

	if ($this->useActiveForms) { $w = $this->selectoption['MAXWIDTH']; }
	else { $w = $this->GetStringWidth($texto); }
	if ($w == 0) { $w = 5; }
	$objattr['type'] = 'select';
	$objattr['text'] = $texto;
	if (isset($this->selectoption['NAME'])) { $objattr['fieldname'] = $this->selectoption['NAME']; }
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	if (isset($this->selectoption['REQUIRED'])) { $objattr['required'] = true; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['SPELLCHECK'])) { $objattr['spellcheck'] = true; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['EDITABLE'])) { $objattr['editable'] = true; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['ONCHANGE'])) { $objattr['onChange'] = $this->selectoption['ONCHANGE']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['ITEMS'])) { $objattr['items'] = $this->selectoption['ITEMS']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['MULTIPLE'])) { $objattr['multiple'] = $this->selectoption['MULTIPLE']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['DISABLED'])) { $objattr['disabled'] = $this->selectoption['DISABLED']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['TITLE'])) { $objattr['title'] = $this->selectoption['TITLE']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['COLOR'])) { $objattr['color'] = $this->selectoption['COLOR']; }
	if (isset($this->selectoption['SIZE'])) { $objattr['size'] = $this->selectoption['SIZE']; }
	if (isset($objattr['size']) && $objattr['size']>1) { $rows=$objattr['size']; } else { $rows = 1; }

	$objattr['fontfamily'] = $this->FontFamily;
	$objattr['fontsize'] = $this->FontSizePt;

	$objattr['width'] = $w + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['select']['outer']['h']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['select']['inner']['h']*2) + ($this->FontSize*1.4);
	$objattr['height'] = ($this->FontSize*$rows) + ($this->form->form_element_spacing['select']['outer']['v']*2)+($this->form->form_element_spacing['select']['inner']['v']*2);
	$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=select,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

	// Clear properties - tidy up
	$properties = array();

	// Output it to buffers
	if ($this->tableLevel) {	// *TABLES*
		$this->_saveCellTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $objattr['width'] ;	// *TABLES*
	}	// *TABLES*
	else {	// *TABLES*
		$this->_saveTextBuffer($e, $this->HREF);
	}	// *TABLES*

	$this->selectoption = array();
	$this->specialcontent = '';

	if ($this->InlineProperties[$tag]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties[$tag]); }

/*-- END FORMS --*/

	// *********** BLOCKS ********************
    if($tag=='P' || $tag=='DIV' || $tag=='H1' || $tag=='H2' || $tag=='H3' || $tag=='H4' || $tag=='H5' || $tag=='H6' || $tag=='PRE'
	 || $tag=='FORM' || $tag=='ADDRESS' || $tag=='BLOCKQUOTE' || $tag=='CENTER' || $tag=='DT'  || $tag=='DD'  || $tag=='DL'
	|| $tag=='CAPTION' || $tag=='FIELDSET'
	|| $tag=='ARTICLE' || $tag=='ASIDE' || $tag=='FIGURE' || $tag=='FIGCAPTION' || $tag=='FOOTER' || $tag=='HEADER' || $tag=='HGROUP'
	|| $tag=='MAIN' || $tag=='NAV' || $tag=='SECTION'  || $tag=='DETAILS' || $tag=='SUMMARY'
	) { 	// mPDF 5.7.3

	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces

	$this->lastblockbottommargin = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'];
/*-- LISTS --*/
	if ($this->listlvl>0) { return; }
/*-- END LISTS --*/

	// mPDF 5.6.34
	if (preg_match('/^H\d/',$tag) && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->writingToC) {	// mPDF 5.6.38
		if (isset($this->h2toc[$tag]) || isset($this->h2bookmarks[$tag])) {
			$content = '';
			if (count($this->textbuffer)==1) { $content = $this->textbuffer[0][0]; }
			else {
				for ($i=0;$i<count($this->textbuffer);$i++) {
      				if (substr($this->textbuffer[$i][0],0,3) != "\xbb\xa4\xac") { //inline object
						$content .= $this->textbuffer[$i][0];
/*-- TOC --*/
			if (isset($this->h2toc[$tag])) {
				$objattr = array();
				$objattr['type'] = 'toc';
				$objattr['toclevel'] = $this->h2toc[$tag];
				$objattr['CONTENT'] = htmlspecialchars($content);	// mPDF 5.6.37
				$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=toc,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
/*-- END TOC --*/
/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
			if (isset($this->h2bookmarks[$tag])) {
				$objattr = array();
				$objattr['type'] = 'bookmark';
				$objattr['bklevel'] = $this->h2bookmarks[$tag];
				$objattr['CONTENT'] = $content;
				$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=toc,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if($this->tableLevel) {
		if ($this->linebreakjustfinished) { $this->blockjustfinished=false; }
		if (isset($this->InlineProperties['BLOCKINTABLE'])) {
			if ($this->InlineProperties['BLOCKINTABLE']) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['BLOCKINTABLE']); }
		if($tag=='PRE') { $this->ispre=false; }
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';


	$this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	// If float contained in a float, need to extend bottom to allow for it
	$currpos = $this->page*1000 + $this->y;
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] > $currpos) {
		$old_page = $this->page;
		$new_page = intval($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] /1000);
		if ($old_page != $new_page) {
			$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
			// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
			$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
			$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
			$this->page = $new_page;
			$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
		$this->y = (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_endpos'] *1000) % 1000000)/1000;	// mod changes operands to integers before processing
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	//Print content
	if ($this->lastblocklevelchange == 1) { $blockstate = 3; }	// Top & bottom margins/padding
	else if ($this->lastblocklevelchange == -1) { $blockstate = 2; }	// Bottom margins/padding only
	else { $blockstate = 0; }
	// called from after e.g. </table> </div> </div> ...    Outputs block margin/border and padding
	if (count($this->textbuffer) && $this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1]) {
	  if (substr($this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0],0,3) != "\xbb\xa4\xac") {	// not special content
	   if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
		$this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0] = preg_replace('/[ ]+$/', '', $this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0]);
	   else {
		$this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0] = preg_replace('/[ ]+$/u', '', $this->textbuffer[count($this->textbuffer)-1][0]);	   }

	if (count($this->textbuffer) == 0 && $this->lastblocklevelchange != 0) {
		//$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'],$this->lineheight,'',false,false,2,true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']);
		$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'],$this->lineheight,'',false,false,$blockstate,true, $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']);
		$this->finishFlowingBlock(true);	// true = END of flowing block
	else {


	if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['keep_block_together']) {

	if ($this->kwt) {
		$this->kwt_height = $this->y - $this->kwt_y0;


	if($tag=='PRE') { $this->ispre=false; }

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float'] == 'R') {
		// If width not set, here would need to adjust and output buffer
		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
		// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();

		for($i=($this->blklvl-1); $i >= 0; $i--) {
			if (isset($this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'])) { $this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'] = max($this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'], ($this->page*1000 + $this->y)); }
			else { $this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'] = $this->page*1000 + $this->y; }

		$this->floatDivs[] = array(
			'startpage'=>$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] ,
			'y0'=>$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] ,
			'startpos'=> ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']*1000 + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y']),
			'endpage'=>$this->page ,
			'y1'=>$this->y ,
			'endpos'=> ($this->page*1000 + $this->y),
			'w'=> $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_width'],
			'blockContext' => $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['blockContext']

		$this->y = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] ;
		$this->page = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] ;
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
	if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float'] == 'L') {
		// If width not set, here would need to adjust and output buffer
		$s = $this->PrintPageBackgrounds();
		// Writes after the marker so not overwritten later by page background etc.
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___BACKGROUND___PATTERNS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
		$this->pageBackgrounds = array();
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();

		for($i=($this->blklvl-1); $i >= 0; $i--) {
			if (isset($this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'])) { $this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'] = max($this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'], ($this->page*1000 + $this->y)); }
			else { $this->blk[$i]['float_endpos'] = $this->page*1000 + $this->y; }

		$this->floatDivs[] = array(
			'startpage'=>$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] ,
			'y0'=>$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] ,
			'startpos'=> ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']*1000 + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y']),
			'endpage'=>$this->page ,
			'y1'=>$this->y ,
			'endpos'=> ($this->page*1000 + $this->y),
			'w'=> $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_width'],
			'blockContext' => $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['blockContext']

		$this->y = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['float_start_y'] ;
		$this->page = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] ;
		$this->pageoutput[$this->page] = array();
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/

	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['visibility']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['visibility']!='visible') {

	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after'])) { $page_break_after = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after']; }
	else { $page_break_after = ''; }

	//Reset values

	// mPDF 5.6.01  - LAYERS
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['z-index']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['z-index'] > 0) {

	if ($this->blklvl > 0) {	// ==0 SHOULDN'T HAPPEN - NOT XHTML
	   if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['tag'] == $tag) {
	   //else { echo $tag; exit; }	// debug - forces error if incorrectly nested html tags

	$this->lastblocklevelchange = -1 ;
	// Reset Inline-type properties
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties'])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']); }

	$this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];

	if ($page_break_after) {
		$save_blklvl = $this->blklvl;
		$save_blk = $this->blk;
		$save_silp = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$save_ilp = $this->InlineProperties;
		if ($this->blklvl>1) {
			// Close any open block tags
			for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
			// Output any text left in buffer
			if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); }
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		$save_cols = false;
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			$save_cols = true;
			$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		if ($page_break_after == 'RIGHT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-ODD','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		else if ($page_break_after == 'LEFT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-EVEN','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		else { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		// mPDF 5.7.3
		if (!$this->restoreBlockPagebreaks) {
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			$this->lastblocklevelchange = 0;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		if ($save_cols) {
			// Restore columns
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		if ($this->restoreBlockPagebreaks && !$this->tableLevel && !$this->listlvl) {
			$this->blk = $save_blk;
			// Re-open block tags
			$t = $this->blk[0]['tag'];
			$a = $this->blk[0]['attr'];
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			for ($b=0; $b<=$save_blklvl;$b++) {
				$tc = $t;
				$ac = $a;
				$t = $this->blk[$b+1]['tag'];
				$a = $this->blk[$b+1]['attr'];
			$this->InlineProperties = $save_ilp;


/*-- TABLES --*/

    if($tag=='TH') $this->SetStyle('B',false);

    if(($tag=='TH' or $tag=='TD') && $this->tableLevel) {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = 'TR';
	if (!$this->tdbegin) { return; }
	$this->tdbegin = false;
	// Added for correct calculation of cell column width - otherwise misses the last line if not end </p> etc.
	if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
		if (!is_array($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col])) { $this->Error("You may have an error in your HTML code e.g. &lt;/td&gt;&lt;/td&gt;"); }
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
	elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];

	// Remove last <br> if at end of cell
	if (isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'])) { $ntb = count($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer']); }
	else { $ntb = 0; }
	if ($ntb>1 && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][$ntb-1][0] == "\n") {

	if ($this->cacheTables) {
		$clen = $this->_cacheCell($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col], $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cache']);
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['ptr'];
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['ptr'] += $clen;

	if ($this->tablethead) {
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_thead'][$this->row] = true;
		if ($this->tableLevel==1) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['headernrows'] = max($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['headernrows'] , ($this->row+1)); }
	if ($this->tabletfoot) {
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'][$this->row] = true;
		if ($this->tableLevel==1) { $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['footernrows'] = max($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['footernrows'] , ($this->row+1 - $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['headernrows'] )); }

    if($tag=='TR' && $this->tableLevel) {
	// If Border set on TR - Update right border
	if (isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-left'][$this->row])) {
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$c = $this->_uncacheCell($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col], $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cache'], null);
		else { $c =& $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]; }
		if ($c) {
			if ($this->packTableData) {
				$cell = $this->_unpackCellBorder($c['borderbin'] );
			else { $cell = $c; }
			$cell['border_details']['R'] = $this->border_details($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trborder-right'][$this->row]);
			$this->setBorder($cell['border'], _BORDER_RIGHT, $cell['border_details']['R']['s']);
			if ($this->packTableData) {
				$c['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($cell);
			else { $c = $cell; }
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$fh = fopen($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cache'], "r+b");
			$this->_cacheUpdateBorder($c, $fh, $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]);
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$this->trow_text_rotate = '';
	$this->tabletheadjustfinished = false;

    if($tag=='TBODY') {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';

    if($tag=='THEAD') {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$this->tablethead = 0;
	$this->tabletheadjustfinished = true;
	$this->thead_font_weight = '';
	$this->thead_font_style = '';
	$this->thead_font_smCaps = '';

	$this->thead_valign_default = '';
	$this->thead_textalign_default = '';

    if($tag=='TFOOT') {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$this->tabletfoot = 0;
	$this->tfoot_font_weight = '';
	$this->tfoot_font_style = '';
	$this->tfoot_font_smCaps = '';

	$this->tfoot_valign_default = '';
	$this->tfoot_textalign_default = '';

    if($tag=='TABLE') { // TABLE-END (
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(1,'','TABLE'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,0,''); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces

	// mPDF 5.7.3
	// In case a colspan (on a row after first row) exceeded number of columns in table
	for ($k=0; $k < $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nr']; $k++) {
		for($l=0; $l < $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc']; $l++) {
			if (!isset($this->cell[$k][$l])) {
				for ($n=$l-1; $n>=0; $n--) {
					if (isset($this->cell[$k][$n]) && $this->cell[$k][$n]!=0) { break; }
				$this->cell[$k][$l] = array(
					'a' => 'C',
					'va' => 'M',
					'R' => false,
					'nowrap' => false,
					'bgcolor' => false,
					'padding' => array('L' => false, 'R' => false, 'T' => false, 'B' => false),
					'gradient' => false,
					's' => 0,
					'maxs' => 0,
					'textbuffer' => array(),
					'dfs' => $this->FontSize,

				if (!$this->simpleTables){
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border'] = 0;
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border_details']['R'] = array('s' => 0, 'w' => 0, 'c' => false, 'style' => 'none', 'dom' => 0);
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border_details']['L'] = array('s' => 0, 'w' => 0, 'c' => false, 'style' => 'none', 'dom' => 0);
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border_details']['T'] = array('s' => 0, 'w' => 0, 'c' => false, 'style' => 'none', 'dom' => 0);
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border_details']['B'] = array('s' => 0, 'w' => 0, 'c' => false, 'style' => 'none', 'dom' => 0);
					$this->cell[$k][$l]['border_details']['mbw'] = array('BL' =>0,'BR' =>0,'RT' =>0,'RB' =>0,'TL' =>0,'TR' =>0,'LT' =>0,'LB' =>0);
					if ($this->packTableData) {
						$this->cell[$k][$l]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($this->cell[$k][$l]);

	$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cells'] = $this->cell;
	$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['wc'] = array_pad(array(),$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nc'],array('miw'=>0,'maw'=>0));
	$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['hr'] = array_pad(array(),$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nr'],0);

	// Move table footer <tfoot> row to end of table
	if (isset($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot']) && count($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'])) {
		$tfrows = array();
		foreach($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'] AS $r=>$val) {
			if ($val) { $tfrows[] = $r; }
		$temp = array();
		$temptf = array();
		foreach($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cells'] AS $k=>$row) {
			if (in_array($k,$tfrows)) {
				$temptf[] = $row;
			else {
				$temp[] = $row;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'] = array();
		for($i=count($temp) ; $i<(count($temp)+count($temptf)); $i++) {
			$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['is_tfoot'][$i] = true;
		// Update nestedpos row references
		if (count($this->table[($this->tableLevel+1)])) {
		  foreach($this->table[($this->tableLevel+1)] AS $nid=>$nested) {
			$this->table[($this->tableLevel+1)][$nid]['nestedpos'][0] -= count($temptf);
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cells'] = array_merge($temp, $temptf);

		// Update other arays set on row number
		// [trbackground-images] [trgradients]
		$temptrbgi = array();
		$temptrbgg = array();
		$temptrbgc = array();
		$temptrbgc[-1] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'][-1];
		for($k=0; $k<$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nr']; $k++) {
			if (!in_array($k,$tfrows)) {
				$temptrbgi[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trbackground-images'][$k];
				$temptrbgg[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trgradients'][$k];
				$temptrbgc[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'][$k];
		for($k=0; $k<$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['nr']; $k++) {
			if (in_array($k,$tfrows)) {
				$temptrbgi[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trbackground-images'][$k];
				$temptrbgg[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trgradients'][$k];
				$temptrbgc[] = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'][$k];
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trbackground-images'] = $temptrbgi;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['trgradients'] = $temptrbgg;
		$this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['bgcolor'] = $temptrbgc ;
		// Should Update all other arays set on row number, but cell properties have been set so not needed
		// [bgcolor] [trborder-left] [trborder-right] [trborder-top] [trborder-bottom]

	if ($this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['direction']=='rtl') {

	// Fix Borders *********************************************

	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,10,' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

	if ($this->ColActive) { $this->table_rotate = 0; }	// *COLUMNS*
	if ($this->table_rotate <> 0) {
		$this->tablebuffer = '';
		// Max width for rotated table
		$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 1);
		$this->tbrot_maxh = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] ;		// Max width for rotated table
		$this->tbrot_align = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['a'] ;
	$this->shrin_k = 1;

	if ($this->shrink_tables_to_fit < 1) { $this->shrink_tables_to_fit = 1; }
	if (!$this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) { $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = $this->shrink_tables_to_fit; }

	if ($this->tableLevel>1) {
		// deal with nested table


		$tmiw = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['miw'];
		$tmaw = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['maw'];
		$tl = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['tl'];

		// Go down to lower table level

		// Reset lower level table
		$this->base_table_properties = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['baseProperties'];
		// mPDF 5.7.3
		$this->default_font = $this->base_table_properties['FONT-FAMILY'];
		$this->default_font_size = $this->ConvertSize($this->base_table_properties['FONT-SIZE'])*(_MPDFK);

		$this->cell = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['cells'];
		// mPDF 5.4.10
		if (isset($this->cell['PARENTCELL'])) {
			if ($this->cell['PARENTCELL']) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->cell['PARENTCELL']); }
		$this->row = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['currrow'];
		$this->col = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['currcol'];
		$objattr = array();
		$objattr['type'] = 'nestedtable';
		$objattr['nestedcontent'] = $this->tbctr[($this->tableLevel+1)];
		$objattr['table'] = $this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel];
		$objattr['row'] = $this->row;
		$objattr['col'] = $this->col;
		$objattr['level'] = $this->tableLevel;
		$e = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=nestedtable,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] += $tl ;
		if (!isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'])) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		elseif($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] < $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s']) {
			$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['maxs'] = $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'];
		$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['s'] = 0;// reset
		if ((isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmaw']) && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmaw'] < $tmaw) || !isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmaw'])) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmaw'] = $tmaw ; }
		if ((isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmiw']) && $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmiw'] < $tmiw) || !isset($this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmiw'])) { $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['nestedmiw'] = $tmiw ; }
		$this->tdbegin = true;
		$this->nestedtablejustfinished = true;
		$this->ignorefollowingspaces = true;
	$this->cMarginL = 0;
	$this->cMarginR = 0;
	$this->cMarginT = 0;
	$this->cMarginB = 0;
	$this->cellPaddingL = 0;
	$this->cellPaddingR = 0;
	$this->cellPaddingT = 0;
	$this->cellPaddingB = 0;

	if (isset($this->table[1][1]['overflow']) && $this->table[1][1]['overflow']=='visible') {
		if ($this->kwt || $this->table_rotate || $this->table_keep_together || $this->ColActive) {
			$this->kwt = false;
			$this->table_rotate = 0;
			$this->table_keep_together = false;
			//die("mPDF Warning: You cannot use CSS overflow:visible together with any of these functions: 'Keep-with-table', rotated tables, page-break-inside:avoid, or columns");
	else {
	  if (!$this->kwt_saved) { $this->kwt_height = 0; }

	  list($check,$tablemiw) = $this->_tableColumnWidth($this->table[1][1],true);
	  $save_table = $this->table;
	  if ($this->cacheTables) { $this->_backupCacheFiles(); }
	  $reset_to_minimum_width = false;
	  $added_page = false;

	  if ($check > 1) {
		if ($check > $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit && $this->table_rotate) {
			if ($this->y != $this->tMargin) {
				$this->kwt_moved = true;
			$added_page = true;
			$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
			//$check = $tablemiw/$this->tbrot_maxw; 	// undo any shrink
			$check = 1; 	// undo any shrink
		$reset_to_minimum_width = true;

	  if ($reset_to_minimum_width) {

		$this->shrin_k = $check;

 		$this->default_font_size /= $this->shrin_k;
		$this->SetFontSize($this->default_font_size, false );


		$this->_tableColumnWidth($this->table[1][1],false);	// repeat

		// Starting at $this->innermostTableLevel
		// Shrink table values - and redo columnWidth
		for($lvl=2;$lvl<=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl++) {
			for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {

	  // Set table cell widths for top level table
	  // Use $shrin_k to resize but don't change again

	  // Top level table


	// Now work through any nested tables setting child table[w'] = parent cell['w']
	// Now do nested tables _tableWidth
	for($lvl=2;$lvl<=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl++) {
		for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {
			// HERE set child table width = cell width

			list($parentrow, $parentcol, $parentnid) = $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['nestedpos'];

			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$c = $this->_uncacheCell($this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cells'][$parentrow][$parentcol], $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cache'], null);
				$c =& $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cells'][$parentrow][$parentcol];

			if (isset($c['colspan']) && $c['colspan']> 1) {
			   $parentwidth = 0;
			   for($cs=0;$cs<$c['colspan'] ; $cs++) {
				$parentwidth += $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['wc'][$parentcol+$cs];
			else { $parentwidth = $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['wc'][$parentcol]; }

			//$parentwidth -= ALLOW FOR PADDING ETC.in parent cell
			if (!$this->simpleTables){
			 if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
			 else {
				$br = $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
				$bl = $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
			 if ($this->table[$lvl-1][$parentnid]['borders_separate']) {
			  $parentwidth -= $br + $bl
				+ $c['padding']['L']
				+ $c['padding']['R']
				+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['border_spacing_H'];
			 else {
			  $parentwidth -= $br/2 + $bl/2
				+ $c['padding']['L']
				+ $c['padding']['R'];
			else if ($this->simpleTables){
			 if ($this->table[$lvl-1][$parentnid]['borders_separate']) {
			  $parentwidth -= $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']
				+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']
				+ $c['padding']['L']
				+ $c['padding']['R']
				+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['border_spacing_H'];
			 else {
			  $parentwidth -= $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']/2
				+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']/2
				+ $c['padding']['L']
				+ $c['padding']['R'];
			if (isset($this->table[$lvl][$nid]['wpercent']) && $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['wpercent'] && $lvl>1) {
				$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $parentwidth;
			else if ($parentwidth > $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['maw']) {
				$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['maw'];
			else {
				$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $parentwidth;

	// Starting at $this->innermostTableLevel
	// Cascade back up nested tables: setting heights back up the tree
	for($lvl=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl>0;$lvl--) {
		for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {
			list($tableheight,$maxrowheight,$fullpage,$remainingpage, $maxfirstrowheight) = $this->_tableHeight($this->table[$lvl][$nid]);			}
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,20,' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	if ($this->table[1][1]['overflow']=='visible') {
		if ($maxrowheight > $fullpage) { die("mPDF Warning: A Table row is greater than available height. You cannot use CSS overflow:visible"); }
		if ($maxfirstrowheight > $remainingpage) { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation); }
		$r = 0; $c = 0; $p = 0; $y = 0;
		while (!$finished) {
			list($finished,$r,$c,$p,$y,$y0) = $this->_tableWrite($this->table[1][1],true,$r,$c,$p,$y);
			if (!$finished) {
				// If printed something on first spread, set same y
				if ($r==0 && $y0 > -1) { $this->y = $y0; }
	else {
	  $recalculate = 1;
	  $forcerecalc = false;
	  if ($maxrowheight > $fullpage) {
		$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($maxrowheight / $fullpage, 1);
		$forcerecalc = true;
	  else if ($this->table_rotate) {	// NB $remainingpage == $fullpage == the width of the page
		if ($tableheight > $remainingpage) {
			// If can fit on remainder of page whilst respecting autsize value..
			if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, 1)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
				$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, 1);
			else if (!$added_page) {
				if ($this->y != $this->tMargin) {
					$this->kwt_moved = true;
				$added_page = true;
				$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
				// 0.001 to force it to recalculate
				$recalculate = (1 / $this->shrin_k) + 0.001; 	// undo any shrink
		else { $recalculate = 1; }
	  else if ($this->table_keep_together || ($this->table[1][1]['nr']==1 && !$this->writingHTMLfooter)) {
		if ($tableheight > $fullpage) {
			if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, 1)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
				$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, 1);
			else if ($this->tableMinSizePriority) {
				$this->table_keep_together = false;
				$recalculate = 1.001;
			else {
				if ($this->y != $this->tMargin) {	// mPDF 5.1
					$this->kwt_moved = true;
				$added_page = true;
				$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
				$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, 1);
		else if ($tableheight > $remainingpage) {
			// If can fit on remainder of page whilst respecting autsize value..
			if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, 1)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
				$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, 1);
			else {
				if ($this->y != $this->tMargin) {
					$this->kwt_moved = true;
				$added_page = true;
				$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
				$recalculate = 1.001;
		else { $recalculate = 1; }
	  else { $recalculate = 1; }

	  if ($recalculate > $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit && !$forcerecalc) { $recalculate = $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit; }

	  $iteration = 1;

	  while($recalculate <> 1) {
		$this->shrin_k1 = $recalculate ;
		$this->shrin_k *= $recalculate ;
 		$this->default_font_size /= ($this->shrin_k1) ;
		$this->SetFontSize($this->default_font_size, false );
		$this->table = $save_table;
		if ($this->cacheTables) { $this->_restoreCacheFiles(); }
		if ($this->shrin_k <> 1) { $this->shrinkTable($this->table[1][1],$this->shrin_k); }
		$this->_tableColumnWidth($this->table[1][1],false);	// repeat

		// Starting at $this->innermostTableLevel
		// Shrink table values - and redo columnWidth
		for($lvl=2;$lvl<=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl++) {
			for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {
				if ($this->shrin_k <> 1) { $this->shrinkTable($this->table[$lvl][$nid],$this->shrin_k); }
		// Set table cell widths for top level table

		// Top level table

		// Now work through any nested tables setting child table[w'] = parent cell['w']
		// Now do nested tables _tableWidth
		for($lvl=2;$lvl<=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl++) {
			for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {
				// HERE set child table width = cell width

				list($parentrow, $parentcol, $parentnid) = $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['nestedpos'];
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$c = $this->_uncacheCell($this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cells'][$parentrow][$parentcol], $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cache'], null);
					$c =& $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['cells'][$parentrow][$parentcol];

				if (isset($c['colspan']) && $c['colspan']> 1) {
				   $parentwidth = 0;
				   for($cs=0;$cs<$c['colspan'] ; $cs++) {
					$parentwidth += $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['wc'][$parentcol+$cs];
				else { $parentwidth = $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['wc'][$parentcol]; }

				//$parentwidth -= ALLOW FOR PADDING ETC.in parent cell
				if (!$this->simpleTables){
				 if ($this->packTableData) {
				 	list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
				 else {
					$br = $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
					$bl = $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
				 if ($this->table[$lvl-1][$parentnid]['borders_separate']) {
				  $parentwidth -= $br + $bl
					+ $c['padding']['L']
					+ $c['padding']['R']
					+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['border_spacing_H'];
				 else {
				  $parentwidth -= $br/2 + $bl/2
					+ $c['padding']['L']
					+ $c['padding']['R'];
				else if ($this->simpleTables){
				 if ($this->table[$lvl-1][$parentnid]['borders_separate']) {
				  $parentwidth -= $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']
					+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']
					+ $c['padding']['L']
					+ $c['padding']['R']
					+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['border_spacing_H'];
				 else {
				  $parentwidth -= ($this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']
					+ $this->table[($lvl-1)][$parentnid]['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']) /2
					+ $c['padding']['L']
					+ $c['padding']['R'];
				if (isset($this->table[$lvl][$nid]['wpercent']) && $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['wpercent'] && $lvl>1) {
					$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $parentwidth;
				else if ($parentwidth > $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['maw']) {
					$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $this->table[$lvl][$nid]['maw'] ;
				else {
					$this->table[$lvl][$nid]['w'] = $parentwidth;

		// Starting at $this->innermostTableLevel
		// Cascade back up nested tables: setting heights back up the tree
		for($lvl=$this->innermostTableLevel;$lvl>0;$lvl--) {
			for ($nid=1; $nid<=$this->tbctr[$lvl]; $nid++) {
				list($tableheight,$maxrowheight,$fullpage,$remainingpage, $maxfirstrowheight) = $this->_tableHeight($this->table[$lvl][$nid]);			}


		if ($maxrowheight > $fullpage) { $recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($maxrowheight / $fullpage, $iteration); $iteration++; }
		else if ($this->table_rotate && $tableheight > $remainingpage && !$added_page) {
			// If can fit on remainder of page whilst respecting autosize value..
			if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, $iteration)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
				$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, $iteration); $iteration++;
			else {
				if (!$added_page) {
					$added_page = true;
					$this->kwt_moved = true;
					$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
				// 0.001 to force it to recalculate
				$recalculate = (1 / $this->shrin_k) + 0.001; 	// undo any shrink
		else if ($this->table_keep_together || ($this->table[1][1]['nr']==1 && !$this->writingHTMLfooter)) {
			if ($tableheight > $fullpage) {
				if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, $iteration)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
					$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, $iteration); $iteration++;
				else if ($this->tableMinSizePriority) {
					$this->table_keep_together = false;
					$recalculate = (1 / $this->shrin_k) + 0.001;
				else {
				   if (!$added_page && $this->y != $this->tMargin) {
					$added_page = true;
					$this->kwt_moved = true;
					$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;
				   $recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, $iteration); $iteration++;
			else if ($tableheight > $remainingpage) {
				// If can fit on remainder of page whilst respecting autosize value..
				if (($this->shrin_k * $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, $iteration)) <= $this->shrink_this_table_to_fit) {
					$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $remainingpage, $iteration);  $iteration++;
				else {
					if (!$added_page) {
						$added_page = true;
						$this->kwt_moved = true;
						$this->tbrot_maxw = $this->h - ($this->y + $this->bMargin + 5) - $this->kwt_height;

					//$recalculate = $this->tbsqrt($tableheight / $fullpage, $iteration); $iteration++;
					$recalculate = (1 / $this->shrin_k) + 0.001; 	// undo any shrink
			else { $recalculate = 1; }
		else { $recalculate = 1; }

	  if ($maxfirstrowheight > $remainingpage && !$added_page && !$this->table_rotate && !$this->ColActive && !$this->table_keep_together && !$this->writingHTMLheader && !$this->writingHTMLfooter) {
		$this->kwt_moved = true;

	  // keep-with-table: if page has advanced, print out buffer now, else done in fn. _Tablewrite()
	  if ($this->kwt_saved && $this->kwt_moved) {
		$this->kwt_moved = false;
		$this->kwt_saved = false;

	  if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,30,' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	  // Recursively writes all tables starting at top level

	  if ($this->table_rotate && $this->tablebuffer) {
		$save_tr = $this->table_rotate;
		$save_y = $this->y;
		$this->table_rotate = 0;
		$this->y = $this->tbrot_y0;
		$h = 	$this->tbrot_w;

		$this->table_rotate = $save_tr;
		$this->y = $save_y;

	  $this->table_rotate = 0;

	$this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];

	$this->maxPosR = max($this->maxPosR , ($this->x + $this->table[1][1]['w']));

	$this->lastblockbottommargin = $this->table[1][1]['margin']['B'];
	//Reset values

	if (isset($this->table[1][1]['page_break_after'])) { $page_break_after = $this->table[1][1]['page_break_after']; }
	else { $page_break_after = ''; }

	// Keep-with-table
	$this->kwt = false;
	$this->kwt_y0 = 0;
	$this->kwt_x0 = 0;
	$this->kwt_height = 0;
	$this->kwt_buffer = array();
	$this->kwt_Links = array();
	$this->kwt_Annots = array();
	$this->kwt_moved = false;
	$this->kwt_saved = false;

	$this->kwt_Reference = array();
	$this->kwt_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->kwt_toc = array();

	$this->shrin_k = 1;
	$this->shrink_this_table_to_fit = 0;

	$this->table=array(); //array
	$this->cssmgr->tbCSSlvl = 0;
	$this->cssmgr->tablecascadeCSS = array();

	$this->cell=array(); //array

	$this->col=-1; //int
	$this->row=-1; //int

 	$this->cellPaddingL = 0;
 	$this->cellPaddingT = 0;
 	$this->cellPaddingR = 0;
 	$this->cellPaddingB = 0;
 	$this->cMarginL = 0;
 	$this->cMarginT = 0;
 	$this->cMarginR = 0;
 	$this->cMarginB = 0;
 	$this->default_font_size = $this->original_default_font_size;
	$this->default_font = $this->original_default_font;
   	$this->SetFontSize($this->default_font_size, false);
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties'])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']);}
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,100,' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

	if ($page_break_after) {
		$save_blklvl = $this->blklvl;
		$save_blk = $this->blk;
		$save_silp = $this->saveInlineProperties();
		$save_ilp = $this->InlineProperties;
		if ($this->blklvl>1) {
			// Close any open block tags
			for ($b= $this->blklvl;$b>0;$b--) { $this->CloseTag($this->blk[$b]['tag']); }
			// Output any text left in buffer
			if (count($this->textbuffer)) { $this->printbuffer($this->textbuffer); $this->textbuffer=array(); }
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		$save_cols = false;
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			$save_cols = true;
			$save_nbcol = $this->NbCol;	// other values of gap and vAlign will not change by setting Columns off
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		if ($page_break_after == 'RIGHT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-ODD','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		else if ($page_break_after == 'LEFT') { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'NEXT-EVEN','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		else { $this->AddPage($this->CurOrientation,'','','','','','', '','', '','','','','','',0,0,0,0,$pagesel); }
		if (!$this->restoreBlockPagebreaks) {
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			$this->lastblocklevelchange = 0;
			$this->blk = array();
			$this->blk[0]['width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
			$this->blk[0]['inner_width'] =& $this->pgwidth;
			$this->blk[0]['blockContext'] = $this->blockContext;
			$properties = $this->cssmgr->MergeCSS('BLOCK','BODY','');

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		if ($save_cols) {
			// Restore columns
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		if ($this->restoreBlockPagebreaks) {
			$this->blk = $save_blk;
			// Re-open block tags
			$t = $this->blk[0]['tag'];
			$a = $this->blk[0]['attr'];
			$this->blklvl = 0;
			for ($b=0; $b<=$save_blklvl;$b++) {
				$tc = $t;
				$ac = $a;
				$t = $this->blk[$b+1]['tag'];
				$a = $this->blk[$b+1]['attr'];
			$this->InlineProperties = $save_ilp;

/*-- END TABLES --*/

/*-- LISTS --*/
	// *********** LISTS ********************

    if($tag=='LI') {
	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
	if (isset($this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]) && isset($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$this->listlvl][$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$this->listlvl][$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl]]); }

    if(($tag=='UL') or ($tag=='OL')) {
      $this->ignorefollowingspaces = true; //Eliminate exceeding left-side spaces

	$this->lastoptionaltag = '';
/*-- TABLES --*/
	// A simple list for inside a table
	if($this->tableLevel) {
		$this->listlist[$this->listlvl]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum
		if (isset($this->listlist[$this->listlvl]['MAXNUM'])) { $this->listnum = $this->listlist[$this->listlvl]['MAXNUM']; } // restore previous levels
		if ($this->listlvl == 0) { $this->listjustfinished = true; }
/*-- END TABLES --*/

	if ($this->listlvl > 1) { // returning one level
		if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
			$this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl],$this->listitemtype);
		else {

		$this->textbuffer = array();
		$occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
		$this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum; //save previous lvl's maxnum
		$occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
		$this->listnum = $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM']; // recover previous level's number
		$this->listtype = $this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['TYPE']; // recover previous level's type
		if ($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$this->listlvl][$occur]) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->InlineProperties['LIST'][$this->listlvl][$occur]); }

	else { // We are closing the last OL/UL tag
		if (!empty($this->textbuffer)) {
			$this->listitem[] = array($this->listlvl,$this->listnum,$this->textbuffer,$this->listoccur[$this->listlvl],$this->listitemtype);
		else {

		$occur = $this->listoccur[$this->listlvl];
		$this->listlist[$this->listlvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'] = $this->listnum;
		$this->textbuffer = array();

		// SPACING AFTER LIST (Top level only)
		if ($this->list_margin_bottom) {
			$this->DivLn($this->list_margin_bottom,$this->blklvl,true,1); 	// collapsible
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties'])) { $this->restoreInlineProperties($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['InlineProperties']);}
		$this->listjustfinished = true;
		$this->cssmgr->listCSSlvl = 0;
		$this->cssmgr->listcascadeCSS = array();
		$this->lastblockbottommargin = $this->list_margin_bottom;
/*-- END LISTS --*/


/*-- TABLES --*/
// This function determines the shrink factor when resizing tables
// val is the table_height / page_height_available
// returns a scaling factor used as $shrin_k to resize the table
// Overcompensating will be quicker but may unnecessarily shrink table too much
// Undercompensating means it will reiterate more times (taking more processing time)
function tbsqrt($val, $iteration=3) {
	$k = 4;	// Alters number of iterations until it returns $val itself - Must be > 2
	// Probably best guess and most accurate
	if ($iteration==1) return sqrt($val);
	// Faster than using sqrt (because it won't undercompensate), and gives reasonable results
	//return 1+(($val-1)/2);
	$x = 2-(($iteration-2)/($k-2));
	if ($x == 0) { $ret = $val+0.00001; }
	else if ($x < 0) { $ret = 1 + ( pow(2, ($iteration-2-$k))/1000   ); }
	else { $ret = 1+(($val-1)/$x); }
	return $ret;
/*-- END TABLES --*/

/*-- LISTS --*/
function printlistbuffer() {
    //Save x coordinate
    $x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];
    $this->cMarginL = 0;
    $this->cMarginR = 0;
    $currIndentLvl = -1;
    $lastIndent = array();
    $bak_page = $this->page;
    $indent = 0;
    foreach($this->listitem as $item)
	// COLS
	$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

	$this->bulletarray = array();
	//Get list's buffered data
	$this->listlvl = $lvl = $item[0];
	$num = $item[1];
	$this->textbuffer = $item[2];
	$occur = $item[3];
	if ($item[4]) { $type = $item[4]; }	// listitemtype
	else { $type = $this->listlist[$lvl][$occur]['TYPE']; }
	$maxnum = $this->listlist[$lvl][$occur]['MAXNUM'];
	$this->SetFont($this->FontFamily,$this->FontStyle,$this->FontSizePt,true,true);	// force to write
	$clh = $this->FontSize;

	$this->listOcc = $occur;
	$this->listnum = $num;

	if (isset($this->list_align[$this->listlvl][$occur])) { $this->divalign = $this->list_align[$this->listlvl][$occur]; }
	else {
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction']=='rtl') { $this->divalign = 'R'; }
		else { $this->divalign = 'L'; }

	// Set the bullet fontsize
	$bullfs = $this->InlineProperties['LISTITEM'][$lvl][$occur][$num]['size'];

	$space_width = $this->GetCharWidth(' ',false) * 1.5;

	//Set default width & height values
	$this->divwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
	$this->divheight = $this->lineheight;
	$typefont = $this->FontFamily;
	if (preg_match('/U\+([a-fA-F0-9]+)/i',$type,$m)) {
		if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],hexdec($m[1]))) { $list_item_marker = codeHex2utf($m[1]); }
		else { $list_item_marker = '-'; }
		$blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($list_item_marker);
		$typefont = '';
		if (preg_match('/rgb\(.*?\)/',$type,$m)) {
			$list_item_color = $this->ConvertColor($m[0]);
	else {
		$list_item_color = false;

	  switch($type) //Format type
          case '1':
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $num; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $num . $this->list_number_suffix; }
	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('5',strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'none':
		  $list_item_marker = '';
  	        $blt_width = 0;
          case 'A':
		  $anum = $this->dec2alpha($num,true);
		  $maxnum = $this->dec2alpha($maxnum,true);
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $anum; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $anum . $this->list_number_suffix; }
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('W',strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'a':
              $anum = $this->dec2alpha($num,false);
		  $maxnum = $this->dec2alpha($maxnum,false);
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $anum; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $anum . $this->list_number_suffix; }
		  $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('m',strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'I':
              $anum = $this->dec2roman($num,true);
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $anum; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $anum . $this->list_number_suffix; }

		  if ($maxnum>87) { $bbit = 87; }
		  else if ($maxnum>86) { $bbit = 86; }
		  else if ($maxnum>37) { $bbit = 38; }
		  else if ($maxnum>36) { $bbit = 37; }
		  else if ($maxnum>27) { $bbit = 28; }
		  else if ($maxnum>26) { $bbit = 27; }
		  else if ($maxnum>17) { $bbit = 18; }
		  else if ($maxnum>16) { $bbit = 17; }
		  else if ($maxnum>7) { $bbit = 8; }
		  else if ($maxnum>6) { $bbit = 7; }
		  else if ($maxnum>3) { $bbit = 4; }
		  else { $bbit = $maxnum; }
              $maxlnum = $this->dec2roman($bbit,true);
	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($maxlnum.$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'i':
              $anum = $this->dec2roman($num,false);
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $anum; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $anum . $this->list_number_suffix; }

		  if ($maxnum>87) { $bbit = 87; }
		  else if ($maxnum>86) { $bbit = 86; }
		  else if ($maxnum>37) { $bbit = 38; }
		  else if ($maxnum>36) { $bbit = 37; }
		  else if ($maxnum>27) { $bbit = 28; }
		  else if ($maxnum>26) { $bbit = 27; }
		  else if ($maxnum>17) { $bbit = 18; }
		  else if ($maxnum>16) { $bbit = 17; }
		  else if ($maxnum>7) { $bbit = 8; }
		  else if ($maxnum>6) { $bbit = 7; }
		  else if ($maxnum>3) { $bbit = 4; }
		  else { $bbit = $maxnum; }
              $maxlnum = $this->dec2roman($bbit,false);

	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth($maxlnum.$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'disc':
		  if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
			if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],8226)) { $list_item_marker = "\xe2\x80\xa2"; } 	// &#8226;
			else { $list_item_marker = '-'; }
  			$blt_width = $this->GetCharWidth($list_item_marker);
              $list_item_marker = chr(108); // bullet disc in Zapfdingbats  'l'
		  $typefont = 'czapfdingbats';
		  $blt_width = (0.791 * $this->FontSize/2.5);
          case 'circle':
		  if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
			if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],9900)) { $list_item_marker = "\xe2\x9a\xac"; } // &#9900;
			else { $list_item_marker = '-'; }
  			$blt_width = $this->GetCharWidth($list_item_marker);
              $list_item_marker = chr(109); // circle in Zapfdingbats   'm'
		  $typefont = 'czapfdingbats';
		  $blt_width = (0.873 * $this->FontSize/2.5);
          case 'square':
		  if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX) {
			if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],9642)) { $list_item_marker = "\xe2\x96\xaa"; } // &#9642;
			else { $list_item_marker = '-'; }
  			$blt_width = $this->GetCharWidth($list_item_marker);
              $list_item_marker = chr(110); //black square in Zapfdingbats font   'n'
		  $typefont = 'czapfdingbats';
		  $blt_width = (0.761 * $this->FontSize/2.5);

/*  CSS3 list-styles numeric + I added tamil
arabic-indic | bengali | cambodian | devanagari | gujarati | gurmukhi | kannada | khmer | lao | malayalam | mongolian | myanmar | oriya | persian | telugu | tibetan | thai | urdu
          case 'arabic-indic':
		  $cp = 0x0660;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $rnum; 	// RTL
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'persian':
          case 'urdu':
		  $cp = 0x06F0;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $rnum; 	// RTL
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'bengali':
		  $cp = 0x09E6;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'devanagari':
		  $cp = 0x0966;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'gujarati':
		  $cp = 0x0AE6;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'gurmukhi':
		  $cp = 0x0A66;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'kannada':
		  $cp = 0x0CE6;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'malayalam':
		  $cp = 0x0D66;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(6, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'oriya':
		  $cp = 0x0B66;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'telugu':
		  $cp = 0x0C66;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'tamil':
		  $cp = 0x0BE6;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(9, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'thai':
		  $cp = 0x0E50;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(5, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'khmer':
          case 'cambodian':
		  $cp = 0x17E0;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(3, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
          case 'lao':
		  $cp = 0x0ED0;
		  $rnum = $this->dec2other($num, $cp);
		  $list_item_marker = $rnum . $this->list_number_suffix;
  	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat($this->dec2other(6, $cp),strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);
		  if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') { $list_item_marker = $this->list_number_suffix . $num; }
		  else { $list_item_marker = $num . $this->list_number_suffix; }
	        $blt_width = $this->GetStringWidth(str_repeat('5',strlen($maxnum)).$this->list_number_suffix);

	if (isset($item[5]) && $item[5]) { $list_item_marker = ''; }

	if ($currIndentLvl < $lvl) {
		if ($lvl > 1 || $this->list_indent_first_level) {
			$indent += $this->list_indent[$lvl][$occur];
			$lastIndent[$lvl] = $this->list_indent[$lvl][$occur];
	else if ($currIndentLvl > $lvl) {
	    while ($currIndentLvl > $lvl) {
		$indent -= $lastIndent[$currIndentLvl];
	$currIndentLvl = $lvl;

/*-- RTL --*/

	if ($this->listDir == 'rtl') {
	  // list_align_style  Determines alignment of numbers in numbered lists
	  if ($this->list_align_style == 'L') { $lalign = 'R'; }
	  else { $lalign = 'L';  }
        $this->divwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'] - ($indent + $blt_width + $space_width) ;
        $xb = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] - $indent - $blt_width; //Bullet position (relative)
        //Output bullet
	  $this->bulletarray = array('w'=>$blt_width,'h'=>$clh,'txt'=>$list_item_marker,'x'=>$xb,'align'=>$lalign,'font'=>$typefont,'level'=>$lvl, 'occur'=>$occur, 'num'=>$num, 'fontsize'=>$bullfs, 'col'=>$list_item_color );
	  $this->x = $x;
	else {
/*-- END RTL --*/

	  if ($this->list_align_style == 'L') { $lalign = 'L'; }
	  else { $lalign = 'R';  }
        $this->divwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'] - ($indent + $blt_width + $space_width) ;
	  $xb =  $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] - $blt_width - $space_width;
        //Output bullet
	  $this->bulletarray = array('w'=>$blt_width,'h'=>$clh,'txt'=>$list_item_marker,'x'=>$xb,'align'=>$lalign,'font'=>$typefont,'level'=>$lvl, 'occur'=>$occur, 'num'=>$num, 'fontsize'=>$bullfs, 'col'=>$list_item_color );
	  $this->x = $x + $indent + $blt_width + $space_width;
	}	// *RTL*

      //Print content

	// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
   	if  ($this->page != $bak_page) {
		if (($this->page-$bak_page) % 2 == 1) {
			$x += $this->MarginCorrection;
		$bak_page = $this->page;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
			$x -= ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
		}	// *RTL*
		else {	// *RTL*
			$x += ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
		}	// *RTL*
		$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/


    //Reset all used values
    $this->listoccur = array();
    $this->listitem = array();
    $this->listlist = array();
    $this->listlvl = 0;
    $this->listnum = 0;
    $this->listtype = '';
    $this->textbuffer = array();
    $this->divwidth = 0;
    $this->divheight = 0;
    $this->x = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'];
/*-- END LISTS --*/

function _saveTextBuffer($t, $link = '', $intlink = '') {
//	$this->textbuffer[] = array($t,$link,$this->currentfontstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfontfamily,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,$intlink,$this->strike,$this->textparam,$this->spanbgcolorarray,$this->currentfontsize,$this->ReqFontStyle,$this->kerning,$this->lSpacingCSS,$this->wSpacingCSS,$this->spanborddet, $this->textshadow);
	// mPDF 5.6.14
	$arr = array();
	$arr[0] = $t;
	if (isset($link) && $link) $arr[1] = $link;
	$arr[2] = $this->currentfontstyle;
	if (isset($this->colorarray) && $this->colorarray) $arr[3] = $this->colorarray;
	$arr[4] = $this->currentfontfamily;
	if (isset($this->SUP) && $this->SUP) $arr[5] = $this->SUP;
	if (isset($this->SUB) && $this->SUB) $arr[6] = $this->SUB;
	if (isset($intlink) && $intlink) $arr[7] = $intlink;
	if (isset($this->strike) && $this->strike) $arr[8] = $this->strike;
	if (isset($this->textparam) && $this->textparam) $arr[9] = $this->textparam;
	if (isset($this->spanbgcolorarray) && $this->spanbgcolorarray) $arr[10] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
	$arr[11] = $this->currentfontsize;
	if (isset($this->ReqFontStyle) && $this->ReqFontStyle) $arr[12] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
	if (isset($this->kerning) && $this->kerning) $arr[13] = $this->kerning;
	if (isset($this->lSpacingCSS) && $this->lSpacingCSS) $arr[14] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
	if (isset($this->wSpacingCSS) && $this->wSpacingCSS) $arr[15] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
	if (isset($this->spanborddet) && $this->spanborddet) $arr[16] = $this->spanborddet;
	if (isset($this->textshadow) && $this->textshadow) $arr[17] = $this->textshadow;
	$this->textbuffer[] = $arr;

function _saveCellTextBuffer($t, $link = '', $intlink = '') {
//	 $this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = array($t,$link,$this->currentfontstyle,$this->colorarray,$this->currentfontfamily,$this->SUP,$this->SUB,$intlink,$this->strike,$this->textparam,$this->spanbgcolorarray,$this->currentfontsize,$this->ReqFontStyle,$this->kerning,$this->lSpacingCSS,$this->wSpacingCSS,$this->spanborddet, $this->textshadow);
	// mPDF 5.6.14
	$arr = array();
	$arr[0] = $t;
	if (isset($link) && $link) $arr[1] = $link;
	$arr[2] = $this->currentfontstyle;
	if (isset($this->colorarray) && $this->colorarray) $arr[3] = $this->colorarray;
	$arr[4] = $this->currentfontfamily;
	if (isset($this->SUP) && $this->SUP) $arr[5] = $this->SUP;
	if (isset($this->SUB) && $this->SUB) $arr[6] = $this->SUB;
	if (isset($intlink) && $intlink) $arr[7] = $intlink;
	if (isset($this->strike) && $this->strike) $arr[8] = $this->strike;
	if (isset($this->textparam) && $this->textparam) $arr[9] = $this->textparam;
	if (isset($this->spanbgcolorarray) && $this->spanbgcolorarray) $arr[10] = $this->spanbgcolorarray;
	$arr[11] = $this->currentfontsize;
	if (isset($this->ReqFontStyle) && $this->ReqFontStyle) $arr[12] = $this->ReqFontStyle;
	if (isset($this->kerning) && $this->kerning) $arr[13] = $this->kerning;
	if (isset($this->lSpacingCSS) && $this->lSpacingCSS) $arr[14] = $this->lSpacingCSS;
	if (isset($this->wSpacingCSS) && $this->wSpacingCSS) $arr[15] = $this->wSpacingCSS;
	if (isset($this->spanborddet) && $this->spanborddet) $arr[16] = $this->spanborddet;
	if (isset($this->textshadow) && $this->textshadow) $arr[17] = $this->textshadow;
	$this->cell[$this->row][$this->col]['textbuffer'][] = $arr;

function printbuffer($arrayaux,$blockstate=0,$is_table=false,$is_list=false)
// $blockstate = 0;	// NO margins/padding
// $blockstate = 1;	// Top margins/padding only
// $blockstate = 2;	// Bottom margins/padding only
// $blockstate = 3;	// Top & bottom margins/padding
	$this->spanbgcolorarray = '';
	$this->spanbgcolor = false;
	$this->spanborder = false;
	$this->spanborddet = array();
	$paint_ht_corr = 0;

/*-- CSS-FLOAT --*/
	if (count($this->floatDivs)) {
		list($l_exists, $r_exists, $l_max, $r_max, $l_width, $r_width) = $this->GetFloatDivInfo($this->blklvl);
		if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']-$l_width-$r_width) < (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
			// Too narrow to fit - try to move down past L or R float
			if ($l_max < $r_max && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']-$r_width) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('LEFT', $this->blklvl);
			else if ($r_max < $l_max && ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']-$l_width) > (2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false))) {
				$this->ClearFloats('RIGHT', $this->blklvl);
			else { $this->ClearFloats('BOTH', $this->blklvl); }
/*-- END CSS-FLOAT --*/
    	$bak_y = $this->y;
	$bak_x = $this->x;
	$align = '';
	if (!$is_table && !$is_list) {
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']) { $align = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']; }
		// Block-align is set by e.g. <.. align="center"> Takes priority for this block but not inherited
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align']) { $align = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['block-align']; }
		if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'])) $blockdir = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'];
		else $blockdir = "";
		$this->divwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['width'];
	else {
		$align = $this->divalign;
		if ($is_table) { $blockdir = $this->table[$this->tableLevel][$this->tbctr[$this->tableLevel]]['direction']; }
		else { $blockdir = $this->listDir; }
	$oldpage = $this->page;

	// ADDED for Out of Block now done as Flowing Block
	if ($this->divwidth == 0) {
		$this->divwidth = $this->pgwidth;

	if (!$is_table && !$is_list) { $this->SetLineHeight($this->FontSizePt,$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']); }
	$this->divheight = $this->lineheight;
	$old_height = $this->divheight;

    // As a failsafe - if font has been set but not output to page
    $this->SetFont($this->default_font,'',$this->default_font_size,true,true);	// force output to page

    $array_size = count($arrayaux);
    $this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$align,$is_table,$is_list,$blockstate,true,$blockdir);

	// Added - Otherwise <div><div><p> did not output top margins/padding for 1st/2nd div
    if ($array_size == 0) { $this->finishFlowingBlock(true); }	// true = END of flowing block

    for($i=0;$i < $array_size; $i++)
	// COLS
	$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;

	$vetor = $arrayaux[$i];
	if ($i == 0 and $vetor[0] != "\n" and !$this->ispre) {
		$vetor[0] = ltrim($vetor[0]);

	if (empty($vetor[0]) && !($vetor[0]==='0') && empty($vetor[7])) { //Ignore empty text and not carrying an internal link
		//Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
	     	if ($i == ($array_size-1)) { $this->finishFlowingBlock(true); }	// true = END of flowing block

	//Activating buffer properties
	if(isset($vetor[11]) and $vetor[11] != '') { 	 // Font Size
		if ($is_table && $this->shrin_k) {
		else {

	if(isset($vetor[17]) && !empty($vetor[17])) { //TextShadow
		$this->textshadow = $vetor[17];
	if(isset($vetor[16]) && !empty($vetor[16])) { //Border
		$this->spanborddet = $vetor[16];
		$this->spanborder = true;

	if(isset($vetor[15])) { 	 // Word spacing
		$this->wSpacingCSS = $vetor[15];
		if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
			$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
	if(isset($vetor[14])) { 	 // Letter spacing
		$this->lSpacingCSS = $vetor[14];
		if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS==='0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
			$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
	if(isset($vetor[13])) { 	 // Font Kerning
		$this->kerning = $vetor[13];

	if(isset($vetor[10]) and !empty($vetor[10])) //Background color
		$this->spanbgcolorarray = $vetor[10];
		$this->spanbgcolor = true;
	if(isset($vetor[9]) and !empty($vetor[9])) // Text parameters - Outline + hyphens
		$this->textparam = $vetor[9] ;			// mPDF 5.6.14
		$this->SetTextOutline($this->textparam);		// mPDF 5.6.07
		// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
		if ($is_table && $this->shrin_k) {
			if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] /= $this->shrin_k; }
			if (isset($this->textparam['decoration-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['decoration-baseline'] /= $this->shrin_k; }
			if (isset($this->textparam['decoration-fontsize'])) { $this->textparam['decoration-fontsize'] /= $this->shrin_k; }
	if(isset($vetor[8]) and $vetor[8] === true) // strike-through the text
	    $this->strike = true;
	if(isset($vetor[7]) and $vetor[7] != '') // internal target: <a name="anyvalue">
	  $ily = $this->y;
	  if ($this->keep_block_together) { $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "kt"=>true ); }
	  else if ($this->table_rotate) { $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "tbrot"=>true ); }
	  else if ($this->kwt) { $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "kwt"=>true ); }
	  else if ($this->ColActive) { $this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "col"=>$this->CurrCol ); }
		$this->internallink[$vetor[7]] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page );
	  if (empty($vetor[0])) { //Ignore empty text
		//Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
		if ($i == ($array_size-1)) { $this->finishFlowingBlock(true); }	// true = END of flowing block
	if(isset($vetor[6]) and $vetor[6] === true) // Subscript
		$this->SUB = true;
	if(isset($vetor[5]) and $vetor[5] === true) // Superscript
		$this->SUP = true;
	if(isset($vetor[4]) and $vetor[4] != '') {  // Font Family
		$font = $this->SetFont($vetor[4],$this->FontStyle,0,false);
	if (!empty($vetor[3])) //Font Color
		$cor = $vetor[3];
	if(isset($vetor[2]) and $vetor[2] != '') //Bold,Italic,Underline styles

	if(isset($vetor[12]) and $vetor[12] != '') { //Requested Bold,Italic,Underline
		$this->ReqFontStyle = $vetor[12];
	if(isset($vetor[1]) and $vetor[1] != '') //LINK
	  if (strpos($vetor[1],".") === false && strpos($vetor[1],"@") !== 0) //assuming every external link has a dot indicating extension (e.g: .html .txt .zip www.somewhere.com etc.)
	    //Repeated reference to same anchor?
	    while(array_key_exists($vetor[1],$this->internallink)) $vetor[1]="#".$vetor[1];
	    $this->internallink[$vetor[1]] = $this->AddLink();
	    $vetor[1] = $this->internallink[$vetor[1]];
	  $this->HREF = $vetor[1];					// HREF link style set here ******

	//Print-out special content

	if (substr($vetor[0],0,3) == "\xbb\xa4\xac") { //identifier has been identified!

