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<body style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0;">=0A <table align=3D"center" borde=
r=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"100%">=0A  <tr>=0A=
   <td>=0A <table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellsp=
acing=3D"0" width=3D"600" style=3D"border-collapse: collapse;font-family=
:ebrima">=0A=09=09     =0A      <tr>=0A=09  <td>=0A=09  =09<table border=
=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"100%">=0A=09   <tr>=
=0A=09     <td  >=0A=09      <img src=3D"https://capijobnew.com/Template=
s/images/logo.png" width=3D"200" alt=3D"Creating Email Magic"  style=3D"=
display: block;" />=0A=09     </td>=0A=09      <td align=3D"right">=0A=
=09      =09=0A=09      =09<span style=3D"display: block;float: right; c=
olor: #f78128; font-size: 30px; font-weight: bold; margin-left: 10px;">=
=0A=09      =09=092000=0A=09        </span>=0A=09        <span style=3D"=
display: block;float: right;font-weight: 600;font-size: 14px;">=0A=09  =
    =09=09Votre adresse d'annonces d'offres<br/>=0A=09      =09=09d'empl=
oi et de formation depuis=0A=09      =09</span>=0A=09     </td>=0A=09  =
 </tr>=0A=09 </table>=0A=09   </td>=0A=09    </tr><tr bgcolor=3D"#e4e4e4=
">=0A=09=09=09  <td>=0A=09=09=09   =09<table border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D=
"0" cellspacing=3D"0" width=3D"100%">=0A=09=09           <tr>=0A=09=09 =
             <td align=3D"center" style=3D"padding:40px 60px"><span styl=
e=3D"display: block;border-bottom: 1px solid #fff;"><span style=3D"font-=
size: 20px;font-weight: bold;background:#e4e4e4;padding: 18px;position:=
 relative;top: 9px;">Formulaire de contact</span></span></td>=0A=09=09 =
           </tr> =0A=09=09            <tr>=0A=09=09              <td ali=
gn=3D"left" style=3D"padding:10px 30px">=0A=09=09                =0A=09=
=09                 <p>=0A=09=09                 =09<strong>Nom</strong>=
 : Candy <br/>=0A=09=09=09                <strong>Email</strong> thynne.=
candy@hotmail.com<br/>=0A=09=09=09                 <strong>Sujet </stron=
g> : Dear capijob.com Webmaster!<br/>=0A=09=09=09                 <stron=
g>Message </strong> : Fastest Way to Build a Profitable Business!<br />=
=0D=0A<br />=0D=0AIf you?re new to online marketing, you?re probably hop=
ing to supplement your income with a side hustle.<br />=0D=0AThere are t=
ons of ways to generate an income online such as niche sites, freelancin=
g, ecommerce, Kindle publishing (KDP) and more.<br />=0D=0ABut here?s th=
e problem?<br />=0D=0AMost of these methods are solid and proven ? but t=
hey take too long. Some, such as ecommerce, require capital too.<br />=
=0D=0AHere?s the solution?<br />=0D=0AThe fastest way to build a 4-6 fig=
ure online business will be to start selling your own infoproducts!<br /=
>=0D=0AIt?s not as difficult as it sounds and most newbies find that thi=
s is the easiest business model of the lot.<br />=0D=0A<br />=0D=0A<br /=
>=0D=0ATo Your Success,<br />=0D=0AMark<br />=0D=0A<br />=0D=0APS. Build=
 your infoproduct empire with $0? Discover how this forever free platfor=
m that has helped many beginners to profit online  [https://stopify.co/F=
75JUL]=0A=09=09                 </p>=0A=09=09              </td>=0A=09=
=09           </tr>=0A=09=09           <tr> =0A=09=09             <td al=
ign=3D"center" style=3D"padding:30px 30px">=0A=09=09             =09=0A=
=09=09             </td>=0A=09=09           </tr>  =0A=09=09=09   =09</t=
able>=0A=09=09=09  </td>=0A=09=09=09 </tr>=0A=0A=09 <tr>=0A=09  <td styl=
e=3D"padding-bottom: 20px;border-top: 1px solid #dfdfdf; border-bottom:=
 1px solid #dfdfdf; margin-bottom: 30px;display: block;">=0A=09        <=
table align=3D"center" border=3D"0" cellpadding=3D"0" cellspacing=3D"0"=
 width=3D"100%">=0A                 <tr>=0A                   <td >=0A =
                  =09<img src=3D"https://www.capijob.com/Templates/image=
s/logo.png" width=3D"200" alt=3D"Creating Email Magic"  style=3D"display=
: block;" />=0A                   =09<p><a style=3D"color: #000; font-we=
ight: 600;text-decoration: none;" href=3D"https://www.capijob.com/">http=
s://www.capijob.com/</a></p>=0A                   =09<p style=3D"font-we=
ight: 600;">L'Equipe de c<br/>=0A                    Tel:c</p>=0A      =
             </td>=0A                   <td align=3D"right">=0A        =
  =09     <a href=3D"https://www.linkedin.com/company/capijob.com/" styl=
e=3D"display: inline-block;"><img src=3D"https://www.capijob.com/Templat=
es/images/accueil2/inded.jpg" alt=3D"linkend" width=3D"36" height=3D"36"=
 style=3D"display: block;" border=3D"0"></a>=0A          =09=09 <a href=
=3D"https://twitter.com/capijobnew" style=3D"display: inline-block;"><im=
g src=3D"https://www.capijob.com/Templates/images/accueil2/twiter.jpg" a=
lt=3D"Twiter" width=3D"36" height=3D"36" style=3D"display: block;" borde=
r=3D"0"></a>=0A          =09     <a href=3D"https://www.instagram.com/ca=
pijobnew/" style=3D"display: inline-block;"><img src=3D"https://www.capi=
job.com/Templates/images/accueil2/instagram.jpg" alt=3D"Instagram" width=
=3D"36" height=3D"36" style=3D"display: block;" border=3D"0"></a>=0A   =
       =09=09 <a href=3D"https://www.facebook.com/Capijob/" style=3D"dis=
play: inline-block;"><img src=3D"https://www.capijob.com/Templates/image=
s/accueil2/facebook.jpg" alt=3D"Facebook" width=3D"36" height=3D"36" sty=
le=3D"display: block;" border=3D"0"></a>=0A                   </td>=0A =
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Zerion Mini Shell 1.0