	  $objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($vetor[0]);

/*-- TABLES --*/
	  if ($objattr['type'] == 'nestedtable') {
		if ($objattr['nestedcontent']) {
			$level = $objattr['level'];
			$table = &$this->table[$level][$objattr['table']];
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b");
				$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$objattr['row']][$objattr['col']], '', $fh);
			else {
				$fh = null;
				$cell = &$table['cells'][$objattr['row']][$objattr['col']];
			$save_dw = $this->divwidth ;
			$save_buffer = $this->cellBorderBuffer;
			$this->cellBorderBuffer = array();
			$ncx = $this->x;
			list($dummyx,$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $objattr['row'], $objattr['col'], $fh);
			$ntw = $this->table[($level+1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['w'];	// nested table width
			if (!$this->simpleTables){
				if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   	list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cell['borderbin']);
				else {
					$br = $cell['border_details']['R']['w'];
					$bl = $cell['border_details']['L']['w'];
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					$innerw = $w - $bl - $br - $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'] - $table['border_spacing_H'];
				else {
					$innerw = $w - $bl/2 - $br/2 - $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'];
			else if ($this->simpleTables){
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					$innerw = $w - $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] - $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] - $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'] - $table['border_spacing_H'];
				else {
					$innerw = $w - $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']/2 - $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']/2 - $cell['padding']['L'] - $cell['padding']['R'];
			if ($cell['a']=='C' || $this->table[($level+1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['a']=='C') {
				$ncx += ($innerw-$ntw)/2;
			elseif ($cell['a']=='R' || $this->table[($level+1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['a']=='R') {
				$ncx += $innerw- $ntw;
			$this->x = $ncx ;
			if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

			$this->cellBorderBuffer = $save_buffer;
			$this->x = $bak_x ;
			$this->divwidth  = $save_dw;
			$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$align,$is_table,$is_list,$blockstate,false,$blockdir);
	  else {
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		if ($is_table) {	// *TABLES*
			$maxWidth = $this->divwidth; 	// *TABLES*
		}	// *TABLES*
		else {	// *TABLES*
			$maxWidth = $this->divwidth - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w']);
		}	// *TABLES*

		// If float (already) exists at this level
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']) && $this->y <= $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] && $this->y >= $this->floatmargins['R']['y0']) { $maxWidth -= $this->floatmargins['R']['w']; }
		if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']) && $this->y <= $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] && $this->y >= $this->floatmargins['L']['y0']) { $maxWidth -= $this->floatmargins['L']['w']; }

		list($skipln) = $this->inlineObject($objattr['type'], '', $this->y, $objattr,$this->lMargin, ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth']/_MPDFK), $maxWidth, $this->flowingBlockAttr['height'], false, $is_table);
		//  1 -> New line needed because of width
		// -1 -> Will fit width on line but NEW PAGE REQUIRED because of height
		// -2 -> Will not fit on line therefore needs new line but thus NEW PAGE REQUIRED
		$iby = $this->y;
		$oldpage = $this->page;
		$oldcol = $this->CurrCol;
		if (($skipln == 1 || $skipln == -2) && !isset($objattr['float'])) {
		     	$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$align,$is_table,$is_list,$blockstate,false,$blockdir);
		$thispage = $this->page;
		if ($this->CurrCol!=$oldcol) { $changedcol = true; }
		else { $changedcol=false; }

		// the previous lines can already have triggered page break or column change
		if (!$changedcol && $skipln <0 && $this->AcceptPageBreak() && $thispage==$oldpage) {


	  		// Added to correct Images already set on line before page advanced
			// i.e. if second inline image on line is higher than first and forces new page
			if (count($this->objectbuffer)) {
				$yadj = $iby - $this->y;
				foreach($this->objectbuffer AS $ib=>$val) {
					if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['OUTER-Y'] ) $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['OUTER-Y'] -= $yadj;
					if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['BORDER-Y']) $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['BORDER-Y'] -= $yadj;
					if ($this->objectbuffer[$ib]['INNER-Y']) $this->objectbuffer[$ib]['INNER-Y'] -= $yadj;

	  	// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
   	  	if  ($this->page != $oldpage) {
			if (($this->page-$oldpage) % 2 == 1) {
				$bak_x += $this->MarginCorrection;
			$oldpage = $this->page;
				$y = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$this->oldy = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$old_height = 0;
		$this->x = $bak_x;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
			}	// *RTL*
			else {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x += ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			}	// *RTL*
			$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
			$y = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$this->oldy = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$old_height = 0;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

		if ($objattr['type'] == 'image' && isset($objattr['float'])) {
		  $fy = $this->y;

		  if ($this->flowingBlockAttr['newblock'] && ($this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate']==1 || $this->flowingBlockAttr['blockstate']==3) && $this->flowingBlockAttr['lineCount']== 0) {
			$fy += $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w'];

		  if ($objattr['float']=='R') {
			$fx = $this->w - $this->rMargin - $objattr['width'] - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_right_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right']);

		  else if ($objattr['float']=='L') {
			$fx = $this->lMargin + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left']);
		  $w = $objattr['width'];
		  $h = abs($objattr['height']);

		  $widthLeft = $maxWidth - ($this->flowingBlockAttr['contentWidth']/_MPDFK);
		  $maxHeight = $this->h - ($this->tMargin + $this->margin_header + $this->bMargin + 10) ;
		  // For Images
		  $extraWidth = ($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'] + $objattr['margin_left']+ $objattr['margin_right']);
		  $extraHeight = ($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'] + $objattr['margin_top']+ $objattr['margin_bottom']);

		  if ($objattr['itype'] == 'wmf' || $objattr['itype'] == 'svg') {
		  	$file = $objattr['file'];
		  else {
		  	$file = $objattr['file'];
		  $img_w = $w - $extraWidth ;
		  $img_h = $h - $extraHeight ;
		  if ($objattr['border_left']['w']) {
		  	$objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] = $img_w + (($objattr['border_left']['w'] + $objattr['border_right']['w'])/2) ;
		  	$objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h + (($objattr['border_top']['w'] + $objattr['border_bottom']['w'])/2) ;
		  	$objattr['BORDER-X'] = $fx + $objattr['margin_left'] + (($objattr['border_left']['w'])/2) ;
		  	$objattr['BORDER-Y'] = $fy + $objattr['margin_top'] + (($objattr['border_top']['w'])/2) ;
		  $objattr['INNER-WIDTH'] = $img_w;
		  $objattr['INNER-HEIGHT'] = $img_h;
		  $objattr['INNER-X'] = $fx + $objattr['margin_left'] + ($objattr['border_left']['w']);
		  $objattr['INNER-Y'] = $fy + $objattr['margin_top'] + ($objattr['border_top']['w']) ;
		  $objattr['ID'] = $info['i'];
		  $objattr['OUTER-WIDTH'] = $w;
		  $objattr['OUTER-HEIGHT'] = $h;
		  $objattr['OUTER-X'] = $fx;
		  $objattr['OUTER-Y'] = $fy;
		  if ($objattr['float']=='R') {
			// If R float already exists at this level
		 	$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = false;
			if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] > 0 && $fy < $this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) {
			// If L float already exists at this level
			else if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] > 0 && $fy < $this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) {
				// Final check distance between floats is not now too narrow to fit text
				$mw = 2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false);
				if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $w - $this->floatmargins['L']['w']) < $mw) {
				else {
		  			$this->floatmargins['R']['x'] = $fx;
		  			$this->floatmargins['R']['w'] = $w;
		  			$this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] = $fy;
		  			$this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] = $fy + $h;
		 			if ($skipln == 1) {
		 			 	$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
		 			 	$this->floatmargins['R']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer)+0;
						$objattr['skipline'] = true;
					$this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
			else {
		  		$this->floatmargins['R']['x'] = $fx;
		  		$this->floatmargins['R']['w'] = $w;
		  		$this->floatmargins['R']['y0'] = $fy;
		  		$this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] = $fy + $h;
		 		if ($skipln == 1) {
		 		 	$this->floatmargins['R']['skipline'] = true;
		 		 	$this->floatmargins['R']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer)+0;
					$objattr['skipline'] = true;
				$this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
		  else if ($objattr['float']=='L') {
			// If L float already exists at this level
		 	$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = false;
			if (isset($this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] > 0 && $fy < $this->floatmargins['L']['y1']) {
		 		$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = false;
			// If R float already exists at this level
			else if (isset($this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) && $this->floatmargins['R']['y1'] > 0 && $fy < $this->floatmargins['R']['y1']) {
				// Final check distance between floats is not now too narrow to fit text
				$mw = 2*$this->GetCharWidth('W',false);
				if (($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $w - $this->floatmargins['R']['w']) < $mw) {
				else {
		  			$this->floatmargins['L']['x'] = $fx + $w;
		  			$this->floatmargins['L']['w'] = $w;
		  			$this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] = $fy;
		  			$this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] = $fy + $h;
		 			if ($skipln == 1) {
		 			 	$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = true;
		 			 	$this->floatmargins['L']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer)+0;
						$objattr['skipline'] = true;
					$this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
			else {
		  		$this->floatmargins['L']['x'] = $fx + $w;
		  		$this->floatmargins['L']['w'] = $w;
		  		$this->floatmargins['L']['y0'] = $fy;
		  		$this->floatmargins['L']['y1'] = $fy + $h;
		 		if ($skipln == 1) {
		 		 	$this->floatmargins['L']['skipline'] = true;
		 		 	$this->floatmargins['L']['id'] = count($this->floatbuffer)+0;
					$objattr['skipline'] = true;
				$this->floatbuffer[] = $objattr;
		else {
	  }	// *TABLES*

	}	// END If special content
      else { //THE text
	  if ($this->tableLevel) { $paint_ht_corr = 0; }	// To move the y up when new column/page started if div border needed
	  else { $paint_ht_corr = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['w']; }

        if ($vetor[0] == "\n") { //We are reading a <BR> now turned into newline ("\n")
		if ($this->flowingBlockAttr['content']) {
		else if ($is_table) {
			$this->y+= $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
		else if (!$is_table) {
			if ($this->ColActive) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*
	  	// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
   	  	if  ($this->page != $oldpage) {
			if (($this->page-$oldpage) % 2 == 1) {
				$bak_x += $this->MarginCorrection;
			$oldpage = $this->page;
				$y = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$this->oldy = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$old_height = 0;
		$this->x = $bak_x;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
			}	// *RTL*
			else {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x += ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			}	// *RTL*
			$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
			$y = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$this->oldy = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$old_height = 0;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		$this->newFlowingBlock( $this->divwidth,$this->divheight,$align,$is_table,$is_list,$blockstate,false,$blockdir);
         else {
		$this->WriteFlowingBlock( $vetor[0]);

		  // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
   		  if  ($this->page != $oldpage) {
			if (($this->page-$oldpage) % 2 == 1) {
				$bak_x += $this->MarginCorrection;
				$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldpage = $this->page;
				$y = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$this->oldy = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$old_height = 0;
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
			}	// *RTL*
			else {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x += ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			}	// *RTL*
			$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
			$y = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$this->oldy = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$old_height = 0;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/


      //Check if it is the last element. If so then finish printing the block
      if ($i == ($array_size-1)) {
		$this->finishFlowingBlock(true);	// true = END of flowing block
		  // Added to correct for OddEven Margins
   		  if  ($this->page != $oldpage) {
			if (($this->page-$oldpage) % 2 == 1) {
				$bak_x += $this->MarginCorrection;
				$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldpage = $this->page;
				$y = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$this->oldy = $this->tMargin - $paint_ht_corr ;
				$old_height = 0;

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		// COLS
		if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
			if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x -= ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);	// *RTL*
			}	// *RTL*
			else {	// *RTL*
				$bak_x += ($this->CurrCol - $oldcolumn) * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
			}	// *RTL*
			$this->x = $bak_x;
			$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
			$y = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$this->oldy = $this->y0 - $paint_ht_corr ;
			$old_height = 0;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/


	$this->colorarray = '';
	$this->spanbgcolorarray = '';
	$this->spanbgcolor = false;
	$this->spanborder = false;
	$this->spanborddet = array();
	$this->HREF = '';
	$this->textparam = array();
	$this->SUP = false;
	$this->SUB = false;

	$this->strike = false;
	$this->textshadow = '';

	$this->currentfontfamily = '';
	$this->currentfontsize = '';
	$this->currentfontstyle = '';
/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->table_lineheight);	// *TABLES*
/*-- END TABLES --*/
/*-- LISTS --*/
	if ($is_list && $this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc]) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->listOcc]);	// sets default line height
/*-- END LISTS --*/
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']);	// sets default line height
	$this->toupper = false;
	$this->tolower = false;
	$this->capitalize = false;
	$this->kerning = false;
	$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
	$this->minwSpacing = 0;
	$this->dash_on = false;
	$this->dotted_on = false;

    }//end of for(i=0;i<arraysize;i++)

    if ((isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border']) || isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor']) || isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_shadow'])) && $blockstate  && ($this->y != $this->oldy)) {
	$bottom_y = $this->y;	// Does not include Bottom Margin
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] != $this->page && $blockstate != 1) {

	else if ($blockstate != 1) {
	$this->y = $bottom_y;
	$this->x = $bak_x;

    // Reset Font


function _setDashBorder($style, $div, $cp, $side) {
	if ($style == 'dashed' && (($side=='L' || $side=='R') || ($side=='T' && $div != 'pagetop' && !$cp) || ($side=='B' && $div!='pagebottom') )) {
		$dashsize = 2;	// final dash will be this + 1*linewidth
		$dashsizek = 1.5;	// ratio of Dash/Blank
	else if ($style == 'dotted' || ($side=='T' && ($div == 'pagetop' || $cp)) || ($side=='B' && $div == 'pagebottom')) {
  		//Round join and cap

function _setBorderLine($b, $k=1) {
	if ($b['c'][0]==5) {	// RGBa
		$this->SetAlpha(ord($b['c'][4])/100, 'Normal', false, 'S')."\n";	// mPDF 5.7.2
	else if ($b['c'][0]==6) {	// CMYKa
		$this->SetAlpha(ord($b['c'][5])/100, 'Normal', false, 'S')."\n";	// mPDF 5.7.2

// mPDF 5.6.52
function PaintDivBB($divider='',$blockstate=0,$blvl=0) {
	// Borders & backgrounds are done elsewhere for columns - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
	if ($this->ColActive) { return ; }	// *COLUMNS*
	$save_y = $this->y;
	if (!$blvl) { $blvl = $this->blklvl; }
	$x0 = $x1 = $y0 = $y1 = 0;

	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['bb_painted'][$this->page]) && $this->blk[$blvl]['bb_painted'][$this->page]) { return; }	// *CSS-FLOAT*

	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['x0'])) { $x0 = $this->blk[$blvl]['x0']; }	// left
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['y1'])) { $y1 = $this->blk[$blvl]['y1']; }	// bottom

	// Added mPDF 3.0 Float DIV - ensures backgrounds/borders are drawn to bottom of page
	if ($y1==0) {
		if ($divider=='pagebottom') { $y1 = $this->h-$this->bMargin; }
		else { $y1 = $this->y; }

	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['startpage']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['startpage'] != $this->page) { $continuingpage = true; } else { $continuingpage = false; }

	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['y0'])) { $y0 = $this->blk[$blvl]['y0']; }
	$h = $y1 - $y0;
	$w = $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
	$x1 = $x0 + $w;

	// Set border-widths as used here
	$border_top = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
	$border_bottom = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
	$border_left = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
	$border_right = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'];
	if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] || $divider == 'pagetop' || $continuingpage) {
		$border_top = 0;
	if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] || $blockstate == 1 || $divider == 'pagebottom') {
		$border_bottom = 0;

		$brTL_H = 0;
		$brTL_V = 0;
		$brTR_H = 0;
		$brTR_V = 0;
		$brBL_H = 0;
		$brBL_V = 0;
		$brBR_H = 0;
		$brBR_V = 0;

	$brset = false;
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TL_H'])) { $brTL_H = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TL_H']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TL_V'])) { $brTL_V = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TL_V']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TR_H'])) { $brTR_H = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TR_H']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TR_V'])) { $brTR_V = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_TR_V']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BR_H'])) { $brBR_H = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BR_H']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BR_V'])) { $brBR_V = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BR_V']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BL_H'])) { $brBL_H = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BL_H']; $brset = true; }
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BL_V'])) { $brBL_V = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_radius_BL_V']; $brset = true; }

	// mPDF 5.4.17
	//if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] || $divider == 'pagetop' || $continuingpage || $this->keep_block_together) {
	if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] || $divider == 'pagetop' || $continuingpage) {
		$brTL_H = 0;
		$brTL_V = 0;
		$brTR_H = 0;
		$brTR_V = 0;
	// mPDF 5.4.17
	//if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] || $blockstate == 1 || $divider == 'pagebottom' || $this->keep_block_together) {
	if (!$this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] || $blockstate == 1 || $divider == 'pagebottom') {
		$brBL_H = 0;
		$brBL_V = 0;
		$brBR_H = 0;
		$brBR_V = 0;

	// Disallow border-radius if it is smaller than the border width.
	if ($brTL_H < min($border_left, $border_top)) { $brTL_H = $brTL_V = 0; }
	if ($brTL_V < min($border_left, $border_top)) { $brTL_V = $brTL_H = 0; }
	if ($brTR_H < min($border_right, $border_top)) { $brTR_H = $brTR_V = 0; }
	if ($brTR_V < min($border_right, $border_top)) { $brTR_V = $brTR_H = 0; }
	if ($brBL_H < min($border_left, $border_bottom)) { $brBL_H = $brBL_V = 0; }
	if ($brBL_V < min($border_left, $border_bottom)) { $brBL_V = $brBL_H = 0; }
	if ($brBR_H < min($border_right, $border_bottom)) { $brBR_H = $brBR_V = 0; }
	if ($brBR_V < min($border_right, $border_bottom)) { $brBR_V = $brBR_H = 0; }

	// CHECK FOR radii that sum to > width or height of div ********
	$f = min($h/($brTL_V + $brBL_V + 0.001), $h/($brTR_V + $brBR_V + 0.001), $w/($brTL_H + $brTR_H + 0.001),  $w/($brBL_H + $brBR_H + 0.001));
	if ($f < 1) {
		$brTL_H *= $f;
		$brTL_V *= $f;
		$brTR_H *= $f;
		$brTR_V *= $f;
		$brBL_H *= $f;
		$brBL_V *= $f;
		$brBR_H *= $f;
		$brBR_V *= $f;

	$tbcol = $this->ConvertColor(255);
	for($l=0; $l <= $blvl; $l++) {
		if ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolor']) {
			$tbcol = $this->blk[$l]['bgcolorarray'];

	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['y0']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['y0']) { $y0 = $this->blk[$blvl]['y0']; }
	$h = $y1 - $y0;
	$w = $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];

	//if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']) {
	// Reinstate line above for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'];

		// mPDF 5.4.18
		$legend = '';
		if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend']) {
			$legend = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_legend'];	// Same structure array as textbuffer
			$txt = ltrim($legend[0]);

			//Set font, size, style, color
			if ($legend[3]) {
				$cor = $legend[3];
			$stringWidth = $this->GetStringWidth($txt );
			$save_x = $this->x;
			$save_y = $this->y;
			$save_currentfontfamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$save_currentfontsize = $this->FontSizePt;
			$save_currentfontstyle = $this->FontStyle.($this->U ? 'U' : '').($this->S ? 'S' : '');
			$this->y = $y0 - $this->FontSize/2  + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w']/2;
			$this->x = $x0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];

			// Set the distance from the border line to the text ? make configurable variable
			$gap = 0.2 * $this->FontSize;

			$legbreakL = $this->x - $gap;
			$legbreakR = $this->x + $stringWidth + $gap;

			$this->Cell( $stringWidth, $this->FontSize, $txt , '', 0, 'C', $fill, '', 0, 0,0,'M', $fill);
			// Reset
			$this->x = $save_x;
			$this->y = $save_y;

		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') {
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $border_left)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $border_top))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - $border_right)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $border_top))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(' h W n ');	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path

			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') {
				$legbreakL -= $border_top/2;	// because line cap different
				$legbreakR += $border_top/2;
 			else if (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brTR_V && $brTR_H) || $tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double' ) {  // mPDF 5.6.58
			$s = '';
			if ($brTR_H && $brTR_V) {
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brTR_H, $y0 + $brTR_V, $brTR_H - $border_top/2 , $brTR_V - $border_top/2 , 1, 2, true))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $w - ($border_top/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			if ($brTL_H && $brTL_V ) {
				// mPDF 5.4.18
				if ($legend) {
					if ($legbreakR < ($x0 + $w - $brTR_H)) {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', $legbreakR*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
					if ($legbreakL > ($x0 + $brTL_H )) {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',$legbreakL*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $brTL_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK)."\n");
					else {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $brTL_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
				else {
					$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $brTL_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brTL_H, $y0 + $brTL_V, $brTL_H - $border_top/2 , $brTL_V - $border_top/2 , 2, 1))."\n";
			else {
				// mPDF 5.4.18
				if ($legend) {
					if ($legbreakR < ($x0 + $w)) {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',$legbreakR*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
					if ($legbreakL > ($x0)) {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',$legbreakL*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
						if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
							$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
						else {
							$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + ($border_top/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
					else if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
					else {
						$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($x0 + $border_top/2)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
				else if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
					$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
				else {
					$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + ($border_top/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_top/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			$s .= 'S'."\n";

			if ($tbd['style']=='double') {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') { $this->_out('Q'); }

			// Reset Corners and Dash off
			$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// mPDF 5.6.57
	//if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1) {
	// Reinstate line above for dotted line divider when block border crosses a page
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') {
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $border_left)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - $border_bottom))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - $border_right)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - $border_bottom))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(' h W n ');	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path

			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],$divider,$continuingpage,'B'); }
 			else if (($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) || $tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double' ) {  // mPDF 5.6.58
			$s = '';
			if ($brBL_H && $brBL_V) {
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brBL_H, $y0 + $h - $brBL_V, $brBL_H - $border_bottom/2 , $brBL_V - $border_bottom/2 , 3, 2, true))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + ($border_bottom/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			if ($brBR_H && $brBR_V ) {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - ($border_bottom/2) - $brBR_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brBR_H, $y0 + $h - $brBR_V, $brBR_H - $border_bottom/2 , $brBR_V - $border_bottom/2 , 4, 1))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - ($border_bottom/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_bottom/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			$s .= 'S'."\n";

			if ($tbd['style']=='double') {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') { $this->_out('Q'); }

			// Reset Corners and Dash off
			$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// mPDF 5.6.57
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') {
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $border_left)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0+$border_top))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $border_left)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - $border_bottom))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(' h W n ');	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path

			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],$divider,$continuingpage,'L'); }
 			else if (($brTL_V && $brTL_H) || ($brBL_V && $brBL_H) || $tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double' ) {  // mPDF 5.6.58
			$s = '';
			if ($brTL_V && $brTL_H) {
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brTL_H, $y0 + $brTL_V, $brTL_H - $border_left/2 , $brTL_V - $border_left/2, 2, 2, true))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + ($border_left/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + ($border_left/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_left/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			if ($brBL_V && $brBL_H ) {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + ($border_left/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_left/2)- $brBL_V) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $brBL_H, $y0 + $h - $brBL_V, $brBL_H - $border_left/2 , $brBL_V - $border_left/2, 3, 1))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + ($border_left/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + ($border_left/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_left/2)) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
			$s .= 'S'."\n";

			if ($tbd['style']=='double') {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') { $this->_out('Q'); }

			// Reset Corners and Dash off
			$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// mPDF 5.6.57
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') {
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - $border_right)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0+$border_top))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - $border_right)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - $border_bottom))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h))*_MPDFK));
				$this->_out(' h W n ');	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path

			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],$divider,$continuingpage,'R'); }
 			else if (($brTR_V && $brTR_H) || ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) || $tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double' ) { // mPDF 5.6.58
			$s = '';
			if ($brBR_V && $brBR_H) {
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brBR_H, $y0 + $h - $brBR_V, $brBR_H - $border_right/2 , $brBR_V - $border_right/2, 4, 2, true))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $w - ($border_right/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ',($x0 + $w - ($border_right/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + $h - ($border_right/2)))*_MPDFK))."\n";
			if ($brTR_V && $brTR_H ) {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - ($border_right/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_right/2) + $brTR_V) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
				$s .= ($this->_EllipseArc($x0 + $w - $brTR_H, $y0 + $brTR_V, $brTR_H - $border_right/2 , $brTR_V - $border_right/2, 1, 1))."\n";
			if ($tbd['style']=='solid' || $tbd['style']=='double') {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - ($border_right/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
			else {
				$s .= (sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ',($x0 + $w - ($border_right/2))*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($y0 + ($border_right/2)) )*_MPDFK))."\n";
			$s .= 'S'."\n";

			if ($tbd['style']=='double') {
			if (!$brset && $tbd['style']!='dotted' && $tbd['style']!='dashed') { $this->_out('Q'); }

			// Reset Corners and Dash off
			$this->SetLineWidth(0.1);	// mPDF 5.6.57

	$this->y = $save_y;

	// BACKGROUNDS are disabled in columns/kbt/headers - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
	if ($this->ColActive || $this->kwt || $this->keep_block_together) { return ; }

	$bgx0 = $x0;
	$bgx1 = $x1;
	$bgy0 = $y0;
	$bgy1 = $y1;

	// Defined br values represent the radius of the outer curve - need to take border-width/2 from each radius for drawing the borders
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background_clip']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['background_clip'] == 'padding-box') {
		$brbgTL_H = max(0, $brTL_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w']);
		$brbgTL_V = max(0, $brTL_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w']);
		$brbgTR_H = max(0, $brTR_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
		$brbgTR_V = max(0, $brTR_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w']);
		$brbgBL_H = max(0, $brBL_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w']);
		$brbgBL_V = max(0, $brBL_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
		$brbgBR_H = max(0, $brBR_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
		$brbgBR_V = max(0, $brBR_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w']);
		$bgx0 += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
		$bgx1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'];
		if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
			$bgy0 += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
		if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
			$bgy1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
	// mPDF 5.6.09
	else if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background_clip']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['background_clip'] == 'content-box') {
		$brbgTL_H = max(0, $brTL_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left']);
		$brbgTL_V = max(0, $brTL_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']);
		$brbgTR_H = max(0, $brTR_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
		$brbgTR_V = max(0, $brTR_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']);
		$brbgBL_H = max(0, $brBL_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left']);
		$brbgBL_V = max(0, $brBL_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
		$brbgBR_H = max(0, $brBR_H - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
		$brbgBR_V = max(0, $brBR_V - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
		$bgx0 +=  $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
		$bgx1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right'];
		if (($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']) && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
			$bgy0 += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top'];
		if (($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] || $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']) && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
			$bgy1 -= $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom'];
	else {
		$brbgTL_H = $brTL_H;
		$brbgTL_V = $brTL_V;
		$brbgTR_H = $brTR_H;
		$brbgTR_V = $brTR_V;
		$brbgBL_H = $brBL_H;
		$brbgBL_V = $brBL_V;
		$brbgBR_H = $brBR_H;
		$brbgBR_V = $brBR_V;

	// Set clipping path
	$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
	$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($bgx0+$brbgTL_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-$bgy0)*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
	if ($brbgTL_H || $brbgTL_V) {
		$s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx0+$brbgTL_H, $bgy0+$brbgTL_V, $brbgTL_H , $brbgTL_V , 2);	// segment 2 TL
	$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($bgy1-$brbgBL_V ))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
	if ($brbgBL_H || $brbgBL_V) {
		$s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx0+$brbgBL_H, $bgy1-$brbgBL_V, $brbgBL_H , $brbgBL_V , 3);	// segment 3 BL
	$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1-$brbgBR_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($bgy1))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
	if ($brbgBR_H || $brbgBR_V) {
		$s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx1-$brbgBR_H, $bgy1-$brbgBR_V, $brbgBR_H , $brbgBR_V , 4);	// segment 4 BR
	$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx1)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($bgy0+$brbgTR_V))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
	if ($brbgTR_H || $brbgTR_V) {
		$s .= $this->_EllipseArc($bgx1-$brbgTR_H, $bgy0+$brbgTR_V, $brbgTR_H , $brbgTR_V , 1);	// segment 1 TR
	$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($bgx0+$brbgTL_H )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-$bgy0)*_MPDFK);	// line to TL

	// Box Shadow
	$shadow = '';
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow'] && $h > 0) {
		foreach($this->blk[$blvl]['box_shadow'] AS $sh) {
			// Colors
			if ($sh['col']{0}==1) {
				$colspace = 'Gray';
				if ($sh['col']{2}==1) { $col1 = '1'.$sh['col'][1].'1'.$sh['col'][3]; }
				else { $col1 = '1'.$sh['col'][1].'1'.chr(100); }
				$col2 = '1'.$sh['col'][1].'1'.chr(0);
			else if ($sh['col']{0}==4) {	// CMYK
				$colspace = 'CMYK';
				$col1 = '6'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].$sh['col'][4].chr(100);
				$col2 = '6'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].$sh['col'][4].chr(0);
			else if ($sh['col']{0}==5) {	// RGBa
				$colspace = 'RGB';
				$col1 = '5'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].$sh['col'][4];
				$col2 = '5'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].chr(0);
			else if ($sh['col']{0}==6) {	// CMYKa
				$colspace = 'CMYK';
				$col1 = '6'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].$sh['col'][4].$sh['col'][5];
				$col2 = '6'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].$sh['col'][4].chr(0);
			else {
				$colspace = 'RGB';
				$col1 = '5'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].chr(100);
				$col2 = '5'.$sh['col'][1].$sh['col'][2].$sh['col'][3].chr(0);

			// Use clipping path as set above (and rectangle around page) to clip area outside box
			$shadow .= $s;	// Use the clipping path with W*
			$shadow .= sprintf('0 %.3F m %.3F %.3F l ', $this->h*_MPDFK, $this->w*_MPDFK, $this->h*_MPDFK);
			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F 0 l 0 0 l 0 %.3F l ', $this->w*_MPDFK, $this->h*_MPDFK);
			$shadow .= 'W n'."\n";

			$sh['blur'] = abs($sh['blur']);	// cannot have negative blur value
			// Ensure spread/blur do not make effective shadow width/height < 0
			// Could do more complex things but this just adjusts spread value
			if (-$sh['spread'] + $sh['blur']/2 > min($w/2, $h/2)) {
				$sh['spread'] = $sh['blur']/2 - min($w/2, $h/2) + 0.01;
			// Shadow Offset
			if ($sh['x'] || $sh['y']) $shadow .= sprintf(' q 1 0 0 1 %.4F %.4F cm', $sh['x']*_MPDFK, -$sh['y']*_MPDFK)."\n";

			// Set path for INNER shadow
			$shadow .= ' q 0 w ';
			$shadow .= $this->SetFColor($col1, true)."\n";
			if ($col1{0}==5 && ord($col1{4})<100) {	// RGBa
				$shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1{4})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			else if ($col1{0}==6 && ord($col1{5})<100) {	// CMYKa
				$shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1{5})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";
			else if ($col1{0}==1 && $col1{2}==1 && ord($col1{3})<100) {	// Gray
				$shadow .= $this->SetAlpha(ord($col1{3})/100, 'Normal', true, 'F')."\n";

			// Blur edges
			$mag = 0.551784;	// Bezier Control magic number for 4-part spline for circle/ellipse
			$mag2 = 0.551784;	// Bezier Control magic number to fill in edge of blurred rectangle
			$d1 = $sh['spread']+$sh['blur']/2;
			$d2 = $sh['spread']-$sh['blur']/2;
			$bl = $sh['blur'];
			$x00 = $x0 - $d1;
			$y00 = $y0 - $d1;
			$w00 = $w + $d1*2;
			$h00 = $h + $d1*2;

			// If any border-radius is greater width-negative spread(inner edge), ignore radii for shadow or screws up
			$flatten = false;
			if (max($brbgTR_H, $brbgTL_H, $brbgBR_H, $brbgBL_H) >= $w+$d2) { $flatten = true; }
			if (max($brbgTR_V, $brbgTL_V, $brbgBR_V, $brbgBL_V) >= $h+$d2) { $flatten = true; }

			// TOP RIGHT corner
			$p1x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgTR_H;	$p1c2x = $p1x +($d2+$brbgTR_H)*$mag;
			$p1y = $y00+$bl;
			$p2x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgTR_H;	$p2c2x = $p2x + ($d1+$brbgTR_H)*$mag;
			$p2y = $y00;				$p2c1y = $p2y + $bl/2;
			$p3x = $x00+$w00;				$p3c2x = $p3x - $bl/2;
			$p3y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTR_V;		$p3c1y = $p3y - ($d1+$brbgTR_V)*$mag;
			$p4x = $x00+$w00-$bl;
			$p4y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTR_V;		$p4c2y = $p4y - ($d2+$brbgTR_V)*$mag;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTR_H, $brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1x = $x00+$w00-$bl;	$p1c2x = $p1x;
				$p2x = $x00+$w00-$bl;	$p2c2x = $p2x + $bl*$mag2;
				$p3y = $y00+$bl;		$p3c1y = $p3y - $bl*$mag2;
				$p4y = $y00+$bl;		$p4c2y = $p4y ;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($p1x )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p1y ))*_MPDFK);
			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p1y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4c2y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK);
			$patch_array[0]['points']=array($p1x,$p1y, $p1x,$p1y,
				$p2x,$p2c1y, $p2x,$p2y, $p2c2x,$p2y,
				$p3x,$p3c1y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3c2x,$p3y,
				$p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4c2y,
			$patch_array[0]['colors'] = array($col1,$col2,$col2,$col1);

			// RIGHT
			$p1x = $x00+$w00;	// control point only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTR_V;
			$p2x = $x00+$w00-$bl;	// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTR_V;
			$p3x = $x00+$w00-$bl;
			$p3y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBR_V;
			$p4x = $x00+$w00;		$p4c1x = $p4x-$bl/2;
			$p4y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBR_V;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTR_H, $brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1y = $y00+$bl;
				$p2y = $y00+$bl;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBR_H, $brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p3y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
				$p4y = $y00+$h00-$bl;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p3y ))*_MPDFK);
				$p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y,
				$p4c1x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[1]['colors'] = array($col1,$col2);

			// BOTTOM RIGHT corner
			$p1x = $x00+$w00-$bl;		// control points only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBR_V;		$p1c2y = $p1y + ($d2+$brbgBR_V)*$mag;
			$p2x = $x00+$w00;					// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBR_V;		$p2c2y = $p2y + ($d1+$brbgBR_V)*$mag;
			$p3x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgBR_H;		$p3c1x = $p3x + ($d1+$brbgBR_H)*$mag;
			$p3y = $y00+$h00;					$p3c2y = $p3y - $bl/2;
			$p4x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgBR_H;		$p4c2x = $p4x + ($d2+$brbgBR_H)*$mag;
			$p4y = $y00+$h00-$bl;

			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBR_H, $brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1y = $y00+$h00-$bl;		$p1c2y = $p1y;
				$p2y = $y00+$h00-$bl;		$p2c2y = $p2y + $bl*$mag2;
				$p3x = $x00+$w00-$bl;		$p3c1x = $p3x + $bl*$mag2;
				$p4x = $x00+$w00-$bl;		$p4c2x = $p4x;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p1c2y))*_MPDFK, ($p4c2x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK);
				$p3c1x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3c2y,
				$p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4c2x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[2]['colors'] = array($col2,$col1);

			// BOTTOM
			$p1x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgBR_H;	// control point only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$h00;
			$p2x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgBR_H;	// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
			$p3x = $x00+$d1+$brbgBL_H;
			$p3y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
			$p4x = $x00+$d1+$brbgBL_H;
			$p4y = $y00+$h00;		$p4c1y = $p4y - $bl/2;

			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBR_H, $brbgBR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1x = $x00+$w00-$bl;
				$p2x = $x00+$w00-$bl;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBL_H, $brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p3x = $x00+$bl;
				$p4x = $x00+$bl;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p3y ))*_MPDFK);
				$p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y,
				$p4x,$p4c1y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[3]['colors'] = array($col1,$col2);

			// BOTTOM LEFT corner
			$p1x = $x00+$d1+$brbgBL_H;		$p1c2x = $p1x - ($d2+$brbgBL_H)*$mag;	// control points only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
			$p2x = $x00+$d1+$brbgBL_H;		$p2c2x = $p2x - ($d1+$brbgBL_H)*$mag;	// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$h00;
			$p3x = $x00;				$p3c2x = $p3x + $bl/2;
			$p3y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBL_V;	$p3c1y = $p3y + ($d1+$brbgBL_V)*$mag;
			$p4x = $x00+$bl;
			$p4y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBL_V;	$p4c2y = $p4y + ($d2+$brbgBL_V)*$mag;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBL_H, $brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1x = $x00+$bl;		$p1c2x = $p1x;
				$p2x = $x00+$bl;		$p2c2x = $p2x - $bl*$mag2;
				$p3y = $y00+$h00-$bl;	$p3c1y = $p3y + $bl*$mag2;
				$p4y = $y00+$h00-$bl;	$p4c2y = $p4y;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1c2x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p1y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4c2y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK);
				$p3x,$p3c1y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3c2x,$p3y,
				$p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4c2y,
			$patch_array[4]['colors'] = array($col2,$col1);

			// LEFT - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
			$p1x = $x00;	// control point only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBL_V;
			$p2x = $x00+$bl;	// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$h00-$d1-$brbgBL_V;
			$p3x = $x00+$bl;
			$p3y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTL_V;
			$p4x = $x00;		$p4c1x = $p4x + $bl/2;
			$p4y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTL_V;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgBL_H, $brbgBL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
				$p2y = $y00+$h00-$bl;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTL_H, $brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p3y = $y00+$bl;
				$p4y = $y00+$bl;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p3y ))*_MPDFK);
				$p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y,
				$p4c1x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[5]['colors'] = array($col1,$col2);

			// TOP LEFT corner
			$p1x = $x00+$bl;		// control points only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTL_V;	$p1c2y = $p1y  - ($d2+$brbgTL_V)*$mag;
			$p2x = $x00;			// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$d1+$brbgTL_V;	$p2c2y = $p2y - ($d1+$brbgTL_V)*$mag;
			$p3x = $x00+$d1+$brbgTL_H;	$p3c1x = $p3x - ($d1+$brbgTL_H)*$mag;
			$p3y = $y00;			$p3c2y = $p3y + $bl/2;
			$p4x = $x00+$d1+$brbgTL_H;	$p4c2x = $p4x - ($d2+$brbgTL_H)*$mag;
			$p4y = $y00+$bl;

			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTL_H, $brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1y = $y00+$bl;	$p1c2y = $p1y;
				$p2y = $y00+$bl;	$p2c2y = $p2y - $bl*$mag2;
				$p3x = $x00+$bl;	$p3c1x = $p3x - $bl*$mag2;
				$p4x = $x00+$bl;	$p4c2x = $p4x ;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($p1x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p1c2y))*_MPDFK, ($p4c2x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK, ($p4x)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p4y))*_MPDFK);
				$p3c1x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3c2y,
				$p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4c2x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[6]['colors'] = array($col2,$col1);

			// TOP - joins on the right (C3-C4 of previous): f = 2
			$p1x = $x00+$d1+$brbgTL_H;	// control point only matches p3 preceding
			$p1y = $y00;
			$p2x = $x00+$d1+$brbgTL_H;	// control point only matches p4 preceding
			$p2y = $y00+$bl;
			$p3x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgTR_H;
			$p3y = $y00+$bl;
			$p4x = $x00+$w00-$d1-$brbgTR_H;
			$p4y = $y00;		$p4c1y = $p4y + $bl/2;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTL_H, $brbgTL_V) || $flatten) {
				$p1x = $x00+$bl;
				$p2x = $x00+$bl;
			if (-$d2 > min($brbgTR_H, $brbgTR_V) || $flatten) {
				$p3x = $x00+$w00-$bl;
				$p4x = $x00+$w00-$bl;

			$shadow .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($p3x )*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($p3y ))*_MPDFK);
				$p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y, $p3x,$p3y,
				$p4x,$p4c1y, $p4x,$p4y, $p4x,$p4y,
			$patch_array[7]['colors'] = array($col1,$col2);

			$shadow .= ' h f Q '."\n";	// Close path and Fill the inner solid shadow

			if ($bl) $shadow .= $this->grad->CoonsPatchMesh($x00,$y00,$w00,$h00,$patch_array,$x00,$x00+$w00,$y00,$y00+$h00, $colspace, true);

			if ($sh['x'] || $sh['y']) $shadow .= ' Q'."\n"; 	// Shadow Offset
			$shadow .= ' Q'."\n";	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path


	$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path

	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolor']) {
		$this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = array('x'=>$x0, 'y'=>$y0, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'col'=>$this->blk[$blvl]['bgcolorarray'], 'clippath'=>$s, 'visibility'=>$this->visibility, 'shadow'=>$shadow, 'z-index'=>$this->current_layer);	// mPDF 5.6.01
	else 	if ($shadow) {
		$this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = array('shadowonly'=>true, 'col'=>'', 'clippath'=>'', 'visibility'=>$this->visibility, 'shadow'=>$shadow, 'z-index'=>$this->current_layer);	// mPDF 5.6.01

	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['gradient'])) {
		$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($this->blk[$blvl]['gradient']);
		if ($g) {
			$gx = $x0;
			$gy = $y0;
			$this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s, 'visibility'=>$this->visibility, 'z-index'=>$this->current_layer);	// mPDF 5.6.01
	if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image'])) {
	   if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient']  && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient'] )) {
		$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['gradient'] );
		if ($g) {
			$gx = $x0;
			$gy = $y0;
			// mPDF 5.6.11
			// origin specifies the background-positioning-area (bpa)
			if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'padding-box') {
				$gx += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
				$w -= ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
				if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
					$gy += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
				if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
					$gy1 = $y1 - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
				else { $gy1 = $y1; }
				$h = $gy1 - $gy;
			else if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'content-box') {
				$gx += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
				$w -= ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
				if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
					$gy += $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top'];
				if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
					$gy1 = $y1 - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
				else { $gy1 = $y1 - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']; }
				$h = $gy1 - $gy;

			if (isset($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size']['w']) && $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size']['w']) {
				$size = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size'];
				if ($size['w']!='contain' && $size['w']!='cover') {
					if (stristr($size['w'] ,'%')) {
						$size['w'] += 0;
						$size['w'] /= 100;
						$w *= $size['w'];
					else if ($size['w']!='auto') {
						$w = $size['w'];
					if (stristr($size['h'] ,'%')) {
						$size['h'] += 0;
						$size['h'] /= 100;
						$h *= $size['h'];
					else if ($size['h']!='auto') {
						$h = $size['h'];
			$this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s, 'visibility'=>$this->visibility, 'z-index'=>$this->current_layer);	// mPDF 5.6.01
	   else {
		$image_id = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['image_id'];
		$orig_w = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['orig_w'];
		$orig_h = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['orig_h'];
		$x_pos = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['x_pos'];
		$y_pos = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['y_pos'];
		$x_repeat = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['x_repeat'];
		$y_repeat = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['y_repeat'];
		$resize = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['resize'];
		$opacity = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['opacity'];
		$itype = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['itype'];
		$size = $this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['size'];	// mPDF 5.6.10
		// mPDF 5.6.10
		// origin specifies the background-positioning-area (bpa)
		$bpa = array('x'=>$x0, 'y'=>$y0, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h);
		if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'padding-box') {
			$bpa['x'] = $x0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'];
			$bpa['w'] = $w - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w']);
			if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
				$bpa['y'] = $y0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'];
			else { $bpa['y'] = $y0; }
			if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
				$bpay = $y1 - $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
			else { $bpay = $y1; }
			$bpa['h'] = $bpay - $bpa['y'];
		// mPDF 5.6.09
		else if ($this->blk[$blvl]['background-image']['origin'] == 'content-box') {
			$bpa['x'] = $x0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'];
			$bpa['w'] = $w - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_right']);
			if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && $divider != 'pagetop' && !$continuingpage) {
				$bpa['y'] = $y0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top'];
			else { $bpa['y'] = $y0 + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_top']; }
			if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $blockstate != 1 && $divider != 'pagebottom') {
				$bpay = $y1 - ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']);
			else { $bpay = $y1 - $this->blk[$blvl]['padding_bottom']; }
			$bpa['h'] = $bpay - $bpa['y'];
		$this->pageBackgrounds[$blvl][] = array('x'=>$x0, 'y'=>$y0, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>$s, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype, 'visibility'=>$this->visibility, 'z-index'=>$this->current_layer, 'size'=>$size, 'bpa'=>$bpa );	// mPDF 5.6.01  5.6.10

	// Float DIV
	$this->blk[$blvl]['bb_painted'][$this->page] = true;



function _EllipseArc($x0, $y0, $rx, $ry, $seg = 1, $part=false, $start=false) {	// Anticlockwise segment 1-4 TR-TL-BL-BR (part=1 or 2)
	$s = '';
   	if ($rx<0) { $rx = 0; }
	if ($ry<0) { $ry = 0; }
	$rx *= _MPDFK;
	$ry *= _MPDFK;
	$astart = 0;
	if ($seg == 1) {	// Top Right
		$afinish = 90;
		$nSeg = 4;
	else if ($seg == 2) {	// Top Left
		$afinish = 180;
		$nSeg = 8;
	else if ($seg == 3) {	// Bottom Left
		$afinish = 270;
		$nSeg = 12;
	else {			// Bottom Right
		$afinish = 360;
		$nSeg = 16;
	$astart = deg2rad((float) $astart);
	$afinish = deg2rad((float) $afinish);
	$totalAngle = $afinish - $astart;
	$dt = $totalAngle / $nSeg;	// segment angle
	$dtm = $dt/3;
	$x0 *= _MPDFK;
	$y0 = ($this->h - $y0) * _MPDFK;
	$t1 = $astart;
	$a0 = $x0 + ($rx * cos($t1));
	$b0 = $y0 + ($ry * sin($t1));
	$c0 = -$rx * sin($t1);
	$d0 = $ry * cos($t1);
	$op = false;
	for ($i = 1; $i <= $nSeg; $i++) {
		// Draw this bit of the total curve
		$t1 = ($i * $dt) + $astart;
		$a1 = $x0 + ($rx * cos($t1));
		$b1 = $y0 + ($ry * sin($t1));
		$c1 = -$rx * sin($t1);
		$d1 = $ry * cos($t1);
		if ($i>($nSeg-4) && (!$part || ($part == 1 && $i<=$nSeg-2) || ($part == 2 && $i>$nSeg-2))) {
			if ($start && !$op) {
           			$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', $a0, $b0);
			$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c ', ($a0 + ($c0 * $dtm)), ($b0 + ($d0 * $dtm)), ($a1 - ($c1 * $dtm)) , ($b1 - ($d1 * $dtm)), $a1 , $b1 );
			$op = true;
		$a0 = $a1;
		$b0 = $b1;
		$c0 = $c1;
		$d0 = $d1;
	return $s;

function PaintDivLnBorder($state=0,$blvl=0,$h) {
	// $state = 0 normal; 1 top; 2 bottom; 3 top and bottom
	$this->ColDetails[$this->CurrCol]['bottom_margin'] = $this->y + $h;

	$save_y = $this->y;

	$w = $this->blk[$blvl]['width'];
	$x0 = $this->x;				// left
	$y0 = $this->y;				// top
	$x1 = $this->x + $w;			// bottom
	$y1 = $this->y + $h;			// bottom

	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'] && ($state==1 || $state==3)) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_top'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			$this->y = $y0 + ($tbd['w']/2);
			// mPDF 5.6.56
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') {
				$this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w']/2) , $this->y , $x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y);
			else {
				$this->Line($x0, $this->y , $x0 + $w, $this->y);
			$this->y += $tbd['w'];
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_left']) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_left'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			// mPDF 5.6.56
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') {
				$this->y = $y0 + ($tbd['w']/2);
				$this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y, $x0 + ($tbd['w']/2), $y0 + $h -($tbd['w']/2));
			else {
		 		$this->y = $y0;
				$this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y, $x0 + ($tbd['w']/2), $y0 + $h);
			$this->y += $tbd['w'];
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_right']) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_right'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			// mPDF 5.6.56
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') {
		 		$this->y = $y0 + ($tbd['w']/2);
				$this->Line($x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y, $x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $y0 + $h - ($tbd['w']/2));
			else {
		 		$this->y = $y0;
				$this->Line($x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y, $x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $y0 + $h);
			$this->y += $tbd['w'];
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'] && $state > 1) {
		$tbd = $this->blk[$blvl]['border_bottom'];
		if (isset($tbd['s']) && $tbd['s']) {
			$this->y = $y0 + $h - ($tbd['w']/2);
			// mPDF 5.6.56
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') {
				$this->Line($x0 + ($tbd['w']/2) , $this->y, $x0 + $w - ($tbd['w']/2), $this->y);
			else {
				$this->Line($x0, $this->y, $x0 + $w, $this->y);
			$this->y += $tbd['w'];
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	$this->y = $save_y;

function PaintImgBorder($objattr,$is_table) {
	// Borders are disabled in columns - messes up the repositioning in printcolumnbuffer
	if ($this->ColActive) { return ; }	// *COLUMNS*
	if ($is_table) { $k = $this->shrin_k; } else { $k = 1; }
	$h = (isset($objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT']) ? $objattr['BORDER-HEIGHT'] : 0);
	$w = (isset($objattr['BORDER-WIDTH']) ? $objattr['BORDER-WIDTH'] : 0);
	$x0 = (isset($objattr['BORDER-X']) ? $objattr['BORDER-X'] : 0);
	$y0 = (isset($objattr['BORDER-Y']) ? $objattr['BORDER-Y'] : 0);

	if ($objattr['border_top']) {
		$tbd = $objattr['border_top'];
		if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],'','','T'); }
			$this->Line($x0, $y0, $x0 + $w, $y0);
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($objattr['border_left']) {
		$tbd = $objattr['border_left'];
		if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],'','','L'); }
			$this->Line($x0, $y0, $x0, $y0 + $h);
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($objattr['border_right']) {
		$tbd = $objattr['border_right'];
		if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],'','','R'); }
			$this->Line($x0 + $w, $y0, $x0 + $w, $y0 + $h);
			// Reset Corners and Dash off
	if ($objattr['border_bottom']) {
		$tbd = $objattr['border_bottom'];
		if (!empty($tbd['s'])) {
			if ($tbd['style']=='dotted' || $tbd['style']=='dashed') { $this->_setDashBorder($tbd['style'],'','','B'); }
			$this->Line($x0, $y0 + $h, $x0 + $w, $y0 + $h);
			// Reset Corners and Dash off

/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

function Reset() {
	$this->colorarray = '';

	$this->spanbgcolorarray = '';
	$this->spanbgcolor = false;
	$this->spanborder = false;
	$this->spanborddet = array();


	$this->HREF = '';
	$this->textparam = array();

	$this->SUP = false;
	$this->SUB = false;
	$this->strike = false;
	$this->textshadow = '';


	$this->currentfontfamily = '';
	$this->currentfontsize = '';

/*-- TABLES --*/
	if ($this->tableLevel) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->table_lineheight);	// *TABLES*
/*-- END TABLES --*/
/*-- LISTS --*/

	if ($this->listlvl && $this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->bulletarray['occur']]) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->list_lineheight[$this->listlvl][$this->bulletarray['occur']]);	// sets default line height
/*-- END LISTS --*/
	if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']) {
		$this->SetLineHeight('',$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']);	// sets default line height

	$this->toupper = false;
	$this->tolower = false;
	$this->kerning = false;
	$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
	$this->minwSpacing = 0;
	$this->capitalize = false;
	$this->SetDash(); //restore to no dash
	$this->dash_on = false;
	$this->dotted_on = false;
	$this->divwidth = 0;
	$this->divheight = 0;
	$this->divalign = '';
	$this->divrevert = false;
	$this->oldy = -1;

	$bodystyle = array();
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-STYLE'])) { $bodystyle['FONT-STYLE'] = $this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-STYLE']; }
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-WEIGHT'])) { $bodystyle['FONT-WEIGHT'] = $this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['FONT-WEIGHT']; }
	if (isset($this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['COLOR'])) { $bodystyle['COLOR'] = $this->cssmgr->CSS['BODY']['COLOR']; }
	if (isset($bodystyle)) { $this->setCSS($bodystyle,'BLOCK','BODY'); }


/*-- HTML-CSS --*/
function ReadMetaTags($html) {
	// changes anykey=anyvalue to anykey="anyvalue" (only do this when this happens inside tags)
	$regexp = '/ (\\w+?)=([^\\s>"]+)/si';
 	$html = preg_replace($regexp," \$1=\"\$2\"",$html);
	if (preg_match('/<title>(.*?)<\/title>/si',$html,$m)) {
	preg_match_all('/<meta [^>]*?(name|content)="([^>]*?)" [^>]*?(name|content)="([^>]*?)".*?>/si',$html,$aux);
	$firstattr = $aux[1];
	$secondattr = $aux[3];
	for( $i = 0 ; $i < count($aux[0]) ; $i++) {

		$name = ( strtoupper($firstattr[$i]) == "NAME" )? strtoupper($aux[2][$i]) : strtoupper($aux[4][$i]);
		$content = ( strtoupper($firstattr[$i]) == "CONTENT" )? $aux[2][$i] : $aux[4][$i];
		switch($name) {
			case "KEYWORDS": $this->SetKeywords($content); break;
			case "AUTHOR": $this->SetAuthor($content); break;
			case "DESCRIPTION": $this->SetSubject($content); break;

function ReadCharset($html) {
	// Charset conversion
	if ($this->allow_charset_conversion) {
	   if (preg_match('/<head.*charset=([^\'\"\s]*).*<\/head>/si',$html,$m)) {
		if (strtoupper($m[1]) != 'UTF-8') {
			$this->charset_in = strtoupper($m[1]);

function setCSS($arrayaux,$type='',$tag='') {	// type= INLINE | BLOCK | LIST // tag= BODY
	if (!is_array($arrayaux)) return; //Removes PHP Warning
	// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
	$preceeding_fontkey = $this->FontFamily . $this->FontStyle;
	$preceeding_fontsize = $this->FontSize;

	// Set font size first so that e.g. MARGIN 0.83em works on font size for this element
	if (isset($arrayaux['FONT-SIZE'])) {
		$v = $arrayaux['FONT-SIZE'];
		if(is_numeric($v[0])) {
			if ($type == 'BLOCK' && $this->blklvl>0 && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['InlineProperties']) && isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['InlineProperties']['size'])) {
				$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['InlineProperties']['size']);
			else {
				$mmsize = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->FontSize);
			$this->SetFontSize( $mmsize*(_MPDFK),false ); //Get size in points (pt)
  			$v = strtoupper($v);
			if (isset($this->fontsizes[$v])) {
				$this->SetFontSize( $this->fontsizes[$v]* $this->default_font_size,false);
		if ($tag == 'BODY') { $this->SetDefaultFontSize($this->FontSizePt); }

	if ($this->useLang && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
	   if (isset($arrayaux['LANG']) && $arrayaux['LANG'] && $arrayaux['LANG'] != $this->default_lang && ((strlen($arrayaux['LANG']) == 5 && $arrayaux['LANG'] != 'UTF-8') || strlen($arrayaux['LANG']) == 2)) {
		list ($coreSuitable,$mpdf_pdf_unifonts) = GetLangOpts($arrayaux['LANG'], $this->useAdobeCJK);
		if ($mpdf_pdf_unifonts) { $this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($mpdf_pdf_unifonts); }
		else { $this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($this->default_available_fonts ); }
		if ($tag == 'BODY') {
			$this->currentLang = $arrayaux['LANG'];
			$this->default_lang = $arrayaux['LANG'];
			if ($mpdf_pdf_unifonts) { $this->default_available_fonts = $mpdf_pdf_unifonts; }
	   else {
		$this->RestrictUnicodeFonts($this->default_available_fonts );

	if (isset($arrayaux['FONT-FAMILY'])) {
		$v = $arrayaux['FONT-FAMILY'];
		//If it is a font list, get all font types
		$aux_fontlist = explode(",",$v);
		$found = 0;
		foreach($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
			$fonttype = trim($f);
			$fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/','\\1',$fonttype);
			$fonttype = preg_replace('/ /','',$fonttype);
			$v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
			if (isset($this->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->fonttrans[$v]) { $v = $this->fonttrans[$v]; }
			if ((!$this->onlyCoreFonts && in_array($v,$this->available_unifonts)) ||
				in_array($v,array('ccourier','ctimes','chelvetica')) ||
				($this->onlyCoreFonts && in_array($v,array('courier','times','helvetica','arial'))) ||
				in_array($v, array('sjis','uhc','big5','gb'))) {
				$fonttype = $v;
				$found = 1;
		if (!$found) {
		   foreach($aux_fontlist AS $f) {
			$fonttype = trim($f);
			$fonttype = preg_replace('/["\']*(.*?)["\']*/','\\1',$fonttype);
			$fonttype = preg_replace('/ /','',$fonttype);
			$v = strtolower(trim($fonttype));
			if (isset($this->fonttrans[$v]) && $this->fonttrans[$v]) { $v = $this->fonttrans[$v]; }
			if (in_array($v,$this->sans_fonts) || in_array($v,$this->serif_fonts) || in_array($v,$this->mono_fonts) ) {
				$fonttype = $v;

		if ($tag == 'BODY') {
	else {

   foreach($arrayaux as $k => $v) {
	if ($type != 'INLINE' && $tag != 'BODY' && $type != 'LIST') {
		case 'BORDER-TOP':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top'] = $this->border_details($v);
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_top']['s']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border'] = 1; }
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom'] = $this->border_details($v);
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['s']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border'] = 1; }
		case 'BORDER-LEFT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left'] = $this->border_details($v);
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['s']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border'] = 1; }
		case 'BORDER-RIGHT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right'] = $this->border_details($v);
			if ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_right']['s']) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border'] = 1; }

		case 'PADDING-TOP':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_top'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		case 'PADDING-LEFT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		case 'MARGIN-TOP':
			$tmp = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			if (isset($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['lastbottommargin'])) {
				if ($tmp > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['lastbottommargin']) {
					$tmp -= $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['lastbottommargin'];
				else {
					$tmp = 0;
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_top'] = $tmp;
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_bottom'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		case 'MARGIN-LEFT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_left'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
		case 'MARGIN-RIGHT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_right'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TL_H'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TL_V'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TR_H'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_TR_V'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BL_H'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BL_V'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BR_H'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_radius_BR_V'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		case 'BOX-SHADOW':
			$bs = $this->cssmgr->setCSSboxshadow($v);
			if ($bs) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['box_shadow'] = $bs; }

			if (strtoupper($v) == 'PADDING-BOX') { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['background_clip'] = 'padding-box'; }
			else if (strtoupper($v) == 'CONTENT-BOX') { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['background_clip'] = 'content-box'; }	// mPDF 5.6.09

			if (strtoupper($v) == 'AVOID') { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after_avoid'] = true; }
			else if (strtoupper($v) == 'ALWAYS' || strtoupper($v) == 'LEFT' || strtoupper($v) == 'RIGHT') { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['page_break_after'] = strtoupper($v) ; }

		case 'WIDTH':
			if (strtoupper($v) != 'AUTO') {
				$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['css_set_width'] = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize,false);

		case 'TEXT-INDENT':
			// Left as raw value (may include 1% or 2em)
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['text_indent'] = $v;

	  }//end of switch($k)

	if ($type != 'INLINE' && $type != 'LIST') {	// includes BODY tag

		case 'MARGIN-COLLAPSE':	// Custom tag to collapse margins at top and bottom of page
			if (strtoupper($v) == 'COLLAPSE') { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['margin_collapse'] = true; }

		case 'LINE-HEIGHT':
			$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'] = $this->fixLineheight($v);
			if (!$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'] ) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height'] = $this->normalLineheight; }

		case 'TEXT-ALIGN': //left right center justify
			switch (strtoupper($v)) {
				case 'LEFT':
				case 'CENTER':
				case 'RIGHT':
				case 'JUSTIFY':

			if ($type  == 'BLOCK') {
				$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['gradient'] = $v;

		case 'DIRECTION':
			if ($v) { $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['direction'] = strtolower($v); }

	  }//end of switch($k)

	if ($type == 'INLINE' || $type == 'LIST') {
		case 'DISPLAY':	// Custom tag to collapse margins at top and bottom of page
			if (strtoupper($v) == 'NONE') { $this->inlineDisplayOff = true; }
		case 'DIRECTION':
	  }//end of switch($k)
	if ($type == 'INLINE') {
		case 'BORDER-TOP':
			$this->spanborddet['T'] = $this->border_details($v);
			$this->spanborder = true;
			$this->spanborddet['B'] = $this->border_details($v);
			$this->spanborder = true;
		case 'BORDER-LEFT':
			$this->spanborddet['L'] = $this->border_details($v);
			$this->spanborder = true;
		case 'BORDER-RIGHT':
			$this->spanborddet['R'] = $this->border_details($v);
			$this->spanborder = true;
		// mPDF 5.6.26
		case 'VISIBILITY':	// block is set in OpenTag
			$v = strtolower($v);
			if ($v == 'visible' || $v == 'hidden' || $v == 'printonly' || $v == 'screenonly') {
				$this->textparam['visibility'] = $v;
	  }//end of switch($k)

		case 'TEXT-ALIGN': //left right center justify
			if (strtoupper($v) == 'NOJUSTIFY' && $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['align']=="J") {
		// bgcolor only - to stay consistent with original html2fpdf
		case 'BACKGROUND':
			$cor = $this->ConvertColor($v);
			if ($cor) {
			   if ($tag  == 'BODY') {
				$this->bodyBackgroundColor = $cor;
			   else if ($type == 'INLINE' || $type == 'LIST') {
				$this->spanbgcolorarray = $cor;
				$this->spanbgcolor = true;
			   else {
				$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'] = $cor;
				$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] = true;
			else if ($type != 'INLINE' && $type != 'LIST') {
  		  		if ($this->ColActive || $this->keep_block_together) {
					$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['bgcolorarray'] ;
					$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolor'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl-1]['bgcolor'] ;

		// auto | normal | none
		case 'FONT-KERNING':
			if ((strtoupper($v) == 'NORMAL' || strtoupper($v) == 'AUTO') && $this->useKerning) { $this->kerning = true; }
			else if (strtoupper($v) == 'NONE') { $this->kerning = false; }

		// normal | <length>
			$this->lSpacingCSS = $v;
			if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS==='0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
				$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);

		// normal | <length>
		case 'WORD-SPACING':
			$this->wSpacingCSS = $v;
			if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
				$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize);

		case 'FONT-STYLE': // italic normal oblique
			switch (strtoupper($v)) {
				case 'ITALIC':
				case 'OBLIQUE':
				case 'NORMAL':

		case 'FONT-WEIGHT': // normal bold //Does not support: bolder, lighter, 100..900(step value=100)
			switch (strtoupper($v))	{
				case 'BOLD':
				case 'NORMAL':

		case 'VERTICAL-ALIGN': //super and sub only dealt with here e.g. <SUB> and <SUP>
			switch (strtoupper($v)) {
			  case 'SUPER':
                        $this->SUB=false;	// mPDF 5.6.07
 				// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
				if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] += ($this->baselineSup)*$preceeding_fontsize; }
				else { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] = ($this->baselineSup)*$preceeding_fontsize; }
			  case 'SUB':
                        $this->SUP=false;	// mPDF 5.6.07
				// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
				if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] += ($this->baselineSub)*$preceeding_fontsize; }
				else { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] = ($this->baselineSub)*$preceeding_fontsize; }
			  case 'BASELINE': 	// mPDF 5.6.07
				// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
				if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { unset($this->textparam['text-baseline']); }
			  // mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
				$lh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['line_height']);
				$sz = $this->ConvertSize($v,$lh,$this->FontSize,false);
				if ($sz) {
					if ($sz > 0) {
					else {
					if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] += $sz; }
					else { $this->textparam['text-baseline'] = $sz; }

		case 'FONT-VARIANT':
			switch (strtoupper($v)) {
				case 'SMALL-CAPS':
				case 'NORMAL':

		case 'TEXT-TRANSFORM': // none uppercase lowercase //Does support: capitalize
			switch (strtoupper($v)) { //Not working 100%
				case 'CAPITALIZE':
				case 'UPPERCASE':
				case 'LOWERCASE':
				case 'NONE': break;

		case 'TEXT-SHADOW':
			$ts = $this->cssmgr->setCSStextshadow($v);
			if ($ts) { $this->textshadow = $ts; }

		case 'HYPHENS':	// mPDF 5.6.08
			if (strtoupper($v)=='NONE') {
				$this->textparam['hyphens'] = 2;
			else if (strtoupper($v)=='AUTO') {
				$this->textparam['hyphens'] = 1;
			else if (strtoupper($v)=='MANUAL') {
				$this->textparam['hyphens'] = 0;

		case 'TEXT-OUTLINE': 	// mPDF 5.6.07
			if (strtoupper($v)=='NONE') {
				$this->textparam['outline-s'] = false;

		case 'TEXT-OUTLINE-WIDTH': 	// mPDF 5.6.07
			switch(strtoupper($v)) {
				case 'THIN': $v = '0.03em'; break;
				case 'MEDIUM': $v = '0.05em'; break;
				case 'THICK': $v = '0.07em'; break;
			$w = $this->ConvertSize($v,$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'],$this->FontSize);
			if ($w) {
				$this->textparam['outline-WIDTH'] = $w;
				$this->textparam['outline-s'] = true;
			else { $this->textparam['outline-s'] = false; }

		case 'TEXT-OUTLINE-COLOR': 	// mPDF 5.6.07
			if (strtoupper($v) == 'INVERT') {
			   if ($this->colorarray) {
				$cor = $this->colorarray;
				$this->textparam['outline-COLOR'] = $this->_invertColor($cor);
			   else {
				$this->textparam['outline-COLOR'] = $this->ConvertColor(255);
			else {
		  	  $cor = $this->ConvertColor($v);
			  if ($cor) { $this->textparam['outline-COLOR'] = $cor ; }

		case 'COLOR': // font color
			$cor = $this->ConvertColor($v);
			if ($cor) {
				$this->colorarray = $cor;

	  }//end of switch($k)

   }//end of foreach

	// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
	// Needs to be set at the end - after vertical-align = super/sub, so that textparam['text-baseline'] is set
	if (isset($arrayaux['TEXT-DECORATION'])) {
		$v = $arrayaux['TEXT-DECORATION']; // none underline line-through (strikeout) //Does not support: overline, blink
		if (stristr($v,'LINE-THROUGH')) {
			$this->strike = true;
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['s-decoration']['baseline'] = $this->textparam['text-baseline']; }
			else { $this->textparam['s-decoration']['baseline'] = 0; }
			$this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontkey'] = $this->FontFamily . $this->FontStyle;
			$this->textparam['s-decoration']['fontsize'] = $this->FontSize;
			$this->textparam['s-decoration']['color'] = strtoupper($this->TextColor);	// change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
		if (stristr($v,'UNDERLINE')) {
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			if (isset($this->textparam['text-baseline'])) { $this->textparam['u-decoration']['baseline'] = $this->textparam['text-baseline']; }
			else { $this->textparam['u-decoration']['baseline'] = 0; }
			$this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontkey'] = $this->FontFamily . $this->FontStyle;
			$this->textparam['u-decoration']['fontsize'] = $this->FontSize;
			$this->textparam['u-decoration']['color'] = strtoupper($this->TextColor);	// change 0 0 0 rg to 0 0 0 RG
		if (stristr($v,'NONE')) {
			$this->strike = false;
			// mPDF 5.7.3  inline text-decoration parameters
			if (isset($this->textparam['u-decoration'])) { unset($this->textparam['u-decoration']); }
			if (isset($this->textparam['s-decoration'])) { unset($this->textparam['s-decoration']); }


/*-- END HTML-CSS --*/

function SetStyle($tag,$enable) {
	foreach(array('B','I','U','S') as $s) {
		if($this->$s) {
	if ($this->S && empty($this->upperCase)) { @include(_MPDF_PATH.'includes/upperCase.php'); }

// Set multiple styles at one $str e.g. "BIS"
function SetStylesArray($arr) {
	foreach(array('B','I','U','S') as $s) {
	  if (isset($arr[$s])) {
		if ($arr[$s]) {
			$this->$s = true;
		else { $this->$s = false; }
	  else if ($this->$s) {	$style.=$s; }

// Set multiple styles at one $str e.g. "BIS"
function SetStyles($str) {
	foreach(array('B','I','U','S') as $s) {
		if (strpos($str,$s) !== false) {
			$this->$s = true;
		else { $this->$s = false; }

function ResetStyles() {
	foreach(array('B','I','U','S') as $s) {
		$this->$s = false;

function DisableTags($str='')
  if ($str == '') //enable all tags
	//Insert new supported tags in the long string below.
	$this->enabledtags = "<span><s><strike><del><bdo><big><small><ins><cite><acronym><font><sup><sub><b><u><i><a><strong><em><code><samp><tt><kbd><var><q><table><thead><tfoot><tbody><tr><th><td><ol><ul><li><dl><dt><dd><form><input><select><textarea><option><div><p><h1><h2><h3><h4><h5><h6><pre><center><blockquote><address><hr><img><br><indexentry><indexinsert><bookmark><watermarktext><watermarkimage><tts><ttz><tta><column_break><columnbreak><newcolumn><newpage><page_break><pagebreak><formfeed><columns><toc><tocentry><tocpagebreak><pageheader><pagefooter><setpageheader><setpagefooter><sethtmlpageheader><sethtmlpagefooter><annotation><template><jpgraph><barcode><dottab><caption><textcircle><fieldset><legend><article><aside><figure><figcaption><footer><header><hgroup><nav><section><mark><main><details><summary><meter><progress><time>";	// mPDF 5.7.3
    $str = explode(",",$str);
    foreach($str as $v) $this->enabledtags = str_replace(trim($v),'',$this->enabledtags);

/*-- TABLES --*/

function finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight) {
	$af = 0; 	// Above font
	$bf = 0; 	// Below font
	$mta = 0;	// Maximum top-aligned
	$mba = 0;	// Maximum bottom-aligned
	if ($lhxt['BS']) {
		$af = max($af, ($lhxt['BS'] - ($maxfontsize * (0.5 + $this->baselineC))));
	if ($lhxt['M']) {
		$af = max($af, ($lhxt['M'] - $maxfontsize)/2);
		$bf = max($bf, ($lhxt['M'] - $maxfontsize)/2);
	if ($lhxt['TT']) {
		$bf = max($bf, ($lhxt['TT'] - $maxfontsize));
	if ($lhxt['TB']) {
		$af = max($af, ($lhxt['TB'] - $maxfontsize));
	if ($lhxt['T']) {
		$mta = max($mta, $lhxt['T']);
	if ($lhxt['B']) {
		$mba = max($mba, $lhxt['B']);
	if ((!$lhfixed || !$forceExactLineheight) && ($af > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2) || $bf > (($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2))) {
		$maxlineHeight = $maxfontsize + $af + $bf;
	else if (!$lhfixed) { $af = $bf = ($maxlineHeight - $maxfontsize)/2; }
	if ($mta > $maxlineHeight) {
		$bf += ($mta - $maxlineHeight);
		$maxlineHeight = $mta;
	if ($mba > $maxlineHeight) {
		$af += ($mba - $maxlineHeight);
		$maxlineHeight = $mba;
	return $maxlineHeight;

function TableWordWrap($maxwidth, $forcewrap = 0, $textbuffer = '', $def_fontsize, $returnarray=false) {	// NB ** returnarray used in flowchart

   $textbuffer[0][0] = preg_replace('/^[ ]*/','',$textbuffer[0][0]);
   if ((count($textbuffer) == 0) or ((count($textbuffer) == 1) && ($textbuffer[0][0] == ''))) { return 0; }

   $text = '';
   $lhfixed = false;
   if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->table_lineheight)) { $lhfixed = true; }
   if ($lhfixed) { $def_lineheight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight, $def_fontsize);}
   else { $def_lineheight = 0; }

   // Initialise lineheight variables
   $maxfontsize = 0;
   $forceExactLineheight = true;
   $lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
   $maxlineHeight = $def_lineheight ;
   $ch = 0;
   $width = 0;
   $ln = 1;	// Counts line number
   $mxw = $this->GetCharWidth('W',false);
   for($cctr=0;$cctr<count($textbuffer);$cctr++) {	// mPDF 5.6.22
	$chunk = $textbuffer[$cctr];	// mPDF 5.6.22
	$line = $chunk[0];
      if (substr($line,0,3) == "\xbb\xa4\xac") { //identifier has been identified!
		$objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($line);
		if ($objattr['type'] == 'nestedtable') {
			// Finalise & add lineheight
			$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
			$level = $objattr['level'];
			$ih = $this->table[($level+1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['h'];	// nested table width
			$ch += $ih;
			// Initialise lineheight variables
			$maxfontsize = 0;
			$forceExactLineheight = true;
			$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
			$maxlineHeight = $def_lineheight ;
			$width = 0;
			$text = "";

		list($skipln,$iw,$ih) = $this->inlineObject((isset($specialcontent['type']) ? $specialcontent['type'] : null),0,0, $objattr, $this->lMargin,$width,$maxwidth,$maxlineHeight,false,true);
		if ($objattr['type'] == 'hr') {
			// Finalise & add lineheight
			$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
			// Add HR height
			$ch += $ih;
			// Initialise lineheight variables
			$maxfontsize = 0;
			$forceExactLineheight = true;
			$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
			$maxlineHeight = $def_lineheight ;
			$width = 0;
			$text = "";

		if ($skipln==1 || $skipln==-2) {
			// Finish last line
			// Finalise & add lineheight
			$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
			// Initialise lineheight variables
			$maxfontsize = 0;
			$forceExactLineheight = true;
			$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
			$maxlineHeight = $def_lineheight ;
			$width = 0;
			$text = "";
		$va = (isset($objattr['vertical-align']) ? $objattr['vertical-align'] : null);
		if ($va) {
			$lhxt[$va] = max($lhxt[$va], $ih);
		if ($lhfixed && $ih > $def_fontsize) { $forceExactLineheight = false; }
		$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight ,$ih);
		$width += $iw;

	// SET FONT SIZE/STYLE from $chunk[n]
	if(isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
	   if ($this->shrin_k) {
	   else {
	if ($line == "\n") {
		$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);
		$fh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
		if ($lhfixed && $this->FontSize > $def_fontsize) {
			$fh = $this->FontSize;
			$forceExactLineheight = false;
		$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$fh);

		// Finalise & add lineheight
		$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
		// Initialise lineheight variables
		$maxfontsize = 0;
		$forceExactLineheight = true;
		$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
		$maxlineHeight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
		$text = "";
		$width = 0;
		if(isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {

	$lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
	if(isset($chunk[16]) && !empty($chunk[16])) {	//Border
		$this->spanborddet = $chunk[16];
		if (isset($this->spanborddet['L'])) $lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
		if (isset($this->spanborddet['R'])) $rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
      if(isset($chunk[15])) { 	 // Word spacing
		$this->wSpacingCSS = $chunk[15];
		if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
			$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
      if(isset($chunk[14])) { 	 // Letter spacing
		$this->lSpacingCSS = $chunk[14];
		if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS==='0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
			$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
      if(isset($chunk[13])) { 	 // Font Kerning
		$this->kerning = $chunk[13];
      if(isset($chunk[9])) { 	 // Text params - Outline, hyphens	// mPDF 5.6.08
		$this->textparam = $chunk[9];
	if(isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') { $font = $this->SetFont($chunk[4],$this->FontStyle,0,false); }

	if(isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {

	$space = $this->GetCharWidth(' ',false);

	if (mb_substr($line,0,1,$this->mb_enc ) == ' ') { 	// line (chunk) starts with a space
		$width += $space;
		$text .= ' ';

	if (mb_substr($line,(mb_strlen($line,$this->mb_enc )-1),1,$this->mb_enc ) == ' ') { $lsend = true; }	// line (chunk) ends with a space
	else { $lsend = false; }
	$line= trim($line);
	if ($line == '') { continue; }

	if ($this->iterationCounter) $line = preg_replace('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/','\\1', $line);

	$words = explode(' ', $line);

	foreach ($words as $k=>$word) {
		$word = trim($word);
		$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
		if ($k==0) { $wordwidth += $lbw; }
		if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $wordwidth += $rbw; }
		//maxwidth is insufficient for one word
		if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
			while($wordwidth > $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
				$chw = 0;	// check width
				$oneCJKorphan = false;
				$mlen = mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc );
				for ( $i = 0; $i < $mlen; $i++ ) {
					$chw = $this->GetStringWidth(mb_substr($word,0,$i+1,$this->mb_enc ));
					if ($k==0) { $chw += $lbw; }
					if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $chw += $rbw; }
					if ($chw > $maxwidth) {
						if ($i==0 && $firstchunk) {
							// If first letter of line does not fit
							$wordwidth = $maxwidth - 0.0001;
							if ($this->debug) { $this->Error("Table cell width calculated less than that needed for one character!"); }
/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
					 	// mPDF 5.6.40	mPDF 5.6.44
						if ($this->checkCJK && !$this->usingCoreFont && preg_match("/[".$this->pregCJKchars."]/u", $word)) {	// mPDF 5.6.44
							if (!$oneCJKorphan && preg_match('/['.$this->CJKoverflow.']$/u',mb_substr($word,0,$i+1,$this->mb_enc )) && $this->allowCJKorphans) {
								$wordwidth = $maxwidth - 0.0001;
								$oneCJKorphan = true;
							$cjkfix = 0;
							// Last character that fits is not allowed to end a line - move lastchar(s) to start of next line
							if ($i>0 && preg_match("/[".$this->CJKleading."$]/u", mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc ))) {
								$cjkfix = 1;
							// Next character is not allowed to start a new line
							else if (preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", mb_substr($word,$i,1,$this->mb_enc ))) {
								// try squeezing another character(s) onto this line = Oikomi
								if ($this->allowCJKorphans && !$oneCJKorphan) {
									//if lookahead is not another following char
									if ($i==($mlen-1) || ($i<($mlen-1) && !preg_match("/[".$this->CJKfollowing."]/u", mb_substr($word,$i+1,1,$this->mb_enc )))) {
										$wordwidth = $maxwidth - 0.0001;
										$oneCJKorphan = true;
								// or move lastchar(s) to next line
								$cjkfix = 2;
							// mPDF 5.6.42
							// CJK numerals kept together
							else if (preg_match("/([".$this->pregCJKchars."]+[0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]+$)/u", mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc )) && preg_match("/^([0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}]+[".$this->pregCJKchars."]+)/u", mb_substr($word,$i,16,$this->mb_enc ))) {
								$cjkfix = 3;
							if ($cjkfix) {
								//move lastchar(s) to next line
								$m0 = mb_substr($word,$i-1,1,$this->mb_enc );	// chars to move
								$m1 = mb_substr($word,0,$i-1,$this->mb_enc );   // str after stripped chars to move
								$mi = $i - 1;
								if ($cjkfix == 3) { $match = "0-9\x{ff10}-\x{ff19}"; }
								else { $match = $this->CJKleading; }
								while(preg_match("/[".$match."$]/u", $m1) && mb_strlen($m1, $this->mb_enc)>2) {
									$m0 = mb_substr($m1,$mi-1,1,$this->mb_enc ).$m0;	// chars to move
									$m1 = mb_substr($m1,0,$mi-1,$this->mb_enc );   // str after stripped chars to move
								// Insert $m0 into $word at $i
								$word =  mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc ) . $m0 .  mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc )-$i,$this->mb_enc );
								$mlen = mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc );	// increment max for loop counter

/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

						if ($text && $firstchunk) {
							// END OF LINE
							// Finalise & add lineheight
							$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);
							$fh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
							if ($lhfixed && $this->FontSize > $def_fontsize) {
								$fh = $this->FontSize;
								$forceExactLineheight = false;
							$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$fh);
							$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
							// Initialise lineheight variables
							$maxfontsize = $this->FontSize;
							$forceExactLineheight = true;
							$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
							$maxlineHeight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
						// END OF LINE
						// Finalise & add lineheight
						$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);
						$fh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
						if ($lhfixed && $this->FontSize > $def_fontsize) {
							$fh = $this->FontSize;
							$forceExactLineheight = false;
						$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$fh);
						$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
						// Initialise lineheight variables
						$maxfontsize = $this->FontSize;
						$forceExactLineheight = true;
						$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
						$maxlineHeight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
						$mxw = $maxwidth;
						$text = mb_substr($word,0,$i,$this->mb_enc );
						$word = mb_substr($word,$i,mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc )-$i,$this->mb_enc );
						$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
						$width = 0;
				if (mb_strlen($word, $this->mb_enc )<2 && $wordwidth > $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
					$wordwidth = $maxwidth - 0.0001;
					if ($this->debug) { $this->Error("Table cell width calculated less than that needed for single character!"); }
		// Word fits on line...
		if ($width + $wordwidth  < $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
			$mxw = max($mxw, ($width+$wordwidth));
			$width += $wordwidth + $space;
			$text .= $word.' ';
		// Word does not fit on line...
		else {
				// mPDF 5.6.21  hard hyphens
				if ($this->textparam['hyphens'] != 2 && preg_match('/\-/',$word)) {
					list($hardsuccess,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->hardHyphenate($word, ($maxwidth - $width)-$this->GetCharWidth("-", false));
					if ($hardsuccess) {
						$text .= $pre.'-';
						$word = $post;
						$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
						if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $wordwidth += $rbw; }
				// Soft Hyphens chr(173)
				else if ($this->textparam['hyphens'] != 2 && (!$this->usingCoreFont && preg_match("/\xc2\xad/",$word)) || ($this->usingCoreFont && preg_match("/".chr(173)."/",$word) && ($this->FontFamily!='csymbol' && $this->FontFamily!='czapfdingbats')) ) {	// mPDF 5.6.06  5.6.08
					list($success,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->softHyphenate($word, ($maxwidth - $width));
					if ($success) {
						$text .= $pre.'-';
						$word = $post;
						$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
						if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $wordwidth += $rbw; }
				else if ($this->textparam['hyphens'] == 1) { 	// mPDF 5.6.06   5.6.08
					list($success,$pre,$post,$prelength) = $this->hyphenateWord($word, ($maxwidth - $width));
					if ($success) {
						$text .= $pre.'-';
						$word = $post;
						$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
						if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $wordwidth += $rbw; }

				// mPDF 5.6.22
		  		if (	count($textbuffer)>1 && $cctr > 0 && $k==0
					&& (substr($textbuffer[$cctr][0],0,3) != "\xbb\xa4\xac")
					&& (substr($textbuffer[$cctr-1][0],0,3) != "\xbb\xa4\xac")
					&& substr($textbuffer[$cctr-1][0],-1,1) != ' '
					&& substr($textbuffer[$cctr][0],0,1) != ' '
					) {
					// Go back to find a space in a previous chunk of content
					$found = false;
					for ($ix=$cctr-1;$ix>=0;$ix--) {
						if (preg_match('/[ ]/',$textbuffer[$ix][0])) { $found = $ix; break; }
					if ($found !== false) {
						$charpos = strrpos($textbuffer[$found][0],' ');
						// mPDF 5.6.24
						$a1 = $a2 = $textbuffer[$found];
						$a1[0] = "\n";
						$a2[0] = substr($textbuffer[$found][0], $charpos+1, strlen($textbuffer[$found][0])-$charpos);
						$textbuffer[$found][0] = substr($textbuffer[$found][0], 0, $charpos);
						array_insert($textbuffer, $a1, $found+1);
						array_insert($textbuffer, $a2, $found+2);
						// Initialise all variables
						$lhfixed = false;
						if (preg_match('/([0-9.,]+)mm/',$this->table_lineheight)) { $lhfixed = true; }
						if ($lhfixed) { $def_lineheight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight, $def_fontsize);}
						else { $def_lineheight = 0; }
						$maxfontsize = 0;
						$forceExactLineheight = true;
						$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
						$maxlineHeight = $def_lineheight ;
						$ch = 0;
						$width = 0;
						$ln = 1;	// Counts line number
						$mxw = $this->GetCharWidth('W',false);
						$text = '';

						$cctr = -1;

				// END OF LINE
				// Finalise & add lineheight
				$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);
				$fh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
				if ($lhfixed && $this->FontSize > $def_fontsize) {
					$fh = $this->FontSize;
					$forceExactLineheight = false;
				$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$fh);
				$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
				$mxw = $maxwidth;
				// Initialise lineheight variables
				$maxfontsize = $this->FontSize;
				$forceExactLineheight = true;
				$lhxt = array('BS'=>0, 'M'=>0, 'TT'=>0, 'TB'=>0, 'T'=>0, 'B'=>0);
				$maxlineHeight = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
				$width = $wordwidth + $space;
				$text = $word.' ';
		$maxfontsize = max($maxfontsize,$this->FontSize);
		$fh = $this->_computeLineheight($this->table_lineheight);
		if ($lhfixed && $this->FontSize > $def_fontsize) {
			$fh = $this->FontSize;
			$forceExactLineheight = false;
		$maxlineHeight = max($maxlineHeight,$fh);

	// End of textbuffer chunk
	if (!$lsend) {
		$width -= $space;
		$text = rtrim($text);

	//Now we must deactivate what we have used
	if(isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {
	if(isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') {
	if(isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
	$this->spanborddet = array();
	$this->kerning = false;
	$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
	$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
	$this->minwSpacing = 0;
  // Finalise lineheight if something output on line and add
   if ($width) {
	$ch += $this->finaliseCellLineHeight($lhxt, $maxfontsize, $maxlineHeight, $lhfixed, $forceExactLineheight);
   if ($returnarray) { return array($ch,$ln,$mxw); }
   else { return $ch; }


function TableCheckMinWidth($maxwidth, $forcewrap = 0, $textbuffer) {
	if ((count($textbuffer) == 0) or ((count($textbuffer) == 1) && ($textbuffer[0][0] == ''))) { return 0; }

	foreach ($textbuffer as $chunk) {

		$line = $chunk[0];
		if ($this->iterationCounter) $line = preg_replace('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/','\\1', $line);

      	if (substr($line,0,3) == "\xbb\xa4\xac") { //inline object - FORM element or IMAGE!
			$objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($line);
			if ($objattr['type']!='hr' && isset($objattr['width']) && ($objattr['width']/$this->shrin_k) > ($maxwidth + 0.0001) ) {
				if (($objattr['width']/$this->shrin_k) > $biggestword) { $biggestword = ($objattr['width']/$this->shrin_k); }

		if ($line == "\n") {
    		$line = trim($line );
		// SET FONT SIZE/STYLE from $chunk[n]

	      if(isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
		   if ($this->shrin_k) {
		   else {
	      if(isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') { $font = $this->SetFont($chunk[4],$this->FontStyle,0,false); }
		// B I U
	      if(isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {

		$lbw = $rbw = 0;	// Border widths
		if(isset($chunk[16]) && !empty($chunk[16])) { //Border
			$this->spanborddet = $chunk[16];
			$lbw = $this->spanborddet['L']['w'];
			$rbw = $this->spanborddet['R']['w'];
	      if(isset($chunk[15])) { 	 // Word spacing
			$this->wSpacingCSS = $chunk[15];
			if ($this->wSpacingCSS && strtoupper($this->wSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
				$this->minwSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->wSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
	      if(isset($chunk[14])) { 	 // Letter spacing
			$this->lSpacingCSS = $chunk[14];
			if (($this->lSpacingCSS || $this->lSpacingCSS==='0') && strtoupper($this->lSpacingCSS) != 'NORMAL') {
				$this->fixedlSpacing = $this->ConvertSize($this->lSpacingCSS,$this->FontSize)/$this->shrin_k; // mPDF 5.7.3
	      if(isset($chunk[13])) { 	 // Font Kerning
			$this->kerning = $chunk[13];

		$words = explode(' ', $line);
		foreach ($words as $k=>$word) {
			$word = trim($word);
			$wordwidth = $this->GetStringWidth($word);
			if ($k==0) { $wordwidth += $lbw; }
			if ($k==(count($words)-1)) { $wordwidth += $rbw; }

			//Warn user that maxwidth is insufficient
			if ($wordwidth > $maxwidth + 0.0001) {
				if ($wordwidth > $biggestword) { $biggestword = $wordwidth; }

		//Now we must deactivate what we have used
		if(isset($chunk[2]) and $chunk[2] != '') {
		if(isset($chunk[4]) and $chunk[4] != '') {
		if(isset($chunk[11]) and $chunk[11] != '') {
		$this->spanborddet = array();
		$this->kerning = false;
		$this->lSpacingCSS = '';
		$this->wSpacingCSS = '';
		$this->fixedlSpacing = false;
		$this->minwSpacing = 0;

	//Return -(wordsize) if word is bigger than maxwidth
      if (($toonarrow) && ($this->table_error_report)) {
		$this->Error("Word is too long to fit in table - ".$this->table_error_report_param);
	if ($toonarrow) return -$biggestword;
	else return 1;

function shrinkTable(&$table,$k) {
 		$table['border_spacing_H'] /= $k;
 		$table['border_spacing_V'] /= $k;

		$table['padding']['T'] /= $k;
		$table['padding']['R'] /= $k;
		$table['padding']['B'] /= $k;
		$table['padding']['L'] /= $k;

		$table['margin']['T'] /= $k;
		$table['margin']['R'] /= $k;
		$table['margin']['B'] /= $k;
		$table['margin']['L'] /= $k;

		$table['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
		$table['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
		$table['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
		$table['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;

		if (isset($table['max_cell_border_width']['T'])) $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] /= $k;
		if (isset($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'])) $table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] /= $k;
		if (isset($table['max_cell_border_width']['B'])) $table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] /= $k;
		if (isset($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'])) $table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] /= $k;

		if ($this->simpleTables){
			$table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
			$table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;

		$table['miw'] /= $k;
		$table['maw'] /= $k;

		if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }

		for($j = 0 ; $j < $table['nc'] ; $j++ ) { //columns

		   $table['wc'][$j]['miw'] /= $k;
		   $table['wc'][$j]['maw'] /= $k;

		   // mPDF 5.6.13
		   if (isset($table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0']) && $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0']) { $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] /= $k; }
		   if (isset($table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1']) && $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1']) { $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'] /= $k; }

		   if (isset($table['wc'][$j]['absmiw']) && $table['wc'][$j]['absmiw'] ) $table['wc'][$j]['absmiw'] /= $k;

		   for($i = 0 ; $i < $table['nr']; $i++ ) { //rows
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
				$c = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
			if (isset($c) && $c)  {
				if (!$this->simpleTables){
				  if ($this->packTableData) {
					$cell = $this->_unpackCellBorder($c['borderbin'] );
					$cell['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] /= $k;
					$cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] /= $k;
					$c['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($cell);
				  else {
					$c['border_details']['T']['w'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['R']['w'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['B']['w'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['L']['w'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] /= $k;
					$c['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] /= $k;
				$c['padding']['T'] /= $k;
				$c['padding']['R'] /= $k;
				$c['padding']['B'] /= $k;
				$c['padding']['L'] /= $k;
				$c['maxs'] /= $k;
				if (isset($c['w'])) { $c['w'] /= $k; }
				$c['s'] /= $k;
				$c['maw'] /= $k;
				$c['miw'] /= $k;
				if (isset($c['h'])) { $c['h'] /= $k; }	// mPDF 5.7.4
				if (isset($c['absmiw'])) $c['absmiw'] /= $k;
				if (isset($c['nestedmaw'])) $c['nestedmaw'] /= $k;
				if (isset($c['nestedmiw'])) $c['nestedmiw'] /= $k;
				if (isset($c['textbuffer'])) {
					foreach($c['textbuffer'] AS $n=>$tb) {
						if (!empty($tb[16])) {
							$c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['T']['w'] /= $k;
							$c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['B']['w'] /= $k;
							$c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['L']['w'] /= $k;
							$c['textbuffer'][$n][16]['R']['w'] /= $k;
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$this->_cacheCell($c, '', "W", $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j]);
		if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

function _cacheCell($c, $file, $mode="A", $fh=null, $offset=0) {	// mode = Append or (over)Write (needs offset and fh)
	// Requires either $file OR $fh (file_handle)
	if (!is_array($c) || !isset($c)) { return ''; }

	if(isset($c['w'])) { $cw = $c['w']; } else { $cw = -1; }
	if(isset($c['w0'])) { $cw0 = $c['w0']; } else { $cw0 = -1; }
	if(isset($c['h0'])) { $ch0 = $c['h0']; } else { $ch0 = -1; }

	$data = pack("n2d19A1A1n2sA32A128",
		$c['colspan'],		/* n  (16 bit; 2 bytes) [pos 0] */
		$c['rowspan'],		/* n (16 bit; 2 bytes) [pos 2] */
		$c['s'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size (64 bit; 8 bytes on test winOS) [pos 4] */
		$c['maxs'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 1*D] */
		$c['nestedmaw'],		/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 2*D] */
		$c['nestedmiw'],		/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 3*D] */
		$c['padding']['L'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 4*D] */
		$c['padding']['R'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 5*D] */
		$c['padding']['T'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 6*D] */
		$c['padding']['B'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 7*D] */
		$c['dfs'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 8*D] */
		$cw,				/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 9*D] */
		$c['h'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 10*D] */
		$c['absmiw'],		/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 11*D] */
		$c['maw'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 12*D] */
		$c['miw'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 13*D] */
		$c['mih'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 14*D] */
		$c['x0'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 15*D] */
		$cw0,				/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 16*D] */
		$c['y0'],			/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 17*D] */
		$ch0,				/* d NB machine-dependent size [pos 4 + 18*D] */
		$c['a'],			/* A1 (1 byte) [pos 4 + 19*D] */
		$c['va'],			/* A1 (1 byte) [pos 5 + 19*D] */
		$c['nowrap'],		/* 1 or blank  n (16 bit; 2 bytes) [pos 6 + 19*D] */
		$c['wpercent'],		/* 0 - 100  n (16 bit; 2 bytes) [pos 8 + 19*D] */
		$c['R'],			/* 90 or -90 s (16 bit; 2 bytes) [pos 10 + 19*D] */
		$c['bgcolor'],		/* A32 (32 bytes) [pos 12 + 19*D] */
		$c['gradient']		/* A128 (128 bytes) [pos 44 + 19*D] */

	if ($c['background-image']) {
		$data .= pack("n2d2A6A6n3dA4A128",
		strlen($data),		/* offset in main data to start of bgimage data */
		$c['background-image']['image_id'],	/* n */
		$c['background-image']['orig_w'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['background-image']['orig_h'],	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['background-image']['x_pos'],	/* A6 calc size or "50%" */
		$c['background-image']['y_pos'],	/* A6 calc size or "50%" */
		$c['background-image']['x_repeat'],	/* n true or false*/
		$c['background-image']['y_repeat'],	/* n true or false */
		$c['background-image']['resize'],	/* n 0 - 6 */
		$c['background-image']['opacity'],	/* d  0-1 */
		$c['background-image']['itype'],	/* A4 jpg etc */
		$c['background-image']['gradient']	/* A128 CSS string */
	else $data .= pack("n",0);
	$tb_offset = 2 + 186 + 2 + strlen($data);
	$stb = serialize($c['textbuffer']).'        ';	// buffer to allow updating in reverseTableDir
	$lentb = strlen($stb);
	$data2 = pack("nA".$lentb, $lentb, $stb);

	$tempfh = true;
	if ($mode=="W" && $offset) {
		if (!$fh) { $fh = fopen($file, "r+b"); }	// Overwrite (but not truncate)
		else $tempfh = false;
		fseek($fh, $offset);
	else {
		$fh = fopen($file, "ab");	// APPEND
	fwrite($fh, pack("n",$tb_offset));		// Offset to Text buffer 2 bytes
	fwrite($fh, $c['borderbin']);			// border details 186 bytes
	fwrite($fh, pack("n",strlen($data)));	// Length of Main data
	fwrite($fh, $data);				// Main data
	fwrite($fh, $data2);				// Text buffer (starts with "n" length of text buffer)
	if ($tempfh) fclose($fh);
	return ($tb_offset + 2 + $lentb);

function _cacheUpdateTxB($c, $fh, $offset) {
	fseek($fh, $offset);
	$tb_offset = $this->read_short($fh);		// First entry = Offset to Text buffer  2 bytes
	fseek($fh, ($tb_offset-2), SEEK_CUR);
	$lentb = $this->read_short($fh);			// First entry in textbuffer = Length of serialized textbuffer - do not update
	$stb = serialize($c['textbuffer']);
	fwrite($fh, pack("A".$lentb, $stb));

function _cacheUpdateBorder($c, $fh, $offset) {
	$offset += 2;
	fseek($fh, $offset);
	fwrite($fh, $c['borderbin']);

function _cacheUpdateMtx($c, $fh, $offset, $var) {
	if ($var=='mih') { $offset += (2 + 186 + 2 + 4 + 14*_DSIZE); }
	else if ($var=='x0') { $offset += (2 + 186 + 2 + 4 + 15*_DSIZE); }	// x0 and w0
	else if ($var=='y0') { $offset += (2 + 186 + 2 + 4 + 17*_DSIZE); }	// y0 and h0
	fseek($fh, $offset);
	if ($var=='mih') { fwrite($fh, pack("d",$c['mih'])); }
	else if ($var=='x0') { fwrite($fh, pack("d2",$c['x0'],$c['w0'])); }
	else if ($var=='y0') { fwrite($fh, pack("d2",$c['y0'],$c['h0'])); }

function _uncacheCell($ptr, $file, $fh) {
	// Requires either $file or $fh (file_handle)
	if ($ptr==0) { return null; }
	if (is_array($ptr)) { $this->Error("Probable cause - missing end tag &lt;/td&gt;. You may be able to change the configurable variable: allow_html_optional_endtags "); }
	$tempfh = true;
	if (!$fh) { $fh = fopen($file, "rb"); }
	else $tempfh = false;
	fseek($fh, $ptr);
	$c = array();
	$tb_offset = $this->read_short($fh);		// First entry = Offset to Text buffer  2 bytes
	$c['borderbin'] = fread($fh,186);			// border details 186 bytes
	$maindatalen = $this->read_short($fh);		// Length of Main data (2 bytes)
	$str = fread($fh,$maindatalen );			// Main data
	$data = unpack("ncolspan/nrowspan/ds/dmaxs/dnmaw/dnmiw/dpl/dpr/dpt/dpb/ddfs/dw/dh/dabsmiw/dmaw/dmiw/dmih/dx0/dw0/dy0/dh0/A1a/A1va/nnowrap/nwpercent/sR/A32bgcol/A128grad/nbgimage", $str);

		if ($data['colspan']>0) $c['colspan'] = $data['colspan'];		/* n */
		if ($data['rowspan']>0) $c['rowspan'] = $data['rowspan'];		/* n */
		$c['s'] = $data['s'];				/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['maxs'] = $data['maxs'];			/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['nmaw']>0) $c['nestedmaw'] = $data['nmaw'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['nmiw']>0) $c['nestedmiw'] = $data['nmiw'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['padding']['L'] = $data['pl'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['padding']['R'] = $data['pr'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['padding']['T'] = $data['pt'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['padding']['B'] = $data['pb'];		/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['dfs'] = $data['dfs'];			/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['w']>=0) $c['w'] = $data['w'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['h']>0) $c['h'] = $data['h'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['absmiw']>0) $c['absmiw'] = $data['absmiw'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['maw']>0) $c['maw'] = $data['maw'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['miw']>0) $c['miw'] = $data['miw'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['mih']>0) $c['mih'] = $data['mih'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['w0']>=0) { $c['w0'] = $data['w0'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
			$c['x0'] = $data['x0']; }	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		if ($data['h0']>=0) { $c['h0'] = $data['h0'];	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
			$c['y0'] = $data['y0']; }	/* d NB machine-dependent size */
		$c['a'] = trim($data['a']);			/* A1 */
		$c['va'] = trim($data['va']);			/* A1 */
		if ($data['nowrap']) $c['nowrap'] = $data['nowrap'];		/* 1 or blank  n */
			else $c['nowrap'] = false;
		if ($data['wpercent']>0) $c['wpercent'] = $data['wpercent'];	/* 0 - 100  n */
		if ($data['R']<>0) $c['R'] = $data['R'];				/* 90 or -90 s */
			else $c['R'] = false;
		$c['bgcolor'] = trim($data['bgcol']);			/* A32 */
		if (trim($data['grad']))
			$c['gradient'] = trim($data['grad']);		/* A128 */
		  else $c['gradient'] = false;
		if ($data['bgimage']>0) {
			$bgidata = substr($str, ($data['bgimage']+2));
			$c['background-image'] = unpack("nimage_id/dorig_w/dorig_h/A6x_pos/A6y_pos/nx_repeat/ny_repeat/nresize/dopacity/A4itype/A128gradient", $bgidata);

	$tblen = $this->read_short($fh);				// Length of Textbuffer
	$tbsp = fread($fh,$tblen);					// Textbuffer (serialised and packed)
	$tbs = unpack("A".$tblen."textbuffer",$tbsp);		// Textbuffer unpacked
	$c['textbuffer'] = unserialize(trim($tbs['textbuffer']));	// Textbuffer unserialized

	if ($tempfh) { fclose($fh); }
	return ($c);
function read_short(&$fh) {
		$s = fread($fh,2);
		$a = (ord($s[0])<<8) + ord($s[1]);
		if ($a & (1 << 15) ) {
			$a = ($a - (1 << 16));
		return $a;
function _backupCacheFiles() {
	foreach($this->table AS $lvl=>$t) {
		foreach($this->table[$lvl] AS $c=>$t2) {
///////////////////////////if (!file_exists($t2['cache'])) { echo $lvl; echo $c; print_r($this->table); exit; }
			copy( $t2['cache'], $t2['cache'].'.bak');
function _restoreCacheFiles() {
	foreach($this->table AS $lvl=>$t) {
		foreach($this->table[$lvl] AS $c=>$t2) {
			copy( $t2['cache'].'.bak', $t2['cache']);

function _packCellBorder($cell) {
	if (!is_array($cell) || !isset($cell)) { return ''; }

	if (!$this->packTableData) { return $cell; }
	// = 186 bytes
	$bindata = pack("nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nnda6A10nd9",





	return $bindata;

function _getBorderWidths($bindata) {
	if (!$bindata) { return array(0,0,0,0); }
	if (!$this->packTableData) { return array($bindata['border_details']['T']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['R']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['B']['w'], $bindata['border_details']['L']['w']); }

	$bd = unpack("nbord/nrs/drw/a6rca/A10rst/nrd/nls/dlw/a6lca/A10lst/nld/nts/dtw/a6tca/A10tst/ntd/nbs/dbw/a6bca/A10bst/nbd/dmbl/dmbr/dmrt/dmrb/dmtl/dmtr/dmlt/dmlb/dcpd", $bindata);
	$cell['border_details']['R']['w'] = $bd['rw'];
	$cell['border_details']['L']['w'] = $bd['lw'];
	$cell['border_details']['T']['w'] = $bd['tw'];
	$cell['border_details']['B']['w'] = $bd['bw'];
	return array($bd['tw'], $bd['rw'], $bd['bw'], $bd['lw']);

function _unpackCellBorder($bindata) {
	if (!$bindata) { return array(); }
	if (!$this->packTableData) { return $bindata; }

	$bd = unpack("nbord/nrs/drw/a6rca/A10rst/nrd/nls/dlw/a6lca/A10lst/nld/nts/dtw/a6tca/A10tst/ntd/nbs/dbw/a6bca/A10bst/nbd/dmbl/dmbr/dmrt/dmrb/dmtl/dmtr/dmlt/dmlb/dcpd", $bindata);

	$cell['border'] = $bd['bord'];
	$cell['border_details']['R']['s'] = $bd['rs'];
	$cell['border_details']['R']['w'] = $bd['rw'];
	$cell['border_details']['R']['c'] = $bd['rca'];
	$cell['border_details']['R']['style'] = trim($bd['rst']);
	$cell['border_details']['R']['dom'] = $bd['rd'];

	$cell['border_details']['L']['s'] = $bd['ls'];
	$cell['border_details']['L']['w'] = $bd['lw'];
	$cell['border_details']['L']['c'] = $bd['lca'];
	$cell['border_details']['L']['style'] = trim($bd['lst']);
	$cell['border_details']['L']['dom'] = $bd['ld'];

	$cell['border_details']['T']['s'] = $bd['ts'];
	$cell['border_details']['T']['w'] = $bd['tw'];
	$cell['border_details']['T']['c'] = $bd['tca'];
	$cell['border_details']['T']['style'] = trim($bd['tst']);
	$cell['border_details']['T']['dom'] = $bd['td'];

	$cell['border_details']['B']['s'] = $bd['bs'];
	$cell['border_details']['B']['w'] = $bd['bw'];
	$cell['border_details']['B']['c'] = $bd['bca'];
	$cell['border_details']['B']['style'] = trim($bd['bst']);
	$cell['border_details']['B']['dom'] = $bd['bd'];

	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = $bd['mbl'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = $bd['mbr'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = $bd['mrt'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = $bd['mrb'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = $bd['mtl'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = $bd['mtr'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = $bd['mlt'];
	$cell['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = $bd['mlb'];
	$cell['border_details']['cellposdom'] = $bd['cpd'];


////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
////////////////////////TABLE CODE (from PDFTable)/////////////////////////////////////
//table		Array of (w, h, bc, nr, wc, hr, cells)
//w			Width of table
//h			Height of table
//nc			Number column
//nr			Number row
//hr			List of height of each row
//wc			List of width of each column
//cells		List of cells of each rows, cells[i][j] is a cell in the table
function _tableColumnWidth(&$table,$firstpass=false){
	$cs = &$table['cells'];

	$nc = $table['nc'];
	$nr = $table['nr'];
	$listspan = array();

	if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		$tblbw = $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] +  $table['padding']['L'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
	else { $tblbw = $table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2 + $table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2 + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R']; }

	if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
	else { $fh = null; }

	// ADDED table['l'][colno]
	// = total length of text approx (using $c['s']) in that column - used to approximately distribute col widths in _tableWidth
	for($j = 0 ; $j < $nc ; $j++ ) { //columns
		$wc = &$table['wc'][$j];
		for($i = 0 ; $i < $nr ; $i++ ) { //rows
			if (isset($cs[$i][$j]) && $cs[$i][$j])  {
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
					$c = &$cs[$i][$j];

				if ($this->simpleTables){
					   if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
						$extrcw = $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
					   else {
						$extrcw = $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']/2 + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']/2 + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
				else {
			 	   if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   	list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
			 	   else {
					$br = $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
					$bl = $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
				   if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
					$extrcw = $bl + $br + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
				   else {
					$extrcw = $bl/2 + $br/2 + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
				//$mw = $this->GetStringWidth('W') + $extrcw ;
				$mw = 0;
				// mPDF 5.6.13  Decimal point alignment
				if(substr($c['a'],0,1) == 'D') {
					$mw = $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] + $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'] + $extrcw ;

				$c['absmiw'] = $mw;

				if (isset($c['R']) && $c['R']) {
					$c['maw'] = $c['miw'] = $this->FontSize + $extrcw ;
					if (isset($c['w'])) {	// If cell width is specified
						if ($c['miw'] <$c['w'])	{ $c['miw'] = $c['w']; }
					if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
						if ($wc['miw'] < $c['miw']) { $wc['miw']	= $c['miw']; }
						if ($wc['maw'] < $c['maw']) { $wc['maw']	= $c['maw']; }

						if ($firstpass) {
						   if (isset($table['l'][$j]) ) {
							$table['l'][$j] += $c['miw'] ;
						   else {
							$table['l'][$j] = $c['miw'] ;
					if ($c['miw'] > $wc['miw']) { $wc['miw'] = $c['miw']; }
        				if ($wc['miw'] > $wc['maw']) { $wc['maw'] = $wc['miw']; }

				if ($firstpass) {
					if (isset($c['s'])) { $c['s'] += $extrcw; }
					if (isset($c['maxs'])) { $c['maxs'] += $extrcw; }
					if (isset($c['nestedmiw'])) { $c['nestedmiw'] += $extrcw; }
					if (isset($c['nestedmaw'])) { $c['nestedmaw'] += $extrcw; }

				// If minimum width has already been set by a nested table or inline object (image/form), use it
				if (isset($c['nestedmiw']) && $this->table[1][1]['overflow']!='visible') { $miw = $c['nestedmiw']; }
				else  { $miw = $mw; }

				if (isset($c['maxs']) && $c['maxs'] != '') { $c['s'] = $c['maxs']; }

				// If maximum width has already been set by a nested table, use it
				if (isset($c['nestedmaw'])) { $c['maw'] = $c['nestedmaw']; }
				else $c['maw'] = $c['s'];

				if (isset($table['overflow']) && $table['overflow']=='visible' && $table['level']==1) {
					if (($c['maw'] + $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
						$c['maw'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw;

				if (isset($c['nowrap']) && $c['nowrap']) { $miw = $c['maw']; }

				if (isset($c['wpercent']) && $firstpass) {
	 				if (isset($c['colspan'])) {	// Not perfect - but % set on colspan is shared equally on cols.
					   for($k=0;$k<$c['colspan'];$k++) {
						$table['wc'][($j+$k)]['wpercent'] = $c['wpercent'] / $c['colspan'];
	 				else {
						if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w']) { $c['w'] = $c['wpercent']/100 * ($table['w'] - $tblbw ); }
						$wc['wpercent'] = $c['wpercent'];

				if (isset($table['overflow']) && $table['overflow']=='visible' && $table['level']==1) {
					if (($c['w'] + $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
						$c['w'] = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw;

				if (isset($c['w'])) {	// If cell width is specified
					if ($miw<$c['w'])	{ $c['miw'] = $c['w']; }	// Cell min width = that specified
					if ($miw>$c['w'])	{ $c['miw'] = $c['w'] = $miw; } // If width specified is less than minimum allowed (W) increase it
					// mPDF 5.7.4  Do not set column width in colspan
					// cf. http://www.mpdf1.com/forum/discussion/2221/colspan-bug
					if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
						if (!isset($wc['w'])) { $wc['w'] = 1; }		// If the Col width is not specified = set it to 1
					// mPDF 5.7.3  cf. http://www.mpdf1.com/forum/discussion/1648/nested-table-bug-
					$c['maw'] = $c['w'];
				else { $c['miw'] = $miw; }	// If cell width not specified -> set Cell min width it to minimum allowed (W)

				if ($c['maw']  < $c['miw']) { $c['maw'] = $c['miw']; }	// If Cell max width < Minwidth - increase it to =
				if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
					if ($wc['miw'] < $c['miw']) { $wc['miw']	= $c['miw']; }	// Update Col Minimum and maximum widths
					if ($wc['maw'] < $c['maw']) { $wc['maw']	= $c['maw']; }
					if ((isset($wc['absmiw']) && $wc['absmiw'] < $c['absmiw']) || !isset($wc['absmiw'])) { $wc['absmiw'] = $c['absmiw']; }	// Update Col Minimum and maximum widths

					if (isset($table['l'][$j]) ) {
						$table['l'][$j] += $c['s'];
					else {
						$table['l'][$j] = $c['s'];

				else {
					$listspan[] = array($i,$j);

				//Check if minimum width of the whole column is big enough for largest word to fit
				if (isset($c['textbuffer']) && (!isset($table['overflow']) || $table['overflow']!='wrap')) {	// mPDF 5.5.11
		       			$minwidth = $this->TableCheckMinWidth($wc['miw']- $extrcw ,0,$c['textbuffer']);
				else { $minwidth = 0; }
        			if ($minwidth < 0) {
					//increase minimum width
					if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
						$wc['miw'] = max($wc['miw'],((-$minwidth) + $extrcw) );
					else {
						$c['miw'] = max($c['miw'],((-$minwidth) + $extrcw) );
 				if (!isset($c['colspan'])) {
	        			if ($wc['miw'] > $wc['maw']) { $wc['maw'] = $wc['miw']; } //update maximum width, if needed
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$this->_cacheCell($c, '', "W", $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j]);

	$wc = &$table['wc'];
	foreach ($listspan as $span) {
		list($i,$j) = $span;
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$c = $this->_uncacheCell($cs[$i][$j], '', $fh);
			$c = &$cs[$i][$j];
		$lc = $j + $c['colspan'];
		if ($lc > $nc) { $lc = $nc; }
		$wis = $wisa = 0;
		$was = $wasa = 0;
		$list = array();
		for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) {
			if (isset($table['l'][$k]) ) {
				if ($c['R']) { $table['l'][$k] += $c['miw']/$c['colspan'] ; }
				else { $table['l'][$k] += $c['s']/$c['colspan']; }
			else {
				if ($c['R']) { $table['l'][$k] = $c['miw']/$c['colspan'] ; }
				else { $table['l'][$k] = $c['s']/$c['colspan']; }
			$wis += $wc[$k]['miw'];			// $wis is the sum of the column miw in the colspan
			$was += $wc[$k]['maw'];			// $was is the sum of the column maw in the colspan
			if (!isset($c['w'])) {
				$list[] = $k;
				$wisa += $wc[$k]['miw'];	// $wisa is the sum of the column miw in cells with no width specified in the colspan
				$wasa += $wc[$k]['maw'];	// $wasa is the sum of the column maw in cells with no width specified in the colspan
		if ($c['miw'] > $wis) {
			if (!$wis) {
				for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) { $wc[$k]['miw'] = $c['miw']/$c['colspan']; }
			else if (!count($list)) {
				$wi = $c['miw'] - $wis;
				for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) { $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw']/$wis)*$wi; }
			else {
				$wi = $c['miw'] - $wis;
				// mPDF 5.7.2   Extra min width distributed proportionately to all cells in colspan without a specified width
				// cf. http://www.mpdf1.com/forum/discussion/1607#Item_4
				foreach ($list as $k) { if (!isset($wc[$k]['w']) || !$wc[$k]['w']) $wc[$k]['miw'] += ($wc[$k]['miw']/$wisa)*$wi; }	// mPDF 5.7.2
		if ($c['maw'] > $was) {
			if (!$wis) {
				for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) { $wc[$k]['maw'] = $c['maw']/$c['colspan']; }
			else if (!count($list)) {
				$wi = $c['maw'] - $was;
				for($k=$j;$k<$lc;$k++) { $wc[$k]['maw'] += ($wc[$k]['maw']/$was)*$wi; }
			else {
				$wi = $c['maw'] - $was;
				// mPDF 5.7.4  Extra max width distributed evenly to all cells in colspan without a specified width
				// cf. http://www.mpdf1.com/forum/discussion/2221/colspan-bug
				foreach ($list as $k) { $wc[$k]['maw'] += $wi/count($list); }

	if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

	$checkminwidth = 0;
	$checkmaxwidth = 0;
	$totallength = 0;

	for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
		$checkminwidth += $table['wc'][$i]['miw'];
		$checkmaxwidth += $table['wc'][$i]['maw'];
		$totallength += $table['l'][$i];

	if (!isset($table['w']) && $firstpass) {
	   $sumpc = 0;
	   $notset = 0;
	   for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
		  if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) && $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) {
			$sumpc += $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'];
		  else { $notset++; }

	   // If sum of widths as %  >= 100% and not all columns are set
		// Set a nominal width of 1% for unset columns
	   if ($sumpc >= 100 && $notset) {
	   	for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
		  if ((!isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) || !$table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) &&
			(!isset($table['wc'][$i]['w']) || !$table['wc'][$i]['w'])) {
			$table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'] = 1;

	   if ($sumpc) {	// if any percents are set
		$sumnonpc = (100 - $sumpc);
		$sumpc = max($sumpc,100);
	      $miwleft = 0;
		$miwleftcount = 0;
		$miwsurplusnonpc = 0;
		$maxcalcmiw  = 0;
	      $mawleft = 0;
		$mawleftcount = 0;
		$mawsurplusnonpc = 0;
		$maxcalcmaw  = 0;
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
		  if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
			$maxcalcmiw = max($maxcalcmiw, ($table['wc'][$i]['miw'] * $sumpc /$table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) );
			$maxcalcmaw = max($maxcalcmaw, ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] * $sumpc /$table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']) );
		  else {
			$miwleft += $table['wc'][$i]['miw'];
			$mawleft += $table['wc'][$i]['maw'];
		  	if (!isset($table['wc'][$i]['w'])) { $miwleftcount++; $mawleftcount++; }
		if ($miwleft && $sumnonpc > 0) { $miwnon = $miwleft * 100 / $sumnonpc; }
		if ($mawleft && $sumnonpc > 0) { $mawnon = $mawleft * 100 / $sumnonpc; }
		if (($miwnon > $checkminwidth || $maxcalcmiw > $checkminwidth) && $this->keep_table_proportions) {
			if ($miwnon > $maxcalcmiw) {
				$miwsurplusnonpc = round((($miwnon * $sumnonpc / 100) - $miwleft),3);
				$checkminwidth = $miwnon;
			else { $checkminwidth = $maxcalcmiw; }
			for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
			  if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
				$newmiw = $checkminwidth * $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']/100;
				if ($table['wc'][$i]['miw'] < $newmiw) {
				  $table['wc'][$i]['miw'] = $newmiw;
				$table['wc'][$i]['w'] = 1;
			  else if ($miwsurplusnonpc && !$table['wc'][$i]['w']) {
				$table['wc'][$i]['miw'] +=  $miwsurplusnonpc / $miwleftcount;
		if (($mawnon > $checkmaxwidth || $maxcalcmaw > $checkmaxwidth )) {
			if ($mawnon > $maxcalcmaw) {
				$mawsurplusnonpc = round((($mawnon * $sumnonpc / 100) - $mawleft),3);
				$checkmaxwidth = $mawnon;
			else { $checkmaxwidth = $maxcalcmaw; }
			for( $i = 0 ; $i < $nc ; $i++ ) {
			  if (isset($table['wc'][$i]['wpercent'])) {
				$newmaw = $checkmaxwidth * $table['wc'][$i]['wpercent']/100;
				if ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] < $newmaw) {
				  $table['wc'][$i]['maw'] = $newmaw;
				$table['wc'][$i]['w'] = 1;
			  else if ($mawsurplusnonpc && !$table['wc'][$i]['w']) {
				$table['wc'][$i]['maw'] +=  $mawsurplusnonpc / $mawleftcount;
			  if ($table['wc'][$i]['maw'] < $table['wc'][$i]['miw']) { $table['wc'][$i]['maw'] = $table['wc'][$i]['miw']; }
		if ($checkminwidth > $checkmaxwidth) { $checkmaxwidth = $checkminwidth; }

	if (isset($table['wpercent']) && $table['wpercent']) {
		$checkminwidth *= (100 / $table['wpercent']);
		$checkmaxwidth *= (100 / $table['wpercent']);

	$checkminwidth += $tblbw ;
	$checkmaxwidth += $tblbw ;

	// Table['miw'] set by percent in first pass may be larger than sum of column miw
	if ((isset($table['miw']) && $checkminwidth > $table['miw']) || !isset($table['miw'])) {  $table['miw'] = $checkminwidth; }
	if ((isset($table['maw']) && $checkmaxwidth > $table['maw']) || !isset($table['maw'])) { $table['maw'] = $checkmaxwidth; }
	$table['tl'] = $totallength ;

	if (!$this->tableCJK) {
		if ($this->table_rotate) {
			$mxw = $this->tbrot_maxw;
		else {
			$mxw = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
		if(!isset($table['overflow'])) { $table['overflow'] = null; }
		if ($table['overflow']=='visible') {
			return array(0,0);
		else if ($table['overflow']=='hidden' && !$this->table_rotate && !$this->ColActive && $checkminwidth > $mxw) {
			$table['w'] = $table['miw'];
			return array(0,0);
		else if ($table['overflow']=='wrap') { return array(0,0); }

		if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] ) {
			if ($table['w'] >= $checkminwidth && $table['w'] <= $mxw) { $table['maw'] = $mxw = $table['w']; }
			else if ($table['w'] >= $checkminwidth && $table['w'] > $mxw && $this->keep_table_proportions) { $checkminwidth = $table['w']; }
			else if ($table['w'] < $checkminwidth && $checkminwidth < $mxw && $this->keep_table_proportions) {  $table['maw'] = $table['w'] = $checkminwidth; }	// mPDF 5.7.4
			else {
		$ratio = $checkminwidth/$mxw;
		if ($checkminwidth > $mxw) { return array(($ratio +0.001),$checkminwidth); }	// 0.001 to allow for rounded numbers when resizing
	return array(0,0);

function _tableWidth(&$table){
	$widthcols = &$table['wc'];
	$numcols = $table['nc'];
	$tablewidth = 0;
	if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		$tblbw = $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R'] +  $table['padding']['L'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
	else { $tblbw = $table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2 + $table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2 + $table['margin']['L'] + $table['margin']['R']; }

	if ($table['level']>1 && isset($table['w'])) {
		if (isset($table['wpercent']) && $table['wpercent']) {
			$table['w'] = $temppgwidth = (($table['w']-$tblbw) * $table['wpercent'] / 100) + $tblbw ;
		else {
			$temppgwidth = $table['w'] ;
	else if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$temppgwidth = $this->tbrot_maxw;
		// If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin)
		// then allow for this
		$enddiv = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'];
		if ($enddiv/$temppgwidth <0.05) { $temppgwidth -= $enddiv; }
	else {
		if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w']< $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
			$notfullwidth = 1;
			$temppgwidth = $table['w'] ;
		else if ($table['overflow']=='visible' && $table['level'] ==1) {
			$temppgwidth = null;
		else if ($table['overflow']=='hidden' && !$this->ColActive && isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] && $table['w']==$table['miw']) {
			//$temppgwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
			$temppgwidth = $table['w'] ;
		else { $temppgwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']; }

	$totaltextlength = 0;	// Added - to sum $table['l'][colno]
	$totalatextlength = 0;	// Added - to sum $table['l'][colno] for those columns where width not set
	$percentages_set = 0;
	for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++ ) {
		if (isset($widthcols[$i]['wpercent']))  { $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['maw']; $percentages_set = 1; }
		else if (isset($widthcols[$i]['w']))  { $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['miw']; }
		else { $tablewidth += $widthcols[$i]['maw']; }
		$totaltextlength += $table['l'][$i];
	if (!$totaltextlength) { $totaltextlength =1; }
	$tablewidth += $tblbw;	// Outer half of table borders

	if ($tablewidth > $temppgwidth) {
		$table['w'] = $temppgwidth;
	// if any widths set as percentages and max width fits < page width
	else if ($tablewidth < $temppgwidth && !isset($table['w']) && $percentages_set) {
		$table['w'] = $table['maw'];
	// if table width is set and is > allowed width
	if (isset($table['w']) && $table['w'] > $temppgwidth) { $table['w'] = $temppgwidth; }

	// IF the table width is now set - Need to distribute columns widths
	// mPDF 5.7.3
	// If the table width is already set to the maximum width (e.g. nested table), then use maximum column widths exactly
	if (isset($table['w']) && ($table['w'] == $tablewidth) && !$percentages_set) {
		// This sets the columns all to maximum width
		for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) {
			$widthcols[$i] = $widthcols[$i]['maw'];
	// Else If the table width is set distribute width using algorithm
	else if (isset($table['w'])) {
		$wis = $wisa = 0;
		$list = array();
		$notsetlist = array();
		for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++ ) {
			$wis += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
			if (!isset($widthcols[$i]['w']) || ($widthcols[$i]['w'] && $table['w'] > $temppgwidth && !$this->keep_table_proportions && !$notfullwidth )){
				$list[] = $i;
				$wisa += $widthcols[$i]['miw'];
				$totalatextlength += $table['l'][$i];
		if (!$totalatextlength) { $totalatextlength =1; }

		// Allocate spare (more than col's minimum width) across the cols according to their approx total text length
		// Do it by setting minimum width here
		if ($table['w'] > $wis + $tblbw) {
			// First set any cell widths set as percentages
			if ($table['w'] < $temppgwidth || $this->keep_table_proportions) {
				for($k=0;$k<$numcols;$k++) {
					if (isset($widthcols[$k]['wpercent'])) {
						$curr = $widthcols[$k]['miw'];
						$widthcols[$k]['miw'] = ($table['w']-$tblbw) * $widthcols[$k]['wpercent']/100;
						$wis += $widthcols[$k]['miw'] - $curr;
						$wisa += $widthcols[$k]['miw'] - $curr;
			// Now allocate surplus up to maximum width of each column
			$surplus = 0;  $ttl = 0;	// number of surplus columns
			if (!count($list)) {
				$wi = ($table['w']-($wis + $tblbw));	//	i.e. extra space to distribute
				for($k=0;$k<$numcols;$k++) {
					$spareratio = ($table['l'][$k] / $totaltextlength); //  gives ratio to divide up free space
					// Don't allocate more than Maximum required width - save rest in surplus
					if ($widthcols[$k]['miw'] + ($wi * $spareratio) >= $widthcols[$k]['maw']) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
						$surplus += ($wi * $spareratio) - ($widthcols[$k]['maw']-$widthcols[$k]['miw']);
						$widthcols[$k]['miw'] = $widthcols[$k]['maw'];
					else {
						$notsetlist[] = $k;
						$ttl += $table['l'][$k];
						$widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($wi * $spareratio);

			else {
				$wi = ($table['w'] - ($wis + $tblbw));	//	i.e. extra space to distribute
				foreach ($list as $k) {
					$spareratio = ($table['l'][$k] / $totalatextlength); //  gives ratio to divide up free space
					// Don't allocate more than Maximum required width - save rest in surplus
					if ($widthcols[$k]['miw'] + ($wi * $spareratio) >= $widthcols[$k]['maw']) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
						$surplus += ($wi * $spareratio) - ($widthcols[$k]['maw']-$widthcols[$k]['miw']);
						$widthcols[$k]['miw'] = $widthcols[$k]['maw'];
					else {
						$notsetlist[] = $k;
						$ttl += $table['l'][$k];
						$widthcols[$k]['miw'] += ($wi * $spareratio);
			// If surplus still left over apportion it across columns
			if ($surplus) {
			   // if some are set only add to remaining - otherwise add to all of them
			   if (count($notsetlist) && count($notsetlist) < $numcols) {
				foreach ($notsetlist AS $i) {
					if ($ttl) $widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus * $table['l'][$i] / $ttl ;
			   // If some widths are defined, and others have been added up to their maxmum
			   else if (count($list) && count($list) < $numcols) {
				foreach ($list AS $i) {
					$widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus / count($list) ;
			   else if ($numcols) {	// If all columns
				$ttl = array_sum($table['l']);
				for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) {
					$widthcols[$i]['miw'] += $surplus * $table['l'][$i] / $ttl;


		// This sets the columns all to minimum width (which has been increased above if appropriate)
		for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) {
			$widthcols[$i] = $widthcols[$i]['miw'];

		// If sum of column widths set are too wide for table
		$checktablewidth = 0;
		for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++ ) {
			$checktablewidth += $widthcols[$i];
		if ($checktablewidth > ($temppgwidth + 0.001 - $tblbw)) {
		   $usedup = 0; $numleft = 0;
		   for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) {
			if ((isset($widthcols[$i]) && $widthcols[$i] > (($temppgwidth - $tblbw) / $numcols)) && (!isset($widthcols[$i]['w']))) {
			else { $usedup += $widthcols[$i]; }
		   for ($i=0;$i<$numcols;$i++) {
			if (!isset($widthcols[$i]) || !$widthcols[$i]) {
				$widthcols[$i] = ((($temppgwidth - $tblbw) - $usedup)/ ($numleft));
	else { //table has no width defined
		$table['w'] = $tablewidth;
		for ( $i = 0 ; $i < $numcols ; $i++) {
			if (isset($widthcols[$i]['wpercent']) && $this->keep_table_proportions)  { $colwidth = $widthcols[$i]['maw']; }
			else if (isset($widthcols[$i]['w']))  { $colwidth = $widthcols[$i]['miw']; }
			else { $colwidth = $widthcols[$i]['maw']; }
			$widthcols[$i] = $colwidth;

	if ($table['overflow']=='visible' && $table['level'] ==1) {
		if ($tablewidth > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
		  if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
		  else { $fh = null; }
		  for ($j = 0 ; $j < $numcols; $j++) { //columns
			for ($i = 0 ; $i < $table['nr']; $i++) { //rows
				if (isset($table['cells'][$i][$j]) && $table['cells'][$i][$j]) {
				  if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$cc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
					$colspan = $cc['colspan'];
				  	$colspan = $table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan'];
				  if ($colspan > 1) {
					$w = 0;
					for ($c = $j; $c < ($j + $colspan); $c++) {
						$w += $widthcols[$c];
					if ($w > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
						$diff = $w - ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'] - $tblbw);
						for ($c = $j; $c < ($j + $colspan); $c++) {
							$widthcols[$c] -= $diff * ($widthcols[$c]/$w);
						$table['w'] -= $diff;
						$table['csp'][$j] = $w - $diff;

		  if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }
		$pgNo = 0;
		$currWc = 0;
		for ($i = 0 ; $i < $numcols; $i++) { //columns
			if (isset($table['csp'][$i])) {
				$w = $table['csp'][$i];
			else { $w = $widthcols[$i]; }
			if (($currWc + $w + $tblbw) > $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']) {
				$currWc = $widthcols[$i] ;
			else { $currWc += $widthcols[$i] ; }
			$table['colPg'][$i] = $pgNo;

function _tableHeight(&$table){
	$level = $table['level'];
	$levelid = $table['levelid'];
	$cells = &$table['cells'];
	$numcols = $table['nc'];
	$numrows = $table['nr'];
	$listspan = array();
	$checkmaxheight = 0;
	$headerrowheight = 0;
	$checkmaxheightplus = 0;
	$headerrowheightplus = 0;
	$firstrowheight = 0;

	$footerrowheight = 0;
	$footerrowheightplus = 0;
	if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$temppgheight = $this->tbrot_maxh;
		$remainingpage = $this->tbrot_maxh;
	else {
		$temppgheight = ($this->h - $this->bMargin - $this->tMargin) - $this->kwt_height;
		$remainingpage = ($this->h - $this->bMargin - $this->y) - $this->kwt_height;

		// If it is less than 1/20th of the remaining page height to finish the DIV (i.e. DIV padding + table bottom margin)
		// then allow for this
		$enddiv = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_bottom'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_bottom']['w'] + $table['margin']['B'];
		if ($remainingpage > $enddiv && $enddiv/$remainingpage <0.05) { $remainingpage -= $enddiv; }
		else if ($remainingpage == 0) { $remainingpage = 0.001; }
		if ($temppgheight > $enddiv && $enddiv/$temppgheight <0.05) { $temppgheight -= $enddiv; }
		else if ($temppgheight == 0) { $temppgheight = 0.001; }
	if ($remainingpage < 0) { $remainingpage = 0.001; }	// mPDF 5.6.64
	if ($temppgheight < 0) { $temppgheight = 0.001; }	// mPDF 5.6.64

	if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
	else { $fh = null; }

	for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) { //rows
		$heightrow = &$table['hr'][$i];
		for( $j = 0 ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) { //columns
			if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
					$c = &$cells[$i][$j];

				if ($this->simpleTables){
				   if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
					$extraWLR = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']+$table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w']) + ($c['padding']['L']+$c['padding']['R'])+$table['border_spacing_H'];
					$extrh = ($table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w']+$table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w']) + ($c['padding']['T']+$c['padding']['B'])+$table['border_spacing_V'];
				   else {
					$extraWLR = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']+$table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'])/2 + ($c['padding']['L']+$c['padding']['R']);
					$extrh = ($table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w']+$table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'])/2 + ($c['padding']['T']+$c['padding']['B']);
				else  {
			 	   if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   	list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
			 	   else {
					$bt = $c['border_details']['T']['w'];
					$bb = $c['border_details']['B']['w'];
					$br = $c['border_details']['R']['w'];
					$bl = $c['border_details']['L']['w'];
				   if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
					$extraWLR = $bl + $br + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$extrh = $bt + $bb + $c['padding']['T'] + $c['padding']['B'] + $table['border_spacing_V'];
				   else {
					$extraWLR = $bl/2 + $br/2 + $c['padding']['L'] + $c['padding']['R'];
					$extrh = $bt/2 + $bb/2 + $c['padding']['T']+$c['padding']['B'];

				if ($table['overflow']=='visible' && $level==1)
					list($x,$cw) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table, $i,$j, $fh);
					list($x,$cw) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i,$j, $fh);

				// Get CELL HEIGHT
				// ++ extra parameter forces wrap to break word
				if ($c['R'] && isset($c['textbuffer'])) {	// mPDF 5.4.01
					$str = '';
					foreach($c['textbuffer'] AS $t) { $str .= $t[0].' '; }
					$str = trim($str);
					$s_fs = $this->FontSizePt;
					$s_f = $this->FontFamily;
					$s_st = $this->FontStyle;
					$this->SetFont($c['textbuffer'][0][4],$c['textbuffer'][0][2],$c['textbuffer'][0][11] / $this->shrin_k,true,true);
	       			$tempch = $this->GetStringWidth($str);
					if ($c['R'] >= 45 && $c['R'] < 90) {
						$tempch = ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * $tempch ) + ((sin(deg2rad($c['R']))) * (($c['textbuffer'][0][11]/_MPDFK) / $this->shrin_k));
					$ch = ($tempch ) + $extrh ;
				else {
					if (isset($c['textbuffer'])) {
						$tempch = $this->TableWordWrap(($cw-$extraWLR),1,$c['textbuffer'], $c['dfs']);
					else { $tempch = 0; }
					// Added cellpadding top and bottom. (Lineheight already adjusted to table_lineheight)
					$ch = $tempch + $extrh ;
				//If height is defined and it is bigger than calculated $ch then update values
				if (isset($c['h']) && $c['h'] > $ch) {
					$c['mih'] = $ch; //in order to keep valign working
					$ch = $c['h'];
				else $c['mih'] = $ch;
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$this->_cacheUpdateMtx($c, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j], 'mih');
				if (isset($c['rowspan']))	$listspan[] = array($i,$j);
				elseif ($heightrow < $ch) $heightrow = $ch;

				// this is the extra used in _tableWrite to determine whether to trigger a page change
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
				  if ($i == ($numrows-1) || (isset($c['rowspan']) && ($i+$c['rowspan']) == ($numrows)) ) {
					$extra = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
				  else {
					$extra = $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
	  			else {
					if (!$this->simpleTables){
						$extra = $bb/2;
					else if ($this->simpleTables){
						$extra = $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] /2;
				if (isset($table['is_thead'][$i]) && $table['is_thead'][$i]) {
				   if ($j==0) {
					$headerrowheight += $ch;
					$headerrowheightplus += $ch+$extra;
				else if (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i]) {
				   if ($j==0) {
					$footerrowheight += $ch;
					$footerrowheightplus += $ch+$extra;
				else {
					$checkmaxheight = max($checkmaxheight,$ch);
					$checkmaxheightplus = max($checkmaxheightplus,$ch+$extra);
				if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $i == $table['headernrows']) { $firstrowheight = max($ch,$firstrowheight); }
		}//end of columns
	}//end of rows

	$heightrow = &$table['hr'];
	foreach ($listspan as $span) {
		list($i,$j) = $span;
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
			$c = &$cells[$i][$j];
		$lr = $i + $c['rowspan'];
		if ($lr > $numrows) $lr = $numrows;
		$hs = $hsa = 0;
		$list = array();
		for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) {
			$hs += $heightrow[$k];
			if (!isset($c['h'])) {
				$list[] = $k;
				$hsa += $heightrow[$k];

		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		  if ($i == ($numrows-1) || ($i+$c['rowspan']) == ($numrows) ) {
			$extra = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
		  else {
			$extra = $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
	  	else {
			if (!$this->simpleTables){
			 	if ($this->packTableData) {
			 		list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($c['borderbin']);
			 	else {
					$bb = $c['border_details']['B']['w'];
				$extra = $bb/2;
			else if ($this->simpleTables){
				$extra = $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'] /2;
		if (!empty($table['is_thead'][$i])) {
			$headerrowheight = max($headerrowheight,$hs);
			$headerrowheightplus = max($headerrowheightplus,$hs+$extra);
		else if (!empty($table['is_tfoot'][$i])) {
			$footerrowheight = max($footerrowheight,$hs);
			$footerrowheightplus = max($footerrowheightplus,$hs+$extra);
		else {
			$checkmaxheight = max($checkmaxheight,$hs);
			$checkmaxheightplus = max($checkmaxheightplus,$hs+$extra);
		if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $i == $table['headernrows']) { $firstrowheight = max($hs,$firstrowheight); }

		if ($c['mih'] > $hs) {
			if (!$hs) {
				for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) $heightrow[$k] = $c['mih']/$c['rowspan'];
			elseif (!count($list)) {
				$hi = $c['mih'] - $hs;
				for($k=$i;$k<$lr;$k++) $heightrow[$k] += ($heightrow[$k]/$hs)*$hi;
			else {
				$hi = $c['mih'] - $hsa;
				foreach ($list as $k) $heightrow[$k] += ($heightrow[$k]/$hsa)*$hi;

		// If rowspans overlap so that one or more rows do not have a height set...
		// i.e. for one or more rows, the only cells (explicit) in that row have rowspan>1
		// so heightrow is still == 0
		if ($heightrow[$i]==0) {
			// Get row extent to analyse above and below
			$top = $i;
			foreach ($listspan as $checkspan) {
				list($cki,$ckj) = $checkspan;
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$cki][$ckj], '', $fh);
					$c = &$cells[$cki][$ckj];
				if (isset($c['rowspan']) && $c['rowspan']>1) {
					if (($cki + $c['rowspan']-1) >= $i) { $top = min($top, $cki); }
			$bottom = $i + $c['rowspan']-1;
			// Check for overconstrained conditions
			for ($k=$top; $k<=$bottom; $k++) {
				// if ['hr'] for any of the others is also 0, then abort (too complicated)
				if ($k != $i && $heightrow[$k]==0) { break(1); }
				// check again that top and bottom are not crossed by rowspans - or abort (too complicated)
				if ($k==$top) {
					// ???? take account of colspan as well???
					for( $m = 0 ; $m < $numcols ; $m++ ) { //columns
						if (!isset($cells[$k][$m]) || $cells[$k][$m]==0) {
				else if ($k==$bottom) {
					// ???? take account of colspan as well???
					for( $m = 0 ; $m < $numcols ; $m++ ) { //columns
						if ($this->cacheTables) {
							$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$k][$m], '', $fh);
							$c = &$cells[$k][$m];
						if (isset($c['rowspan']) && $c['rowspan']>1) {
			// By columns add up col height using ['h'] if set or ['mih'] if not
			// Intentionally do not substract border-spacing
			$colH = array();
			$extH = 0;
			$newhr = array();
			for( $m = 0 ; $m < $numcols ; $m++ ) { //columns
			   for ($k=$top; $k<=$bottom; $k++) {
				if (isset($cells[$k][$m]) && $cells[$k][$m]!=0) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$c = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$k][$m], '', $fh);
						$c = &$cells[$k][$m];
					if (isset($c['h']) && $c['h']) {
						$useh = $c['h'];
					// ???? take account of colspan as well???
					else {
						$useh = $c['mih'];
					$colH[$m] += $useh;
					if (!isset($c['rowspan']) || $c['rowspan']<2) { $newhr[$k] = max($newhr[$k], $useh); }
			   $extH = max($tabH, $colH[$m]);
			$newhr[$i] = $extH - array_sum($newhr);
			for ($k=$top; $k<=$bottom; $k++) { $heightrow[$k] = $newhr[$k]; }


	$table['h'] = array_sum($heightrow);

	if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

	if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		$table['h'] += $table['margin']['T'] + $table['margin']['B'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V'] + $table['padding']['T'] +  $table['padding']['B'];
	else {
		$table['h'] += $table['margin']['T'] + $table['margin']['B'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']/2 + $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2;

	$maxrowheight = $checkmaxheightplus + $headerrowheightplus + $footerrowheightplus;
	$maxfirstrowheight = $firstrowheight + $headerrowheightplus + $footerrowheightplus;	// includes thead, 1st row and tfoot
	return array($table['h'],$maxrowheight,$temppgheight,$remainingpage,$maxfirstrowheight);

function _tableGetWidth(&$table, $i,$j, $fh){
	if ($this->cacheTables) {
		$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
		$cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
	if ($cell) {
		if (isset($cell['x0'])) { return array($cell['x0'], $cell['w0']); }
		$x = 0;
		$widthcols = &$table['wc'];
		for( $k = 0 ; $k < $j ; $k++ ) $x += $widthcols[$k];
		$w = $widthcols[$j];
		if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
			 for ( $k = $j+$cell['colspan']-1 ; $k > $j ; $k-- )	$w += $widthcols[$k];
		$cell['x0'] = $x;
		$cell['w0'] = $w;
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$this->_cacheUpdateMtx($cell, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j], 'x0');
		return array($x, $w);
	return array(0,0);

function _splitTableGetWidth(&$table, $i,$j, $fh){
	if ($this->cacheTables) {
		$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
		$cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
	if ($cell) {
		if (isset($cell['x0'])) return array($cell['x0'], $cell['w0']);
		$x = 0;
		$widthcols = &$table['wc'];
		$pg = $table['colPg'][$j];
		for( $k = 0 ; $k < $j ; $k++ ) {
			if ($table['colPg'][$k]==$pg) $x += $widthcols[$k];
		$w = $widthcols[$j];
		if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {
			 for ( $k = $j+$cell['colspan']-1 ; $k > $j ; $k-- )	if ($table['colPg'][$k]==$pg) $w += $widthcols[$k];
		$cell['x0'] = $x;
		$cell['w0'] = $w;
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$this->_cacheUpdateMtx($cell, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j], 'x0');
		return array($x, $w);
	return array(0,0);

function _tableGetHeight(&$table, $i,$j, $fh){
	if ($this->cacheTables) {
		$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
		$cell = &$table['cells'][$i][$j];
	if ($cell){
		if (isset($cell['y0'])) return array($cell['y0'], $cell['h0']);
		$y = 0;
		$heightrow = &$table['hr'];
		for ($k=0;$k<$i;$k++) $y += $heightrow[$k];
		$h = $heightrow[$i];
		if (isset($cell['rowspan'])){
			for ($k=$i+$cell['rowspan']-1;$k>$i;$k--)
				$h += $heightrow[$k];
		$cell['y0'] = $y;
		$cell['h0'] = $h;
		if ($this->cacheTables) {
			$this->_cacheUpdateMtx($cell, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j], 'y0');
		return array($y, $h);
	return array(0,0);

function _tableGetMaxRowHeight($table, $row, $fh) {
	if ($row==$table['nc']-1) { return $table['hr'][$row]; }
	$maxrowheight = $table['hr'][$row];
	for ($i=$row+1;$i<$table['nr'];$i++) {
		$cellsset = 0;
		for ($j=0;$j<$table['nc'];$j++) {
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
				if ($cell) {
					if (isset($cell['colspan'])) {  $cellsset += $cell['colspan']; }
					else $cellsset += 1;
			else {
				if ($table['cells'][$i][$j]) {
					if (isset($table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan'])) {  $cellsset += $table['cells'][$i][$j]['colspan']; }
					else $cellsset += 1;
		if ($cellsset == $table['nc']) { return $maxrowheight; }
		else { $maxrowheight += $table['hr'][$i]; }
	return $maxrowheight;

function _tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $bord=-1, $details=array(), $buffer=false, $bSeparate=false, $cort='cell', $tablecorner='', $bsv=0, $bsh=0) {
	$cellBorderOverlay = array();

	if ($bord==-1) { $this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h); }
	else if ($this->simpleTables && ($cort=='cell')) {
		if ($details['L']['c']) {
		else { $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
		$this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h);
	else if ($bord){
	   if (!$bSeparate && $buffer) {
		$priority = 'LRTB';
		for($p=0;$p<strlen($priority);$p++) {
			$side = $priority[$p];
			$details['p'] = $side ;

			$dom = 0;
			if (isset($details[$side]['w'])) { $dom += ($details[$side]['w'] * 100000); }
			if (isset($details[$side]['style'])) { $dom += (array_search($details[$side]['style'],$this->borderstyles)*100) ; }
			if (isset($details[$side]['dom'])) { $dom += ($details[$side]['dom']*10); }

			// Precedence to darker colours at joins
			$coldom = 0;
			if (isset($details[$side]['c']) && is_array($details[$side]['c'])) {
				if ($details[$side]['c']{0}==3) { 	// RGB
					$coldom = 10-(((ord($details[$side]['c']{1})*1.00)+(ord($details[$side]['c']{2})*1.00)+(ord($details[$side]['c']{3})*1.00))/76.5);
			} // 10 black - 0 white
			if ($coldom) { $dom += $coldom; }
			// Lastly precedence to RIGHT and BOTTOM cells at joins
			if (isset($details['cellposdom'])) { $dom += $details['cellposdom']; }

			$save = false;
			if ($side == 'T' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) { $cbord = _BORDER_TOP; $save = true; }
			else if ($side == 'L' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) { $cbord = _BORDER_LEFT; $save = true; }
			else if ($side == 'R' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_RIGHT)) { $cbord = _BORDER_RIGHT; $save = true; }
			else if ($side == 'B' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_BOTTOM)) { $cbord = _BORDER_BOTTOM; $save = true; }

			if ($save) {
				$this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14",
					str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", $dom),16,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT),
					$x, $y, $w, $h,
			   if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'double' ) {
				$details[$side]['overlay'] = true;
				$this->cellBorderBuffer[] = pack("A16nCnda6A10d14",
					str_pad(sprintf("%08.7f", ($dom+4)),16,"0",STR_PAD_LEFT),
					$x, $y, $w, $h,

	   if (isset($details['p']) && strlen($details['p'])>1) { $priority = $details['p']; }
	   else { $priority='LTRB'; }
	   $Tw = 0;
	   $Rw = 0;
	   $Bw = 0;
	   $Lw = 0;
		if (isset($details['T']['w'])) { $Tw = $details['T']['w']; }
		if (isset($details['R']['w'])) { $Rw = $details['R']['w']; }
		if (isset($details['B']['w'])) { $Bw = $details['B']['w']; }
		if (isset($details['L']['w'])) { $Lw = $details['L']['w']; }

	   $x2 = $x + $w; $y2 = $y + $h;
	   $oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth;

	   for($p=0;$p<strlen($priority);$p++) {
		$side = $priority[$p];
		$xadj = 0;
		$xadj2 = 0;
		$yadj = 0;
		$yadj2 = 0;
		$print = false;
		if ($Tw && $side=='T' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {	// TOP
			$ly1 = $y;
			$ly2 = $y;
			$lx1 = $x;
			$lx2 = $x2;
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'L')!==false) {
				if ($Tw > $Lw) $xadj = ($Tw - $Lw)/2;
				if ($Tw < $Lw) $xadj = ($Tw + $Lw)/2;
			else { $xadj = $Tw/2 - $bsh/2; }
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'R')!==false) {
				if ($Tw > $Rw) $xadj2 = ($Tw - $Rw)/2;
				if ($Tw < $Rw) $xadj2 = ($Tw + $Rw)/2;
			else { $xadj2 = $Tw/2 - $bsh/2; }
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['TL']) {
				$xadj = ($Tw - $details['mbw']['TL'])/2 ;
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['TR']) {
				$xadj2 = ($Tw - $details['mbw']['TR'])/2;
			$print = true;
		if ($Lw && $side=='L' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {	// LEFT
			$ly1 = $y;
			$ly2 = $y2;
			$lx1 = $x;
			$lx2 = $x;
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'T')!==false) {
				if ($Lw > $Tw) $yadj = ($Lw - $Tw)/2;
				if ($Lw < $Tw) $yadj = ($Lw + $Tw)/2;
			else { $yadj = $Lw/2 - $bsv/2; }
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'B')!==false) {
				if ($Lw > $Bw) $yadj2 = ($Lw - $Bw)/2;
				if ($Lw < $Bw) $yadj2 = ($Lw + $Bw)/2;
			else { $yadj2 = $Lw/2 - $bsv/2; }
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['LT']) {
				$yadj = ($Lw - $details['mbw']['LT'])/2;
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['LB']) {
				$yadj2 = ($Lw - $details['mbw']['LB'])/2;
			$print = true;
		if ($Rw && $side=='R' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_RIGHT)) {	// RIGHT
			$ly1 = $y;
			$ly2 = $y2;
			$lx1 = $x2;
			$lx2 = $x2;
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'T')!==false) {
				if ($Rw < $Tw) $yadj = ($Rw + $Tw)/2;
				if ($Rw > $Tw) $yadj = ($Rw - $Tw)/2;
			else { $yadj = $Rw/2 - $bsv/2; }

			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'B')!==false) {
				if ($Rw > $Bw) $yadj2 = ($Rw - $Bw)/2;
				if ($Rw < $Bw) $yadj2 = ($Rw + $Bw)/2;
			else { $yadj2 = $Rw/2 - $bsv/2; }

			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['RT']) {
				$yadj = ($Rw - $details['mbw']['RT'])/2;
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['RB']) {
				$yadj2 = ($Rw - $details['mbw']['RB'])/2;
			$print = true;
		if ($Bw && $side=='B' && $this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_BOTTOM)) {	// BOTTOM
			$ly1 = $y2;
			$ly2 = $y2;
			$lx1 = $x;
			$lx2 = $x2;
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'L')!==false) {
				if ($Bw > $Lw) $xadj = ($Bw - $Lw)/2;
				if ($Bw < $Lw) $xadj = ($Bw + $Lw)/2;
			else { $xadj = $Bw/2 - $bsh/2; }
			if ($cort == 'cell' || strpos($tablecorner,'R')!==false) {
				if ($Bw > $Rw) $xadj2 = ($Bw - $Rw)/2;
				if ($Bw < $Rw) $xadj2 = ($Bw + $Rw)/2;
			else { $xadj2 = $Bw/2 - $bsh/2; }
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['BL']) {
				$xadj = ($Bw - $details['mbw']['BL'])/2;
			if (!$bSeparate && $details['mbw']['BR']) {
				$xadj2 = ($Bw - $details['mbw']['BR'])/2;
			$print = true;

		// Now draw line
		if ($print) {
		 if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'double') {
		   if (!isset($details[$side]['overlay']) || !$details[$side]['overlay'] || $bSeparate) {
			if ($details[$side]['c']) {
			else { $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
			$this->Line($lx1 + $xadj, $ly1 + $yadj, $lx2 - $xadj2, $ly2 - $yadj2);
		   if ((isset($details[$side]['overlay']) && $details[$side]['overlay']) || $bSeparate) {
			if ($bSeparate && $cort=='table') {
				if ($side=='T') {
				   $xadj -= $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {
					$xadj += $this->LineWidth/2;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_RIGHT)) {
					$xadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='L') {
				   $yadj -= $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {
					$yadj += $this->LineWidth/2;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_BOTTOM)) {
					$yadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='B') {
				   $xadj -= $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {
					$xadj += $this->LineWidth/2;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_RIGHT)) {
					$xadj2 += $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='R') {
				   $yadj -= $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj2 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {
					$yadj += $this->LineWidth/2;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_BOTTOM)) {
					$yadj2 += $this->LineWidth;


			$tbcol = $this->ConvertColor(255);
			for($l=0; $l <= $this->blklvl; $l++) {
				if ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolor']) {
					$tbcol = ($this->blk[$l]['bgcolorarray']);	// mPDF 5.6.53

			if ($bSeparate) {
			   $cellBorderOverlay[] = array(
				'x' => $lx1 + $xadj,
				'y' => $ly1 + $yadj,
				'x2' => $lx2 - $xadj2,
				'y2' => $ly2 - $yadj2,
				'col' => $tbcol,
				'lw' => $this->LineWidth,
			else {
				$this->Line($lx1 + $xadj, $ly1 + $yadj, $lx2 - $xadj2, $ly2 - $yadj2);

		 else if (isset($details[$side]['style']) && ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'outset')) {
		   if (!isset($details[$side]['overlay']) || !$details[$side]['overlay'] || $bSeparate) {
			if ($details[$side]['c']) {
			else { $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
			if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'outset' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'groove') {
				$nc = $this->_darkenColor($details[$side]['c']);
			else if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
				$nc = $this->_lightenColor($details[$side]['c']);
			$this->Line($lx1 + $xadj, $ly1 + $yadj, $lx2 - $xadj2, $ly2 - $yadj2);
		   if ((isset($details[$side]['overlay']) && $details[$side]['overlay']) || $bSeparate) {
			if ($details[$side]['c']) {
			else { $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
			$doubleadj = ($this->LineWidth)/3;
			$xadj3 = $yadj3 = $wadj3 = $hadj3 = 0;

			if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'ridge' || $details[$side]['style'] == 'inset') {
			   $nc = $this->_darkenColor($details[$side]['c']);

			   if ($bSeparate && $cort=='table') {
				if ($side=='T') {
				   $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {
					$xadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_RIGHT)) {
					$wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth*2;
				if ($side=='L') {
				   $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {
					$yadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_BOTTOM)) {
					$hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth*2;
				if ($side=='B') {
				   $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='R') {
				   $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth;

			   else if ($side=='T') { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $wadj3 = -$this->LineWidth*2; }
			   else if ($side=='L') { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $hadj3 = -$this->LineWidth*2; }

			   else if ($side=='B' && $bSeparate) { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }
			   else if ($side=='R' && $bSeparate) { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }

			   else if ($side=='B') { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }
			   else if ($side=='R') { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }
			else {
			   $nc = $this->_lightenColor($details[$side]['c']);

			   if ($bSeparate && $cort=='table') {
				if ($side=='T') {
				   $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {
					$xadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='L') {
				   $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {
					$yadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='B') {
				   $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_LEFT)) {
					$xadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $wadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;
				if ($side=='R') {
				   $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2;
				   $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;
				   $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth;
				   if ($this->issetBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP)) {
					$yadj3 += $this->LineWidth; $hadj3 -= $this->LineWidth;

			   else if ($side=='T') { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }
			   else if ($side=='L') { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }

			   else if ($side=='B' && $bSeparate) { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }
			   else if ($side=='R' && $bSeparate) { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; }

			   else if ($side=='B') { $yadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $xadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2; $wadj3 = $this->LineWidth; }
			   else if ($side=='R') { $xadj3 = $this->LineWidth/2; $yadj3 = -$this->LineWidth/2;  $hadj3 = $this->LineWidth; }


			if ($bSeparate) {
			   $cellBorderOverlay[] = array(
				'x' => $lx1 + $xadj + $xadj3,
				'y' => $ly1 + $yadj + $yadj3,
				'x2' => $lx2 - $xadj2 + $xadj3 + $wadj3,
				'y2' => $ly2 - $yadj2 + $yadj3 + $hadj3,
				'col' => $nc,
				'lw' => $this->LineWidth,
			else {
			   $this->Line($lx1 + $xadj + $xadj3, $ly1 + $yadj + $yadj3, $lx2 - $xadj2 + $xadj3 + $wadj3, $ly2 - $yadj2 + $yadj3 + $hadj3);

		 else {
		   if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dashed') {
			$dashsize = 2;	// final dash will be this + 1*linewidth
			$dashsizek = 1.5;	// ratio of Dash/Blank
		   else if ($details[$side]['style'] == 'dotted') {
		   if ($details[$side]['c']) {
		   else { $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
		   $this->Line($lx1 + $xadj, $ly1 + $yadj, $lx2 - $xadj2, $ly2 - $yadj2);

	   	  // Reset Corners
  		  //BUTT style line cap

	   if ($bSeparate && count($cellBorderOverlay)) {
		foreach($cellBorderOverlay AS $cbo) {
			$this->Line($cbo['x'], $cbo['y'], $cbo['x2'], $cbo['y2']);

	   // $this->SetLineWidth($oldlinewidth);
	   // $this->SetDColor($this->ConvertColor(0));

/*-- TABLES --*/
function _lightenColor($c) {
	if (is_array($c)) { die('Color error in _lightencolor'); }
	if ($c{0}==3 || $c{0}==5) { 	// RGB
		list($h,$s,$l) = $this->rgb2hsl(ord($c{1})/255,ord($c{2})/255,ord($c{3})/255);
		$l += ((1 - $l)*0.8);
		list($r,$g,$b) = $this->hsl2rgb($h,$s,$l);
		$ret = array(3,$r,$g,$b);
	else if ($c{0}==4 || $c{0}==6) { 	// CMYK
		$ret = array(4, max(0,(ord($c{1})-20)), max(0,(ord($c{2})-20)), max(0,(ord($c{3})-20)), max(0,(ord($c{4})-20)) );
	else if ($c{0}==1) {	// Grayscale
		$ret = array(1,min(255,(ord($c{1})+32)));
	$c = array_pad($ret, 6, 0);
	$cstr = pack("a1ccccc", $c[0], ($c[1] & 0xFF), ($c[2] & 0xFF), ($c[3] & 0xFF), ($c[4] & 0xFF), ($c[5] & 0xFF) );
	return $cstr;

function _darkenColor($c) {
	if (is_array($c)) { die('Color error in _darkenColor'); }
	if ($c{0}==3 || $c{0}==5) { 	// RGB
		list($h,$s,$l) = $this->rgb2hsl(ord($c{1})/255,ord($c{2})/255,ord($c{3})/255);
		$s *= 0.25;
		$l *= 0.75;
		list($r,$g,$b) = $this->hsl2rgb($h,$s,$l);
		$ret = array(3,$r,$g,$b);
	else if ($c{0}==4 || $c{0}==6) { 	// CMYK
		$ret = array(4, min(100,(ord($c{1})+20)), min(100,(ord($c{2})+20)), min(100,(ord($c{3})+20)), min(100,(ord($c{4})+20)) );
	else if ($c{0}==1) {	// Grayscale
		$ret = array(1,max(0,(ord($c{1})-32)));
	$c = array_pad($ret, 6, 0);
	$cstr = pack("a1ccccc", $c[0], ($c[1] & 0xFF), ($c[2] & 0xFF), ($c[3] & 0xFF), ($c[4] & 0xFF), ($c[5] & 0xFF) );
	return $cstr;


function setBorder(&$var, $flag, $set = true) {
	$flag = intval($flag);
	if ($set) { $set = true; }
	$var = intval($var);
	$var = $set ? ($var | $flag) : ($var & ~$flag);
function issetBorder($var, $flag) {
	$flag = intval($flag);
	$var = intval($var);
	return (($var & $flag) == $flag);

function _table2cellBorder(&$tableb, &$cbdb, &$cellb, $bval) {
	if ($tableb && $tableb['w'] > $cbdb['w']) {
		$cbdb = $tableb;
		$this->setBorder($cellb, $bval);
	else if ($tableb && $tableb['w'] == $cbdb['w']
		&& array_search($tableb['style'],$this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbdb['style'],$this->borderstyles)) {
		$cbdb = $tableb;
		$this->setBorder($cellb, $bval);

// FIX BORDERS ********************************************
function _fixTableBorders(&$table){
	if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
	else { $fh = null; }

	if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['L']['w']) {
		$table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] = $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
	if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['R']['w']) {
		$table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] = $table['border_details']['R']['w'];
	if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['T']['w']) {
		$table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] = $table['border_details']['T']['w'];
	if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $table['border_details']['B']['w']) {
		$table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] = $table['border_details']['B']['w'];
	if ($this->simpleTables) { return; }
	$cells = &$table['cells'];
	$numcols = $table['nc'];
	$numrows = $table['nr'];
	if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) { $tntborddet = $this->border_details($table['topntail']); }
	if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) { $thuborddet = $this->border_details($table['thead-underline']); }

	for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) { //Rows
	  for( $j = 0 ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) { //Columns
		if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
				$cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
			if ($this->packTableData) {	// includes $this->cacheTables
				$cbord = $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
			else {
				$cbord = &$cells[$i][$j];
			// mPDF 5.7.3
  			if (!$cbord['border'] && $cbord['border']!==0 && isset($table['border']) && $table['border'] && $this->table_border_attr_set) {
				$cbord['border'] = $table['border'];
				$cbord['border_details'] = $table['border_details'];

			if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan']>1) { $ccolsp = $cell['colspan']; }
			else { $ccolsp = 1; }
			if (isset($cell['rowspan']) && $cell['rowspan']>1) { $crowsp = $cell['rowspan']; }
			else { $crowsp = 1; }

			$cbord['border_details']['cellposdom'] = ((($i+1)/$numrows) / 10000 ) + ((($j+1)/$numcols) / 10 );
			// Inherit Cell border from Table border
			if ($this->table_border_css_set && !$table['borders_separate']) {
				if ($i == 0) {
				  $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['T'], $cbord['border_details']['T'], $cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				if ($i == ($numrows-1) || ($i+$crowsp) == ($numrows) ) {
				  $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['B'], $cbord['border_details']['B'], $cbord['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM);
				if ($j == 0) {
				  $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['L'], $cbord['border_details']['L'], $cbord['border'], _BORDER_LEFT);
				if ($j == ($numcols-1) || ($j+$ccolsp) == ($numcols) ) {
				  $this->_table2cellBorder($table['border_details']['R'], $cbord['border_details']['R'], $cbord['border'], _BORDER_RIGHT);

			$fixbottom = true;
			if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) {
				if ($i == 0) {
				  $cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
				  $this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $table['headernrows']>0 && $i == $table['headernrows']-1) {
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM);
					$fixbottom = false;
				else if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $table['headernrows']>0 && $i == $table['headernrows']) {
				  if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
					$cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $table['footernrows']>0 && $i == ($numrows-$table['footernrows']-1)) {
				  if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM);
					$fixbottom = false;
				else if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $table['footernrows']>0 && $i == ($numrows-$table['footernrows'])) {
					$cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				if ($this->tabletheadjustfinished) {	// $this->tabletheadjustfinished called from tableheader
				  if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
					$cbord['border_details']['T'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				if ($i == ($numrows-1) || ($i+$crowsp) == ($numrows) ) {
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $tntborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM);
			if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) {
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
				  if ($i == 0) {
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $thuborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_BOTTOM);
					$fixbottom = false;
				else  {
				  if ($this->tableLevel==1 && $table['headernrows']>0 && $i == $table['headernrows']-1) {
					$cbord['border_details']['T'] = $thuborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);
				  else if ($this->tabletheadjustfinished) {	// $this->tabletheadjustfinished called from tableheader
					$cbord['border_details']['T'] = $thuborddet;
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'], _BORDER_TOP);

			// Collapse Border - Algorithm for conflicting borders
			// Hidden >> Width >> double>solid>dashed>dotted... >> style set on cell>table >> top/left>bottom/right
			// Do not turn off border which is overridden
			// Needed for page break for TOP/BOTTOM both to be defined in Collapsed borders
			// Means it is painted twice. (Left/Right can still disable overridden border)
			if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
			  if (($i < ($numrows-1)  || ($i+$crowsp) < $numrows ) && $fixbottom ) {	// Bottom
			   for ($cspi = 0; $cspi<$ccolsp; $cspi++) {
				// already defined Top for adjacent cell below
				if (isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi])) {
				   if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i+$crowsp][$j+$cspi], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				   else { $celladj =& $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]; }
				else { $celladj = false; }
				if ($celladj && $celladj['border_details']['T']['s'] == 1)  {
				   $csadj = $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'];
				   $csthis = $cbord['border_details']['B']['w'];
				   // Hidden
				   if ($cbord['border_details']['B']['style']=='hidden') {
					$celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_TOP, false);
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_BOTTOM , false);
				   else if ($celladj['border_details']['T']['style']=='hidden') {
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_BOTTOM , false);
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_TOP, false);
				   // Width
				   else if ($csthis > $csadj) {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_BOTTOM);
				   else if ($csadj > $csthis) {
				    if ($ccolsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_TOP);

				   // double>solid>dashed>dotted...
				   else if (array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'],$this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'],$this->borderstyles)) {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_BOTTOM );
				   else if (array_search($celladj['border_details']['T']['style'],$this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['B']['style'],$this->borderstyles)) {
				    if ($ccolsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_TOP);

				   // Style set on cell vs. table
				   else if ($celladj['border_details']['T']['dom'] > $cbord['border_details']['B']['dom']) {
				    if ($ccolsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['B'] = $celladj['border_details']['T'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_TOP);
				   // Style set on cell vs. table  - OR - LEFT/TOP (cell) in preference to BOTTOM/RIGHT
				   else {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_BOTTOM );
				else if ($celladj) {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']) && $cells[($i+$crowsp)][$j+$cspi]['colspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['T'] = $cbord['border_details']['B'];
				// mPDF 5.7.4
				if ($celladj && $this->packTableData) {
					$cells[$i+$crowsp][$j+$cspi]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$this->_cacheUpdateBorder($celladj, $fh, $table['cells'][$i+$crowsp][$j+$cspi]);

			  if ($j < ($numcols-1)  || ($j+$ccolsp) < $numcols ) {	// Right-Left
			   for ($cspi = 0; $cspi<$crowsp; $cspi++) {
				// already defined Left for adjacent cell to R
				if (isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp])) {
				   if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i+$cspi][$j+$ccolsp], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				   else { $celladj =& $cells[$i+$cspi][$j+$ccolsp]; }
				else { $celladj = false; }
				if ($celladj && $celladj['border_details']['L']['s'] == 1) {
				   $csadj = $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'];
				   $csthis = $cbord['border_details']['R']['w'];
				   // Hidden
				   if ($cbord['border_details']['R']['style']=='hidden') {
					$celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT, false);
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT , false);
				   else if ($celladj['border_details']['L']['style']=='hidden') {
					$cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT , false);
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT, false);
				   // Width
				   else if ($csthis > $csadj) {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT);
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT, false);
				   else if ($csadj > $csthis) {
				    if ($crowsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT, false);
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT);

				   // double>solid>dashed>dotted...
				   else if (array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'],$this->borderstyles) > array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'],$this->borderstyles)) {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT, false);
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT);
				   else if (array_search($celladj['border_details']['L']['style'],$this->borderstyles) > array_search($cbord['border_details']['R']['style'],$this->borderstyles)) {
				    if ($crowsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT , false);
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT);

				   // Style set on cell vs. table
				   else if ($celladj['border_details']['L']['dom'] > $cbord['border_details']['R']['dom']) {
				    if ($crowsp < 2) {	// don't overwrite this cell if it spans
					$cbord['border_details']['R'] = $celladj['border_details']['L'];
					$this->setBorder($celladj['border'] , _BORDER_LEFT);
				   // Style set on cell vs. table  - OR - LEFT/TOP (cell) in preference to BOTTOM/RIGHT
				   else {
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
					$this->setBorder($cbord['border'] , _BORDER_RIGHT);
				else if ($celladj) {
				   // if right-cell border is not set
				    if (!isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) || (isset($cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']) && $cells[($i+$cspi)][$j+$ccolsp]['rowspan']<2)) {	// don't overwrite bordering cells that span
					$celladj['border_details']['L'] = $cbord['border_details']['R'];
				// mPDF 5.7.4
				if ($celladj && $this->packTableData) {
					$cells[$i+$cspi][$j+$ccolsp]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj);
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$this->_cacheUpdateBorder($celladj, $fh, $table['cells'][$i+$cspi][$j+$ccolsp]);

			// Set maximum cell border width meeting at LRTB edges of cell - used for extended cell border
			// ['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = meeting border width - Left border - Top end
			if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
			  $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);
			  if (($i+$crowsp) < $numrows && isset($cells[$i+$crowsp][$j])) {	// Has Bottom adjoining cell
				if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i+$crowsp][$j], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[$i+$crowsp][$j]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				else { $celladj =& $cells[$i+$crowsp][$j]; }
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TL']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $celladj['border_details']['R']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TR']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LT']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT']);
			  if (($j+$ccolsp) < $numcols && isset($cells[$i][$j+$ccolsp])) {	// Has Right adjoining cell
				if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j+$ccolsp], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[$i][$j+$ccolsp]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				else { $celladj =& $cells[$i][$j+$ccolsp]; }
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LT']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $celladj['border_details']['B']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LB']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TL']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']);

			  if ($i > 0 && isset($cells[$i-1][$j]) && (($this->packTableData && $cells[$i-1][$j]['borderbin']) || $cells[$i-1][$j]['border'])) {	// Has Top adjoining cell
				if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i-1][$j], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[$i-1][$j]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				else { $celladj =& $cells[$i-1][$j]; }
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $celladj['border_details']['L']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR'], $celladj['border_details']['R']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['LB']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB']);

				if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']) {
					$celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BL']);
				if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] ) {
					$celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TR']);
				if ($this->packTableData) { $cells[$i-1][$j]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj); }
			  if ($j > 0 && isset($cells[$i][$j-1]) && (($this->packTableData && $cells[$i][$j-1]['borderbin']) || $cells[$i][$j-1]['border'])) {	// Has Left adjoining cell
				if ($this->packTableData) {
					if ($this->cacheTables) {
						$adjc = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j-1], '', $fh);
					else { $adjc = $cells[$i][$j-1]; }
					$celladj = $this->_unpackCellBorder($adjc['borderbin']);
				else { $celladj =& $cells[$i][$j-1]; }
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT'], $celladj['border_details']['T']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB'], $celladj['border_details']['B']['w'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['BL'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['BR']);
				$cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'] = max($cbord['border_details']['mbw']['TL'], $celladj['border_details']['mbw']['TR']);

				if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT']) {
					$celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RT'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LT']);
				if ($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB']) {
					$celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'] = max($celladj['border_details']['mbw']['RB'], $cbord['border_details']['mbw']['LB']);
				if ($this->packTableData) { $cells[$i][$j-1]['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($celladj); }

			  // Update maximum cell border width at LRTB edges of table - used for overall table width
			  if ($j == 0 && $cbord['border_details']['L']['w']) {
				$table['max_cell_border_width']['L'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['L'],$cbord['border_details']['L']['w']);
			  if (($j == ($numcols-1) || ($j+$ccolsp) == $numcols ) && $cbord['border_details']['R']['w']) {
				$table['max_cell_border_width']['R'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['R'],$cbord['border_details']['R']['w']);
			  if ($i == 0 && $cbord['border_details']['T']['w']) {
				$table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['T'],$cbord['border_details']['T']['w']);
			  if (($i == ($numrows-1) || ($i+$crowsp) == $numrows ) && $cbord['border_details']['B']['w']) {
				$table['max_cell_border_width']['B'] = max($table['max_cell_border_width']['B'],$cbord['border_details']['B']['w']);

			if ($this->packTableData) { $cell['borderbin'] = $this->_packCellBorder($cbord); }

			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$this->_cacheUpdateBorder($cell, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j]);
			unset($cbord );
			unset($cell );
	if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }
	unset($cell );
// END FIX BORDERS ************************************************************************************

function _reverseTableDir(&$table) {
	if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
	$cells = &$table['cells'];
	$numcols = $table['nc'];
	$numrows = $table['nr'];
	for( $i = 0 ; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) { //Rows
		$row = array();
	  	for( $j = ($numcols-1) ; $j >= 0 ; $j-- ) { //Columns
			if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
					$cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
				$col = $numcols - $j - 1;
				if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan'] > 1) { $col -= ($cell['colspan']-1); }
				// Nested content
				for ($n=0; $n < count($cell['textbuffer']); $n++) {
					$t = $cell['textbuffer'][$n][0];
					if (substr($t,0,19) == "\xbb\xa4\xactype=nestedtable") {
						$objattr = $this->_getObjAttr($t);
						$objattr['col'] = $col;
						$cell['textbuffer'][$n][0] = "\xbb\xa4\xactype=nestedtable,objattr=".serialize($objattr)."\xbb\xa4\xac";
						$this->table[($this->tableLevel+1)][$objattr['nestedcontent']]['nestedpos'][1] = $col;
						if ($this->cacheTables) {
							$this->_cacheUpdateTxB($cell, $fh, $table['cells'][$i][$j]);
				$row[$col] = $cells[$i][$j];
	  	for($f=0; $f < $numcols; $f++) {
			if (!isset($row[$f])) { $row[$f] = 0; }
		$table['cells'][$i] = $row;
	if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

function _tableWrite(&$table, $split=false, $startrow=0, $startcol=0, $splitpg=0, $rety = 0){
	$level = $table['level'];
	$levelid = $table['levelid'];

	$cells = &$table['cells'];
	$numcols = $table['nc'];
	$numrows = $table['nr'];

	if ($this->ColActive && $level==1) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	if (!$split || ($startrow==0 && $splitpg==0) || $startrow>0){
		if ($table['margin']['T']) {
		   if (!$this->table_rotate && $level==1) {
			$this->DivLn($table['margin']['T'],$this->blklvl,true,1); 	// collapsible
		   else {
			$this->y += ($table['margin']['T']);
		// Advance down page by half width of top border
		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			if ($startrow>0 && (!isset($table['is_thead']) || count($table['is_thead'])==0))
				$adv = $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
				$adv = $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
		else {
			$adv = $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']/2;
		if (!$this->table_rotate && $level==1) { $this->DivLn($adv); }
		else { $this->y += $adv; }

	if ($level==1) {
		$this->x = $this->lMargin  + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
		$x0 = $this->x;
		$y0 = $this->y;
		$right = $x0 + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
		$outerfilled = $this->y;	// Keep track of how far down the outer DIV bgcolor is painted (NB rowspans)
		$this->outerfilled = $this->y;
		$this->colsums = array();
	else {
		$x0 = $this->x;
		$y0 = $this->y;
		$right = $x0 + $table['w'];

	if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$temppgwidth = $this->tbrot_maxw;
		$this->PageBreakTrigger = $pagetrigger = $y0 + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
	   if ($level==1) {
		$this->tbrot_y0 = $this->y - $adv - $table['margin']['T'] ;
		$this->tbrot_x0 = $this->x;
		$this->tbrot_w = $table['w'];
		if ($table['borders_separate']) { $this->tbrot_h = $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2; }
		else { $this->tbrot_h = $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']; }
	else {
		$this->PageBreakTrigger = $pagetrigger = ($this->h - $this->bMargin);
	   	if ($level==1) {
			$temppgwidth = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
	   		if (isset($table['a']) and ($table['w'] < $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'])) {
				if ($table['a']=='C') { $x0 += ((($right-$x0) - $table['w'])/2); }
				else if ($table['a']=='R') { $x0 = $right - $table['w']; }
		else {
			$temppgwidth = $table['w'];
	if(!isset($table['overflow'])) { $table['overflow'] = null; }
	if ($table['overflow']=='hidden' && $level==1 && !$this->table_rotate && !$this->ColActive) {
		//Bounding rectangle to clip
		$this->tableClipPath = sprintf('q %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re W n',$x0*_MPDFK,$this->h*_MPDFK,$this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']*_MPDFK,-$this->h*_MPDFK);
	else { $this->tableClipPath = ''; }

	if ($table['borders_separate']) { $indent = $table['margin']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_spacing_H']/2; }
	else { $indent = $table['margin']['L'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2; }
	$x0 += $indent;

	$returny = 0;
	$lastCol = 0;
	$tableheader = array();
	$tablefooter = array();
	$tableheaderrowheight = 0;
	$tablefooterrowheight = 0;
	$footery = 0;

	// mPD 3.0 Set the Page & Column where table starts
	if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
		$tablestartpage = 'EVEN';
	else if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==1)) {	// ODD
		$tablestartpage = 'ODD';
	else { $tablestartpage = ''; }
	if ($this->ColActive) { $tablestartcolumn = $this->CurrCol; }
	else { $tablestartcolumn = ''; }

	if ($this->cacheTables) { $fh = fopen($table['cache'], "r+b"); }
	else { $fh = null; }

	$y = $h = 0;
	for( $i = 0; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) { //Rows
	  if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,intval(30 + ($i*40/$numrows)),' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	  if (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i] && $level==1) {
		$tablefooterrowheight += $table['hr'][$i];
		$tablefooter[$i][0]['trbackground-images'] = $table['trbackground-images'][$i];
		$tablefooter[$i][0]['trgradients'] = $table['trgradients'][$i];
		$tablefooter[$i][0]['trbgcolor'] = $table['bgcolor'][$i];
	  	for( $j = $startcol ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) { //Columns
			if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
				if ($this->cacheTables) {
					$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
					$cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
				if ($split) {
					if ($table['colPg'][$j] != $splitpg) { continue; }
					list($x,$w) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table, $i, $j, $fh);
					$js = $j - $startcol;
				else {
					list($x,$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i, $j, $fh);
					$js = $j;

				list($y,$h) = $this->_tableGetHeight($table, $i, $j, $fh);
				$x += $x0;
				$y += $y0;
				//Get info of tfoot ==>> table footer
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['x'] = $x;
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['y'] = $y;
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['h'] = $h;
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['w'] = $w;
				if (isset($cell['textbuffer'])) { $tablefooter[$i][$js]['textbuffer'] = $cell['textbuffer']; }
				else { $tablefooter[$i][$js]['textbuffer'] = ''; }
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['a'] = $cell['a'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['R'] = $cell['R'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['va'] = $cell['va'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['mih'] = $cell['mih'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['gradient'] = $cell['gradient'];	// *BACKGROUNDS*
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['background-image'] = $cell['background-image'];	// *BACKGROUNDS*
				if (!$this->simpleTables){
			 		if ($this->packTableData) {
						$c = $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
						$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $c['border'];
						$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $c['border_details'];
			 		else {
						$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $cell['border'];
						$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $cell['border_details'];
				else if ($this->simpleTables){
					$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border'] = $table['simple']['border'];
					$tablefooter[$i][$js]['border_details'] = $table['simple']['border_details'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['bgcolor'] = $cell['bgcolor'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['padding'] = $cell['padding'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['rowspan'] = $cell['rowspan'];
				$tablefooter[$i][$js]['colspan'] = $cell['colspan'];

	if ($level==1) { $this->_out('___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr); }
	$tableheaderadj = 0;
	$tablefooteradj = 0;

	$tablestartpageno = $this->page;

	//Draw Table Contents and Borders
	for( $i = 0; $i < $numrows ; $i++ ) { //Rows
	  if ($split && $startrow > 0) {
		$thnr = (isset($table['is_thead']) ? count($table['is_thead']) : 0);
		if ($i >= $thnr && $i < $startrow) { continue; }
		if ($i == $startrow){ $returny = $rety - $tableheaderrowheight; }

	  // Get Maximum row/cell height in row - including rowspan>1 + 1 overlapping
	  $maxrowheight = $this->_tableGetMaxRowHeight($table, $i, $fh);

	  $skippage = false;
	  $newpagestarted = false;
	  for( $j = $startcol ; $j < $numcols ; $j++ ) { //Columns
		if ($split) {
			if ($table['colPg'][$j] > $splitpg) { break; }
			$lastCol = $j;
		if (isset($cells[$i][$j]) && $cells[$i][$j]) {
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
				$cell = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$j], '', $fh);
				$cell = &$cells[$i][$j];
			if ($split) {
				$lastCol = $j + (isset($cell['colspan']) ? ($cell['colspan']-1) : 0) ;
				list($x,$w) = $this->_splitTableGetWidth($table, $i, $j, $fh);
			else { list($x,$w) = $this->_tableGetWidth($table, $i, $j, $fh); }

			list($y,$h) = $this->_tableGetHeight($table, $i, $j, $fh);
			$x += $x0;
			$y += $y0;
			$y -= $returny;

			if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			  if (!empty($tablefooter) || $i == ($numrows-1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i+$cell['rowspan']) == $numrows)  || (!isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i+1) == $numrows) ) {
				$extra = $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
				//$extra = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
			  else {
				$extra = $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
	  		else { $extra = $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2; }

			if ($j==$startcol  && ((($y + $maxrowheight + $extra ) > ($pagetrigger+0.001)) || (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && ($y + $maxrowheight + $tablefooterrowheight + $extra) > $pagetrigger) && ($this->tableLevel==1 && $i < ($numrows - $table['headernrows']))) && ($y0 >0 || $x0 > 0) && !$this->InFooter && $this->autoPageBreak ) {

				if (!$skippage) {
					$finalSpread = true;
					$firstSpread = true;
					if ($split) {
						for($t=$startcol; $t<$numcols; $t++) {
							// Are there more columns to print on a next page?
							if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) {
								$finalSpread = false;
						if ($startcol>0) { $firstSpread = false; }

		      		if (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && $i > 0 ) {
						$this->y = $y;
						$ya = $this->y;
						$this->TableHeaderFooter($tablefooter,$tablestartpage,$tablestartcolumn,'F',$level, $firstSpread, $finalSpread);
						if ($this->table_rotate) {
							$this->tbrot_h += $this->y - $ya ;
						$tablefooteradj = $this->y - $ya ;
					$y -= $y0;
					$returny += $y;

					$oldcolumn = $this->CurrCol;
					if ($this->AcceptPageBreak()) {
	  					$newpagestarted = true;
						$this->y = $y + $y0;

						// Move down to account for border-spacing or
						// extra half border width in case page breaks in middle
						if($i>0 && !$this->table_rotate && $level==1 && !$this->ColActive) {
							if ($table['borders_separate']) {
								$adv = $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
								// If table footer
								if (($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && !empty($tablefooter) && $i > 0 ) {
									$adv += ($table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w']);
							else {
								$maxbwtop = 0;
								$maxbwbottom = 0;
								if (!$this->simpleTables){
									if (!empty($tablefooter)) { $maxbwbottom = $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']; }
									else {
									   $brow = $i-1;
									   for( $ctj = 0 ; $ctj < $numcols ; $ctj++ ) {
										if (isset($cells[$brow][$ctj]) && $cells[$brow][$ctj]) {
											if ($this->cacheTables) {
												$cadj = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$brow][$ctj], '', $fh);
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cadj['borderbin']);
											else if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$brow][$ctj]['borderbin']);
											else {
												$bb = $cells[$brow][$ctj]['border_details']['B']['w'];
											$maxbwbottom = max($maxbwbottom , $bb);
									if (!empty($tableheader)) { $maxbwtop = $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']; }
									else {
									   $trow = $i-1;
									   for( $ctj = 0 ; $ctj < $numcols ; $ctj++ ) {
										if (isset($cells[$trow][$ctj]) && $cells[$trow][$ctj]) {
											if ($this->cacheTables) {
												$cadj = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$trow][$ctj], '', $fh);
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cadj['borderbin']);
											else if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$trow][$ctj]['borderbin']);
											else {
												$bt = $cells[$trow][$ctj]['border_details']['T']['w'];
											$maxbwtop = max($maxbwtop , $bt);
								else if ($this->simpleTables){
									$maxbwtop = $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'];
									$maxbwbottom = $table['simple']['border_details']['B']['w'];
								$adv = $maxbwbottom /2;
							$this->y += $adv;

						// Rotated table split over pages - needs this->y for borders/backgrounds
						if($i>0 && $this->table_rotate && $level==1) {
				//			$this->y = $y0 + $this->tbrot_w;

						if ($this->tableClipPath ) { $this->_out("Q"); }

						$bx = $x0;
						$by = $y0;

						if ($table['borders_separate']) {
							$bx -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']/2);
							if ($tablestartpageno != $this->page) {	// IF already broken across a previous pagebreak
								$by += $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']/2;
								if (empty($tableheader)) { $by -= ($table['border_spacing_V']/2); }
							else {
								$by -= ($table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2);

						else if ($tablestartpageno != $this->page && !empty($tableheader)) { $by += $maxbwtop /2; }

						$by -= $tableheaderadj;
						$bh = $this->y - $by + $tablefooteradj;
  						if (!$table['borders_separate']) { $bh -= $adv ; }
						if ($split) {
							$bw = 0;
							for($t=$startcol; $t<$numcols; $t++) {
								if ($table['colPg'][$t] == $splitpg) { $bw += $table['wc'][$t]; }
								if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) { break; }
							if ($table['borders_separate']) {
								if ($firstSpread) {
									$bw += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
								else {
									$bx += ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w']);
									$bw += $table['border_spacing_H'];
								if ($finalSpread) {
									$bw += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w']/2 + $table['border_spacing_H'];
						else {
							$bw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];

						// mPDF 5.4.16
		      			if ($this->splitTableBorderWidth && ($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && empty($tablefooter) && $i > 0 && $table['border_details']['B']['w']) {
							$prevDrawColor = $this->DrawColor;
							$lw = $this->LineWidth;
 							$blx = $bx;
							$blw = $bw;
 							if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
								$blx -= ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2);
								$blw += ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2 + $table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2);
							$this->DrawColor = $prevDrawColor;

						if (!$this->ColActive && ($i > 0 || $j > 0)) {
							if (isset($table['bgcolor'][-1])) {
					  			$color = $this->ConvertColor($table['bgcolor'][-1]);
					  			if ($color) {
								   if (!$table['borders_separate']) { $bh -= $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2; }
								   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'col'=>$color);

							if (isset($table['gradient'])) {
								$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($table['gradient']);
								if ($g) {
								   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+1][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');

							if (isset($table['background-image'])) {
							   if ($table['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $table['background-image']['gradient'] )) {
								$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $table['background-image']['gradient'] );
								if ($g) {
								   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+1][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
							   else {
								$image_id = $table['background-image']['image_id'];
								$orig_w = $table['background-image']['orig_w'];
								$orig_h = $table['background-image']['orig_h'];
								$x_pos = $table['background-image']['x_pos'];
								$y_pos = $table['background-image']['y_pos'];
								$x_repeat = $table['background-image']['x_repeat'];
								$y_repeat = $table['background-image']['y_repeat'];
								$resize = $table['background-image']['resize'];
								$opacity = $table['background-image']['opacity'];
								$itype = $table['background-image']['itype'];
								$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+2][] = array('x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);

						// $this->AcceptPageBreak() has moved tablebuffer to $this->pages content
						if ($this->tableBackgrounds) {
						   $s = $this->PrintTableBackgrounds();
	   					   if ($this->bufferoutput) {
							$this->headerbuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->headerbuffer);
							$this->headerbuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', " ", $this->headerbuffer );
						   else {
							$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
							$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', " ", $this->pages[$this->page]);
						   $this->tableBackgrounds = array();

						if ($split) {
							if ($i == 0 && $j == 0) { $y0 = -1; }
							else if ($finalSpread) {
								$splitpg = 0;
								$startcol = 0;
								$startrow = $i;
							else {
								$startcol = $t;
								$returny -= $y;
							return array(false, $startrow, $startcol, $splitpg, $returny, $y0);



						if ($this->tableClipPath ) { $this->_out($this->tableClipPath); }

						// Added to correct for OddEven Margins
						$x= $x + $this->MarginCorrection;
						$x0= $x0 + $this->MarginCorrection;

						// mPDF 5.4.16
		      			if ($this->splitTableBorderWidth && ($this->keepColumns || !$this->ColActive) && empty($tableheader) && $i > 0 && $table['border_details']['T']['w'] ) {
							$prevDrawColor = $this->DrawColor;
							$lw = $this->LineWidth;
							$blx += $this->MarginCorrection;
							$this->DrawColor = $prevDrawColor;

						// Move down to account for half of top border-spacing or
						// extra half border width in case page was broken in middle
						if($i>0 && !$this->table_rotate && $level==1 && $table['headernrows']==0) {
							if ($table['borders_separate']) { $adv = $table['border_spacing_V']/2; }
							else {
								$maxbwtop = 0;
								for( $ctj = 0 ; $ctj < $numcols ; $ctj++ ) {
									if (isset($cells[$i][$ctj]) && $cells[$i][$ctj]) {
										if (!$this->simpleTables){
											if ($this->cacheTables) {
												$celltj = $this->_uncacheCell($table['cells'][$i][$ctj], '', $fh);
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($celltj['borderbin']);
			 								else if ($this->packTableData) {
			 	   								list($bt,$br,$bb,$bl) = $this->_getBorderWidths($cells[$i][$ctj]['borderbin']);
											else {
												$bt = $cells[$i][$ctj]['border_details']['T']['w'];
											$maxbwtop = max($maxbwtop, $bt);
										else if ($this->simpleTables){
											$maxbwtop = max($maxbwtop, $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w']);
								$adv = $maxbwtop /2;
							$this->y += $adv;

						if ($this->table_rotate) {
							$this->tbrot_x0 = $this->lMargin  + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'];
							if ($table['borders_separate']) { $this->tbrot_h = $table['margin']['T'] + $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2; }
							else { $this->tbrot_h = $table['margin']['T'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] ; }
							$this->tbrot_y0 = $this->y;
							$pagetrigger = $y0 - $tableheaderadj + ($this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width']);
						else {
							$pagetrigger = $this->PageBreakTrigger;

						if ($this->kwt_saved && $level==1) {
							$this->kwt_moved = true;

						// Disable Table header repeat if Keep Block together
             				if (!$this->keep_block_together && !empty($tableheader)) {
							$ya = $this->y;
							if ($this->table_rotate) {
								$this->tbrot_h = $this->y - $ya ;
							$tableheaderadj = $this->y - $ya ;

						else if ($i==0 && !$this->keep_block_together && !$this->table_rotate && $level==1 && !$this->ColActive) {
							// Advance down page
							if ($table['borders_separate']) { $adv = $table['border_spacing_V']/2 + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['padding']['T'];  }
							else { $adv = $table['max_cell_border_width']['T'] /2 ; }
							if ($adv) {
							   if ($this->table_rotate) {
								$this->y += ($adv);
							   else {

						$outerfilled = 0;
						$y = $y0 = $this->y;

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
					// COLS
					if ($this->CurrCol != $oldcolumn) {
						// Added to correct for Columns
						$x += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
						$x0 += $this->ChangeColumn * ($this->ColWidth+$this->ColGap);
						if ($this->CurrCol == 0) { 	// just added a page - possibly with tableheader
							$y0 = $this->y; 	// this->y0 is global used by Columns - $y0 is internal to tablewrite
						else {
							$y0 = $this->y0; 	// this->y0 is global used by Columns - $y0 is internal to tablewrite
						$y = $y0;
						$outerfilled = 0;
		      			if ($this->CurrCol != 0 && ($this->keepColumns && $this->ColActive) && !empty($tableheader) && $i > 0 ) {
							$this->x = $x;
							$this->y = $y;
							$y0 = $y=$this->y;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
				$skippage = true;

			$this->x = $x;
			$this->y = $y;

			if ($this->kwt_saved && $level==1) {
				$x0 = $x = $this->x;
				$y0 = $y = $this->y;
				$this->kwt_moved = false;
				$this->kwt_saved = false;

			// Set the Page & Column where table actually starts
			if ($i==0 && $j==0 && $level==1) {
				if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {				// EVEN
					$tablestartpage = 'EVEN';
				else if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==1)) {				// ODD
					$tablestartpage = 'ODD';
				else { $tablestartpage = ''; }
				$tablestartpageno = $this->page;
				if ($this->ColActive) { $tablestartcolumn = $this->CurrCol; }	// *COLUMNS*

			$align = $cell['a'];

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
			// If outside columns, this is done in PaintDivBB
			if ($this->ColActive) {
			 if ($this->blklvl > 0 && ($j==0) && !$this->table_rotate && $level==1) {
			  $firstblockfill = $this->GetFirstBlockFill();
			  if ($firstblockfill && $this->blklvl >= $firstblockfill) {
			   $divh = $maxrowheight;
			   // Last row
	  		   if ((!isset($cell['rowspan']) && $i == $numrows-1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && (($i == $numrows-1 && $cell['rowspan']<2) || ($cell['rowspan']>1 && ($i + $cell['rowspan']-1) == $numrows-1)))) { 	// mPDF 5.6.54
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					$adv = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2;
				else {
					$adv = $table['margin']['B'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2;
				$divh += $adv;  //last row: fill bottom half of bottom border (y advanced at end)

			   if (($this->y + $divh) > $outerfilled ) {	// if not already painted by previous rowspan
				$bak_x = $this->x;
				$bak_y = $this->y;
				if ($outerfilled > $this->y) {
					$divh = ($this->y + $divh) - $outerfilled;
					$this->y = $outerfilled;

				$outerfilled = $this->y + $divh;
				// Reset current block fill
				$bcor = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['bgcolorarray'];
				if ($bcor ) $this->SetFColor($bcor);
				$this->x = $bak_x;
				$this->y = $bak_y;

			if ($this->ColActive) {
			 if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			   $fill = isset($table['bgcolor'][-1]) ? $table['bgcolor'][-1] : 0;
			   if ($fill) {
  				$color = $this->ConvertColor($fill);
  				if ($color) {
					$xadj = ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$yadj = ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$wadj = $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$hadj = $table['border_spacing_V'];
 			   		if ($i == 0) {		// Top
						$yadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] ;
						$hadj += $table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] ;
			   		if ($j == 0) {		// Left
						$xadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] ;
						$wadj += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] ;
			   		if ($i == ($numrows-1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i+$cell['rowspan']) == $numrows)  || (!isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i+1) == $numrows)) {	// Bottom
						$hadj += $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] ;
			   		if ($j == ($numcols-1) || (isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j+$cell['colspan']) == $numcols)  || (!isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j+1) == $numcols)) {	// Right
						$wadj += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] ;
					$this->Rect($x - $xadj, $y - $yadj, $w + $wadj, $h + $hadj, 'F');
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

			if ($table['empty_cells']!='hide' || !empty($cell['textbuffer']) || (isset($cell['nestedcontent']) && $cell['nestedcontent']) || !$table['borders_separate']  ) { $paintcell = true; }
			else { $paintcell = false; }

			//Set Borders
			$bord = 0;
			$bord_det = array();

			if (!$this->simpleTables){
			 	if ($this->packTableData) {
	  			   if ($cell['borderbin']) {
					$c = $this->_unpackCellBorder($cell['borderbin']);
					$bord = $c['border'];
					$bord_det = $c['border_details'];
				else if ($cell['border']) {
					$bord = $cell['border'];
					$bord_det = $cell['border_details'];
			else if ($this->simpleTables){
	  			if ($table['simple']['border']) {
					$bord = $table['simple']['border'];
					$bord_det = $table['simple']['border_details'];

			$fill = 0;
			if (isset($cell['bgcolor']) && $cell['bgcolor'] && $cell['bgcolor']!='transparent') {
				$fill = $cell['bgcolor'];
				$leveladj = 6;
			else if (isset($table['bgcolor'][$i]) && $table['bgcolor'][$i] && $table['bgcolor'][$i]!='transparent') { // Row color
				$fill = $table['bgcolor'][$i];
				$leveladj = 3;
			if ($fill && $paintcell) {
  				$color = $this->ConvertColor($fill);
  				if ($color) {
 					if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					   if ($this->ColActive) {
						$this->Rect($x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), $w- $table['border_spacing_H'], $h- $table['border_spacing_V'], 'F');
					   else {
		   				$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+$leveladj][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>($x + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2)), 'y'=>($y + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)), 'w'=>($w - $table['border_spacing_H']), 'h'=>($h - $table['border_spacing_V']), 'col'=>$color);
 					else {
					   if ($this->ColActive) {
	 					$this->Rect($x, $y, $w, $h, 'F');
					   else {
		   				$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+$leveladj][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>$x, 'y'=>$y, 'w'=>$w, 'h'=>$h, 'col'=>$color);

			if (isset($cell['gradient']) && $cell['gradient'] && $paintcell){
				$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($cell['gradient']);
				if ($g) {
 				  if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 					$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
				  else {
					$px = $x;
					$py = $y;
					$pw = $w;
					$ph = $h;
				  if ($this->ColActive) {
					$this->grad->Gradient($px, $py, $pw, $ph, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
				  else {
		   			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+7][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');

			if (isset($cell['background-image']) && $paintcell) {
			  if ($cell['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $cell['background-image']['gradient'] )) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $cell['background-image']['gradient'] );
				if ($g) {
 				  if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 					$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
				  else {
					$px = $x;
					$py = $y;
					$pw = $w;
					$ph = $h;
				  if ($this->ColActive) {
					$this->grad->Gradient($px, $py, $pw, $ph, $g['type'], $g['stops'], $g['colorspace'], $g['coords'], $g['extend']);
				  else {
		  			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+7][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
			  else if ($cell['background-image']['image_id']) {	// Background pattern
				$n = count($this->patterns)+1;
 				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
 					$px = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$py = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$pw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$ph = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
				else {
					$px = $x;
					$py = $y;
					$pw = $w;
					$ph = $h;
				if ($this->ColActive) {
					list($orig_w, $orig_h, $x_repeat, $y_repeat) = $this->_resizeBackgroundImage($cell['background-image']['orig_w'], $cell['background-image']['orig_h'], $pw, $ph, $cell['background-image']['resize'], $cell['background-image']['x_repeat'], $cell['background-image']['y_repeat']);
					$this->patterns[$n] = array('x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'pgh'=>$this->h, 'image_id'=>$cell['background-image']['image_id'], 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$cell['background-image']['x_pos'] , 'y_pos'=>$cell['background-image']['y_pos'] , 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat);
					if ($cell['background-image']['opacity']>0 && $cell['background-image']['opacity']<1) { $opac = $this->SetAlpha($cell['background-image']['opacity'],'Normal',true); }
					else { $opac = ''; }
					$this->_out(sprintf('q /Pattern cs /P%d scn %s %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F re f Q', $n, $opac, $px*_MPDFK, ($this->h-$py)*_MPDFK, $pw*_MPDFK, -$ph*_MPDFK));
				else {
					$image_id = $cell['background-image']['image_id'];
					$orig_w = $cell['background-image']['orig_w'];
					$orig_h = $cell['background-image']['orig_h'];
					$x_pos = $cell['background-image']['x_pos'];
					$y_pos = $cell['background-image']['y_pos'];
					$x_repeat = $cell['background-image']['x_repeat'];
					$y_repeat = $cell['background-image']['y_repeat'];
					$resize = $cell['background-image']['resize'];
					$opacity = $cell['background-image']['opacity'];
					$itype = $cell['background-image']['itype'];
					$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+8][] = array('x'=>$px, 'y'=>$py, 'w'=>$pw, 'h'=>$ph, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);

			 if (isset($cell['colspan']) && $cell['colspan']>1) { $ccolsp = $cell['colspan']; }
			 else { $ccolsp = 1; }
			 if (isset($cell['rowspan']) && $cell['rowspan']>1) { $crowsp = $cell['rowspan']; }
			 else { $crowsp = 1; }

			// but still need to do this for repeated headers...
			if (!$table['borders_separate'] && $this->tabletheadjustfinished && !$this->simpleTables){
			  if (isset($table['topntail']) && $table['topntail']) {
					$bord_det['T'] = $this->border_details($table['topntail']);
					$bord_det['T']['w'] /= $this->shrin_k;
					$this->setBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP);
			  if (isset($table['thead-underline']) && $table['thead-underline']) {
					$bord_det['T'] = $this->border_details($table['thead-underline']);
					$bord_det['T']['w'] /= $this->shrin_k;
					$this->setBorder($bord, _BORDER_TOP);

			//Get info of first row ==>> table header
			//Use > 1 row if THEAD
			if (isset($table['is_thead'][$i]) && $table['is_thead'][$i] && $level==1) {
				if ($j==0) $tableheaderrowheight += $table['hr'][$i];
				$tableheader[$i][0]['trbackground-images'] = (isset($table['trbackground-images'][$i]) ? $table['trbackground-images'][$i] : null);
				$tableheader[$i][0]['trgradients'] = (isset($table['trgradients'][$i]) ? $table['trgradients'][$i] : null);
				$tableheader[$i][0]['trbgcolor'] = (isset($table['bgcolor'][$i]) ? $table['bgcolor'][$i] : null);
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['x'] = $x;
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['y'] = $y;
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['h'] = $h;
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['w'] = $w;
				if (isset($cell['textbuffer'])) { $tableheader[$i][$j]['textbuffer'] = $cell['textbuffer']; }
				else { $tableheader[$i][$j]['textbuffer'] = ''; }
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['a'] = $cell['a'];
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['R'] = $cell['R'];

				$tableheader[$i][$j]['va'] = $cell['va'];
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['mih'] = $cell['mih'];
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['gradient'] = (isset($cell['gradient']) ? $cell['gradient'] : null);	// *BACKGROUNDS*
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['background-image'] = (isset($cell['background-image']) ? $cell['background-image'] : null);	// *BACKGROUNDS*
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['rowspan'] = (isset($cell['rowspan']) ? $cell['rowspan'] : null);
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['colspan'] = (isset($cell['colspan']) ? $cell['colspan'] : null);
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['bgcolor'] = $cell['bgcolor'];

				if (!$this->simpleTables){
					$tableheader[$i][$j]['border'] = $bord;
					$tableheader[$i][$j]['border_details'] = $bord_det;
				else if ($this->simpleTables){
					$tableheader[$i][$j]['border'] = $table['simple']['border'];
					$tableheader[$i][$j]['border_details'] = $table['simple']['border_details'];
				$tableheader[$i][$j]['padding'] = $cell['padding'];

			if ($bord || $bord_det) {
 				if ($table['borders_separate'] && $paintcell) {
 					$this->_tableRect($x + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2)+($bord_det['L']['w'] /2), $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)+($bord_det['T']['w'] /2), $w-$table['border_spacing_H']-($bord_det['L']['w'] /2)-($bord_det['R']['w'] /2), $h- $table['border_spacing_V']-($bord_det['T']['w'] /2)-($bord_det['B']['w']/2), $bord, $bord_det, false, $table['borders_separate']);
 				else if (!$table['borders_separate']) {
					$this->_tableRect($x, $y, $w, $h, $bord, $bord_det, true, $table['borders_separate']); 	// true causes buffer


			if ($cell['R'] && INTVAL($cell['R']) > 0 && INTVAL($cell['R']) < 90 && isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va']!='B') { $cell['va']='B';}
			if (!isset($cell['va']) || $cell['va']=='M') $this->y += ($h-$cell['mih'])/2;
			elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va']=='B') $this->y += $h-$cell['mih'];


			// TEXT (and nested tables)

			if (!empty($cell['textbuffer'])) {
				if ($level==1) {
					if (isset($table['is_tfoot'][$i]) && $table['is_tfoot'][$i]) {
						if (preg_match('/{colsum([0-9]*)[_]*}/', $cell['textbuffer'][0][0], $m)) {
							$rep = sprintf("%01.".intval($m[1])."f", $this->colsums[$j]);
							$cell['textbuffer'][0][0] = preg_replace('/{colsum[0-9_]*}/', $rep ,$cell['textbuffer'][0][0]);
					else if (!isset($table['is_thead'][$i])) { $this->colsums[$j] += floatval(preg_replace('/^[^0-9\.\,]*/','',$cell['textbuffer'][0][0])); }	// mPDF 5.6.66
				$opy = $this->y;
				if ($this->iterationCounter) {
				   foreach($cell['textbuffer'] AS $k=>$t) {
					if (preg_match('/{iteration ([a-zA-Z0-9_]+)}/',$t[0], $m)) {
						$vname = '__'.$m[1].'_';
						if (!isset($this->$vname)) { $this->$vname = 1; }
						else { $this->$vname++; }
						$cell['textbuffer'][$k][0] = preg_replace('/{iteration '.$m[1].'}/', $this->$vname, $cell['textbuffer'][$k][0]);

				if ($cell['R']) {
					$cellPtSize = $cell['textbuffer'][0][11] / $this->shrin_k;
					if (!$cellPtSize) { $cellPtSize = $this->default_font_size; }
					$cellFontHeight = ($cellPtSize/_MPDFK);
					$opx = $this->x;
					$angle = INTVAL($cell['R']);
					// Only allow 45 to 89 degrees (when bottom-aligned) or exactly 90 or -90
					if ($angle > 90) { $angle = 90; }
					else if ($angle > 0 && $angle <45) { $angle = 45; }
					else if ($angle < 0) { $angle = -90; }
					$offset = ((sin(deg2rad($angle))) * 0.37 * $cellFontHeight);
					if (isset($cell['a']) && $cell['a']=='R') {
						$this->x += ($w) + ($offset) - ($cellFontHeight/3) - ($cell['padding']['R'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2));
					else if (!isset($cell['a']) || $cell['a']=='C') {
						$this->x += ($w/2) + ($offset);
					else {
						$this->x += ($offset) + ($cellFontHeight/3)+($cell['padding']['L'] +($table['border_spacing_H']/2));
					$str = '';
					foreach($cell['textbuffer'] AS $t) { $str .= $t[0].' '; }
					$str = trim($str);
					if (!isset($cell['va']) || $cell['va']=='M') {
						$this->y -= ($h-$cell['mih'])/2; //Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += (($h-$cell['mih'])/2) + $cell['padding']['T'] + ($cell['mih']-($cell['padding']['T'] + $cell['padding']['B'])); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += (($h-$cell['mih'])/2)+ ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)); }
					elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va']=='B') {
						$this->y -= $h-$cell['mih']; //Undo what was added earlier VERTICAL ALIGN
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += $h-($cell['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += $h-$cell['mih'] + ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)); }
					elseif (isset($cell['va']) && $cell['va']=='T') {
						if ($angle > 0) { $this->y += $cell['mih']-($cell['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)); }
						else if ($angle < 0) { $this->y += ($cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2)); }
					$s_fs = $this->FontSizePt;
					$s_f = $this->FontFamily;
					$s_st = $this->FontStyle;
					if (!empty($cell['textbuffer'][0][3])) { //Font Color
						$cor = $cell['textbuffer'][0][3];
					$s_str = $this->strike;
					$this->strike = $cell['textbuffer'][0][8]; //Strikethrough
					$this->strike = $s_str;
					$this->x = $opx;
				else {

					if (!$this->simpleTables){
					   if ($bord_det) {
						$btlw = $bord_det['L']['w'];
						$btrw = $bord_det['R']['w'];
						$bttw = $bord_det['T']['w'];
					   else {
						$btlw = 0;
						$btrw = 0;
						$bttw = 0;
					   if ($table['borders_separate']) {
						$xadj = $btlw + $cell['padding']['L'] +($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$wadj = $btlw + $btrw + $cell['padding']['L'] +$cell['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$yadj = $bttw + $cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					   else {
						$xadj = $btlw/2 + $cell['padding']['L'];
						$wadj = ($btlw + $btrw)/2 + $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'];
						$yadj = $bttw/2 + $cell['padding']['T'];
					else if ($this->simpleTables){
					   if ($table['borders_separate']) {	// NB twice border width
						$xadj = $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $cell['padding']['L'] +($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$wadj = $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'] + $cell['padding']['L'] +$cell['padding']['R'] + $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$yadj = $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w'] + $cell['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					   else {
						$xadj = $table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w']/2 + $cell['padding']['L'];
						$wadj = ($table['simple']['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['simple']['border_details']['R']['w'])/2 + $cell['padding']['L'] + $cell['padding']['R'];
						$yadj = $table['simple']['border_details']['T']['w']/2 + $cell['padding']['T'];
					// mPDF 5.6.13
					$this->decimal_offset = 0;
					if(substr($cell['a'],0,1) == 'D') {
						if ($cell['colspan'] > 1) { $this->divalign = $c['a'] = substr($cell['a'],2,1); }
						else {
							$smax = $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'];
							$d_content = $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs0'] + $table['decimal_align'][$j]['maxs1'];
							$this->decimal_offset = $smax;
							$extra = ($w - $d_content - $wadj);
							if ($extra > 0) {
								if(substr($cell['a'],2,1) == 'R') { $this->decimal_offset += $extra; }
								else if(substr($cell['a'],2,1) == 'C') { $this->decimal_offset += ($extra)/2; }
					if ($this->divwidth == 0) { $this->divwidth = 0.0001; }
					$this->x += $xadj;
					$this->y += $yadj;
				$this->y = $opy;

			if (!$this->ColActive) {
	  		  if (isset($table['trgradients'][$i]) && ($j==0 || $table['borders_separate'])) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($table['trgradients'][$i]);
				if ($g) {
					$gx = $x0;
					$gy = $y;
					$gh = $h;
					$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
					if ($table['borders_separate']) {
						$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
						$s = '';
 						$clx = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$cly = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
						$clw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$clh = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
						// Set clipping path
						$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
						$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s);
					else {
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
			    if (isset($table['trbackground-images'][$i]) && ($j==0 || $table['borders_separate'])) {
			    if ($table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient'] )) {
				$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['gradient'] );
				if ($g) {
					$gx = $x0;
					$gy = $y;
					$gh = $h;
					$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
					if ($table['borders_separate']) {
						$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
						$s = '';
 						$clx = $x+ ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
						$cly = $y+ ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
						$clw = $w- $table['border_spacing_H'];
						$clh = $h- $table['border_spacing_V'];
						// Set clipping path
						$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL before the arc
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
						$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
						$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>$s);
					else {
						$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+4][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
			    else {
				$image_id = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['image_id'];
				$orig_w = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['orig_w'];
				$orig_h = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['orig_h'];
				$x_pos = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['x_pos'];
				$y_pos = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['y_pos'];
				$x_repeat = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['x_repeat'];
				$y_repeat = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['y_repeat'];
				$resize = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['resize'];
				$opacity = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['opacity'];
				$itype = $table['trbackground-images'][$i]['itype'];
				$clippath = '';
				$gx = $x0;
				$gy = $y;
				$gh = $h;
				$gw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];
				if ($table['borders_separate']) {
					$gw -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']);
					$s = '';
 					$clx = $x + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
					$cly = $y + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
					$clw = $w - $table['border_spacing_H'];
					$clh = $h - $table['border_spacing_V'];
					// Set clipping path
					$s = ' q 0 w ';	// Line width=0
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F m ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// start point TL
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BL
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly+$clh))*_MPDFK);	// line to BR
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx+$clw)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TR
					$s .= sprintf('%.3F %.3F l ', ($clx)*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($cly))*_MPDFK);	// line to TL
					$s .= ' W n ';	// Ends path no-op & Sets the clipping path
					$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+5][] = array('x'=>$gx + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2), 'y'=>$gy + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2), 'w'=>$gw - $table['border_spacing_V'], 'h'=>$gh - $table['border_spacing_H'], 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>$s, 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);
				else {
					$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+5][] = array('x'=>$gx, 'y'=>$gy, 'w'=>$gw, 'h'=>$gh, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);


			// TABLE BORDER - if separate
			if (($table['borders_separate'] || ($this->simpleTables && !$table['simple']['border'])) && $table['border']) {
			   $halfspaceL = $table['padding']['L'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			   $halfspaceR = $table['padding']['R'] + ($table['border_spacing_H']/2);
			   $halfspaceT = $table['padding']['T'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			   $halfspaceB = $table['padding']['B'] + ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
			   $tbx = $x;
			   $tby = $y;
			   $tbw = $w;
			   $tbh = $h;
			   $tab_bord = 0;

			   $corner = '';
 			   if ($i == 0) {		// Top
				$tby -= $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w']/2);
				$tbh += $halfspaceT + ($table['border_details']['T']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_TOP);
				$corner .= 'T';
			   if ($i == ($numrows-1) || (isset($cell['rowspan']) && ($i+$cell['rowspan']) == $numrows)) {	// Bottom
				$tbh += $halfspaceB + ($table['border_details']['B']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_BOTTOM);
				$corner .= 'B';
			   if ($j == 0) {		// Left
				$tbx -= $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w']/2);
				$tbw += $halfspaceL + ($table['border_details']['L']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_LEFT);
				$corner .= 'L';
			   if ($j == ($numcols-1) || (isset($cell['colspan']) && ($j+$cell['colspan']) == $numcols)) {	// Right
				$tbw += $halfspaceR + ($table['border_details']['R']['w']/2);
				$this->setBorder($tab_bord , _BORDER_RIGHT);
				$corner .= 'R';
			   $this->_tableRect($tbx, $tby, $tbw, $tbh, $tab_bord , $table['border_details'], false, $table['borders_separate'], 'table', $corner, $table['border_spacing_V'], $table['border_spacing_H'] );

			unset($cell );
			//Reset values

		}//end of (if isset(cells)...)
	  }// end of columns

	  $newpagestarted = false;
	  $this->tabletheadjustfinished = false;

	  if ($this->ColActive && $i < $numrows-1 && $level==1) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $y + $h; }	// *COLUMNS*

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	  if ($this->ColActive) {
		if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) { $this->printcellbuffer(); }
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

	  if ($i == $numrows-1) { $this->y = $y + $h; } //last row jump (update this->y position)
	  if ($this->table_rotate && $level==1) {
		$this->tbrot_h += $h;

	}// end of rows

	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(7,70,' '); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*

	if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) { $this->printcellbuffer(); }

	if ($this->tableClipPath ) { $this->_out("Q"); }
	$this->tableClipPath = '';

	// Advance down page by half width of bottom border
 	if ($table['borders_separate']) { $this->y += $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2; }
	else { $this->y += $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2; }

	if ($table['borders_separate'] && $level==1) { $this->tbrot_h += $table['margin']['B'] + $table['padding']['B'] + $table['border_details']['B']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2; }
	else if ($level==1) { $this->tbrot_h += $table['margin']['B'] + $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2; }

	$bx = $x0;
	$by = $y0;
	if ($table['borders_separate']) {
		$bx -= ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_H']/2);
		if ($tablestartpageno != $this->page) {	// IF broken across page
			$by += $table['max_cell_border_width']['T']/2;
			if (empty($tableheader)) { $by -= ($table['border_spacing_V']/2); }
		else if ($split && $startrow > 0 && empty($tableheader)) {
			$by -= ($table['border_spacing_V']/2);
		else {
			$by -= ($table['padding']['T'] + $table['border_details']['T']['w'] + $table['border_spacing_V']/2);
	else if ($tablestartpageno != $this->page && !empty($tableheader)) { $by += $maxbwtop /2; }
	$by -= $tableheaderadj;
	$bh = $this->y - $by;
	if (!$table['borders_separate']) { $bh -= $table['max_cell_border_width']['B']/2; }

	if ($split) {
		$bw = 0;
		$finalSpread = true;
		for($t=$startcol; $t<$numcols; $t++) {
			if ($table['colPg'][$t] == $splitpg) { $bw += $table['wc'][$t]; }
			if ($table['colPg'][$t] > $splitpg) { $finalSpread = false; break; }
		if ($startcol==0) { $firstSpread = true; }
		else { $firstSpread = false; }
		if ($table['borders_separate']) {
			$bw += $table['border_spacing_H'];
			if ($firstSpread) {
				$bw += $table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w'];
			else {
				$bx += ($table['padding']['L'] + $table['border_details']['L']['w']);
			if ($finalSpread) {
				$bw += $table['padding']['R'] + $table['border_details']['R']['w'];
	else {
		$bw = $table['w'] - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['L']/2) - ($table['max_cell_border_width']['R']/2) - $table['margin']['L'] - $table['margin']['R'];

	if (!$this->ColActive) {
		if (isset($table['bgcolor'][-1])) {
  			$color = $this->ConvertColor($table['bgcolor'][-1]);
  			if ($color) {
			   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9][] = array('gradient'=>false, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'col'=>$color);

		if (isset($table['gradient'])) {
			$g = $this->grad->parseBackgroundGradient($table['gradient']);
			if ($g) {
			   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+1][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');

		if (isset($table['background-image'])) {
		   if ($table['background-image']['gradient'] && preg_match('/(-moz-)*(repeating-)*(linear|radial)-gradient/', $table['background-image']['gradient'] )) {
			$g = $this->grad->parseMozGradient( $table['background-image']['gradient'] );
			if ($g) {
			   $this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+1][] = array('gradient'=>true, 'x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'gradtype'=>$g['type'], 'stops'=>$g['stops'], 'colorspace'=>$g['colorspace'], 'coords'=>$g['coords'], 'extend'=>$g['extend'], 'clippath'=>'');
		   else {
			$image_id = $table['background-image']['image_id'];
			$orig_w = $table['background-image']['orig_w'];
			$orig_h = $table['background-image']['orig_h'];
			$x_pos = $table['background-image']['x_pos'];
			$y_pos = $table['background-image']['y_pos'];
			$x_repeat = $table['background-image']['x_repeat'];
			$y_repeat = $table['background-image']['y_repeat'];
			$resize = $table['background-image']['resize'];
			$opacity = $table['background-image']['opacity'];
			$itype = $table['background-image']['itype'];
			$this->tableBackgrounds[$level*9+2][] = array('x'=>$bx, 'y'=>$by, 'w'=>$bw, 'h'=>$bh, 'image_id'=>$image_id, 'orig_w'=>$orig_w, 'orig_h'=>$orig_h, 'x_pos'=>$x_pos, 'y_pos'=>$y_pos, 'x_repeat'=>$x_repeat, 'y_repeat'=>$y_repeat, 'clippath'=>'', 'resize'=>$resize, 'opacity'=>$opacity, 'itype'=>$itype);

	if ($this->tableBackgrounds && $level == 1) {
	   $s = $this->PrintTableBackgrounds();
	   if ($this->table_rotate && !$this->processingHeader && !$this->processingFooter) {
		$this->tablebuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->tablebuffer);
		if ($level == 1) { $this->tablebuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', " ", $this->tablebuffer); }
	   else if ($this->bufferoutput) {
		$this->headerbuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->headerbuffer);
		if ($level == 1) { $this->headerbuffer = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', " ", $this->headerbuffer ); }
	   else {
		$this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', '\\1'."\n".$s."\n", $this->pages[$this->page]);
		if ($level == 1) { $this->pages[$this->page] = preg_replace('/(___TABLE___BACKGROUNDS'.$this->uniqstr.')/', " ", $this->pages[$this->page]); }
	   $this->tableBackgrounds = array();

	if ($table['margin']['B']) {
	  if (!$this->table_rotate && $level==1) {
		$this->DivLn($table['margin']['B'],$this->blklvl,true); 	// collapsible
	  else {
		$this->y += ($table['margin']['B']);

	if ($this->ColActive && $level==1) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; }	// *COLUMNS*

	if ($this->cacheTables) { fclose($fh); }

	if ($split) {
		// Are there more columns to print on a next page?
		if ($lastCol < $numcols-1) {
			$startcol = $lastCol + 1;
			return array(false, $startrow, $startcol, $splitpg, $returny, $y0);
		else {
			if ($this->cacheTables) {
			return array(true,0,0,0);
	if ($this->cacheTables) {

}//END OF FUNCTION _tableWrite()

/////////////////////////END OF TABLE CODE//////////////////////////////////
/*-- END TABLES --*/

function _putextgstates() {
	for ($i = 1; $i <= count($this->extgstates); $i++) {
            $this->extgstates[$i]['n'] = $this->n;
            $this->_out('<</Type /ExtGState');
            foreach ($this->extgstates[$i]['parms'] as $k=>$v)
                $this->_out('/'.$k.' '.$v);

function _putocg() {
	if ($this->hasOC) { 	// mPDF 5.6.01
		$this->_out('<</Type /OCG /Name '.$this->_textstring('Print only'));
		$this->_out('/Usage <</Print <</PrintState /ON>> /View <</ViewState /OFF>>>>>>');
		$this->_out('<</Type /OCG /Name '.$this->_textstring('Screen only'));
		$this->_out('/Usage <</Print <</PrintState /OFF>> /View <</ViewState /ON>>>>>>');
		$this->_out('<</Type /OCG /Name '.$this->_textstring('Hidden'));
		$this->_out('/Usage <</Print <</PrintState /OFF>> /View <</ViewState /OFF>>>>>>');
	// mPDF 5.6.01  Add Layers
	if (count($this->layers)) {
		foreach($this->layers as $id=>$layer) {
			$this->layers[$id]['n'] = $this->n;
			// mPDF 5.6.28
			if (isset($this->layerDetails[$id]['name']) && $this->layerDetails[$id]['name']) {
				$name = $this->layerDetails[$id]['name'];
			else { $name = $layer['name']; }
			$this->_out('<</Type /OCG /Name '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($name).'>>');

/*-- IMPORTS --*/

	// from mPDFI
	function _putimportedobjects() {
		if (is_array($this->parsers) && count($this->parsers) > 0) {
			foreach($this->parsers AS $filename => $p) {
				$this->current_parser =& $this->parsers[$filename];
				if (is_array($this->_obj_stack[$filename])) {
					while($n = key($this->_obj_stack[$filename])) {
						$nObj = $this->current_parser->pdf_resolve_object($this->current_parser->c,$this->_obj_stack[$filename][$n][1]);
						if ($nObj[0] == PDF_TYPE_STREAM) {
						else {
						$this->_obj_stack[$filename][$n] = null; // free memory

	function _putformxobjects() {
		$filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '';
		foreach($this->tpls AS $tplidx => $tpl) {
			$p=($this->compress) ? gzcompress($tpl['buffer']) : $tpl['buffer'];
			$this->tpls[$tplidx]['n'] = $this->n;
			$this->_out('<<'.$filter.'/Type /XObject');
			$this->_out('/Subtype /Form');
			$this->_out('/FormType 1');
			// Left/Bottom/Right/Top
			$this->_out(sprintf('/BBox [%.2F %.2F %.2F %.2F]',
				($tpl['box']['x'] + $tpl['box']['w'])*_MPDFK,
				($tpl['box']['y'] + $tpl['box']['h'])*_MPDFK  )

			if (isset($tpl['box']))
				$this->_out(sprintf('/Matrix [1 0 0 1 %.5F %.5F]',-$tpl['box']['x']*_MPDFK, -$tpl['box']['y']*_MPDFK));
			$this->_out('/Resources ');

			if (isset($tpl['resources'])) {
				$this->current_parser =& $tpl['parser'];
			} else {
				$this->_out('<</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]');
					if (isset($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['fonts']) && count($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['fonts'])) {
						$this->_out('/Font <<');
						foreach($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['fonts'] as $font)
							$this->_out('/F'.$font['i'].' '.$font['n'].' 0 R');
					if(isset($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['images']) && count($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['images']) ||
					   isset($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['tpls']) && count($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['tpls']))
						$this->_out('/XObject <<');
						if (isset($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['images']) && count($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['images'])) {
							foreach($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['images'] as $image)
								$this->_out('/I'.$image['i'].' '.$image['n'].' 0 R');
						if (isset($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['tpls']) && count($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['tpls'])) {
							foreach($this->_res['tpl'][$tplidx]['tpls'] as $i => $itpl)
								$this->_out($this->tplprefix.$i.' '.$itpl['n'].' 0 R');

			$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($p).' >>');

/*-- END IMPORTS --*/

function _putpatterns() {
	for ($i = 1; $i <= count($this->patterns); $i++) {
		$x = $this->patterns[$i]['x'];
		$y = $this->patterns[$i]['y'];
		$w = $this->patterns[$i]['w'];
		$h = $this->patterns[$i]['h'];
		$pgh = $this->patterns[$i]['pgh'];
		$orig_w = $this->patterns[$i]['orig_w'];
		$orig_h = $this->patterns[$i]['orig_h'];
		$image_id = $this->patterns[$i]['image_id'];
		$itype = $this->patterns[$i]['itype'];
		$bpa = $this->patterns[$i]['bpa'];	// mPDF 5.6.10  background positioning area

		if ($this->patterns[$i]['x_repeat']) { $x_repeat = true; }
		else { $x_repeat = false; }
		if ($this->patterns[$i]['y_repeat']) { $y_repeat = true; }
		else { $y_repeat = false; }
		$x_pos = $this->patterns[$i]['x_pos'];
		if (stristr($x_pos ,'%') ) {
			$x_pos += 0;
			$x_pos /= 100;
			if (isset($bpa['w']) && $bpa['w']) $x_pos = ($bpa['w'] * $x_pos) - ($orig_w/_MPDFK * $x_pos);	// mPDF 5.6.10
			else $x_pos = ($w * $x_pos) - ($orig_w/_MPDFK * $x_pos);
		$y_pos = $this->patterns[$i]['y_pos'];
		if (stristr($y_pos ,'%') ) {
			$y_pos += 0;
			$y_pos /= 100;
			if (isset($bpa['h']) && $bpa['h']) $y_pos = ($bpa['h'] * $y_pos) - ($orig_h/_MPDFK * $y_pos);	// mPDF 5.6.10
			else $y_pos = ($h * $y_pos) - ($orig_h/_MPDFK * $y_pos);
		if (isset($bpa['x']) && $bpa['x']) $adj_x = ($x_pos + $bpa['x']) *_MPDFK;	// mPDF 5.6.10
		else $adj_x = ($x_pos + $x) *_MPDFK;
		if (isset($bpa['y']) && $bpa['y']) $adj_y = (($pgh - $y_pos - $bpa['y'])*_MPDFK) - $orig_h ;	// mPDF 5.6.10
		else $adj_y = (($pgh - $y_pos - $y)*_MPDFK) - $orig_h ;
		$img_obj = false;
		if ($itype == 'svg' || $itype == 'wmf') {
			foreach($this->formobjects AS $fo) {
				if ($fo['i'] == $image_id) {
					$img_obj = $fo['n'];
					$fo_w = $fo['w'];
					$fo_h = -$fo['h'];
					$wmf_x = $fo['x'];
					$wmf_y = $fo['y'];
		else {
			foreach($this->images AS $img) {
				if ($img['i'] == $image_id) { $img_obj = $img['n']; break; }
		if (!$img_obj ) { echo "Problem: Image object not found for background pattern ".$img['i']; exit; }

            $this->_out('<</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]');
		if ($itype == 'svg' || $itype == 'wmf') {
			$this->_out('/XObject <</FO'.$image_id.' '.$img_obj.' 0 R >>');
			// ******* ADD ANY ExtGStates, Shading AND Fonts needed for the FormObject
			// Set in classes/svg array['fo'] = true
			// Required that _putshaders comes before _putpatterns in _putresources
			// This adds any resources associated with any FormObject to every Formobject - overkill but works!
			if (count($this->extgstates)) {
				$this->_out('/ExtGState <<');
				foreach($this->extgstates as $k=>$extgstate)
				   if (isset($extgstate['fo']) && $extgstate['fo']) {
					if (isset($extgstate['trans']))  $this->_out('/'.$extgstate['trans'].' '.$extgstate['n'].' 0 R');
					else $this->_out('/GS'.$k.' '.$extgstate['n'].' 0 R');
			if (isset($this->gradients) AND (count($this->gradients) > 0)) {
				$this->_out('/Shading <<');
				foreach ($this->gradients as $id => $grad) {
				   if (isset($grad['fo']) && $grad['fo']) {
					$this->_out('/Sh'.$id.' '.$grad['id'].' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/Font <<');
			foreach($this->fonts as $font) {
				if (!$font['used'] && $font['type']=='TTF') { continue; }
				if (isset($font['fo']) && $font['fo']) {
				   if ($font['type']=='TTF' && ($font['sip'] || $font['smp'])) {
					foreach($font['n'] AS $k => $fid) {
						$this->_out('/F'.$font['subsetfontids'][$k].' '.$font['n'][$k].' 0 R');
				   else {
					$this->_out('/F'.$font['i'].' '.$font['n'].' 0 R');
		else {
            	$this->_out('/XObject <</I'.$image_id.' '.$img_obj.' 0 R >>');

		$this->patterns[$i]['n'] = $this->n;
		$this->_out('<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 1 /PaintType 1 /TilingType 2');
		$this->_out('/Resources '. ($this->n-1) .' 0 R');

		$this->_out(sprintf('/BBox [0 0 %.3F %.3F]',$orig_w,$orig_h));
		if ($x_repeat) { $this->_out(sprintf('/XStep %.3F',$orig_w)); }
		else { $this->_out(sprintf('/XStep %d',99999)); }
		if ($y_repeat) { $this->_out(sprintf('/YStep %.3F',$orig_h)); }
		else { $this->_out(sprintf('/YStep %d',99999)); }

		if ($itype == 'svg' || $itype == 'wmf') {
			$this->_out(sprintf('/Matrix [1 0 0 -1 %.3F %.3F]', $adj_x, ($adj_y+$orig_h)));
			$s = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F cm /FO%d Do Q",($orig_w/$fo_w), (-$orig_h/$fo_h), -($orig_w/$fo_w)*$wmf_x, ($orig_w/$fo_w)*$wmf_y, $image_id);
		else {
			$this->_out(sprintf('/Matrix [1 0 0 1 %.3F %.3F]',$adj_x,$adj_y));
			$s = sprintf("q %.3F 0 0 %.3F 0 0 cm /I%d Do Q",$orig_w,$orig_h,$image_id);

            if ($this->compress) {
			$this->_out('/Filter /FlateDecode');
			$s = gzcompress($s);
		$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($s).'>>');

function _putshaders() {
			$maxid = count($this->gradients); //index for transparency gradients
			foreach ($this->gradients as $id => $grad) {
				if (($grad['type'] == 2 || $grad['type'] == 3) && empty($grad['is_mask'])) {
					$this->_out('/FunctionType 3');
					$this->_out('/Domain [0 1]');
					$fn = array();
					$bd = array();
					$en = array();
					for($i=0; $i<(count($grad['stops'])-1); $i++) {
						$fn[] = ($this->n+1+$i).' 0 R';
						$en[] = '0 1';
						if ($i>0) { $bd[] = sprintf('%.3F', $grad['stops'][$i]['offset']); }
					$this->_out('/Functions ['.implode(' ',$fn).']');
					$this->_out('/Bounds ['.implode(' ',$bd).']');
					$this->_out('/Encode ['.implode(' ',$en).']');
					$f1 = $this->n;
					for($i=0; $i<(count($grad['stops'])-1); $i++) {
						$this->_out('/FunctionType 2');
						$this->_out('/Domain [0 1]');
						$this->_out('/C0 ['.$grad['stops'][$i]['col'].']');
						$this->_out('/C1 ['.$grad['stops'][$i+1]['col'].']');
						$this->_out('/N 1');
				if ($grad['type'] == 2 || $grad['type'] == 3) {
				  if (isset($grad['trans']) && $grad['trans']) {
					$this->_out('/FunctionType 3');
					$this->_out('/Domain [0 1]');
					$fn = array();
					$bd = array();
					$en = array();
					for($i=0; $i<(count($grad['stops'])-1); $i++) {
						$fn[] = ($this->n+1+$i).' 0 R';
						$en[] = '0 1';
						if ($i>0) { $bd[] = sprintf('%.3F', $grad['stops'][$i]['offset']); }
					$this->_out('/Functions ['.implode(' ',$fn).']');
					$this->_out('/Bounds ['.implode(' ',$bd).']');
					$this->_out('/Encode ['.implode(' ',$en).']');
					$f2 = $this->n;
					for($i=0; $i<(count($grad['stops'])-1); $i++) {
						$this->_out('/FunctionType 2');
						$this->_out('/Domain [0 1]');
						$this->_out(sprintf('/C0 [%.3F]', $grad['stops'][$i]['opacity']));
						$this->_out(sprintf('/C1 [%.3F]', $grad['stops'][$i+1]['opacity']));
						$this->_out('/N 1');

				if (empty($grad['is_mask'])) {
					$this->_out('/ShadingType '.$grad['type']);
					if (isset($grad['colorspace'])) {
						$this->_out('/ColorSpace /Device'.$grad['colorspace']);		// Can use CMYK if all C0 and C1 above have 4 values
					} else {
						$this->_out('/ColorSpace /DeviceRGB');
					if ($grad['type'] == 2) {
						$this->_out(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3]));
						$this->_out('/Function '.$f1.' 0 R');
						$this->_out('/Extend ['.$grad['extend'][0].' '.$grad['extend'][1].'] ');
					else if ($grad['type'] == 3) {
						//x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1
						//at this this time radius of inner circle is 0
						$ir = 0;
						if (isset($grad['coords'][5]) && $grad['coords'][5]) { $ir = $grad['coords'][5]; }
						$this->_out(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $ir, $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3], $grad['coords'][4]));
						$this->_out('/Function '.$f1.' 0 R');
						$this->_out('/Extend ['.$grad['extend'][0].' '.$grad['extend'][1].'] ');
					else if ($grad['type']==6) {
						$this->_out('/BitsPerCoordinate 16');
						$this->_out('/BitsPerComponent 8');
						if ($grad['colorspace'] == 'CMYK') { $this->_out('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]'); }
						else if ($grad['colorspace'] == 'Gray') { $this->_out('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1]'); }
						else { $this->_out('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1]'); }
						$this->_out('/BitsPerFlag 8');
						$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($grad['stream']));

				$this->gradients[$id]['id'] = $this->n;

				// set pattern object
				$out = '<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 2';
				$out .= ' /Shading '.$this->gradients[$id]['id'].' 0 R';
				$out .= ' >>';
				$out .= "\n".'endobj';

				$this->gradients[$id]['pattern'] = $this->n;

				if (isset($grad['trans']) && $grad['trans']) {
					// luminosity pattern
					$transid = $id + $maxid;
					$this->_out('/ShadingType '.$grad['type']);
					$this->_out('/ColorSpace /DeviceGray');
					if ($grad['type'] == 2) {
						$this->_out(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3]));
						$this->_out('/Function '.$f2.' 0 R');
						$this->_out('/Extend ['.$grad['extend'][0].' '.$grad['extend'][1].'] ');
					else if ($grad['type'] == 3) {
						//x0, y0, r0, x1, y1, r1
						//at this this time radius of inner circle is 0
						$ir = 0;
						if (isset($grad['coords'][5]) && $grad['coords'][5]) { $ir = $grad['coords'][5]; }
						$this->_out(sprintf('/Coords [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F]', $grad['coords'][0], $grad['coords'][1], $ir, $grad['coords'][2], $grad['coords'][3], $grad['coords'][4]));
						$this->_out('/Function '.$f2.' 0 R');
						$this->_out('/Extend ['.$grad['extend'][0].' '.$grad['extend'][1].'] ');
					else if ($grad['type']==6) {
						$this->_out('/BitsPerCoordinate 16');
						$this->_out('/BitsPerComponent 8');
						$this->_out('/Decode[0 1 0 1 0 1]');
						$this->_out('/BitsPerFlag 8');
						$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($grad['stream_trans']));

					$this->gradients[$transid]['id'] = $this->n;
					$this->_out('<< /Type /Pattern /PatternType 2');
					$this->_out('/Shading '.$this->gradients[$transid]['id'].' 0 R');
					$this->gradients[$transid]['pattern'] = $this->n;
					// Need to extend size of viewing box in case of transformations
					$str = 'q /a0 gs /Pattern cs /p'.$transid.' scn -'.($this->wPt/2).' -'.($this->hPt/2).' '.(2*$this->wPt).' '.(2*$this->hPt).' re f Q';
					$filter=($this->compress) ? '/Filter /FlateDecode ' : '';
					$p=($this->compress) ? gzcompress($str) : $str;
					$this->_out('<< /Type /XObject /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 '.$filter);
					$this->_out('/Length '.strlen($p));
					$this->_out('/BBox [-'.($this->wPt/2).' -'.($this->hPt/2).' '.(2*$this->wPt).' '.(2*$this->hPt).']');
					$this->_out('/Group << /Type /Group /S /Transparency /CS /DeviceGray >>');
					$this->_out('/Resources <<');
					$this->_out('/ExtGState << /a0 << /ca 1 /CA 1 >> >>');
					$this->_out('/Pattern << /p'.$transid.' '.$this->gradients[$transid]['pattern'].' 0 R >>');
					$this->_out('<< /Type /Mask /S /Luminosity /G '.($this->n - 1).' 0 R >>'."\n".'endobj');
					$this->_out('<< /Type /ExtGState /SMask '.($this->n - 1).' 0 R /AIS false >>'."\n".'endobj');
					if ($grad['fo']) { $this->extgstates[] = array('n' => $this->n, 'trans' => 'TGS'.$id, 'fo'=>true); }
					else { $this->extgstates[] = array('n' => $this->n, 'trans' => 'TGS'.$id); }

function _putspotcolors() {
	foreach($this->spotColors as $name=>$color) {
		$this->_out('[/Separation /'.str_replace(' ','#20',$name));
		$this->_out('/DeviceCMYK <<');
		$this->_out('/Range [0 1 0 1 0 1 0 1] /C0 [0 0 0 0] ');
		$this->_out(sprintf('/C1 [%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F] ',$color['c']/100,$color['m']/100,$color['y']/100,$color['k']/100));
		$this->_out('/FunctionType 2 /Domain [0 1] /N 1>>]');

function _putresources() {
	if ($this->hasOC || count($this->layers)) 	// mPDF 5.6.01
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,'40','Compiling Fonts'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	if ($this->progressBar) { $this->UpdateProgressBar(2,'50','Compiling Images'); }	// *PROGRESS-BAR*
	$this->_putformobjects();	// *IMAGES-CORE*

/*-- IMPORTS --*/
	if ($this->enableImports) {
/*-- END IMPORTS --*/


	//Resource dictionary
	$this->_out('2 0 obj');
	$this->_out('<</ProcSet [/PDF /Text /ImageB /ImageC /ImageI]');

	$this->_out('/Font <<');
	foreach($this->fonts as $font) {
		if (!$font['used'] && $font['type']=='TTF') { continue; }
		if ($font['type']=='TTF' && ($font['sip'] || $font['smp'])) {
			foreach($font['n'] AS $k => $fid) {
				$this->_out('/F'.$font['subsetfontids'][$k].' '.$font['n'][$k].' 0 R');
		else {
			$this->_out('/F'.$font['i'].' '.$font['n'].' 0 R');

	if (count($this->spotColors)) {
		$this->_out('/ColorSpace <<');
		foreach($this->spotColors as $color)
			$this->_out('/CS'.$color['i'].' '.$color['n'].' 0 R');

	if (count($this->extgstates)) {
		$this->_out('/ExtGState <<');
		foreach($this->extgstates as $k=>$extgstate)
			if (isset($extgstate['trans']))  $this->_out('/'.$extgstate['trans'].' '.$extgstate['n'].' 0 R');
			else $this->_out('/GS'.$k.' '.$extgstate['n'].' 0 R');

	if ((isset($this->gradients) AND (count($this->gradients) > 0)) || ($this->enableImports && count($this->tpls))) {	// mPDF 5.7.3
		$this->_out('/Shading <<');
		foreach ($this->gradients as $id => $grad) {
			$this->_out('/Sh'.$id.' '.$grad['id'].' 0 R');
		// mPDF 5.7.3
		// If a shading dictionary is in an object (tpl) imported from another PDF, it needs to be included
		// in the document resources, as well as the object resources
		// Otherwise get an error in some PDF viewers
		if ($this->enableImports && count($this->tpls)) {
			foreach($this->tpls as $tplidx => $tpl) {
				if (isset($tpl['resources'])) {
					$this->current_parser =& $tpl['parser'];
					reset ($tpl['resources'][1]);
					while (list($k, $v) = each($tpl['resources'][1])) {
						if ($k == '/Shading') {
							while (list($k2, $v2) = each($v[1])) {
								$this->_out($k2 . " ",false);


		// ??? Not needed !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
		$this->_out('/Pattern <<');
		foreach ($this->gradients as $id => $grad) {
			$this->_out('/P'.$id.' '.$grad['pattern'].' 0 R');

	if(count($this->images) || count($this->formobjects) || ($this->enableImports && count($this->tpls))) {
		$this->_out('/XObject <<');
		foreach($this->images as $image)
			$this->_out('/I'.$image['i'].' '.$image['n'].' 0 R');
            foreach($this->formobjects as $formobject)
                $this->_out('/FO'.$formobject['i'].' '.$formobject['n'].' 0 R');
/*-- IMPORTS --*/
		if ($this->enableImports && count($this->tpls)) {
			foreach($this->tpls as $tplidx => $tpl) {
				$this->_out($this->tplprefix.$tplidx.' '.$tpl['n'].' 0 R');
/*-- END IMPORTS --*/


	if (count($this->patterns)) {
		$this->_out('/Pattern <<');
		foreach($this->patterns as $k=>$patterns)
			$this->_out('/P'.$k.' '.$patterns['n'].' 0 R');

	// mPDF 5.6.01
	if ($this->hasOC || count($this->layers)) {
		$this->_out('/Properties <<');
		if ($this->hasOC) {
			$this->_out('/OC1 '.$this->n_ocg_print.' 0 R /OC2 '.$this->n_ocg_view.' 0 R /OC3 '.$this->n_ocg_hidden.' 0 R ');
		if (count($this->layers)) {
			foreach($this->layers as $id=>$layer)
				$this->_out('/ZI'.$id.' '.$layer['n'].' 0 R');

	$this->_out('endobj');	// end resource dictionary

	$this->_putbookmarks(); 	// *BOOKMARKS*

	if (isset($this->js) && $this->js) {

/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
	if ($this->encrypted) {
		$this->enc_obj_id = $this->n;

function _putjavascript() {
	$this->n_js = $this->n;
	$this->_out('/Names [(EmbeddedJS) '.(1 + $this->n).' 0 R ]');

	$this->_out('/S /JavaScript');
	$this->_out('/JS '.$this->_textstring($this->js));

/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
function _putencryption() 	{
	$this->_out('/Filter /Standard');
	if ($this->useRC128encryption) {
		$this->_out('/V 2');
		$this->_out('/R 3');
		$this->_out('/Length 128');
	else  {
		$this->_out('/V 1');
		$this->_out('/R 2');
	$this->_out('/O ('.$this->_escape($this->Ovalue).')');
	$this->_out('/U ('.$this->_escape($this->Uvalue).')');
	$this->_out('/P '.$this->Pvalue);

function _puttrailer() {
	$this->_out('/Size '.($this->n+1));
	$this->_out('/Root '.$this->n.' 0 R');
	$this->_out('/Info '.$this->InfoRoot.' 0 R');
/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
	if ($this->encrypted) {
		$this->_out('/Encrypt '.$this->enc_obj_id.' 0 R');
		$this->_out('/ID [<'.$this->uniqid.'> <'.$this->uniqid.'>]');
	else {
		$uniqid = md5(time() .  $this->buffer);
		$this->_out('/ID [<'.$uniqid.'> <'.$uniqid.'>]');
/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/

/*-- ENCRYPTION --*/
function SetProtection($permissions=array(),$user_pass='',$owner_pass=null, $length=40)	{
		if (is_string($permissions) && strlen($permissions)>0) { $permissions = array($permissions); }
		else if (!is_array($permissions)) { return 0; }

		$options = array(
			'print' => 4, // bit 3
			'modify' => 8, // bit 4
			'copy' => 16, // bit 5
			'annot-forms' => 32, // bit 6
			'fill-forms' => 256, // bit 9
			'extract' => 512, // bit 10
			'assemble' => 1024,// bit 11
			'print-highres' => 2048 // bit 12
		// bit 31 = 1073741824
		// bit 32 = 2147483648
		// bits 13-31 = 2147479552
		// bits 13-32 = 4294963200 + 192 = 4294963392
		$protection = 4294963392; // bits 7,8,13-32
		foreach ($permissions as $permission) {
			if (!isset($options[$permission]))
				$this->Error('Incorrect permission: '.$permission);
			if ($options[$permission] > 32) { $this->useRC128encryption = true; }
			if (isset($options[$permission])) $protection += $options[$permission];
		if ($length==128) { $this->useRC128encryption = true; }
		if ($owner_pass === null)
			$owner_pass = uniqid(rand());
		$this->encrypted = true;
		$this->_generateencryptionkey($user_pass, $owner_pass, $protection);

// Compute key depending on object number where the encrypted data is stored
function _objectkey($n) {
	if ($this->useRC128encryption)
		$len = 16;
		$len = 10;
	return substr($this->_md5_16($this->encryption_key.pack('VXxx',$n)),0,$len);

// RC4 is the standard encryption algorithm used in PDF format
function _RC4($key, $text) {
	if ($this->last_rc4_key != $key) {
		$k = str_repeat($key, 256/strlen($key)+1);
		$rc4 = range(0,255);
		$j = 0;
		for ($i=0; $i<256; $i++){
			$t = $rc4[$i];
			$j = ($j + $t + ord($k[$i])) % 256;
			$rc4[$i] = $rc4[$j];
			$rc4[$j] = $t;
		$this->last_rc4_key = $key;
		$this->last_rc4_key_c = $rc4;
	} else {
		$rc4 = $this->last_rc4_key_c;

	$len = strlen($text);
	$a = 0;
	$b = 0;
	$out = '';
	for ($i=0; $i<$len; $i++){
		$a = ($a+1)%256;
		$t= $rc4[$a];
		$b = ($b+$t)%256;
		$rc4[$a] = $rc4[$b];
		$rc4[$b] = $t;
		$k = $rc4[($rc4[$a]+$rc4[$b])%256];
		$out.= chr(ord($text[$i]) ^ $k);
	return $out;

// Get MD5 as binary string
function _md5_16($string) {
	return pack('H*',md5($string));

// Compute O value
function _Ovalue($user_pass, $owner_pass) {
	$tmp = $this->_md5_16($owner_pass);
	if ($this->useRC128encryption) {
		for ($i = 0; $i < 50; ++$i) {
			$tmp = $this->_md5_16($tmp);
	if ($this->useRC128encryption)
		$keybytelen = (128 / 8);
		$keybytelen = (40 / 8);
	$owner_RC4_key = substr($tmp,0,$keybytelen);
	$enc = $this->_RC4($owner_RC4_key, $user_pass);
	if ($this->useRC128encryption) {
		$len = strlen($owner_RC4_key);
		for ($i = 1; $i <= 19; ++$i) {
			$key = '';
			for ($j = 0; $j < $len; ++$j) {
				$key .= chr(ord($owner_RC4_key{$j}) ^ $i);
			$enc = $this->_RC4($key, $enc);
	return $enc;

// Compute U value
function _Uvalue() {
	if ($this->useRC128encryption) {
		$tmp = $this->_md5_16($this->padding.$this->_hexToString($this->uniqid));
		$enc = $this->_RC4($this->encryption_key, $tmp);
		$len = strlen($tmp);
		for ($i=1; $i<=19; ++$i) {
			$key = '';
			for ($j=0; $j<$len; ++$j) {
				$key .= chr(ord($this->encryption_key{$j}) ^ $i);
			$enc = $this->_RC4($key, $enc);
		$enc .= str_repeat("\x00", 16);
		return substr($enc, 0, 32);
	else {
		return $this->_RC4($this->encryption_key, $this->padding);

// Compute encryption key
function _generateencryptionkey($user_pass, $owner_pass, $protection) {
	// Pad passwords
	$user_pass = substr($user_pass.$this->padding,0,32);
	$owner_pass = substr($owner_pass.$this->padding,0,32);
	$chars = 'ABCDEF1234567890';
	$id = '';
	for ($i=0; $i<32; $i++) { $id .= $chars{rand(0, 15)}; }
	$this->uniqid = md5($id);
	// Compute O value
	$this->Ovalue = $this->_Ovalue($user_pass,$owner_pass);
	// Compute encyption key
	if ($this->useRC128encryption)
		$keybytelen = (128/8);
		$keybytelen = (40/8);
	$prot = sprintf('%032b', $protection);
	$perms = chr(bindec(substr($prot,24,8)));
	$perms .= chr(bindec(substr($prot,16,8)));
	$perms .= chr(bindec(substr($prot,8,8)));
	$perms .= chr(bindec(substr($prot,0,8)));
	$tmp = $this->_md5_16($user_pass.$this->Ovalue.$perms.$this->_hexToString($this->uniqid));
	if ($this->useRC128encryption) {
		for ($i=0; $i<50; ++$i) {
			$tmp = $this->_md5_16(substr($tmp, 0, $keybytelen));
	$this->encryption_key = substr($tmp,0,$keybytelen);
	// Compute U value
	$this->Uvalue = $this->_Uvalue();
	// Compute P value
	$this->Pvalue = $protection;

function _hexToString($hs) {
	$s = '';
	$len = strlen($hs);
	if (($len % 2) != 0) {
		$hs .= '0';
	for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2) {
		$s .= chr(hexdec($hs{$i}.$hs{($i + 1)}));
	return $s;


/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
// FROM class PDF_Bookmark

function Bookmark($txt,$level=0,$y=0) {
	$txt = $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$txt = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
	if($y==-1) {
		if (!$this->ColActive){ $y=$this->y; }
		else { $y = $this->y0; }	// If columns are on - mark top of columns
	// else y is used as set, or =0 i.e. top of page
	$bmo = array('t'=>$txt,'l'=>$level,'y'=>$y,'p'=>$this->page);
	if ($this->keep_block_together) {
		$this->ktBMoutlines[]= $bmo;
/*-- TABLES --*/
	else if ($this->table_rotate) {
		$this->tbrot_BMoutlines[]= $bmo;
	else if ($this->kwt) {
		$this->kwt_BMoutlines[]= $bmo;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	else if ($this->ColActive) {	// *COLUMNS*
		$this->col_BMoutlines[]= $bmo;	// *COLUMNS*
	}	// *COLUMNS*
	else {
		$this->BMoutlines[]= $bmo;

function _putbookmarks()

	// mPDF 5.6.36
	$bmo = $this->BMoutlines;
	$this->BMoutlines = array();
	$lastlevel = -1;
	for($i=0;$i<count($bmo);$i++) {
		if ($bmo[$i]['l']>0) {
			while($bmo[$i]['l']-$lastlevel > 1) {	// If jump down more than one level, insert a new entry
				$new = $bmo[$i];
				$new['t']="[".$new['t']."]";	// Put [] around text/title to highlight
				$this->BMoutlines[] = $new;
		$this->BMoutlines[] = $bmo[$i];
		$lastlevel = $bmo[$i]['l'];

	foreach($this->BMoutlines as $i=>$o) {
		if($o['l']>0) {
			//Set parent and last pointers
			if($o['l']>$level) {
				//Level increasing: set first pointer
		else {
		if($o['l']<=$level and $i>0) {
			//Set prev and next pointers

	//Outline items
	foreach($this->BMoutlines as $i=>$o) {
		$this->_out('<</Title '.$this->_UTF16BEtextstring($o['t']));
		$this->_out('/Parent '.($n+$o['parent']).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/Prev '.($n+$o['prev']).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/Next '.($n+$o['next']).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/First '.($n+$o['first']).' 0 R');
			$this->_out('/Last '.($n+$o['last']).' 0 R');

		if (isset($this->pageDim[$o['p']]['h'])) { $h=$this->pageDim[$o['p']]['h']; }
		else { $h = 0; }

		$this->_out(sprintf('/Dest [%d 0 R /XYZ 0 %.3F null]',1+2*($o['p']),($h-$o['y'])*_MPDFK));
		if (isset($this->bookmarkStyles) && isset($this->bookmarkStyles[$o['l']])) {
			// font style
			$bms = $this->bookmarkStyles[$o['l']]['style'];
			$style = 0;
			if (strpos($bms,'B') !== false) { $style += 2; }
			if (strpos($bms,'I') !== false) { $style += 1; }
			$this->_out(sprintf('/F %d', $style));
			// Colour
			$col = $this->bookmarkStyles[$o['l']]['color'];
			if (isset($col) && is_array($col) && count($col)==3) {
				$this->_out(sprintf('/C [%.3F %.3F %.3F]', ($col[0]/255), ($col[1]/255), ($col[2]/255)));

		$this->_out('/Count 0>>');
	//Outline root
	$this->_out('<</Type /BMoutlines /First '.$n.' 0 R');
	$this->_out('/Last '.($n+$lru[0]).' 0 R>>');


// DEPRACATED but included for backwards compatability
function startPageNums() {

/*-- TOC --*/

// Initiate, and Mark a place for the Table of Contents to be inserted
function TOC($tocfont='', $tocfontsize=0, $tocindent=0, $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='', $toc_orientation='', $TOCusePaging=true, $TOCuseLinking=false, $toc_id=0, $tocoutdent='') {	// mPDF 5.6.19
	if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
	if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }
	$this->tocontents->TOC($tocfont, $tocfontsize, $tocindent, $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $toc_orientation, $TOCusePaging, $TOCuseLinking, $toc_id, $tocoutdent);  // mPDF 5.6.19

function TOCpagebreakByArray($a) {
	if (!is_array($a)) { $a = array(); }
	if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
	if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }
	$tocoutdent = (isset($a['tocoutdent']) ? $a['tocoutdent'] : (isset($a['outdent']) ? $a['outdent'] : ''));
	$TOCusePaging = (isset($a['TOCusePaging']) ? $a['TOCusePaging'] : (isset($a['paging']) ? $a['paging'] : true));
	$TOCuseLinking = (isset($a['TOCuseLinking']) ? $a['TOCuseLinking'] : (isset($a['links']) ? $a['links'] : ''));
	$toc_orientation = (isset($a['toc_orientation']) ? $a['toc_orientation'] : (isset($a['toc-orientation']) ? $a['toc-orientation'] : ''));
	$toc_mgl = (isset($a['toc_mgl']) ? $a['toc_mgl'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-left']) ? $a['toc-margin-left'] : ''));
	$toc_mgr = (isset($a['toc_mgr']) ? $a['toc_mgr'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-right']) ? $a['toc-margin-right'] : ''));
	$toc_mgt = (isset($a['toc_mgt']) ? $a['toc_mgt'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-top']) ? $a['toc-margin-top'] : ''));
	$toc_mgb = (isset($a['toc_mgb']) ? $a['toc_mgb'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-bottom']) ? $a['toc-margin-bottom'] : ''));
	$toc_mgh = (isset($a['toc_mgh']) ? $a['toc_mgh'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-header']) ? $a['toc-margin-header'] : ''));
	$toc_mgf = (isset($a['toc_mgf']) ? $a['toc_mgf'] : (isset($a['toc-margin-footer']) ? $a['toc-margin-footer'] : ''));
	$toc_ohname = (isset($a['toc_ohname']) ? $a['toc_ohname'] : (isset($a['toc-odd-header-name']) ? $a['toc-odd-header-name'] : ''));
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	$toc_efname = (isset($a['toc_efname']) ? $a['toc_efname'] : (isset($a['toc-even-footer-name']) ? $a['toc-even-footer-name'] : ''));
	$toc_ohvalue = (isset($a['toc_ohvalue']) ? $a['toc_ohvalue'] : (isset($a['toc-odd-header-value']) ? $a['toc-odd-header-value'] : 0));
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	$toc_ofvalue = (isset($a['toc_ofvalue']) ? $a['toc_ofvalue'] : (isset($a['toc-odd-footer-value']) ? $a['toc-odd-footer-value'] : 0));
	$toc_efvalue = (isset($a['toc_efvalue']) ? $a['toc_efvalue'] : (isset($a['toc-even-footer-value']) ? $a['toc-even-footer-value'] : 0));
	$toc_preHTML = (isset($a['toc_preHTML']) ? $a['toc_preHTML'] : (isset($a['toc-preHTML']) ? $a['toc-preHTML'] : ''));
	$toc_postHTML = (isset($a['toc_postHTML']) ? $a['toc_postHTML'] : (isset($a['toc-postHTML']) ? $a['toc-postHTML'] : ''));
	$toc_bookmarkText = (isset($a['toc_bookmarkText']) ? $a['toc_bookmarkText'] : (isset($a['toc-bookmarkText']) ? $a['toc-bookmarkText'] : ''));
	$resetpagenum = (isset($a['resetpagenum']) ? $a['resetpagenum'] : '');
	$pagenumstyle = (isset($a['pagenumstyle']) ? $a['pagenumstyle'] : '');
	$suppress = (isset($a['suppress']) ? $a['suppress'] : '');
	$orientation = (isset($a['orientation']) ? $a['orientation'] : '');
	$mgl = (isset($a['mgl']) ? $a['mgl'] : (isset($a['margin-left']) ? $a['margin-left'] : ''));
	$mgr = (isset($a['mgr']) ? $a['mgr'] : (isset($a['margin-right']) ? $a['margin-right'] : ''));
	$mgt = (isset($a['mgt']) ? $a['mgt'] : (isset($a['margin-top']) ? $a['margin-top'] : ''));
	$mgb = (isset($a['mgb']) ? $a['mgb'] : (isset($a['margin-bottom']) ? $a['margin-bottom'] : ''));
	$mgh = (isset($a['mgh']) ? $a['mgh'] : (isset($a['margin-header']) ? $a['margin-header'] : ''));
	$mgf = (isset($a['mgf']) ? $a['mgf'] : (isset($a['margin-footer']) ? $a['margin-footer'] : ''));
	$ohname = (isset($a['ohname']) ? $a['ohname'] : (isset($a['odd-header-name']) ? $a['odd-header-name'] : ''));
	$ehname = (isset($a['ehname']) ? $a['ehname'] : (isset($a['even-header-name']) ? $a['even-header-name'] : ''));
	$ofname = (isset($a['ofname']) ? $a['ofname'] : (isset($a['odd-footer-name']) ? $a['odd-footer-name'] : ''));
	$efname = (isset($a['efname']) ? $a['efname'] : (isset($a['even-footer-name']) ? $a['even-footer-name'] : ''));
	$ohvalue = (isset($a['ohvalue']) ? $a['ohvalue'] : (isset($a['odd-header-value']) ? $a['odd-header-value'] : 0));
	$ehvalue = (isset($a['ehvalue']) ? $a['ehvalue'] : (isset($a['even-header-value']) ? $a['even-header-value'] : 0));
	$ofvalue = (isset($a['ofvalue']) ? $a['ofvalue'] : (isset($a['odd-footer-value']) ? $a['odd-footer-value'] : 0));
	$efvalue = (isset($a['efvalue']) ? $a['efvalue'] : (isset($a['even-footer-value']) ? $a['even-footer-value'] : 0));
	$toc_id = (isset($a['toc_id']) ? $a['toc_id'] : (isset($a['name']) ? $a['name'] : 0));
	$pagesel = (isset($a['pagesel']) ? $a['pagesel'] : (isset($a['pageselector']) ? $a['pageselector'] : ''));
	$toc_pagesel = (isset($a['toc_pagesel']) ? $a['toc_pagesel'] : (isset($a['toc-pageselector']) ? $a['toc-pageselector'] : ''));
	$sheetsize = (isset($a['sheetsize']) ? $a['sheetsize'] : (isset($a['sheet-size']) ? $a['sheet-size'] : ''));
	$toc_sheetsize = (isset($a['toc_sheetsize']) ? $a['toc_sheetsize'] : (isset($a['toc-sheet-size']) ? $a['toc-sheet-size'] : ''));

	$this->TOCpagebreak($tocfont, $tocfontsize, $tocindent, $TOCusePaging, $TOCuseLinking, $toc_orientation, $toc_mgl, $toc_mgr, $toc_mgt, $toc_mgb, $toc_mgh, $toc_mgf, $toc_ohname, $toc_ehname, $toc_ofname, $toc_efname, $toc_ohvalue, $toc_ehvalue, $toc_ofvalue, $toc_efvalue, $toc_preHTML, $toc_postHTML, $toc_bookmarkText, $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $orientation, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $toc_id, $pagesel, $toc_pagesel, $sheetsize, $toc_sheetsize, $tocoutdent);	// mPDF 5.6.19


function TOCpagebreak($tocfont='', $tocfontsize='', $tocindent='', $TOCusePaging=true, $TOCuseLinking='', $toc_orientation='', $toc_mgl='',$toc_mgr='',$toc_mgt='',$toc_mgb='',$toc_mgh='',$toc_mgf='',$toc_ohname='',$toc_ehname='',$toc_ofname='',$toc_efname='',$toc_ohvalue=0,$toc_ehvalue=0,$toc_ofvalue=0, $toc_efvalue=0, $toc_preHTML='', $toc_postHTML='', $toc_bookmarkText='', $resetpagenum='', $pagenumstyle='', $suppress='', $orientation='', $mgl='',$mgr='',$mgt='',$mgb='',$mgh='',$mgf='',$ohname='',$ehname='',$ofname='',$efname='',$ohvalue=0,$ehvalue=0,$ofvalue=0,$efvalue=0, $toc_id=0, $pagesel='', $toc_pagesel='', $sheetsize='', $toc_sheetsize='', $tocoutdent='') {	// mPDF 5.6.19) {
		if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
		if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }
		//Start a new page
		if($this->state==0) $this->AddPage();
		if ($this->y == $this->tMargin && (!$this->mirrorMargins ||($this->mirrorMargins && $this->page % 2==1))) {
			// Don't add a page
			if ($this->page==1 && count($this->PageNumSubstitutions)==0) {
				if (!$suppress) { $suppress = 'off'; }
				if (!$resetpagenum) { $resetpagenum= 1; }
				//$this->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from'=>1, 'reset'=> $resetpagenum, 'type'=>$pagenumstyle, 'suppress'=> $suppress);
			$this->PageNumSubstitutions[] = array('from'=>$this->page, 'reset'=> $resetpagenum, 'type'=>$pagenumstyle, 'suppress'=> $suppress);
		else {
			$this->AddPage($orientation,'NEXT-ODD', $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress,$mgl,$mgr,$mgt,$mgb,$mgh,$mgf,$ohname,$ehname,$ofname,$efname,$ohvalue,$ehvalue,$ofvalue,$efvalue,$pagesel,$sheetsize);

		$this->tocontents->TOCpagebreak($tocfont, $tocfontsize, $tocindent, $TOCusePaging, $TOCuseLinking, $toc_orientation, $toc_mgl, $toc_mgr, $toc_mgt, $toc_mgb, $toc_mgh, $toc_mgf, $toc_ohname, $toc_ehname, $toc_ofname, $toc_efname, $toc_ohvalue, $toc_ehvalue, $toc_ofvalue, $toc_efvalue, $toc_preHTML, $toc_postHTML, $toc_bookmarkText, $resetpagenum, $pagenumstyle, $suppress, $orientation, $mgl, $mgr, $mgt, $mgb, $mgh, $mgf, $ohname, $ehname, $ofname, $efname, $ohvalue, $ehvalue, $ofvalue, $efvalue, $toc_id, $pagesel, $toc_pagesel, $sheetsize, $toc_sheetsize, $tocoutdent);	// mPDF 5.6.19

function TOC_Entry($txt, $level=0, $toc_id=0) {
		// mPDF 5.7.2
  		if ($this->ColActive) { $ily = $this->y0; } else { $ily = $this->y; }	// use top of columns

		if (!class_exists('tocontents', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/tocontents.php'); }
		if (empty($this->tocontents)) { $this->tocontents = new tocontents($this); }
		$linkn = $this->AddLink();
		$uid = '__mpdfinternallink_' . $linkn ;
		if ($this->keep_block_together) { $this->internallink[$uid] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "kt"=>true ); }
		else if ($this->table_rotate) { $this->internallink[$uid] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "tbrot"=>true ); }
		else if ($this->kwt) { $this->internallink[$uid] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "kwt"=>true ); }
		else if ($this->ColActive) { $this->internallink[$uid] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page, "col"=>$this->CurrCol ); }
		else 	$this->internallink[$uid] = array("Y"=>$ily,"PAGE"=>$this->page );
		$this->internallink['#'.$uid] = $linkn;

/*-- RTL --*/
  		if ($this->biDirectional)  {
			$txt = preg_replace_callback("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."]+)/u", array($this, 'arabJoinPregCallback'), $txt );	// mPDF 5.7+
/*-- END RTL --*/
		if (strtoupper($toc_id)=='ALL') { $toc_id = '_mpdf_all'; }
		else if (!$toc_id) { $toc_id = 0; }
		else { $toc_id = strtolower($toc_id); }
		$btoc = array('t'=>$txt,'l'=>$level,'p'=>$this->page, 'link'=>$linkn, 'toc_id'=>$toc_id);
		if ($this->keep_block_together) {
			$this->_kttoc[]= $btoc;
/*-- TABLES --*/
		else if ($this->table_rotate) {
			$this->tbrot_toc[]= $btoc;
		else if ($this->kwt) {
			$this->kwt_toc[]= $btoc;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
		else if ($this->ColActive) {		// *COLUMNS*
			$this->col_toc[]= $btoc;	// *COLUMNS*
		}						// *COLUMNS*
		else {
			$this->tocontents->_toc[]= $btoc;

/*-- END TOC --*/

function MovePages($target_page, $start_page, $end_page=-1) {
	// move a page/pages EARLIER in the document
		if ($end_page<1) { $end_page = $start_page; }
		$n_toc = $end_page - $start_page + 1;

		// Set/Update PageNumSubstitutions changes before moving anything
		if (count($this->PageNumSubstitutions)) {
			$tp_present = false;
			$sp_present = false;
			$ep_present = false;
			foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $k=>$v) {
			  if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']==$target_page) {
				$tp_present = true;
				if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!='on' && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!=1) {
			  if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']==$start_page) {
				$sp_present = true;
				if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!='on' && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!=1) {
			  if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']==($end_page+1)) {
				$ep_present = true;
				if ($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!='on' && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['suppress']!=1) {

			if (!$tp_present) {
				list($tp_type, $tp_suppress, $tp_reset) = $this->docPageSettings($target_page);
			if (!$sp_present) {
				list($sp_type, $sp_suppress, $sp_reset) = $this->docPageSettings($start_page);
			if (!$ep_present) {
				list($ep_type, $ep_suppress, $ep_reset) = $this->docPageSettings($start_page-1);


		$last = array();
		//store pages
		for($i = $start_page;$i <= $end_page ;$i++)
		//move pages
		for($i=$start_page - 1;$i>=($target_page);$i--) {
		//Put toc pages at insert point
		for($i = 0;$i < $n_toc;$i++) {
			$this->pages[$target_page + $i]=$last[$i];

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
		// Update Bookmarks
		foreach($this->BMoutlines as $i=>$o) {
			if($o['p']>=$target_page) {
				$this->BMoutlines[$i]['p'] += $n_toc;

		// Update Page Links
		if (count($this->PageLinks)) {
		   $newarr = array();
		   foreach($this->PageLinks as $i=>$o) {
			foreach($this->PageLinks[$i] as $key => $pl) {
				if (strpos($pl[4],'@')===0) {
					if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) {
						$this->PageLinks[$i][$key][4] = '@'.($p + ($target_page - $start_page));
					else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) {
						$this->PageLinks[$i][$key][4] = '@'.($p+$n_toc);
			if($i>=$start_page && $i<=$end_page) {
				$newarr[($i + ($target_page - $start_page))] = $this->PageLinks[$i];
			else if($i>=$target_page && $i<$start_page) {
				$newarr[($i + $n_toc)] = $this->PageLinks[$i];
			else {
				$newarr[$i] = $this->PageLinks[$i];
		   $this->PageLinks = $newarr;

		// OrientationChanges
		if (count($this->OrientationChanges)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->OrientationChanges AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) { $newarr[($p + ($target_page - $start_page))] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p]; }
				else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p+$n_toc] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p]; }
				else { $newarr[$p] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p]; }
			$this->OrientationChanges = $newarr;

		// Page Dimensions
		if (count($this->pageDim)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->pageDim AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) { $newarr[($p + ($target_page - $start_page))] = $this->pageDim[$p]; }
				else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p+$n_toc] = $this->pageDim[$p]; }
				else { $newarr[$p] = $this->pageDim[$p]; }
			$this->pageDim = $newarr;

		// HTML Headers & Footers
		if (count($this->saveHTMLHeader)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->saveHTMLHeader AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) { $newarr[($p + ($target_page - $start_page))] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p]; }
				else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p+$n_toc] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p]; }
				else { $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p]; }
			$this->saveHTMLHeader = $newarr;
		if (count($this->saveHTMLFooter)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->saveHTMLFooter AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) { $newarr[($p + ($target_page - $start_page))] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p]; }
				else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p+$n_toc] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p]; }
				else { $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p]; }
			$this->saveHTMLFooter = $newarr;

		// Update Internal Links
		if (count($this->internallink)) {
		   foreach($this->internallink as $key=>$o) {
			if($o['PAGE']>=$start_page && $o['PAGE']<=$end_page) {
				$this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] += ($target_page - $start_page);
			else if($o['PAGE']>=$target_page && $o['PAGE']<$start_page) {
				$this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] += $n_toc;

		// Update Links
		if (count($this->links)) {
		   foreach($this->links as $key=>$o) {
			if($o[0]>=$start_page && $o[0]<=$end_page) {
				$this->links[$key][0] += ($target_page - $start_page);
			if($o[0]>=$target_page && $o[0]<$start_page) {
				$this->links[$key][0] += $n_toc;

		// Update Form fields
		if (count($this->form->forms)) {
		   foreach($this->form->forms as $key=>$f) {
			if($f['page']>=$start_page && $f['page']<=$end_page) {
				$this->form->forms[$key]['page'] += ($target_page - $start_page);
			if($f['page']>=$target_page && $f['page']<$start_page) {
				$this->form->forms[$key]['page'] += $n_toc;

		// Update Annotations
		if (count($this->PageAnnots)) {
		   $newarr = array();
		   foreach($this->PageAnnots as $p=>$anno) {
			if($p>=$start_page && $p<=$end_page) {
				$np = $p + ($target_page - $start_page);
				foreach($anno as $o) {
					$newarr[$np][] = $o;
			else if($p>=$target_page && $p<$start_page) {
				$np = $p + $n_toc;
				foreach($anno as $o) {
					$newarr[$np][] = $o;
			else {
				$newarr[$p] = $this->PageAnnots[$p];
		   $this->PageAnnots = $newarr;

		// Update PageNumSubstitutions
		if (count($this->PageNumSubstitutions)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $k=>$v) {
				if($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']>=$start_page && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']<=$end_page) {
					$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] += ($target_page - $start_page);
					$newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];
				else if($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']>=$target_page && $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']<$start_page) {
					$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] += $n_toc;
					$newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];
				else {
					$newarr[$this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']] = $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k];

			if (!$sp_present) {
					$newarr[$target_page] = array('from'=>$target_page, 'suppress'=>$sp_suppress, 'reset'=>$sp_reset, 'type'=>$sp_type);
			if (!$tp_present) {
					$newarr[($target_page + $n_toc)] = array('from'=>($target_page+$n_toc), 'suppress'=>$tp_suppress, 'reset'=>$tp_reset, 'type'=>$tp_type);
			if (!$ep_present && $end_page>count($this->pages)) {
					$newarr[($end_page+1)] = array('from'=>($end_page+1), 'suppress'=>$ep_suppress, 'reset'=>$ep_reset, 'type'=>$ep_type);
			$this->PageNumSubstitutions = array();
			foreach($newarr as $v) {
				$this->PageNumSubstitutions[] = $v;

function DeletePages($start_page, $end_page=-1) {
	// move a page/pages EARLIER in the document
		if ($end_page<1) { $end_page = $start_page; }
		$n_tod = $end_page - $start_page + 1;
		$last_page = count($this->pages);
		$n_atend = $last_page - $end_page + 1;

		//move pages
		for($i=0;$i<$n_atend;$i++) {
		//delete pages
		for($i = 0;$i < $n_tod ;$i++)

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
		// Update Bookmarks
		foreach($this->BMoutlines as $i=>$o) {
			if($o['p']>=$end_page) { $this->BMoutlines[$i]['p'] -= $n_tod; }
			else if($p<$start_page) { unset($this->BMoutlines[$i]); }

		// Update Page Links
		if (count($this->PageLinks)) {
		   $newarr = array();
		   foreach($this->PageLinks as $i=>$o) {
			foreach($this->PageLinks[$i] as $key => $pl) {
				if (strpos($pl[4],'@')===0) {
					if($p>$end_page) { $this->PageLinks[$i][$key][4] = '@'.($p - $n_tod); }
					else if($p<$start_page) { unset($this->PageLinks[$i][$key]); }
			if($i>$end_page) { $newarr[($i - $n_tod)] = $this->PageLinks[$i]; }
			else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$i] = $this->PageLinks[$i]; }
		   $this->PageLinks = $newarr;

		// OrientationChanges
		if (count($this->OrientationChanges)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->OrientationChanges AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>$end_page) { $newarr[($p - $t_tod)] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p]; }
				else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p] = $this->OrientationChanges[$p]; }
			$this->OrientationChanges = $newarr;

		// Page Dimensions
		if (count($this->pageDim)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->pageDim AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>$end_page) { $newarr[($p - $n_tod)] = $this->pageDim[$p]; }
				else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p] = $this->pageDim[$p]; }
			$this->pageDim = $newarr;

		// HTML Headers & Footers
		if (count($this->saveHTMLHeader)) {
			foreach($this->saveHTMLHeader AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>$end_page) { $newarr[($p - $n_tod)] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p]; }	// mPDF 5.7.3
				else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLHeader[$p]; }
			$this->saveHTMLHeader = $newarr;
		if (count($this->saveHTMLFooter)) {
			$newarr = array();
			foreach($this->saveHTMLFooter AS $p=>$v) {
				if($p>$end_page) { $newarr[($p - $n_tod)] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p]; }
				else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p] = $this->saveHTMLFooter[$p]; }
			$this->saveHTMLFooter = $newarr;

		// Update Internal Links
		foreach($this->internallink as $key=>$o) {
			if($o['PAGE']>$end_page) { $this->internallink[$key]['PAGE'] -= $n_tod; }
			else if($o['PAGE']<$start_page) { unset($this->internallink[$key]); }

		// Update Links
		foreach($this->links as $key=>$o) {
			if($o[0]>$end_page) { $this->links[$key][0] -= $n_tod; }
			else if($o[0]<$start_page) { unset($this->links[$key]); }

		// Update Form fields
		foreach($this->form->forms as $key=>$f) {
			if($f['page']>$end_page) { $this->form->forms[$key]['page'] -= $n_tod; }
			else if($f['page']<$start_page) { unset($this->form->forms[$key]); }

		// Update Annotations
		if (count($this->PageAnnots)) {
		   $newarr = array();
		   foreach($this->PageAnnots as $p=>$anno) {
			if($p>$end_page) { foreach($anno as $o) { $newarr[($p - $n_tod)][] = $o; } }
			else if($p<$start_page) { $newarr[$p] = $this->PageAnnots[$p]; }
		   $this->PageAnnots = $newarr;

		// Update PageNumSubstitutions
		foreach($this->PageNumSubstitutions AS $k=>$v) {
			if($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']>$end_page) { $this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from'] -= $n_tod; }
			else if($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]['from']<$start_page) { unset($this->PageNumSubstitutions[$k]); }

	$this->page = count($this->pages);

/*-- INDEX --*/
// FROM class PDF_Ref == INDEX

function Reference($txt) {

function IndexEntry($txt, $xref='') {
	if ($xref) {
	$txt = strip_tags($txt);
	$txt = $this->purify_utf8_text($txt);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$txt = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txt);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $txt = mb_convert_encoding($txt,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }


	if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
		$txt = str_replace(':',' - ',$txt);	// *RTL*
	}	// *RTL*
	else {	// *RTL*
		$txt = str_replace(':',', ',$txt);
	}	// *RTL*

	//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
	for ($i=0;$i<$size;$i++){
		if ($this->keep_block_together) {
			if (isset($this->ktReference[$i]['t']) && $this->ktReference[$i]['t']==$txt){
				if ($this->page != $this->ktReference[$i]['op']) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
					$this->ktReference[$i]['op'] = $this->page;
/*-- TABLES --*/
		else if ($this->table_rotate) {
			if (isset($this->tbrot_Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->tbrot_Reference[$i]['t']==$txt){
				if ($this->page != $this->tbrot_Reference[$i]['op']) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
					$this->tbrot_Reference[$i]['op'] = $this->page;
		else if ($this->kwt) {
			if (isset($this->kwt_Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->kwt_Reference[$i]['t']==$txt){
				if ($this->page != $this->kwt_Reference[$i]['op']) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
					$this->kwt_Reference[$i]['op'] = $this->page;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		else if ($this->ColActive) {
			if (isset($this->col_Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->col_Reference[$i]['t']==$txt){
				if ($this->page != $this->col_Reference[$i]['op']) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
					$this->col_Reference[$i]['op'] = $this->page;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		else {
			if (isset($this->Reference[$i]['t']) && $this->Reference[$i]['t']==$txt){
				if (!in_array($this->page,$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $this->page;
	//If not found, add it
	if ($Present==0) {
		$opr = array('t'=>$txt, 'op'=>$this->page);
		if ($this->keep_block_together) {
			$this->ktReference[]= $opr;
/*-- TABLES --*/
		else if ($this->table_rotate) {
			$this->tbrot_Reference[]= $opr;
		else if ($this->kwt) {
			$this->kwt_Reference[]= $opr;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
		else if ($this->ColActive) {
			$this->col_Reference[]= $opr;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
		else {

// Added function to add a reference "Elephants. See Chickens"
function ReferenceSee($txta,$txtb) {

function IndexEntrySee($txta,$txtb) {
	$txta = strip_tags($txta);
	$txtb = strip_tags($txtb);
	$txta = $this->purify_utf8_text($txta);
	$txtb = $this->purify_utf8_text($txtb);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$txta = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txta);
		$txtb = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($txtb);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) {
		$txta = mb_convert_encoding($txta,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
		$txtb = mb_convert_encoding($txtb,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8');
	if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
		$txta = str_replace(':',' - ',$txta);	// *RTL*
		$txtb = str_replace(':',' - ',$txtb);	// *RTL*
	}	// *RTL*
	else {	// *RTL*
		$txta = str_replace(':',', ',$txta);
		$txtb = str_replace(':',', ',$txtb);
	}	// *RTL*
	$this->Reference[]=array('t'=>$txta.' - see '.$txtb,'p'=>array());

function CreateReference($NbCol=1, $reffontsize='', $linespacing='', $offset=3, $usedivletters=1, $divlettfontsize='', $gap=5, $reffont='',$divlettfont='', $useLinking=false) {
	$this->CreateIndex($NbCol, $reffontsize, $linespacing, $offset, $usedivletters, $divlettfontsize, $gap, $reffont, $divlettfont, $useLinking);

function CreateIndex($NbCol=1, $reffontsize='', $linespacing='', $offset=3, $usedivletters=1, $divlettfontsize='', $gap=5, $reffont='',$divlettfont='', $useLinking=false) {
	if (!$reffontsize) { $reffontsize = $this->default_font_size; }
	if (!$divlettfontsize) { $divlettfontsize = ($this->default_font_size * 1.8); }
	if (!$reffont) { $reffont = $this->default_font; }
	if (!$divlettfont) { $divlettfont = $reffont; }
	if (!$linespacing) { $linespacing= $this->default_lineheight_correction; }
	if ($this->ColActive) { $this->SetColumns(0); }	// *COLUMNS*
	if ($size == 0) { return false; }

	if ($NbCol<2) {
		$NbCol = 1;
		$colWidth = $this->pgwidth;
	else {
		$colWidth = $this->ColWidth;
	if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $align = 'R'; }
	else { $align = 'L'; }
	$lett = '';
	if (!function_exists('cmp')) {
		function cmp ($a, $b) {
		    return strnatcmp(strtolower($a['t']), strtolower($b['t']));
	//Alphabetic sort of the references
	usort($this->Reference, 'cmp');
	$this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; 	// *COLUMNS*

	$divlettjuststarted = false;

	$this->OpenTag('DIV',array('STYLE'=>'line-height: '.$linespacing.'; font-family: '.$reffont.'; font-size: '.$reffontsize.'pt; '));

	$last_lett = '';
	for ($i=0;$i<$size;$i++){
	   	if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']) {
			if ($usedivletters) {

			   $lett = mb_strtoupper(mb_substr($this->Reference[$i]['t'],0,1,$this->mb_enc ),$this->mb_enc );
			   if ($lett != $last_lett) {

				$save_bp = $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol]; 	// *COLUMNS*
				$divlettjuststarted = true;

				if ($i>0) {
					$this->OpenTag('DIV',array('STYLE'=>'line-height: '.$linespacing.'; font-family: '.$divlettfont.'; font-size: '.$divlettfontsize.'pt; font-weight: bold; page-break-after: avoid; margin-top: 0.5em; margin-collapse: collapse; '));
				else {
					$this->OpenTag('DIV',array('STYLE'=>'line-height: '.$linespacing.'; font-family: '.$divlettfont.'; font-size: '.$divlettfontsize.'pt; font-weight: bold; page-break-after: avoid; '));

			$this->OpenTag('DIV',array('STYLE'=>'text-indent: -'.$offset.'mm; line-height: '.$linespacing.'; font-family: '.$reffont.'; font-size: '.$reffontsize.'pt; '));

/*-- RTL --*/
			// Change Arabic + Persian. to Presentation Forms
   			if ($this->biDirectional)  {
				$this->Reference[$i]['t'] = preg_replace_callback("/([".$this->pregRTLchars."]+)/u", array($this, 'arabJoinPregCallback'), $this->Reference[$i]['t'] );	// mPDF 5.7+
/*-- END RTL --*/

			// Font-specific ligature substitution for Indic fonts
			if (isset($this->CurrentFont['indic']) && $this->CurrentFont['indic']) $this->ConvertIndic($this->Reference[$i]['t']);	// *INDIC*

			$ppp = $this->Reference[$i]['p'];	// = array of page numbers to point to
			if (count($ppp)) {
			 $newarr = array();
			 $range_start = $ppp[0];
			 $range_end = 0;

			 if (!$this->usingCoreFont) { $spacer = "\xc2\xa0 "; }
			 else { $spacer = chr(160).' '; }
			 if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $sep = '.'; $joiner = '-'; }
			 else { $sep = ', '; $joiner = '-'; }
			 for ($zi=1;$zi<count($ppp);$zi++) {
			  // RTL - Each number separately
   			  if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
/*-- RTL --*/
				if ($zi<count($ppp)-1) {
					$txt =  $sep . $this->docPageNum($ppp[$zi]);
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$ppp[$zi]; }
					else { $href = ''; }
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
/*-- END RTL --*/

			  else if ($ppp[$zi] == ($ppp[($zi-1)]+1)) {
				$range_end = $ppp[$zi];
			  else {
				if ($range_end) {
					if ($range_end == $range_start+1) {
						if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_start; }
						else { $href = ''; }
						$txt = $this->docPageNum($range_start) . $sep;
			 			$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
						if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$ppp[$zi-1]; }
						else { $href = ''; }
						$txt = $this->docPageNum($ppp[$zi-1]) . $sep;
			 			$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
					else {
						if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_start; }
						else { $href = ''; }
				else {
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$ppp[$zi-1]; }
					else { $href = ''; }
					$txt = $this->docPageNum($ppp[$zi-1]) . $sep;
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
				$range_start = $ppp[$zi];
				$range_end = 0;

			 if ($range_end) {
				if ($range_end == $range_start+1) {
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_start; }
					else { $href = ''; }
					$txt = $this->docPageNum($range_start) . $sep;
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_end; }
					else { $href = ''; }
					$txt = $this->docPageNum($range_end);
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
				else {
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_start; }
					else { $href = ''; }
					$txt = $this->docPageNum($range_start) . $joiner;
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
					if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$range_end; }
					else { $href = ''; }
					$txt = $this->docPageNum($range_end);
			 		$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);
			 else {
				if ($useLinking) { $href = '@'.$ppp[(count($ppp)-1)]; }
				else { $href = ''; }
				$txt = $this->docPageNum($ppp[(count($ppp)-1)]);
			 	$this->_saveTextBuffer($txt, $href);

		if ($divlettjuststarted) { $this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol] = $save_bp; } 	// *COLUMNS*
		$divlettjuststarted = false;

		$this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; 	// *COLUMNS*
		$last_lett = $lett;
	$this->breakpoints[$this->CurrCol][] = $this->y; 	// *COLUMNS*
	if ($this->ColActive) { $this->SetColumns(0);  }	// *COLUMNS*
/*-- END INDEX --*/

function AcceptPageBreak() {
	if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer)) { $this->printcellbuffer(); }	// *TABLES*
/*-- COLUMNS --*/
	if ($this->ColActive==1) {
	    if($this->CurrCol<$this->NbCol-1) {
        	//Go to the next column
       	$this->ChangeColumn=1;	// Number (and direction) of columns changed +1, +2, -2 etc.
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn); }	// *RTL*

       	//Stay on the page
        	return false;
	   else {
    		//Go back to the first column - NEW PAGE
		if (count($this->columnbuffer)) { $this->printcolumnbuffer(); }
		$this->y0 = $this->tMargin;
        	$this->ChangeColumn= -($this->NbCol-1);
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn); }	// *RTL*
        	//Page break
       	return true;
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/
/*-- TABLES --*/
	else if ($this->table_rotate) {
		if ($this->tablebuffer) { $this->printtablebuffer(); }
		return true;
/*-- END TABLES --*/
	else {	// *COLUMNS*
		return $this->autoPageBreak;
	}	// *COLUMNS*
	return $this->autoPageBreak;

//----------- COLUMNS ---------------------
/*-- COLUMNS --*/

function SetColumns($NbCol,$vAlign='',$gap=5) {
// NbCol = number of columns
// CurrCol = Number of the current column starting at 0
// Called externally to set columns on/off and number
// Integer 2 upwards sets columns on to that number
// Anything less than 2 turns columns off
	if ($NbCol<2) {	// SET COLUMNS OFF
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			if (count($this->columnbuffer)) { $this->printcolumnbuffer(); }
			$this->pgwidth = $this->w - $this->lMargin - $this->rMargin;
			$this->divwidth = 0;
		$this->columnbuffer = array();
		$this->ColDetails = array();
		$this->columnLinks = array();
		$this->columnAnnots = array();
		$this->columnForms = array();
		$this->col_Reference = array();
		$this->col_BMoutlines = array();
		$this->col_toc = array();
		$this->breakpoints = array();
	else {	// SET COLUMNS ON
		if ($this->ColActive) {
			if (count($this->columnbuffer)) { $this->printcolumnbuffer(); }
		if (isset($this->y) && $this->y>$this->tMargin) $this->Ln();
		$this->ColGap = $gap;
		$this->divwidth = 0;
		$this->ColumnAdjust = true;	// enables column height adjustment for the page
		$this->columnbuffer = array();
		$this->ColDetails = array();
		$this->columnLinks = array();
		$this->columnAnnots = array();
		$this->columnForms = array();
		$this->col_Reference = array();
		$this->col_BMoutlines = array();
		$this->col_toc = array();
		$this->breakpoints = array();
		if ((strtoupper($vAlign) == 'J') || (strtoupper($vAlign) == 'JUSTIFY')) { $vAlign = 'J'; }
		else { $vAlign = ''; }
		$this->colvAlign = $vAlign;
		//Save the ordinate
		$absL = $this->DeflMargin-($gap/2);
		$absR = $this->DefrMargin-($gap/2);
		$PageWidth = $this->w-$absL-$absR;	// virtual pagewidth for calculation only
		$ColWidth = (($PageWidth - ($gap * ($NbCol)))/$NbCol);
		$this->ColWidth = $ColWidth;
/*-- RTL --*/

		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {
			for ($i=0;$i<$this->NbCol;$i++) {
				$this->ColL[$i] = $absL + ($gap/2) + (($NbCol - ($i+1))*($PageWidth/$NbCol)) ;
				$this->ColR[$i] = $this->ColL[$i] + $ColWidth;	// NB This is not R margin -> R pos
		else {
/*-- END RTL --*/
			for ($i=0;$i<$this->NbCol;$i++) {
				$this->ColL[$i] = $absL + ($gap/2) + ($i* ($PageWidth/$NbCol)   );
				$this->ColR[$i] = $this->ColL[$i] + $ColWidth;	// NB This is not R margin -> R pos
		}	// *RTL*
		$this->pgwidth = $ColWidth;
	$this->x = $this->lMargin;

function SetCol($CurrCol) {
// Used internally to set column by number: 0 is 1st column
	//Set position on a column
	$x = $this->ColL[$CurrCol];
	$xR = $this->ColR[$CurrCol];	// NB This is not R margin -> R pos
	if (($this->mirrorMargins) && (($this->page)%2==0)) {	// EVEN
		$x += $this->MarginCorrection ;
		$xR += $this->MarginCorrection ;
	$this->SetMargins($x,($this->w - $xR),$this->tMargin);

function AddColumn() {
	$this->ColumnAdjust = false;	// disables all column height adjustment for the page.
function NewColumn() {
	if ($this->ColActive==1) {
	    if($this->CurrCol<$this->NbCol-1) {
        	//Go to the next column
        	$this->y = $this->y0;
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn); }	// *RTL*
        	//Stay on the page
    		else {
    		//Go back to the first column
        	//Page break
		if (count($this->columnbuffer)) { $this->printcolumnbuffer(); }
		$this->y0 = $this->tMargin;
        	$this->ChangeColumn= -($this->NbCol-1);
		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') { $this->ChangeColumn = -($this->ChangeColumn); }	// *RTL*
		$this->x = $this->lMargin;
	else {

function printcolumnbuffer() {
   // Columns ended (but page not ended) -> try to match all columns - unless disabled by using a custom column-break
   if (!$this->ColActive && $this->ColumnAdjust && !$this->keepColumns) {	// mPDF 5.7.2
	// Calculate adjustment to add to each column to calculate rel_y value
	$this->ColDetails[0]['add_y'] = 0;
	$last_col = 0;
	// Recursively add previous column's height
	for($i=1;$i<$this->NbCol;$i++) {
		if (isset($this->ColDetails[$i]['bottom_margin']) && $this->ColDetails[$i]['bottom_margin']) { // If any entries in the column
			$this->ColDetails[$i]['add_y'] = ($this->ColDetails[$i-1]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y0) + $this->ColDetails[$i-1]['add_y'];
			$last_col = $i; 	// Last column actually printed

	// Calculate value for each position sensitive entry as though for one column
	foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		$t = $s['s'];
		if ($t == 'ACROFORM') {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = '';
		else if (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
		else if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
		else if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
		else if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
		else if (preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
		else if (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/',$t)) {
			$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'] + $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;
	foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
	  if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
		$this->internallink[$key]['rel_y'] = $f['Y'] + $this->ColDetails[$f['col']]['add_y'] - $this->y0;

	$breaks = array();
	foreach($this->breakpoints AS $c => $bpa) {
		foreach($bpa AS $rely) {
			$breaks[] = $rely + $this->ColDetails[$c]['add_y'] - $this->y0;

	if (isset($this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin'])) { $lcbm = $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin']; }
	else { $lcbm = 0; }
	$sum_h = $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['add_y'] + $lcbm - $this->y0;
	//$sum_h = max($this->ColDetails[$last_col]['add_y'] + $this->ColDetails[$last_col]['bottom_margin'] - $this->y0, end($breaks));
	$target_h = ($sum_h / $this->NbCol);

	$cbr = array();
	for($i=1;$i<$this->NbCol;$i++) {
		$th = ($sum_h * $i / $this->NbCol);
		foreach($breaks AS $bk=>$val) {
			if ($val > $th) {
				if (($val-$th) < ($th-$breaks[$bk-1])) { $cbr[$i-1] = $val; }
				else  { $cbr[$i-1] = $breaks[$bk-1]; }
	$cbr[($this->NbCol-1)] = $sum_h;

	// Now update the columns - divide into columns of approximately equal value
	$last_new_col = 0;
	$yadj = 0;	// mm
	$xadj = 0;
	$last_col_bottom = 0;
	$lowest_bottom_y = 0;
	$block_bottom = 0;
	$newcolumn = 0;
	foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
	  if (isset($s['rel_y'])) {	// only process position sensitive data
		if ($s['rel_y'] >= $cbr[$newcolumn]) {
		else {
			$newcolumn = $last_new_col ;

		$block_bottom = max($block_bottom,($s['rel_y']+$s['h']));

		if ($this->directionality == 'rtl') {	// *RTL*
			$xadj = -(($newcolumn - $s['col']) * ($this->ColWidth + $this->ColGap));	// *RTL*
		}	// *RTL*
		else {	// *RTL*
			$xadj = ($newcolumn - $s['col']) * ($this->ColWidth + $this->ColGap);
		}	// *RTL*

		if ($last_new_col != $newcolumn) {	// Added new column
			$last_col_bottom = $this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'];
			$block_bottom = 0;
		$yadj = ($s['rel_y'] - $s['y']) - ($last_col_bottom)+$this->y0;
		// callback function
		$t = $s['s'];

		// mPDF 5.7+
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('Td', $xadj, $yadj, '/BT (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/', $t);
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('re', $xadj, $yadj, '/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) ([\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+) re/', $t);
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('l', $xadj, $yadj, '/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) l/', $t);
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('img', $xadj, $yadj, '/q (\d+\.\d\d+) 0 0 (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)/', $t);
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('draw', $xadj, $yadj, '/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) m/', $t);
		$t = $this->columnAdjustPregReplace('bezier',$xadj, $yadj, '/(\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) (\d+\.\d\d+) c/', $t);

		$this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = $t;
		$this->columnbuffer[$key]['newcol'] = $newcolumn;
		$this->columnbuffer[$key]['newy'] = $s['y'] + $yadj;
		$last_new_col = $newcolumn;
		$clb = $s['y'] + $yadj + $s['h'] ;	// bottom_margin of current
		if ((isset($this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) && $clb > $this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) || (!isset($this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom']) && $clb)) { $this->ColDetails[$newcolumn]['max_bottom'] = $clb; }
		if ($clb > $lowest_bottom_y) { $lowest_bottom_y = $clb; }
		// Adjust LINKS
		if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][0] += ($xadj*_MPDFK);
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][1] -= ($yadj*_MPDFK);
		// Adjust FORM FIELDS
		if (isset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
		if (isset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			if ($this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] < 0) {
				 $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] -= ($xadj);
			else {
				 $this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
			$this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);	// unlike PageLinks, Page annots has y values from top in mm

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
	// Adjust Bookmarks
	foreach($this->col_BMoutlines AS $v) {

/*-- INDEX --*/
	// Adjust Reference (index)
	foreach($this->col_Reference AS $v) {
		//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($v['op'],$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $v['op'];
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- TOC --*/

	 // Adjust ToC
	 foreach($this->col_toc AS $v) {
		$this->links[$v['link']][1] = $this->y0;
/*-- END TOC --*/

	// Adjust column length to be equal
	if ($this->colvAlign == 'J') {
	 foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
	   if (isset($s['rel_y'])) {	// only process position sensitive data
	    // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
	    if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']  && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']!=$this->y0) {
		$ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
	    else { $ratio = 1; }
	    if (($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
		$yadj = ($s['newy'] - $this->y0) * ($ratio - 1);

		// Adjust LINKS
		if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][1] -= ($yadj*_MPDFK);	// y value
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][3] *= $ratio;	// height
		// Adjust FORM FIELDS
		if (isset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
		if (isset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
	foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
	  if (is_array($f) && isset($f['col'])) {
		$last_col_bottom = 0;
		for ($nbc=0; $nbc<$this->NbCol; $nbc++) {
			if ($f['rel_y'] >= $cbr[$nbc]) { $last_col_bottom = $cbr[$nbc]; }
		$yadj = ($f['rel_y'] - $f['Y']) - $last_col_bottom + $this->y0;
		$f['Y'] += $yadj;
		$this->internallink[$key] = $f;

	 $last_col = -1;
	 $trans_on = false;
	 foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		if (isset($s['rel_y'])) {	// only process position sensitive data
			// Set ratio to expand y values or heights
			if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']  && $this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom']!=$this->y0) {
				$ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['newcol']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
			else { $ratio = 1; }
			if (($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
				//Start Transformation
				$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StartTransform(true)."\n";
				$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformScale(100, $ratio*100, $x='', $this->y0, true)."\n";
				$trans_on = true;
		// Now output the adjusted values
		$this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n";
		if (isset($s['rel_y']) && ($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {	// only process position sensitive data
			//Stop Transformation
			$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n";
	 		$trans_on = false;
	 if ($trans_on) { $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n"; }
	else {	// if NOT $this->colvAlign == 'J'
		// Now output the adjusted values
		foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $s) {
			$this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n";
	if ($lowest_bottom_y > 0) { $this->y = $lowest_bottom_y ; }

   // Columns not ended but new page -> align columns (can leave the columns alone - just tidy up the height)
   else if ($this->colvAlign == 'J' && $this->ColumnAdjust && !$this->keepColumns)  {
	// calculate the lowest bottom margin
	$lowest_bottom_y = 0;
	foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
	   // Only process output data
	   $t = $s['s'];
	   if ($t == 'ACROFORM' || (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/',$t)) || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/',$t)) ||
		(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/',$t)) ||
		(preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/',$t)) ||
		(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/',$t)) ||
		(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/',$t)) ) {

		$clb = $s['y'] + $s['h'];
		if ((isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $clb > $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) || !isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'])) { $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] = $clb; }
		if ($clb > $lowest_bottom_y) { $lowest_bottom_y = $clb; }
		$this->columnbuffer[$key]['rel_y'] = $s['y'];	// Marks position sensitive data to process later
		if ($t == 'ACROFORM') { $this->columnbuffer[$key]['s'] = ''; }
	// Adjust column length equal
	 foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
	    // Set ratio to expand y values or heights
	    if (isset($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) && $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) {
		$ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
	    else { $ratio = 1; }
	    if (($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
		$yadj = ($s['y'] - $this->y0) * ($ratio - 1);

		// Adjust LINKS
		if (isset($s['rel_y'])) {	// only process position sensitive data
		   // otherwise triggers for all entries in column buffer (.e.g. formatting) and makes below adjustments more than once
		   if (isset($this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnLinks[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][1] -= ($yadj*_MPDFK);	// y value
			$this->PageLinks[$this->page][$ref][3] *= $ratio;	// height
		   // Adjust FORM FIELDS
		   if (isset($this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnForms[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['x'] += ($xadj);
			$this->form->forms[$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);
		   if (isset($this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])])) {
			$ref = $this->columnAnnots[$s['col']][INTVAL($s['x'])][INTVAL($s['y'])];
			$this->PageAnnots[$this->page][$ref]['y'] += ($yadj);

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/

	// Adjust Bookmarks
	foreach($this->col_BMoutlines AS $v) {

/*-- INDEX --*/

	// Adjust Reference (index)
	foreach($this->col_Reference AS $v) {
		//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($v['op'],$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $v['op'];
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- TOC --*/

	 // Adjust ToC
	 foreach($this->col_toc AS $v) {
		$this->links[$v['link']][1] = $this->y0;
/*-- END TOC --*/
	 $trans_on = false;
	 foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		if (isset($s['rel_y'])) {	// only process position sensitive data
			// Set ratio to expand y values or heights
			if ($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) {
				$ratio = ($lowest_bottom_y - ($this->y0)) / ($this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] - ($this->y0));
			else { $ratio = 1; }
			if (($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
				//Start Transformation
				$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StartTransform(true)."\n";
				$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformScale(100, $ratio*100, $x='', $this->y0, true)."\n";
	 			$trans_on = true;
		// Now output the adjusted values
		$this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n";
		if (isset($s['rel_y']) && ($ratio > 1) && ($ratio <= $this->max_colH_correction)) {
			//Stop Transformation
			$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n";
	 		$trans_on = false;	// mPDF 5.1.001
	 if ($trans_on) { $this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n"; }

	if ($lowest_bottom_y > 0) { $this->y = $lowest_bottom_y ; }

   // Just reproduce the page as it was
   else {
	// If page has not ended but height adjustment was disabled by custom column-break - adjust y
	$lowest_bottom_y = 0;
	if (!$this->ColActive && (!$this->ColumnAdjust || $this->keepColumns)) {
		// calculate the lowest bottom margin
		foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		   // Only process output data
		   $t = $s['s'];
		   if ($t == 'ACROFORM' || (preg_match('/BT \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) Td/',$t)) || (preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ [\-]{0,1}\d+\.\d\d+ re/',$t)) ||
			(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) l/',$t)) ||
			(preg_match('/q \d+\.\d\d+ 0 0 \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) cm \/(I|FO)\d+ Do Q/',$t)) ||
			(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) m/',$t)) ||
			(preg_match('/\d+\.\d\d+ (\d+\.\d\d+) \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ \d+\.\d\d+ c/',$t)) ) {

			$clb = $s['y'] + $s['h'];
			if ($clb > $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom']) { $this->ColDetails[$s['col']]['max_bottom'] = $clb; }
			if ($clb > $lowest_bottom_y) { $lowest_bottom_y = $clb; }
	foreach($this->columnbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		if ($s['s'] != 'ACROFORM')
			$this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n";
	if ($lowest_bottom_y > 0) { $this->y = $lowest_bottom_y ; }
/*-- INDEX --*/

	// Output Reference (index)
	foreach($this->col_Reference AS $v) {
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($v['op'],$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $v['op'];
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/
/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
      // Output Bookmarks
      foreach($this->col_BMoutlines AS $v) {
/*-- TOC --*/
      // Output ToC
      foreach($this->col_toc AS $v) {
/*-- END TOC --*/
   foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
	if (isset($this->internallink[$key]['col'])) unset($this->internallink[$key]['col']);
	if (isset($this->internallink[$key]['rel_y'])) unset($this->internallink[$key]['rel_y']);

   $this->columnbuffer = array();
   $this->ColDetails = array();
   $this->columnLinks = array();
   $this->columnAnnots = array();
   $this->columnForms = array();

   $this->col_Reference = array();
   $this->col_BMoutlines = array();
   $this->col_toc = array();
   $this->breakpoints = array();

// mPDF 5.7+
function columnAdjustPregReplace($type, $xadj, $yadj, $pattern, $subject) {
	preg_match($pattern, $subject, $matches);
	if (!isset($matches[3])) { $matches[3] = 0; }
	if (!isset($matches[4])) { $matches[4] = 0; }
	if (!isset($matches[5])) { $matches[5] = 0; }
	if (!isset($matches[6])) { $matches[6] = 0; }
	return str_replace($matches[0], $this->columnAdjustAdd($type, _MPDFK, $xadj, $yadj, $matches[1], $matches[2], $matches[3], $matches[4], $matches[5], $matches[6]), $subject);

/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

/*-- TABLES --*/
function printcellbuffer() {
	if (count($this->cellBorderBuffer )) {
		foreach($this->cellBorderBuffer AS $cbb) {
			$cba = unpack("A16dom/nbord/A1side/ns/dbw/a6ca/A10style/dx/dy/dw/dh/dmbl/dmbr/dmrt/dmrb/dmtl/dmtr/dmlt/dmlb/dcpd/dover/", $cbb);
			$side = $cba['side'];
			$details = array();
			$details[$side]['dom'] = (float) $cba['dom'];
			$details[$side]['s'] = $cba['s'];
			$details[$side]['w'] = $cba['bw'];
			$details[$side]['c'] = $cba['ca'];
			$details[$side]['style'] = trim($cba['style']);
			$details['mbw']['BL'] = $cba['mbl'];
			$details['mbw']['BR'] = $cba['mbr'];
			$details['mbw']['RT'] = $cba['mrt'];
			$details['mbw']['RB'] = $cba['mrb'];
			$details['mbw']['TL'] = $cba['mtl'];
			$details['mbw']['TR'] = $cba['mtr'];
			$details['mbw']['LT'] = $cba['mlt'];
			$details['mbw']['LB'] = $cba['mlb'];
			$details['cellposdom'] = $cba['cpd'];
			$details['p'] = $side;
			if ($cba['over']==1) { $details[$side]['overlay'] = true;  }
			else { $details[$side]['overlay'] = false; }
			$this->_tableRect($cba['x'],$cba['y'],$cba['w'],$cba['h'],$cba['bord'],$details, false, false);

		$this->cellBorderBuffer = array();
function printtablebuffer() {

	if (!$this->table_rotate) {
		$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->tablebuffer;
		foreach($this->tbrot_Links AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageLinks[$p][] = $v;
		$this->tbrot_Links = array();
		foreach($this->tbrot_Annots AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;
		$this->tbrot_Annots = array();

/*-- INDEX --*/
	      // Output Reference (index)
	      foreach($this->tbrot_Reference AS $v) {
			for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
				if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
					if (!in_array($v['op'],$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
						$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $v['op'];
			if ($Present==0) {
		$this->tbrot_Reference = array();
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
	      // Output Bookmarks
	      foreach($this->tbrot_BMoutlines AS $v) {
		$this->tbrot_BMoutlines = array();

/*-- TOC --*/
	      // Output ToC
	      foreach($this->tbrot_toc AS $v) {
		$this->tbrot_toc = array();
/*-- END TOC --*/

	// else if rotated
	$lm = $this->lMargin + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['outer_left_margin'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['border_left']['w'] + $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['padding_left'];
	$pw = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['inner_width'];
	//Start Transformation
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StartTransform(true)."\n";

	if ($this->table_rotate > 1) {	// clockwise
	   if ($this->tbrot_align == 'L') {
		$xadj = $this->tbrot_h ;	// align L (as is)
	   else if ($this->tbrot_align == 'R') {
		$xadj = $lm-$this->tbrot_x0+($pw) ;	// align R
	   else {
		$xadj = $lm-$this->tbrot_x0+(($pw + $this->tbrot_h)/2) ;	// align C
	   $yadj = 0;
	else {	// anti-clockwise
	   if ($this->tbrot_align == 'L') {
		$xadj = 0 ;	// align L (as is)
	   else if ($this->tbrot_align == 'R') {
		$xadj = $lm-$this->tbrot_x0+($pw - $this->tbrot_h) ;	// align R
	   else {
		$xadj = $lm-$this->tbrot_x0+(($pw - $this->tbrot_h)/2) ;	// align C
	   $yadj = $this->tbrot_w;

	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformTranslate($xadj, $yadj , true)."\n";
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformRotate($this->table_rotate, $this->tbrot_x0 , $this->tbrot_y0 , true)."\n";

	// Now output the adjusted values
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->tablebuffer;

	foreach($this->tbrot_Links AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		$w = $v[2]/_MPDFK;
		$h = $v[3]/_MPDFK;
		$ax = ($v[0]/_MPDFK) - $this->tbrot_x0;
		$ay = (($this->hPt-$v[1])/_MPDFK) - $this->tbrot_y0;
		if ($this->table_rotate > 1) {	// clockwise
			$bx = $this->tbrot_x0+$xadj-$ay-$h;
			$by = $this->tbrot_y0+$yadj+$ax;
		else {
			$bx = $this->tbrot_x0+$xadj+$ay;
			$by = $this->tbrot_y0+$yadj-$ax-$w;
		$v[0] = $bx*_MPDFK;
		$v[1] = ($this->h-$by)*_MPDFK;
		$v[2] = $h*_MPDFK;	// swap width and height
		$v[3] = $w*_MPDFK;
		$this->PageLinks[$p][] = $v;
	$this->tbrot_Links = array();
	foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
		if (is_array($f) && isset($f['tbrot'])) {
			$f['Y'] = $this->tbrot_y0;
			$f['PAGE'] = $this->page;
			$this->internallink[$key] = $f;
	foreach($this->tbrot_Annots AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		$ax = abs($v['x']) - $this->tbrot_x0;	// abs because -ve values are internally set and held for reference if annotMargin set
		$ay = $v['y'] - $this->tbrot_y0;
		if ($this->table_rotate > 1) {	// clockwise
			$bx = $this->tbrot_x0+$xadj-$ay;
			$by = $this->tbrot_y0+$yadj+$ax;
		else {
			$bx = $this->tbrot_x0+$xadj+$ay;
			$by = $this->tbrot_y0+$yadj-$ax;
		if ($v['x'] < 0) {
			$v['x'] = -$bx;
		else {
			$v['x'] = $bx;
		$v['y'] = ($by);
		$this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;
	$this->tbrot_Annots = array();

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/

	// Adjust Bookmarks
	foreach($this->tbrot_BMoutlines AS $v) {
		$v['y'] = $this->tbrot_y0;

/*-- INDEX --*/

	// Adjust Reference (index)
	foreach($this->tbrot_Reference AS $v) {
		//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($this->page,$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $this->page;
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- TOC --*/

	// Adjust ToC - uses document page number
	foreach($this->tbrot_toc AS $v) {
		$this->links[$v['link']][1] = $this->tbrot_y0;
/*-- END TOC --*/

	$this->tbrot_Reference = array();
	$this->tbrot_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->tbrot_toc = array();

	//Stop Transformation
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n";

	$this->y = $this->tbrot_y0 + $this->tbrot_w;
	$this->x = $this->lMargin;

	$this->tablebuffer = '';

// Keep-with-table This buffers contents of h1-6 to keep on page with table
function printkwtbuffer() {
	if (!$this->kwt_moved) {
		foreach($this->kwt_buffer AS $s) { $this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n"; }
		foreach($this->kwt_Links AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageLinks[$p][] = $v;
		$this->kwt_Links = array();
		foreach($this->kwt_Annots AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;
		$this->kwt_Annots = array();

/*-- INDEX --*/
	      // Output Reference (index)
	      foreach($this->kwt_Reference AS $v) {
			for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
				if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
					if (!in_array($v['op'],$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
						$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $v['op'];
			if ($Present==0) {
		$this->kwt_Reference = array();
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
	      // Output Bookmarks
	      foreach($this->kwt_BMoutlines AS $v) {
		$this->kwt_BMoutlines = array();

/*-- TOC --*/
	      // Output ToC
	      foreach($this->kwt_toc AS $v) {
		$this->kwt_toc = array();
/*-- END TOC --*/


	//Start Transformation
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StartTransform(true)."\n";
	$xadj = $this->lMargin - $this->kwt_x0 ;
	//$yadj = $this->y - $this->kwt_y0 ;
	$yadj = $this->tMargin - $this->kwt_y0 ;

	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->transformTranslate($xadj, $yadj , true)."\n";

	// Now output the adjusted values
	foreach($this->kwt_buffer AS $s) { $this->pages[$this->page] .= $s['s']."\n"; }

	// Adjust hyperLinks
	foreach($this->kwt_Links AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		$bx = $this->kwt_x0+$xadj;
		$by = $this->kwt_y0+$yadj;
		$v[0] = $bx*_MPDFK;
		$v[1] = ($this->h-$by)*_MPDFK;
		$this->PageLinks[$p][] = $v;
	foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
		if (is_array($f) && isset($f['kwt'])) {
			$f['Y'] += $yadj;
			$f['PAGE'] = $this->page;
			$this->internallink[$key] = $f;
	foreach($this->kwt_Annots AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		$bx = $this->kwt_x0+$xadj;
		$by = $this->kwt_y0+$yadj;
		if ($v['x'] < 0) {
			$v['x'] = -$bx;
		else {
			$v['x'] = $bx;
		$v['y'] = $by;
		$this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/

	// Adjust Bookmarks
	foreach($this->kwt_BMoutlines AS $v) {
		if ($v['y'] != 0) { $v['y'] += $yadj; }

/*-- INDEX --*/

	// Adjust Reference (index)
	foreach($this->kwt_Reference AS $v) {
		//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($this->page,$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $this->page;
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- TOC --*/

	// Adjust ToC
	foreach($this->kwt_toc AS $v) {
		$this->links[$v['link']][0] = $this->page;
		$this->links[$v['link']][1] += $yadj;
/*-- END TOC --*/

	$this->kwt_Links = array();
	$this->kwt_Annots = array();

	$this->kwt_Reference = array();
	$this->kwt_BMoutlines = array();
	$this->kwt_toc = array();
	//Stop Transformation
	$this->pages[$this->page] .= $this->StopTransform(true)."\n";

	$this->kwt_buffer = array();

	$this->y += $this->kwt_height;

/*-- END TABLES --*/


function printfloatbuffer() {
	if (count($this->floatbuffer)) {
		$this->objectbuffer = $this->floatbuffer;
		$this->objectbuffer = array();
		$this->floatbuffer = array();
		$this->floatmargins = array();

function printdivbuffer() {
	$p1 = $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'];
	$p2 = $this->page;
	$bottom[$p1] = $this->ktBlock[$p1]['bottom_margin'];
	$bottom[$p2] = $this->y;	// $this->ktBlock[$p2]['bottom_margin'];
	$top[$p1] = $this->kt_y00;

	$top2 = $this->h;
	foreach($this->divbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		if ($s['page'] == $p2) {
			$top2 = MIN($s['y'], $top2);
	$top[$p2] = $top2;
	$height[$p1] = ($bottom[$p1] - $top[$p1]);
	$height[$p2] = ($bottom[$p2] - $top[$p2]);
	$xadj[$p1] = $this->MarginCorrection;
	$yadj[$p1] = -($top[$p1] - $top[$p2]);
	$xadj[$p2] = 0;
	$yadj[$p2] = $height[$p1];

	// Output without any transformation
	if ($this->ColActive || !$this->keep_block_together || $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage'] == $this->page || ($this->page - $this->blk[$this->blklvl]['startpage']) > 1 || ($height[$p1]+$height[$p2]) > $this->h) {
		foreach($this->divbuffer AS $s) { $this->pages[$s['page']] .= $s['s']."\n"; }
		foreach($this->ktLinks AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageLinks[$p][] = $v;
		foreach($this->ktForms AS $key => $f) {
			$this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
		foreach($this->ktAnnots AS $p => $l) {
		   foreach($l AS $v) {
			$this->PageAnnots[$p][] = $v;
/*-- INDEX --*/
	      // Adjust Reference (index)
	      foreach($this->ktReference AS $v) {
			//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
			for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
				if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
					if (!in_array($p2,$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
						$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $p2;
			//If not found, add it
			if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
	      // Adjust Bookmarks
	      foreach($this->ktBMoutlines AS $v) {

/*-- TOC --*/
	      // Adjust ToC
	      foreach($this->_kttoc AS $v) {
/*-- END TOC --*/

		$this->divbuffer = array();
		$this->ktLinks = array();
		$this->ktAnnots = array();
		$this->ktForms = array();
		$this->ktBlock = array();
		$this->ktReference = array();
		$this->ktBMoutlines = array();
		$this->_kttoc = array();
		$this->keep_block_together = 0;
	else {
	// Output with transformation
	   // mPDF 5.6.17
	   $np = '';
	   $lastpage = -1;
	   foreach($this->divbuffer AS $key=>$s) {
		// callback function
		$t = $s['s'];
		$p = $s['page'];
		if ($p != $lastpage) {
			$q = '';
			if ($lastpage != -1) { $q =  ' Q'."\n"; }
			$t = $q . $this->StartTransform(true)."\n" . $this->transformTranslate($xadj[$p], $yadj[$p] , true)."\n" . $t;
			$lastpage = $p;
		$np .= $t."\n";
	   if ($lastpage != -1) { $np .=  ' Q'."\n"; }

	   $this->pages[$this->page] .= $np;

	   // Adjust hyperLinks
	   foreach($this->ktLinks AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		$v[0] += ($xadj[$p]*_MPDFK);
		$v[1] -= ($yadj[$p]*_MPDFK);
		$this->PageLinks[$p2][] = $v;
	   foreach($this->ktForms AS $key => $f) {
		$p = $f['page'];
		$f['x'] += ($xadj[$p]);
		$f['y'] += ($yadj[$p]);
		$f['page'] = $p2;
		$this->form->forms[$f['n']] = $f;
	   foreach($this->internallink AS $key => $f) {
		if (is_array($f) && isset($f['kt'])) {
			$f['Y'] += ($yadj[$f['PAGE']]);
			$f['PAGE'] = $p2;
			$this->internallink[$key] = $f;
	   foreach($this->ktAnnots AS $p => $l) {
	    foreach($l AS $v) {
		if ($v['x']>0) { $v['x'] += $xadj[$p]; }
		else if ($v['x']<0) { $v['x'] -= $xadj[$p]; }
		$v['y'] += $yadj[$p];
		$this->PageAnnots[$p2][] = $v;

/*-- BOOKMARKS --*/
	   // Adjust Bookmarks
	   foreach($this->ktBMoutlines AS $v) {
		if ($v['y'] != 0) { $v['y'] += ($yadj[$v['p']]); }

/*-- INDEX --*/
	   // Adjust Reference (index)
	   foreach($this->ktReference AS $v) {
		//Search the reference (AND Ref/PageNo) in the array
		for ($i=0;$i<count($this->Reference);$i++){
			if ($this->Reference[$i]['t']==$v['t']){
				if (!in_array($p2,$this->Reference[$i]['p'])) {
					$this->Reference[$i]['p'][] = $p2;
		//If not found, add it
		if ($Present==0) {
/*-- END INDEX --*/

/*-- TOC --*/
	   // Adjust ToC
	   foreach($this->_kttoc AS $v) {
		$this->links[$v['link']][0] = $p2;
		$this->links[$v['link']][1] += $yadj[$v['p']];
/*-- END TOC --*/

	   $this->y = $top[$p2] + $height[$p1] + $height[$p2];
	   $this->x = $this->lMargin;

	   $this->divbuffer = array();
	   $this->ktLinks = array();
	   $this->ktAnnots = array();
	   $this->ktForms = array();
	   $this->ktBlock = array();
	   $this->ktReference = array();
	   $this->ktBMoutlines = array();
	   $this->_kttoc = array();
	   $this->keep_block_together = 0;

function Circle($x,$y,$r,$style='S') {

function Ellipse($x,$y,$rx,$ry,$style='S') {
	if($style=='F') { $op='f'; }
	elseif($style=='FD' or $style=='DF') { $op='B'; }
	else { $op='S'; }
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F m %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x+$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-$y)*_MPDFK, ($x+$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y-$ly))*_MPDFK, ($x+$lx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y-$ry))*_MPDFK, $x*_MPDFK,($h-($y-$ry))*_MPDFK));
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x-$lx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y-$ry))*_MPDFK, 	($x-$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y-$ly))*_MPDFK, 	($x-$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-$y)*_MPDFK));
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c', ($x-$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y+$ly))*_MPDFK, ($x-$lx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y+$ry))*_MPDFK, $x*_MPDFK,($h-($y+$ry))*_MPDFK));
	$this->_out(sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F c %s', ($x+$lx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y+$ry))*_MPDFK, ($x+$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-($y+$ly))*_MPDFK, ($x+$rx)*_MPDFK,($h-$y)*_MPDFK, $op));

/*-- DIRECTW --*/
// Added adaptation of shaded_box = AUTOSIZE-TEXT
function AutosizeText($text,$w,$font,$style,$szfont=72) {
	$text = $this->purify_utf8_text($text);
	if ($this->text_input_as_HTML) {
		$text = $this->all_entities_to_utf8($text);
	if ($this->usingCoreFont) { $text = mb_convert_encoding($text,$this->mb_enc,'UTF-8'); }
	$text = ' '.$text.' ';
	$width = $this->ConvertSize($w);
	$loop   = 0;
	while ( $loop == 0 ) {
		$sz = $this->GetStringWidth( $text );
		if ( $sz > $w ) { $szfont --; }
		else { $loop ++; }
	$this->Cell($w, 0, $text, 0, 0, "C");
/*-- END DIRECTW --*/

// ====================================================
// ====================================================
/*-- RTL --*/
function reverse_letters($str) {
	$str = strtr($str, '{}[]()', '}{][)(');
	return $this->mb_strrev($str, $this->mb_enc);

// mPDF 5.7+
function reverse_letters_preg_callback($matches) {
	return $this->reverse_letters($matches[1]);

function magic_reverse_dir(&$chunk, $join=true, $dir) {
   if ($this->usingCoreFont) { return 0; }
   if ($this->biDirectional)  {
	// mPDF 5.4.05 Include PUA for non-indexed Arabic glyphs
	$pregRTLchars = $this->pregRTLchars;
	if ($this->CurrentFont['unAGlyphs']) { $pregRTLchars .= "\x{F500}-\x{F7FF}"; }

	// Change Arabic + Persian. to Presentation Forms
	if ($join) {
		$chunk = preg_replace_callback("/([".$pregRTLchars."]+)/u", array($this, 'arabJoinPregCallback'), $chunk );	// mPDF 5.7+
	$contains_rtl = false;
	$all_rtl = true;
	$initSpace = false;
	$endSpace = false;
	$nonDirchars = "\x{A0}\"\'\(\)\{\}\[\].,:\\/-=";	// mPDF 5.6.32
	// mPDF 5.6.43
	if (count($m[0])) {
		for($i=0;$i<count($m[0]);$i++) {
			if ($m[1][$i]=="\xe2\x80\xab") {	// Right-to-Left Embedding [RLE] U+202B &#8235;
				$mark = code2utf(0xf800+$i);
				$bdo[$i] = $this->reverse_letters($m[2][$i]);
			else if ($m[1][$i]=="\xe2\x80\xaa") {	// Left-to-Right Embedding [LRE] U+202A &#8234;
				$mark = code2utf(0xf880+$i);
				$bdo[$i] = $m[2][$i];
			$chunk = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($m[0][$i],'/').'/u',$mark,$chunk);
		$pregRTLchars .= "\x{F800}-\x{F87F}";
	if (preg_match("/[".$pregRTLchars."]/u",$chunk)) {	// Chunk contains RTL characters
		if (preg_match("/^[ ]/",$chunk)) { $initSpace = true; $chunk = preg_replace("/^[ ]/",'',$chunk); }
		if (preg_match("/[ ]$/",$chunk)) { $endSpace = true; $chunk = preg_replace("/[ ]$/",'',$chunk); }

		if (preg_match("/[^".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars." ]/u",$chunk)) {	// Chunk also contains LTR characters
			$all_rtl = false;
			if ($dir == 'rtl') {
				$chunk = preg_replace("/([^".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars."][".$nonDirchars."]*) ([".$nonDirchars."]*[^".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars."])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$chunk);
			$chunk = preg_replace("/([".$pregRTLchars."][".$nonDirchars."]*) ([".$nonDirchars."]*[".$pregRTLchars."])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$chunk);
			$bits = explode(' ',$chunk);
			foreach($bits AS $bitkey=>$bit) {
				$bit = preg_replace("/\x07/"," ",$bit);
				if (preg_match("/^[".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars." ]*$/u",$bit)) {
					$bits[$bitkey] = $this->reverse_letters($bit);
				else if (preg_match("/[".$pregRTLchars."]/u",$bit)) {
					if ($dir == 'rtl') {
						$bit = preg_replace("/([^".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars." ])([".$nonDirchars."]*[".$pregRTLchars."])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$bit );
						$bit = preg_replace("/([".$pregRTLchars."][".$nonDirchars."]*)([^".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars." ])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$bit );
					else {
						$bit = preg_replace("/([^".$pregRTLchars." ][".$nonDirchars."]*)([".$pregRTLchars." ])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$bit );
						$bit = preg_replace("/([".$pregRTLchars." ])([".$nonDirchars."]*[^".$pregRTLchars." ])/u","\\1\x07\\2",$bit );
					$sbits = explode("\x07",$bit );
					foreach($sbits AS $sbitkey=>$sbit) {
						$sbit = preg_replace("/\x07/","",$sbit);
						if (preg_match("/^[".$pregRTLchars.$nonDirchars." ]*$/u",$sbit)) {
							$sbits[$sbitkey] = $this->reverse_letters($sbit);
						else if (preg_match("/[".$pregRTLchars."]/u",$sbit) && $dir=='rtl') {
							$sbits[$sbitkey] = $this->reverse_letters($sbit);
						else {
							// Reverse numerals only to RTL
							$sbit = preg_replace_callback("/([\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9\.,:\/]*[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+)/u", array($this, 'reverse_letters_preg_callback'), $sbit );	// mPDF 5.7+
							$sbits[$sbitkey] = $sbit;
					if ($dir == 'rtl') { $sbits = array_reverse($sbits,false); }
					$bits[$bitkey] = implode('',$sbits);
				else if (preg_match("/[".$pregRTLchars."]/u",$bit) && $dir=='rtl') {
					$bits[$bitkey] = $this->reverse_letters($bit);
				else {
					// Reverse numerals only to RTL
					$bit = preg_replace_callback("/([\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9\.,:\/]*[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+)/u", array($this, 'reverse_letters_preg_callback'), $bit );	// mPDF 5.7+
					$bits[$bitkey] = $bit;
			if ($dir == 'rtl') { $bits = array_reverse($bits,false); }
			$chunk = implode(' ',$bits);
		else { $chunk = $this->reverse_letters($chunk); }
		$contains_rtl = true;

		// Un-Reverse numerals back to ltr
		$chunk = preg_replace_callback("/([\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9\.,:\/]*[\x{0660}-\x{066C}0-9]+)/u", array($this, 'reverse_letters_preg_callback'), $chunk );	// mPDF 5.7+
		if ($dir == 'rtl') {
			if ($endSpace) { $chunk = ' '.$chunk; }
			if ($initSpace) { $chunk .= ' '; }
		else {
			if ($initSpace) { $chunk = ' '.$chunk; }
			if ($endSpace) { $chunk .= ' '; }
	else { $all_rtl = false; }

	// mPDF 5.6.43
	if (count($bdo)) {
		for($i=0;$i<count($bdo);$i++) {
			$chunk = preg_replace('/[\x{'.dechex(intval(0xf800+$i)).'}\x{'.dechex(intval(0xf880+$i)).'}]/u',$bdo[$i],$chunk);

	if ($all_rtl) { return 2; }
	else if ($contains_rtl) { return 1; }
	else { return 0; }
   return 0;
/*-- END RTL --*/

// ****************************
// ****************************

function SetSubstitutions() {
	$subsarray = array();
	$this->substitute = array();
	foreach($subsarray AS $key => $val) {
		$this->substitute[code2utf($key)] = $val;

function SubstituteChars($html) {
	// only substitute characters between tags
	if (count($this->substitute)) {
		$html = '';
		foreach($a as $i => $e) {
			if($i%2==0) {
			   $e = strtr($e, $this->substitute);
			$html .= $e;
	return $html;

function SubstituteCharsSIP(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e) {
	if (preg_match("/^(.*?)([\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}]+)(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
	   if (isset($this->CurrentFont['sipext']) && $this->CurrentFont['sipext']) {
		$font = $this->CurrentFont['sipext'];
		if (!in_array($font, $this->available_unifonts)) { return 0; }
		$writehtml_a[$writehtml_i] = $writehtml_e = $m[1];
		array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('span style="font-family: '.$font.'"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]));
		$this->subPos = $writehtml_i;
		return 4;
	return 0;

// If core font is selected in document which is not onlyCoreFonts - substitute with non-core font
function SubstituteCharsNonCore(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e) {
	if (mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($writehtml_e, $this->mb_enc, "UTF-8"), "UTF-8", $this->mb_enc) == $writehtml_e) {
		return 0;
	$cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
	$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($writehtml_e, false);
	$start = -1;
	$end = 0;
	$flag = 0;
	$ftype = '';
	$u = array();
	if (!$this->subArrMB) {
		$this->subArrMB['a'] = $aarr;
		$this->subArrMB['s'] = $sarr;
		$this->subArrMB['z'] = $zarr;
	foreach($unicode AS $c => $char) {
		if (($char> 127 || ($flag==1 && $char==32)) && $char != 173 && (!isset($this->subArrMB['a'][$char]) || ($flag==1 && $char==32)) && ($char<1536 ||  ($char>1791 && $char < 2304) || $char>3455)) {
			if ($flag==0) { $start=$c; }
			$u[] = $char;
		else if ($flag>0) { $end=$c-1; break; }
	if ($flag>0 && !$end) { $end=count($unicode)-1; }
	if ($start==-1) { return 0; }
	if (!is_array($this->backupSubsFont)) { $this->backupSubsFont = array("$this->backupSubsFont"); }
	foreach($this->backupSubsFont AS $bsfctr=>$bsf) {
		if ($this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'chelvetica' || $this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'ctimes' || $this->fonttrans[$bsf] == 'ccourier') { continue; }
		$font = $bsf;
		$cw = '';
		if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) { $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw']; }
		else if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat')) { $cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat'); }
		else {

			$prevFontFamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$prevFontStyle = $this->currentfontstyle;
			$prevFontSizePt = $this->FontSizePt;
			$this->SetFont($bsf, '', '', false);
			$cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat');
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt, false);
		if (!$cw) { continue; }
		$l = 0;
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || ($char>1536 && $char<1791) || ($char>2304 && $char<3455 )) {
			else {
				if ($l==0 && $bsfctr == (count($this->backupSubsFont)-1)) {	// Not found even in last backup font
					$cont = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start+1);
					$writehtml_e = mb_substr($writehtml_e, 0, $start+1, 'UTF-8');
					array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('', $cont));
					$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+1;
					return 2;
				else { break; }
		if ($l > 0) {
			$patt = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start, $l, 'UTF-8');
			if (preg_match("/(.*?)(".preg_quote($patt,'/').")(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
				$writehtml_e = $m[1];
				array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('span style="font-family: '.$font.'"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]));
				$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+3;
				return 4;

	return 0;

function SubstituteCharsMB(&$writehtml_a, &$writehtml_i, &$writehtml_e) {
	$cw = &$this->CurrentFont['cw'];
	$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($writehtml_e, false);
	$start = -1;
	$end = 0;
	$flag = 0;
	$ftype = '';
	$u = array();
	foreach($unicode AS $c => $char) {
		if (($flag == 0 || $flag==2) && (!$this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || ($flag==2 && $char==32)) && $this->checkSIP && $char > 131071) { 	// Unicode Plane 2 (SIP)
			if (in_array($this->FontFamily ,$this->available_CJK_fonts)) { return 0; }
			if ($flag==0) { $start=$c; }
			$u[] = $char;
		//else if (($flag == 0 || $flag==1) && $char != 173 && !$this->_charDefined($cw,$char) && ($char<1423 ||  ($char>3583 && $char < 11263))) {
		else if (($flag == 0 || $flag==1) && $char != 173 && (!$this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || ($flag==1 && $char==32)) && ($char<1536 ||  ($char>1791 && $char < 2304) || $char>3455)) {
			if ($flag==0) { $start=$c; }
			$u[] = $char;
		else if ($flag>0) { $end=$c-1; break; }
	if ($flag>0 && !$end) { $end=count($unicode)-1; }
	if ($start==-1) { return 0; }
	if ($flag == 2) { 	// SIP
		// Check if current CJK font has a ext-B related font
	   if (isset($this->CurrentFont['sipext']) && $this->CurrentFont['sipext']) {
		$font = $this->CurrentFont['sipext'];
		$cw = '';
		if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) { $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw']; }
		else if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat')) { $cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat'); }
		else {
			$prevFontFamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$prevFontStyle = $this->currentfontstyle;
			$prevFontSizePt = $this->FontSizePt;
			$this->SetFont($font, '', '', false);
			$cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat');
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt, false);
		if (!$cw) { return 0; }
		$l = 0;
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || $char > 131071) {
			else { break; }
		if ($l > 0) {
			$patt = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start, $l);
			if (preg_match("/(.*?)(".preg_quote($patt,'/').")(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
				$writehtml_e = $m[1];
				array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('span style="font-family: '.$font.'"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]));
				$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+3;
				return 4;
		// Check Backup SIP font (defined in config_fonts.php)
	   if (isset($this->backupSIPFont) && $this->backupSIPFont) {
		if ($this->currentfontfamily != $this->backupSIPFont) { $font = $this->backupSIPFont; }
		else { unset($cw); return 0; }
		$cw = '';
		if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) { $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw']; }
		else if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat')) { $cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat'); }
		else {
			$prevFontFamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$prevFontStyle = $this->currentfontstyle;
			$prevFontSizePt = $this->FontSizePt;
			$this->SetFont($this->backupSIPFont, '', '', false);
			$cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat');
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt, false);
		if (!$cw) { return 0; }
		$l = 0;
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || $char > 131071) {
			else { break; }
		if ($l > 0) {
			$patt = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start, $l);
			if (preg_match("/(.*?)(".preg_quote($patt,'/').")(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
				$writehtml_e = $m[1];
				array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('span style="font-family: '.$font.'"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]));
				$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+3;
				return 4;
	   return 0;

	if (!$this->PDFA && !$this->PDFX) {
	  $repl = array();
	  if (!$this->subArrMB) {
		$this->subArrMB['a'] = $aarr;
		$this->subArrMB['s'] = $sarr;
		$this->subArrMB['z'] = $zarr;
	  if (isset($this->subArrMB['a'][$u[0]])) {
		$font = 'tta'; $ftype = 'C';
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($this->subArrMB['a'][$char]) { $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['a'][$char]; }
			else { break; }
	  else if (isset($this->subArrMB['z'][$u[0]])) {
		$font = 'ttz'; $ftype = 'C';
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($this->subArrMB['z'][$char]) { $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['z'][$char]; }
			else { break; }
	  else if (isset($this->subArrMB['s'][$u[0]])) {
		$font = 'tts'; $ftype = 'C';
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($this->subArrMB['s'][$char]) { $repl[] = $this->subArrMB['s'][$char]; }
			else { break; }
	  if ($ftype=='C') {
		$patt = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start, count($repl));
		if (preg_match("/(.*?)(".preg_quote($patt,'/').")(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
			$writehtml_e = $m[1];
			array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array($font, implode('|', $repl), '/'.$font, $m[3]));	// e.g. <tts>
			$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+3;
			return 4;
		return 0;

	// FIND IN DEFAULT FONT - removed mPDF 5.0

	if (!is_array($this->backupSubsFont)) { $this->backupSubsFont = array("$this->backupSubsFont"); }
	foreach($this->backupSubsFont AS $bsfctr=>$bsf) {
		if ($this->currentfontfamily != $bsf) { $font = $bsf; }
		else { continue; }
		$cw = '';
		if (isset($this->fonts[$font])) { $cw = &$this->fonts[$font]['cw']; }
		else if (file_exists(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat')) { $cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat'); }
		else {
			$prevFontFamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$prevFontStyle = $this->currentfontstyle;
			$prevFontSizePt = $this->FontSizePt;
			$this->SetFont($bsf, '', '', false);
			$cw = @file_get_contents(_MPDF_TTFONTDATAPATH.$font.'.cw.dat');
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt, false);
		if (!$cw) { continue; }
		$l = 0;
		foreach($u AS $char) {
			if ($char == 173 || $this->_charDefined($cw,$char) || ($char>1536 && $char<1791) || ($char>2304 && $char<3455 )) { 	// Arabic and Indic
			else {
				if ($l==0 && $bsfctr == (count($this->backupSubsFont)-1)) {	// Not found even in last backup font
					$cont = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start+1);
					$writehtml_e = mb_substr($writehtml_e, 0, $start+1);
					array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('', $cont));
					$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+1;
					return 2;
				else { break; }
		if ($l > 0) {
			$patt = mb_substr($writehtml_e, $start, $l);
			if (preg_match("/(.*?)(".preg_quote($patt,'/').")(.*)/u", $writehtml_e, $m)) {
				$writehtml_e = $m[1];
				array_splice($writehtml_a, $writehtml_i+1, 0, array('span style="font-family: '.$font.'"', $m[2], '/span', $m[3]));
				$this->subPos = $writehtml_i+3;
				return 4;

	return 0;

function setHiEntitySubstitutions() {
	$entarr = array (
  'nbsp' => '160',  'iexcl' => '161',  'cent' => '162',  'pound' => '163',  'curren' => '164',  'yen' => '165',  'brvbar' => '166',  'sect' => '167',
  'uml' => '168',  'copy' => '169',  'ordf' => '170',  'laquo' => '171',  'not' => '172',  'shy' => '173',  'reg' => '174',  'macr' => '175',
  'deg' => '176',  'plusmn' => '177',  'sup2' => '178',  'sup3' => '179',  'acute' => '180',  'micro' => '181',  'para' => '182',  'middot' => '183',
  'cedil' => '184',  'sup1' => '185',  'ordm' => '186',  'raquo' => '187',  'frac14' => '188',  'frac12' => '189',  'frac34' => '190',
  'iquest' => '191',  'Agrave' => '192',  'Aacute' => '193',  'Acirc' => '194',  'Atilde' => '195',  'Auml' => '196',  'Aring' => '197',
  'AElig' => '198',  'Ccedil' => '199',  'Egrave' => '200',  'Eacute' => '201',  'Ecirc' => '202',  'Euml' => '203',  'Igrave' => '204',
  'Iacute' => '205',  'Icirc' => '206',  'Iuml' => '207',  'ETH' => '208',  'Ntilde' => '209',  'Ograve' => '210',  'Oacute' => '211',
  'Ocirc' => '212',  'Otilde' => '213',  'Ouml' => '214',  'times' => '215',  'Oslash' => '216',  'Ugrave' => '217',  'Uacute' => '218',
  'Ucirc' => '219',  'Uuml' => '220',  'Yacute' => '221',  'THORN' => '222',  'szlig' => '223',  'agrave' => '224',  'aacute' => '225',
  'acirc' => '226',  'atilde' => '227',  'auml' => '228',  'aring' => '229',  'aelig' => '230',  'ccedil' => '231',  'egrave' => '232',
  'eacute' => '233',  'ecirc' => '234',  'euml' => '235',  'igrave' => '236',  'iacute' => '237',  'icirc' => '238',  'iuml' => '239',
  'eth' => '240',  'ntilde' => '241',  'ograve' => '242',  'oacute' => '243',  'ocirc' => '244',  'otilde' => '245',  'ouml' => '246',
  'divide' => '247',  'oslash' => '248',  'ugrave' => '249',  'uacute' => '250',  'ucirc' => '251',  'uuml' => '252',  'yacute' => '253',
  'thorn' => '254',  'yuml' => '255',  'OElig' => '338',  'oelig' => '339',  'Scaron' => '352',  'scaron' => '353',  'Yuml' => '376',
  'fnof' => '402',  'circ' => '710',  'tilde' => '732',  'Alpha' => '913',  'Beta' => '914',  'Gamma' => '915',  'Delta' => '916',
  'Epsilon' => '917',  'Zeta' => '918',  'Eta' => '919',  'Theta' => '920',  'Iota' => '921',  'Kappa' => '922',  'Lambda' => '923',
  'Mu' => '924',  'Nu' => '925',  'Xi' => '926',  'Omicron' => '927',  'Pi' => '928',  'Rho' => '929',  'Sigma' => '931',  'Tau' => '932',
  'Upsilon' => '933',  'Phi' => '934',  'Chi' => '935',  'Psi' => '936',  'Omega' => '937',  'alpha' => '945',  'beta' => '946',  'gamma' => '947',
  'delta' => '948',  'epsilon' => '949',  'zeta' => '950',  'eta' => '951',  'theta' => '952',  'iota' => '953',  'kappa' => '954',
  'lambda' => '955',  'mu' => '956',  'nu' => '957',  'xi' => '958',  'omicron' => '959',  'pi' => '960',  'rho' => '961',  'sigmaf' => '962',
  'sigma' => '963',  'tau' => '964',  'upsilon' => '965',  'phi' => '966',  'chi' => '967',  'psi' => '968',  'omega' => '969',
  'thetasym' => '977',  'upsih' => '978',  'piv' => '982',  'ensp' => '8194',  'emsp' => '8195',  'thinsp' => '8201',  'zwnj' => '8204',
  'zwj' => '8205',  'lrm' => '8206',  'rlm' => '8207',  'ndash' => '8211',  'mdash' => '8212',  'lsquo' => '8216',  'rsquo' => '8217',
  'sbquo' => '8218',  'ldquo' => '8220',  'rdquo' => '8221',  'bdquo' => '8222',  'dagger' => '8224',  'Dagger' => '8225',  'bull' => '8226',
  'hellip' => '8230',  'permil' => '8240',  'prime' => '8242',  'Prime' => '8243',  'lsaquo' => '8249',  'rsaquo' => '8250',  'oline' => '8254',
  'frasl' => '8260',  'euro' => '8364',  'image' => '8465',  'weierp' => '8472',  'real' => '8476',  'trade' => '8482',  'alefsym' => '8501',
  'larr' => '8592',  'uarr' => '8593',  'rarr' => '8594',  'darr' => '8595',  'harr' => '8596',  'crarr' => '8629',  'lArr' => '8656',
  'uArr' => '8657',  'rArr' => '8658',  'dArr' => '8659',  'hArr' => '8660',  'forall' => '8704',  'part' => '8706',  'exist' => '8707',
  'empty' => '8709',  'nabla' => '8711',  'isin' => '8712',  'notin' => '8713',  'ni' => '8715',  'prod' => '8719',  'sum' => '8721',
  'minus' => '8722',  'lowast' => '8727',  'radic' => '8730',  'prop' => '8733',  'infin' => '8734',  'ang' => '8736',  'and' => '8743',
  'or' => '8744',  'cap' => '8745',  'cup' => '8746',  'int' => '8747',  'there4' => '8756',  'sim' => '8764',  'cong' => '8773',
  'asymp' => '8776',  'ne' => '8800',  'equiv' => '8801',  'le' => '8804',  'ge' => '8805',  'sub' => '8834',  'sup' => '8835',  'nsub' => '8836',
  'sube' => '8838',  'supe' => '8839',  'oplus' => '8853',  'otimes' => '8855',  'perp' => '8869',  'sdot' => '8901',  'lceil' => '8968',
  'rceil' => '8969',  'lfloor' => '8970',  'rfloor' => '8971',  'lang' => '9001',  'rang' => '9002',  'loz' => '9674',  'spades' => '9824',
  'clubs' => '9827',  'hearts' => '9829',  'diams' => '9830',
	foreach($entarr AS $key => $val) {
		$this->entsearch[] = '&'.$key.';';
		$this->entsubstitute[] = code2utf($val);

function SubstituteHiEntities($html) {
	// converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to unicode
	// Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
	if (count($this->entsearch)) {
		$html = str_replace($this->entsearch,$this->entsubstitute,$html);
	return $html;

// Edited v1.2 Pass by reference; option to continue if invalid UTF-8 chars
function is_utf8(&$string) {
	if ($string === mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string, "UTF-32", "UTF-8"), "UTF-8", "UTF-32")) {
		return true;
	else {
	  if ($this->ignore_invalid_utf8) {
		$string = mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($string, "UTF-32", "UTF-8"), "UTF-8", "UTF-32") ;
		return true;
	  else {
		return false;

function purify_utf8($html,$lo=true) {
	// For HTML
	// Checks string is valid UTF-8 encoded
	// converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
	// Only exception - leaves low ASCII entities e.g. &lt; &amp; etc.
	// Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
	if (!$this->is_utf8($html)) {
		echo "<p><b>HTML contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)</b></p>";
		while (mb_convert_encoding(mb_convert_encoding($html, "UTF-32", "UTF-8"), "UTF-8", "UTF-32") != $html) {
			$a = iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', $html);
			echo ($a);
			$pos = $start = strlen($a);
			$err = '';
			while ( ord(substr($html,$pos,1)) > 128 ) {
				$err .= '[[#'.ord(substr($html,$pos,1)).']]';
			echo '<span style="color:red; font-weight:bold">'.$err.'</span>';
			$html = substr($html, $pos);
		echo $html;
	$html = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $html );

	// converts html_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
	// Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
	$html = $this->SubstituteHiEntities($html);

	// converts all &#nnn; or &#xHHH; to UTF-8 multibyte
	// If $lo==true then includes ASCII < 128
	$html = strcode2utf($html,$lo);
	return ($html);

function purify_utf8_text($txt) {
	// For TEXT
	// Make sure UTF-8 string of characters
	if (!$this->is_utf8($txt)) { $this->Error("Text contains invalid UTF-8 character(s)"); }

	$txt = preg_replace("/\r/", "", $txt );

	return ($txt);
function all_entities_to_utf8($txt) {
	// converts txt_entities > ASCII 127 to UTF-8
	// Leaves in particular &lt; to distinguish from tag marker
	$txt = $this->SubstituteHiEntities($txt);

	// converts all &#nnn; or &#xHHH; to UTF-8 multibyte
	$txt = strcode2utf($txt);

	$txt = $this->lesser_entity_decode($txt);
	return ($txt);

// ====================================================
/*-- BARCODES --*/
// UPC/EAN barcode
// Accepts 12 or 13 digits with or without - hyphens
function WriteBarcode($code, $showtext=1, $x='', $y='', $size=1, $border=0, $paddingL=1, $paddingR=1, $paddingT=2, $paddingB=2, $height=1, $bgcol=false, $col=false, $btype='ISBN', $supplement='0', $supplement_code='', $k=1) {
			if (empty($code)) {
			$codestr = $code;
			$code = preg_replace('/\-/','',$code);

			if (!class_exists('PDFBarcode', false)) {
			$this->barcode = new PDFBarcode();
			if ($btype == 'ISSN' || $btype == 'ISBN') {
				$arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, 'EAN13');
			else { $arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, $btype); }

			if ($arrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string: '.$codestr); }
			if((($btype=='EAN13' || $btype=='ISBN' || $btype=='ISSN') && strlen($code) == 12) || ($btype=='UPCA' && strlen($code) == 11)
				|| ($btype=='UPCE' && strlen($code) == 11) || ($btype=='EAN8' && strlen($code) == 7)) {
				$code .= $arrcode['checkdigit'];
				if (stristr($codestr,'-')) { $codestr .= '-' . $arrcode['checkdigit']; }
				else { $codestr .= $arrcode['checkdigit']; }
			if ($btype == 'ISBN') { $codestr = 'ISBN '.$codestr; }
			if ($btype == 'ISSN') { $codestr = 'ISSN '.$codestr; }

			if (empty($x)) {
				$x = $this->x;
			if (empty($y)) {
				$y = $this->y;
			// set foreground color
			$prevDrawColor = $this->DrawColor;
			$prevTextColor = $this->TextColor;
			$prevFillColor = $this->FillColor;
			$lw = $this->LineWidth;

			$size /= $k;	// in case resized in a table

			$xres = $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;
			$llm = $arrcode['lightmL'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;	// Left Light margin
			$rlm = $arrcode['lightmR'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;	// Right Light margin

			$bcw = ($arrcode["maxw"] * $xres);	// Barcode width = Should always be 31.35mm * $size

			$fbw = $bcw + $llm + $rlm;	// Full barcode width incl. light margins
			$ow = $fbw + $paddingL + $paddingR;	// Full overall width incl. user-defined padding

			$fbwi = $fbw - 2;	// Full barcode width incl. light margins - 2mm - for isbn string

			// cf. http://www.gs1uk.org/downloads/bar_code/Bar coding getting it right.pdf
			$num_height = 3 * $size;					// Height of numerals
			$fbh = $arrcode['nom-H'] * $size * $height;		// Full barcode height incl. numerals
			$bch = $fbh - (1.5 * $size);					// Barcode height of bars	 (3mm for numerals)

			if (($btype=='EAN13' && $showtext) || $btype == 'ISSN' || $btype == 'ISBN') { // Add height for ISBN string + margin from top of bars
				$tisbnm = 1.5 * $size;	// Top margin between isbn (if shown) & bars
				$codestr_fontsize = 2.1 * $size;
				$paddingT += $codestr_fontsize + $tisbnm  ;
			$oh = $fbh + $paddingT + $paddingB;		// Full overall height incl. user-defined padding

			// PRINT border background color
			$xpos = $x;
			$ypos = $y;
			if ($col) {
			else {
			if ($bgcol) {
			else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255)); }
			if (!$bgcol && !$col) {	// fn. called directly - not via HTML
				if ($border) { $fillb = 'DF'; } else { $fillb = 'F'; }
				$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $ow, $oh, $fillb);

			$xpos = $x + $paddingL + $llm ;
			$ypos = $y + $paddingT;
			if ($col) { $this->SetFColor($col); }
			else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
			if ($arrcode !== false) {
				foreach ($arrcode["bcode"] AS $v) {
					$bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
					if ($v["t"]) {
						// draw a vertical bar
						$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $bw, $bch, 'F');
					$xpos += $bw;

			// print text
			$prevFontFamily = $this->FontFamily;
			$prevFontStyle = $this->FontStyle;
			$prevFontSizePt = $this->FontSizePt;

			// ISBN string
			if (($btype=='EAN13' && $showtext) || $btype=='ISBN' || $btype=='ISSN') {
			   if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
			   else {

			   if ($bgcol) { $this->SetFColor($bgcol); }
			   else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255)); }
			   $this->x = $x + $paddingL + 1;	// 1mm left margin (cf. $fbwi above)
			   // max width is $fbwi
			   $loop = 0;
			   while ( $loop == 0 ) {
				$this->SetFontSize($codestr_fontsize*1.4*_MPDFK, false);	// don't write
				$sz = $this->GetStringWidth( $codestr );
				if ($sz > $fbwi)
					$codestr_fontsize -= 0.1;
					$loop ++;
			   $this->SetFont('','',$codestr_fontsize*1.4*_MPDFK, true, true);	// * 1.4 because font height is only 7/10 of given mm
 			   // WORD SPACING
			   if ($fbwi > $sz) {
				$xtra =  $fbwi - $sz;
				$charspacing = $xtra / (strlen($codestr)-1);
				if ($charspacing) { $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET',$charspacing*_MPDFK)); }
			   $this->y = $y + $paddingT - ($codestr_fontsize ) - $tisbnm ;
			   $this->Cell($fbw , $codestr_fontsize, $codestr);
			   if ($charspacing) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tc ET'); }

			// Bottom NUMERALS
			// mPDF 5.7.4
			if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) {
				$fh = 1.3;
			else {
				$fh = 1.06;

			$charRO = '';
			if ($btype=='EAN13' || $btype=='ISBN' || $btype=='ISSN') {
				$outerfontsize = 3;	// Inner fontsize = 3
				$outerp = $xres * 4;
				$innerp = $xres * 2.5;
				$textw = ($bcw*0.5) - $outerp - $innerp;
				$chars = 6; // number of numerals in each half
				$charLO = substr($code,0,1); // Left Outer
				$charLI = substr($code,1,6); // Left Inner
				$charRI = substr($code,7,6); // Right Inner
				if (!$supplement) $charRO = '>'; // Right Outer
			else if ($btype=='UPCA') {
				$outerfontsize = 2.3;	// Inner fontsize = 3
				$outerp = $xres * 10;
				$innerp = $xres * 2.5;
				$textw = ($bcw*0.5) - $outerp - $innerp;
				$chars = 5;
				$charLO = substr($code,0,1); // Left Outer
				$charLI = substr($code,1,5); // Left Inner
				$charRI = substr($code,6,5); // Right Inner
				$charRO = substr($code,11,1); // Right Outer
			else if ($btype=='UPCE') {
				$outerfontsize = 2.3;	// Inner fontsize = 3
				$outerp = $xres * 4;
				$innerp = 0;
				$textw = ($bcw*0.5) - $outerp - $innerp;
				$chars = 3;
				$upce_code = $arrcode['code'];
				$charLO = substr($code,0,1); // Left Outer
				$charLI = substr($upce_code,0,3); // Left Inner
				$charRI = substr($upce_code,3,3); // Right Inner
				$charRO = substr($code,11,1); // Right Outer
			else if ($btype=='EAN8') {
				$outerfontsize = 3;	// Inner fontsize = 3
				$outerp = $xres * 4;
				$innerp = $xres * 2.5;
				$textw = ($bcw*0.5) - $outerp - $innerp;
				$chars = 4;
				$charLO = '<'; // Left Outer
				$charLI = substr($code,0,4); // Left Inner
				$charRI = substr($code,4,4); // Right Inner
				if (!$supplement) $charRO = '>'; // Right Outer

			$this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize/3)*3*$fh*$size*_MPDFK);	// 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)

			if (!$this->usingCoreFont) { $cw = $this->_getCharWidth($this->CurrentFont['cw'],32)*3*$fh*$size/1000; }	// character width at 3mm
			else { $cw = 600*3*$fh*$size/1000; }	// mPDF 5.7.4

			// Outer left character
			$y_text = $y + $paddingT + $bch - ($num_height/2);
			$y_text_outer = $y + $paddingT + $bch - ($num_height*($outerfontsize/3)/2);

			$this->x = $x + $paddingL - ($cw*($outerfontsize/3)*0.1); // 0.1 is correction as char does not fill full width;
			$this->y = $y_text_outer;
			$this->Cell($cw, $num_height, $charLO );

 			// WORD SPACING for inner chars
			$xtra =  $textw - ($cw*$chars);
			$charspacing = $xtra / ($chars-1);
			if ($charspacing) { $this->_out(sprintf('BT %.3F Tc ET',$charspacing*_MPDFK)); }

			if ($bgcol) { $this->SetFColor($bgcol); }
			else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255)); }

			$this->SetFontSize(3*$fh*$size*_MPDFK);	// 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)

			// Inner left half characters
			$this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + $outerp;
			$this->y = $y_text;
			$this->Cell($textw, $num_height, $charLI , 0, 0, '', 1);

			// Inner right half characters
			$this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + ($bcw*0.5) + $innerp;
			$this->y = $y_text;
			$this->Cell($textw, $num_height, $charRI , 0, 0, '', 1);

			if ($charspacing) { $this->_out('BT 0 Tc ET'); }

			// Outer Right character
			$this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize/3)*3*$fh*$size*_MPDFK);	// 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)

			$this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + $bcw + $rlm - ($cw*($outerfontsize/3)*0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
			$this->y = $y_text_outer;
			$this->Cell($cw*($outerfontsize/3), $num_height, $charRO , 0, 0, 'R');

			if ($supplement) { // EAN-2 or -5 Supplement
				$supparrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($supplement_code, 'EAN'.$supplement);
				if ($supparrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string (supplement): '.$codestr.' '.$supplement_code); }
				if(strlen($supplement_code) != $supplement) {
					$this->Error('Barcode supplement incorrect: '.$supplement_code);
				$llm = $fbw - (($arrcode['lightmR'] - $supparrcode['sepM'])  * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size);	// Left Light margin
				$rlm = $arrcode['lightmR'] * $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;	// Right Light margin

				$bcw = ($supparrcode["maxw"] * $xres);	// Barcode width = Should always be 31.35mm * $size

				$fbw = $bcw + $llm + $rlm;	// Full barcode width incl. light margins
				$ow = $fbw + $paddingL + $paddingR;	// Full overall width incl. user-defined padding
				$bch = $fbh - (1.5 * $size) - ($num_height + 0.5);		// Barcode height of bars	 (3mm for numerals)

				$xpos = $x + $paddingL + $llm ;
				$ypos = $y + $paddingT + $num_height + 0.5;
				if ($col) { $this->SetFColor($col); }
				else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
				if ($supparrcode !== false) {
					foreach ($supparrcode["bcode"] AS $v) {
						$bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
						if ($v["t"]) {
							// draw a vertical bar
							$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $bw, $bch, 'F');
						$xpos += $bw;

				// Characters
				if ($bgcol) { $this->SetFColor($bgcol); }
				else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255)); }
				$this->SetFontSize(3*$fh*$size*_MPDFK);	// 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
				$this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm;
				$this->y = $y + $paddingT;
				$this->Cell($bcw, $num_height, $supplement_code, 0, 0, 'C');

				// Outer Right character (light margin)
				$this->SetFontSize(($outerfontsize/3)*3*$fh*$size*_MPDFK);	// 3mm numerals (FontSize is larger to account for space above/below characters)
				$this->x = $x + $paddingL + $llm + $bcw + $rlm - ($cw*0.9); // 0.9 is correction as char does not fill full width
				$this->y = $y + $paddingT;
				$this->Cell($cw*($outerfontsize/3), $num_height, '>', 0, 0, 'R');

			// Restore **************
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt);
			$this->DrawColor = $prevDrawColor;
			$this->TextColor = $prevTextColor;
			$this->FillColor = $prevFillColor;

// ====================================================
// POSTAL and OTHER barcodes
function WriteBarcode2($code, $x='', $y='', $size=1, $height=1, $bgcol=false, $col=false, $btype='IMB', $print_ratio='', $k=1) {
			if (empty($code)) { return; }
			if (!class_exists('PDFBarcode', false)) {
			$this->barcode = new PDFBarcode();
			$arrcode = $this->barcode->getBarcodeArray($code, $btype, $print_ratio);

			if ($arrcode === false) { $this->Error('Error in barcode string: '.$code); }
			if (empty($x)) { $x = $this->x; }
			if (empty($y)) { $y = $this->y; }
			$prevDrawColor = $this->DrawColor;
			$prevTextColor = $this->TextColor;
			$prevFillColor = $this->FillColor;
			$lw = $this->LineWidth;
			$size /= $k;	// in case resized in a table
			$xres = $arrcode['nom-X'] * $size;

			if ($btype == 'IMB' || $btype == 'RM4SCC' || $btype == 'KIX' || $btype == 'POSTNET' || $btype == 'PLANET') {
				$llm = $arrcode['quietL'] / $k;	// Left Quiet margin
				$rlm = $arrcode['quietR'] / $k;	// Right Quiet margin
				$tlm = $blm = $arrcode['quietTB'] / $k;
				$height=1;		// Overrides
			else if (in_array($btype, array('C128A','C128B','C128C','EAN128A','EAN128B','EAN128C','C39','C39+','C39E','C39E+','S25','S25+','I25','I25+','I25B','I25B+','C93','MSI','MSI+','CODABAR','CODE11'))) {
				$llm = $arrcode['lightmL'] * $xres;	// Left Quiet margin
				$rlm = $arrcode['lightmR'] * $xres;	// Right Quiet margin
				$tlm = $blm = $arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres * $height;

			$bcw = ($arrcode["maxw"] * $xres);
			$fbw = $bcw + $llm + $rlm;		// Full barcode width incl. light margins

			$bch = ($arrcode["nom-H"] * $size * $height);
			$fbh = $bch + $tlm + $blm;		// Full barcode height

			// PRINT border background color
			$xpos = $x;
			$ypos = $y;
			if ($col) {
			else {
			if ($bgcol) {
			else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(255)); }

			if ($col) { $this->SetFColor($col); }
			else { $this->SetFColor($this->ConvertColor(0)); }
			$xpos = $x + $llm ;

			if ($arrcode !== false) {
				foreach ($arrcode["bcode"] AS $v) {
					$bw = ($v["w"] * $xres);
					if ($v["t"]) {
						$ypos = $y + $tlm + ($bch * $v['p'] / $arrcode['maxh']);
						$this->Rect($xpos, $ypos, $bw, ($v['h'] * $bch / $arrcode['maxh']), 'F');
					$xpos += $bw;

			if ($btype == 'I25B' || $btype == 'I25B+') {
				$this->Rect($x, $y, $fbw, ($arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres * $height), 'F');
				$this->Rect($x, $y+$tlm+$bch, $fbw, ($arrcode['lightTB'] * $xres * $height), 'F');

			// Restore **************
			$this->SetFont($prevFontFamily, $prevFontStyle, $prevFontSizePt);
			$this->DrawColor = $prevDrawColor;
			$this->TextColor = $prevTextColor;
			$this->FillColor = $prevFillColor;

/*-- END BARCODES --*/

// ====================================================
// ====================================================

function StartTransform($returnstring=false) {
	  if ($returnstring) { return('q'); }
	  else { $this->_out('q'); }
function StopTransform($returnstring=false) {
	  if ($returnstring) { return('Q'); }
	  else { $this->_out('Q'); }
function transformScale($s_x, $s_y, $x='', $y='', $returnstring=false) {
	if ($x === '') {
	if ($y === '') {
	if (($s_x == 0) OR ($s_y == 0)) {
		$this->Error('Please do not use values equal to zero for scaling');
	$y = ($this->h - $y) * _MPDFK;
	$x *= _MPDFK;
	//calculate elements of transformation matrix
	$s_x /= 100;
	$s_y /= 100;
	$tm[0] = $s_x;
	$tm[1] = 0;
	$tm[2] = 0;
	$tm[3] = $s_y;
	$tm[4] = $x * (1 - $s_x);
	$tm[5] = $y * (1 - $s_y);
	//scale the coordinate system
	if ($returnstring) { return($this->_transform($tm, true)); }
	else { $this->_transform($tm); }
function transformTranslate($t_x, $t_y, $returnstring=false) {
	//calculate elements of transformation matrix
	$tm[0] = 1;
	$tm[1] = 0;
	$tm[2] = 0;
	$tm[3] = 1;
	$tm[4] = $t_x * _MPDFK;
	$tm[5] = -$t_y * _MPDFK;
	//translate the coordinate system
	if ($returnstring) { return($this->_transform($tm, true)); }
	else { $this->_transform($tm); }
function transformRotate($angle, $x='', $y='', $returnstring=false) {
	if ($x === '') {
	if ($y === '') {
	$angle = -$angle;
	$y = ($this->h - $y) * _MPDFK;
	$x *= _MPDFK;
	//calculate elements of transformation matrix
	$tm[0] = cos(deg2rad($angle));
	$tm[1] = sin(deg2rad($angle));
	$tm[2] = -$tm[1];
	$tm[3] = $tm[0];
	$tm[4] = $x + $tm[1] * $y - $tm[0] * $x;
	$tm[5] = $y - $tm[0] * $y - $tm[1] * $x;
	//rotate the coordinate system around ($x,$y)
	if ($returnstring) { return($this->_transform($tm, true)); }
	else { $this->_transform($tm); }
function transformSkew($angle_x, $angle_y, $x='', $y='', $returnstring=false) {
	if ($x === '') {
		$x = $this->x;
	if ($y === '') {
		$y = $this->y;
	$angle_x = -$angle_x;
	$angle_y = -$angle_y;
	$x *= _MPDFK;
	$y = ($this->h - $y) * _MPDFK;
	//calculate elements of transformation matrix
	$tm = array();
	$tm[0] = 1;
	$tm[1] = tan(deg2rad($angle_y));
	$tm[2] = tan(deg2rad($angle_x));
	$tm[3] = 1;
	$tm[4] = -$tm[2] * $y;
	$tm[5] = -$tm[1] * $x;
	//skew the coordinate system
	if ($returnstring) { return($this->_transform($tm, true)); }
	else { $this->_transform($tm); }
function _transform($tm, $returnstring=false) {
	if ($returnstring) { return(sprintf('%.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F cm', $tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5])); }
	else { $this->_out(sprintf('%.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F %.4F cm', $tm[0], $tm[1], $tm[2], $tm[3], $tm[4], $tm[5])); }

/*-- INDIC --*/
// INDIC ============================
// This conversion can only be done when font is set
function ConvertIndic(&$str) {
	if (preg_match('/^ind_([a-z]{2})_/',$this->currentfontfamily, $m)) {
		if (!class_exists('indic', false)) { include(_MPDF_PATH.'classes/indic.php'); }
		if (empty($this->indic)) { $this->indic = new indic($this); }
		$earr = $this->UTF8StringToArray($str, false);
		$str = $this->indic->substituteIndic($earr, $m[1], $this->currentfontfamily);
/*-- END INDIC --*/

// AUTOFONT =========================
function AutoFont($html) {
	if ($this->onlyCoreFonts) { return $html; }
	$this->useLang = true;
	if ($this->autoFontGroupSize == 1) { $extra = $this->pregASCIIchars1; }
	else if ($this->autoFontGroupSize == 3) { $extra = $this->pregASCIIchars3; }
	else {  $extra = $this->pregASCIIchars2; }
	$n = '';
	foreach($a as $i => $e) {
	   if($i%2==0) {
		$e = strcode2utf($e);
		$e = $this->lesser_entity_decode($e);

		// Use U=FFF0 and U+FFF1 to mark start and end of span tags to prevent nesting occurring
		// "\xef\xbf\xb0" ##lthtmltag## "\xef\xbf\xb1" ##gthtmltag##

/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
		if ($this->autoFontGroups & AUTOFONT_CJK) {
			$e = preg_replace_callback("/([".$this->pregCJKchars .$extra."]*[".$this->pregCJKchars ."][".$this->pregCJKchars .$extra."]*)/u", array($this, 'replaceCJKPregCallback'), $e );	// mPDF 5.7+
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

/*-- RTL --*/
		if ($this->autoFontGroups & AUTOFONT_RTL) {
			// HEBREW
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregHEBchars .$extra."]*[".$this->pregHEBchars ."][".$this->pregHEBchars .$extra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"he\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// All Arabic
			$e = preg_replace_callback("/([".$this->pregARABICchars .$extra."]*[".$this->pregARABICchars ."][".$this->pregARABICchars .$extra."]*)/u", array($this, 'replaceArabicPregCallback'), $e );	// mPDF 5.7+
/*-- END RTL --*/

/*-- INDIC --*/
		// INDIC
		if ($this->autoFontGroups & AUTOFONT_INDIC) {
			// Bengali
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregBNchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregBNchars ."][".$this->pregBNchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"bn\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Devanagari (= script for Hindi, Nepali + Sindhi)
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregHIchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregHIchars ."][".$this->pregHIchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"hi\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Gujarati
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregGUchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregGUchars ."][".$this->pregGUchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"gu\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Malayalam
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregMLchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregMLchars ."][".$this->pregMLchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ml\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Kannada
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregKNchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregKNchars ."][".$this->pregKNchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"kn\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Oriya
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregORchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregORchars ."][".$this->pregORchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"or\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Punjabi ?= Gurmuhki
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregPAchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregPAchars ."][".$this->pregPAchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"pa\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Tamil
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregTAchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregTAchars ."][".$this->pregTAchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ta\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Telugu
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregTEchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*[".$this->pregTEchars ."][".$this->pregTEchars .$this->pregINDextra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"te\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
/*-- END INDIC --*/

		if ($this->autoFontGroups & AUTOFONT_THAIVIET) {
			// THAI
			$e = preg_replace("/([\x{0E00}-\x{0E7F}".$extra."]*[\x{0E00}-\x{0E7F}][\x{0E00}-\x{0E7F}".$extra."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"th\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);
			// Vietnamese
			$e = preg_replace("/([".$this->pregVIETchars .$this->pregVIETPluschars ."]*[".$this->pregVIETchars ."][".$this->pregVIETchars .$this->pregVIETPluschars ."]*)/u", "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"vi\"\xef\xbf\xb1\\1\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1", $e);

		$e = preg_replace('/[&]/','&amp;',$e);
		$e = preg_replace('/[<]/','&lt;',$e);
		$e = preg_replace('/[>]/','&gt;',$e);
		$e = preg_replace("/(\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"([a-z\-A-Z]{2,5})\"\xef\xbf\xb1)\s+/",' \\1',$e);
		$e = preg_replace("/[ ]+(\xef\xbf\xb0\/span\xef\xbf\xb1)/",'\\1 ',$e);

		$e = preg_replace("/\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"([a-z\-A-Z]{2,5})\"\xef\xbf\xb1/","\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"\\1\" class=\"lang_\\1\"\xef\xbf\xb1",$e);

		$e = preg_replace("/\xef\xbf\xb0/",'<',$e);
		$e = preg_replace("/\xef\xbf\xb1/",'>',$e);

		$a[$i] = $e;
	   else {
		$a[$i] = '<'.$e.'>';
	$n = implode('',$a);
	return $n;

/*-- CJK-FONTS --*/
function replaceCJK($str) {
	// Use U=FFF0 and U+FFF1 to mark start and end of span tags to prevent nesting occurring
	// "\xef\xbf\xb0" ##lthtmltag## "\xef\xbf\xb1" ##gthtmltag##
	if (preg_match("/[".$this->pregUHCchars."]/u", $str)) {
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ko\"\xef\xbf\xb1" . $str ."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	else if (preg_match("/[".$this->pregSJISchars."]/u", $str)) {
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ja\"\xef\xbf\xb1" . $str ."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	// if in Unicode Plane 2, probably HKCS (incl in BIG5) if not Japanese
	else if (preg_match("/[\x{20000}-\x{2FFFF}]/u", $str)) {
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"zh-HK\"\xef\xbf\xb1" . $str ."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"zh-CN\"\xef\xbf\xb1" . $str ."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	return $str;

// mPDF 5.7+
function replaceCJKPregCallback($matches) {
	return $this->replaceCJK(stripslashes($matches[1]));
/*-- END CJK-FONTS --*/

/*-- RTL --*/
function replaceArabic($str) {
	$persian = "\x{067E}\x{0686}\x{0698}\x{06AF}";

	$urdu = "\x{0679}\x{0688}\x{0691}\x{06BA}\x{06BE}\x{06C1}\x{06D2}";
	$pashto = "\x{067C}\x{0681}\x{0685}\x{0689}\x{0693}\x{0696}\x{069A}\x{06BC}\x{06D0}";	// ? and U+06AB, U+06CD
	$sindhi = "\x{067A}\x{067B}\x{067D}\x{067F}\x{0680}\x{0684}\x{068D}\x{068A}\x{068F}\x{068C}\x{0687}\x{0683}\x{0699}\x{06AA}\x{06A6}\x{06BB}\x{06B1}\x{06B3}";
	// Use U=FFF0 and U+FFF1 to mark start and end of span tags to prevent nesting occurring
	// "\xef\xbf\xb0" ##lthtmltag## "\xef\xbf\xb1" ##gthtmltag##

	if (preg_match("/[".$this->pregNonARABICchars ."]/u", $str) ) {
		if (preg_match("/[".$sindhi ."]/u", $str) ) {
			return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"sd\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
		else if (preg_match("/[".$urdu ."]/u", $str) ) {
			return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ur\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
		else if (preg_match("/[".$pashto ."]/u", $str) ) {
			return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ps\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
		else if (preg_match("/[".$persian ."]/u", $str) ) {
			return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"fa\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
		else {
			return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ar\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	if (preg_match("/[".$persian ."]/u", $str) ) {
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"fa\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	else {
		return "\xef\xbf\xb0span lang=\"ar\"\xef\xbf\xb1".$str."\xef\xbf\xb0/span\xef\xbf\xb1";
	return $str;

// mPDF 5.7+
function replaceArabicPregCallback($matches) {
	return $this->replaceArabic(stripslashes($matches[1]));

// ARABIC ===========================
// mPDF 5.4.08
function InitArabic() {

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	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xd8\xb0\xd8\xb1\xd8\xb2\xd8\xb3\xd8\xb4\xd8\xb5\xd8\xb6\xd8\xb7\xd8\xb8\xd8\xb9\xd8\xba";
	// U+0640; U+0641; U+0642; U+0643; U+0644; U+0645; U+0646; U+0647; U+0648; U+0649; U+064A;
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	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xda\xb0\xda\xb1\xda\xb2\xda\xb3\xda\xb4\xda\xb5\xda\xb6\xda\xb7\xda\xb8\xda\xb9";
	// U+06BA; U+06BB; U+06BC; U+06BE; U+06BF;
	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xda\xba\xda\xbb\xda\xbc\xda\xbe\xda\xbf";
	// U+06C0; U+06C1; U+06C2; U+06C3; U+06C4; U+06C5; U+06C6; U+06C7; U+06C8; U+06C9;
	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xdb\x80\xdb\x81\xdb\x82\xdb\x83\xdb\x84\xdb\x85\xdb\x86\xdb\x87\xdb\x88\xdb\x89";
	// U+06CA; U+06CB; U+06CC; U+06CD; U+06CE; U+06CF;
	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xdb\x8a\xdb\x8b\xdb\x8c\xdb\x8d\xdb\x8e\xdb\x8f";
	// U+06D0; U+06d1; U+06D2; U+06D3;
	$this->arabNextLink .= "\xdb\x90\xdb\x91\xdb\x92\xdb\x93";

	// VOWELS ++

	// U+064b U+064c; U+064d; U+064e; U+064f; U+0650; U+0651; U+0652;
	$this->arabVowels = "\xd9\x8b\xd9\x8c\xd9\x8d\xd9\x8e\xd9\x8f\xd9\x90\xd9\x91\xd9\x92";

	// Added chars that may not be vowels but should not interrupt joining
	// U+0670; U+0653;
	$this->arabVowels .= "\xd9\xb0\xd9\x93";
	// ? should also add - U+615, 616, 617-61A, 653-65E, 6D6-6DC, 6DF-6E4, 6E7, 6E8, 6EA-6ED

	// FB** - FE** = Arabic presentation Forms
	// F5** F6** F7** = Private use area used by unAGlyphs in mPDF
	$this->arabGlyphs = array(
	"\xd8\x8c"=>array("\xd8\x8c", "\xd8\x8c", "\xd8\x8c", "\xd8\x8c"), /* 060C, 060C, 060C, 060C */
	"\xd8\x9b"=>array("\xd8\x9b", "\xd8\x9b", "\xd8\x9b", "\xd8\x9b"), /* 061B, 061B, 061B, 061B */
	"\xd8\x9f"=>array("\xd8\x9f", "\xd8\x9f", "\xd8\x9f", "\xd8\x9f"), /* 061F, 061F, 061F, 061F */
	"\xd8\xa1"=>array("\xd8\xa1", "\xd8\xa1", "\xd8\xa1", "\xd8\xa1"), /* 0621, 0621, 0621, 0621 */
	"\xd8\xa2"=>array("\xd8\xa2", "\xef\xba\x82", "\xd8\xa2", "\xef\xba\x82"), /* 0622, FE82, 0622, FE82 */
	"\xd8\xa3"=>array("\xd8\xa3", "\xef\xba\x84", "\xd8\xa3", "\xef\xba\x84"), /* 0623, FE84, 0623, FE84 */
	"\xd8\xa4"=>array("\xd8\xa4", "\xef\xba\x86", "\xd8\xa4", "\xef\xba\x86"), /* 0624, FE86, 0624, FE86 */
	"\xd8\xa5"=>array("\xd8\xa5", "\xef\xba\x88", "\xd8\xa5", "\xef\xba\x88"), /* 0625, FE88, 0625, FE88 */
	"\xd8\xa6"=>array("\xd8\xa6", "\xef\xba\x8a", "\xef\xba\x8b", "\xef\xba\x8c"), /* 0626, FE8A, FE8B, FE8C */
	"\xd8\xa7"=>array("\xd8\xa7", "\xef\xba\x8e", "\xd8\xa7", "\xef\xba\x8e"), /* 0627, FE8E, 0627, FE8E */
	"\xd8\xa8"=>array("\xd8\xa8", "\xef\xba\x90", "\xef\xba\x91", "\xef\xba\x92"), /* 0628, FE90, FE91, FE92 */
	"\xd8\xa9"=>array("\xd8\xa9", "\xef\xba\x94", "\xd8\xa9", "\xef\xba\x94"), /* 0629, FE94, 0629, FE94 */
	"\xd8\xaa"=>array("\xd8\xaa", "\xef\xba\x96", "\xef\xba\x97", "\xef\xba\x98"), /* 062A, FE96, FE97, FE98 */
	"\xd8\xab"=>array("\xd8\xab", "\xef\xba\x9a", "\xef\xba\x9b", "\xef\xba\x9c"), /* 062B, FE9A, FE9B, FE9C */
	"\xd8\xac"=>array("\xd8\xac", "\xef\xba\x9e", "\xef\xba\x9f", "\xef\xba\xa0"), /* 062C, FE9E, FE9F, FEA0 */
	"\xd8\xad"=>array("\xd8\xad", "\xef\xba\xa2", "\xef\xba\xa3", "\xef\xba\xa4"), /* 062D, FEA2, FEA3, FEA4 */
	"\xd8\xae"=>array("\xd8\xae", "\xef\xba\xa6", "\xef\xba\xa7", "\xef\xba\xa8"), /* 062E, FEA6, FEA7, FEA8 */
	"\xd8\xaf"=>array("\xd8\xaf", "\xef\xba\xaa", "\xd8\xaf", "\xef\xba\xaa"), /* 062F, FEAA, 062F, FEAA */
	"\xd8\xb0"=>array("\xd8\xb0", "\xef\xba\xac", "\xd8\xb0", "\xef\xba\xac"), /* 0630, FEAC, 0630, FEAC */
	"\xd8\xb1"=>array("\xd8\xb1", "\xef\xba\xae", "\xd8\xb1", "\xef\xba\xae"), /* 0631, FEAE, 0631, FEAE */
	"\xd8\xb2"=>array("\xd8\xb2", "\xef\xba\xb0", "\xd8\xb2", "\xef\xba\xb0"), /* 0632, FEB0, 0632, FEB0 */
	"\xd8\xb3"=>array("\xd8\xb3", "\xef\xba\xb2", "\xef\xba\xb3", "\xef\xba\xb4"), /* 0633, FEB2, FEB3, FEB4 */
	"\xd8\xb4"=>array("\xd8\xb4", "\xef\xba\xb6", "\xef\xba\xb7", "\xef\xba\xb8"), /* 0634, FEB6, FEB7, FEB8 */
	"\xd8\xb5"=>array("\xd8\xb5", "\xef\xba\xba", "\xef\xba\xbb", "\xef\xba\xbc"), /* 0635, FEBA, FEBB, FEBC */
	"\xd8\xb6"=>array("\xd8\xb6", "\xef\xba\xbe", "\xef\xba\xbf", "\xef\xbb\x80"), /* 0636, FEBE, FEBF, FEC0 */
	"\xd8\xb7"=>array("\xd8\xb7", "\xef\xbb\x82", "\xef\xbb\x83", "\xef\xbb\x84"), /* 0637, FEC2, FEC3, FEC4 */
	"\xd8\xb8"=>array("\xd8\xb8", "\xef\xbb\x86", "\xef\xbb\x87", "\xef\xbb\x88"), /* 0638, FEC6, FEC7, FEC8 */
	"\xd8\xb9"=>array("\xd8\xb9", "\xef\xbb\x8a", "\xef\xbb\x8b", "\xef\xbb\x8c"), /* 0639, FECA, FECB, FECC */
	"\xd8\xba"=>array("\xd8\xba", "\xef\xbb\x8e", "\xef\xbb\x8f", "\xef\xbb\x90"), /* 063A, FECE, FECF, FED0 */
	"\xd9\x80"=>array("\xd9\x80", "\xd9\x80", "\xd9\x80", "\xd9\x80"), /* 0640, 0640, 0640, 0640 */
	"\xd9\x81"=>array("\xd9\x81", "\xef\xbb\x92", "\xef\xbb\x93", "\xef\xbb\x94"), /* 0641, FED2, FED3, FED4 */
	"\xd9\x82"=>array("\xd9\x82", "\xef\xbb\x96", "\xef\xbb\x97", "\xef\xbb\x98"), /* 0642, FED6, FED7, FED8 */
	"\xd9\x83"=>array("\xd9\x83", "\xef\xbb\x9a", "\xef\xbb\x9b", "\xef\xbb\x9c"), /* 0643, FEDA, FEDB, FEDC */
	"\xd9\x84"=>array("\xd9\x84", "\xef\xbb\x9e", "\xef\xbb\x9f", "\xef\xbb\xa0"), /* 0644, FEDE, FEDF, FEE0 */
	"\xd9\x85"=>array("\xd9\x85", "\xef\xbb\xa2", "\xef\xbb\xa3", "\xef\xbb\xa4"), /* 0645, FEE2, FEE3, FEE4 */
	"\xd9\x86"=>array("\xd9\x86", "\xef\xbb\xa6", "\xef\xbb\xa7", "\xef\xbb\xa8"), /* 0646, FEE6, FEE7, FEE8 */
	"\xd9\x87"=>array("\xd9\x87", "\xef\xbb\xaa", "\xef\xbb\xab", "\xef\xbb\xac"), /* 0647, FEEA, FEEB, FEEC */
	"\xd9\x88"=>array("\xd9\x88", "\xef\xbb\xae", "\xd9\x88", "\xef\xbb\xae"), /* 0648, FEEE, 0648, FEEE */

/* 0649 Alef Maksura should only appear at end of word (in Arabic) So Initial and medial are shown as isolated/final */
	"\xd9\x89"=>array("\xd9\x89", "\xef\xbb\xb0", "\xd9\x89", "\xef\xbb\xb0"), /* 0649, FEF0, 0649, FEF0 */

/* 0649 Alef Maksura Initial and Medial forms as given in Unicode FBE8 and FBE9 for Uighur Kazakh (not in some fonts) */
	"\xd9\x89"=>array("\xd9\x89", "\xef\xbb\xb0", "\xef\xaf\xa8", "\xef\xaf\xa9"), /* 0649, FEF0, FBE8, FBE9 not in most fonts */

	"\xd9\x8a"=>array("\xd9\x8a", "\xef\xbb\xb2", "\xef\xbb\xb3", "\xef\xbb\xb4"), /* 064A, FEF2, FEF3, FEF4 */
	"\xd9\x8b"=>array("\xd9\x8b", "\xd9\x8b", "\xd9\x8b", "\xd9\x8b"), /* 064B, 064B, 064B, 064B */
	"\xd9\x8c"=>array("\xd9\x8c", "\xd9\x8c", "\xd9\x8c", "\xd9\x8c"), /* 064C, 064C, 064C, 064C */
	"\xd9\x8d"=>array("\xd9\x8d", "\xd9\x8d", "\xd9\x8d", "\xd9\x8d"), /* 064D, 064D, 064D, 064D */
	"\xd9\x8e"=>array("\xd9\x8e", "\xd9\x8e", "\xd9\x8e", "\xd9\x8e"), /* 064E, 064E, 064E, 064E */
	"\xd9\x8f"=>array("\xd9\x8f", "\xd9\x8f", "\xd9\x8f", "\xd9\x8f"), /* 064F, 064F, 064F, 064F */
	"\xd9\x90"=>array("\xd9\x90", "\xd9\x90", "\xd9\x90", "\xd9\x90"), /* 0650, 0650, 0650, 0650 */
	"\xd9\x91"=>array("\xd9\x91", "\xd9\x91", "\xd9\x91", "\xd9\x91"), /* 0651, 0651, 0651, 0651 */
	"\xd9\x92"=>array("\xd9\x92", "\xd9\x92", "\xd9\x92", "\xd9\x92"), /* 0652, 0652, 0652, 0652 */
	"\xd9\xb1"=>array("\xd9\xb1", "\xef\xad\x91", "\xd9\xb1", "\xef\xad\x91"), /* 0671, FB51, 0671, FB51 */
	"\xd9\xb2"=>array("\xd9\xb2", "\xef\x95\xb2", "\xd9\xb2", "\xef\x95\xb2"), /* 0672, F572, 0672, F572 */
	"\xd9\xb5"=>array("\xd9\xb5", "\xef\x95\xb5", "\xd9\xb5", "\xef\x95\xb5"), /* 0675, F575, 0675, F575 */
	"\xd9\xb8"=>array("\xd9\xb8", "\xef\x95\xb8", "\xef\xba\x8b", "\xef\xba\x8c"), /* 0678, F578, FE8B, FE8C ( as 0626 ) */
	"\xd9\xb9"=>array("\xd9\xb9", "\xef\xad\xa7", "\xef\xad\xa8", "\xef\xad\xa9"), /* 0679, FB67, FB68, FB69 */
	"\xd9\xba"=>array("\xd9\xba", "\xef\xad\x9f", "\xef\xad\xa0", "\xef\xad\xa1"), /* 067A, FB5F, FB60, FB61 */
	"\xd9\xbb"=>array("\xd9\xbb", "\xef\xad\x93", "\xef\xad\x94", "\xef\xad\x95"), /* 067B, FB53, FB54, FB55 */
	"\xd9\xbc"=>array("\xd9\xbc", "\xef\x95\xbc", "\xef\x99\xbc", "\xef\x9d\xbc"), /* 067C, F57C, F67C, F77C */
	"\xd9\xbd"=>array("\xd9\xbd", "\xef\x95\xbd", "\xef\x99\xbd", "\xef\x9d\xbd"), /* 067D, F57D, F67D, F77D */
	"\xd9\xbe"=>array("\xd9\xbe", "\xef\xad\x97", "\xef\xad\x98", "\xef\xad\x99"), /* 067E, FB57, FB58, FB59 */
	"\xd9\xbf"=>array("\xd9\xbf", "\xef\xad\xa3", "\xef\xad\xa4", "\xef\xad\xa5"), /* 067F, FB63, FB64, FB65 */
	"\xda\x80"=>array("\xda\x80", "\xef\xad\x9b", "\xef\xad\x9c", "\xef\xad\x9d"), /* 0680, FB5B, FB5C, FB5D */
	"\xda\x81"=>array("\xda\x81", "\xef\x96\x81", "\xef\x9a\x81", "\xef\x9e\x81"), /* 0681, F581, F681, F781 */
	"\xda\x82"=>array("\xda\x82", "\xef\x96\x82", "\xef\x9a\x82", "\xef\x9e\x82"), /* 0682, F582, F682, F782 */
	"\xda\x83"=>array("\xda\x83", "\xef\xad\xb7", "\xef\xad\xb8", "\xef\xad\xb9"), /* 0683, FB77, FB78, FB79 */
	"\xda\x84"=>array("\xda\x84", "\xef\xad\xb3", "\xef\xad\xb4", "\xef\xad\xb5"), /* 0684, FB73, FB74, FB75 */
	"\xda\x85"=>array("\xda\x85", "\xef\x96\x85", "\xef\x9a\x85", "\xef\x9e\x85"), /* 0685, F585, F685, F785 */
	"\xda\x86"=>array("\xda\x86", "\xef\xad\xbb", "\xef\xad\xbc", "\xef\xad\xbd"), /* 0686, FB7B, FB7C, FB7D */
	"\xda\x87"=>array("\xda\x87", "\xef\xad\xbf", "\xef\xae\x80", "\xef\xae\x81"), /* 0687, FB7F, FB80, FB81 */
	"\xda\x88"=>array("\xda\x88", "\xef\xae\x89", "\xda\x88", "\xda\x88"), /* 0688, FB89, 0688, 0688 */
	"\xda\x89"=>array("\xda\x89", "\xef\x96\x89", "\xda\x89", "\xda\x89"), /* 0689, F589, 0689, 0689 */
	"\xda\x91"=>array("\xda\x91", "\xef\xae\x8d", "\xda\x91", "\xef\xae\x8d"), /* 0691, FB8D, 0691, FB8D */
	"\xda\x93"=>array("\xda\x93", "\xef\x96\x93", "\xda\x93", "\xda\x93"), /* 0693, F593, 0693, 0693 */
	"\xda\x96"=>array("\xda\x96", "\xef\x96\x96", "\xda\x96", "\xda\x96"), /* 0696, F596, 0696, 0696 */
	"\xda\x98"=>array("\xda\x98", "\xef\xae\x8b", "\xda\x98", "\xef\xae\x8b"), /* 0698, FB8B, 0698, FB8B */
	"\xda\x9a"=>array("\xda\x9a", "\xef\x96\x9a", "\xef\x9a\x9a", "\xef\x9e\x9a"), /* 069A, F59A, F69A, F79A */
	"\xda\x9b"=>array("\xda\x9b", "\xef\x96\x9b", "\xef\x9a\x9b", "\xef\x9e\x9b"), /* 069B, F59B, F69B, F79B */
	"\xda\x9c"=>array("\xda\x9c", "\xef\x96\x9c", "\xef\x9a\x9c", "\xef\x9e\x9c"), /* 069C, F59C, F69C, F79C */
	"\xda\x9d"=>array("\xda\x9d", "\xef\x96\x9d", "\xef\x9a\x9d", "\xef\x9e\x9d"), /* 069D, F59D, F69D, F79D */
	"\xda\x9e"=>array("\xda\x9e", "\xef\x96\x9e", "\xef\x9a\x9e", "\xef\x9e\x9e"), /* 069E, F59E, F69E, F79E */
	"\xda\xa0"=>array("\xda\xa0", "\xef\x96\xa0", "\xef\x9a\xa0", "\xef\x9e\xa0"), /* 06A0, F5A0, F6A0, F7A0 */
	"\xda\xa1"=>array("\xda\xa1", "\xef\x96\xa1", "\xef\x9a\xa1", "\xef\x9e\xa1"), /* 06A1, F5A1, F6A1, F7A1 */
	"\xda\xa2"=>array("\xda\xa2", "\xef\x96\xa2", "\xef\x9a\xa2", "\xef\x9e\xa2"), /* 06A2, F5A2, F6A2, F7A2 */
	"\xda\xa3"=>array("\xda\xa3", "\xef\x96\xa3", "\xef\x9a\xa3", "\xef\x9e\xa3"), /* 06A3, F5A3, F6A3, F7A3 */
	"\xda\xa4"=>array("\xda\xa4", "\xef\xad\xab", "\xef\xad\xac", "\xef\xad\xad"), /* 06A4, FB6B, FB6C, FB6D */
	"\xda\xa5"=>array("\xda\xa5", "\xef\x96\xa5", "\xef\x9a\xa5", "\xef\x9e\xa5"), /* 06A5, F5A5, F6A5, F7A5 */
	"\xda\xa6"=>array("\xda\xa6", "\xef\xad\xaf", "\xef\xad\xb0", "\xef\xad\xb1"), /* 06A6, FB6F, FB70, FB71 */
	"\xda\xa9"=>array("\xda\xa9", "\xef\xae\x8f", "\xef\xae\x90", "\xef\xae\x91"), /* 06A9, FB8F, FB90, FB91 */
	"\xda\xaa"=>array("\xda\xaa", "\xef\x96\xaa", "\xef\x9a\xaa", "\xef\x9e\xaa"), /* 06AA, F5AA, F6AA, F7AA */
	"\xda\xab"=>array("\xda\xab", "\xef\x96\xab", "\xef\x9a\xab", "\xef\x9e\xab"), /* 06AB, F5AB, F6AB, F7AB */
	"\xda\xac"=>array("\xda\xac", "\xef\x96\xac", "\xef\x9a\xac", "\xef\x9e\xac"), /* 06AC, F5AC, F6AC, F7AC */
	"\xda\xad"=>array("\xda\xad", "\xef\xaf\x94", "\xef\xaf\x95", "\xef\xaf\x96"), /* 06AD, FBD4, FBD5, FBD6 */
	"\xda\xae"=>array("\xda\xae", "\xef\x96\xae", "\xef\x9a\xae", "\xef\x9e\xae"), /* 06AE, F5AE, F6AE, F7AE */
	"\xda\xaf"=>array("\xda\xaf", "\xef\xae\x93", "\xef\xae\x94", "\xef\xae\x95"), /* 06Af, FB93, FB94, FB95 */
	"\xda\xb0"=>array("\xda\xb0", "\xef\x96\xb0", "\xef\x9a\xb0", "\xef\x9e\xb0"), /* 06B0, F5B0, F6B0, F7B0 */
	"\xda\xb1"=>array("\xda\xb1", "\xef\xae\x9b", "\xef\xae\x9c", "\xef\xae\x9d"), /* 06B1, FB9B, FB9C, FB9D */
	"\xda\xb2"=>array("\xda\xb2", "\xef\x96\xb2", "\xef\x9a\xb2", "\xef\x9e\xb2"), /* 06B2, F5B2, F6B2, F7B2 */
	"\xda\xb3"=>array("\xda\xb3", "\xef\xae\x97", "\xef\xae\x98", "\xef\xae\x99"), /* 06B3, FB97, FB98, FB99 */
	"\xda\xb4"=>array("\xda\xb4", "\xef\x96\xb4", "\xef\x9a\xb4", "\xef\x9e\xb4"), /* 06B4, F5B4, F6B4, F7B4 */
	"\xda\xb5"=>array("\xda\xb5", "\xef\x96\xb5", "\xef\x9a\xb5", "\xef\x9e\xb5"), /* 06B5, F5B5, F6B5, F7B5 */
	"\xda\xb6"=>array("\xda\xb6", "\xef\x96\xb6", "\xef\x9a\xb6", "\xef\x9e\xb6"), /* 06B6, F5B6, F6B6, F7B6 */
	"\xda\xb7"=>array("\xda\xb7", "\xef\x96\xb7", "\xef\x9a\xb7", "\xef\x9e\xb7"), /* 06B7, F5B7, F6B7, F7B7 */
	"\xda\xb8"=>array("\xda\xb8", "\xef\x96\xb8", "\xef\x9a\xb8", "\xef\x9e\xb8"), /* 06B8, F5B8, F6B8, F7B8 */
	"\xda\xb9"=>array("\xda\xb9", "\xef\x96\xb9", "\xef\x9a\xb9", "\xef\x9e\xb9"), /* 06B9, F5B9, F6B9, F7B9 */
	"\xda\xba"=>array("\xda\xba", "\xef\xae\x9f", "\xda\xba", "\xda\xba"), /* 06BA, FB9F, 06BA, 06BA */
	"\xda\xbb"=>array("\xda\xbb", "\xef\xae\xa1", "\xef\xae\xa2", "\xef\xae\xa3"), /* 06BB, FBA1, FBA2, FBA3 */
	"\xda\xbc"=>array("\xda\xbc", "\xef\x96\xbc", "\xef\x9a\xbc", "\xef\x9e\xbc"), /* 06BC, F5BC, F6BC, F7BC */
	"\xda\xbe"=>array("\xda\xbe", "\xef\xae\xab", "\xef\xae\xac", "\xef\xae\xad"), /* 06BE, FBAB, FBAC, FBAD */
	"\xda\xbf"=>array("\xda\xbf", "\xef\x96\xbf", "\xef\x9a\xbf", "\xef\x9e\xbf"), /* 06BF, F5BF, F6BF, F7BF */
	"\xdb\x80"=>array("\xdb\x80", "\xef\xae\xa5", "\xdb\x80", "\xef\xae\xa5"), /* 06C0, FBA5, 06C0, FBA5 */
	"\xdb\x81"=>array("\xdb\x81", "\xef\xae\xa7", "\xef\xae\xa8", "\xef\xae\xa9"), /* 06C1, FBA7, FBA8, FBA9 */
	"\xdb\x8c"=>array("\xdb\x8c", "\xef\xaf\xbd", "\xef\xaf\xbe", "\xef\xaf\xbf"), /* 06CC, FBFD, FBFE, FBFF */
	"\xdb\x8d"=>array("\xdb\x8d", "\xef\x97\x8d", "\xdb\x8d", "\xef\x97\x8d"), /* 06CD, F5CD, 06CD, F5CD */
	"\xdb\x8e"=>array("\xdb\x8e", "\xef\x97\x8e", "\xef\x9b\x8e", "\xef\x9f\x8e"), /* 06CE, F5CE, F6CE, F7CE */
	"\xdb\x90"=>array("\xdb\x90", "\xef\xaf\xa5", "\xef\xaf\xa6", "\xef\xaf\xa7"), /* 06D0, FBE5, FBE6, FBE7 */
	"\xdb\x91"=>array("\xdb\x91", "\xef\x97\x91", "\xef\xad\x98", "\xef\xad\x99"), /* 06D1, F5D1, FB58, FB59 Fudge borrows from 067E */
	"\xdb\x92"=>array("\xdb\x92", "\xef\xae\xaf", "\xdb\x92", "\xef\xae\xaf"), /* 06D2, FBAF, 06D2, FBAF */
	"\xdb\x93"=>array("\xdb\x93", "\xef\xae\xb1", "\xdb\x93", "\xef\xae\xb1"), /* 06D3, FBB1, 06D3, FBB1 */

	// LAM with ALEF ligatures (Mandatory ligatures)

	// U+0644; U+0622;   U+0644; U+0623;   U+0644; U+0625;   U+0644; U+0627;
	$this->arabLigGlyphs = "\xd9\x84\xd8\xa2\xd9\x84\xd8\xa3\xd9\x84\xd8\xa5\xd9\x84\xd8\xa7";


// mPDF 5.4.08
function ArabJoin($str) {
	if (!$this->arabGlyphs) { $this->InitArabic(); }
	$crntChar = null;
	$prevChar = null;
	$nextChar = null;
	$output = array();
	$chars = preg_split('//u', $str);
	$max = count($chars);
	for ($i = $max - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) {
		$crntChar = $chars[$i];
		if ($i > 0){ $prevChar = $chars[$i - 1]; }
		else{ $prevChar = NULL; }
		if ($prevChar && mb_strpos($this->arabVowels, $prevChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
			$prevChar = $chars[$i - 2];
			if ($prevChar && mb_strpos($this->arabVowels, $prevChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
				$prevChar = $chars[$i - 3];
		if ($crntChar && mb_strpos($this->arabVowels, $crntChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
			// If next_char = nextLink && prev_char = prevLink:
			// Added && $prevchar (defined) else error on mb_strpos()
			if ($chars[$i + 1] && (mb_strpos($this->arabNextLink, $chars[$i + 1], 0, 'utf-8') !== false)  && $prevChar && (mb_strpos($this->arabPrevLink, $prevChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false)) {
				$output[] = $this->get_arab_glyphs($crntChar, 1);	// <final> form
			else {
				$output[] = $this->get_arab_glyphs($crntChar, 0);  // <isolated> form
		// NB = &#x622 &#x623; &#x625; &#x627;     &#x644;
		if (isset($chars[$i + 1]) && in_array($chars[$i + 1], array("\xd8\xa2","\xd8\xa3","\xd8\xa5","\xd8\xa7")) && $crntChar == "\xd9\x84"){
		if (ord($crntChar) < 128) {
			$output[] = $crntChar;
			$nextChar = $crntChar;
		$form = 0;
		if ($prevChar == "\xd9\x84" && ($crntChar == "\xd8\xa2" || $crntChar == "\xd8\xa3" || $crntChar == "\xd8\xa5" || $crntChar == "\xd8\xa7")) {
			if ($chars[$i - 2] && mb_strpos($this->arabPrevLink, $chars[$i - 2], 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
				$form++;	// <final> form
			$pos = mb_strpos($this->arabLigGlyphs, ($prevChar . $crntChar), 0, 'utf-8');
			$pos = $pos*8 + $form*4;
			$pres = (mb_substr($this->arabLigHex, $pos, 4, 'utf-8'));
			// If presentation forms for mandatory ligatures with diacritics not present (even if remapped from e.g. uni0644uni0625)
			// try replacing with mandatory ligature Alef/lam isolated/final FEFB/FEFC + diacritic glyph
			if (!$this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], hexdec($pres)) && $this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], hexdec('FEFB'))) {
				if ($pres=='FEF5') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFB;&#x0653;'); }
				else if ($pres=='FEF6') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFC;&#x0653;'); }
				else if ($pres=='FEF7') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFB;&#x0654;'); }
				else if ($pres=='FEF8') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFC;&#x0654;'); }
				else if ($pres=='FEF9') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFB;&#x0655;'); }
				else if ($pres=='FEFA') { $output[] = strcode2utf('&#xFEFC;&#x0655;'); }
			else {
				$output[] = strcode2utf('&#x' . $pres . ';');
			$nextChar = $prevChar;
		if ($prevChar && mb_strpos($this->arabPrevLink, $prevChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
		if ($nextChar && mb_strpos($this->arabNextLink, $nextChar, 0, 'utf-8') !== false) {
			$form += 2;
		$output[] = $this->get_arab_glyphs($crntChar, $form) ;
		$nextChar = $crntChar;
	$ra = array_reverse($output);
	$s = implode($ra);
	return $s;

// mPDF 5.7+
function arabJoinPregCallback($matches) {
	return $this->ArabJoin(stripslashes($matches[1]));

// mPDF 5.4.08
function get_arab_glyphs($char, $type) {
	if ($type>0 && isset($this->arabGlyphs[$char])) {
		// If presentation form specified FB** - FE** = Arabic presentation Forms
		if (preg_match("/[\x{FB50}-\x{FEFF}]/u",$this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type])) {
			$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type], false);
			if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],$unicode[0])) { return $this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type]; }
			else if (isset($this->CurrentFont['unAGlyphs'])) {
				$uni = $this->UTF8StringToArray($char, false);
				$pua = $uni[0] - 1536 + 62464 + 256*$type ;
				if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'], $pua)) { return strcode2utf('&#x' . dechex($pua) . ';'); }
				else return $char;
			else return $char;
		// If PUA form specified and unAGlphs font set F5** F6** F7** = Private use area used by unAGlyphs in mPDF
		if (preg_match("/[\x{F500}-\x{F7FF}]/u",$this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type]) && isset($this->CurrentFont['unAGlyphs'])) {
			$unicode = $this->UTF8StringToArray($this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type], false);
			if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],$unicode[0])) { return $this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type]; }
			else return $char;
		return $this->arabGlyphs[$char][$type];
	else return $char;
/*-- END RTL --*/

// Functions originally in htmltoolkit - moved mPDF 4.0

// Call-back function Used for usort in fn _tableWrite

function _cmpdom($a, $b) {
    return ($a["dom"] < $b["dom"]) ? -1 : 1;

function mb_strrev($str, $enc = 'utf-8'){
	$ch = array();
	$ch = preg_split('//u',$str);
	$revch = array_reverse($ch);
	return implode('',$revch);

/*-- COLUMNS --*/
// Callback function from function printcolumnbuffer in mpdf
function columnAdjustAdd($type,$k,$xadj,$yadj,$a,$b,$c=0,$d=0,$e=0,$f=0) {
   if ($type == 'Td') { 	// xpos,ypos
	$a += ($xadj * $k);
	$b -= ($yadj * $k);
	return 'BT '.sprintf('%.3F %.3F',$a,$b).' Td';
   else if ($type == 're') { 	// xpos,ypos,width,height
	$a += ($xadj * $k);
	$b -= ($yadj * $k);
	return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F',$a,$b,$c,$d).' re';
   else if ($type == 'l') { 	// xpos,ypos,x2pos,y2pos
	$a += ($xadj * $k);
	$b -= ($yadj * $k);
	return sprintf('%.3F %.3F l',$a,$b);
   else if ($type == 'img') { 	// width,height,xpos,ypos
	$c += ($xadj * $k);
	$d -= ($yadj * $k);
	return sprintf('q %.3F 0 0 %.3F %.3F %.3F',$a,$b,$c,$d).' cm /'.$e;
   else if ($type == 'draw') { 	// xpos,ypos
	$a += ($xadj * $k);
	$b -= ($yadj * $k);
	return sprintf('%.3F %.3F m',$a,$b);
   else if ($type == 'bezier') { 	// xpos,ypos,x2pos,y2pos,x3pos,y3pos
	$a += ($xadj * $k);
	$b -= ($yadj * $k);
	$c += ($xadj * $k);
	$d -= ($yadj * $k);
	$e += ($xadj * $k);
	$f -= ($yadj * $k);
	return sprintf('%.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F %.3F',$a,$b,$c,$d,$e,$f).' c';
/*-- END COLUMNS --*/

function ConvertColor($color="#000000"){
	$color = trim(strtolower($color));
	$c = false;
	if ($color=='transparent') { return false; }
	else if ($color=='inherit') { return false; }
	else if (isset($this->SVGcolors[$color])) $color = $this->SVGcolors[$color];

	if (preg_match('/^[\d]+$/',$color)) { $c = (array(1,$color)); }	// i.e. integer only
	else if ($color[0] == '#') { //case of #nnnnnn or #nnn
		$cor = preg_replace('/\s+.*/','',$color);	// in case of Background: #CCC url() x-repeat etc.
  		if (strlen($cor) == 4) { // Turn #RGB into #RRGGBB
		 	  $cor = "#" . $cor[1] . $cor[1] . $cor[2] . $cor[2] . $cor[3] . $cor[3];
		$r = hexdec(substr($cor, 1, 2));
		$g = hexdec(substr($cor, 3, 2));
		$b = hexdec(substr($cor, 5, 2));
		$c = array(3,$r,$g,$b);
	else if (preg_match('/(rgba|rgb|device-cmyka|cmyka|device-cmyk|cmyk|hsla|hsl|spot)\((.*?)\)/',$color,$m)) {	// mPDF 5.6.05
		$type= $m[1];
		$cores = explode(",", $m[2]);
		$ncores = count($cores);
		if (stristr($cores[0],'%') ) {
			$cores[0] += 0;
			if ($type=='rgb' || $type=='rgba') { $cores[0] = intval($cores[0]*255/100); }
		if ($ncores>1 && stristr($cores[1],'%') ) {
			$cores[1] += 0;
			if ($type=='rgb' || $type=='rgba') { $cores[1] = intval($cores[1]*255/100); }
			if ($type=='hsl' || $type=='hsla') { $cores[1] = $cores[1]/100; }
		if ($ncores>2 && stristr($cores[2],'%') ) {
			$cores[2] += 0;
			if ($type=='rgb' || $type=='rgba') { $cores[2] = intval($cores[2]*255/100); }
			if ($type=='hsl' || $type=='hsla') { $cores[2] = $cores[2]/100; }
		if ($ncores>3 && stristr($cores[3],'%') ) {
			$cores[3] += 0;

		if ($type=='rgb') { $c = array(3,$cores[0],$cores[1],$cores[2]); }
		else if ($type=='rgba') { $c = array(5,$cores[0],$cores[1],$cores[2],$cores[3]*100); }
		else if ($type=='cmyk' || $type=='device-cmyk') { $c = array(4,$cores[0],$cores[1],$cores[2],$cores[3]); }	// mPDF 5.6.05
		else if ($type=='cmyka' || $type=='device-cmyka') { $c = array(6,$cores[0],$cores[1],$cores[2],$cores[3],$cores[4]*100); }	// mPDF 5.6.05
		else if ($type=='hsl' || $type=='hsla') {
			$conv = $this->hsl2rgb($cores[0]/360,$cores[1],$cores[2]);
			if ($type=='hsl') { $c = array(3,$conv[0],$conv[1],$conv[2]); }
			else if ($type=='hsla') { $c = array(5,$conv[0],$conv[1],$conv[2],$cores[3]*100); }
		else if ($type=='spot') {
			$name = strtoupper(trim($cores[0]));
			// mPDF 5.6.59
			if(!isset($this->spotColors[$name])) {
				if (isset($cores[5])) { $this->AddSpotColor($cores[0],$cores[2],$cores[3],$cores[4],$cores[5]); }
				else { $this->Error('Undefined spot color: '.$name); }
			$c = array(2,$this->spotColors[$name]['i'],$cores[1]);

	// $this->restrictColorSpace
	// 1 - allow GRAYSCALE only [convert CMYK/RGB->gray]
	// 2 - allow RGB / SPOT COLOR / Grayscale [convert CMYK->RGB]
	// 3 - allow CMYK / SPOT COLOR / Grayscale [convert RGB->CMYK]
	if ($this->PDFA || $this->PDFX || $this->restrictColorSpace) {
		if ($c[0]==1) {	// GRAYSCALE
		else if ($c[0]==2) {	// SPOT COLOR
			if (!isset($this->spotColorIDs[$c[1]])) { die('Error: Spot colour has not been defined - '.$this->spotColorIDs[$c[1]]); }
			if ($this->PDFA) {
				if ($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "Spot color specified '".$this->spotColorIDs[$c[1]]."' (converted to process color)"; }
				if ($this->restrictColorSpace!=3) {
					$sp = $this->spotColors[$this->spotColorIDs[$c[1]]];
					$c = $this->cmyk2rgb(array(4,$sp['c'],$sp['m'],$sp['y'],$sp['k']));
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) {
				$sp = $this->spotColors[$this->spotColorIDs[$c[1]]];
				$c = $this->cmyk2gray(array(4,$sp['c'],$sp['m'],$sp['y'],$sp['k']));
		else if ($c[0]==3) {	// RGB
			if ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
				if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "RGB color specified '".$color."' (converted to CMYK)"; }
				$c = $this->rgb2cmyk($c);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) { $c = $this->rgb2gray($c); }
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==3) { $c = $this->rgb2cmyk($c); }
		else if ($c[0]==4) {	// CMYK
			if ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) {
				if ($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "CMYK color specified '".$color."' (converted to RGB)"; }
				$c = $this->cmyk2rgb($c);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) { $c = $this->cmyk2gray($c); }
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==2) { $c = $this->cmyk2rgb($c); }
		else if ($c[0]==5) {	// RGBa
			if ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
				if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "RGB color with transparency specified '".$color."' (converted to CMYK without transparency)"; }
				$c = $this->rgb2cmyk($c);
				$c = array(4, $c[1], $c[2], $c[3], $c[4]);
			else if ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) {
				if (!$this->PDFAauto) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "RGB color with transparency specified '".$color."' (converted to RGB without transparency)"; }
				$c = $this->rgb2cmyk($c);
				$c = array(4, $c[1], $c[2], $c[3], $c[4]);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) { $c = $this->rgb2gray($c); }
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==3) { $c = $this->rgb2cmyk($c); }
		else if ($c[0]==6) {	// CMYKa
			if ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace!=3) {
				if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "CMYK color with transparency specified '".$color."' (converted to RGB without transparency)"; }
				$c = $this->cmyk2rgb($c);
				$c = array(3, $c[1], $c[2], $c[3]);
			else if ($this->PDFX || ($this->PDFA && $this->restrictColorSpace==3)) {
				if (($this->PDFA && !$this->PDFAauto) || ($this->PDFX && !$this->PDFXauto)) { $this->PDFAXwarnings[] = "CMYK color with transparency specified '".$color."' (converted to CMYK without transparency)"; }
				$c = $this->cmyk2rgb($c);
				$c = array(3, $c[1], $c[2], $c[3]);
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==1) { $c = $this->cmyk2gray($c); }
			else if ($this->restrictColorSpace==2) { $c = $this->cmyk2rgb($c); }
	if (is_array($c)) {
		$c = array_pad($c, 6, 0);
		$cstr = pack("a1ccccc", $c[0], ($c[1] & 0xFF), ($c[2] & 0xFF), ($c[3] & 0xFF), ($c[4] & 0xFF), ($c[5] & 0xFF) );
	return $cstr;

function rgb2gray($c) {
	if (isset($c[4])) { return array(1,(($c[1] * .21) + ($c[2] * .71) + ($c[3] * .07)), ord(1), $c[4]); }
	else { return array(1,(($c[1] * .21) + ($c[2] * .71) + ($c[3] * .07))); }

function cmyk2gray($c) {
	$rgb = $this->cmyk2rgb($c);
	return $this->rgb2gray($rgb);

function rgb2cmyk($c) {
	$cyan = 1 - ($c[1] / 255);
	$magenta = 1 - ($c[2] / 255);
	$yellow = 1 - ($c[3] / 255);
	$min = min($cyan, $magenta, $yellow);

	if ($min == 1) {
		if ($c[0]==5) { return array (6,100,100,100,100, $c[4]); }
		else { return array (4,100,100,100,100); }
		// For K-Black
		//if ($c[0]==5) { return array (6,0,0,0,100, $c[4]); }
		//else { return array (4,0,0,0,100); }
	$K = $min;
	$black = 1 - $K;
	if ($c[0]==5) { return array (6,($cyan-$K)*100/$black, ($magenta-$K)*100/$black, ($yellow-$K)*100/$black, $K*100, $c[4]); }
	else { return array (4,($cyan-$K)*100/$black, ($magenta-$K)*100/$black, ($yellow-$K)*100/$black, $K*100); }

function cmyk2rgb($c) {
	$rgb = array();
	$colors = 255 - ($c[4]*2.55);
	$rgb[0] = intval($colors * (255 - ($c[1]*2.55))/255);
	$rgb[1] = intval($colors * (255 - ($c[2]*2.55))/255);
	$rgb[2] = intval($colors * (255 - ($c[3]*2.55))/255);
	if ($c[0]==6) { return array (5,$rgb[0],$rgb[1],$rgb[2], $c[5]); }
	else { return array (3,$rgb[0],$rgb[1],$rgb[2]); }

function rgb2hsl($var_r, $var_g, $var_b) {
    $var_min = min($var_r,$var_g,$var_b);
    $var_max = max($var_r,$var_g,$var_b);
    $del_max = $var_max - $var_min;
    $l = ($var_max + $var_min) / 2;
    if ($del_max == 0) {
            $h = 0;
            $s = 0;
    else {
            if ($l < 0.5) { $s = $del_max / ($var_max + $var_min); }
            else { $s = $del_max / (2 - $var_max - $var_min); }
            $del_r = ((($var_max - $var_r) / 6) + ($del_max / 2)) / $del_max;
            $del_g = ((($var_max - $var_g) / 6) + ($del_max / 2)) / $del_max;
            $del_b = ((($var_max - $var_b) / 6) + ($del_max / 2)) / $del_max;
            if ($var_r == $var_max) { $h = $del_b - $del_g; }
            elseif ($var_g == $var_max)  { $h = (1 / 3) + $del_r - $del_b; }
            elseif ($var_b == $var_max)  { $h = (2 / 3) + $del_g - $del_r; };
            if ($h < 0) { $h += 1; }
            if ($h > 1) { $h -= 1; }
    return array($h,$s,$l);

function hsl2rgb($h2,$s2,$l2) {
	// Input is HSL value of complementary colour, held in $h2, $s, $l as fractions of 1
	// Output is RGB in normal 255 255 255 format, held in $r, $g, $b
	// Hue is converted using function hue_2_rgb, shown at the end of this code
	if ($s2 == 0) {
		$r = $l2 * 255;
		$g = $l2 * 255;
		$b = $l2 * 255;
	else {
		if ($l2 < 0.5) { $var_2 = $l2 * (1 + $s2); }
		else { $var_2 = ($l2 + $s2) - ($s2 * $l2); }
		$var_1 = 2 * $l2 - $var_2;
		$r = round(255 * $this->hue_2_rgb($var_1,$var_2,$h2 + (1 / 3)));
		$g = round(255 * $this->hue_2_rgb($var_1,$var_2,$h2));
		$b = round(255 * $this->hue_2_rgb($var_1,$var_2,$h2 - (1 / 3)));
	return array($r,$g,$b);

function hue_2_rgb($v1,$v2,$vh) {
	// Function to convert hue to RGB, called from above
	if ($vh < 0) { $vh += 1; };
	if ($vh > 1) { $vh -= 1; };
	if ((6 * $vh) < 1) { return ($v1 + ($v2 - $v1) * 6 * $vh); };
	if ((2 * $vh) < 1) { return ($v2); };
	if ((3 * $vh) < 2) { return ($v1 + ($v2 - $v1) * ((2 / 3 - $vh) * 6)); };
	return ($v1);

function _invertColor($cor) {
	if ($cor[0]==3 || $cor[0]==5) {	// RGB
		return array(3, (255-$cor[1]), (255-$cor[2]), (255-$cor[3]));
	else if ($cor[0]==4 || $cor[0]==6) {	// CMYK
		return array(4, (100-$cor[1]), (100-$cor[2]), (100-$cor[3]), (100-$cor[4]));
	else if ($cor[0]==1) {	// Grayscale
		return array(1, (255-$cor[1]));
	// Cannot cope with non-RGB colors at present
	die('Error in _invertColor - trying to invert non-RGB color');

function _colAtoString($cor) {
	$s = '';
	if ($cor{0}==1) $s = 'rgb('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{1}).')';
	else if ($cor{0}==2) $s = 'spot('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{2}).')';		// SPOT COLOR
	else if ($cor{0}==3) $s = 'rgb('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{2}).','.ord($cor{3}).')';
	else if ($cor{0}==4) $s = 'cmyk('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{2}).','.ord($cor{3}).','.ord($cor{4}).')';
	else if ($cor{0}==5) $s = 'rgba('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{2}).','.ord($cor{3}).','.sprintf('%0.2F',ord($cor{4})/100).')';
	else if ($cor{0}==6) $s = 'cmyka('.ord($cor{1}).','.ord($cor{2}).','.ord($cor{3}).','.ord($cor{4}).','.sprintf('%0.2F',ord($cor{5})/100).')';
	return $s;

function ConvertSize($size=5,$maxsize=0,$fontsize=false,$usefontsize=true){
// usefontsize - setfalse for e.g. margins - will ignore fontsize for % values
// Depends of maxsize value to make % work properly. Usually maxsize == pagewidth
// For text $maxsize = Fontsize
// Setting e.g. margin % will use maxsize (pagewidth) and em will use fontsize
  //Identify size (remember: we are using 'mm' units here)
	$size = trim(strtolower($size));

  if ( $size == 'thin' ) $size = 1*(25.4/$this->dpi); //1 pixel width for table borders
  elseif ( stristr($size,'px') ) $size *= (25.4/$this->dpi); //pixels
  elseif ( stristr($size,'cm') ) $size *= 10; //centimeters
  elseif ( stristr($size,'mm') ) $size += 0; //millimeters
  elseif ( stristr($size,'pt') ) $size *= 25.4/72; //72 pts/inch
  elseif ( stristr($size,'rem') ) {	// mPDF 5.6.12
  	$size += 0; //make "0.83rem" become simply "0.83"
	$size *= ($this->default_font_size / _MPDFK);
  elseif ( stristr($size,'em') ) {
  	$size += 0; //make "0.83em" become simply "0.83"
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize; }
  elseif ( stristr($size,'%') ) {
  	$size += 0; //make "90%" become simply "90"
	if ($fontsize && $usefontsize) { $size *= $fontsize/100; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize/100; }
  elseif ( stristr($size,'in') ) $size *= 25.4; //inches
  elseif ( stristr($size,'pc') ) $size *= 38.1/9; //PostScript picas
  elseif ( stristr($size,'ex') ) {	// Approximates "ex" as half of font height
  	$size += 0; //make "3.5ex" become simply "3.5"
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize/2; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize/2; }
  elseif ( $size == 'medium' ) $size = 3*(25.4/$this->dpi); //3 pixel width for table borders
  elseif ( $size == 'thick' ) $size = 5*(25.4/$this->dpi); //5 pixel width for table borders
  elseif ($size == 'xx-small') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*0.7; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*0.7; }
  elseif ($size == 'x-small') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*0.77; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*0.77; }
  elseif ($size == 'small') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*0.86; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*0.86; }
  elseif ($size == 'medium') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize; }
  elseif ($size == 'large') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*1.2; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*1.2; }
  elseif ($size == 'x-large') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*1.5; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*1.5; }
  elseif ($size == 'xx-large') {
	if ($fontsize) { $size *= $fontsize*2; }
	else { $size *= $maxsize*2; }
  else $size *= (25.4/$this->dpi); //nothing == px

  return $size;

function ConvertAngle($s, $makepositive=true) {
	if (preg_match('/([\-]*[0-9\.]+)(deg|grad|rad)/i',$s,$m)) {
		$angle = $m[1] + 0;
		if (strtolower($m[2])=='deg') { $angle = $angle; }
		else if (strtolower($m[2])=='grad') { $angle *= (360/400); }
		else if (strtolower($m[2])=='rad') { $angle = rad2deg($angle); }
		while($angle >= 360) { $angle -= 360; }
		while($angle <= -360) { $angle += 360; }
		if ($makepositive) {	// always returns an angle between 0 and 360deg
			if ($angle < 0) { $angle += 360; }
	else { $angle = $s + 0; }
	return $angle;

function lesser_entity_decode($html) {
  //supports the most used entity codes (only does ascii safe characters)
 	//$html = str_replace("&nbsp;"," ",$html);	// mPDF 5.3.59
 	$html = str_replace("&lt;","<",$html);
 	$html = str_replace("&gt;",">",$html);

 	$html = str_replace("&apos;","'",$html);
 	$html = str_replace("&quot;",'"',$html);
 	$html = str_replace("&amp;","&",$html);
	return $html;

function AdjustHTML($html, $tabSpaces=8) {
	//Try to make the html text more manageable (turning it into XHTML)
	if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50307) {
		if (strlen($html) > 100000) {
			if (PHP_VERSION_ID < 50200) $this->Error("The HTML code is more than 100,000 characters. You should use WriteHTML() with smaller string lengths.");
			else ini_set("pcre.backtrack_limit","1000000");

	preg_match_all("/(<annotation.*?>)/si", $html, $m);
	if (count($m[1])) {
		for($i=0;$i<count($m[1]);$i++) {
			$sub = preg_replace("/\n/si", "\xbb\xa4\xac", $m[1][$i]);
			$html = preg_replace('/'.preg_quote($m[1][$i], '/').'/si', $sub, $html);

	preg_match_all("/(<svg.*?<\/svg>)/si", $html, $svgi);
	if (count($svgi[0])) {
		for($i=0;$i<count($svgi[0]);$i++) {
			$file = _MPDF_TEMP_PATH.'_tempSVG'.uniqid(rand(1,100000),true).'_'.$i.'.svg';
			//Save to local file
			file_put_contents($file, $svgi[0][$i]);
			$html = str_replace($svgi[0][$i], '<img src="'.$file.'" />', $html); 	// mPDF 5.5.18

	//Remove javascript code from HTML (should not appear in the PDF file)
	$html = preg_replace('/<script.*?<\/script>/is','',$html);

	//Remove special comments
	$html = preg_replace('/<!--mpdf/i','',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/mpdf-->/i','',$html);

	//Remove comments from HTML (should not appear in the PDF file)
	$html = preg_replace('/<!--.*?-->/s','',$html);

	$html = preg_replace('/\f/','',$html); //replace formfeed by nothing
	$html = preg_replace('/\r/','',$html); //replace carriage return by nothing

	// Well formed XHTML end tags
	$html = preg_replace('/<(br|hr)\/>/i',"<\\1 />",$html);
	// Get rid of empty <thead></thead>
	$html = preg_replace('/<thead>\s*<\/thead>/i','',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<tfoot>\s*<\/tfoot>/i','',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<table[^>]*>\s*<\/table>/i','',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<tr>\s*<\/tr>/i','',$html);

	// Remove spaces at end of table cells
	$html = preg_replace("/[ \n\r]+<\/t(d|h)/",'</t\\1',$html);		// mPDF 5.5.09

	$html = preg_replace("/[ ]*<dottab\s*[\/]*>[ ]*/",'<dottab />',$html);

	// Concatenates any Substitute characters from symbols/dingbats
	$html = str_replace('</tts><tts>','|',$html);
	$html = str_replace('</ttz><ttz>','|',$html);
	$html = str_replace('</tta><tta>','|',$html);

	$html = preg_replace('/<br \/>\s*/is',"<br />",$html);

	$html = preg_replace('/<wbr[ \/]*>\s*/is',"&#173;",$html);	// mPDF 5.6.04

	// Preserve '\n's in content between the tags <pre> and </pre>
	if (preg_match('/<pre/',$html)) {
		$html_a = preg_split('/(\<\/?pre[^\>]*\>)/', $html, -1, 2);
		$h = array();
		foreach($html_a AS $s) {
			if ($c>1 && preg_match('/^<\/pre/i',$s)) { $c--; $s=preg_replace('/<\/pre/i','</innerpre',$s); }
			else if ($c>0 && preg_match('/^<pre/i',$s)) { $c++; $s=preg_replace('/<pre/i','<innerpre',$s); }
			else if (preg_match('/^<pre/i',$s)) { $c++; }
			else if (preg_match('/^<\/pre/i',$s)) { $c--; }
			array_push($h, $s);
		$html = implode("", $h);
	$thereispre = preg_match_all('#<pre(.*?)>(.*?)</pre>#si',$html,$temp);
	// Preserve '\n's in content between the tags <textarea> and </textarea>
	$thereistextarea = preg_match_all('#<textarea(.*?)>(.*?)</textarea>#si',$html,$temp2);
	$html = preg_replace('/[\n]/',' ',$html); //replace linefeed by spaces
	$html = preg_replace('/[\t]/',' ',$html); //replace tabs by spaces

	// Converts < to &lt; when not a tag
	$html = preg_replace('/<([^!\/a-zA-Z_:])/i','&lt;\\1',$html);	// mPDF 5.7.3
	$html = preg_replace("/[ ]+/",' ',$html);

	$html = preg_replace('/\/li>\s+<\/(u|o)l/i','/li></\\1l',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/\/(u|o)l>\s+<\/li/i','/\\1l></li',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/\/li>\s+<\/(u|o)l/i','/li></\\1l',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/\/li>\s+<li/i','/li><li',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/<(u|o)l([^>]*)>[ ]+/i','<\\1l\\2>',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/[ ]+<(u|o)l/i','<\\1l',$html);

	$iterator = 0;
	while($thereispre) //Recover <pre attributes>content</pre>
		$temp[2][$iterator] = preg_replace('/<([^!\/a-zA-Z_:])/','&lt;\\1',$temp[2][$iterator]);	// mPDF 5.7.2	// mPDF 5.7.3
		$temp[2][$iterator] = preg_replace_callback("/^([^\n\t]*?)\t/m", array($this, 'tabs2spaces_callback'), $temp[2][$iterator]);	// mPDF 5.7+
		$temp[2][$iterator] = preg_replace('/\t/',str_repeat(" ",$tabSpaces),$temp[2][$iterator]);

		$temp[2][$iterator] = preg_replace('/\n/',"<br />",$temp[2][$iterator]);
		$temp[2][$iterator] = str_replace('\\',"\\\\",$temp[2][$iterator]);
		//$html = preg_replace('#<pre(.*?)>(.*?)</pre>#si','<erp'.$temp[1][$iterator].'>'.$temp[2][$iterator].'</erp>',$html,1);
		$html = preg_replace('#<pre(.*?)>(.*?)</pre>#si','<erp'.$temp[1][$iterator].'>'.str_replace('$','\$',$temp[2][$iterator]).'</erp>',$html,1);	// mPDF 5.7+
	$iterator = 0;
	while($thereistextarea) //Recover <textarea attributes>content</textarea>
		$temp2[2][$iterator] = preg_replace('/\t/',str_repeat(" ",$tabSpaces),$temp2[2][$iterator]);
		$temp2[2][$iterator] = str_replace('\\',"\\\\",$temp2[2][$iterator]);	// mPDF 5.3.88
		$html = preg_replace('#<textarea(.*?)>(.*?)</textarea>#si','<aeratxet'.$temp2[1][$iterator].'>'.trim($temp2[2][$iterator]) .'</aeratxet>',$html,1);
	//Restore original tag names
	$html = str_replace("<erp","<pre",$html);
	$html = str_replace("</erp>","</pre>",$html);
	$html = str_replace("<aeratxet","<textarea",$html);
	$html = str_replace("</aeratxet>","</textarea>",$html);
	$html = str_replace("</innerpre","</pre",$html);
	$html = str_replace("<innerpre","<pre",$html);

	$html = preg_replace('/<textarea([^>]*)><\/textarea>/si','<textarea\\1> </textarea>',$html);
	$html = preg_replace('/(<table[^>]*>)\s*(<caption)(.*?<\/caption>)(.*?<\/table>)/si','\\2 position="top"\\3\\1\\4\\2 position="bottom"\\3',$html);	// *TABLES*
	$html = preg_replace('/<(h[1-6])([^>]*)(>(?:(?!h[1-6]).)*?<\/\\1>\s*<table)/si','<\\1\\2 keep-with-table="1"\\3',$html);	// *TABLES*
	$html = preg_replace("/\xbb\xa4\xac/", "\n", $html);

	return $html;
// mPDF 5.7+
function tabs2spaces_callback($matches) {
	return (stripslashes($matches[1]) . str_repeat(' ', $this->tabSpaces - (mb_strlen(stripslashes($matches[1])) % $this->tabSpaces)));
// mPDF 5.7+
function date_callback($matches) {
	return date($matches[1]);

/*-- LISTS --*/
function dec2other($num, $cp) {
	$nstr = (string) $num;
	$rnum = '';
	for ($i=0;$i<strlen($nstr);$i++) {
		if ($this->_charDefined($this->CurrentFont['cw'],$cp+intval($nstr[$i]))) { // contains arabic-indic numbers
			$rnum .= code2utf($cp+intval($nstr[$i]));
		else { $rnum .= $nstr[$i]; }
	return $rnum;

function dec2alpha($valor,$toupper="true"){
// returns a string from A-Z to AA-ZZ to AAA-ZZZ
  if (($valor < 1)  || ($valor > 18278)) return "?"; //supports 'only' up to 18278
  $c1 = $c2 = $c3 = '';
  if ($valor > 702) // 3 letters (up to 18278)
      $c1 = 65 + floor(($valor-703)/676);
      $c2 = 65 + floor((($valor-703)%676)/26);
      $c3 = 65 + floor((($valor-703)%676)%26);
  elseif ($valor > 26) // 2 letters (up to 702)
      $c1 = (64 + (int)(($valor-1) / 26));
      $c2 = (64 + (int)($valor % 26));
      if ($c2 == 64) $c2 += 26;
  else // 1 letter (up to 26)
      $c1 = (64 + $valor);
  $alpha = chr($c1);
  if ($c2 != '') $alpha .= chr($c2);
  if ($c3 != '') $alpha .= chr($c3);
  if (!$toupper) $alpha = strtolower($alpha);
  return $alpha;

function dec2roman($valor,$toupper=true){
 //returns a string as a roman numeral
  if (($valor >= 5000) || ($valor < 1)) return "?"; //supports 'only' up to 4999
  $aux = (int)($valor/1000);
  if ($aux!==0)
    $valor %= 1000;
    	$r1 .= "M";
  $aux = (int)($valor/100);
  if ($aux!==0)
    $valor %= 100;
    	case 3: $r2="C";
    	case 2: $r2.="C";
    	case 1: $r2.="C"; break;
  	  case 9: $r2="CM"; break;
  	  case 8: $r2="C";
  	  case 7: $r2.="C";
    	case 6: $r2.="C";
      case 5: $r2="D".$r2; break;
      case 4: $r2="CD"; break;
      default: break;
  $aux = (int)($valor/10);
  if ($aux!==0)
    $valor %= 10;
    	case 3: $r3="X";
    	case 2: $r3.="X";
    	case 1: $r3.="X"; break;
    	case 9: $r3="XC"; break;
    	case 8: $r3="X";
    	case 7: $r3.="X";
  	  case 6: $r3.="X";
      case 5: $r3="L".$r3; break;
      case 4: $r3="XL"; break;
      default: break;
  	case 3: $r4="I";
  	case 2: $r4.="I";
  	case 1: $r4.="I"; break;
  	case 9: $r4="IX"; break;
  	case 8: $r4="I";
    case 7: $r4.="I";
    case 6: $r4.="I";
    case 5: $r4="V".$r4; break;
    case 4: $r4="IV"; break;
    default: break;
  $roman = $r1.$r2.$r3.$r4;
  if (!$toupper) $roman = strtolower($roman);
  return $roman;
/*-- END LISTS --*/

/*-- IMPORTS --*/
function SetImportUse() {
	$this->enableImports = true;

// from mPDFI
function hex2str($hex) {
	return pack("H*", str_replace(array("\r","\n"," "),"", $hex));

function str2hex($str) {
	return current(unpack("H*",$str));

function pdf_write_value(&$value) {
	switch ($value[0]) {
			// A numeric value or a token.
			// Simply output them
			$this->_out($value[1]." ", false);

			// An array. Output the proper
			// structure and move on.
			for ($i = 0; $i < count($value[1]); $i++) {

			// A dictionary.
			reset ($value[1]);
			while (list($k, $v) = each($value[1])) {
				$this->_out($k . " ",false);

			// An indirect object reference
			// Fill the object stack if needed
			$cpfn =& $this->current_parser->filename;
			if (!isset($this->_don_obj_stack[$cpfn][$value[1]])) {
					$this->_obj_stack[$cpfn][$value[1]] = array($this->n, $value);
					$this->_don_obj_stack[$cpfn][$value[1]] = array($this->n, $value);
			$objid = $this->_don_obj_stack[$cpfn][$value[1]][0];
			$this->_out("{$objid} 0 R"); //{$value[2]}

			if ($this->encrypted) {
				$value[1] = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $value[1]);
				$value[1] = $this->_escape($value[1]);
			// A string.

			// A stream. First, output the
			// stream dictionary, then the
			// stream data itself.
			if ($this->encrypted) {
				$value[2][1] = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $value[2][1]);

		case PDF_TYPE_HEX :
			if ($this->encrypted) {
				$value[1] = $this->hex2str($value[1]);
				$value[1] = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($this->_current_obj_id), $value[1]);
				// remake hexstring of encrypted string
				$value[1] = $this->str2hex($value[1]);

		case PDF_TYPE_NULL :
			// The null object.

// ========== OVERWRITE SEARCH STRING IN A PDF FILE ================
function OverWrite($file_in, $search, $replacement, $dest="D", $file_out="mpdf" ) {
	$pdf = file_get_contents($file_in);

	if (!is_array($search)) {
		$x = $search;
		$search = array($x);
	if (!is_array($replacement)) {
		$x = $replacement;
		$replacement = array($x);	// mPDF 5.7.4

	if (!$this->onlyCoreFonts && !$this->usingCoreFont) {
	  foreach($search AS $k=>$val) {
		$search[$k] = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($search[$k] , false);
		$search[$k] = $this->_escape($search[$k]);
		$replacement[$k] = $this->UTF8ToUTF16BE($replacement[$k], false);
		$replacement[$k] = $this->_escape($replacement[$k]);
	else {
	  foreach($replacement AS $k=>$val) {
		$replacement[$k] = mb_convert_encoding($replacement[$k],$this->mb_enc,'utf-8');
		$replacement[$k] = $this->_escape($replacement[$k]);

	// Get xref into array
	$xref = array();
	preg_match("/xref\n0 (\d+)\n(.*?)\ntrailer/s",$pdf,$m);
	$xref_objid = $m[1];
	preg_match_all('/(\d{10}) (\d{5}) (f|n)/',$m[2],$x);
	for($i=0; $i<count($x[0]); $i++) {
		$xref[] = array(intval($x[1][$i]), $x[2][$i], $x[3][$i]);

	$changes = array();
	preg_match_all("/(\d+) 0 R /s",$m[1],$o);
	$objlist = $o[1];
	foreach($objlist AS $obj) {
	  if ($this->compress) {
	  	preg_match("/".($obj+1)." 0 obj\n<<\s*\/Filter\s*\/FlateDecode\s*\/Length (\d+)>>\nstream\n(.*?)\nendstream\n/s",$pdf,$m);
	  else {
	  	preg_match("/".($obj+1)." 0 obj\n<<\s*\/Length (\d+)>>\nstream\n(.*?)\nendstream\n/s",$pdf,$m);
	  $s = $m[2];
	  if (!$s) { continue; }
	  $oldlen = $m[1];
	  if ($this->encrypted) {
		$s = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($obj+1), $s);
	  if ($this->compress) {
	  	$s = gzuncompress($s);
  	  foreach($search AS $k=>$val) {
		$s = str_replace($search[$k],$replacement[$k],$s);
	  if ($this->compress) {
		$s = gzcompress($s);
	  if ($this->encrypted) {
		$s = $this->_RC4($this->_objectkey($obj+1), $s);
	  $newlen = strlen($s);
	  $changes[($xref[$obj+1][0])] = ($newlen - $oldlen) + (strlen($newlen) - strlen($oldlen ));
	  if ($this->compress) {
	  	$newstr = ($obj+1) . " 0 obj\n<</Filter /FlateDecode /Length ".$newlen.">>\nstream\n".$s."\nendstream\n";
	  else {
	  	$newstr = ($obj+1) . " 0 obj\n<</Length ".$newlen.">>\nstream\n".$s."\nendstream\n";
	  $pdf = str_replace($m[0],$newstr,$pdf);

	// Update xref in PDF
	$newxref = "xref\n0 ".$xref_objid."\n";
	foreach($xref AS $v) {
		foreach($changes AS $ck => $cv) {
			if ($v[0] > $ck) { $v[0] += $cv; }
		$newxref .= sprintf('%010d',$v[0]) . ' ' . $v[1] . ' ' .$v[2] . " \n";
	$newxref .= "trailer";
	$pdf = preg_replace("/xref\n0 \d+\n.*?\ntrailer/s",$newxref,$pdf);

	// Update startxref in PDF
	preg_match("/startxref\n(\d+)\n%%EOF/s", $pdf, $m);
	$startxref = $m[1];
	$startxref += array_sum($changes);
	$pdf = preg_replace("/startxref\n(\d+)\n%%EOF/s","startxref\n".$startxref."\n%%EOF",$pdf);

	switch($dest) {
		case 'I':
			//Send to standard output
				//We send to a browser
				Header('Content-Type: application/pdf');
				Header('Content-Length: '.strlen($pdf));
				Header('Content-disposition: inline; filename='.$file_out);
			echo $pdf;
		case 'F':
			//Save to local file
			if (!$file_out) { $file_out = 'mpdf.pdf'; }
			if(!$f) die('Unable to create output file: '.$file_out);
		case 'S':
			//Return as a string
			return $pdf;
		case 'D':
			//Download file
			if(isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) and strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'],'MSIE'))
				Header('Content-Type: application/force-download');
				Header('Content-Type: application/octet-stream');
			Header('Content-Length: '.strlen($pdf));
			Header('Content-disposition: attachment; filename='.$file_out);
 			echo $pdf;

function GetTemplateSize($tplidx, $_w=0, $_h=0) {
	if (!$this->tpls[$tplidx])
		return false;
	$w = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['box']['w'];
	$h = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['box']['h'];
	if ($_w == 0 and $_h == 0) {
		$_w = $w;
		$_h = $h;
	return array("w" => $_w, "h" => $_h);

// Thumbnails
function Thumbnail($file, $npr=3, $spacing=10) {	//$npr = number per row
	$w = (($this->pgwidth + $spacing)/$npr) - $spacing;
	$oldlinewidth = $this->LineWidth;
	$h = 0;
	$maxh = 0;
	$x = $_x = $this->lMargin;
	$_y = $this->tMargin;
	if ($this->y==0) { $y = $_y; } else { $y = $this->y; }
	$pagecount = $this->SetSourceFile($file);
	for ($n = 1; $n <= $pagecount; $n++) {
		$tplidx = $this->ImportPage($n);
		$size = $this->useTemplate($tplidx, $x, $y, $w);
		$this->Rect($x, $y, $size['w'], $size['h']);
		$h = max($h, $size['h']);
		$maxh = max($h, $maxh);
		if ($n % $npr == 0) {
		   if (($y + $h + $spacing + $maxh)>$this->PageBreakTrigger && $n != $pagecount) {
			$x = $_x;
			$y = $_y;
		   else {
			$y += $h+$spacing ;
			$x = $_x;
			$h = 0;
		else {
			$x += $w+$spacing ;

function SetSourceFile($filename) {
	$this->current_filename = $filename;
	$fn =& $this->current_filename;
	if (!isset($this->parsers[$fn]))
		// $this->parsers[$fn] =& new fpdi_pdf_parser($fn,$this);
		$this->parsers[$fn] = new fpdi_pdf_parser($fn,$this);
	if (!$this->parsers[$fn]->success) {
		$this->Error($this->parsers[$fn]->errormsg);	// Delete this line to return false on fail
		return false;
	$this->current_parser =& $this->parsers[$fn];
	return $this->parsers[$fn]->getPageCount();
function ImportPage($pageno=1, $crop_x=null, $crop_y=null, $crop_w=0, $crop_h=0, $boxName='/CropBox') {
	$fn =& $this->current_filename;
	$parser =& $this->parsers[$fn];

	$this->tpls[$this->tpl] = array();
	$tpl =& $this->tpls[$this->tpl];
	$tpl['parser'] =& $parser;
	$tpl['resources'] = $parser->getPageResources();
	$tpl['buffer'] = $parser->getContent();
	if (!in_array($boxName, $parser->availableBoxes))
		return $this->Error(sprintf("Unknown box: %s", $boxName));
	$pageboxes = $parser->getPageBoxes($pageno);
	 * MediaBox
	 * CropBox: Default -> MediaBox
	 * BleedBox: Default -> CropBox
	 * TrimBox: Default -> CropBox
	 * ArtBox: Default -> CropBox
	if (!isset($pageboxes[$boxName]) && ($boxName == "/BleedBox" || $boxName == "/TrimBox" || $boxName == "/ArtBox"))
		$boxName = "/CropBox";
	if (!isset($pageboxes[$boxName]) && $boxName == "/CropBox")
		$boxName = "/MediaBox";
	if (!isset($pageboxes[$boxName]))
		return false;
	$box = $pageboxes[$boxName];

	$tpl['box'] = $box;
	// To build an array that can be used by useTemplate()
	$this->tpls[$this->tpl] = array_merge($this->tpls[$this->tpl],$box);
	// An imported page will start at 0,0 everytime. Translation will be set in _putformxobjects()
	$tpl['x'] = 0;
	$tpl['y'] = 0;
	$tpl['w'] = $tpl['box']['w'] ;
	$tpl['h'] = $tpl['box']['h'] ;
	if ($crop_w) { $tpl['box']['w'] = $crop_w; }
	if ($crop_h) { $tpl['box']['h'] = $crop_h; }
	if (isset($crop_x)) { $tpl['box']['x'] = $crop_x; }
	if (isset($crop_y)) {$tpl['box']['y'] = $tpl['h'] - $crop_y  - $crop_h ; }

	$page =& $parser->pages[$parser->pageno];
	// fix for rotated pages
	$rotation = $parser->getPageRotation($pageno);

	if (isset($rotation[1]) && ($angle = $rotation[1] % 360) != 0 && $tpl['box']['w'] == $tpl['w']) {
		$steps = $angle / 90;

		$_w = $tpl['w'];
		$_h = $tpl['h'];
		$tpl['w'] = $steps % 2 == 0 ? $_w : $_h;
		$tpl['h'] = $steps % 2 == 0 ? $_h : $_w;
		if ($steps % 2 != 0) {
			$x = $y = ($steps == 1 || $steps == -3) ? $tpl['h'] : $tpl['w'];
		} else {
			$x = $tpl['w'];
			$y = $tpl['h'];
		$tpl['box']['w'] = $tpl['w'] ;
		$tpl['box']['h'] = $tpl['h'] ;
		$tpl['buffer'] = sprintf('q %.5F %.5F %.5F %.5F %.2F %.2F cm 1 0 0 1 %.2F %.2F cm %s Q',$c,$s,-$s,$c,$cx,$cy,-$cx,-$cy, $tpl['buffer']);
	return $this->tpl;
function UseTemplate($tplidx, $_x=null, $_y=null, $_w=0, $_h=0) {
	if (!isset($this->tpls[$tplidx]))
		$this->Error("Template does not exist!");
	if($this->state==0) { $this->AddPage(); }
	$out = 'q 0 J 1 w 0 j 0 G'."\n"; // reset standard values
	$x = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['x'];
	$y = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['y'];
	$w = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['w'];
	$h = $this->tpls[$tplidx]['h'];
	if ($_x == null) { $_x = $x; }
	if ($_y == null) { $_y = $y; }
	if ($_x === -1) { $_x = $this->x; }
	if ($_y === -1) { $_y = $this->y; }

	$wh = $this->getTemplateSize($tplidx,$_w,$_h);
	$_w = $wh['w'];
	$_h = $wh['h'];
	$out .= sprintf("q %.4F 0 0 %.4F %.2F %.2F cm", ($_w/$this->tpls[$tplidx]['box']['w']), ($_h/$this->tpls[$tplidx]['box']['h']), $_x*_MPDFK, ($this->h-($_y+$_h))*_MPDFK)."\n";
	$out .= $this->tplprefix.$tplidx." Do Q\n";

	$s = array("w" => $_w, "h" => $_h);
	$out .= "Q\n";
	$this->pages[$this->page] = $out . $this->pages[$this->page];
	return $s;
function SetPageTemplate($tplidx='') {
	if (!isset($this->tpls[$tplidx])) {
		$this->pageTemplate = '';
		return false;
	$this->pageTemplate = $tplidx;
function SetDocTemplate($file='', $continue=0) {
	$this->docTemplate = $file;
	$this->docTemplateContinue = $continue;
/*-- END IMPORTS --*/

/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */
/* ---------------------------------------------- */

function _set_object_javascript ($string) {
	$this->_out('/S /JavaScript ');
	$this->_out('/JS '.$this->_textstring($string));

function SetJS($script) {
	$this->js = $script;

}//end of Class


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0